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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1893)
Be on your Guard. If some erocers urge powder upon you in place of the " Royal," K..7 it is because of the greater profit upon it. This of itself is evidence of the supe riority of the " Royal." To give greater profit the other must be a lower cost powder, and to cost less it must be made with cheaper and inferior materials, and thus, though selling for the same, give less value to the consumer. To insure the finest cake, the most wholesome food, be sure that no substi tute for Royal Baking Powder is accepted bv on. Nothing can be substituted for the Roy?! Baking Powder and sive as good results. Move Than HU Match. A gentli'tuntt h:ul liis pocket picked of his purse iu the waiting room of a railway sta tion and determined to have his revenge. Accordingly he put in hi pocket an old leather pure contuiniun nothing hut a scrap of paper on which were written these words, "Sold for once, you scamp:" and proceeded to the same station at the busiest time of the day and waited with the full intent :t uivini: iu churne the first pick pocket who might come his way. Twenty minutes passed. Tired of waiting he start ed to go home, but first he thought lie would see if the purse was all rij.'ht. He opened it, and, oh! s;upefaetion! instead of the white paper which he had inserted thete whs a piece of blue paper on which were the words, "What a silly joke!" writ ten in pencil. Intrunsiaeant. ANTI-FKRMENTINE Is a harmtess preparation in tablet form for preserving am. kinds of frvit without cooKixo. One pack age preserves fifty pints of fruit or a barrel of cider, and only costs 60 cents. Fruits preserved with Anti fermentine retain their natural taste and appearance. Ask your druggist or grocer for Anti-fermen-tine. Turin proposes an international exhi bition in 1904. JU: pain neglected, may become RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO. Just a little SPRAIN. may make a cripple. Just a little BRUISE may make serious inflammation. Just a little BURN may make an ugly scar. Just a little COST will get a bottle of ST. JACOBS OIL, A PROMPT and PERMANENT CURE. Years of Comfort against Years of Pain for JUST A LITTLE. A copy of the " Official Portfolio of the World's Columbian Exposition," dtscriptive of Buildings and grounds, beautilully illus trated, in water color effects, will be sent to any address upon receipt of 10c. in postage stamps by The Charles A. VoestEa Co Baltimore, Ho. Baking PotVder Purity and Leavening Po Wer UNEQUALED. GASH PRFES 'f o Introduce onr Powder, we have de termioedtodtfltrlbnteamoDg tbe consum ers a number of CASH PHIZES. To the person orclub returning osthelnrgest numberofcertllicatesonor before Jnuel, 1894, we will give a cash prize of $11)0, anil to the next largest, numerous other prizes ranging from ?5 to 975 IU CASH. CL0SSET& DEVERS, PORTLAND, Or. ELA'S Poison-ivy Pills a sure cure for poisoning from Ivy-vine or Oak. If not im proved in 2 DAYS, return the bottle and get your money. Bold by all Druggists. Agents and school children wishii g to make money, write u for circulars of our State and Citv Maps; every school child should have one; sells at20cts. Also our new Atlas sells at sight; $1 50; jusi the books to sell these hard tiliies Owsa & Co., Alusworth blk, Portland.Or. , X ?s 2vv2Y'SY .-V s - VT VT V-v s-tt VL v-vj another baking A Terrible Threat. A janitor in a blue shirt was cleaning the windows of a bank at Broadway and Park place th- other day after office hours, when a tramp came along, who, after eying him a few moments with envy, relied to him: "Hello, there, you chap in the bank, can't you throw a fellow out a little, money? l'tu clean broke, and almost anything would be welcome," The janitor went on cleaning the win dows. He heard what the tramp said, but wouldn't admit it. The tramp paused a few moments and t'.ieu yelled: "Come, now, don't be. a hog. There must be a million dollars in there, and all you've got to do is to chuck a bundle of it ont. Are you going to do it or aren't you?" Still no response. The tramp began to chafe under tho galling hauteur with which lie was be ing treated. "If you don't give me some of that money, I'll start a report that the bank's iu trouble," he yelled. "If ever there was a first rate hog, it's you." After 10 minutes had elapsed and no one had taken the least notice of the tramp he began to walk slowly away. As he reached the gutter he turned round, shook his fist at the window clean er and muttered: "When the commune is declared, any one who wants money will only have to walk into a bank and ask for it. I'll be there, my beauty, when the day comes. and I'll point you out to the fellow citi zens as an insolent and bloated symbol of wealth. Yon just wait, my friend, till the call to arms is sounded, and you'll find me right on the spot ready to tell what I know about the enemies of the proletariat." New York Herald. A Theatrical Dresser. There is one difference between Amer ican and European theaters as marked as their schedule of prices and their usher ing system, and that is in the matter of "dressers." The European manager em ploys about half a dozen dressers who act as body servants of the leading actors in his company and a reregular employees of the house, like gas men, cleaners and scene shifters. The American actor, however, dresses himself or else hires a man to assist him. When he does hire a man, it is usually a fellow player who is "doing" small parts and is glad of the chance to increase his f 10 wages by $5 from the leading or heavy man or first comedian. The dresser has not only to assist in changing his master's costume, a per formance requiring great expedition, but makes repairs, folds and puts away the clothing, packs and unpacks the trunks and sees that the dressing table is sup plied with paints, wigs, combs and other needful articles. In the European thea ters the dresser seldom or never acts, though he is often an actor who has been forced off from the stage by illness, lameness or loss of voice. He is gen erally prompt, quiet, a little obsequious and hopeful of tips at the end or a run or of a season. New York Sun. They Did Not Go to Sleep, "The itinerary of a Methodist minister mav have its unpleasant features," re marked a well known divine to a news paper man yesterday, "but it has its ad vantages too. "There is one little dried up Scotch man who used to be on the southern Ohio conference list who never failed to get even with his congregation. At one station he fared badly, and on the last evening he addressed the church he be gan, as all settled back to listen with ease: " 'Now, brethren,' he said, 'it is not fair to go asleep as ye always ha' done until I tret r.lancr wi' my sermon. This is my last one so wait a wee till I get alang, and then if I'm nat worth hear ing sleeD awa' wi' ye, and I will not care, but dinnat go before I ha' com menced. Gi' me thi3 one chance!' "And they were all pretty well awake by that time, so he went on: " 'I shall take for my last text amang ye the two strong words "Know thy self," but I will say before I begin the main discourse that I would nat advise this congregation to make many such profitless acquaintances!' "You may believe that there was not a snore or a nod in the house that even ing." Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. DOINQ ERRANDS BY PROXY. folly tint Srvernl Urliihl Idem and FlmU n Va Tor Her stick of Candy. "Mother," asked Polly, "what doe to do thing 'by proxy' mean?" "To do it by employing another person to do It in your place." "Hut that wouldn't be doing it myself," objected Polly. "People consider it the same thing," said mother. "If I sent Avthtirou an errand, and he asked Harold to go for him because his foot was lame" "Arthur hasn't got a lame foot," cried literal Polly. "We must suppose he had, or that ho had the toothache perhaps, and Harold went instead" "Harold doesn't like to do errands ei ther; he always makes mistakes," said Polly thought fully. Polly had her suspi cious of sudden attacks of lameness and toothache. "Well, it doesn't matter. Perhaps he lniuht hire Harold to go by giving him a piece of candy. If he did that, it would he the same as it' he had done the errand him Keif. He would do it 'by proy.' Do you understand, Polly?" "Ves'm," answered Polly as she started tin stairs. "I've not all the candy Aunt Kittle nave me." said Pollv to herself, "11111 Arthur hasn't an v. Mother didn't know that." She pulled open her bureau drawer to taie a bit of the candy. It looked very pink and tasted sweet. "There's Isabella's dress right under it exclaimed Pollv. "I've lavit wondering where it could lie." She drained poor IsaMla Angelina by her leg from under the bureau and proceed ed to dress her. "Polly:" suddenly came mother voice "Yes'm." "You must no to the store for tne. Uritlget islmsv. and I want the fruit for my fruit cake." Polly laid down lsalielln Angelina with ft si eh. "I lust bate errands as much as Harold - . - does!" Her eves fell upon the candy. "Perliaps," murmured Polly, nodding her head. She slipped the candy into her pocket and went down stairs with a demure face. "Yes'm, yes'm. Kaisins, currants, citron and allspice. Why don't you say all spires, mother? It's correct er. There's Harold at the irate!" She ran after him, and mother, busy with er cake, did not hear the little footsteps which presently pattered up stairs again. Harold brought in the grocer s parcels. "How's this, my boy? It was Polly I sent to Mr. Slote s. ion ve nrougm me me wrong kind of raisins. These arc very poor. No cut rants at all! Citron ami one. two, three packages of cloves, cinnamon and gin ger, but no allspice!" Pear! dear! groaned llaroiii. us hi ways the way. He pushed the pmk candy laitncr into bis pocket. It wasn t nearly so sweet as u had Intnl. "Polly!" called mother. "Yes'm," said Polly's tneek voice from behind the kitchen door. 'I sent you on this errand, Polly. Yes'm," lisped Polly again, "ami I went, mother, just as you e.piaineu. i went 'by proxy.' '' Mother kept her face as straight as sue could. "Indeed. Pollv: then what nm 1 to dor Here are the wrong articles. If Harold had done the i iand, it would be Ins limit, Mil if it is you who have done so badly you must be punished for your carelessness. Y'ou tell me you did the errand, "hat shall I do about it?" Polly considered the situation. "Well. I did do that errand, mother; I truly did. I did it 'by proxy.' I paid uar: eld a piece of candy to go tor me." Then a bright thought strut it rony. "And don't vou think, mother, that if I did your errand 'by proxy,' and you have to punish nie for doing it wrong, ou ougui to punish me 'by proxy' too? ' Harper's Young People. How Men Art at Fires. Among the funny incidents of the lire in the Agency building was one in which a tenant oceUDVinii un uflice on the third Ktorv rushed uu throiiKh the .smoke to his room after his assistants had put every thing into the safe. Seeing that this recep tacle wan locked, he ordered it opened, and swearing vehemently all the w hile at the indifference of his help, who made a useless attemnt to exnlain, he ran w ildly about gathered tip a couple of newspapers, chucked them into the safe, locked it again and then climbed out by way of the lire escape. When the excitement was over and the safe was unlocked, the paper were fumd to he a week old and had been used to bring un laundrv work in. A nut her man threw a waste uoner basket full of bonds and mortgages from the win dow, and spent the next hour gathering up his valuables Irom the surrouiiuiuK uciku- borhood. Uuffalo Express. Dancing Among Savages. "Dancinif." says Tylor, "may seem to us moderns a frivolous amusement, but in the infancy of civilization it was full of passion ate and solemn meaning havKges and oar barians dance their joy and sorrow, their love and raue. ever their magic and reli cion. The forest Indians of, whose sluggish temper few other excitements can stir, rouse themselves at their moonlight gatbcriris,when, rattle in hand, they stamp in one, two, three tune around the great earthen pot of intoxicating kawi liquor, or men and women dance a rude courting dance, advancing in lines with a kind of primitive polka step, or the ferocious war da.e is nertornvea iy arniea warriors in paint, marching in ranks hither and thith er, with a growling chant terrihe to hear." Popular Science Monthly. The Triumph of a Nurse. One of the famous Dr. A 's best nurses married rather late in life, and her only child was a sickly, puny baby that seemed to have very little chance of living. The mother, however, threw her whole profes sional and maternal soul into the struggle with constitutional weakness, and the re suit is a splendid child, who looks as if he had never had a day s illness in his lite. attribute it all to massage and diet and the mof-t, unremitting care," said the mother proudly. "If I had not been trained a nurse, I do not believe I ever could have saved him." New York Tribune. Itubber Curtains. India rubber curtains are now being turned out. At least that is what they are called. As far as the actual process of man ufacture goes there are several other iugre dient.s used lx'sides pure rubber. I might mention 5 per cent of pulverized fruit stones, 3 per cent of wool dust, 5 per cent of bleached leather waste, and many other in significant little items which goto make up these curtains. There is, however, 75 per cent of genuine indla rubber In the ma terial by the time It Is complete. Ex ohange. Not n "Urel Mess." A partv of young men wlm were off on a fishing excursion on the Ohm rlvi r seme years ago were joined by an eccentric man skilled as n iKherniau known iu t hat region as "Uatvfooted Sam." He was a good cook and made himself useful in so iimny ways that his presence, though uninvited, was toler.itod bv the ainateur sportsmen. One morning two members of the party returned toe.nnp with their appetites well sharpened lor luvaktasi and were gin-ted enthusiastically by u third man, who said, "oit.m-t come along and see the llnest baked pi I'.'h oil ever hud eves on." They hurried to the table, but saw only it rick oi bones, from which every liber of meal had hem t-ikeii. Sam w as now hero to be seen. When he n turned, no colli' incuts wciv made upon the circumstance, but in the afternoon, when the company weiv lounging ou the bank, Sam drawled out : "I'd like to have all the llsh I could eat, jest oust. 1 ain't had a mess since Pete r'oltcl ketched that big cattish three yi ais back." "Sam," remarked one of the group dryly, "1 thought you had quite a fair mess this morning. That perch weighed about 10 pounds, I've liocu Informed." "Oh, yes," replied Sam, with no sign of embarrassment on his placid countenance, "I ate thai, but what I mean is a reel, reg' lar mess!" The company pondered ou this ivmarka hie statement in absolute silence for some moments, until at last the man w ho had caught the perch ejaculated, "Well, I suuui:" and nothing more was said. Youth's Companion. K.ncl.onr. Importations or ,'i;cl nidi'.. In the year 1S'.H .'U'A'.srt hundredweight of potatoes, of the value of .4.' I , l'.tt, VJ I, were import d into Kugland, w hieli means nine pounds per head of the entire population. Onions in IS'.H w ere imported to the extent of -t.'.'SI.OU'i bushels, valued at .t;;U,74.". tiardencr's Chronicle. TIIK M ICS KM DKI.IIIIir. Kvery experienced nurse knows the value of a remedy which, without being an aiut- lyne, will relieve soreness of lit lliutis or stiffness of the joints and enable a patient to sleep quietly and naturally. Just such a remedy are A l.t em it s I'oii of n.Asrnts. riaceil on tne cuesi or uu the back, if necessary rut into strips and nl.'iord over the muscles of the limbs, thev work marvels in the way of soothing and niietiiig restlessness. Iteing perlootly sun pie and harmless in their composition thev can be used freelv. and many a suf ferer has thanked them lor a night of quiet rest, irraleful both to hint and those who are for him. liRVM'KKTit's l'lt.i.s do not weaken the bowels. t"nmled evils rarely occur. The fact that mnni'V lias been t it it Is said to nave reiiim n III a K'X'd deal of sober thought. Life Was a Burden necau of the pains In my stmnai h n l siilr, ami alsooii in count of i;a i stones. Altercat ing 1 would bo iu tri al distress. Mv fathrr had me give Hood's Snrsaim rlllaft t-hil. There was an iinrniivnmc nt stonco (tel 1 hiiiit continued 0 Sarsitbanll SHrTr.Caicnm la, N, Y. Hariri's PHI i!st dluestlmi headache. Sold I'T all driik''ists. 25ct8 Wets., and Sl.OOpor Ilottlo, One cent a dose. Tm8 Gbbat COUOH Cihb promptly enrol where all others fall. Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and has cured thousands, and will CLUE Too If taken in time. Sold by Druggist on a guar antee. For ft Lame Hack or Chest, use 8HILOH S BELLADONNA PLA8TKR.250. OHILOH'SCATARRH Have you Catarrh ? This remedy Is gnaran teed to cure you. Price, SO eta. Injector froe. "August Flower" " I am Post Master here and keep a Store. I have kept August Flower for sale for some time. I think it is a splendid medicine." E. A. Bond P. M., Pavilion Centre, N. Y. The stomach is the reservoir If it fails, everything fails. Tbe liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the heart, the head, the blood, the nerves all go wrong. If you feel wrong, look to the stomach first. Put that right at once by using August Flower. It assures a good appetite and a good digestion. A. FKLDENHEIM ER. LeadlitK .low. dor of the Pacific Northwest, keens larf?e stock of all SECRET HOCIETY BADtiEM on hand Best iroods at low est figures. Badges made to order. $3( In Ml nearest tho number of Visitors at uuu llm World's Knir. 1'iirtlnilurs mam. II1VD.1 IW LHWl-U K'H-i""!"., .-'r.-EJ'KT 4 11 I V In ,1...d.. i.mi.dliin and our treatise on Prevention rrtrr a ml Cure of private Midi! "nurrtCC Female disease nil sent r Aecrits wanted. Stnndiird Remedy Co., Seattle, .n tun. Consumptives and peoplo who have weak lungs or Asth ma, should use Plso's Cure fur Consumption. It has cared thousands. It has not Injur ed one. It Is not bad to take. It Is the bast oough syrup. Bold everywhere. 8Se 'J3 bam attniki N. P. N. U. No. SOS -8. F. N. U. No. 682 taking It. until 1 nm 1 IJ V - I now well. I have . JJHi I Fsinrd in flesh, and ran PWV,K2Y'i I est hrs'tdy withiiutdis- -v'iStL I t:ess. I now enjoy life v v'JTR, J and lowfltfi!! to Hood's - . (T a."MRs..MAi:rS nririArr jut Cot HOODS ami ours sJSffriiun: XlWilUlltflla&l Ill iiMtHilllalalM ! MHalT ITT SOCIETY BADGES. HOW 1VI tiltOW (HU. The thread that binds us to II Ik I" "'"f' 'rV intently severed ere lh meridian of lite Is reached In theeaxeof persons who ticKieit ch ylous menus to renew fiitllnM stremtth. lK"f. no leas the source o( happiness than the eotidl llnli nt Until lite, run heetented mid p itieUiiited w here It dues mil e lid I honminiU w ho have experienced or a re coanldiiil Ineliidluit many phvslcliiiis t( eminence- of the elleels o( lies teller's stotimeh Hitlers hear lesllinony to Its wondrous ellleiiey lis a creator ot slrenttlh I" feeble CeiLxtdulioii and dchllllaled mid "hat Icied tostem. A steady pellol miinee ol the bodily '(mictions, r netted appetite, llcvlt and nbihliv repose atiend I lie use ol tins thoroiii;li and sti'indard rcnuvaiil. I'se no I nil node rep resented lo he akin in or resemble II In ellecls In lis place. ticmiiml the iteniilno, which Is an aeknott remedy lor tnumcaiioii. union nervousness, conHttpullon, liver nun a nine) otuplaluts mid ibenmiiliMiii. t', ..,- l'd.ii.iiu,ir J.ilt mi oeellll sloa Insll lid lioiwn't the vessel lie It liihllnliy T I'litnineu sieward I he wessel, mum, Is liylntt to ei aid example In tin' passi'iiuers. too uKWAitn, vino. Tim renders of this tinner will he lilensed b iMirn i hui tlu'ie Is ill least one dieaded disease Hint scii'iiee has icon nhle lo cure in an us sihuos, nnd that is catarrh. Hall's I nlarrh fine Is the only positive cure now know n in ine men n (in em v. t ntiiri I. nciiiu a conniniiuiniiii llscnse. remilres n eonsilluilonal treatment. Hall s Catarrh i lire Is taken Internally, aellutl directly upon Hie blood and mucous sin lin es of Hie system, tliereny uestrov init inn iniiiinainiii f the dlsense mid ttlvlliH tne pnui'iii siieiiKin v hutliltitit mi I In" constitution and nssisiunt nature In dolus Its work. The proprietors have so much talih In Its eiiiallve powi'is that they Her One Hundred hollars lor any ease thai It falls lo cure. Semi lor list ol teslluioulnls. Ail- In- K. J.t'llKNKY '., InU'dn, ti. gtf Sdd by KniKKlsIa; T.ifeiils, I'so KitsmtillniirlUive I'ullsh; tinitust.tiiisint'll, Thy Okiimka for breakfast. t.KV IT A'C.V, and ymir cough tuny end In sniiinttiini; seri ous, "it's pretty sure to, if your blood i xMir. That Is just the tun" and condition that In- vitea ('oiisutnption. I hn myds am sown and It has fa.steiul its hold tipdti you, before you know that it is near. It won't do to ttille and tlelav, when the reined r is at hand. Kverv dlsoriler that can b rent'lieit through the blood yields to lr. Pierce's tloldeti Miilnal Pwovery. or Hevore t'oiii;hs, Bronchial. Ihnsit ami l.uiiB Ilitrnsm, Asthma, SiTofttla In every fortii, and even the Scrofulous nlTeidioti of the lungs that's called fonmiitiptioit, In all its earlier stages, it is a sisilivo and complete cure. It is the mii hlovl cleaner, strength re storer, and flesh-builder so effective that It ran lie yttiirtiiifertf. If It doesn't betiellt or mre, in every case, toii have your money back. All medicine dealers have It. Bladder, frlnsrv slid I.iver llseaes, Irnpiy, Orsvel and Diabetes are cured by HUNT'S REMEDY THE BEST KIDNEY AND LIVER MEDICINE HUNT'S REMEDY Cures Brlirht's Dl-ease. telentlotl or Nun re ten thin ol 1 rlne, i'sltm Iu the llsik, Loins or HUNT'S REMEDY l ures Intemperance, Nervous Diseases, (leneral Debility, Female neaaiiess anu r.xccsites. HUNT'S REMEDY Cures Biliousness, Ileadaebe, Jaundice, i-ulir stomach, Dynpepshi, Constlinllou nnd Hies. HUNT'S REMEDY AT IIM i: on the Hldnevs. l iver and llouels. restorlni; Ihem to a beiillhy ur- ion. nnd I I ICi;M when all other medicines fail. Hundreds have been saved who have beell given up to die by friends and physicians. SOI.II III A 1,1, UK! t.UININ. LOOP POISON nnr?nlll "Sr' Primary. Hoeond. A OrEiWIHU I I a arf or Turllarjt Rvphllla permanently enrod In 15 to 85 days. You can be treated at homo for tho snino prleo anil the same aruiirnnteesi with thosowlio prefer to coma mn nnvnTnensAnf comlnif. 1 PureWOWIllCOniriw:HUl.'u liinum inmni ,...., hills: If we full to euro.. If foa have tuien nier- rurv. IcMlldo liao pmniR, no eaual'ateheBiln ?otun, annsiui navo a nei mm oteheBiln mouth, WoreThrout, pnlns, Mucous 1'lmples t orT-4 'alorcd Mp ots.n leers on any yebrows aTtstf Inp part of tho body, llulr or .. but. It Is this HypnllUlo HI.OU1S I'OIMO.N that wo aruuronteotocuro. Wo aollclt tbo moi, obstinate cases and chllentrt lie world lot a euuwseiisnotrnrs, 'i'lilsdlsensoliiisalvi'nj hnffled tho skill of the mostrmlnrut physl cluns. ;SOO,00 cntiltal bi'hlnd our mn'omb tlonal miarantco. A Wlutoroolajwntsenled 1 oi apnlleatlon. Addresa Kk Jl KM KItV O. UMta to 11131 Masonic Temple, CblvuvOt " FRAZER AXLE Best in the Worldl 0 fl C A 0 T Bet the Genuine! h ti Hi hf SoldEverywherelWIIl-MUL CRANK WOOLSBT, AKent, Portland, i HAVE YOU nnr IT011ITO PILES known br molstnra Ilka parsulratiKi, oatiso Intonso llc-hliif when wnrin. Tills form and BLIND. BLlfiEDINl or i'liOTWUWNQ fliJSlJ TIKbn ATONCH TO un. CO-SAN-KO S PILE RCWEDY. whifli aula dlreotlv on parts sirftctsA I sborMtumorB,aUnynltuhlng(.etrictm nil .rurmjnratmirA I'rioo lQo. DriliratHM b pcrmani-ntoiir. I'rioo boo. DrugatsM HILtlCi eriuJ. JJr, Boounko,J'hiliulelplil,l'a, KIDNEY, A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES RHEUWIATISM IVIoore's Astoria, Orb(ion, January 10. I Can state with pleasure that b . MOORK'H REVEALkD REMEDY my husband was relieve.? from K RHEUMATIBM audi MATIBM when the beai doctor OLD c-8 PRINTERS g -AND- PUBIiISHERS -WII.I, KIM" A Fli.l, LINK OK Presses, Printing Materia! and Machinery Fur sulo st lowest prices slid must i terms st dvsuliiKi'iiiis Palmer & ReyType Foundry, Cor. Front and Alder Streets, PORTLAND, OR. Write for price and terms Ik tine buying elmv where. Hercules Gas Engine (OAS OU UANOI.IK M for Power OT Pumping Purpoaaa. The Cheapest Hellsbla Oa Ku(tu I, u vii w Our or Enoihi an Wt Slmptlcltr l tl World. Holla Itself from a Iteaervolr, No Carhnrntor to ft out of onUr. No llatlerleiorKlnctrlo Hparh. I ran with a Cheaper Clrnite uf Oaaalttie Diai aiif bilier l-nuio. BSD ruB C1T4USICB TO PALMER & RtY, Mahufactuih, Hi Uiuomi Stmt. Saa Frmcum, U. -ANIi-I'OKTI.AMI. OltltllON. TIIH IS TIIK TI M K TO order vour ol MMKR liul.l.KliH. Vou want the 1',1-XT ; tliill'H till) n.ily kind i' 'bill In. 'lbaa send your order lor the HI-.-T Kid I r Krt Slid INK.- lo I" A I MKK A It K V TVl'K F'DKY, I'uKTl.ANIi, DK. 1 MIK ARIZONA Kit KKIt. l.H 3. I'ltblb'lied every eilnedny, Ml cents lor three month- kt sunn tn. AllU'iNA Kl Ham pie ei pie", ID H KM, 'l, cents. Address DR. GUMS ONION SYRUP noma AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICt. Inrstslnsjafsmllvof nlns children, my only rim dy for CoiikIis, C'olili anil Croup was onion svrup. is in hint s effiwtlvoi t-i-d:iy s It wns forty yi-ari arf'i. Now my KrsnilelilMriii take Pr. (liinn'sUiilon Hyrup which Is alrnady proparod anil more plnnnniit to lti taste. Hold every whoro. I.srKS bollb'i M) ontits. Xako no substitute tur lb Tburo's noilnng a k'ood. Brooklyn Hotel 208-212 Bush St., San Francisco. This favorite hotel Is under tho miitiiiKcincnt of C11AKI.K.H MONTUOM F.KY. and Ihhskoo.1 It not the best Family nnd ItiiHlni'DB Men's Hold In Hun Francisco. Home Comforts. Cuisine Unexcelled 1 First-class service and the highest standard of respectability Kuaraiiteed. Our riMM enmmt br. lUTjiiiKHed fur iiriilnmn unil tmnjort. lloiird 1111(1 room perihiy,ljr.,l.fH), J1.7riind iM; boiird and room per week, ,7 lo fU; slnxle rooms, We to,l. Iree coach to and from hotel. MRS. WINSLOW'S Soothing tiYRUP - FOR CHILDREN TEETHING ror .ale by all lruKILta. ( ,,nl. . bottle. CURED BY THE USE Or Revealed Remedv. TYPE, 1IB luIElo nay vouneest bov cured entimivr.r ikdi , .5,,.S ? I coufa eet did him no good YoTtVs in e'aMttfrS' MK8. N. V. STlWJl, BV YOUK