ood River Glacier e VOL. HOOD ItlVUR, OR KG ON, SATURDAY. SKPTEMIJKR 2, 1893. NO. 14. The II Sfcod Tivcr lacier. rt'lll.lill(i) grant RATUUDAT HORKIHa If The Glacier Publishing Company. t lim IIIPT1UN IMllCK. One vr f M ft'l intiullil 1 Of 1 luro iikii.IIi. , M Nii)lr nip A I Cm THE GLACIER Barber Shop Grant Evans, Propr. S.coii.1 HI., tar Ouk. Hood Ul.r, Or. SluWiig kiwi llnlr cutting nnntly don. Satisfaction Glial III tll. am OCCIDENTAL NKWS. Tin' estimates for the rout to repair tlii llmtfuit me pliucl $27-.7'M by the Washington investigating olllcials. Win k (in Sun Mii'io'H harbor Iiiim been rIIiiK. iI in Captain S. R. Smith of Port land, Or., iiikI work Hill l begun noon. . Tim Sacramento l in i n -iii 1 1 struck for ciht hours a iluy. They have been loi ki'il up, mill will U) fi ll on bread mid water for awhile. ( vrr 1 2.)'.t,U(( havft been sjient trying to iitimi tlin Sun Pedro from Brotchy ledge. Now tho work will havo to In' aImuiiIoih' I. 'I'll w iron tiutloin in full of llllll'x, Charles Nickel, n dudish young man lit 1 ,01 Angeles, Iihh been iirri'Mtcil for stealing letters addressed to hotel guests n h i which contained money. Hit iliii lint toiiiiiic himself to any jmrtic ular hotel. '1 inuiti.ciis along the Southern Pacific i.i t 1 im iin1 indignant lit tin! ccssa tiuii of work in the tunnels between (-until Margin ita Hinl J'.lwood mill the 'oiim'iiii itt tleliiv in giving them jiroin-i.-ed I Hi- relief. A i it'h triko wiw matin nt tho Oest mine ul Silver Cily, New, Friday. The mctitgt' n-fiiy value was $l,tKH) per ton. The tiiiijnit of the mine tin month will ovei'tl nJO.lHK). It in ojicrated by live men. 'I he cupper iniueM lit Copperoois, ('.ihivcius county, ("ill., have closed iIohii. The mines are owned by Fred lin k Amen of the Union l'licilic ru.il -iti.il, ainl were part of tho estate of I :iver A mcf . Ahout 300 men lire forced into idleness, many of wliotu have families anil had built homes at Coji- JuTopolis. Grunge growers in Southern California claim the iast season has been unprollt nhle. They propose to form a co-operative association anil handle most of the crop themselves hereafter. The ship in, nt' were 0,0'K) carloads, 2,0U0 above the previous season. The rcceiver'n inventory of the Port laud (r.) Savings Hank shows that the hank holds notes aggregating $50, WO, dated July 27, while the hank closed its doors July 2S. Moct of .he unit sure against ciniloycs mid olllecrs of I lie hank ami President Uekuin's four eons. Operations in tho Utah Consolidated mine on the Couisttx'k havo been sus licnded. KxplorutioiiM in that mine have been in luogrcss for the last twenty yearn, tind during that time. assessments were levied on the property aggregating $120,000. Sharcholdurs have at last re fused to jury assessments. A regularly organized hand of chicken thieves has "la-en at work for some time in the ncighliorhood of Sacramento. The fowls were carried to different points from Sacramento and nhipped to San Fiancistm. On of the gang was cap tured on tho Phu-ervillo train, but his confederates aro etill at large. Tho Lighthouse Board gives notice that oii rW-pteinber 16 a red-lantern light will he established near the west end of the south jetty in Oakland (Cal.) harbor, and that the red light just out side the north jetty, ahout three-quarters of a mile, to tho eastward of the Oakland harbor light, will Iks discontin ued on the same date. A circular issued at Astoria, Or., places the total salmon pack for tho season of 18M, which has just closed, at 375,500 cases of all grades, or about equal to that of 1801, and 00,000 cases short of last year's pack. Of these a largo proportion aro flat cans and all havo been sold to domestic dealers, and many cannora will bo short in their deliveries. The Los Angeles Chamber of Com merce denounces tho map which is pub lished with tho State books, for which the Legislature voted $25,000, and 130, 000 copies of which were recently pub lished for circulation at tho World's Fair, ami auks Governor Markhain, under wlioso name tho book is published, to immediately suppress the circulation of "so inaccurate and misleading a document." There aro said to be many idlo men on the streets at Fresno, who aid in the , agitation against tho Chinese, but who will not work when places aro ready for them in tho orchards and vineyards, j Several gaiigs of Chinamen were driven from vineyards the other night, but no whjtes would go to work to fill the places made vacant. This action is not general, for many whites of both sexes have found and accepted needed em- J ployml(. lil'SINKSN ItllKVlTIKS. F.loctrlc tramways and railways In Mil rope aggregate about 270 miles. A lligator's tail is one of the queer del icacies much tii.ed by Southern Creole goiii'imiinlH, It is estimated that at lni't 1,01)0,1100 hounds of rubber are annually used for hicyclo tires. Twenty thousand people at Itcd'litch, Fiigiaud', make, mom than 100,000,00" needles a year. Tanning is donu hi this country In iitiout one-quarter the time usually al lowed in Km ope. The largest knitting needle jihint In the world bus recently been enlarged at Manchester, N. II. The manufacture of a single needle in cludes some twenty-one or twenty-two dill'ereiit roeesMOM. About 111) per cent of the copper jiro duccd in this country comes from the Lake Superior region. In lHHl) the United States irodnrcd ID.'!, (Ml tons of rcllncd copper, neailv half the world's yield, Thirty thoiii-mitl tons of "stair" ma terial were tilted ill the walls of the World's Fair building. P.y improvements in mining machinery one man in lKhH raised more ore than four men could in I Hi ill. The gn at gold fields of South Africa were discovered ill lKiHt by an elephant hunter iiaineil Hartley. Pining the pant five years 10,rOu,(M)0 worth of ostrich feathers have la-en ex jiortetl from Cape Colony. The consumption of nails in thin conn trv has incniitH'd from 1,82-1.721) kegs ill l.Soil to 5,002, 17H kegs in lH'.M . 1 he iiiiri -basing power of money in the lays of the liomaii Fiuperors was alioiit t'ii times what it is at present. Cakes of tea in India, pieces of silk in China, salt in Abyssinia and rod!lah in Ireland have all been used as money. For the week ended July 31 the Chat tanooga Tradesman reports twenty-four new industi ics established or incorjor alctl. An immense foutidrv, covering six acres, is being built by the Carnegie firm near Pittsburg, to la; operated entire.') by 1 lei tricity. Since tint settlement of the Black Hills the sum of if 1 1,000,000 has been produced in gold alone. The annual output ex ceeds 7,'(M,(hH. The latest use for aluminium is for street-car tickets, anil it must he con ceded that the metal is singularly adapt ed (or the jmi'pose. The daily total supply of water hy the Imdon companies is 200,201,870 gallons for a population estimated at 5,Xi;,lil7, representing a daily consumption jut heat I of :!7.:l i.'iillons for all jiuiposes. The United States mints coined i'M, 77,000 in gold last year, which is 2'.j jier cent of the total money circulation in the country. Besides this our mints manufacture." 1 2:1,2! K),000 in gold bars last year. The annual meat iroduction of Aus tralia is u00 pounds per inhabitant; of Argentina, :O0; of the United States, 17H; of Ireland, 100; of Denmark, 128; of Spain, 71; of France, 70; of Ureat Britain, 6:(; of Italy, 28. PURELY PERSONAL. Justice Field is tho only Supreme Jns tice remaining who sat in the famouus Electoral Commission. F.x-Attornev-tieneral Garland is jury ing his annual visit to his summer home at Hominy Hill near Little Hock. Mr. Harris, the comjioser of the jiopn lar song "After the Ball," will, it is said, realize over $100,000 from its sale. F.x-Governor Richard J. Oglesby of Il linois told a reporter the other day that just now he is more interested in pota tiM's than politics. Colonel John S. Mosby, the famous ex-Con federate, is jiracticing law in San Francisco. He is nearly 00 years old, but stands straight as an arrow, and is full of vigor. Andrew Carnegie has rented licsiden Craig Castle in Scotland Craig-dhu House, two miles from the castle on the banks of lxch Ovie, near the rocky re cesses where Prince Charlie took refuge after the battle of Culloden. Albert Snider, a grandson of million aire " Luckv " Baldwin of San Francisco, has enlisted as a private in the United States cavalry. He savs he likes the army and means to stuify for a commis sion. His grandfather approves of his action. Governor Russell of Massachusetts re ceived a few days ago in his mail a box containing a cigar sixteen inches long and two inches in diameter. It had been sent by the Consul at Costa Rica, whose design's ujwm tho Governor's health and comfort can only bo surmised. Tho Rajah Rajagan is having a high old time at Newport. He has dined with McAllister, and has seen Miss Lester. Tho Rajah's explanation that ho has only two wives instead of six, a calumny that was started by some designing Spanish Duke, has entirely relieved Newport. eociety from any embarrass ment in receiving him. Count Crispi, ex-Premier of Italy, is again ill; For several weeks he has been a patient in his lovely villa, Lina, near Naples. Tho Countess and the states man's daughter are his devoted attend ants, lie has been obliged to give up all attention to politics for the present. Miss Mat Crim, tho young novelist, was born in Louisiana, but has spent most of her lifo in Georgia. At present she is living in New ork, and is en gaged on a novel and a play. In appear ance she is graceful and girlish. She is still quite young. Her first story was "An Unfortunlt Creetur," sketch of poww and pathoi. KASTKUN MELANGE. The Kansas Coal MintTH' Btrike Nearintf an Knd. ACT OK A UEIilOIOL'S LUNATIC A Nehruska County Treasurer Skljm With the Swag- Drought lu New York State. Heventeen-year locusts have jiut In an appearance, in Missouri. An irrigation canal eighty-six miles long is to be dug in Colorado. (ieneral Fit. John Porter has tiecoiuo cashier of New York's jsstoflico. General Booth of the Salvation Army is coming to this country in October. The Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul proposes to reduce wages 10 jx-rcent. The late Thomas J. Morse of St. Ihum carried f 110,000 insurance on his life. The Health Officer of Florida declares there is no yellow fever at Pcnsaeola. Mola-rly, Mo., has two hanks which are said to actually turn away depositors. At Lancaster, Pa., recently hundreds of acres of tobacco were ruined by hail. The iron and steel mills in Pennsyl vania that were shut down are starting U. The New York Tribune declares that racing is going downward in public esti mation. Nearly 175,000 damage was done at Lynn, Mass., by Hoods following a re cent storm. Rejiresentatives of Egypt are studying Southern methods of cotton-raising near Atlanta, (hi. The Now York Recorder (Rep.) advo cates the free coinage of silver at a rea sonable ratio. B. P.Hutchinson, or "Old Hutch," has sold his membershiji on the Chicago Board of Trade. Two of the 5,000-horse-power turbine wheels for the great Niagara power plant are nearly done. The Rock Island switchmen threaten to strike if an attempt is made to re duce their wages. Mining experts aro actively at work inspecting the gold region of the Rocky Mountain States. A tine otialitv of coal In seeming in exhaustible quantity has been found in Kerr county, lex. The New York banks will soon In crease their circulation to the extent of $8,000,000 or $10,000,000. Philadelphia Italians have been try ing to wreck cable cars, In-cause their children were killed by them. A comjianv has been formed to intro duce the sliding railway system exhib ited at Chicago into this country. A movement is in jirogress to intro duce improved machinery in the gold districts of Alabama and Georgia. One thousand saloons have suspended business in Chicago this month. They could not stand $500 a year license. Galveston is exjieriencing an excess of rainfall ami New Orleans a drought. A year ago these conditions were reversed. The Kansas coal miners' strike is Hear ing an end. Tho strikers aro trying to return to work on the best terms obtain able. Thero is great apjirehension at Omaha lest tho foundation of the new Federal building is not on ground stable enough to support it. A Chicago statistician figures that wheat at the price it is now selling $19 a ton is only $0 a ton more than timo thy hay is bringing. The employes of the bureau of en graving and' printing at Washington nave been ordered to work till 6 o'clock every working day until further notice. At Philadelphia Rachel Boyle, 25 years of age, during a jieriod of religious ex citement cut otr a portion of her lips, and then broiled it as an offering to God. The State officers of Kansas have de cided to send out a commissioner to so licit seed wheat for fanners of that State, taking notes from the farmers in pay ment. The women of Hiawatha, Kan., are raising funds to send all of the drunk ards of that town to the Keeley cure, and they expect to make money by the operation. The American Bankers' Association Convention, announced to be held in Chicago September 6 and 7, will not take placo because of the present finan cial situation. Barrett Scott, Holt county (Neb.) Treasurer, has disappeared, and an in vestigation of his accounts shows a short age of about $00,000. It is thought that Scott has gone to Mexico. Tojiolobampo colonists have reached Kansas, and have asked Congressman Broderick to investigate the methods pursued by the managers of the colony. The refugees say it is a swindle Only Massachusetts, Virginia, Ohio, Wisconsin and Iowa will elect Governors this fall. Onlv three Legislatures to be chosen in Virginia, Kentucky and Iowa will elect United States Senators. Local bankers at Mobile, Ala., ridicule Bradstreet's report of a probable crisis in the cotton region, owing to want of currency. When the time comes they say all the necessary funds will be forth coining. Chicago has been so overrun with car penters that the unions of that city have appealed to' sister Unions through out tho country for financial aid to en able them to pay the fares of some of the ocemplojeo to other cities. FROM WASHINGTON CITY. Mr. Vest's hill impropriating $.'!00,000 for a site and building in Washington, to lie known as the Hall of Records, has passed the Senate. The Attorney-General has decided that tho Secretary of the Treasury has tio authority to extend the time of the withdrawal of domestic whisky from bonded warehouses. Consul-General Mason at Frankfort, Germany, has made a rejsirt to the State Department, in which he says that tin der the new tariff not only will Germany cease to draw from Russia supplies of ryo and jictrolciim, every year amount ing to millions of dollars; but, owing to the drought, she will have a serious de ficit this year in her own crop of grain, which will call for a very large importa tion of breadstuff's from tho United States. Senator Dolph will make an earnest effort to have the limit of cost of Port land's jiiihlic building increased from $750,000 to $1,000,000. He started the hull rolling by the introduction of a bill for that urH)Se the first day that bills were introduced in the Senate. It is possible that ho may la? able to work the bill through Ixjth Houses, if any are jiassed at this session. There will laj no trouble in getting it through the Senate. The stick will come in trying to have it jiass the House. The Senator's bill for a jitiblic building at Baker City provides for an ajprojriationof $100,000. anil the samo amount is asked for a building at Salem. The bill of the Finance Committee of the Senate to allow national banks to issue currency to the par value of the bonds deposited by them in the Treas ury is sure to exja-rience very stormy weather. One of the obstacles is Cock rell's amendment directing the Secretary of tho Treasury to redeem the outstand ing 2 a;r cent isinds by a new issue of greenbacks. Cockrell calculates that more than $20,000,000 of the $25,000,000 of these bonds will be presented for re demption, and that thus an issue of more than $20,000,000 in greenbacks will be put in circulation. It is understood that he has also in reserve several other pro'xjsitions that will not la? jileasing to the national banks nor their friends. In the Senate the new Democratic Senator from Nebraska (Allen) is also prepared to attack the bill with an amendment for the suspension of interest on bonds de laisited by the national banks as the Lasis for increasl circulation. Commissioner Miller of the bureau of internal revenue, in response to an in quiry made recently, issues an official statement as to the refusal of collectors of internal revenue to receive checks in pavment of taxes. Mr. Miller said: "The imjiression seems to be general throughout the country that the refusal of collectors of internal revenue to ac cept checks in payment of internal revenue taxes is in accordance with in structions which have been issued bv the Secretary of the Treasury. No such instructions have laen issued. The fact is that until recently the collectors have, at their ow n risk, accepted checks in jiayment of taxes, and the same have been received hy the dejxisitories as so much cash. The condition of things in tho country being such at this time that the collectors cannot use these checks at the depositories in the payment of amounts due from them on account of the internal revenue taxes, they are compelled to exact payment in the manner provided by section 3473 R. S., which is as follows; 'And all taxes and all other debts and demands, than duties on imports, accruing or becoming due to the United States, shall be paid in gold anil silver coin, treasury notes. United States notes or notes on national banks.' If the banks could pay cur rency on the checks drawn ujxin them bv narties who have taxes to oav. the checks would be received by the collect ors as heretofore and the existing diffi culty would be at an end." CHICAGO EXPOSITION. Negotiations are under way to allow the Washington State building to remain permanently after the fair as a natural history museum. Medals have been awarded by the jury selected to pass upon the paintings in oils and water at the fair to the artists of all countries except the United States, Mexico, Germany and Austria. It is said the big diamond which is the star of the Tiffany exhibit at the World's Fair has been bought bv Mrs. Charles T. Y'erkes, wife of the Chicago street- ranwav King, ine price paia is quoiea at$100",000. The diamond is about the size of a small walnut. The Maharajah of Kapurthala, King of Kings, owner of 200 elephants, liege lord of hfty wives, having an annual in come of $10,000,000, spent an hour in the Oregon Horticultural exhibit view ing the various kinds of fruits, and was loud in his praise of their superior ex cellence. The names of some of the prominent nurserymen were given him, and he proposes to take with nim to his kingdom some Oregon fruit trees. In the gallery of the liberal arts build ing at the Worid'sFair the central figure of a group in the educational exhibit of Oregon is a finely executed photograph of Governor Penuoyer. This likeness is shown in the space devoted by Oregon to the State Board of Education, of which the Governor is President. This photograph is the subject of more re marks perhaps than any of Oregon's ex hibits. The multitude pass by to ad mire the likeness or to criticise the Gov ernor. They are attracted to the spot, not because the Governor refused to meet President Harrison at the State line ; not because he would not permit the State cannon to be fired ujwn Cleveland's re election ; not because he told Grover to mind his own business ; not because he received and welcomed Adlai so pleas antly upon the Vice-President's recent visit to the capital, but because he is to day the beet advertised man in America, and the people want to see " what he looks like." FOREIGN FLASHES. Final Estimate of the Hunga rian Wheat Crop. GREAT ADVANCEMENT IN RUSSIA An Estimate of the Wheat Crop of Great Britain Earthquakes on the Adriatic. Tobacco culture is prohibited in Egypt. The Stramboli volcano is in violent eruption. Great Britain received 10,057,000 let ters from America last year. The paternal French government trans ports live bees through the mails for apiarists. It is estimated that the new African gold mines will double their product this year. In the last thirty years the imports of silver by India amounted to about $1, 100,000,000. Italy's government will forbid all pil grimages to Rome in the event of chol era continuing abroad. The Austrian government has prohib ited the circulation in the country of the Chicago Staats Zeitung. Colombia has declared the manufact ure of cigarettes and tho sale of salt to be national monojwlies. Sunday dances are said to have be come a recognized institution with the " smart set " in London. The International Medical Congress, set for Rome September 24, has been jostjoned to April, 1804. Rejieated shocks of earthquake have destroyed one-half the town of Matti nata on tho Adriatic coast. Rocktown and Cavalry, on the west coast of Africa, are now blockaded by the Liberian government. The Hungarian crop of wheat is finally estimated at 120,000,000 bushels, against 141,000,000 bushels last year. It is estimated that 500,000 persons have been thrown out of work through the British coal miners' strike. Tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and the nasal mixture are forbidden from enter ing New Zealand by parcel j)ost. Paris labor unions want to force a gen eral strike October 1 because the govern ment closed their labor exchange. In England there is considerable talk alout grasshoppers as diet, due to the statements of Stanley and other African explorers. Diamonds to the value of over $5,000, 000 were sold in one lot recently by the De Beers Company of South Africa to a syndicate. High water continues in Galicia and Northern Hungary, and great damages have resulted. In many places the peasantry are beggared. The duty which Germany is said to have levied upon Russian grain is more than 50 per cent higher than on bread stuffs from the United States. England w ill need millions of bushels of American wheat probably the bulk of 19,000,000 quarters deficiency will be drawn from the United States. " Stonecutters in Germany are collect ing funds for their fellow-craftsmen at Bordeaux, France, 4,000 of whom are on strike against a reduction of wages. It is stated that a study of the census shows that there are in England 34 blind clergymen, 21 doctors, 2 barristers and 14 lawyers engaged in active work. India has hoarded $135,000,000 worth of silver and half as much in gold, mostly in the shape of idols and orna ments hidden out of sight, in thirty years. It is said that William Waldorf Astor has set out to have the best racing stable in England. He is buying ever thoroughbred of reputation that is offered to him. The New Zealand Labor Department prints a monthly journal giving statistics of the labor market throughout the world. . It is distributed among the workmen free of charge. Josejih Hessel, tho Austrian, who is said to have invented the marine screw propeller, died in abject poverty. But a monument was erected to his memory the other day in Vienna. The Mark Lane Express in its weekly review of the British grain trade says": The British wheat crop is now estimated at 56,000,000 bushels. This leaves 168, 000,000 bushels to be imported. The number of emigrants who during the past half year sailed from the ports of Great Britain reached the total of 179,088, as against a total of 176,814 in the corresponding jeriod of 1892. Buckingham Palace is about to be closed for six months. The sanitation of the place is imperfect. All the house hold servants,' including the head house keeper, will be put on board wages. The Maories of New Zealand are de manding home rule. The British have "raised them from their savage state and educated them," and now they want to attend to their own affairs instead of being governed by the white settlers. The Pope has directed the Catholic inhabitants at Naples not to fast on Fridays as long as the cholera prevails, as the physical weakness resulting from fasting might increase the danger of contagion. Three women have been slaughtered in the open air of London's suburbs by unknown assassins recently. In each case the victim was silently and swiftly killed with a knife, and the murderer vanished without leaving a trace of him-telL An Episode of Nrlrnka LI Co. I met a gentleman at the Union depot the other night who had just returned from Kearney county. He said: "Itook up a claim three weeks ago and built my shanty with more care than is usually taken with them. 1 built a bedstead of boards in the corner and laid in a stock of canned goods and dried meat. The first night after it was completed I crawled into bed and fell into a deep sleep. About midnight I was awakened by a half dozn rude jolta, some one cracked a whip, yelled 'Git up!' and I Straightway folt tho motion of a heavy wagon. I was but half awake, but I re alized thut my bed wan tipped to an angle of 45 degs. and that everything was moving. I realized that my shanty, supposed to be unoccupied, was being stolen with me in it. I grasped my re volver and emptied it at the walls and in answer heard the sound of scattering feet I crawled ont of the small win dow and drove back about 100 yards to the site of the house, where I made the horses fast and posted myself under the wagon. The next day I drove twomiles to my nearest neighbor and soon had his opinion and that of several other farm ers. They all said the horses and wagon were mine beyond donbt, as no one would ever claim them." Kansas City Times. Going Horn to Wlfo lis Ilaa Never Seen. Wong Sle Kie came from Hong-Kong to America three years ago. He tarried not at San Francisco or New York, but selected Hartford as his abiding place. Immediately he began washing clothes, and his attention to business and his good natured "Hello" to all visitors brought him many customers. He pros ered so well that he thinks he has now made enough to justify his return to China. Wong will leave Hartford for Saa Francisco, from which port he will take immediate passage for his beloved Hong Kon. He has sold out his business to a consin, who has taken charge. His savings and the money he got for his laundry amount to $2,000. representing bis net profit after his living expenses have been deducted from three years of laundrying. Wong says his father and mother are living, and that he has brothers and sisters. Besides, he has a wio in China, to whom he has been married since he came to America. His imperfect English prevented a lucid ex planation of how this marriage occurred. flartford Courant A Successor -of Newton. Bir George Gabriel Stokes, who is till he retires senior member for Cambridge university, is one of the most distin guished mathematicians of the day. He is an old man in the "seventies," below the medium height, with snow white hair and a very "high forehead. Sir George i3 president of the Royal society, an office which was held by the famous Sir Isaac Newton, who was also member for the University of Cambridge. These two positions, which have never been held by one individual since the time of Newton, are now. after the lapse of up ward of two centuries, happily combined in Sir George. To carry the analogy further, Newton never once spoke in parliament, while Sir George, although an assiduous sitter out of debates, has during his five years of parliamentary life addressed the house on two or three occasions only. It is not generally known that Sir George Stokes is an Irishman. His father, a distinguished graduate of Trinity col lege, was rector of Screen, about seven miles from the town of Sligo. London Star. How Maine Firemen Managed. The firemen of Caribou, Me., were called upon to perform a feat rather out of the usual line of duty. The bridge across the Aroostook river connecting the two sections of the village burned, and although the adjacent bnildings in the main village were saved those on the opposite side of the river, near the end of the bridge, took fire and were threatened with destruction. All of the fire apparatus was in the main village, the bridge was destroyed and there were no boats at hand. Accordingly the best swimmers in the fire company were selected to swim the river with a liue of hose. They accomplished the feat and got across just in time to pre vent the destruction of $50,000 worth of property. Philadelphia Ledger. Came Back After Forty-one Tear. A Missouri man left his wife and went to Australia forty-one years ago, where it was reported he died. A few days ago, however, he unexpectedly returned homo with a large fortune. There was a joyous meeting between husband and wife so long separated, but once more happily reunited. Strange to say, his wife bad lived single all these many years with the dim hope of once more eeeing her husband. They are both quite aged now, being upward of seventy years. Exchange. A pair of very economical lovers, In Los Angelos, Cal., hit upon a plan to cheat Uncle Sam of his postage. The young man hired a box at the postoffice and gave his sweetheart a duplicate key. They exchanged correspondence through the box. The recent losses by fire in the cargo of ships carrying cotton has shown that cotton seed oil, when held in the cotton on the outside of the bale, rapidly oxi dises and generate spontaneous combustion.