The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 16, 1893, Image 3

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    3food Iivcr Stacicr
IIOOU UIVKIt, Olt.NKI'T. ,, ;;,
nil: mails.
Tint mill! arrive rr.nii Ml, lf.,. nt (,'.
clock . M, VWdni l.iv. and Miiliinliivr dc
nrln ' n violin iliivn ,i ii '
Kor Cliciiinvi-lli, li-v i- nl H A.
I'. M. NiiIiikIhvx.
M, lii rlvt x III
Fur Willi" Milium, Ii iim h il.illy h h A
n I vc nl mil' ii'i'Iim U ', M,
From While Mnli m mi linvm fur Fiilda, HI-run-
Timil lulu' mill Wliinvnud Muui'luyN
Wi'iliitmlui mill 'i ,m ,
Mtm, Iku Ni'iili'l(;li U very Nick.
lion. A. It. Ityr licit wiin In The
lluller, Tuesday,
C I", HiimIi of Vancouver was hero
during tin; week.
.1. II. l-'rury and wife visited 'I'ik
Italics Tuesday,
Harvey llvikett nl Trout lulic wiim
1 1 4 l ? Wl'lllH'Mllliy,
Mr. and Mix. (J. .1, Farley of The
I In lie were hero Monday,
V. I. Morris moved , family over
from Wlillc Halinoii Wednesday,
MInm I in , Hunt went to The Halle
Mrs, C. Kelly name over from f.'iim
tiniM I'rnlrie, Wednesday, on her wuy to
Cortland In llllVO It fi'loTI Indeed, .OUt
niter arriving Iiiiio Ion ijI It was not
iii'i'CHHiry lo KoiiMl'ur tin Cortland; Dr.
IIi'omIiih iloin Hid work JiMt iik well us
u I'ortluml surgeon.
Heplcmhor Dili wiim Jewish New
uun.v iah m, .ii n nits.
mIi Ni'i'llmi Iioih'v ill ('rowell's.
I., I'!. MdiK- wiim In TIki Hulli'H TiH'M-
WlHIll InUcll lit lIllH o'llfO OH Hllll
W't'lptlllU. Voiinir f. m miI nl O. It, Hart
ley's. I'rliH' f'.'.iVt ii piece.
A full lino of luijrry withers epl kut
III' lllll'lll'HK Hi 1 1 1 1 .
I liuis'luy to make it vlMlt wllli Irlends. 'hi' Jewish nut ion at tin; time of their
i -kT. I'raf w-i-til l.'-it. itlt ! ''iii-iin-iil In.... J.-riihiilcm,
Thursday ( V. nli igui.d will return lo-i ',VIM "" 1 v slain.
day, j I 'i ii Wood win I'mmd on llu' streets
oi rpil(illlo lllloxlriili'il anil wim III
routed. l'ion IiIh person wiih found
Mllllll- Of till- lllll Hl flll'I'l.lll'IIMof I'p'i iold
Has just boon plattod and is now placed on the market. All lots are
' W 1 1 1 11. t a l w a .
v. ..., ir ' iioHi, hmmi.h.u,," tiM-fimt.i.y luauxieu uy xno pipes oi tne liyarant uompany. If you want to build a
"l I or I r ii in ii I I'lllloe Ill
li.i'w calendar vi-iir of r.ur.i
XmXV ViT'Am ; finost rosidonce Property in the city. Terms to suit the buyer.
w'l'i, mni on tin' l.'iili id' tho month oe
i iiiU'iI llii' '-I'iimI of (iiii'dnlynli," iiImo
iMTiilly oliKt'i vi'd in (oiii.iicnionitloii
of I hi' di'iilli of ( iucdiilyuli, I hi! Iu;;id of
.;; 'ft ;houso for a homo or to rent, buy in SOUTH WAUCOMA. It is the
! H, I ), I liirt iih'hs will Hi'll for ciimIi only
j mid nl u it'durl lou of I'm. in .'i In In n'r
I cent.
itt ('iruiiuliiui'H, ut
Kliot i;iin ulu'llf
I'oi'tliitiil prUi-H.
Sticky 11 y miT Ml iviiIm per Imx of
'Si ouiii' hliccln, m( llu- ilniu mIoii'.
W. II. Perry ncviT fori?i'iH tin-pilulcr, j
ml llii wivk limiilit iih hoiiic tlcll-!
om H'iclnn. J
Count v coiiil Iimm liccn in w-mhIoh imrt
of the week, Inn I iiih liccn adjourned
until ttii .inn iiihi.
Mi'H, CiijiI. Cue mni dnii,ditM'N expect
to return to I'orUuud Hie IIihI of tLe
.lumen Itrown of MoMier wiih here
WcdiicHdny, Iu'IiikIuk down u lotid of
Mim. I. M. Iluelnii'i' of I'orlliiiid Iimh
lieen Hie nuext of Mm. J. U. H:ilikill
for the punt week.
MIh )cli WiiIhoii Iiih Im cii Mppoint- ,
ed Hi liool lilii'iirlitii, lo tuke tlic pl.iee of
I) K. Kami, lenlucil.
Mr. A. II. Jewel I. Iiiih jrone lo Hon. I iiIImId look up u market for lilx
fruit iiml iiurnerv hloek.
1). I. Ordwuv him Ih'c.i very ili'k
I dull. lie the paxt week, hut we Ul'e lud
i to Htule Im now Improving.
I Mrs, 1 1 u i i 1 i 1 1 . emne houn from
(ieoru" 'oli'iniin expeeN In move ' I'oiiliilitl WcdncHilay, u iiupiiuleil hy
wllli liln fiunily to Wliliij Siilnioii the ! Conductor S-areli'H w ife.
Ill dceoliipiiMed iplurl, ever ween. 'I'lien
wiim ii Ho a liiieliHklu Mink ti.llol the yel
low metal thai 1 1 it 1 heell Worked out
wll h a liiorlur mid peni le. 'I he collec
tion welched llllee polllidH lllld Wim
worth l.:,(KII). (, wiim I'Mllinntcd Unit
I lie Uii.i, would nm ,H.'),n(io or .lou, (MM.
lo the loll, lie declined to nliile where
it came from, and it, oom like nuoiher
Hilly liclliiine i-iiHC. H'hhi ii Shu,
All Around Painter.
I'i'Ii i h ii iinoiiiiIiIi: inul niilhliH ilua uimniii
JtlVKIt, - - - OKKUOX.
l 'lelnht I rain No. 'J wiih wrecked
IIiIm Hide of Itlalock'n, rucHiluy, uml
twenty head of Ihumch killed.
JuiIku HrmlHliiiw mid IVohccuI liig
Altoriiev WUhoii returned from the
Hint of the month
Mr. O. C. HiirtmeHM, father of S. K.
Jliirllili'KM, Im ex period here from n-
II ii i ill In ii tdiort time to remain.
Am the end of (he MeiiHiin Im nt hlllld
the llood Klver I mil Co. Im olleliliL' I leiuuur term of com I WciIiii-miIiiv.
till kludn of Ihixi m ul Mpceial raleM. ... , , . , .. .. , .
' .School lic'.'an ill Oislrict No. ,'t IiihI
Mm. 10. W. Wlna.iM went up on the' Monday, uml up to date the total i n-
Itt-k'nliitoi TikwImv iificrnooii to The 1 rollmeiit In l'Ki, with more In Hllit.
DiiIIch in will, her ehlldii-n. j ... .... ,, , ,, ..
hurley I'.dl Iiiim Hold IiIh complete
CiimIi l.iickey emu-lit a ntranne ll-h : IokuIuk oui tit to Murk Davenport, mid
In the Cnluuiliiii lice Momlav. The I w ilh IiIm fmiiilv Im Hlopninj? in town.
tUU Wiih mi exhilillloii at Ituiui'H More. ! ,., . .,, ,, , ., ...
I It Ih reported that the I nloil I'liellh'
. Dr. SleveiiM, wile and child of l'ort-! will put .Num. 7 mid N pan-ciincr t rainn
land itre Mtoppiiij' at J. K. Slriunihiin'M. hack on Hie road the llrxt. of the week.
1 le y expect lo reniain wverul weeks. ., e ,
I he run of Miimon in the ( oluml
l. It. I'.iwin uml fanillv returned to at oreMciit indiciileH that the Ion
At Portland, Oregon, Sept. Jcjf
Mr. John II. Middlcion to Mary It.
.Mr. Middlelon is well and fuvorahly
known heieiind (he (it.Ai n it exteiidn
nut sai.i:. I
A tract of land of ;;u acrcH, nhout mx j
milcH from Hood liver, that can he ir
rlKate.l until the )nt of July. All till-!
iihle laud; in one of the best fruit-row-:
Iiih: Im-Hh in the valley. Trice, $oo. ,
Apply to M. D. Odi ll.'llooil Jtivtr.Or. i
T. C. DiiIIiihIihh JiiMt received it flnej
Htock of cook HtovcM, rani?i'Hund kitchen !
furniture. Cull mid nee them. '
o'iant liowder, film; mid eapHiitT. C. i
DalliiH. 1 !
- i)i:.t, in -
Stoves and tin
waro, kitchen fur
niture, pruning
tools and plumb
ers goods of all kinds.
It' nilrliiif tin ware a 'i'litlly.
a rronsE v a t-i.a w.
KDO.MM :!, AND i. N V. W VuiiT iil.OCK,
Attorney 3-at-Law,
Chapman Block, over Postoff ice
TIIK lAI.I.K.S oiu;i;in.
Prather, Buildincond & Oak Sts.
Pcrtlasid's Great Industrial
tlnir lioine in I'orilaiid rui'Mil iv inorii
Inir, niter Mpmi'lin the KUmiiier 'iimiilliH
J, i:. Ilaiinu went to Walhl Walla
the early pull of the M'Uhoii will In
li.iide up.
C. ii I ! ihcrN came in from hin home
at the foil,M of he river WcdncHdnv
.Siindiiy mid ret iirn. il Friday uiorniiis,'. , evcuiiiif uml took the evening train I'o'r
lie wim
V ood
lnoklnn after a market for 1 The Dall.
We have neveral farniM ard hiiiuII The tindiTHineil Ihuiii; locnted near
tractH for Hale. Call mid tret priceH. Hood lliver, winheH to inform parties
I who may he desirous of having Hiir
Ifyou want to he located on trovrrn-1 veyinjr done, that he n a ra'ticul
mcnt laud at hiiiuII i'xik.-iim, tall on or hurvevor of many yearn exM"rienee,
write W. It. WinmiH. : and that work entrusted to him will he
iM-rformed wit h dispatch uml eurrect-
Wax MtrinuM, tin eaiin. new HtocH. ucsm. J le taken i.leaHiiru ill referring to
nhia preservim? kettlcM utul cvirytlnn tle Mr. A. h. hiowmh, (who lor yearn wiih
h of , ut T. S. Dalian. ' county commiHMioiier in Minnesota,)
i ami tor whom lie did county work an
and county surveyor, an to liin ability,
i Put ties writing rue. at Hood will re
, tx'ive prompt attention.
('. J. IFayks.
Dated Hood lliver April (ith, 1.VU1.
I A full line of shoe lurnishlnH
j lent her ut the harness shop.
I Da I'roslim was called to White Sal
1 nioii, Tuesday, to attcinl Mis Mamie
( .'i rhaiiuh, wim has an attack of ty
phoid I'ri'lT,
Paul rilklmrton was thrown from
Ids mrs- while coiiiluK to town Mon
lay and ipnie h.idly, all Iioiik'Ii not
ImiUeroiihly , hurl.
I, Smith will reiH'lve any specl
tueiiH of line fruits siiilahle for ( 'hlcaj.'o
xpoMiilon, pir Mood Itivcr l'ruit
Jrowt-iV I'nion.
Frank Mcl-'nrl.-ind and wife, who at-Icmli-d
the (uncial of hi tie Mamie
Moody nt The Dalles M ouday , ret iirned
liy hoat Tuesday tuoruing.
C. C. I, -me of;i Imunht ot
'm. Tale, lliis week, Ihellrst lot east
of Harrison's colt. ..r,.N in Winiuis' ml
litioti; coiM'Icr.ili.ui,
There lire now six chur.-li edi flees in
The Dulles ... ( "'it hollc, Kii'scopaliau,
Coniret(iitiiin,'d, Melhodlsl, Itapt ist ami
Christian -in which there are services
-very Sunday.
Mrs. C It. r.oiie and Mrs. McCoy,
wife of our former representative, came
ln'.vu from (ii.tiit Saturdav and went
out to Cloud Cap Inn Sunday, return
ing home .Monday.
The subject for the Willing Workers I
nt the I . It. church Sabbath evcniin; is:
"The Missionary Clock." Von camiot
iillord to miss lhesi cntertailimeuls
l veil hy the children.
I nHectlcldes for fruit pests and etc.;
London I'tuple, Paris I i recti, I. X. I,.,
Whale oil snap, owered hellebore,
Persian insect powder etc., at the
HoodKivcr I'harmaey.
The f.illowini' deed wan filed for rec
ord Monday: Milton Odell to Minnie
K. McCoy, N. W. .fS. K. 1 orHcelioii
"7, township '1 north, raiio 1 cast, W.
iM.; coiislderalion, loil.
'I he undcrslirneil will he here for a
tdmrt time and will d llrst, class work
In photoi;nily nt popular prices. Cards ' until the first of Ocb
$ I ..10 per dozen; cabinets, $.01). All . .
Mi.rk warranted. (1. It. Fi.owkh da v. I The Oregon Natl.
I'liiun I'liclllc Furl Iter Kpuiiccn the rates.
To Chienjrt f.TUji) first class; St.
Louis J;'1.(HI lin-t class; Omaha, Kansan
( Jcore Sloeiini leaves in
for 1'orest ( irove, to enter
university, which open next Wednes
day nt t hat place.
W J. Sherman and wife went out to
their home lately purcha-cd of W. 1'..
Perry, Thuisday nioi iiinj,', to see about
htiildiiij,- a house.
The rains of the past week have set
tled the ihM, mid Ii w is the time lo
thoroughly enjoy a drive through the
country for pleasure.
!. It. l-'low crday, pholonrapher, who
has t 1 1 runniiiir a gallery in Th"
Dalles, has his tents up on the vacant
lots opposite K. I.. Smith's residence.
Miss 1 1 11 1 1 if Oiler has been enjraneil
lo teach the Might -M ile school, near
'I he Dalles, ami left by boat Friday
cveuiii.'. ller school opens Monday
Two SaaJIN.
I Will sell for W cents 011 the dollar, !
1 the llnest sheep ranch on the Pacific
1 coast. Will range naturally fenced,
' sufficient for "ii.,(Mi(t sheep. Can ar-
I rn 1 I. ii- 1. nl t i in. -e.ll l.,nu .if !.... If ,!
,. , ,. I . ' r J : City, Sioux city and St. Joseph IJ.(M)
the Pacific iw,, vn ,, u ,,r i,i 1 1 ,.,11,, r-.,.., ti.
i.-ii-'ii,si nun n ii "in in.
town of Hood Itivcr at ier acre;
level and easily subdued. For partic
ulars apply ut this olflee or to W. 1.
Watson, Hood Itivcr Or.
Opens Sept. 27,1333, Closes Oct. 28.
Liberati's Celebrated Military Band
Will furnihh the Music.
A World of Mechanics in Miniature.
The special Features will eclipse thosp of any year.
Madame Girard's Prismatic Fountain,
Constructed ut a cost of J 10,0(10. and throwing thousand lets of water in all th.
colors of the rainbow will beautify Music Hall.
Large Aquariums,
Containing fish of all varieties' found in Oregon waters, Lave been constructed
at great expense.
The Art Gallery
Will eontain a collection of painting selected from the World's Fair. Amonir
them Kllslnrg's celebrated painting, Custer's Last J-'ight. To visit, this m-eat
hxposition and view its wonders in every department of Art and Science will
be next thing lo a visit to the World s Fair at Cliic.-co. W1U
Reduced rates on all transportation lines. For further information address
Superintendent and Secretary.
i first class. Hates correspondingly re
duced to all eastern points. Consult
, Union Pacific agents before purchasing
! uml you will lie convinced that the old
, Overland in the cheapest and quickest
! route to take.
j.M. Huntington &Co.
The bulks Or.
I To 1lu Farmers.
I We will do all kinds of grinding on
Saturdays this season except Hour
! making. We have learned that good ;
Hour can only nc made out of our dry , ,,. ,
, . , , . , , IM Second Street
! w heat by diimiiening the grain after it
I has passed through the sniutter and Real Estate, Loan & Insurance
I allowing it to sweat a few days, i AGENTS.
, Leave your wheat with lis and give us ' Kcnls collecii-il anil taxes paid for non-
; a chance to do good work. You will r, slllsl,ls- iaH-r;.r all kiiuls prcj.area
! , , ,, . . on sh.irl nut ice.
! then use our Hour in preference to any
other. llAnmsox p.ito.s., Abstracts of Titles a Specialty.
I We have not pushed any of our sub- 1'n.prk'torw Hood Itivcr flouring mills.
Iscribers for amounts du" this olllce, (. ... i.j I
I hill we will have to ask that, thev ad-' ., ;
I just their indebtedness at the earliest j 1 ( ,Vlin, An,,y post of this place, :
i possible date. , j assisted by the Women's Jtelief Corps, i
i Itoad Supervisors Prather and limid j wil1 l,oI(l 11 l'a,"l '1,''-, barbecue on j
, repaired the I loud river bridge, com-1 Saturday, the i'id Inst., in Tarkhurst, :
niencing Mond.iy aed finishing Wed-j near the ball ground. The hosts will
nesilay. The work wv.s ordered by the ,.,,,1..,. ..i,,..., ,, . mi i,,,i.i I
I r. --" - ...... .....x. i.iii vi-
nival all day, ending with a grand I
lmniuet in the evening. Let every- j
body come, with baskets well filled for I
,.S. lil.OWKHS.
county court.
The Pine (irove school house, on the
cast side, has been ceiled and nicely
llnishcd Inside, and school opens next
Monday morning, the l.stn, with Miss ! two meats. .n me old soldiers are :
S. V. Cooper as teacher. j especially invited. Members of Can by ;
Mrs. Lmigille came down from Cloud j lM,t (irant cam) are requested to1
Cap Tuesday and is again in charge of! meet on Thursday, at li o'clock, to pre-'
me i,angiiie noiise. in nig. caiiie nome .,..., .i... ,,..(unds. liv nnlep
i c - j
also, while Will
remains at the Inn
Dry (ioitds, (iroceries. ats. Caps,
JJoots and shoes; Flour, Feed
etc. Country Produce
Itought and Sold.
The new militia company Udng or- i
.r,,i,l,,.,l nl Till. I) tu V....I.II.. ... I
Soul'" " r, ,n i.ijm.ii I I -
ceiving ils complement, of recruits.
Forty is ncivssmry for organization, ami
already thirty-seven names liavo been
Mamie Moody, daughter of W. H.
Moody of The Halles, who was acci
dentally scalded at Mr. Wyers' jdncpnt
Whili Salmon last week, died at her
Kunie at The Dalles last Saturday. The
raneral took placo Monday.
We received this week an invitation
to lie present at the wedding of Mr.
Joseph A. Wilson and Miss (icrfrude
Kin ports of Cherrytrcc, Pnnsylvania.
They will be at homo after this first of
October at Asuland, Oregon.
For thn months, comnioMclngSept.
lltli, the farmers of the Klickitat coun
try tniiy luiul their wheat to The Dalles
without cost for ferriage. The mcr
rhants and business men of The Dalles
have shown their accustomed enter
prise. A young man hy the name of Scott,
who has been working for F. (VSher
rleb, win capping a, cartridge, Monday,
holding it In his hand, when it e'x
ttloded, tearing his hand quite badly.
I)r. Jlarrett dressed the wound. He'is
expected up to-day from Wind Moun
tain, his home.
At a called session of the Young Peo
ple's Christian Union Tuesday even
ing, held at the U. It. parsonage, the
name of Hie society was changed to the
Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor. There will ho no radical
change in .the workings of the society,
the object of the change of name being
to gain the advantage nf the conven
tions on this coast, there beinjr no
Union societies within reach.
uml bank, which
was the llrst to close in Port land, opened
its doors for business last Saturday.
The Portland Savings bank expects
to resume by the first of November.
C. A. Dell purchased the Mt. Hood
hotel and two lots from ltobt. Hand,
Wednesday, und will take possession
Monday. The price paid was $5,000.
Mr. Itand will move bis family for the
pasent In the rooms over the store.
There will ho a shooting match at the
Crupper school houso Sunday at 1
o'clock. A beef Is to be contested for,
the four best shots taking a quarter of
beef each, and the fifth best shot the
horns, hide and tallow. Three shots
for 50 cents.
Itev. J. W. Kigby left Monday for
Moscow, Idaho, to attend the Method
ist general conference, which convened
on the 1.1th and will continue in session
until the first of the week. Itev. Geo.
W. Itarnhnrt will occupy his placo in
the "Darrucks" Sunday evening.
Wednesday, Hon. K.- L. Smith and !
Mr. C. P. Heald niade a collection of
choice fruit and shipped It to the
world's fair. It consisted of apples,
pears, plums and prunes. The apples,
(iravensteins, came from the frultfarn.s
of S. F. Jtlytho and 15. Warren, prunes
and plums from M. V. Hand's place,
und the pears from Mr. Warren's.
Last Wednesday's rain was a disas
trous one for tho new grade on Tygh
hill. That point was the center of the
storm, and culminated in a cloud
hurst, which completely deluged that
section and carried with its flood large
houlders and washed out the grade in
such a manner that it was almost im
passablu. The grade is nearly four
miles in length, and will entail quite a
loss on the county. Chruukic.
Hiool lEEerelj
A good set of single
harness, hand made,
from $15. to $20.
Team lines $2.50 to $3.
Full line of buggy
washers in sstock.
Huston Team Collars, per pair $5 50
Team Lines, per set $5 to $2 50
1J Breast Straps,...; 50 totlOcts
l Halters $i no
rcather Jlono Y hips 50cts,
Hood Hirer, Or.
1 ' 3
TTHE biggest boot in the i
k Scientific American
For information una Tree Handbook writ to
MUNN CO.. ail Huoauway, Nbw York.
Oldest bmoau for eecurliiK patontB In America.
Kvory PHtimt taken out by us Is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge lu the
Largest circulation of any ectontlflo paper In the
world. Splendidly lllunfrnted. No Irteinffent
man should be wltdout it. Weekly, 3.00 a
yenri fl.Nlstx months. Address MUNN A CO
Vuuuauuib, oOi. iirocdway, ew York city.
Is n ilnpiile cray, l.VJ hands high, weighs
YM oiiinls, tluviMnmi-U'i's Normrn, 'i yours
old on May 51 1, 1S!, Is live t'nnn nil blem
ishes und disrusox und is a tine draft horse,
gentle unit kind, a good traveler, and is
owned by
Mr. Sweeny will attend nt tho following
pliu-es during tho prrsent sire season: At Mr,
Joe l'ursor's, Monday mid Tuesday of each
week. At Mnsicr, Friday and Saturday of
pilch week. Terms: 1-orslniflo serviee, pay
able In cash Sn.OO. liy the season, payable at
end of same, S10.00. To insure, payable when
same is known, Slo.OO. In ease of failure, ser
vice tho following season gratis.
The finest mountain resort in America; situated nt the snowline on
Mt. HikmI facing the Kliot glacier, 7,000 feet above the sea. Will be
opened Julv 1st. Rates $:5.50 per dav, $20.00 per week.
For information write to, WILL LASUILLE, HOOD RIVEU, OK.
U Bm ana Feefl,
In carload lots, or retail at the very lowest market rates deliver
ed anywhere in the city or at the depot free of charge.
Mailorders solicited and promptly tilled.
SO. 3S- to 3!4 SK('OM) STREET.
Commercial Men and Tourist's
The Cloud Cap Wayside Stages leave
the house daily for Cloud Cap Iiri
during the season.
Dinners for Lodges, Parties etc.,
a specialty.
Rates $2. Per Day.
W. A LANGILLE Proprietor.
mil F. NEWTOWN has boon platted on the
JL old campground, at the i-oi-ks ana i-tuis
of Hood river, with laie sightly lots,
broad streets and alleys, good soil, pure
cold water and shade In profusion, per
fect drainage, delightful mountain cli
mate, tho central attraction as a
mountain summer resort and for all
Oregon, being the nearest town to
Mt. Hood. It is also unparalleled
as a manufacturing center, twins
the natural center for 150 square
miles of the best cedar ami nr
IM HER, possessing millions of horse pow
er in its dashing stream ana wtuer inns
easily harnessed. Where cheap motive
power exists, tliere me maiuuaeiuin-s
will center, surrounded by soil and cli
mate that cannot be excelled anywhere
for fruit and agriculture, and with
transportation already assured you
will tind this the place to make a
perfect home or a paying Invest
See me c n the ground,
or adress me at Food
River, Wascc Co., Or.
A 4 spring 3 seated mountain hack;
new. A. S. Blowers & Co.
iimiS:jt) 0N SALE
No. IS, Freight leaves at 3:40 P. M.
No. 2, Mail " 9:45 P. M.
Vo. Fii-ight leaves at 10KW A. M
Xo. 1, Mail " 4:42 A. M
itenmers from Portland to San Francisco,
very 4 days.
For rates and general information call op
W. H. HI" RI.RI'RT. Asst. Gen. Pans KU
454 Washidgton St., Portland 0 on.