The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 26, 1893, Image 3

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    SCood Iiver Glacier.
i n m i itivi'.i!, nit. ,ni jmi.-i.
mi; MUl.S.
Tli" tmill in 1 1 v.", i nil Ml. Ilin. I nt '.
rl'irU . M, ill :n mil fiiihiiiliiyi; ill -iii
1 1 ' 'in .H n Hi il l'. .i i in ii hi.
I'll!' I I fli ill it 1 1 , i .1 ', l"i I. ', H A, .'it. Itt't'lvr" III
I'. M. V;llll'l.tV1.
Fur Will'.' "tnlni'ii, , !-, , it, illy ii M A. M.
ki i -I v- ill mi" ii l irli I', M.
I 'i.iiii Willi" Haini.i ii li'.n r 1'iil.ln, fill
nti'i', Tumi i,ilo Mini I i It 1 1 vv ii ii I Mull. Iit i,
W i . 1 1 n 1 1 1 . mi. I I i ll .
Itltli: SI.4M At, M M i l III.
I 'u hIi section honey at CloucH's.
Hpl lni I'lili'Ui'liH, it 1 1 I eahhiic.t) III l.
l. IIIII'h.
A lull lini' nf liii;'i',y washers i il
(In' 1 1 h r n-- shop.
Shot j'llll shells III 'I lit till 1 lit 1 1 'kt III
I'm I laml i lees,
County .ludi' lllakelv and wife left
Clili'.'iK" I'" i' homo during 'lie week.
SlicllV Ii V paper .'ill cents ii r I m i x of
V iliilllili' ulu els, lit III)1 ill tig Hi i IK'.
Mis. Win. I rli', who has I n the
ciieM nf Mr-. !l-ihop, rclurueil In Port
land Monday.
('niliiln 'm' ntiil family, went In
'lit in t l,:il.n Thursday to remain a
COUpl"' III' Weeks,
Ned ami ( lain lilythe unit to I'orl
lainl Mnml iy for a week's visit with
I'l ichiN in 1 In' city.
'I In- liniliiM i'f all tin' victims of tin
Annie Iiimhi liavo liccii recoveicd
f ri "in huakc 1 1 l it,
Mr Ii. C. Wiley ami children nf
'iim ihIc Looks Went L.i-t iiii a visit
Tuesday night,
('. (i. Calkins ami Unci' children,
Mix. IIiiiiiIiii uinl Mk KoLlnson ale
in ranii at Watson's.
Mr. I!. I , ''alkins hits pincha-cd a
line ill i mi; holsc li'olil M r. .Mouahali
nl' I hi' Utiles.
I, , ii l.atiil.eisoii nf I'ortlaiul is at
Cloud Cipluii. lie ma lc tin aseeii'.
il Hie ii i ii 1 1 1 ;i i li I 'lin -il:i .
(' i. I i'llii i tH n t iii'iie I liuiii a I rip in
K.iMern lr yuii, I 'iK'i.l.ii) , mid w nl
nllt In Ills mountain llnllie,
T. ( '. Uiilas has j 1 1 t- ivivivi d a line
1. 1, irl-. o cook si o e-, I alive and Ik i I e I nil
lilt ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 '. t 'all ami "' i In in.
Mr. Iv (linker's cow was fuiiml dead
nil ilif lini an nc tnwu, I iii silay even
ing, liy Mossy uinl IvI'l.V l'liili".
A t lie fin I nl' t lie m.'i .mi I-, at lialnl
tlic I luii'l Kui l' llilll to. is i.lli i iiii;
all k imh nl Iii'Xi m at spi rial rati ..
'icliir anii'-i'li, wlin 1 1:1 -t I n-f It vKit
intra! .Mi. l i'V, in tlif valley, c
Illl le d tu Ills Inline al J lie Dalles Mon
day. II. II. Illl llii'.V ''tl I lif x I lie I nmit inn
nf nlnlil operator at I lie ilepo! , I el e V-In;-
Mi. t'.iM' liuiii duty I lif lil'il nl' the
Wit k.
Mr. ami Mis. licit ( i laliam, Miss
Altec ( i . 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 ami Mrs. t '. K. I louc re
turned hum tin ir Dining at Trout lake
t '. V. Nililey, secretary nl' the Ore
gon laiuil'if ( 'n., was lif re iliu in;; 1 1 ii
Week mi liilMincM cuiilieelnl Willi the
Mr-. .1. II. M Kililieii nf Portland,
gland sit i. ri .If mlf ul nf ( liil. In n's
Jiivi iiia' Assicialimi, is tile nilcsl "I'
Mrs. I'uitfi'.
Ml'-. Unwell Will sell li(T stuck nf
Ml 1 1 1 1 1 if r cunils I'm' .'in ilays at eu-l. Mic
Will lieal Ilf 1 slme MniiililV", WccllifS
;i is ah'l Sat unlay s mil .
Mr. Iv! Wiltiaui-, liintlii'i'iif Mrs. Dr.
Ill- i-iii-, after a limni li's lieic, lelt
It r Ills ni Inline, lf III saw, Nell.. Tiles
day fveiiinv, nver thi' I nimi Pat'llle
August li.'iil, I'M'. D Imi'il snlil tn J. A.
Jnliiisuii kit-l'"i, l'i'i, :;7, :', ami ;m,
lilncU (i, Hi' u in i'c Watsmi's si cninl atl
n'iiiiiii tn llmiil Itiver; cniisiili'ialiiui,
$;;ihi. i
Kliner Kami left Tliursilny fur 1'nrl ,
Towiisciiil tn jniu his wile and exiccls
In make a Irip tu Victoria ami ntlicr
iuiilnl puillt.s. Ho Will lie aliscnt lllinllt
a wick. i
.1 1 1 1 rVruusmi, wlm li'I't liere last Sat-!
unlay Willi ('. S. (iilliell ami 1. . ;
Snyiicl' lor l.nt lake, li.'ul Hie niisl'ui'
till'ic In lose liis Imrse liy ilealll. Wc
(Iiii nut leal'll tile cause.
M r. J oil ii Sweeney, wlin lias lieen ;
nick fnr siiiiic time, Inula stroke nf par-,
alysis S 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 V . She lias lieen unalilc tn
speak since Tuesday, ami there is small
liopes nf liel' IccuVciy. !
I used iclilcs fnr fruit pests and etc.;
London Purple, I'aris ( iiccn, I. X. ,.,
Sviialc oil snap, powered hellebore,
J'ersiau insect powder etc., at the,
JIoodlwViM' Pharmacy.
H. I''. Iliirlmcss desires (o announce
lliat IierciilTcr he will sell fur cash only, '
and at, a reduction of from live In (en;
per cent, and will uimraiitfc, prices to;
suit the tim.'H. Call and sec. j
The pay cur passed up tlio roiul Sat-'
unlay. 'Superintendent A. .1. Horie, ;
l'lissi'iiRer AkciiI Jlurlluit iitid .1. A.'
Veed, superintendent of liuildins and 1
lirideH, were uluug;, iiiakiug a tour ofj
Mr. M. P. IsenlicrR wan in town
Monday with his vyu done tip In a
slinir. He accounts for the sanio liy
ayiii)j that ho was tryini!; to hanj: up
over tlif door that well known and
touching motto, "(Sod 11 less Our
Jlome," Mrs. Isenhcryr l)osing the jolt,
when it fell and struck him in the eye.
AVo will take his word for it.
Mr. Nealcinh had n roll of blankets
in Mr. Phelps' barn, and Sunday night I
h trump came along, unrolled the hlan-1
kets and took a eomfortable rest in i
them until mrning. Ark ley Lindsay
and Jvawloy Phelps slept in the barn
but were not disturbed by him, nor did
they know of his presence, until morn-1
iug. j
Judgn Ii. Henry and wife, nceom-i
paiiied by Mr. Jlramwell, Mrs. Henry's
brother, were passengers over the
Union Pacific, Tuesday evening, fori
the world's fair and other eastern!
points. Mr. Hrninwell crossed the
plains in 'nl, and this is his first trip!
East since that time. The Judge will I
take in the (Srand Army encampment j
at Indianapolis and inarch with the,
boys oucti again. '
J M. Shelley nf Puilliiiid Is vlMlll.ig
his brut Hi' 1 rnv Mtclley.
., .. . , ' ,, . ,
I . II. Piiiiiou ami l.iinily rfluriii'd
fr I I Lake Sat ii v. I. II.. lucks,,,, 1,,'is our thanks
fur a line box of vcKi lablns.
Tim In f I lie lliriliiT waM heard
at l iank P.uttuii'i Muiiduy.
I 'raiili W iit imi ami Will ( indium
Weill lo I null lulu- i ill -il.i y.
Dunn Liinjjjilte was in n I'i'oin t'luud
Cup Monday , let 1 1 in in Tuesday.
(iiaiit '.aiis and Ch.u ley W'lllliiins
eiime back from Trniil lake Suiul.iv.
Win. laicki'V ami wife of Puillnml
lire vi-.l,,;C llifirbruibf.',.!. .1. Ian key.
Mr. HarHi'V bruiijlit. 1 1 1 1 f ti liead
line beef cat I If dow n from
e l iiuiii
V Sal III' In V.
Mr. Plait Wlilleoiiib and ilaiiflilfl
I if 1 1 1 inle i.f Pui i bind are vl-il i lif M is.
I I it 1 1 i . Mi-. W biiconili's iiiui her
Siliuul colli 1 1 mi ici'H in Ibis ili-lrlct
Se pifinber 1 1 f It ; l'i'..n--ir C. I,, (iil
lnil pi liifipal and M i--1 ( 'ui limi an-inl-ant.
lion. W. II. Wit-mi and faniilv
turned Soinlav iiiuiiiiiii,' ir.iui mi ex-
Iciulnl vi-il Last, tal. infill Ibe wield'H
II. '. rndcrvvoiMl, lepi'f-i'hl ini: Hie
Ci.ivi.IH- Ntu-eiy (',,., I,:,- I,,-,,, lakiin' r-fur 11,,'K.ilie iii Ibe valley Ilii-
ucci;. '
Nearly all of our be I'l V grower are
( nlartiin; Ibeir slrim berry nli he-,
this lii-Ing ibe proper iiioiiMi in si t
Mr-. W. ( '. !-' t r iinihati was a nas-
Menei r nil ilir !f:;iilatui'Tiif-i iv morn
iif mr I niii ami, iific hlif will litHKf
a nlmi't vi-il
s uslhetiraml Arinyj
Mr. Calkins I
i are
making in lanu'clnenls to have a i
camp lire here Home time during Hie
coming Ii
( ico ;;e ( '. and .. ( ',, Join eame back
from .tisi In!,,-Sat in d iy . leu rue made
a trip u I'ortlaud during Ibe ueelc, re
I in iiiiik eilniMlay.
Ml I'.iniile '.;ild in i, f Willi., Walla,
w In, ba-Li i n t be en. -i i.f Mi-- Mary
I i i'nr 'i.r I lif p:i-t two v it k-.ii-! uriied
In !i r In, III ' ki-l Moinkiy al'leriinon.
I.Vv. C. W. W. IN wi nl to Portland
Tut -day Inul'iil,;.' lo piiri'ba-e lickc N
fui' t In-ir i .i-;i i n trip, uinl b i'i furlirii
M I, iifcultiji.iliif.l by Mrs. ell-, Thurs
day .
Mr. and Mr-. Veil ree-, the parents
of Mi It, bit P.ti-kiik, will 1,'iurn to
I llillui- iibuiit the lil-l nf the week.
Win. Kii-I.irk and wife and Mrs And
Witian-i peel Iii iiffuir pany Ibem.
k' V. I; iviiiliii iii and wife ar-
I'ivi tl ife I i-t Moinbiy eveiiii.". Mr.
K.iilflii .11 l have cbaree of Ibeplil
pil in 1 1 if I' 1 1, cliiire li Sunday al 1 1
a. in. and vk'i p. in, Ymiiig people's
nit etiii'..; a! 7 :'; n. m.
Mr. Will. Steel, pre-ident of Ibe
Alpine club .' I I't.iilaml, ba- riven nut
l ftil a new flub will be fni'iiii'd tmtilf
lime iifxl ii.tnilh mi Ibe -inninit nf
Mi. ..!. (iiiKsiieh ner-n'i-a are
pn -i M wi I.,-"admitted as charier
W'av land 1',. Perry and wile sold L'O
aei r- 1 1 nut I be east -i.le of Ibeir nlace
on I'atlt'M crick. Kridav la-t to M !'
Ilfit n M. Slit-mian, wil'f nf W. .1.
SI l, ! 1 1 1 :l It ( 'nii-iilf rat in j'.'.OMII. This
i-a (ilf i't it of laud and u ill be illt
ill good shape by its new owner.
fi'i"tl reef jii ion to
Wel'si.'ul wilt'onie In Lev. and1
I! K. L , iiii. a, i was giv,., We,l-
, ,1... t r m.. '
la-, lav fVfiiiii'! nt Ibe home of Mr
and Mrs. S. '. Ptal'tini' . Ice eivam
and cake W i le served to over one bun
dled guests. A good time Was had.
('a). i. And Winaiis was down from
Tlif palles Tuesday, returning in the
afternoon of s one day. lie reports t he
ii'i,'p"ct fur the fall rim of salmon as
being good. They caught during the
spring season about fun ions. Had the
tun been a- they expected, (inn ton
would have been the result.
(ieovge MeClllily cailte Up from I'ol'l-
land S tl urd i v lor a couple o( wei
vacation witli relatives. 1 1 U w ile, w ho
was iniurcd in (he street-ear accident
at Albina last spring, has been here (or 1
(he pis month with her parents, Mr.,
and Mr-. P. S. ( 'rapper. Her health i,
L . .
much unproved since coming here and
she will accompany her husband home.
Frank I'evnolds, wltilc out hunting
grouse Wednesday morning on (he
hill above his fat her h place, saw two
young cougar-. He gave them a shot,
w hen t he mother of the voting cougars
appeared on the scene ami sprang to-:
wards Frank, who made such gomL
time down the hill that the cougar no j
doubt thought it useless lo attempt to
overtake him, and soon gave up thci
chase. A pari v of young men started
out to look tor hi.n;Wcdncsday but re-'
turned without theirgamc. hvulently '
this cougar is (he same one (hat has j
been seen before in (hat neighborhood, :
and should be killed. j
liev. Father .lohn V. Ficrens. (he j
pioneer priest of the northwest, dieil at,
St. Vincent's hospital Sunday. 'l' j
half with diabetes, and for ibe past fix j
weeks was a patient at the hospital. :
Since lhnl be has labored tnitlilull.v in ,
recoil, an , u as uecu pasio o, .ne e.-,-
thed ra I ol the I nimacciilate Concept ion i
in Portland since 7HHL Ho was the
founder of St. Vincent's hospital,
which will he a lasting nionunient, to
his henevolenco of heart. As a Christ
ian divine he was highly respected, and
the Catholic church has lost an aide
advocate and exemplar of its doctrines,
which will he dillieult to replace.
Mr. Flinile Schanno of this city, omv
ftlit, l luinrtl of ,'e low
; ' ,'. notir cat! OIIIV I'C inane out 01 our (lrVsume is known, sl.i.OO. in case i uiiuire, ser-
just returned Irom an extended trip ';.,.- .i,.;,.,.,,,;.,,, ,io ..fter it ' vc the following soason gratis.
Hie vnllev of Hood Itiver in the interest, I " 1,1 Mt h Hii'aiwning 1110 giain altel lt ; . . .
of the society. He found the orchards ;
loaded with fruit .of all kinds and took I
eonsiderahls pains to inform himself I
as to the characteristics ot soil, etc, o j
that lovely and inviting region. n0
fuiiiui liu. retrioii liiioil liver
specially ad.-.ptcd to apple culture, and
seeing the ahundanee of every kind of
fruit now growing in our county, would
specially recommend greater attention
to apples, (iood winter apples always
hear a hetter value, relatively, and are
much more certain of a steady price
than almost anything else in tho fruit
line. Hack from the Colunil.ia river
he found prunes, peaches, herrios, etc,
in ahundanee. Along Hood river is a
vastregion well a,laptello apples He
tiiiiieittl III 1.1 It'll, verv Ilillell II ,.s','f)
.1 J I J
It,,,,,,!,, Willi I lie "MaHilw.
,. ., ,. ,, , . . , ,
It. Hartley liasiiHt rcliiriicd from
, , ,, , ,
jnlrl.H, Ihrnugl, tl.n Mnrn counlry.
"e ivp,,, t, harvesl ig ahnul, ovi'r.wheut
uveragilig llfleeu lni-lieU to I he Hern
i 'nd prices oli'cred .'17 eenti.. He ti lls
ilslbi' town nf Morn has a volunteer
lire company, and nun night last week
(he boys thoiis-ht tliey would haven
Hie drill. . luriru niln of drv-ifoudi
Ii'i.xc i were Ilf'
i't.i' t u'it li;'!iifi ati'l tin alanu tunic!
in. Tint buys immediately re-'pnmlcd, ,
liill bad luck overlook Iheui. Itsccms,
III coming d iwii hill, one Itnliert (iinu
, fill i ditch and was so badly injured
I hat, he iviulrcd tluf services of a iiliy-
f'"' ,i"ri"
win, had to make the sec .ml trio to
ie sec ,mi in p in
attend the Injured man. After cxtri-
ealliig Mr. t iiun from the dileh Ihey
a;;ain "larted and had gniii but a short
distance when another llreman fell
down and was run over by the hose
'""""id drained .pilte a di-lance. In
'he meantime the dry-goods boxes
were burned up and the ashes sciUleri'd
: to the four w iml-
., ,, , .. , ,.,.i,
U'' MeHiodlsIs have eomi.leled their
"'".l''l')i''K'i'"l Mil. '"'I'l t -- II Ml
sfiviec- in n tn iiii, now. Itev. Me-
Kenie Aill pieiii h In the evening,
Ibi-beiii' bis last, service U'fure re-
lurniiig to liis colli de work, as he
fxpi el-to ftart fur b.wa next Tuesday,
In Hood Liver valley, Wednesday,
i-aa, .Miss i,i..,e now.ey.aeu
ahoiii Zi years.
Ai I, it ,,,, tl. I'wi Kbl..
'i11,,1,i,.,. .,.,'m l'ia M.u l,.l,,.
sweeny .'atic'I'Vi years. '
The remains w 111 be taken to The
I Jul It s mi (he buat tnday, ami the
Itiui'lal will take place fmm the Cath
olic church Sunday at I o'clock.
who may be de-ir .us nl bav mif sur
(;ian! powder, fuse and capsatT. C. veving done, that lie is a practical
We have several farms ai:d small
iniels f.,r sale. Call and evt prices.
If you want to be located on govcrn
uii'iit laini at small expense, call on or
write W. I,. Winaiis.
Wax striiii;-, liu cans, new stoves,
pie-erviin: kettles and everything t'U-
at T. S. Pallas.'
Ciei'.i lliiiiics. St'ciire one Now.
I'nr 'in days I w ill show government
lands in Hood Itiver valley, suitable
for homestead-, to parties wishing to
locate, charging from ten to twenty i
dollars per claim fur my services. I
set I led on government laud six years '.
ago, at the falls of Hoed river, ami live 1
tlier:- now; am well pleased with the:
location, have spent much time and
nioucy huiLling roads ami tiruiges leail-
ing to thee lands, and to improve t he
leuiioii v 'I'lie-,. lands b.i ve nlen I v nl'
and Muter, ami are among the
t for I'ruil and vegetables, as well as
for general agriculture. If you want h
home of this description, do not fail to
. , , '
see me at the falls.
W. U. W'lXANS. !
.lust received at A. S. Llowcrs iV (. o s
a full line nf the celebrated J'ra ly and
Mctcnlf shoes.
Metcalf sliocs.
We have just received direct from !
the east, a fuil line of nien'-s and boys' ,
,'"K . '""iy rill U a'1 !lt.I"il','s
never heard nf bclore in Hood Itiver.
' 1'iiiim I'ai'iiic Fnrt !icr Ibilitecs lite rales.
! To Chicago ;.;.liU lu-sit class; SI.
Louis S.'ll. ()() lirsl class; Omaha, Kansas
City, Sioux city and St. Jo.seph ?:0.0il
first class. Kates eorivspoitdingly re
duced ta all eastern points. Consult
t It j! . . . I J . 1
I mou raciitc agents uctore purcnasing
and you will be convinced that the old
overland is the cheapest and ouickest
. ;
route to taKt.
A full line of shoo furnishings and i
leather at the harness shop. i
Carload of H ache Harbor lime just!
received al S. K. l?artimss'.
Our book's are closed, and on and'
after this date we will sell for cash only. :
,. S. Ulowers it Co. j
- j
fwu Snaps. j
W f , , ,
L , , . ,'
Uo nnest sheep ranch on (he P.icilie;
coast. Wiil range naturally fenced,'
siiMciont for nO.UOt) sheep. Can ar-'
range tor flitting -M tons of hay if de- j
lv,i( convenient to market, no snow.
A Iso ,'K) acres of land 1 miles from the 1
t n of Hood Kiver at $'21 per aero;
level and easily subdued. For partic-
iav illy nt this olliee or to W. l
w , JIom, ,lv,,r 0r.
A 1 spring 3 seated mountain hack;
new. A. S. lilowcrs & Co.
To 1h Farmers.
We will do all kinds of grinding on
Saturdays this season except Hour j
Wo have lenrneil that, mini
.. ....... , i
has passed through tho nmuttcr audi
allowing it to sweat u few days,
jit.vt, your wheat with us and give us j
... , , ,. .,, '
1 i'iiance ro no goo,, vuuu. ion um
'then use our Hour in n reference to anv
otlier. IlAitmsox Uuos.,
Proprietors irood River llourir.g mills.
, , , ((1 , - i
Ten head yeaning cattle, some brand-:
ed 2 l.ari on the side, some with a VI
i.. .! ... ..e - .. i
inside oi u suuait, .-.nine ill. laicic no
the neck. A liheral reward will he
: pj,i fr information leading to their
l(lc Write W. S. Cnrrau or O.
-, llm.flrt.. Tliwi.l l? , t
j. . .ttiiuij nuvu iiiii.i vi .
Has just boon platted
reached by tho pipes of
house for a home or
finnst rftf.iflp.nnf rmrrrhv in fho o.W.-r rV-rvrr c: i n
Ife, ii l,...,. ...I., i.. ,...n i:.i ;i
; wl; We bav' ,,,ncluded in Itan-'l
die all lb Hood river propertv we can:,,s:iv .. Mel, s,ll -..I.
1,1,. ,.,..,..,.M l : i v. ' li.i , I.
I, if 1,1, r
property you di-ire to -i ll and we will
on i lie i-f si. i an ami ecc
(.1 , ll.ll olliee.
I .1 . . - ii a
in at Ha
lii:,i.i.i: in
Stovc3 and tin
ware, kitchen fur
niture, pruning
tools and plumb
ers goods of all kinds.
Itniirlii,,'i,f 1 1 li vu re 11 ., i;t 1 1 .
hooms t, am ,'.'.. M-;v voir iii.oi.k.
)i'n:i( A MK.NKrr.K,
Attorneys-at-Law, !
Chapman Block, over Postoff ice
I'llK i,i:l.i;ii..
The undersiirneil liciiiL' local ed near
H'sid Ji vcr, i-hes to inf., nil parlies
surveyor nf many years ex iifiife,
and that work en'ru-led to hint wili Is.'
performed with di-patch mid correct
ness. He takes pleasure in rel'"iring to
Mr. A. S. lllowers, i who lor years was
county cnmniis-ioiic r in Miniif-otu,,
and for whom he did county work as
county surveyor, as to bi'i ability.
Patties writing me at Hood will ic-
'llvu pr'"i'pt attention
Puled Hood Kiver April 'Hit, is
April 'Hit, s;d.
A gold ring-et with two rubies and
two opals, in a small c.i-e, between
Tucker's mill and th" depot. Kinder
will be i'ct allied by returning the same
tu this olVit'c.
Land L0C3t0l".
Kverv body wants land m Hood
Jiivcr Valley. I have some very dc-;
Hl'ahle tracts nl goon lautl on my n-l
for homesteads and timbeied
claims. with niiiii'.ng water n::
them. lean locate several stockmen
advantageously. Do not fail to see
' 1 J"'".1 Hi V'J Falls -r address me!
at Hood liiver, Wasco ( ollllty, Oregon,
W. lli.Sa W I A.Ns.
. I! .i n ,f"x
. V S H UnllHPtOn UC J,
?; Svchik! Street - - - - Thg Dalle Or.
Real Estate, Loan & Insurance
lti'iils ciillt'et.'il ami taves j.;, -,l fur iion
li'siitsnis. band pai"i'sln' all kiiuls iri'i';'.vtl
oa short notirp.
Abstracts of Titles a Specialty.
A. S. b i. o a is. V. M. V ATi:s.
Pry Goods, (iroceries. Hats, Caps,
Koots and shoes; Flour, Feed
etc. Country Produce
nought and Sold.
heIbicgestbout in "theVoruT"
Is a dapple Krny, l.Vj hands liiuli, weighs
l.'KHl pounils, tluve-iiurirlcrs Nornira, S yours
old on iMav ..111, lS.i;i. Is ftw from all blem
ishes anil diseases tuul i a line draft horse,
gentle niul kind, a good traveler, and is
owned by
Mr. Sweeny will attend at tho following
places durinjj the present sire scitson: At .Mr.
Joe l'tiiser's, Monday and Tiiesday of eucli
able In cash SS.W. liy the season, payable at
end ofsatue, HUI0. To insure, payable wl.eii
Commercial men ana i ounsi 5
The Cloud Cap Wayside Stages leave
the house daily for Cloud Cap Iu-i
" J
during the season.
nilinnrl for t,01i,t(,s. Vartln etc.
i .w,,
a sPeuall3 '
j Oj-o C r Hail
! 3lS5 rC' Uy,
it . A. liA.iuiiji.rj, i twin it:ivi
w a w tvlYTdP ,
ii .' V v -..;J
and is ncv placed on tjo market. All lots aro
the Hydra at Corn:"; any. 1'i yen vant to build a
to rent, buy in SO D rill
1'OUl, Mlf Ul OJJJ.;i
4 mv
- DEALET! I li
w " XHwAii,v'ii.jlUy,
LlKPG, ELAiTKi-BOOKS, school
The Prather, BuildinSscond a Oak Sts.
i ------ -
. ', ' '- '" .
!-. ':V-. '-V- '
The ft 1 1 e-t i:ii,ii'it,ti ii lv-ort i ii America ; -i! Mated at t lie
Mt. 1 !""d t'.ic; I " ! he K!ii T "laei-r. 7J ' '' f, ft i t!.e
,;,"ite I ,lu!v r. i: iii-- d -
Koi' ii,:o,::i;.t,oi, wriie lo, WILI.
ti:i: dalles oke(;.
TTr f!,"",'!','i
M. bimil
Pi carload lots, or retail at ti.e wry i.'-wi'.-t mar.;;
ed atiywlsetv in the city or r.t the iepot f
Milor.Icrssn'.it.-ited an 1 pr.':n:.'y li::
?;?. :Y.)2 t :V.K
mi m
.-Li' 21.
mm: nkw
TOWN !sa. he-n i:iti--it on iae
i old i
ait... arouttit, ;K '.:. Forks sm.! F..!:
el' I : 1 ri ! , Uii l::i-, itihllv lui.
litM.'l.l .ll'.'i-l-a i'.il i i''.'. -. iri'i'l ' if.
veal Wat-rain! .!!:;. i'i i.:o.av.i;i. ! r
If! .i'-:,in;u:i'. .1, li ';:;.!' inorot:;. s c!i-
l.tli.i-. tl;i' t'.'ii:.,;! I i'.l- .' '.'I .- a
dp ma: a : ::.' mi r jvr! min fur all
(avirun. In'iiur i I.f iH'iifi-.-t itfAti to
Mt.iluu',1. 1: i niso u:i; :ini'.i'-K"i
,is ;i lilalllll' icUll iim tv:.."T. 1 ilur
the naumtl f'.'.uer for i'& U:m-en!...-
ul t',:e ii.-i t ,',!ai' an.-t fr
TIMBKlt, )m.'...itia uiil'.ioas of ht i ,' puw
er in lis tlashiiu .-!;vi'it iiikI w.Ki ;' lulls
easily haniesse.l. Where elteat. ttin'.ivf
nwr i xiNts. tl'.fre Hie iiiaiir.ra.i'uif
w ill center. Mii'i'oiiinlt'i! hy -uil aail !i
lnali' ! c.ia tun t c escela'tl nay tviit -re
for fruit I agriculture. ;::: ! with
li'aa -puna! .en alrciitiy assaivd yea
will llntl this lite Tiiae to litnUc a
ln'i'avt liuiiio or a jiayin iuvc.-i-
See ni3 c n tlio gTOimd,
River, Wascc Co., Cr.
ijt nnnn wmn.Tti
1-tJ l'l V V II ( la 1 H X
boob mm ILLS
dry .noons,
Terms Strictly Cash,
Prices never befoieheard of in Hood
v v. .V ,
WAUCOMA. It is the
v V U -vU JiJtl
rnf lunwr
i mlamJ mlfiTmJi a mm
-now Ini" on
-.. Will lie
.v. .'.' t ca i.-r wee'.'.
l.A.Nt i 1 IAAI, H'JOf IlIVEPt, Oil.
ri'.'es dcliver
e i f (.liarge.
, r ,tr.i. . .
HjLi:j,:i.I& Ir or,
papeh hanging
a:id decoeating.
Prices iva.-oaal.if guaraa
Ii(H'D 1.11V F.H,
' Nt Frciuht leaves at 3:40 1'. M.
, So. -. " ! 15 P. M.
I liouxi) Fi;o:a: hood kivbk.
; 'Vn. 'J" F'.'t.nht leaves at li-
j Xo. 1, Mail ' " 4-2 A. H
j TllKdCillSl.KKl'KKS UFCI.IXIXG CiiiJ-.
j CA'.W AN1 11AKIU.
j Steamers from l'orllund to San Frncioo,
i every 4 days.
: lis to M Ftgm Mods.
For rates and general lnl'unnution rail un
; liEl'HT TU"K!:T AUKN I'.
; V,'. U.liri! I.I ifirr, A.--st. ion. Pan. Agt.
il Valiiilatcn St.. Portland On"in.
Isutifio American
Ancncy for m
m . .s msf CAVEAT.
i'ov irfermr.t'on .iTitt freo Handbook writo to
I.'U.s.N' & CD., ii.i 11uo.uhv.4V, New Yohk.
OKlent Imiviui f ir e-eitriiu pnteuts in America.
Yvi vv r.itt'ut taken out. by us is bnitieht
the lAtiiiio by a uotioe feivca tree oi cliajye iu the
Larcest circulation t.i' nny sclontiflc paper tn the
world, t'plemliiliy illustrateit. No iEtalli?ent
rmu stioild be yitiiuut It. WceltK, 3.l a
M'sn fl.otlsix murtthi. A.lrtress Mt'NN 4 CO
VliilXaiUj, itttl'i.iuj, .nw l'ork CitJ.
1. illl 3
ri' j"
: '
- -l
l Hj 0N SALE
:,''';'''45 i