Mood livcr Glacier. IIOODRIVFH, OK. SKIT. !, lS'.i.!. iTe:!. The Fossil Journal of :,;!: Diluted tlu1 follow in: When the Third regiment, O. N. t!., was encamped t Tlu !ili-s i.i .July, lS'.H, Ik shaill battle was u UmUiv ol ill,' programme arranged lo take p! ire on the Fourth. It was to ho tl.o r.i::.v ini: card of Tho Dalles ci'lctraii.ii extensively ad UTlU'tl. Ilul, f.'i ;ui.;.ii never came oil, and tb.-M- ulio Know nil tho circumstances i,!t siuv tiiat a tragedy was averted by l!u .uiis nui of this arl of tho p.'.';.i;i,iiii. The encampment had boon niMwi) mismanaged and tho soldier had re ceived poor rations and treatment; in c.)usoiueiiee there wits a strong tooling of dissatisfaction aiming tho men lo wards some of (heollLvrs in command, particularly toward t.'olonol Houghton, who soon afterward resigned. Tho jnon were anxious to break vamp, ami oovort throats were hoard m s.mio quarters, to lo executed In too event of tlie men Mug compelled to t:.iu- part in the sham hattlo. Those oouiing t the ears of the ol doors, a ivt. sulfation was hold, Uovcr.ii'r lVumnt r, the commander-in-chi. i, who happened to be iu 'The Dalles a. the time, was ap proached by Colonel iTuighton, who sought his advice ivj..r.liiig the advis-.i-bility of postponing the light, dpt. Oatl'iiey of K company, of Fossil, one of the most capable i t'.Kvrs in the (). . C, was seut for and introduced t. the governor, w ho asked hi. opinion ivirardimr the matter. Too eai.'.uiit re plied that as the men wore very tired, and as it was reported that certain threats had boon made, he thought it would be wisest and .salV.-l to let i'.io battle go by the board. II:? advice a aetod upon, and the wisdom oont.dnod iu it was made apparent the follow in day ,vhen a company musket, eontuin iug a ball cartridge, was found by the conductor on tho train at River. It had been carelessly left behind by oue of the soldiers. Tlie circumstance was kept quiet, but it leaked oat among the officers aud caused at imee a thrili of terror aud a feeling of intense tliatik fuluess in the hearts of more than one w ho took part iu the first and hsst en campment of the Third regiment, O. X. G. A DENIAL. Hood River Or., .Sept. 4, ISM. Editor Dalks Vhronk!r; My attention having boon called to an article in your paper of the LvHh ult., loaded a tragedy averted; and as I had : tne nonor 01 commauamg u company of Hood Kiver at the time, and as said article reflects somewhat upon my company as myself, I feel duty baund to take exceptions to it. To begin with, it is nearly, if not all untrue; and the writer of it either knows it to be so, or has been misin formed, and knows nothing about it. In either case he is deserving of the se verest censure at least. The sham bat tle waa to have been a part of the programme at The Dalles, and I be lieve wamu nave rjeen carneu out so 1 faraa Col. Houghton was concerned, or any advice from any captain in the regiment given the governor, if the men could have been assembled after dinner. But when we broke ranks The Dalles, the men scattered, and at i I mougu voi. xiouguiou uau me assem-, bly call blown and ordered every cap-1 i- i X.- ... 1 .1 . , T , . , , tain to get his company out for the sham battle, they could not be gather- i rA ,.wntUnn . . 1 T ,1 ...... t.,.,! .. I lojiium iu iuc icjjimcui, mcu io gel ins ; ..,;r, i : , ..i..j l- , - company out. Eut on the coutrarv 1 told them to keep out of siht where i thev could not find them, or ,h(.v ! would have to go out. 1 know Col. u J:J-. ...... . ... . " ixuugutou uiu uoi give it, up until nei 1 saw it was utter v mnossi ,1.. in wt ti,a irrnn tnirothor Ho n it ..... - w nil. 6" "f verv reluctantly hefiu. tbp rUvai very leiuciaiuiy, oecause me cituens . vi a tie iuues were ciamonng lor i , and kicking the colonel on every side . . . , I I Tl-ll 1 for not carrying out the programme as j advertised, i will leave It to any I officer in the regiment who knew any- i lawyer, in w hich it is my inlention to thing about it, if this is not correct. i 1v ve oe-half of my fortune to the man As to the management of the camp.!wl)0 aw,iMteV1 nie ''th. eisrliteen ,!ii .. i. .. .. ...... . , 1 ' ! years ago. I am sulk-ring horn an in- . s ijui. conuucieu ex-; actly up to my ideas of military camp, but as I served my time in tlie United States army, I perhaps expected too m.w.l. ..... t ,. much from imntia ofheers. I believe j Col. Houghton did the very best that ho could, and as well as any other man could liBve done who had no more ex perience than he had. ' As to rutions being short, will say my company complained to me the 6econd day we were in camp, that they were not getting enough bread. I at once Interviewed the proper officer. after which the men had an abundance and of good ejuality. 'This for itiv i W,1,1'J"J ' A calHiul al,caii lor oth- ers- 1 Now I will come to the little fable I of the loaded piece said to have been! Jefton the train by one of my company i and dit-covcied a load, il bullet-ball ,, ' trid-e rJ'o this I n.Si i v.-i v , t , i ' liiuc. iu UIU 1 posilHtlV assert that : r . .. .- j. o.i.niu oi irnrn mi i When we arrived in I,.d Jiiver I took particular jjaius to see that there was no state property left on the train; I was the last man to leave the train I know there was no piece left, besides I marched the company to the armory, there is not a shade ,i i.-ntii :..i.,r. i.,in,. i.. i...m ..e .u-'l... ! called tho roll, and chocked oll'all prop. jer'y uhicli was of course my dutyl an. 1 found not one rieeo short, an our friend ti mil Fossil would make it ap pear, but on the contrary wo woiv one ahead. In other words wo had one nit .v mole than wo should have. Ol' t!iN il V:.-. untitled t'ol. Houghton, and .porly eUarc.ed to our Colli- ,'t:'.y. I 1 n't know what company w as lioi I, hut i: must have Ueiill e.Miip.iiiy, or the v. riter of tho article in :t;i:e-.h:i, would have nothing upon w'.e to ba-o his l.-.lU' ion. If it i 1 hi -ir.-.they can get H by hai iug the most oili lent !'. ioor iuthe ivuin-nt, vl,'.. Cipt.iill t iai'.eliV lilal.O tllo proper to- ijiiiii ion for it I ai:i not in i ivor ol'!iam battles, but : 'lo iio! believe l.letlt. NeUotl Would ll,o been 'l"l had lie kept this proper pl.i.o, wh'eli is in the lour of bis ei in" p.iuy -o long a-, t la y are filing. I per- 1 miu.o tlia! iMnier t lie excitement which ays iieeoiiipaii i s such occasions, he i a-hed on; to lea. I a eh:r i:e w ithotit r- : de: ing h ni. il to eeae !o If this bo true, w hile il i iloploinblo, no one is to blame for t ho ac ua'iit. Will tho Foil .Journal kindly Inform i!s li ai'.eis and oil 'ei. s generally, w lio some of t ho odiei I s w ere w ho kept 1 1 lis , in.. 1 1 ;uiet, and Who tlieir iiiloiiii.uit S r.iow tii-: Was. ... s. i.t.oW ! I vI.a:o .tpt. D. t'o. :.:,1 i;cg. O. .N. C i lv. Ab-iJcuN A!ii!o at tiif Fair. I OlH'AiiO, Sept. 1, lS'.l.i. t'. 1'. llKAt.n. Mood Kivcr, Or. Dear Sir: Your favor of thoul iiooiveil and should have boon answered, but we have boon so busy did not haw time. The Kpplos from F. It. Abston came in beautiful shape and have boon placed in ali their trau.-eenilant glory and : beauty i f color on our tables for the in- speotion of all. They have been wol - ' coined bevond all ooinnarisou and have "... : awakened great coiumeat in lhede- , ,, T .,'. :,, 1 , pailiaeni ol awauts. 11a Jimos nat d they are toe "Chenango iSlraw-j iU'irv,"' but tiieivare none on oxhilii - i.,.. ... ,. .... . ... ; 11011 inai ai'inoaeii our oeanues 111 t iiaj e, color, Ize, tlavor, bljssom, tex ture or core. If I had time I could talk you tired on this Mibjeet, but 1 have not. 1'lof. iiailiy, editor of thoj Aiiii rie.iii tiar.lenor, has scut one to : .Nni' Yoik to have a nhoit.graj.h taken , an. I .. ti.l,.,...-.',.,l. I,;:,,!., of l!,isl.. .'ll.:il'lll 1 appie. Will await the arrival o: uie (.iravou- s'.eiu s Willi impatience. Mr. II. F. Davidson just came in . . i li' ' day. 1 am you re truly, Jay tii v Lewis I'orllamrji (inui llxiiudtitm. It wa3 a hapivv thought on the nart i of directors and Superintendent K. W. Allen to secure the services of the un rivaled musical director, Libcrati, and his splendid band of ftfty instruments and several soloists for the musical de partment of the Great Exposition of 1S'J3. That this w ill prove a drawing card goes without saying. Among the spectacular adjuncts of the great show w ill be Madame Girard's justly cele brated prismatic fountain, aquariums j containing specimens of all the native j fish of the northwest, avaries of native I htglier than the mouth and blow uj- ! j"'1' r..iiiim;"i;s r'-si.'.'i..-.- .m-o., ..mi eel. inl and imported singing birds, glass Kpin- "Mil 'Vhv wkk ",,t smolder j a"' l-y H,nV" wmiua, wlti. . . , . down. 1 all,, 1 ' Whiii'S.;,!, ,11,11 Wash. mng and weaving, a potter's wheel, Kor thut A k ck,,,, ! W J-hn iuh:,,,,,, limnif it huf nttcuiKoiid ' ' in ..' . ... . . 1 .l V 1 I and many other attractions. The art ; allery will he unusually attractive; local artists will be largely interested as well as those from abroad. Ells- bury's great painting, "Custer's Last Fi"ht" will be on exhibition. Me- chanics aud manufacturers, the farm, 1 . 1,0 ,I,)US0 'M"'tl.v wliil.-it is cook - .... ... . ' i liiir carrvout the tollowing threctioiis: orchard, dairy, lisherv. torest and:ir....Q i. ...,.. i...n:...? ' - l m,,)e will all be duly represented. The Exposition will be a success. 1 Hepevv'.'i Fortiiiie. Chauncev M JX-new received a letter 1 viuuimj ji. iajhw luimuuilllir, . r 1 .i -v- ... . .... ! a itw uavs a uau'u ew lone t itvia i i i i 'g"-u 1u" iidueue.. jiany J'ealy fc';' 1 waslK)0r 11,1,1 needed capital ! to perlect an invention," said the wrie :'It remained for a stran-er to aid in and evhlentlv n.Mlo n.v forti.., fi.r 1 " "'''-"'"'" T ....r. 1.... .....1 oral. , a, ..i ,lit- 1 "aB juuuo.i, aini uii uiai . i aniOUIH 1 HUCCeeUCU lil raisins Other ..iti, i,i..i, r ;t. i. 1 1 I , u""-,4 invention tor crush inr wifar To-day I possess on the Island of Cuba a sugar plantation and two tobacco plantations valued at -2,M),m. I have just made a Hying trip to New York to draw nn n will tlunm-h m.. curable ailment which is liable to end my life any moment. Tlie man w ho loaned me the money was yourself. The man who assisted me to procure lui ill, lllilllllllll. UIIIIIKU UI I- mUon Vanderbilt, was likewise your- capital lor my in veniion, through Com self. It is to you t.iat I leave one-half otmy wealth. That the world may know of your generosity, and that it may he an ooject lesson to others, I have decided to make public this for mal request." "Hartcucz" added that in a tew days his lawyers would call upon Mr. Depew. "I have no recollection of loaninsr money to Mr. llartchez," said Dr. De pew, yesterday, "but I may have done so. 1 have invested a irreat deal of i nave investcu a great I monev in nans. tiwihM i v n (ant I, ,,f ..11 t i 'Vl....... iic.u uuiiiuu. n in i; j. snail not I at- tor myself that I am a millionaire until 1 receive more information, still T am uot J'et reacly to refuse the bcriuest. A BAltGAB'01t:wTIVS ONLY. For caHh' 5000' 1 wiil 8el1 30 acre f fine,.fruit d, level, and soil the finest mu Iv mnrf v ..II uuuh.l ao, lying in west half of north half ot southeast quarter of section .town ship 3, range 10 east. It will go back to regular price, 30 per acre, after 30 days. I can give a first-class title for this land. Any one wanting a nice home, now is the time to buy. Ad dress J. E. Feak, Marble Itock, Iowa. I Fall riiinthig oriTi oos. tno of tho most luiportant polnls in favor of fall planting of lives Is that Iu nearly all oases there Is ntotv time. The work can Ik1 done after tho corn Is out upti'id the wheat sown, and there is loss to do than in the spring, when other work Is more pressing. Then I ,,( Us.,v in U-ttm tion to work Into a pnor tilth to reeoivo tho tvots. One ol the most in -portant thiu;',s is to have Iho toll well prepared, so that it oan t a lily ho tilled in around Iho Mots. Whether III' trees are set in tho fall or iu tho sprirg the root-. hould come into elos.. eoi. taol w ith the soil The preparation of t lie soil can lai';?'ly U done In ad auo.'. t !ood dralna;ro eaii U' arran se,l at nnv lime that the other farm work will permit. Ooncraly tn-os should not U trausiilanled until hard frosts have killed the leaves and they have fallen oil'. At tlu same time tho work should U done befoiv tho ground fivoes. Mauv irood giMWiN consider , , 1 it a better phut to prepare the around in the fall as nearlv readv lor planting as iiossihle, Then set the tnvs and heel them In caiv'ully. 'I'ho udvan ttoxo in this is that tlie planting can nearly always lie done r.uieli earlier in -the spring than would otherwise be possible, and in nearly all eases early i planting will give the' lost results. i I!v sotting oiit in the fall the (oil el will get well settled arouinl I lie nots i ' during the w inter, aud the lives. Icing j ; in ineir piaees, w in no ivany io simh m crowns soon as ire sasou ions in , "" ',,, ' "V " ' , '". '. f, . , ... 1 , ,, i iinmiil M'lll. r lias II l.'.l nalli o liN Inli'iit inn uie spinm aim inn J' iiiueu ov i iei , tabllshed li'foiv hot, dl V W 'llt her sots in than is possible when 'the planting ..,,.,. is not done until spring. i . i .- . t il i :.. l Ill transplanting tixsi of all kinds , ,'. , , ,,. care should bo taken to out oil nil bruised or damaged nx'ts and then to cut baok t lie tops lit pnortion to the roo s, N't the uv carerullv, s.-o t Hat .,11.1 t. utr..i.,l. tl,.. ,u iii the soil carefully. A soon as the etuis ii co wall i'i..r...l ti'iliili tin. suit . ,..m;fl!Uv (lowll si then till up full to ! ;tho surface, making a small bank of i : earth close up around the stem of the 1 'tiw This will -lid in iiroti'i'lilitr ' noV .lm. X,,.,'-U l. 1 , "K against mice. I ho s,em ot the trees ; j (i, aSso K. pintected against rabbits 1 by wrapping with old cloths or who 1 ' sereon cloth', or by washing with glue and Later on. alter the: , ,. ., .., .11 ground froocs, it will pav to iiiuloh well. ' FO!t VVI.K. (.-,. 0f divded land, with plenty of water for any one wishing to g the berry business; ."Ui (taring . i s, ....,os jH-ars ami plums- ;mostlv winter niMues: Iii acres now ready for fall grain. Also, two cows, 1 one span marvs, two wagons, harness, I r, .. . , . .il- and all (arm implements; one stallion years oia ne.xi snring. 1 tie niatv win 1 1. 1 ...:.i. .1... ........ in n.l M'oi.uui' or nil nil" siock. Two miles and a ouarter from ileiiot.on ! the east side of Il,o, river. For fur-1 ,i,.vai;p. N". fr u.' 1. w; .,r n t 1 ther partioulars call at the G l,.('l !:it 1 ""T, '' " r T , . . . s. , , .11 II" niiini s Uie foil Inn witni'ss.'s to inovi' ollioe, or on Mr. John .swooiicy, Hood;i,u ,',,i,!iiuions n si, !, ,. i.-,n umt i ninvn. I v'v'er, Or, I'scftll Ilillts I , 1 , . . , ... w ooil limy K' hardeiietl by iMiilmgi eight minutes in olive oil. Castor oil is the K-st thing with which to soften leather. A person "too busy" o take euro of his health is like a workman too busy to sharpen his tools. Tight collars are apt to produce per manent swelling of the nook. :n ouy ciotn is 1110 Inst tor Utisiing furniture. When blowing out il candle hold ami (.prinkle w ith orris root One ounce of wormwood to one pint of alcohol makes an excellent liniment. Sweet oil rubbed on a wound made by poison oak is excellent. lo prevent cabbage from wonting tiling vcrv fut I Add a teaspoonful IsptKinful otsnda to ..,.t ,...1.1 lilt lllllll .ll.lllllLI III IU.ll- , of salt and half a tea - the w ater and then iiut tlie cabbage in. Kirp it boiling, nam auu lasi lor iweniv-nve liliuuies, i. i i ... i i... . . . ... l,llt not eovcr it uii. If there is not , ...A . ,t , ii iiiueu I nil 11 ooi s (IH'I. lilt re will im. no nail oilOr. At I lie CIUI ;.. .. '. . . ., ,ot twenty-live minutes take the cabbage , out, chop it, add butter or cream and; i season to taste w rac.K nH!,(' several arms i" " ' '.,:uuu M,m" in turns iasiens to ttie wall, l.s a conve- ... M . .. . nieni place tor (irvinsr (lisli towels. i ' ' A Sliot Oil that new silk ilresa nmv lie .1 n-inoveu oy puiuinr u m sweci, mim un.i tHmr it si,i .,i;i iiu,u i The common May-weed blossoms put in alcohol are superior to arnica as a lin iment. d in soap may be driven easily into hard w ood. B. R. TUCKER, PBiiPUIETOB. OP I LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. MANUFACTURER OF FRUIT BOXES, HOOD RIVER, OR. A1.HO IlKAEH IX DRY GOODH, STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY ETC. Terms Strictly Cash, AND AT Prices never beforeheard nf in Hood River, HOOD RIVER ILLS l''or sale at llood l.lver I'harniaey. No rit'K FOIl 1'FIU.U'. TION. I.iin.l Ulll.',' ill flu' liilli'sOr. A oaiisl . is.fl. Nolliv K lii'irl.v lilwii llml tlie l.ill.m Inn. tiiuiKMi Miller liu- lll. il until'.' of hi-, li.liiil Ian la miiUr lliuil pOHit In iiiinit ol liN eliilm, llllll I Mill Mllll MI.M.l HIM a.' III1II1K' I'l'li'ir nil. , u,...u.r ,, ,,,.,.,.r i ,s. i..o.,u The liaii. vr. an si'i.ti'ininr is, ism, i; 1 'Iimi li' t.. Moi'm". Ilaini'vli-n t A ili.'il inn n, I'.i'."' I'm I hi. ,a II 1 ,n u ' , u e ' , a. n t II '4 II v 't -iv 1" I' 1 Il I' Ik' w III. Hi1 iianii tin' follow inn wIhii'ssi'h in 'hum. I'.N .'.Mil IIUlolK l.'-llii'M.''' lipaa lulil . Hi, .Mi ll, iii ni. val. I Inn. I, I: M. I' . l,o, 111 I. I, A. . I. lain, I, . I, 'till lli'l, nil ol' llnait Kl,i I'laan. Iiyl.'-I'tlll .lollN W. I I AVIS, I Iff, list t-l-. NOTK'F. I'OK rnU.K AIION. l.ioul uill.vnl l i e In Hi-, t'l.. An ;. ?..', ls.i'1. , miUc lunil .H In Mi,.,,rl ol In i llui, i iiinl llial Milil i'i..' will W uuuli' In lair ih,' ! .!.!;'-lr!T, "V.1 '"',vUr;'1 l I",1"'"'" 1 lie I'lillt". Oivson oil .Maiiilny I let. II, 1 ". i, I: , ,, , . Jrioiiii'l'. I ln ex. . I'r.'. I. S. No. ,.'.st ror Hi.' i' ' . a p iiiul i ', , ,, 1 , MV .s, T)l ,,,, . tt ' j n,. . n. roii.miinr wiiupsms t i.r..v, j hu ..uniiiiiaii. i. sai.nn' u;ma nni i'u'himi. I "., , ' ""' . 1 ,,11l"';;i .'o'l-'.1: W. kill, .K lali, 1. A. I. I'll, till , K.'i4. tialii'il W rl.;lil, W. I I. Tali, t 1 01 iliHi.i i;im r, hi',.ii. ltll' !rlH':l ,lll W l.r.wis, I Isl.'l' NO'I'ICK Ftil IT I'.l.H'A TltfN. Lmni titiiivnt Vinu-oiiwr uich. .luiv '.v. l'i'.i;, Nutirou IhmtIiv cixm iinu Hu. taiinw in-. ino.uil .i iili r lm llli-,! n,,m al ar, liia iiil..n toi,i!.ki',',ui,iin. ai.0,1 i n u .i.m.i .n Mi,,,,.,,. ,,1 ,.,.,. ,, ,.,, NlM Vl m ;, , ,,. ,.. r..iv i!.-.i,i,r nn,i la.-aini' f. s. uni.v Viia.oin.i' .ii!i...n s-. .i.-tnt. r 1 1. lvu, m,.; M'', v ; M,,"',"i: , H. 1.. ; u., !.,i tlie s 'tv t. I i .1 a r 11 m I s,u mum". I!ir f, ,!lo. Iik' iliii'si- In n,iM' In r eo'il am , 111 rrnl,.ii a nraii nit, I ru'il.n Han nl, snl I Ian, I, M : Mi. on- 1'iilli ivni. ui I IWMnlnl tn.voll, lirlll'., IIMIVs ! I'flltt lull!, I .1' 1 Mll'.i T, llli ol W lllll' Sllll.ioll . W'asli. pt'.i .loll N 1. t.l.aii ;i:ov. lieiclstrr. NOTIl'K FPU lTlll.KWTloN. I,an,l nir.ivnt iii.'.'.iii City u,'. An-;, '.'j Not !'.' Is lii'li'li.V iilv.'ii I In t Ilia ItilliiMlll lUlllii'.l -. ulrr 1 1 :l ill,', I iii.IIi'i- .if his !iili'illl., I" liu.l.r I'imi I'll , .,,, , . ', f In sii,k,iI i.f Ills ih.liii, I' lltl lit- lllllil.. Ii.-tar.. liu la-msii-r mni i:.-.-.-li.T I'. S. I.iunt IMII10 nl iii 1 lly iit'ix.iii 011 .1. I., .'.1, s:i.!, .lolia C llniwn. I 'oil at. s;il I lie III, vl. I liul la ' M.'MllIt, Will- ' Inin 1' i liM'll. linns Si 11 l.s, Nii l-. W l iii r. utlnri Cllseiliti' I.0. K . W us. o imilll v I Mri.ll. spl.-oi't lu ItutiKiir A. M ; i.t.Kii, lti";l-i'r. ' j MoTICF. Foil l'l T.I.ICATION. i .an, 1 uiiw Notii-i' i . Vinii oiiM i- Tsli. Air;. II, Isn't, i ri'tiy uli.n 1 ilia Cillii'ii. llalllril s.'.tlr. ll;s Mi , aont-r n, In-r llll.'lltlii I to innUi' 1 Mini. ill at. 1, a Marl l,,,.! In -i';i,kiiI , if I liar .'lulia. iiiuli.ii't sain n',101 i. lll In' iiiiiiIi' j l I'm-i' tin' t!i":lslir 101, 1 la'ivW.w f. S. Lanil iillira lit YniiiMiiit r Ma li. 011 s,p;-:i:liT :m, ls:tl, vl.: AUeu M. Wni'sivoi'tli. 1 II V.. s ii'fi r Ilia s 1 . w ', Mr l;l an, I . ! 11 iv ' , .it '.'I 1' 1 :i 11 r 1, 1. 1. a It I Sim iiniiii'. lae lalio.vliif ivI.iii sMW lo iiruii notick Fon runucATios. laTiul ( i1!to lit Vimroiivi r, July Si, Xi'l. Niilli-i' U hiT. li.v L'lv.'ii that tin1 flllllillllll'. luililiil silllir tins tllril 111, 1 Ira of his 1 nlill 1 1, ,11 to in.ilO' llmil lno"! Ill i.iiiiii.rt of Ins t'lnlni. mnl Hint Miiil ti r will In- uuuli. Iiafiiro V. , it , '"' IMintiiii', ( iiiiiiiitssioncr I,. s. t li'i'iilt t onrt Ulsirh'l of uiisliiiiL'tnii at t iolili'inliilo ! wl"""nK1"" a "r""v' ' """ ",,, vl: j .. T , ,,'!h.N"' sl,h r"r "w K M J'"' " r ,. ,s r,,ui.i'r,.M t ...... , . . .,..,,. cmt iiiuohh Ii slili'iii'i. iiiioii I'liil i-M I . i vii- I 1 U'",",' "i,''L.i"1",(l:,V'.z: 'l!!1'", S'' r"1''- ,wi!Imi" 1 , K. inle. nf h uliln 1'. 1 1. W iixliiiimoli. I in n a i I i n.,,i i... i... -,,i i, . ..'.. i i ." "" ..,.. . , . . ... iin-. ; lii'.uiii. ;".sit!) John 1). (ii.'OKlu'Kiiii, KrulstiT. I "T -I t L-iQOJti- JtieXe I ' A COOd S8t Of SinfflO harness, hand made, frnm Q1R f DOO 11 V1U VJ pJt Team lines $2.60 to $3. Full line of washers in sstock. Roston Team Collars, per pair fr" r0 Team Lines, per set $" to $2 .10 1 I'.reast .Straps .10 to (ill cts l. Halters : SI 00 Feather Hone Whips oOcts. E. D. CALKINS, Hood River, Or. THE SAINT'S REST, at AHBS7ILLB. WIHES. ' (pi CIGARS. CYRUS NOI5L1 WHISKY a specialty. Call and see me at the mouth of the White Salmon. W. Woods Proprietor. ii:Al.i;it IN FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc. A l.trj'o supply of, and Kirlwih'r Kitftt to hqII JOHN" 'VT, CeBTTE'S Cclobratocl li(i,uiil colorH nntl tlntnil load;. Umlsxtakms: a Specialty. Prepared to furnish at oueo, a line olass of t'oliluti, ulau u elionp gradti hut tieiil and alllislalitinl. 11 fl JOItlU'ltS AN'D KF.TAII.I HS IN HARDWARE, TINWAES, Etc, Ftc. Cornor of Socond and Fo Jural Strootrt. (Kl.l'.MItAI'ri) ) Acorn and Charter Oali j Stovos and tangos. ! t.'iuiN, A in in it 11 1 1 1 mi anil Spurting (omhIs, ! Iron, Coal, I ltlacksinitli Supplies, AVagoiimaker'H Male1l.1l, Sewer I'lpu, rumps and l'j'ipo, riiimblug Supplies. 'That thirty tlays If as long as wo can credit roods, and would rtxpoct fully reiiiest our patrons to govern theui-iclves iiecordliigly, (3 Prescriptions and Private Formula - And .1 Complete Lino of - CHEMICALS AO MEDICINES. n b Ji p io u 11 u u 0, YOURS FOR HOOD RIVER. BUS. WILLIAMS & BROSJTJS. U Ml MANUFACTURING COMPANY. DEALERS IN House BuiMor's Goods. S.isk anil Boors, Mouldings, Brackets aid Wo oil T u r b i n a s. Lime. Plaster and Lath Ceil ing, Ifoistio azitl Flooring. Coffiaa-s d3 CaGfeGtc- OS HlltMlTKST NOTll i:. O. 1,. HTltAN All AN', In-l.l i-i 1 1 . RAWSON & WEBER ritdl'KIKTOKS Have on hand n full supply of Fruit, ShatUt ami Ornamental treon; grap vinos, small fruits, Uosos and Shrubbery. Be sure to get our prices before purchasing elsewhere. Kcniomnerour trees are grown smelly without Irrigation. Itemenihor our trees are grown strictly without Irrigation. JLFii. F. II. Stanton, BUTCHER. HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE Choicest Meats, Ham, Bacon, lard, Game, Poultry, Also Dealers in VEGETABLES AFJD FRUITS. Corner of Oak anil Fourth Streets, .... Hood River, Oregon. A. S. BENNETT. A 1 TO 11NE Y-A T-LA W. OPFICKINSIIANNO'.smniJlINliCOItNKIl Ot'C'OUKTAND HKCON'I) KTKKJOT, Tho Dulles, Oregon. FOH SALE. Six lots in Waucoma, 480 acres in Skamania county, and several farms in the valley. J. H. CltADI.KHAl'ilt. "trriess. 9 Studebaker Csborne Wnifiiiu, uinl t in 1 inn Iti-lllM'M mnl Mawnj. A tit''. NTH I'lilt A, 1' 1! 1 . 1 1 1 1 ('olllillll)'s Al.'l h'liltlinil lllldrlllCllt uinl .Miiclihii'i'i. BARBED WIRE. n 4 w N ELM irSF a i - 11 r " H V", 1,1 X W DC Araraately Componnitefl. ll.t.'.CdE Kirivry. OKEGON Local Agent. JOHN H. CRADLEBAUGH. ATTORN KV AT l,AW, rractlccs In nil tlni court of Orison and W'usliliintoii. Siiecliil ii Mention given to con. vcyiin.'iii". (iLA''JER OFFICE. HOOD RIVER OREGON FOR SALE. House and lot In Hood River. Ap P'y to A. S. IWiOWehb