The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 02, 1893, Image 2

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    bod driver (alacier.
The. Cholera.
The New York Herald's correspond
ent at Valparaiso cable a dUpntch
from th correspondent lit Rio Janeiro,, which show that the steamer
Carlo is on the Atlantic Ocean, bound
f.n- no nort. tilled with nersons afflicted
Queries by klrkcr.
Why Is It that the OrvgoniMn haw for
the past two w eeks quoted I'ulifornla
apples at $1.2") to l..V jht Ux and
Oregon at 50 to 73 cents? J- it ivvMi
Lie that the boasted Uravcnstoln ap
ples of Oregon do not compare with
the name kind from California?
8. A. Clarke vouches tor the Karl
Fruit Co. Who will vouch for Sam
xvm... la tlwt .h.. Mutator charts ! ,r v" lut
lx biu for a round-trip ticket to Mosier i quarantine. S
.... .... ....i .....,u,iv .h..ieJ uf tn arlor by
Wllliu turn k"u,,K " .. , ,. , i
twin. rnr....! ..hww-but : Kpul.licaaudoderc
1HUUl, i nny Brazilian port.
When a man has been patronizing! Reports from Uallcla indicate that
the merchants of Hood Kivor to theex-' the cholera raging Ihetv Is of a fur more
tent of all his ah while his crops are : virulent type than that which scourged
mwimr. and when his wheat is Hamburg last year, and the dangt r to
thnuhott and he takes a loud to town Europe from that quarter
A Hear Hunt.
Markham, Sociibc and Nicholas re
paired to the base of Mount Defiance
litat week to Interview the bears that
had been reported to be chasing pcopl ;
into the lake, and although the M
ligvitmt bruin and cubs could not U i
. 1 . i ..i . . i i i
with the cholera and bavin a recoiM , loumi, suiihmciu evmeiiee was annum
of lttt deaths ou her voyage across the i to show that the vicinity was claimed Tlu tltsnnteli savs the steamer ! and quite well settled by various mem-
Carlos arrived at Hio Janeiro Aug. LIHh
Ihts of the tribe, and eiv the evening
.shades had fallen MurUham had run
i I .,.!...
; rrom (lie l.rauu isian.i cauai, aim mm ............... ......
W iiersons on board of her died of . afoul of an upparent relative of lheM(
cholera, ou the wav over. When the ! aforesaid bear, tor he got upon a log
; ship trot into the harbor and made her over which Claude was attempting to ;
she was
refused permission to j cross, and showed his teeth In a very
and finds the market overstocked lv a j
wuple of sacks brought in by a man
more fortunate than him, is it not dis
couraging? And w hile he is draw ing
his load that he expected to trade for
.1... . ...1.. V 1. ......... .... .... I.
crew ami pas-; iiireaieiiiug manner. ..u imuif wisiin
She whs escort- . was only torty paces liidaiil w lieu
the warship ! Markham yelled "Bears!" hut before
not to land at . ne couut run inai instance ine near s
i hide wouldn't hold shucks, mid the
rapid tiling thai intervened reminded
him of the day when thu rchs chased
him at Sabine Cross Kouds. Claude
also caught a ;00-pouiid buck "ou the
w ing" and laid him low on the second
bound with an explosive bullet. Nlch-
v y him x wra
1 VT V0?J V -MB.J V.vl
olassays, "it you warn. u uiav hhj ui , r lu, w ,,,,
express in words.
ide wonder whv such cattle as anar- i" pasi
is most se
rious. Nearly all the cases are fatal.
Reports from Hungary are scarcely
" . . ... . i . . . i . . . .. i
more reassuring. The water supply at ; me glory oi a iiuni,.iou i inue .uuinm
Hilda Testh is very bad, and the plague along, for he wih kill everything in the
is certain to cause heavy ravages. It i woods before you get sighl of it.
has already reached the confluence of . Nimkod.
lVary's llxjn ilitltm.
The Labrador mail steamer reports
Kor sale at Hood Ulver Pharmacy.
notT c iT ri m'v v nuvyv ion.
I.hiuI Oltli'O ntTlio PsIli'MDr. AlimiMH,
Nitl.' l licn'liv nlvi'ii Unit llu- folli.wlnic
I mniH-il w'lilrr u tlli'l imtltv of Inli-nllon
' In make Hind iiiif Is niiurl of liln rlalm,
' lltlll H'lll Mllll I'llMir M ill I'P IIHIlU lH'flll Ihn
1 (iKWtiruiiil ibvrlvi'r l'. S. I.. 11. Ht Tin' Piilli'K
j i)r, ou seiil.-inlirr IS, IMtl, vU:
, I'hnrlen I.. Moist'.
I llonii'Hloiiil Apulleiilliiii No. XTiJI for His f'f
,a '4 a ii ml n e '4 n w hi' u i V i
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
A lartfo supply of, antl llxi'lum-t irnjht to soil
Colobratotl liquid colors nnd tinted loads.
Undertaking a Specialty.
Prepared to furnish at once, a line class or colli us, also a cheap grail
but neat mid substantial.
Mavs m C
irnxries buck to his mountain home
i,u f.n...ra miht nopricate but not I the Thelss with the Danube.
-U 4 1 ....... I . 1. I.. V......,-
Ami still some peo- .noieranas ueeu raging in .nin
two weens, as manj as ; iuvlllg Hikeii IVary s steainer 1-uleou
new cusos were reported in one uny, , ut ("avis unci, noiuiein i.uoiatioi
and SO per cent of the persons attacked
succumbed to the disease.
A woman said to be suffering from
chists exist in this freelamt: lien
wheat is selling here for six bits a
bushel our farmers w ho do not raise
wheat should buy of those w ho do and
take it to Harbison Bros.' mill, where
tin y can get it ground into first-class
flour, far superior to any that is ship
ped here from Eastern Oregon. Hood
river valley grows wheat of first quality
and most of it is used for chicken feed.
Let us use more home-made flour and
buy Sherman county's shriveled wheat
for chicken feed, which is going a-leg-giug
at 3"i cents a bushel.
August 2d. She had U-cn storm
ismud two days, l'eiiry had isvu
engaged in visfiing the coast scttu
inenls for the previous iwo weeks
endeavoring to gel dogs, but had not
succeeded and men p.oposed visiting
the Moravian settlements to llic norm
and then going to Kisco, us lie was
certain to get dogs there. His plan
had been sciiously disarranged though
i the expccUd delay, the steamer
I reports also a volcanic eruption at t ape
lilarrison, ladnador, Wednesday,
i August d. l islicrmcn engaged oil
it lie cape heard great noises uud suw
the whole cult utire. i ney lanueu tuiu
The Storm on the Atlantic Coast.
New Yokk, Aug. 29. The storm
which swept over this city and sur
rounding country last night from niid
niirht till eitrht o'clock this morning.
like the one a few days ago, originated
in the West Indies, but instead nf fol
lowinvr the coast swept more inland.
It reached out in every direction for
more than 1500 miles. Many houses
in this city were unroofed or demolish
ed and the wires of all descriptions are
broken. The Long Island and Jersey
shore resorts snfl'ered more than from
the storm of last week. Kail road com
munication between Jersey short and
Philadelphia has been cut oft". The
Delaware river is higher than for years.
The drydocks of Cramp's shipyards
were damaged to the extent of 10,000
V.. tya hirrh tiHo HpftVV flnmjlL'C to
DroDortv was done at New Haven, i tained bay
t onn., by the storm. Shade trees were
torn down ana cnimneys mm rows
blown off in profusion. The oyster lied
are thought to be entirely ruined. The
fruit orchards of Connecticut suffered
much and some were ruined. It is
impossible to accurately estimate the
damage at present, though it must
amount to over f 1,000,1 JO in New Ha
ven county alone. In the vicinity of
Savannah, (ia., about 1H lives were
lost by the hurricane and floods, and
the damage to property will amount
to $1,000,000. Many public buiidings
and private residences were wrecked at
Charlestou, and at Port lioyal 100 lives
were lost and the damage will reach
half a million.
genuine Asiatic cholera aas taken to
the cltv hospital at Jersey city Wed
nesday. White Salmon Side.
NVjiiik Salmon, Wash., Aug. 31.
Editor Glacikk:
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jewett who
have been In Portland the past week
returned Thursday evening.
Geo. Hixon lo-t his dwelling house I lound a portion of the lull mid collapsed
by fire Wednesday, as the family we r. X rc.tT S
away at the time it is nt known how , o1iVi-s ret ort having seen a
the tire originated, lortunateiy ur , lav many miles away
I'he llaiues were
intense and plainly visiuie ui nigiu.
As there are no woods, forests or build
ings near ny to cause this, ii might be
ut a purtly volcanic origin, ia the
opinion ut Chose at M. Johns ucipuaiuted
with the loca ily, ineaitairis tne result
of the agitation ol the eariii s iiiteriiui
lires, ius Lainailor is not tar norm of
the spnere ol volcanic uctiou.
A Kail Time to laiali.
As a matter of fact a boy never
should laugh as bis father until he
(the boy) is eighteen years of ago at
least. Karlier than that, according to
cious looking barrel that was put offi the Minneapolis Tribune, is not sale,
the steamer here some time since con-' A boy over near the university has for
rum or shampooing fluid several evenings stood up lo cat ins
for the barber shop; too thin. meals, and all because he neglected
Himd Itivei- the above rule of conduct. His father
George it was insured,
make the loss less than it
erwise have been.
Mrs. W. L. Morris and children
turned Thursday from a visit to
parents at Centerville. ,
We understand that our proposed ;
saloon will be a barber shop, and that j
the saloon idea has been abandoned, of j
course, we all swallow the story. We ;
know a barber could make as much as
six bits per month if he rustled hard i
enough. We presume that the suspi
was in our little city Tuesday.
W. H. Overbaugh and family are ex
pected up from Portland Friday after
irtmi' the following wltnwtm'n lo imivo
Ills OOlltlnllOUK IV-illl'lll-l- llMIl lOIlt (UlllVH.
lion ol', Milil honl. 1 1: M. K. I.ov, W ill Hionl,
A. .1. liioul, .lol.ii tuver, nil uf 11'snl HUrr
hkIJ-I'IU John V. I.rwis, HoKUlcr.
.limit Mllco ul Tlu PiilU'K, t)r An. '"J. WW.
Nolleels lieii'liy rIvcii Hint the illolng-
niimi'il wiilor luix Mini noili-c of liU lntinl!on
to Cliutl roof In mipiHirl of Ills eliOm,
mill llllll Mllll PHHif will III" IIIIKlK iM-foif llir
lli-tlMer anil liivelvfr V. S. luilil ofll I
Tliu lu I leu Onxon on Momluy llel. H, ISltl, vie
Ji'roinn f. Iluyfu.
l'r. 1. S. No. 7:is.l for tlu , n '; nail r '
no', ol sis' JS Tp J n r IN- w. In.
lie niinii't tin' fiillmvlnif wltni'.' to i.rov
Ills onillniions ri'Hliloni'i' iiimmi iiihI i'hIIImi
Hon of Mint linn! vii: i ll. V. Hri"-
KiT.ltol'i'rl W iIkIiI, V. K. Twit, '. A. Ilrll, nil
I Of HlM'll Ulver, IUVhOn.
I -L...i'l Iiikw W. I.KW14. llt'iitstrr
In ml Hilli' ut Vitneouver wash. July is, ISM.
Notli' In lirrcliy Klvfn Hint Ilia followll'ir
nniiicitsi'llliTlmii tlli il imllitt of Iiit Inlonllon
toninki'iiiiinnii nllon tlnnl priMif In support of
liiTi'liiim.iinit Hint snlil priMif 111 In- iiintlrlxw
lore Ki'tfUOT unit lliwlut V. K. l.ioi(l i IIit
ut Vuinoiivi r wiisli. on ptrinlx-r 14, IsW, vlj
Mury K. Howell.
II. K. ST... for tlnr t ', see 15 Tp S n r II w
Slio minii's Hip following wltni'Mr to prov
hi'r eonliiiiioiis ii'siili'in'i' iiikii. uiul cultlvn
Hon ol. Milil luml, vii: MattU rittti'ron. of
I'ortlutul uiruon, lli-iirv Johnston, Mlntrwm
t'ruwioiU, I nrl Miller, ull of W illie Salmon
it'Mipt9 John I. ukimiiiiuam. Hrglstrr.
N( VI'Tck" VoilV l H L I C ATI ON.
.nml office nt Oroiion I'lty tr. Aug. 25 1SW.
Notice Is lu-ri'hv given that the following
niinicil s.'tllcr Ihik tllcil notice of his Intention
i.i ii in k ttniil nriHif In support of his rlnlni,
iinil Hint sulil prtmf will lie minis In-fore the j
Itrcisler sml llift'lver f. S. 1jii.iI tifllce kl i
(n cgoii , lly Oregon on llet., '. ISltl, vU:
John C. Ilrown.
It. I. App. No. for the n of n w
see S I'p 2 ii r S o w in.
He niir.ics the foil twlng witnesses to Drove
his continuous resilience Uxui ami culllvit
Hon of, snl. I hunt, vl. t hurles Mlewiirt, Will
iam Krlescll. Huns Wiflte, Nick W'elicr, all of
fiiM'inle I.ih'Us w usco ctmnt.v Oregon.
spt2-H'IIU KoiiKHT A. Ml l.l. ru, llegUter.
Comor of Second nnd Federal Strools.
Acorn and Charter Oak
Stoves and RanRos.
(bins, Aiiiimiiilt Ion nnd Smi tlng (iootls,
Iron, Conl,
lUucksniitb Supplies,
Wsgonmaker's Mulct lal,
Sewer Pipe,
Pumps und Pilpe,
Plumbing Supplies.
mill ( airing
Hit it pen
111, Ml & Ml
Compnti)' Agricultural ImplemenU
nml .Miirltlitery.
That thirty days is .is l.-ng w e c.u credit g-Hnls, and would ni.ctfullj
rvipiest our pillions to govern ihetnselves nccotdlngly.
HoodBivcr In-cirnncLCic'a
Prescriptions and
Private Formula
takes great pride in a llumbtctoniun
colt he is raising. Tlie old man fairly
delights in puttering around the stable
and be can hurdly wuil until that cult
School will open here Monday Sept. ! is four years olu und trots a mile to
4th, with Henry Howe in charge. Mr. harness in us it surely win. ine
Howe is an old teacher, holding a first other morning the pater wits fussing
grade certificate, and we predict a sue- around in an old silk hat and equally
cessful term of school under his man-! veuerable greatcoat, pitchfork in hand,
J. It. Rankin is having
The Apple Crop.
Still further decline iu the condition
of apples is shown by the August re
turns to the Department of Agriculture.
The indication that the commercial
crop would be very light is confirmed.
In many States a complete failure is
The Maine apple crop is a light one,
the drought having caused an unusual
dropping of the small setting fruit.
Baldwins and russets are a general
failure. The scarcity of the Baldwin
is comparatively new trouble, it hav
ing been formerly reckoned upon as
one of the surest bearers that the or
cbardists could plant.
In England, on the other hand, the
apple crop promises to be much su
perior in extent and quality to that of
recent years. In addition the crop is
no far advanced that it will be placed
on the market three or four weeks
ahead of the usual time. This last is
an important point, as the forign sup
plies which reach England later will
not have to compete with the full
weight of the crop.
The President's Cancer.
The Philadelphia Press publishes a
four-column article reiterating the
statement that President Cleveland
submitted to an operation on the yacht
Oneida for the removal of a cancer, re
quiring the cutting away of a consid
erable part of the jawbone. So far
there has been no serious effect. The
Press says Cleveland is still very sick,
and his physicians fear mortal disease
is still lurking in his system. A few
days ago Colonel Lamont said in New
York: "The president is a sick man;
how; sick we cannot tell." The Press
says this operation took place at the
time of the president's previous visit to
Buzzard's Bay. The wound seemed to
heal easily. Naturally, now the phy
sicians hope all virus was removed and
a full recovery may result. The report
is discredited by members of the pres
ident's official family at Washington.
The Wilson bill, repealing the silver
purchase clause of the Sherman act,
passed the lower house of congress
Monday by a vote of 239 to 110. Bland's
amendment for the free coinage of
silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 was defeat
ed by a vote of 123 to 226.
painted which adds greatly to its ap
pearance. Chinook.
While Roger B. Sinnott of The
Dalles was in attendance at the world's
fair (so called) in Chicago, he spent
much of his time about the Oregon
buildings, and we have it from reliable
authority that its only while he was
there that anybody raised a voice in
the interest of Eastern Oregon, the In
land Empire, Wasco county, The
Dalles or Hood River. All of our dis
play went to advertise the Webfooted
Nation. Those Hood River strawber
ries that caused visitors to rub their
eyes and take a second look before they
could believe that berries had grown
to such proportions and flavor, didn't
do the Hood River producers a parti
cle of good. Now when a man comes
along seeking the location in which
those berries were raised he is steered
past the place, gets buncoed in Port
land, lands on Puget Sound some
where, becomes disgusted with the en
tire country, and goes back east never
to return again. We herein but partly
state a monstrous fact, and it is time
for a revision of the sucker programme
that has been so everlastingly run upon
this division of the state, for the bene
fit of others. Wasco Sun.
I.aml f Mllec ut Vuncoiivcr wiish. Aim. H,
Notice Is hereby given tlmt the following,
nnme'l wilier husllleil nollic of her Intention
to make ciiuimii lit Ion tlmil pnsif In etippnrt of
her claim, nml Hint sulil proof will be nimle
tM lore the HcKlster nml ltivelvcr t H. IjiihI
uillce nl Vuniimvcr wush. im September
:m, lfcM, viz:
A'le M. W'lxlsworth.
II K. 8:ii(i for the s n w K sec 1.1 und n .l
n w vis' 21 'I'll Hn r fl e w in.
She mimi's Hie followlni( witnesses to prove
I her continuous resilience umui nml eulllvn
i Ion of. sulil luml. viz: Waller ll:itiis, Kiirluiel
itowlnti'ls, Hurry Mmiili, W llllum Klneiilil,
nil .,! WhlleSiilliioll W'usli.
feed. The colt not allow any fa-1 llKp,Npl2 jhn n. (iKi;iiKnAN, KcifiHter.
miliarities w hile feeding, and when j
i -
'and while lie was working about the
his dwelling ; colt's heels the boy gave the animal his ;
Cheap Homes, Secure one Now.
For 60 days I will show government
lands in Hood River valley, suitable
for homesteads, to parties wishing to
locate, charging from ten to twenty
dollars per claim for my services. I
settled on government land six years
ago, at tba falls of Hood river, and live
ther now; am well pleased- with the
location, have spent much time and
money building roads and bridges lead
ing to these lands, and to improve the
country. These lands have plenty of
wood and water, and are among the
best for fruit and vegetables, as well as
for general agriculture. If you want a
home of this description, do not fail to
sea me at the falls.
Farm on White Salmon one mile
from the Columbia, 14 acres cleared
fine spring, and water for irrigation.
Apply at this office.
Giant powder, fuse and caps atT. C.
the old man in a stooping position,
backed up Hguin.-t him the colt lushed
out with both feet. The man stood so
near that the kick broke no bones, but
be was shot us from a cutupult right
through the clapbourds on the side of
the bam. His bend was driven
through his tile, and when he extri
cated himself from the cplintcrs the
rim of his headgear hung around his
neck like a ruff. He regarded the
whole business as rough, and delivered
an oration through his bat which the
boy regarded as amusing. First he
stood and laughed, aud then he laid
down and laughed aud rolled over and
over and hugged inmseit anu sun ;
laughed. But when the devoted father j
got clear from the wreckage he seized j
tne nearest strap, ana ine ooy nus not,
smiled once since. The boy knows i
now that he is not big enough to laugh j
at his father. I
And a Comploto Lino of -
Ijinrt Office nt Vancouver wiish, July JO, 'Mi.
Notice Is hereby clven Hint the followlnir
nuineil settler bus filed notice of his Intention
to miike final proof In support of his elttlin,
anil Hint Hit lit proof will be niiiite before W.
P. llunbiir. t'oinnilssloner U. N. Circuit Court
for IMsirlet of wiisblnitton nt iilietnlale
wushlnglon on Sntiirilay sept, liitli KM, viz:
John Schlenel,
II. F... No. SITS for the m J ice 31 Tp 5 n r
II e w in.
lie nnnies the followlnfr witnessed to prove
i his e.iiitiiiuous residence upon itml cultlvii
j Hon ol, sulil luntl; viz: John N. Cole, William
i K. Cole, of Kiihlii I'. II. WiihhinSloti, Kuilolph
I llcytliiK, John l-'ulincr, of Gilmer I". O. Wash
! iriKtnn.
J ngi",spt9 John D. Ueoghegan, llegliter.
' I
!I-ioo3s: Here!
House Builder's Goods. Sasli
and Boors, Mouldings,
Brackets ni Wood T n r n i n a s.
Lime. Plaster and Lath Ceil
ing, Rustic and Flooring.
, It. 8TItANAH AN,
II. c. coc
good set of single
harness, hand made,
from $15. to $20.
Team lines $2.50 to $3.
Full line of buggy
washers in sstock.
dry ;goods,
toilet articles,
perfumery etc.
Terms Strictly Cash,
Pricea never befortheard nf in Hood
Boston Team Collars, per pair $o f0
Team Lines, per set $o to $2 50
1J P.reaHt Straps 50 to (IOcIh
H Halters $1 00
Feather liono Whips 50cts.
Hood River, Or.
a specialty.
Call and re me at the mouth of the
White Salmon.
W. Woods Proprietor.
Tla-o IDalles IkT-u-xsexies,
ritonuKTons '
Have on hand a full supply of Fruit, Simile and Ornamental trees; grap
vines, small fruits, Roses and Slinililicry.
Be sure to et our prices lieforo ptirehasinKi'lHewhere.
Remember our trees are grown slrietly without irrigation.
F. II. Stanton, Local Agent.
ej I M
Choicest Meats, Ham,
Bacon, lard, Game,
Poultry, Also Dealers in
Corner of Oak and Fourth Streets, .... Hood River, Orego.
Tho l)iille, Oregon.
Six lots in Waueoma, 480 aeres In
Skamania county, and several farms
in the valley.
J. II. Chadlehai-oh.
rractlces In nil tho rouru of Orrgon nd
Washington. Hpeclui attention given to con.
House and lot in Hood
ply to a. S.
River. Ap
Blow bs .