'food Iftver Slacier. HOOD RIVER. Oil. SEPT. 10, ISM. llorliciillnriil Pair for HimmI River. The fruit grower of Hooil Klver ami vicinity have decided to hold a llorti cultural Fair in Hood River, on the 20th and 30th of this month, for the ptvohittve, hut I must say that the Ore purpose of displaying our fruits, vego- pu fruit exhibit is not what it should tables and all farm products. 1 1 Is he- 1h Some of Raker's Yellow Newtown llevod such a fair will k-rve to call out-: pippins nrv here yet, also Ahsien's bide attention to the resource of our j "Chenango" apples, which aiv hy tar valley, and will afford a mos' useful , the Unci on the ground, ohject loswon to our own people its well. ' lr. Lewis is o.uite anxious to have Oulytho.se ho have taken the time ' fruit m nt, and I know there Is lots of and trouble to visit the various loc.il-; it there worth sending Many of the itlescan form any idea of the wonder-; exhihit from other states would he fu I crop of fruit and vegetables In the 'rry specimens in Hood Kiver. valley this year, aud there Is mi epics-j Anything tine in the way of apples, tlon but that an exhibit cau be made poars, plums, prunes and grapes, also here now that will excel any horticul- vegetables, will go far towards improv tural display ever mvn In Oregon, if the 1 lug the display; About twenty-tlve IH'ople will set themselves to it. specimens of each kind of fruit shows It 19 proposed to oiler premiums and up wcil. rewards for best displays sulllcient to , encourage everybody who can to do their best. Let every farmer and fruit grower make his selections now and prepare to compete with his neighbor at the fair, and help make, a show that -we will be proud of. Our neighboring to-ns Mosier, White Salmon, The Dalles, and all localities in our vicinity, j are invited to co-operate and compete with us. T. :.. ..ulihnlu.lwti.iiwu'ill U I lv ,B , .... . ,.!,,., . , i made from the best exhibits to semi to iei tins opportunity go i.y. the World's Fair, the Portland Indus- If snippers will pat the fruit In boxes trial Kxnofition and the Winter Fuir ; about the size of an ordinary trunk, ... w vVo..i, I -at . . . a itiuvtiui All those who are Interested In help- ing this cause along are requested to j to instructed to icivive it as baggage meet at Mr. E. L. Smith's office at '2 and check it without a ticket if ad o'clock to-day, Saturday, to erfect or-' dressed to J. Guy Lewis, 'Jolumbiuu .ganization and arrangements. The Exposition. Six boxes cm be son", in liojirtv ivoneration of evervlMMlv. la-! this way at one time. If not packed - j - i i diea, farmers and townspeople, is re quested aud expected. The Snake River Fruitgrowers .-NSUVUU1V1I IS linn 1141.11 lllfi v' planted to fruit trees at Wawawai. Most of it is bearing, and next year ex pect to Irrigate as much more. This irrigation of a Snake river bar is accom plished through an enormous "current wheel," 12 feet in diameter and 14 feet long, which furnishes the motive ! power for a centrifugal pump, which, lieing driven at an enormous capacity, lifts a four-inch stream of water CO feet in the air to where it is drawn off in ditches to aid in reclainiing a sandbar and the work of preparing for market our climate and sunshine in the shape of fruit juices. The work thus far has proven eminently satisfactory. It is modeled on the "current wheel" now in use on the Columbia river, which raises an 8-inch stream of water feet to where 900 acres of land are being ir - tA Tf in avmuiioil tl..it nnvt - many of these irrigation plants will be put in by Snake river fruitgrowers. j yielded. They helped thtuiselves to j io one can buy egg and pros tvo A London dispatch says among the iis conteuts, the whole performance oc- j l'll'ni with pmllt. Vou inti-t kijep subjects scheduled for consideration at I cupying an hour, wuen without mak-1 wm 11,1,1 have " ,,,aUs the international medical congress, j ing any attempt on tlie other express The sulphur process will enable you called to assemble in Rome next nionth, 1 car, or interfering with the passengers, ; to preserve and keep ground Unie, but the postponement of which to next who remained in the cars, pan ic-t rick-1 ground meat, fresh fish, or almost any . .,,tr. .. , ... - , , , . .! thing, for six months or a vear, ami April has just been announced, was the en, they hred a few warning shots and j not t)'(, sii!:llt(.Ht (1,,r wiu ffult. It cure for consumption discovered by j disappeared in the woods. It is ruin-. uiso destroy i all genus of disease or ini Dr. Amick, of the United States, andoredthe robbers secured i(l,(J(X) in ! purities int he meat or bone, and flies which Is attracting great attention in England and Continental countries. A leading medical journal says, as a result of the postponement of the con gress, a party of prominent physicians of England, France and Germany will leave for the United States in Septem ber, and after a brief visit to the world's fair, will proceed to Cincinnati to per sonally interview the discoverer. At a meeting of the Paris clinic of physicians last week one of the speakers coupled Amick's name with Pasteur's as a ben efactor of the human race and paid a high tribute to the medical profession in the United States. It Is a Girl. Washington, Sept. 9. Mrs.Grover Cleveland was safely delivered of a lit tle daughter at the White House to- day. The baby was born at exactly j , . , . f .. . ., 4. ' hiwh inion. mstas the ballon the flair- high noon, just as the ball on the flag- start' of the state, war and navy build ing, opposite the White House,dropped from the top of the staff. From time to time during the morning the pres ident was quietly advised us to the condition of affairs in the sick room, and at exactly 12 o'clock Dr. Bryant summoned him from the reception room and made the important an nouncement. The smile on the doc tor's face and reassuring pressure of the hand told him that his wife had safely passed the ordeal, and without pausing Ike president asked: "In it a boy or u girl?" Something like a shadow of disap pointment swept across Cleveland's lace as the physician told him the new born babe was a girl. The fact of the birth was not made public until 2 o'clock. The news was bulletined at the telegraph office, the capital, the de partments and prominent hotels, and was almost the sole theme of conversa tion during the remainder of the after lioon. Everywhere disappointment was manifested that the baby was not a boy. Before 4 o'clock a stream of messenger boys began carrying con gratulatory telegrams to the White This is the first time in the House, history or toe repuouc mat me wau ot a new-born infant of a president of the United States has been beard within th walls of the White Hou,. tat tor from Mr. II. F. Dmlilson. Ciiic.vuo, Sept. 1, 18ia. Kihwk i.i.mikk: 1 arrived hero on Woiluoailtvy, Anoint Will, fwliiiir. a litilo th wonw for tho long rido and loss of sleep, mil have not fully rooovotvd from either yot. lVrliuiw this render mo rather limp- A great many have spoKen to me re gard.ng the superiority of our straw ries, hihI Dr. Lewis informs me that Hood River will receive a medal on its strauU'iries. I'rge upon the people to send such fruit as is nice and Hood River will get i the beuelit, as it will Ik-displayed un der the grower's name as marked when received. Such opportunities for eoin-i paring our fruits with the traits ol tli..r tt,.s sft. r.u-e . mid w,t must imt w ith :irii(i.,n in the in'.d.lle and rones - - - i in the ends for handles, the iureiit will in lanre luxes, eonsiirii to him, and l!ie state will nay the expense. Have all m, - fruit wruniied In paiier. uei. auer Smith, Coon, Raker, Heald or anybody that will do unythiug. Time is too short now. Dr. Lewis is a rustler. H. F. Davidson. Another daring and successful train robbery is on record at Kendallville, lu - .. , ., v v i. diaua, Sept. l.'th. As the .Neu ork express train on the Lake Shore road, wnicu left Chicago at 7:4') reached a siding at Keslar. Eiiirineer Knapp no- ticedared danger-signal light at the w switch, aud stopped the train. As he met lux i of placing eggs on racks, turn did so, l"0 men, armed with winches-! ing them twice or throe times a week ,, ,.f ii,.. u,...tt..i-...l 1 keeping them in a cxil place. We ...6 r - j ahmg the train and covered the truiu- j men, m hile one tired at the engineer, I iutlieliug a wound 111 the shoulder. wound in the j With everything in hand, tho robbers, proeeeded to blow 0111 the forwurd I j express ear With uynamiu-; then, j I . . ; k iiuCki nir t lie ex Dress uiesseuuer sense- ! less, exploded five dynamite cartridges j "i succession against tue sate oeioie 11 transit from one of the Chicago hanks to IN'ew York. FOR SALE. Eighty acres of deeded land, with plenty of water for any one wishing to go into the berry business; 300 bearing fruit trees, apples, pears and plums mostly winter apples; 10 acres now ready for fall grain. Also, two cows, one span mares, two wagons, harness, and all farm implements; one stallion 4 years old next spring. The place will be sold separate or with the stock. Two miles and a quarter from depot. on the east side of Hood river. For fur ther particulars call at the Gi.ai'ikr office, or on Mr. John Sweeney, Hood Kiver, Or. A BARGAIN FOR 30 DAYS 0XLY. For cash, 600, I will ;11 30 acres of fine fruit land, level, and soil the finest quality, mostly all Hlswheri five years ago, lying in west half of north half u ..4 . e .....!.... , ui Huuuieusi. ijuuiiei ui wcuuii jo,ivii ship 3, range 10 east. It will go back to regular price, $30 per acre, after 30 days. I can give a first-class title for this land. Any one wanting a nice home, now is the time to buy. Ad dress J. E. Fear, Marble llock, Iowa. Clicap Humes, Secure one Xow. For 60 days I will show government lands in Hood River valley, suitable for homesteads, to parties wishing to locate, charging from fen to twenty dollars per claim for ray services. I settled on government land six years ago, at the falls of Hood river, and live there now; am well pleased with the location, have spent much time and money building roads and bridges lead ing to these lands, and to improve the country. These lands have plenty of wood and water, and are among the best for fruit and vegetables, as well as for general agriculture. Ifyouwanta home of this description, do not fail to see me at the falls. W. R. Wl.VANS. If you hare property to sell, list it with us. We have concluded to han dle all tht Hood river property we can and are prepared to do so on the very "1".""' !vin? w''ons. We are tin ait liar An at tn ouui I v rousm oil nnuui. ble purchasers. Give us a list of the property you desire to sell and we will do the rest. Call aud see us at the Ulacikh office. I'rosonhiir Fggs. Only strictly fivsh eggs eun Ih pre served, and in packing theni the eggs should not touch each other, as one bad egg will spoil the whole. 1'ggs collected from neighbor, or at stores, will not answer, as even the most obliging neighbor may unlnten tiorally Impose a stale etg on you. Egg from hens not In company v Ith cocks will keep three times as loi g as will those f oiu hens mated with cocks. Hence, in sun nier, nt'icr hatch ing is over, remove the males, as the hens will lay fully as well without them. Keep the egg's in a cool place in sum mer and do not let them freeze in w in ter. The oolor you keep them the Utter. Re sure and turn the eggs at least twice a week, or the yolks will adhere to the shell, no matter how they may 1h preserved. This may lo done by putting the eggs In a box and turning ineoox, orov placing tin- egirs on in rack, or turning tray. Eggs will keep in a cool place ii' simiuv turned W Ithout nnv imckinir at ,, . ,, ... .. , . all, especially It tncy arc troni hens not in companv with cocks. 1 Dry, finely sifted coal ashes, dry salt, tine, clean, drv dirt, corn, outs, ,.),..,r ..),,, ....,., i ..in l)Ut (r Sjl,t (n, )n.t-,,rr,.(1 Never go in the business of prcscrv-! i mir cgspt until you have experimented j , Wll 11 IHIOeH, lireilKlilg IU1 egg every nionth, in order to make observation, ; lt wll, ,,,, wry (lim,.lllt )n pifsirve eiand have them fresh at the cud of six months, hut as three months is lo,1S' cnouglt, ctgs from miniated hens ! will easily k(HM that lemrth of time. I ' mouths' I he limit's advnnee in thre from the time prices are low. Wo do not rvconini nd the sulphur process for cirirs, as it discolors them some, though it is eflleacious. The rack method in a cool phuv is our choice. If you can keep eggs for throe months only it will In' sulllcient for a ' change of priivs. . . ,lt . a large scale until vou experiment with a do.en eggs. It will cost you but little to test for yourself ami learn. Although we give methods fur pre serving eggs, wo will frankly state that we never yot know of an v one going II.'V II (U 1", II Ul" methods on I into such a business who made it pay. ; Fresh eggs cannot he imitated. 1 'Vur Wf ,wlu" t:lkl'V nu f"r sau- putting dark ones together, - ,Vash ,, ,.,. MiW preen ing in ; warm water, and do the same when ' taking them out. Although we have given wveral niiiiiiMMH niniTiii' ifi niv riuiio iuirniii huh . .,,, ' '.,, ,'. reeon.ii.end the term this the rack method. Eggs that are fertile will not keep ; well under any process, but lor hatching may lie by the ; Kepi six wevks ' ij,;;;:,, or . , Hll &e svm '( ,',rill(, ,71()rt, tll;lll om-.iif the price of fresh eggs in the market. I t ntlw.H H...H.1 . ...... ...Ml .. .. . ; noin.i, 11m iu get no mon . fort hem after preserving them than ', when they are fresh and cheap; hence, slK.i, trfs ,j , , mv or insects will not attack the materials after lieing preserved Poulry Journal. B. R. TUCKER, PPuPlUKTOB- OF LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. MANUFACTURER OP FRUIT BOXES, HOOD RIVER, OR. AI,"sO DKAKtt IN DRY GOOLH, STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY ETC. Terms Strictly Cash, A-,J A1 Prices never beforeheanl of in Hood River. THE SAINT'S BEST, at A M E S V I L L E. WINES, LIQUOHS, CIGARS. CYRUS t NOBLE WHISKY a specialty. HOOD RIVER ILLS Call and see me at the mouth of the White Salmon. W. Woops Proprietor. STOF THAT COVIQHJ Dr. Grant's CURES clilmt insuiiiiitloi Tdr Incipient (y Consuniition, wCluna Fever, Pneumonia, itWhoopIno Couiili, Bron- -Sn'h;iu fVnnn Pnln In thn -JVit chills. Croup, Pain In tho Breast, Throat and Lungs. Purely Vegetable. CAN'T BE BEAT FOR CHILDREN. TRY IT. I'Mrl'AMKI) n O.W. R. Manufacturing Co., PORTLAND, OHIdON. l-'or sale at Hood River Pharmacy. , NOTICE l-'Oll ITlU.IC.niON. I.un.l Olllce lit The I Dili's nr. Aii:;iis i, sn:l. Not Ice ! hcreliv nlvcti that the IhIIhh ln- nnm.-.t . ttl.'r hn- lil.-.l un !. .. til-intention ', In make Html prunl In vi'mil of hK claim, nn,! tout mu,i inn.ii iil lie made hump the i lj. xut.-rumi ';'" 'l'l- '" lh" i Or, on cplenilier is, vl: I'lnn-ic. t Mm-sc. Uniiiet ino'.nw n.l Apt'Ui'iiil.iii N.i. :'.. fur the . n ' l, unit n v n w '4 mv '."J i'li I II r IK' w in. II,' imiiies 111 1'iillm. Ini; wtliu sM s In IMOM' Ills i-oiiUliiliius reslil iiiuia mill rttltivH- linn ol, sulil IiiiiiI, I..: M. I'. I.n,, W ill Kmu.I. A. .1. liaml, Juliii IMm ts, nil ui lliiuil UUer ( iretiim. iinl3.pilil John W, I.kw is. UnjUlrr. XH'ICK HMt liTlI.U ATION. I.llllil CtlliV III t'lli' Pllllrs, (l A ni. ISH'l. N.illicW In ii liy uImmi Unit tlie lnlliiMlm; tiiiiui'it wilier 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t iiiitlei' nf his liilenlliiii In iniilii" llieil piiMil In Mixrl ol Ills claim, unit Hint vn,l i.riviif In' iiin.li' Il iki,' Ihr lii'iilsier Mini liei'i'lMT I'. S. IiiiiiI utllie it t Tho I nlles n-'i;.ti on Mntnluy Ui t.li, lSsl, vln: Ji'liUm' f. Itiiyi t. 1'iv. !. S. N.i. ;.lsii'nr ll..' e 1 ., n r mul i i' nl niv '.'s l'i ii r w. in! He iiiinirs t lie tutltiM hi'; wlln's'.i''. tn iiimxi' 111 I'uiitliiiiniiK ri".li,'ii'e ll ) ! mul I'lilllui tlon i.I' Mil, I IiiiiiI M: I'll. I''. V. Ilrl k'l'f, K.llllTl Wrlulil, W. l:. lull, ('. A. Hell, nil ul IIimhI Itlver, Oii'i.nn. .1.111 N W I.KWIS, U i K tut. r NOTICE Ft ) 1 1 PIT.UCATION. IjiikI Otlli i' nt 'mii nuviT wii-li. July ', lsi'1. Niilliv Is hereby nlven Unit the IhIIhw Iiik llilllli'il 1.1'tllrr Inc. flleil llnlli e ul her llitellllnri In Mill Ueei mi in II ul lull limit 'I i ml 111 Ml''orl ul her elui in, mul Unit -i t I pn will he nmite h fure Itemlrr mul Uu'elver I'. S, I .mi l i lith e III iilli'ull.er iinIi. un rjU-lnhe-1 1, Ivi;, I.: Mai) I). Unwell. II. V.. S A fur llie s rf 1.1 I'll I II r II v III. Mie inline I he ful!iilii' ltiie."ieii In inuve her ' n 1 1 n Hi his re Milt'iiiv mum mul iiiIIImi- . . , , . 1 l-oru'U'.'inx.'n vl,:: Mnllle 1'iin, iMin. ul lleiirv .luhnlnn, Ml-ire t'tiiwruril.Ciirl Miller, nil of While .salmuii Wm.li. UHi'.lit'.l JnllN 1. IICiulllKliAN. Ui Kler. 1 NOTICE FOR Pl'ltLICATIOX. ', l.aml iiltli eiil ()M",'un City dr. Aug. '.'.I Ki:i. I Nullee Is lieii'l.y irlven Hint the lulluvi ln ' iimiieil seitler hii" ille'l tmi lee ul' hN liiti-nimn j t'i iiuike lltinl piuui In Niii'lu'ii ut It In eliiini, ! 11111I thill Mllil I'limf he milile heluv,. Hie jlteitlMer mul Iteeelver I'. S. I.nliil I Mllee ut ! ilivmui II j' 1 h cfun un (let., HI, Isiii, vl.: I John C. liruwii. Hit. Api. Nu. ii..!i for Hit! 11 u of 11 v '4 I see S Tp J 11 r ri e in. lie minu s 1 he foil m ite; witnesses lo nrove Ills eunt 1 11 111 mis reslil, m-e upuri unit einil:t- 1 1011 ol, siii hunl, si.. Ciiulles Steimrt, Will Imn l iiesell. Huns eeks, Niel: W i her, nil ol ! Cuseiiile Liu'Us 'i,..eo eounl v iMi-iiun. sjiiioeilu KoiiKitT A. Mu.l.iai, I'lvlsier. NOTICE FOR Pl'IIIilCATION. I .n ml lITlco ut Vmieoiiver wiikIi. Auk. II, Nil, Notice Is herehy t'lven Unit llie fotlnwliiit. ! Illllneil set ! ler lllls 11 It'll lloi ire of her III ten I ion In iiuike ei.niinn 1 1 1 i . . r i llnul proof In support of : iier eliiini, uiiii that uil proof will he ntmle helore llie Iti '.' slt r lll'l Iteeelver I'. S. I.iinil i (Mllee ill Viiiieouver Wash, on Seplemher ; M, 1!).'I, vi.: A lie... M. W.Mlswurlli. II K. H:li!l for the H '.. n w ' , sir 1,1 unit Ii n w 1 , siv '.'I I'll :t n r ll in. .She names Hie fulluw illi; ivltnesses to prove her continuous resilience Ukhi unit eiiltlvu Ion of, snlil Innil, vi: Waller M iles, Itaeliael HoWlaiulK, llarrv Shank, Wlllluni Klueiilil, all of WliiteSalinon Wasli. iiyllisplJ John Ii. (iKouiiKii.vN, I'l Klsier. ISOTICK Foil rUKLICATION'. LiiikI ( Ullee at Vnneiniver wash, .Inly 2!i, '.Mi:;. I Notice is herehy t'lven Unit the lollnwlni- named settler has 11 ! 1 notice nf his Inlentiun ! to make tlinil proof In su i. n-l of his claim, ! anil that saiil proof will lie uncle hefoiv V. j K, Inmhar, ( 'oinmlssloner tf. s. Circuit Court 1 for District of washlinrton at (iolilctclali; wushltigton on Saturday Sept. Iiiih ,sji:t, .; John Schickel. H. K., No. K,7H for the k e sec 111 T o n r l II e w in. I To names the followlni; witnesses to prove I his ciintiniioiis residence npon ami eiilllva j lion of, said land; vl.: John ,. Cole, William i. ie, in - innil j . i . IISIIIIIHIOII, lUlllOlpll HeytliiK, John I'liiincr, of ii liner 1'. O. Wash inuton. li,""ispt! John ). (icogliPKiwi, Itelstcr. SOTICK FOR Pl'HUCATION'. Land OflU'Fut The Dulles Or. Sept. 14, lsiij. Notice Is herehy cjven that the, followlii(. named Bcltler has tiled notice of her Intention to imiUn final proof in support of her claim, and that mild proof will he made hefore the, Kcjjlstcr find liccelvpr V. S. L.O. at Th UuIIch Or. on .Saturday Oct. 2s, viz: .Mary K. Knizler, llompstpad Alilillciitlon No. SII3 for thou p. 1 ffic-5, tp. n., r. ioe., w. M. Hho naincs llie following wltncsHcsto prove her contlnuoiiK reNldcnen neon and enlliva- tion ol ald land viz: John A. Wilson. T. K. Wlcken, J. W. In(nllx und A. Inallx, all of Hood Klver, Orepon, Hulti-ociil John W. Lewis, KeKlxter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office nt The Dulles, Or., Hopt.H, 1893. Notice Ih hereby ulven thnt the 1'ollowlriK naincil Hctllci hitn tiled not lee of his intention to make II rial proof In mippnrt of disclaim, find that said proof will ho niailo before the IteKister and Kecelver of the V. H. Land Olllce at The Dulles, Or., on Saturday, Oct. 28, IStW, viz: Joseph Purser, HompstPHfl Application No. IHO" for the e. n- e. of sec. H, ip. 2 n r. 10 e., W. M. He names the following wll ncsses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: (,'. D, Nlckulscn of The Dalles. Or., and Amos I'nderw iod, Kd Under wood und L. Nealeiiih of Hood ltlvnr, Or. lii-:21 Jons VV. I.kwis- KeBlster. FOR SALE. Farm on White Salmon one mile from the Columbia, 14 acres cleared fine spring, aud water for irrigation. Apply at this olllce. j I .E.Bartmess. W l Kit IN FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc. A l.wito tuipply of, ami AV. Iimin AViAr to mill ColobraUul lltjuitl colors aiul llnttul loads. Undertaking n SpocinHy. Prepared to furnish at once, a line class of eulllns, als,i u eheap grade but neat nliil unl'Mliiiitlat. aws m C i jorrers am HARDWARE, TINWARE, Etc, Fto. Cornor of Soconci and Fodoral Stroots. i-KI.Knu.fl''.l lC.,r4rtUoLi- Acorn ana unartcr uai: j Stovos and Rangos. j (hms, Aiiiiiiiiiiltlnii mid Sporting (omkIs ' Iron, Coal, ! Illacksliilth Supplies, Wagoiimakcr'a Mulct iul, j Sewer Pipe, Pumps and Pple, Phiiubing Supplies. "WE HAVE IDSCIIDEID That thirty ilays is as long as we eun credit giMids, and would respectfully reipiest our patrons lo govern themselves accordingly. peoiaSts Prescriptions and Private Formula Antl a Comi)loto Lino of DRUGS, GIIEMICALS AND MEDICINES. YOURS FOR HOOD RIVER. DRS. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS. 1ABUW DEALERS IN Honso Builder's Goods. Sash and Boers, Honldirgs, Brackets and I'ooi Tunings. Lime. Plaster and Lath Ceil ing, Rustic and Flooring. Coflzn.cj d3 Caclrctc. UN .slliiHTI'.sT M)T1( K, (). I.. S'l'UAN AII AN, rreshlelil. RAVS0N a WEBER riinriiiKTiiKH j Have on htind n full supply f Fruit, Shade and Oniaineiitiil tit-eHj grap j vines, uniill fruits, Ruses uiul Sliruhliery. lie sun? lo net our prices liefor'i piirelniMingeisewliere. I Retneiulier our trees arc grown strictly without irrigation. ! THE DALLES. OREGON ! F. II. Stanton, Local Agent. THE BUTCHEE. HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE Choicest Meats, Ham, Bacon, lard, Game, Poultry, Also Dealers in VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. Corner of Oak and Fourth Streets, A. S. BENNFTT. A 1TORNEY-A T-LA W. OP FIC'E I X SI I A NN )'H HIT 1 1 ,1 IN'( 1 ( ;oit. Kit OK COUKTAN I) SK('ONI) HTltKKT, Tho Dalles, Oreijon. FOR SALE. Six lots in Waucomn, 480 acres in Skamania county, and several farms in the valley. J. II. CRADIiKBAITGH. I!i:taii.i:i;s in . otuutuoni u,,;rt',nu. r lug i4 Osborne Itrllpnn Mini Miiwrrj. i;i:rs ion ('iiiii;kiiij' Airi'li ulliirul lniilrineiit mul l.lilllliel). BARBED WIRE. HL Jf ii. r. mi: l-erelHry. Hood River, Oregon. JOHN H. CRADLEBAUGH. ATTOHNKV AT LAW, Prnetlces In nil the eourU of Oregon and WnshliiKton. Hpeelul nttention given to con veyancing. ULf'lKll OFFICE, HOOD RIVER OREGON FOR S.VLE. House and lot In Hood River. Ap P'y to A. S. Blowebs.