The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 12, 1893, Image 4

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    THE U. 5. Government Chemists
have reported, after an exami
nation of scores of different brands,
that the Royal Baking Powder is ab
solutely pure, of highest leavening
capacity, and superior to all others.
The exiircs.Moti Ail tli world a
utajw." tlioiiii jiitntuti'il t Siiakopcare
is fou ml in the I. .'inn ot .Km venal At)
old Grecian author says, Urotve U
theater whore all are players."
The oyster seems from all Accounts to
be scarcely less prolific, actually, thai)
the house fly It ia estimated that each
mother oyster throws off "from 200,000
to 2,000,000 ova" annnaUr
Is a hahmi.kss preparation in t:iMt
form for preserving am. kinos of
fiu'it without iwKixii. Otu' pack
age preserves fifty pints of fruit or
a barrel of eider, and only costs GO
cents. Fruits preserved with Anti
fermentine retain their natural
taste and appearance. Ask your
druggist or grocer for Anti-fermen-tine.
The romantic summer cirl write her name on
the santl at the shore, while her father has to
serateii gravel at home.
N". Albany St.,
fA!4A Ithaca, N.Y..
Dec. 19, 1SS1.
For over 40 years
I have been a
victim of rheu
matism. I was
persuaded to try St. Jacobs Oil. I
have used two bottles, and a man
more free from rheumatism never
walked our streets. My limbs that
were once stiffand lame are now as
light and limber as in my youth.
Ithaca, N. Y., July 5, 1SS7.
Suffered many years injury to
hip resulting in rheumatism, muscu
lar weakness and contracted cords.
Two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil re
lieved me so that I now walk about
and attend to daily duties at 62.
I heartily endorse it.
Purity and
Leavening, PovVer
To Introduce our Powder, we hava de
termined, to distribute among the consum
ers a number of CakH PRIZES. To
ttiepersonorclubreturning usthelnrgese
number of certlllcates on or before June 1,
1894, we will give a cash prize of $100, and
to the next larcest, numerous other prizes
ranging from 5 to $75 IN CASH.
these and every kindred disease arising
from impure blood successfully treated by
that never-failing and best of all tonics and
Books on Blood and Skin
d and Skin
nials sent onJ
Diseases free.
Printed testimonials
application. Address
Toe Swift Specific
JL .rrr GIVEN' AWAY to those guessing
CP 11 N M I nearest the number of Visitora at
N. WW the world's Fair. Particulars
if4 1 and our treatise on Prevention pfjpr"
and Cure of private Male anHTnfct
Female diseases all sent'
Agents wanted. Standard Remedy Co., Seattle.
ELA'S Poison-ivy Pills a sure cure for
poisoning from Ivy-vine or Oak. If not im
proved in 2 DAYS, return the bottle and get
your money. Sold by all Druggists.
Pifio's Remedy for Catarrh I' the
Rest. Fattest to TTse, and rheei m.
f-ijj bold by druggist or sent by i- ail
f XI "l .at
How Would Women Do nil Jockeys?
"I'll tell you another sphere of useful
ness for women, involving a class of work
for which they are not at all illy adapted
by nature," said a gentleman from whoso
buttonhole hung a race course badge.
"And whafs that?"
"Race riding. Why shouldn't girls
make as good jockeys as men? They're
entailer, ami as weight is the desider
atum primarily, they are naturally bet
ter suited than men to begin with. Then
it has been demonstrated that women
can ride, aud ride well, even when ham
pered by the clumsy garments of their
ees and side saddles. Even with these
handicaps the ladies manage to keep up
with the men in cross country riding, and
in some instances the fair ones capture
the brush over their male competitors.
Now, it being proved that women can
ride, and that it is a healthy exercise for
them, we may also take it for granted
that most women love horses and like to
ride. Then why shouldn't they be
jockeys, eh?
"For race riding let 'em, of course,
discard their skirts and corsets and don
the habiliments of the jockey. The cos
tume is ample, more so than those of
other professional women athletes,
dancers aud circus riders. I tell you
it's a great scheme. It would prove
popular with the women, who would
embrace the new profession eagerly be
cause of the good money returns and the
opportunities it would give them for dis
play of their good horsemanship, and it
would draw big crowds to the track.
"Racing isn't particularly dangerous
no more so than lots of other profes
sions that women do engage in and as
the girls are light, plenty stroug enough,
quick witted, good schemers, fond of
rivalry and naturally adapted to riding
as well as the men, I don't see why lady
jockeys shouldn't be a popnlar feature of
the race courses in the future. 1 mean
to advocate the innovation anyway."
Chicago News.
Dancer of Swallowing Seeds.
Medical journals and their contents S3
rarely come before the people at large,
that laymen are now and then moved to
dilate upon some of the ills which flesh
is heir to. and which with intelligence
might be averted. The recent death of
a young college professor in my neigh
borhood resulting from having swallow
ed an orange seed prompts me to again
revert to the danger of swallowing hard
seeds of any kind that are not digested
in the stomach. This young man is the
fifth victim 1 have known to die of get
ting a seed in the "appendix," that in
testinal cul de sac which seems to be of
no use but to kill people now and then.
Any hard or indigestible substance,
often a grape seed, sometimes a piece of
oyster shell, slipping into it in its pas
sage through the intestines and unable to
get out, produces intense inflammation
and suffering, ending in death in three
or four days. Cases have been known
where the seed has become encysted and
death has not directly ensued. A few
very skillful and experienced physicians
now claim that they know the symp
toms of appendix inflammation so well
that if the patient is immediately
acted upon, surgically, his life may be
saved. But, undoubtedly, the ailment
generally passes for excruciating inflam
mation of the bowels or bilious trouble,
which yields to nothing but death.
Of course, we are all doomed to die
some time, and if one has constantly to
bear in mind care of himself, life be
comes in a degree burdensome, but
there are certain things most persons in
stinctively avoid as being dangerous,
and with a generation or two of special
culture in eschewing seeds, especially in
the education of children, it would be
come as natural and easy to avoid swal
lowing them as it is now with many per
sons to gulp them down in eating fruit.
-Table Talk.
The China Closet.
The china closet has come to be an es
tablished piece of furniture in every din
ing room. The prettiest ones are those
that fit across the corner in the old fash
ioned way. They are often made with
plate glass shelves, beveled on the edges
and furnished with mirrors at the back.
Some of the new closets, however, are
made up with simply polished shelves of
wood. The rectangular china closets
may have shelves of glass or transparent
sides and front of glass, so that all its
contents are displayed. Sometimes the
sides of the china closet are cut out in
fretwork design.
A very simple way to display dining
room china consists of shelves of hand
some wood, arranged one above the
other, against the wall in some suitable
place over the mantel or over a table.
The wall back of the shelves should be
papered with dark terra cotta or some
good color to show off the china. Plates
should lean against the wall and cups
and saucers and other pieces may be
ranged abont. Little brass hooks may
be fastened on the edge of the shelves
and small pitchers and tiny bits of bric-a-brac
may be hung on these. The ob
jection to such an open cupboard as this
is that it collects the dust; but there is
scarcely any ornamental part of the
room that is not open more or less to the
same objection. For this reason, how
ever, the closed china closet is more use
ful. New York Tribune.
Ail Went walking itoniilhsd&la,
Maater Cupid ran hesltlo me.
And with many a winsome tale
LAUtflilnidy the trickster piled mis
ttvckltiii with lil subtle art
Kntrance to my Kuartletl heart.
"Nay," said I "'lis no avail."
Yet the little rouo dolled me;
"Ah," salil he, "I never full;
None hath ever et denied me.
Thou slutlt see u hat t unnlUK art
I can practice on the heart,"
"HraKarl boy! 1 paw unharmed;
HonHtuiii hath undone thee, stupid."
On I walked, forewarned, forearmed,
Smtlitiif back at Master ruulU,
Vainly with his vaunted art
hoekiutt entrain to my heart.
A I looked I saw he wept
O'er the sail defeat before him.
Ah. tny sentries must have slept
As I bent In pity o'er him,
For the Imp of wondrous art
Leaped Into my 0111 heart.
-WUIts It. Hawkins tu Detroit Free Press.
Her Moneymakers.
"Come out and see my moneymakers,"
aaida lady living in the country to a
friend from the city who was visitiug
her, "Those," she continued, as they
came to a largo ami well apiHinted hen
house, "are my Vliutvh hens;' all that I
make out of them above expenses is do
voted to religious objects.
"The goose you see down there on the
pond are my 'poor and needy geese.
They cost little or nothing, and the prof
its are applied to the relief of the poor
and needy. Away down beyond that
wood 1 keep a drove of hogs; 'dress hogs'
1 call them, because I buy my dresses out
of what 1 make from them.
"Those Alderney cows are my 'theater
and opera cows." 1 saw four Wagner
operas last winter out of the profits of
one of them. You see that bed of
strawberries? Well, we don't call them
strawberries, but 'shoe berries." I buy
all the children's shoes and my own, too,
out of the income from that strawberry
"These ami many other little money
making schemes 1 manage myself, with
out troubling my husband, who works
in the city for a not very big salary. Con
sequently We have a great many com
forts and luxuries that we couldn't other
wise have; and I thoroughly enjoy the
work too."
Do not this lady's methods suggest a
host of little things which other ladies
might turn to use as moneymakers and
find find health and pleasure in so doing?
Youth's Companion.
Rearing liable.
Hot weather is generally considered
the hardest upon the babies, and in cities
the mortality among the infants is often
terrible. A word should be. said about
these little ones that more sense may W
showu in rearing them. The great idea
among mothers is to have a fat, plump
almost round baby, and the acme of suc
cess is then reached. The child is kept
fat as long as possible, but the mothers
little realize how much fat babies suffer
in hot weather. With the exception of
the other extreme the very thin and
6ickly babies the mortality among ba
bies is greatest among the very fat.
Recently a foreign physician pub
lished a paper in which mothers were
advised to follow the cattle breeders in
their methods of bringing up good, prof
itable cattle. The first idea of the
breeder is not to produce fat, but to
make the young animals put on a large
frame and strong muscles. Food that
would make bone and muscle rapidly
was given for the first period, and only
sufficient fattening foodts given to keep
them in good health. An animal in this
condition can stand the hot weather with
considerable comfort. After a solid
frame and hard muscles are formed the
fattening process is very easy of accom
plishment; but if all the food goes to fat,
the framework is dwarfed and made un
dersized. Yankee Blade.
Salt for All Kinds of Aches.
Now is the season for hay fever and
colds of all sorts contracted through
carelessness or recklessness. If your
family physician is not accessible, and
you intend being your own doctor, here
is a remedy to be recommended. It is
no more nor less than common table salt.
It is perfectly harmless, always avail
able and has great curative properties.
Moreover, it has this great advantage
over more pretentious remedies, that if
it does not cure it will not kill, and the
chances are that it will cure.
If, with your very best boy, you gaze
at the stars far into the night, watching
the moon until it wanes or goes sailing
in the gloaming, the probabilities are
that a toothache, earache, neuralgic
headache or some other distressing ill
will be the result next morning. Ap
plications of a strong, hot solution of
salt in water and vinegar act like magic,
and before many hours have passed yon
will forget you have ever had an ache or
a pain.
For any kind of a cold that takes the
unpleasant form of sneezing and influ
enza, a vapor of heated salt and alcohol
will afford almost instant relief. If a
sore throat constantly threatens you,
there is no better remedy than a spray
of warm water and salt; it is almost a
sure cure. New York Advertiser
A Woman's'Notes.
A very excellent departure in the way
of weekly articles has of late been intro
duced by a leading Engliihwomen'g
journal. Every seven days the wife of
an M. P., otherwise known as a member
of parliament, writes a brief record of
any doings of great pith or moment that
are debated by the commons. From her
seat behind the grating of the gallery,
where women are permitted to view and
listen to the lawmakers, this clever
woman watches and notes all proceed
ings, and during those months when par
, liament is in session keeps her sister
well informed with regard to the nation
affairs. ' Her letter ia written in clear,
sprightly English that enables all wom
en to keep pace with political move
ments without the aid of prejudiced and
prosy daily newspapers. Something of
this nature is sadly needed for American
women, who are so strangely ignorant of
political action, not only in Washington,
but in their own state's senate, and even
j the town councils. Chicago Newa
A Ho 111 a 0 with a lMstltiet I'owsr.
Mrs. John Winston, an Indianapolis;
woman, has received an endowment that
gives her advantages over her sisters
which cannot bo. calculated Sh has a
voictt witli an who, and when sho speaks
to her husband or children what she says
is repealed ihtvo or lour times Tlia
power of a curtain lecture repeated
three or lour times with a single ell'ot't
must ho apparent. A man would either
reform or take to the woods. And what
sutpt'tioMiy Mis. Winston must fool ntu
towing circle when Iter turn at the
neighborhood gossip conies For n wo
man to have the equivalent of four
tongues is certainly a rare advantage
over her sisters who have but one, if it is
hung in the uiiddto. Hay City Times
An lileu for a Cushion,
An Idea for a cushion, which is merely
an elaboration of the covers made of
men's white linen hemstitched haiidkor
chiefs, was seen in a suburban parlor ro
ceutly. A large sized plain black silk
inufllcr, with hemstitched bonier, had
boon powdered all over with tiny "John
nyjiiinptips," their gay little faces worked
in purple and gold lloss. The square was
then fitted on a cushion, whoso lining
was gold silk, and the four corners had
heavy tassels made of gold colored flax
New York Times.
Twenty-five thousand ladies of Host on
have handed themselves together to close
all stores and business houses employing
female help after 5 p. m.
Mrs. T. O. Uichardson has given $100.
000 to the medical department of Titian
university. New Orleans, to bo used iu
erecting a new college
The reason why Am.cock'k 1'ohoi'm 1'i.ak
tkkh are popular is that they may lie relied
on to cure:
1. l.aiue back, sciatica, Htiirness or tw itch
ing of the muscles.
Chest troubles, such as pleurisy, pneu
monia, consumption.
,'t. luilim'stion. dyspepsia, hiliousneas,
kidney complaint.
The success, however, will depend upon
the genuineness of the plaster used. The
popularity of At. i.t oca'a 1'okoi'n I'lantkhs
has been so great that multitudes of imita
tions have sprung up on every hand. The
only sure cure is to get the genuine A i l-
Ukamikkth's Pills improve tint diges
tion. "till, dear!" itroaiii'd a bunk manager one
tnortiiiii! as he lore Yesifrtltiv's leal oil' ihe al
manac In his private ulllcc, "another column off
my lite none! 1
My Health is Solid
As a duck's foot In tb
mud, thanks to Hood'!
Sarstpsnlla. Iu
formerly 111 a wreiciica
condition, with Oratel
I mill I 11 tl 1 1; r I I o d .
1 couldn't rata IIiIiik that
J would stay on my
stomach. I iK-irsn to
l y stomach. I Iwirsn
f l take Hood's Sarsspnrll
i-Y slid found II did n
.1 i-od. Ho I keid on till I
a)g-r"?.zzrr. jtf. have tsKeu louiti't-n Iml
LZ?:?Z fcJ tli-saud 1 mil perfectly
cured." Krkdk. KRSaicti, 6A So. Carpenter
Street, Chicago, ill.
Hood's Pills eure all liver Ills, biliousness,
Jaundice, TiidiKcatlou, sick headache, "ibe.
Wets., and
81.00 per Ilottlo,
Que cent a dose.
Tni8 Obbat CotTOH Cuius promptly cure
where all others fail. Coughs, Croup. Sor
Throat, Hoarteness, Whooping Cough and
Asthma. For Consumption It has no rivul:
has cured thousands, and will CL ltl Too If
taken In time. Sold by Druggist on a guar
antee. For a Lame Hack or Cheat. us
wZR E M E D Y,
1 avevou Catarrh r This rwmciyisiniaran-
teed to cure you. Price, GO eta. Injector free.
k at
Regis iblanc is a French Cana
dian store keeper at Notre Dame de
Stanbridge, Quebec, Can., who was
cured of a severe attack of Congest
ion of the Lungs by Boschee's Ger
man Syrup. lie has sold many a
bottle of German Syrup on his per
sonal recommendation. If you drop
him a line he'll give you the full
facts f the case direct, as he did us,
and that Boschee's German Syrup
brought him through nicely. It
always will. It is a good medicine
and thorough in its work.
PosltlT Ijr Cured with Vegetable Remedial
Have cased thousands of cases. Cure cases pro
Bounced bopelens by best physicians. From ttratdost
lymptoms disappear: In ten daysatleast two-thlrdi
sll symptoms removed. Send for free book testimo
nials of miraculous curna. Ten Jays' treatment
free by mall. If you order trial, send 10c. In siampi
or pay postage. Dlt. II II (iltCKN HoNH.Atlanta.Oa
If you ordertrlal return this advertisement to 0
Choice Rice, 5c tb; large Raisins, 5c; fine Tea,
80c; KegKyrup,$l; Arbuckle Coffee, 2fc; Hago,
6c; Tapioca. 5c; '4i-lh pkgs King's Huokwheat,
10c; Dried Peaches, 11c; Kigs, 4c; Prunes, 12c;
Apples, evaporated, 11c. HKN1) FOR THh 16
QUOTATIONS. Mention this paper. Address
Jones' Cash Store,
130 Front Street, Portland, Or.
1 . m
I ft 9
. 1 r" a ij ju 1 .1
K. P. N. U. No. 504-8. F. N. U. No. 681
i ne 1 ureatt 1 nut i'iiiu ws ii uiu m ni-n .--
tiuunily sarvretl ers ths msrldlatt tit li( Is
reacktd In ths cast ol persons who nagU'ct Ob
l . .1 a ...... t.i..i ... nr.. 1. ..Mi I..,.
vious means 10 renew laiiiua sirennm. 'a'",
no less the sotircs ol happiness than the coiidl
ilnit 11' lima 1K0. enii ! cri'iited and W-itH'luiiled
w here It does mil exist i housnmls who have
experienced or are cognisant- Including many
tMIYMICIIIUS til I' 111 lilt' lit C "-01 HIP l'IM'i-S t'l it,'
otter's Stomach Itinera bear testimony In lis
wondrous cHlcacyas a creator ol strength In
leeble constitutions and ilebllllati'd and nIiiiI
Icrcd tslius. A steady pel loiinaiue of the
botlllv luiicllons, n nctteil appetite, llesh ami
Illicitly repose ill lend Ihe use o( tins Ihoroiiitli
and standard renovaul. Use no b nil tonic irp
resettled to be akin to or resemble It In flh'cis
I.. I.. ..I...... It I II. ...... .(.. U I. loll I ,1,1
III lilt (tint i'1-iitniMi 11," , iitttii, , ,,,,,,,, ....
at kiiiittli'dgi il remedy lor liulluesllon. malaila,
lii'ivousiiess, coicoipalion, liver aim kiuur
complaints and i hi'iimallsut.
I-mum - What's that noise? It sounds 11 II
they were pounding beefsteak. June You
mic'ssi'il rlphl, but tve always speak ol 1 lie per
fortiiiiuce lieie as IcudcrtUK a buiniuel.
IOO It KW A II I), 9100.
The readers ol this paper w III be pleased In
learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease
thai science has been able to cine In all Its
stages, and that Is catarrh. Hall's l atiirrh t'ure
Is the only positive cure now know 11 to the med
ical Irate rulty. t'atarrh, hclux a constitutional
disease. reiiilres a couslllutioual treatment.
Hull's catarrh t lire Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous stu laces ol
the vtciu, thereby tlestrovlug the Inundation
ot Ihe disease and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and assisting
nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have
so much lalth In Its curative aiwers that they
otter Hue Hundred Dollars (or any case that It
falls to cure. Send for list 01 testimonials. Ad
dress K, J. I'll KS K V A CO.. Toledo, n.
f sjr- Sold by lirugglsts; 7.'i cents.
Use Knamelluc Stove Polish ; 110 dust, no smell.
Tr Omnia for breakfast.
Dr. 1'leroo's I'leaa-
hut IVIhta. Tlioy'ra
rtmimun! of re
fined and eniioen
tratwl Isitnulcal i-
'tracts. Tlitsse tlnjr,
sugar cttatotl -lleta
the smallest ami
the easiest to take
alsmlutelj and
issrniBiifiitly cure
Ctinatiimtinii, Indi
gestion, Sick ami illlinua lleailnclitw, Plr-d-neas,
lUllous Attacks, suit all derangements
of tb liver, stomach, ami lamela.
Tliejr cure jrsfrmniwn'y. loau thejr act
nitfui-iiJ7. They don't shock ami weaken
tlie system, like, the litign, old fashioned
pills. Anil they're more efTivtive. tine
little pellet for "a corrective or laiativo
thrce for a cathartic.
They're the chrnft pills you can Imy, for
they're gimniiifcnf to give satisfaction, or
your money is returnil.
You sy only for the pood you get.
Fishina Tackle.
Stananl Files, is-r dot ! '-,
Oregon Trout r'lli s, s r do
Menu's I'lles, p, r do !'
Split Hitmboo Iwods, eiicb '.'.'si
.tent hv mall oil receipt ol price.
Portland, Oregon.
I'atiilKgucs on application.
KR, U'atllng Jew
eler el the l'aclllc
Northwest, keeps s
large stock of all
HAIXiKS tin baud.
ltesl goods at low
est tig 11 res. Madges
made to order.
MRS. WINSLOWS sos0ytrhuVno
F.r sale all lrl.u. ab O.u a kattl.
order your HUMMER
KOI. I, KKS. You want
the Hnrr ; that's the
only kind we deal In.
Then send your order
TTCItTNO TILES known by moisture
Ilka perspiration, oauso intense Itoliiiia
whtn warm. Tills form i anil VUWti,
wbiiih ants dlreotlr on pans alfaoled,
Absorbs tumors, alUvsltaliinir.emxitrng
epormanfntoure. PrtcAmjo. Drttsslsla
or uutU. lit, Suaanko, rhtladelpuia, Pa
v. jj 1
1 1
Kloore's Revealed Remedy.
Astoria, uboon, January 10. I can stata miih . .
MOORK'BREVKAUfo REmIdY mj Thusband . I oT""? .'J'"1 1 S5 ?
RHEIIMAT1HM and my yotinRestbo-
MATIBM when the best
1 aoctor
111 Vi
Printing Material and Machinery
Kor sale at lowest prices and most advantageous
teiius at
Palmer & ReyType Foundry,
Cor. Front and Alder Streets,
Write lor prices and tortus Ih'Ioic bu lull elso
wbero. Brooklyn Hotel
208-212 Bush St., San Francisco.
This lavorlte hotel Is under the limtiine lit
ol t il MILK M"N ItiiiMKltY, aiul I" as is.unl II
not the best I'll ill It)' and liiiiu " Mill" llnlel
In San I'ranelseo.
Home Comforts! Cuisine Unexcelled !
Klrst class service and lite lilt- lo-st aramlant ol
respcctiibllliv Kuaratilffd. Hnr mmi .nimnl l-r
lliiin! Inr lirilfioM illel ilniiiirf. u it r, I and
room per iluv, l H . V " and I ' isi, Im.smI
and room per week, f ,' I" fl '. simile rMitms, .sic
to l. Kree coach to and liom hotel.
Hercules Gas Engine
Mat for Powaf or Pumping Purposas.
Tb Cbaast Has Culus
on Uts klsu
Simplicity i Beat the World.
II oils Itself from a ltrsormlr,
o Carburetor to get out of onlsr.
No Ilallerlcs or Klectrlo r.aia.
ft rana wtth a Chesper (lraile i f lis,,Mi,o Dian aof
oUii-r Kiiifiii.
saso roa citsuucb to
ill linwM Stmt, Ejo franco. U.
j iMruoviu
si aaaa m
A movement of ths bowtli earh dr U nonMKrr fhr
hultb. Th pilli ui) ply mini lhA ny(pm Uok to
nak It rtfluUr. Thoy tiuri Hf(U'lir, hrlKinmi tha
hym antl ul(ar tha (omplilnu h"ttr Kin con
metloa. Th flt mrldly. hciihrr grip nor l"Hn u
othitf ptlli an. To con v lot vmi of thmr mrit t
will mll niptff r, or m full Imii f'r ynonti. Mnl4
vrwUma. iioBauag MuO. Co., I'UiUUolt'hiu. If .
WON B:0S, $0.00. Cir,. RnrfHint,
Hair Mattresses,
Floss Mittrcssas,
'ti'iro Maltressos,
and Pillows.
Hciul (or (!ittalo(jtio.
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The Specific A No.
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