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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1893)
.Tie Hood River Glacier. vol. HOOD KIVI5K, OUKGON, SATURDAY. AUGUST 19, 1893. NO. 12. Sfcod Iiver (Slacier. I' I Ill.lkllHll XVKI1T MTllltl'AT MOHNIKU The Glacier Publishing Company. mi list iur i ion i-nici Oh your Si V Ml'Mllhl . . 1 lltl IllOllttll. i.icl ijr . . . , .. M ... I .... THE GLACIER torbcr Shop Grant Evans, Propr. ii.ii, I SI , mm O..K. . . Hood Rlr, Or. Sliuving uiiil llnir cutting nrktly done Salinfui tinu (iiiaiaiittl. OMIIHOTAIj nkws. line at I.OS Ahgcli'H ha over rulr.l (lie iIimiiui rcr in the runii nt tlin Southern I 'm-i (if h . .1 1 in ii it ('. Araiii, i -vnlviiig ii l,ii.'c hi int of railroad lands I III' l.tlllMIIH I ItlVIH W 111 I'llHC IH llglllU Ul In due tin- Unite (Mont.) courts. It ih tlmilglit t ln limit t'liiitchtillitH iiml tin IH'IIMllI .lllllll I MVIH W III. Ill till Ultl I'M" t.lle Ix IrtlM Il tlll'lll. I niii-cl Mutes Judge Itellinger at I'orl lllllil IlilH filled tlml II Chinese WOlllllll, w Im w it n-f iist'I binding liv tlif Collector of tluit nii tun tin ground that she hum only tin mistress of Me Kim, wan justly imiiiii il In him m-iording to tin t'liini'Mc i.iw, him unit tin' woman hum m no SI'IIM' Ilil'JW Th. in"-t.i ll.IV' a ii 1 1 ft i i'fH. il to land. .m Iicgu C Mil'. therefore, whs II toil SUN'S : Several new to thin lilt If V I ll'l'll part of tin country liscovcrcd liv Ilorti- u 1 1 ' 1 1 a I ( oiiiiiiiheionir 1 1 1 1 1 1 i h , among winch hic tin black Hplli, tin Woolly iiilii, tin' Norfolk Island pine scale ami till' Telnill", clnlHU 1 1 1 111 ' 1 1 1 It 1 1 IH , COIIIiuOlily known as till six-Spotted lllite. Sonic ol tin- aliovi liavt never before been Known r-t of tin Rock) Mountain. .loliii McLaughlin, foreman of tin I'm, ii. c iiiini' at Nevada City, Cab, I .il ( liaili H Uungc over tin lii'ii'l with a t mi jx.itTi'l weight, ami fiiuluifl hiu skull. 'ITi im enraged tin miners, itii'l it 1 1 1 r Mclaughlin was r l net. 1 ly tin court on u kill of $f,(MH) In had to In- i'm curled liv nllii'ialH to i i h hotel, a crowd fi l in 1 1 1 anil shouting to " hang him." If tin it had been a li'inliT among these men, it i believed McLaughlin would h.i i 1 In i n strung up. Twenty-seven tanneries art packing salmon mi tin' Fraser river tliiM year, hiu I l,:'i'J." boats art at work. Sockeye h.ilnioii, whii'li, is the only variety packed there in large nihilities, arc running now in inniii'iisi numbers, tho average take by i-teady lishiTiiieh being 1,(HH) for twelve hours. The run has never lieen better than at present, and the tanner ies u 1 1 1 1 t gel away with the quantity of li-h supplied them, though Homeof them are parking l.JWO eases daily, Recently li-h were so plentiful that 5 cents cacfi was the price asked hy many lishenut'ii ; lull, owing to the great supply, numbers were unalile to sell. If tin run contin ue ten days longer, as it doubtless will, the pack 'will aggregate fully '150,000 eases the lurnest ever put up on the racer river, w hile somo canners expect the pack to run over 6(H), (HH) cases, livery packing estalilislinient Iiiih inudi" prciaiatioiis to iuck to their full ciipai' ity, and w ill till every ran. The following item is from u recent issue of the World'H Columbian Illus trated, the ollicial orjHiof the exposi tion: "Oregon has adopted a unique und practical method of displaying the woods produced in that State. At Jack son I'ark there it) a house, constructed entirely of Oregon woods. It iH ten feet, hipiare and nineteen feet high, und is Hiiiinounted ly an open cupola. The budy of tin structure, is a yellow pine. The' roof is of red-cedar shingles:, and is nuppoiU'd hy four liorio columns. The columns me of maple, and are very rich ly carved. The roof of the cupola is n'lippni'ti'd hy four small Doric columns of carved oak. The interior is finished with panel work containing about all the woods of the State, among which are nianziinita, inadrone, yew, laurel, myr tle, ash, maple, oak, mpruce, halm, ii r, sugar pine, hird'H-evo pine, cherry, curly maple and alder, the house forms the Oregon pavilion in the forestry building." Here is another high compliment in a recent, editorial correspondence to the St. Joseph (Mo.) Herald: "Adjoining the exIiiliitH of Missouri in both the hor ticultural and agricultural buildings are the displays of Oregon, the Legislature of w hich State appropriated a scant iftiO, (101) in all for the purpose of properly representing the State's resources anil industries at tin World's Fair. The con trast between the two display) is so great as to put all Missourinns to sluune. In the Oregon booth in tho horticultural building over sixty varieties of apples are shown fresh and beautiful on plates, while there are countless jars ami boxes of peaches, plums, prunes, etc., ho ar ranged as to demand the attention of all who pass. lsitors rush through the dusty Missouri space to get into the Or-1 egon booth and admire tho products of , t ho far Western Stato as arranged so eaptivntingly. The same is true of tho mrriciiltural exhibits. While the Mis- solid pavilion is more favorably located it does not command ono visitor, while dozens visit Oregon and inspect her honest exhibits of grain and grasses and t he general product of tho farm. Iler wheat is shown in two-bushel sacks, and all who wish to examine it have only to delve Into the aacki and try a handful." OIIK'AtiO KXI'OSniON. The daily cost of operating the World's Columbian Kxposil ion is li!,U(Kl, A straw hat, plaited entirely hy (Juccii Victoria, has been sent to Chicago for exhibition, Missouri will have eight herds of thor oughbred cuttle of the ilillerclit breeds at lint World's I' air. French and English new "papers now publish exhaustive corrcHioiidciicc from the World's Fair; some of it very iiiiuis Ing. Arruiigctiiciitrt have been made for ex cursions of colored people from the South to the World'H l air, and it is expected that i:rtl,()IKI will thilH he added to the al tendance. The Itoslon Journal opened up a cou pon contest for ladies to go to the World's Fair. Miss l.izii. lionlen received the highest vote, llMI,(HHI( hut declined to ac cept, ami the next highest was awarded the prize. One of India's potentates, the Mahar ajah of kapiirthala, has leached Chi- i ngo, accompanied by one of his w ives and his retinue. The Maharajah has come to see the fair, and will sUy until he has "done" the cxisition' thor oughly. Al the present late the total attend ance hi i ue Mii.ix lair lor tne six months it Is open will U 'jri.lMl.Ooo. lint, the estimate was for a total of .'Jo.OIH',- (MHi. I he best months are yet to come, and perhaps the higher llguri,s w ill In reached. The picture, " In My Studio," in tin leruiau section ot tin art exhibits at ( Imago has been slashed with a knife. me panning is hy Kaliler, w lio, it is thought, had tin picture cut so as to at tract attention. Artists think tin in jury can be repaired with little trouble I he ImiiiiIs of the World's Fair olli- cials, found guiltv recently hv JiiiIl'i Stein of contempt of court in violating the t liugman injunction by closing tin fair to the public Sunday, July Z, havi been Hied, thereby suspending proceed ings pending the action of tin Apicllat ( oiirt. I lie ca.-e in which the parties are iielil to answer cannot take jirece dem e on the Appellate Court calendar, und at the earliest possible time will not he called before the end of next Octo ber. Anthony Comstock is in Chicago. lie called on IVc-idi'iit lliginliothaiii, and annouiici'd that he had i'olue from New York to lead a crusade against the danc ing girls on the Midway. Mr'. Comstock had evidently investigated the places. As he went out he dropped a catalogue of the Midway. On the margins of the aves croes and stars had been made, showing that he had visited the theaters of the giddv Persian dancers and the lusky Algerians. Mr. Comstock will all on I'l'isideiit lliginbotliaiu again and make another protest against the lancehoiises. Failing to have them sup pressed hy otlicials ot tin lair, he will probably appeal to the city authorities. Chief Ituclianan in charge of the stock xhibit at the World's Fair has an nounced tin- result ol the cheese contest, w hich has been in progress there several weeks. The test was pronounced most complete, most carefully conducted and the most thorough ever made. J he con test was between twenty-live cows of Jersey, Otiernsey and Shorthorn breeds each. The result is as follows, being a decided victory for the Jerseys: Milk in lil'teen days Jerseys, KI.'JiMt pounds; liuernseys, 10,i);SH pounds; Sh'jrthorns, 12, IHH pounds, t heese made Jersevs, 1,-1 r 1 pounds; (.iuerneys. 1,150 pounds; shorthorns, 1,077 pounds. Value of heese Jersevs, !!;!. !W; litierusevs, fhtri.liL; Shorthorns, $140. H. Value of whey Jerseys, $ii.i!ti; (iuernseys, $7.7H; Shorthorns, $H.ti7. Increase in live weight Jerseys, 14.72 pounds; (iuern seys, pounds; Short horns, .11, til M)tinds. lotal values Jerseys, $217. !Mi; luernsevs, $; Shorthorns, $!i!!.;i(i. Net profit in fifteen davs Jersevs, $110.82; (iuernsevs, $.H8.:!0; Shorthorns, $ki.:w. FKOM WASHINGTON CITY. ' Further instructions in regard to the acceptance of Chinese certificates have been issued to the Collector ot the port of New York. The order calls for the etention of Chineso upon the vessels bringing them to this country until the Consular certificates: are fully investi gated and until tho bearers, are fully identilled; in fact, until there is not the lightest doubt as to their right to enter the United States. That a desperate fight is to he made to repeal the Oeary Chinese exclusion act during tho extra or regular session of Congress is no longer doubted hv those interested in Washington. While Kep resentative Oeary claims to have learned nothing definite as to the administra tion's attitude toward tho law, he ac knowledges that it would not surprise him if there were a mighty effort made by the enemies of the hill to either re peal it in Congress or originate some other plan to nullify it. Mr. Gearv would neither afhrm nor deny t he report that the Chineso Six Companies had levied another assessment on all Celes tials in the country to raise a corruption fund to lobby through its repeal at the coining session. I to did say, however: " It is possible that the Six t ompanies w ill not he able to collect t he $5 per head assessment said to have heen recently levied. Chinamen are very much dis pleased over tho ill success of the Six Companies in expending the last money they paid to prevent tho passage of the law or to have the fight made against its constitutionality in the Supreme Court, There is a possibility, however, that these Mongolians may come up smiling again with the money asked for. I don't know what kind of a fight I may have to make provided I and other advocates of tho law are again called upon to sort our rights." It is hoheved that Geary has received a tip from some ad- ministration official that the administra-! tion w ill not act in any direction until after the arrival of the new Chinese Minister. EASTERN MELANGE. Sccrclury Hoke Smith Hunted in KtHrv in Ohio. NKHKOKK M ri'MNTINfJ WJIJTKS Trouble: AimrelieuuVtl Hctween Hie Whiles and the Seiiiliioles In Southern Florida. Heading (I'u.) Council has voted 000 to light the smallpox. '.irasshoppers have destroyed several crops of corn in the vicinity of J'ilot Knob, Tex. Canadn'H total wheat crop this year w ill be iilioiit 10,000,000 bushels larger than last year. Ilaby kulh is to have a Shetland tsinv thirty-eight inches high, w hich has been sent to tin) l'resident from Scotland. liiiisiann has a largo prospective su gar crop in sight, and she is anxious to know what Congress is going to do w ith it. Three negrts'H by a stratagem roblxil tin I'licilic F.xiircss Company at Wich ita, Kan., of alsnit $7,fn0 in currency and silver. It is said that fully 25,000 whites have settled on the Cherokee Strip and threat en to make trouble if the government attempts to eject them. A radical reorganization of tho coast survey is contemplated hy Secretary Carlisle. Some of the changes may re iiiire Congressional action. The Pennsylvania railroad system is said to have decided to substitute the long-distance telephone for the telegraph in the operation of its lines. The death rate of children under 6 years of age in New York week before last was jer cent of the total number, or Tlt.'l out of a total of 1,2.17. For the first time on record passengers have recently been able to breakfast in Iondon on Sunday and dine in New York on the following Friday. From present indications tho country will have fully 400,000,000 bushels more of corn and 00,000,000 bushels more of oats than were produced last year. Tw o hundred and three inmates of the Kansas Soldiers' Home, w ho have Ix-en treated for alcoholism, have left the home, able to maintain themselves. A St. 1'nul special says it is estimated inai ,i,ono in i.oou idle men are mere and huiidreds luorearrivingdaily. Many are from railroads and mining regions. All fears of trouble from idle working men at IVnver have disappeared. Those w ho have not left the city will he given employment in conteiuifated public im provements. The new Chinese Minister, who will arrive in Washington alsjut the middle of this month, will replace the present legation of nine persons with a much more imjKising suite. There is apprehension that trouhle may arin between the whites in South ern Florida and tho Seminole Indians over the thrashing of one of the chief's sons, who was caught poaching. The slaughter of the innocents now going on in Cleveland is something ter rible. Twenty-two deaths from cholera infantum and kindred diseases were re iwrted at the health oflice the other day. A defalcation of $10,000 has heen dis covered in the cash of the National Bank of I'aterson, N. J. Abrani Fardon, the paying teller, was arrested, and con fessed. He is 50 years old and unmar ried. Because a reporter at Denver had crit icised the conduct of Governor Waite the latter and his nephew threw the re porter out of the Governor's oflice when e called to see if there was a news item to lie got. It is reported at Springfield, III., that William Whitman, the American Ex press Comimny's absconding cashier Irom that place, is in Mexico, and requi sition papers will he applied for to cap ture nun. The reported robbery of Mrs. Amnion at Chicago hy men who personated de tectives is said to have been simply a ruse of the woman to secure a present to make up for the supposed loss from an old and wealthy friend. The fight of the nutters in Southeast ern Kansas is still on, but the importa tion ot negro miners from Alabama has weakened the strikers, for the new ma terial are good workmen and fill the places of the men who quit work. The Brooklyn pharmacists are endeav oring to break up the practice of selling drugs to the big drv-goods stores, and Have asked the District Attorney to make a charge against one of the tner- hants in order to make a test case. It is stated at Providence, R. I., that $15,000,000 worth of certificates of the Northern ramie Grain hlevator Com pany of Minnesota are afloat in the otintrv and there is but 60 per cent of their value in wheat in sight as security. For tho first time since the passage of the Sherman silver law the Treasury in .lulv failed to buy the full quota of 4,600,- 000 ounces of silver. The total pur chases for tho month were 2,384,000 ounces, leaving a shortage of 2,116,000 ounces. Secretary Hoke Smith was hanged in as-'effigy by enraged citizens of Rome, a , little town in Adams county, 0., Satur- day night. A number of pensions had been suspended there, and the climax vas reached when the pension of J. L. Reed, a veteran of the Eleventh Illinois Cavalry, aged 83 years, was droppod. IJLSINKSS BltKVITIKS. Th! Terre Haute distillery, the largest in the world, will sion resume opera tions. Tin? cx)ort of American hav to Eu rope creates much comment " across the water." India ink is made in Japan from the si it obtained by burning tin; shell of an oily nut. Jerusalem has taken a new start in the line of progress ami established a brewery. Liberia exiKirts 1,000,000 poundH of coffee annually. One-half of it goes to Germany. Skunks are bred on New York farms. Their skins are di-odorized, and U;eoiiit valuable in the fur markets. (hie of the most curious farms in the I'liited States and one of the most prof itable is a frog furm in Illinois. The Iron Moulders' Union of North America entered ujion the thirty-fifth year oi us existence Jtuy t last. In Japanese saws the teeth js-int to ward mo namiie, and txjth saws and planes cut toward the workman. Irom tho American aloe tree is made thread, needles, rones, cables. iater cioiiung, soap, sugar and brandy. entilated Units are an improvement weieoiiitfd ny many who think their feet need a little fresh air all the time. A cloth of very fine texture is madt from the bark of' the pasr tree, a mul berry grow ing in the South Seo Islands. The maize crop of the United States covers an area irreater than Em- and. Scotland. Wales. Ireland and Denmark. The Mexican Land and Improvement Company of Kansas will experiment w iin coiiee-raising on a large scale in Mexico. i ne ciiv oi lxmdon drinks every vear 45.000.000 gallons of malt liutior. 8.000. 000 gallons of wine and 1,500,000 gallons of spirits. Hits linen industry in Ireland irives employment to upward of 100,000 per sons, ami lias an estimated capital in vested of $7.1,000,000. The world's agriculture occupies the attention of 280,000,000 men, represents a capital of $224,000,000,000, and has an annual product of over $20,000,000,000. We have stored in the Federal TreaS' ury ;02,0O0,o00 silver dollars: we have (.s,000,000 silver dollars in circu ation and alsjut $80,000,000 in smaller silver com. PURELY PERSONAL. King Carlos of Portugal leaped from his carriage the other dav to interfere with a fight and prevent a probable mur der. His Majesty overpowered the stronger party, and turned him over to the police. Little Queen Wilhelmina of Holland is 13 years old, and her doctor after a study of her constitution eavs that she has used up just eighty years worth of nervous toree. Her lite is too exciting lor a person ot her supersensitive nature. K. S. Hanjitsintjl, a voung Sikh Prince, is this year a contestant in the hiiL'Iish university cricket matches and one of the best all-round members of the Cambridge eleven. He is called simply " Smith " by his daily associates, who can t catch his right name. Through the efforts of Mrs. Lewis Rice of Frederick, Md., enough money has been collected to put an imposing monument over the grave of F'rancis Scott Key, author of " The Star-Spangled Banner." His remains are interred in a Georgetown (D. C.) cemetery. Ex-Premier Mercier, accompanied by 0. Desmarais, has left Montreal on his tour through the French-Canadian cen ters in New England, where he will de liver addresses advocating the advantages to be derived from Canadian independ ence. General Alejandro Ybarra, who has been mentioned as a coalition candidate (or the Presidency of Venezuela, is now residing in Boston. He married the daughter of Thomas Russell, who was United States Minister to Venezuela un der President Grant. Miss Kate Kane of Chicago gives no tice that she is out for a Judgeship. She is willing to accept a nomination from either of the political parties or from both of them, but, if ignored, will run independently. It is apparent that Miss Kane believes in the wearing of gowns hy J udges. Frederick Emerson Brooks, the Cali fornia poet, is a sylph-like creature, weighing 250 pounds, lie has a face like the full moon, but it lights up niarvel- ously w hen he begins to recite one of his quaint, droll ami pathetic poems for a roomful of his friends. He is a native of New York State, but has lived in San t rancisco for seventeen years. General J. C. McKibben of Maryland, who was the second of Senator Broder ick in the duel with Judge Terry in Cali fornia, which resulted in Broderick'e death, is still halo and hearty. Speaking of the duel the other day, he said that it was a most unfortunate affair, and that there was really no cause for it. There was nothing in the language used by lirodenck that justinea the combat, but the state of feeling in California at the time was such that duels were fought upon very flimsy pretexts or upon none at all. Mrs. E. T. W. Packard, who has prob ably accomplished more in establishing the eights of women than any other one woman, is passing the summer in Chi cago. For twenty-five years she has de voted her life to establishing the legal rights of woman. She is not a woman sulfragist, and her friends think that 'alone she has accomplished more than the combined ellort of the sutlrage asso ciation. Congress and Legislatures have listened to her arguments, passing the bills she advocated and placing on the statute books laws which have given married women equal rights with men in control of children and property. FOREIGN FLASHES. Irilliiciiza in London lielievci to hv. Dying Out. A I'OSITIVK ITKK FOR LKl'KOSY The Famese Palace in Koine Bought by the Getiian (overninent The Kinif of Assam. Otto, the insane King of Bavaria, It said to be dying. Italy officially announces "eminently saiisiactory " iieaitn reports. Milan is so satislied with its municipal lighting experiment mat it is now build ing a street-railway system. A pedestal and bust have been placed over the grave of the late Charles Brail- laugh at Brookwood, England. Sympathy for the unemployed poor of iuidon would be greater if so many of them were not seen intoxicated. The Prussian Home Secretary has is sued an order to the provincial depart ments vj expei iiussian immigrants. Tho Italian Catholic mission at Mien Yang, ninety miles from Hankow, China, has ieen destroyed by native rioters Revolutionary movements have begun in the provinces of Buenos Avres and Santa le, Argentine, led by the Radical A Continental medical journal savs that of 545 morphinomaniacs brought under observation 289 were doctors of medi cine. The German Emperor is said to " per sonallv regret" the retirement of Hon. W. W Phelps, the former American Minister. r.x-rremier j;epretis ot Italy is re torted to have received $tW01000 from Talongo, the imprisoned ex-manager of the uank ot Koine, From an observation tower on the Brocken in the Harz Mountains eighty- nine cities ana no, villages can be seen in clear weather. The Cardinal Manninj memorial fund in London has reached a total of $30,000. The money will be given to the homeless poor of that city. The Indian government has refused to modify the terms granted to exchange banks, who have aptiealed to England against the decision. It is announced that during the Czar- owitz' visit to England Queen Victoria will confer on him the Order of the Gar ter at Windsor Castle. There was something pathetic in the King of Siam's reouest to the French invaders that they should stop shooting ana let diplomacy nave a chance. The Siam fracas has spread more gen eral knowledge of that Asiatic country, its style of government and its resources than any other event possibly could have lone. Cholera has broken out in St. Louis. Senegal, capital of the French posses sions in Senegambia. The deaths have already reached an average of fifty daily. The remarkable price of $300 was paid in London recently for a fossil egg of the a;pyornis, an extinct wingless bird that inhabited .Madagascar in prehistoric times. The new Belgian Constitution will pro vide that three-fourths of the Senate shall be elected by direct universal suf frage and the other fourth by Communal Councils. Austria is having a hard time over the resumption of gold payments. Gold is at a premium at Vienna, as it is every where in Europe when wanted in any quantity. It has been calculated that the annual income of the London Hebrews is nearly 5,000,000, which means that they are eight and one-quarter times richer than the Gentiles. Shippers were astonished to learn re cently that from the comparatively un known port of Rosario, Argentine" Re public, 100,141 tons of wheat were ex ported last May. The German War Minister has decided that the handles of all hatchets, axes and besieging material of the German armv must hereafter be made of Ameri can liickory wood. An overhead electric railway for Na ples is proposed by Sig. Avena, a local engineer. On account of the narrow streets and steep grades surface transit is not advantageous. Several of the principal London banks have informed their clerks that during the hot weather no reproach will be cast on them it they come to business in light coats and straw hats. Dr. Tomazoli, a noted Russian physi cian, is about to make public what he claims to be a positive cure for leprosy, f tu., ,.i, :f ;.,-,..);.,. : k 1 : ' . : 11IU tlliri , Uievniii. ill luu irilicu ia H whey obtained from sheep. Daniel Colladon, whose death at Ge neva occurred recently, was one of Switz erland's most famous men. He first lighted Geneva with gas in 1843 (he was then 41 years old), and atterward in vented the "fairy fountain." Women bootblacks have been making their appearance in increasing numbers lat ely in Toulon and other French towns, tidy and coquettish girls, who wear gauntlet gloves in their efforts to out shine their male competitors. Influenza is believed to be dying out in Ijndon after being more or less prev alent since the first outbreak over the world several years ago. For a consid erable time the number of deaths from the malady have been about twenty a wees, ijurmg ine second week ot June only six such deaths occurred. MASTERED IT OVERNIGHT. 4 Ditrmlnril Morkiiig lllril Tlint Sarcend nt In Inillulliig n lluril Cry. A good story alout a bird or any other animal U doubly interesting if the reader can Ik sure that it L not only true- fiulstantially, hut hus not been drchsod out by tho writnr'n imagination. Huch a fttory in tho fol lowing, toM hy Mr. William brew titer, one of the lxt known of American ornithologists. He wan ftpending Home weeks at the little village of Kt. Mary's on the coast of Georgia. Mocking birds were abuti ilant, and being protected by every one were half domesticated, build ing their nesta in the shrublx:ry that Kurroundcd the houses and hopping alKflit like robins upon the grass plots and graveled walks. An orange tree in front of the window was ap propriated by a particularly fine singer. His repertory included the notes of nearly all the birds in the sur rounding region, besides many of the characteristic village sounds, and most of the imitations were simply perfect. Moreover, he was continu ally adding to his accomplishments. An instance of this occurred one afternoon wheu several of us were sitting on the veranda. A greater yellow legs (a well knowu game bird of the snipe and sandpiper family) passing over the town was attracted by my answer ing whistle and circled several times above the house reiterating hLs mel low call. The mocking bird up to this time had beeu singing almost uninterrupt edly, but at the sound of thesu btrange notes he relapsed into silenc and retreated into the thickest fob ago of hLs favorite tree. Then we heard him trying them in an under tone. The first note canir pretty readily, but the falling inflection of the suc ceeding three troubled him. When ever I ventured to prompt, he would listen attentively, and at the next at tempt show an evident improve ment Finally he abandoned the task, aa we thought, in despair, and at sunset that evening, for the first and only time during my 6tay, his voice was missing in the general chorus. But at daylight the next morning the garden rang with a perfect imitation of the yellow leg's whistle. He had mastered it duiing the night and ever afterward it was his favorite part. The discomforture of the rival males in the neighborhood was as amusing as it was unmistakable. Each in turn tried the new song, but not one succeeded. What Are We Coming Tot The following is printed "for true in a London journal : The house of a well known lady novelist was the other day observed to be shrouded in the gloom of drawn curtains and lowered blinds. Sym pathetic friends presently called to inquire what family affliction had taken place. They were admitted Into the darkened drawing room, where, clad in deep mourning and holding a clean pocket handkerchief in her hand, tbe lady novelist sat, weeping, upon the couch. A sympa thetic and inquiring murmur from the visitors elicited a fresh burst of tears as the lady sobbed forth: "Af fliction Yes, I should think so. My hero is just dead!" The Borrowed Uouk. "The borrowed book." What a text for a sermon, said a clever author. If books are borrowed, mar them not; neither turn down the leaves, and, above all, be careful to return them in as good a 6tate of preservation as when borrowed. To write on the margins is unpardonable, vulgar, ill bred. Good Housekeeping. A Cow Superstition. According to Indo-European folk lore the clouds of the heavens were nothing but cows, who were invested with the duties of a psychopomp. At times these clouds descended to the earth and assumed their bovine garb. but their duty remained the same. Hence the superstition prevalent in tnany agricultural countries that a cow breaking into a garden foretells a death in the family. The psycho pomp was merely looking for a soul to escort to the hereafter. New York Telegram. What Wrinkles Signify. Wrinkled foreheads in children be token consumption, rickets or idiocy. Vertical wrinkles of the brow come early to men who do much brain work. Arched and crossing wrinkles about the lower middle of the fore head betoken physical or mental suf fering. Fine close meshed wrinkles which cover the face, 6ign of age and decrepitude, are caused by loss of contractile nervous force and ar prevented by hot bathing, friction and electricity.