The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 12, 1893, Image 1

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    he Hood River Glacier.
NO. 11.
-Hcod Iiver Slacier.
I'1 I'l luilKli KVfltr HATIIKDAT MOnHINO if
flio Glacier relishing Company.
mi mm it i r Hon rinCK.
!'" V'r H C
Ilia . t , J or
i iii i-in ,i,u,, iti
' '"!' ICnk
"" i "
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr.
Hi-. ihuI St , ilir Oali. . . Hood Ur, Or
ii'C mid Hun culling nmlly dim.
ifin l ii ,n ;imjntot.
nrrihKXTAii nkws.
I 'In- j'lin in ynicii tailors ill three iiiiinii
t-li-'i" ,il.niii tin- only mir in tin- town
i'l ii t'Hi;i an-mil on u strike. The
i ii 1 1 -i - n n ilui-i ii,n if w ages.
Ni i ii Ii I'luivr mines hiivc Im-i-ii dis
to i -red tin iimi- of (he (rililllill V Hi reams
m I In- u Ki in i icr, it fnw hundred miles
In-low I hi u -null' cri'i-k, Alaska.
."-.unii'-l .1. blink, who was shot by
I v am and oiiliig ni ( 'uniji I'adgcr last
M;i, i- j.-i ttmg along very well, Ilisrc
mi! I . i- uiilv a imllter of lime.
Mnniiii-eiit rain liuve fallen nil
I'li'i'Vli I 1 1 -1 -f 1 1 anil Southeastern Ari
zona. Ml o( the tributaries of the liilit
iiii-l .i 1 1 mi H uie running hank full.
in.i". i-c instill in great abundance,
aii-l Im- -1 ii U in lining well.
II i iHiiiuiv.l at Yiillejo tlnil ('njiliiin
Cl.i l mi Mian of llie United States mil
i me i oi i Maluiiinl ul llie marine bar
lail. -. M.iri I -1 : 1 1 1 I , hits been placed ill
me -pi ii-hui I'V Major 1 1 1 -1 1 1 V A. I'.nrllelt,
I'.iiiihiaii'l.inl n( llie marine barracks.
I'l., -.! I',i- limn Yuma i hum to have
il,-i i.m n 1 i In- mi tis of it prehistoric city
mi l hi- t "I n. i'Io Ilcsert Ml search of Pcg
li in i ii -. It i- stated the wiinl Intil laiil
I. an llie .ill- liml remains of stone
I.iiiMmi .- fin llie distance of -fJO feet in
irll.'l il I'V '.II feet ill W iillil.
.I'l.l.-i-( !h iii v of Nevii'la has tleeiileil
a m -iv itnp-iit.iiit water Ml it at l-ovclocks,
lliin.l'nl i'l . -u Ii t lie gives ( In plaillt
i:i. jn-1 wati-i rimiiuli to irrigate their
laii'l nn-li-r tin- lied management. They 'l llie light to all theinliteli would
. : 1 1 , .i I ii I ii kill for the removal of the
I', lis d. mi, higher up ill the lluinlHililt,
l 111' Il tt.l-i n l'u-ci.
I m in mi il ii i ii.'!ttioiiidH in the Sun
.In i.;iiui Valley think il is possible to
wml, an iiniroeiiieiit in the system in
1 no -In' ' I inn-. One is to intike line of
lln- 1 1 ; v 1 1 water of winter iimi spring,
win, h now run to waste; the other is to
ili-.H-i,-i- largely with surface wetting of
il:. .-iiiiin l, which priMliiri-M sickness uinl
(Uil-for iniirli work that euil be done
mi:i) with.
Mi, hutli Tow list-lid was accidentally
cliot aii'l killed at Salt l.uke with it tar
get iitle in the hands of Lovinia llurk
unl, the sweetheart of M rs. Tow iisoiid's
miii! Arthur. Miss llaikard was aiming
ul ii target, mid Arthur Townseiid, w ho
was endeavoring to steady her uiin by
resting the rille on bin arm, suddenly
dropped il at her request, changing the
aim. Mrs. Townsond, who wiiH standing
In oiie Mile, received the discharge of the
rille, and died ill ten minuted.
t Astoria Attorney Wiirrcn htiH com
menced suit in the Circuit Court against
Mavor Crosby and the city of Astoria,
eni'iinini? t !-. from levying mid eolleet
in" taxes for 1S!.'1. The eoiiipluint ttl-.-i7i-s
th:it tlifi' is no City AHHUHNor uu
thorized hv lnw. and that 1 ho tuneil
ha no authority to levy a tax for this
vear. The rust' wuh heard beforo JilHtiee
"Mi-i'.t iitf. City Attorney Hamilton de
murred tuiaiiiHt the t-oniiilaint, but the
ludire oveiniled thti demurrer ami
eriuited the injiiiift ion, Haying that the
eountv, and iil the city, could be al
low ed' to lew the tax arcordiiin to the
last Slain law. The fane will be appealed
to the Sui'ieine Court at once.
The Kxei iilivt' Committee of the. San
Vnnicisco Midwinter J-'air (jives out the
I f.ll.uin informivtion : H. WalleiiHlein,
ho has a law llour-inillin exhibit at
Cliic;i"o, communicates relative to the
csttihl'ishinn of his exhibit at the Cali
fornia l'air. Several additional oilers
have been received from ttentleinen who
believe they can bo of assistance to the
fair and tender their nervices, free of any
cost except traveling expenses, to work
anions the dilleicnt l'ucilie, Coast States.
A irreit manv oilers have been received
fniin paint manufae.turers, oU'ering to
iiaint the lmildiii?n and also to cover the
roofs with varioiiH materials. Ono eon
cei n bus reiiuested the privilege of cov
crini.' llie olliee "f tbo buildings at tho
fair for the cod of the material and lalior.
Vindications from mercantile houses of
al sorts are coming in every mail. A
local linn representing a laws number
of ' F'islei ii liianufaeturinK houseH say
tlv intend to pet up a very elaborate
..vhihition of dillerent proprietary arti
cles Some of these exlubilH are promi
nent features at the Columbian Inhibi
tion Many "f these will be brought to
iliiornia intm'-t. The Chinese Six Coin-
t lllllOl lii . , j. ... l;.l
s have subscribed -15,000 to the Mid-
pan '
1 ...... l.'iii i- In addition to tins tliev
iji i-ini' the ('hinese exhibit from tho
; i , voir to San Francisco, and will
,,,,,, ii nuniher of new features. Among
tl.e tiling proiniscd is a floating Chineso
.mpom'l fin international jury of awards
"l.e irencral reception of exhibits will
vill-li'O. J'1" v,uu.ll.jr BUI
S Z admitted after December 20.
I a pa ii talks of buildilii; fiiiirteen rnil
iiiiiiIm. There are 0,15,000 ownerM of farniM in
In one ranch in Texas there are I ,(1(KI,
000 Hheep.
The lire Iommi-m for June laid exceeded
f HI,:ilM),tMNI.
Woini'li are coiiiiiicnciiiK to drive cabs
in New York,
Idioms are siiccesMfully run by eliM-tric-ily
in Saxony.
ins motors are proposed for running
ChiciiKo slreet cars.
A lunik still lining biisiiiesH at I'urce
lniia was founded in I KM,
Italy has -17,01 K ininers. The marble
iimrries emjiloy UH,0K) mole.
Millhall estimates thai the civilied
tuitions annually pay l:i, 000,000, 000 for
Silver dollars are shipped direct to
China from .Mexico In- Chinese mcr-
riiilitdcljihia has 1 ,ll.'!'J retail li'plor sa
ioons; in 1KH7 there were .r(,77.'I licensed
The Cniled Stales itcrt-iw in grain is
ureater than the entire area of the (ier
mail )'!mpire,
Celluloid id paper chemically treated,
reduced a'uiu to pulp and then luoldei'
into its limit form.
For" the labor temple to he established
in I'liiladelphia a fair will be arranged
to open ( Irtoher
The liailway Age licliiives that tin' to
tal construction (or the whole year will
he about :i,(XMI miles.
Horses are not so much Used as before
the iiKi- of steam, but the world still has
need of lU.',0.r0,0o0 of them.
Since l.HOO the value of grain crops has
steadilv diminished, while that of pas
toral products has increased.
Five 1 1 1 1 -t I u m I h of anchoring lsilts in
stone were recently tried at the Worces
ter Polytechnic. The best test was Isirne
by sulphur setting in a straight hole.
In J h 1 1 thcawiat'o wage of a lnidon
m-eille woman w as li'...d an hour. The
wages of many pisir needle women in
liiidon do not now exceed l'...d jier
The Provident Savings P,ank of Itodon,
the greatest institution of the kind in
this i ouiitrv, has IKl.iiOO deMisitors and
delH.sits of f ;.'),(HM),(KK) ill Slims of I,INH)
or less.
The statement is made on apparently
good authority that :!l5,0(H),INK)of Amer
ican capital has been invested in busi
ness enterprises in Mexico within the
la-l three years.
Onlv three members of the lierlin
Congress of 1H7H are now alive I'.is-
maick, Salisburv and addington.
Samuel Fdison, the father of the great
inventor, will he 01 years old in August.
Me 1 1 v.-u iii I 'ml Huron. Mich., and has
a little daughter 0 years old, of whom lit
is exceedinglv proud.
The resemblance l twccn Colonel Fred
liraut and his father grow s more marked
daily, ami some friends w ho have seen
him since his return from Vienna have
been startled at the lirst glance.
When (iladstono was dined by tho
lii'iicliers of (irav's Inn. Ixilidon. last
.January he astonished them by his)
know ledge of abstruso law points. Mr.
liallourwas almost as mucnoi a surprise
w hen entertained bv the same legal fra
ternity recently.
It !u iw kt m.iwnill v L-nou-n that the t.o-
rean Minister and his wife are ineuibeii
of the Presbvterian Church. Mr. ami
Mrs Ye determined to identify them
selves w ith Christianity shortly after the
death of their lirst child, l'.xcept on
State occasions they wear American
Among Mrs. Cleveland's most highly
ni i..,l iiiiMHessions are a iiumberof Paint
ings w hich Joseph Jellerson presented to
her. Thev are all from his own brush,
and Mrs. Cleveland takes wspecial de
light in exhibiting a bit of woodland
scenery on Hip Van Winkle's Southern
Mr. l.auiuchore announced in Ins pa
per that Mr. Bayard, our Ambassador
to Kngland, obtains a great increase in
iii-ei-eiTenee bv beintr iiromotetl from the
rani; of Minister of legation. Mr. La
bouehero declares that Ambassadors have
precedence over Dukes, and seems to
think that iwr. tsayaru ougin io oe uiucn
elated over the fact.
u'nnl Ate Allisler and his fellow noo
dles are preparing for a grand display of
toad-eating al ixewpon. iiie viriinu
I i.i l-.i Aleviiniler of Kussia is to be the
t ..f Ati-a. Ii'.dwiird S. Willing at her
cottage by the sea, and all tho snobs and
snubesses in New lorK city are nuying
tickets and cheeking trunks so as to bask
in tho rellected rays oi me royai splen
William l-awrenco l'oole of JNew Or
leans is said to bo the oldest editor in
the country. He is now 8!) years of age.
Ho was born in Portland, Me., drifted
South ami in 1821 established the Che
raw (S. C.) Intelligencer. He bought
the Charleston City Gazette to fight the
14 nullification " doctrine, and then went
to New Orleans, whore ho was connected
with several papers.
At the recent ceremony in Vienna of
the conferring of a Cardinal's hat on the
Bishop of Grosswardein a most impos
ing ceremony because of the number of
(l... ,.i,mi-,-1i diirnitni-ies riresent and be
cause tho Emperor knelt there prostrate
at. the altar the most impressive ngure
was that of the young papal envoy, who
attracted all eyes. This youthful pre
late, the son of'aSpanish nobleman, was
easily the center of the brilliant scene
on account of his youth, his manly
beautv ami the dignity beyond bis years
which" lent ell'ectiveness to his address to
the Emperor, lie is the son of Senor del
Val, was born in England and is famous
in Kome for the fine sermons he preaches
in the English tongue.
Nnv York Cily Di'hI tirlx'd Over
1 1 h Water Supply.
(; ni tit Family to Visit the World's
Fair In Si'iileinbcr Cable
Cars In .New York.
Seats are now reserved for women in
tint Philadelphia public rnilareH.
The Fourteenth ICegiment will build
in Pittsburg an armory for $loO,(MK).
The farm hands of Southern Kansas
have organized themselves into a union.
An dil oilman says the number of dry
wells in Western Pennsylvania in amaz
ing. Some of tlit' recently suspended Kan
sas City hanks are Is-ginnmg business
The engines of the big armored cruiser
Maine are pronounced every way satis
factory. The Argon Mine Company at Norway,
Mich., has closed down. It owes 50,0(M)
in wages.
Caterpillars art; numerous throughout
Pennsylvania, ami are doing great dam
age to crops.
New York's postoflice received $7,M00,
2iKI for the year ended on June l0, an in
crease of f M) - )5 J7 j, tt year.
The new Internal Revenue Collector
for the Ioiiisville district has already rt
ceived !i,i)tK) applications for positions.
Thomas Rums, Superintendent of Po
lice at New York, is aliout to retire. He
has accumulated a fortune of $7tK),0tK).
New York cily is much disturlieil over
its water supply. The water looks bad,
and il has a very disagreeable, marshy
The resignation of Hon. William A.
M. Maurick, Assistant Attorney-General,
has been tendered to Attornev-General
Kansas' corn crop promises to be the
largest in the State's historv except for
the year 1H.H0, when it was' 27:,0O0,0O0
The Oxford iron and Nail Company at
llclvidcro, N. J., is in the hands of a re
ceiver. AIkmiI 1150 men are thrown out
of employment.
iovernor Carr has commissioned forty
physicians as delegates to represent
North Carolina at the Pan-American
Medical Congress ut Chicago.
Powderly, it is stated, w ill resign as
General Master Workman at the next
convention of the Knights of Lalsjr. The
order is said U be in a bad way.
The acting Secretary of War has ap
proved the allotments of the Missouri
River Commission for the improvement
of the river to the amount of $700,000.
The Marquis tie Rarlioles, brother of
the I hide do Veragua, w ants a slice of
tht! fund that it is projwsed to raise in
the United States for the benefit of the
The Manhattan Rank at New York
has ordered 11. A. Weil, a broker, to
withdraw his account, owing to false
statements he has made about the insti
tution. Since January 1 nearly 200 national
banks have closed their doors, against
less than fifty during the same period
last year; five have been United States
New Yorkers have begun to write to
their daily papers asking that the city
be protected from cable cars, complain
ing that the lives of citizens are "in
constant jeopardy."
Juan Andreon, alias Juan Daodati,
alias Giovanni Cavalero, said to be one
of the most noted safecrackers and all
around thieves in Europe, has been ar
rested in New York.
Congressmen who were most inter
ested in defeating the force bill, it is re
ported, may aid t heir Western colleagues
in opposing the unconditional repeal of
the Sherman silver bill. "
The people of Ironwood, Mich., after
alKiut 400 had been prostrated bv typhoid
fever and many had died, found that the
standpipe of their water works was part
full of tlead fish, crabs, lizards, snakes
anil ot her carrion.
Eleven hundred commercial organiza
tions throughout the country have been
invited by the New York Board of Trade
ami Transportation to send delegates to
a convention which is to meet in Wash
ington on or about September 1.
John B. Koeting, the cashier of the
defunct South Side Savings Bank at Mil
waukee, has disappeared, and simulta
neously the discovery has been made
that tlie general ledger of the institution
is not among the effects of the bank.
Misses Lizzie and Emma Borden have
voluntarily transferred, it is said, about
$4,000 worih of property, which belonged
to their murdered stepmother, to Mrs.
Whitehead of Fall River and Mrs. Fish
of Hartford, who were half-sisters of
Mrs. Borden.
Mrs. U. S. Grant, who is still at West
Point, will be joined later bv her son,
and thev wall go to the World's Fair in
September. In October thev will be
joined in Chicago by Mrs. Nellie Grant
Sartoris, her daughter, who is coming
over to see the fair.
In Shelby county, Tenn., the Criminal
Court has suspended the Sheriff, and the
grant! jury has been called upon to in
vestigate "the lynching of the negro
Walker, who was taken from jail and
hanged by a mob. Several men sus-
Eected of complicity in the lynching
ava been arrested.
Secretary Carlisle has begun the reor
ganization of the Treasury Department.
A number of clerks have already been
dropped and others reduced as far as
possible under the civil service rules.
Much interest has been aroused among
statisticians by the discovery that the
llgures of the balance of trade against
this country for the fiscal year ending
June 'M last, as shown by the record of
the bureau of statistics of the Treasury
Department, were aliout MO.OOO.OOO out
of the way. Instead of an adverse bal
ance of f!i!!,000,000 tin; corrected returns
have shown only about $50,000,000.
Special Supervising Agent Tingle says
that the. Treasury Department is doing
all it can w ith the money on hand for
the enforcement of the Geary exclusion
law. He claims that, if the t'jO.000
available July 1 should he broken into
immediately for the purpose of entering
into the wholesale tleiiortation of Chi
nese, very S'fon there would be nothing
left to pay the special agents and other
ofliccrs of the Treasury engaged in keep
ing the Chinese out of this country. lit!
says that officers of the government are
at present engaged in gathering infor
mation as to the Chinese who are ille
gally here, and that the Treasury intends
to enforce the law.
The reiKirt of Chinese Insi.octor Scharf
on his investigation of the fraudulent
entry of ("hinese at the ortof New York
has wit-n received at the Ireasury De
partment. No rejiort from Collector
Hendricks as to Inspector Scharf's alle
gation of collusion by New Y'ork officials
in yet received. It is alleged in Wash
ington City that the customs officers at
New York have Ix'en extremely lax in
issuing Chinese certificates, and that
w henever the Treasury agents or inspect
ors have undertaken to investigate mat-
tars they invariably have been given the
cold shoulder. This state of facts is said
to apply to no particular administration.
To some extent the same condition of
alfairs, it is said, exists in other cities,
where the customs olhcers seem to think
the Treasury agents have no right to in
vestigate their acts.
So far as the State Department is in
formed, there are no American citizens
residing in Siam except missionaries. It
is not believed to be necessary to take
any special measures for their protection.
J he tinted Mates lias no representative
in Mam, and tlie l onsui-i teneral at
Bangkok, Mr. Bovd, is in this countrvat
present, leaving the ollice in charge of
his son, the Vice-Consul. If the welfare
of our missionaries should be threatened.
which is unlikely, thev can without doubt
secure protection on application to the
Minister ot some other nation, as will he
the case with the French residents. The
commercial interestsof the United States
in Siam are insignilicant, the exports
being very few and the imports being
made up of teak wood, used in ship
building, and some trifles of Oriental
and Malavnesian decorative work.
It is said at the Navy Department that
Admiral Harmony's recent retirement,
for which the department has been crit
icised, was in strict accordance with his
written request. He cabled the depart
ment from Hongkong March 13, asking
to I ortleretl home and retired uimjii his
arrival in the United States. lie sug
gested June 7 as the most convenient
date for his departure. In a letter of
March he after asking for detachment
said: " Upon my arrival in the United
tates, which fact I will report bv tele
graph, I ask that I may be placed on the
retirett list, as authorized by tlie statute,
having served over forty years continu
ously in the navvof the United States."
April 24 the President approved the ap
plication, to take effect upon the Admi
ral's arrival iu the United States, which
was June 26, as reported bv the naval
agent at San Francisco. An order was
accordingly issued placing him on the
retired list. The next day the Admiral
telegraphed his arrival, and asked to be
retired June 20, but it was impossible to
change the date, as the order had already
been issued and was mailed to him.
Although up to the present time there
have been nearly 6,000, 000 paid admis
sions to the World's Fair, the officials
are disappointed in the attendance. The
most sanguine exposition experts say
that under the most favorable conditions
the total attendance cannot reach 20,
000,000. Before the exposition opened
the officials thought the attendance
would reach 30,000,000.
When completed, the Yerkes tele
scope, which has been donated to the
University of Chicago, will be the larg
est in the world. The mounting of the
telescope is now being put together in
the manufactures building. The square
iron pier supporting the tube was put in
place in tlie norm end ot Columbia ave
nue last May. It was about thirty feet
in height, in four sections. The tube
was in five sections, which together are
sixty-four feet in length and weigh six
tons. The head and axis weigh thirty
Chairman Thatcher of the executive
committee of the bureau of awards,
speaking of the system of awards, said :
"The bureau nas liuenneu irom tne
start to cause a most complete and ex
haustive examination to be made of the
exhibits to the end that it might obey
the injunction of Congress reouiring the
bureau to disclose to the world the prog
ress made iu the arts, industries and
sciences. The commercial side of the
awards question sinks into insignificance
wlieji compared to the instructive side.
To know that John Smith received a
prize for his exhibit tells the world
nothing. What the people want to know
is the specific merit or improvement over
the past disclosed by his exhibit. It
would have been easy enough to adopt
the old-fashioned, meaningless system
of making awards, and then everything
would have been delightfully smooth
sailing, but what educational results
woulcf there have been?"
Compulsory Education in tin;
French Republic.
The Position of Crops Considered
Anything Rut Prosperous; by
a London Paper.
The population of Rio tie Janeiro is
Revolution is rejiortcd in Santa Cath
arina in Brazil.
Mrs. Rangtrv meditates another Amer
ican tour next winter.
Great Britain received 10,0.17,600 let
ters from America last year.
Mine. Patti has made her last appear
ance in Ixmdon until next May.
The protracted drought in Austria has
caused a failure in the oats crop.
Sarah Bernhardt has become lessee of
the Renaissance Theater in Paris.
The hay crop in England and Wales is
not more than a third of the average.
China refuses to make reparation for
the killing of Swedish missionaries by
The flesh-eating balioon is fast becom
ing an intolerable nuisance in South
A lively controversy has been going on
in Austria concerning the necessity of
There are more deaths annually from
hydrophobia in Sweden than in any
other country.
A ton of gold recently taken from the
South African mines was on exhibition
at Pretoria lately.
The extreme and protracted hot
weather in France promises one of the
finest vintages on record.
The wheat crop of France is estimated
at 2xo,(kmj,uou bushels and the imports
required for next year at 50,000,000.
F'ruit growers will be interested to
learn that a fruit-culture exhibition is to
be held at St. Petersburg next year.
The new British cruiser Endymion at
a recent eight hours' trial oil Portsmouth,
Kngland, attained a speed of 20.0 knots
per hour.
Baden-Baden intends to become a
grand sporting center in hopes of reviv
ing its former attractions for visitors of
all nations.
It is believed the House of Lords will
reject the Irish home-rule bill after it
passes the Commons by an overwhelm
ing majority.
Influenza is believed to lie dying out
in London after being more or less prev
alent since the first outbreak over the
world several years ago.
Russian crop prospects have greatly
improved. A fairly large yield is now
expected especially of rye, the chief
breadstuff of the nation.
The Duke of Westminster has spent
over 1, 000,000 in rebuilding Eaton Hall,
which is now considered to rival Chats
worth as England's finest house.
Princess Eulalia has sent a fine Toledo
saber to General Horace Porter in recog
nition of his kindness while Chairman
of the reception committee in New York.
It is officially denied that the Grand
Duke of Saxe-Weimar recently sought
to bring aliout a reconciliation between
the German Emperor and Prince Bis
marck. Mr. Gladstone gave the Princess May
and the Duke of York as a wedding pres
ent the seven volumes of his somewhat
solidly written "Gleanings of Past
The Italian torpedo gunboat Aretusa,
a vessel of 846 tons displacement, re
cently built at Leghorn, attained a max
imum speed of twenty-one knots in her
steam trial.
The Duke of Veragua is willing to re
ceive American sympathy for nis de
pleted exchequer, and he will accept all
the funds the people in this country will
raise for him.
The experiment of providing canteens
in factories, at which workmen can get
good food at something less than cost
price, appears to have been a failure in
South Germany.
In France compulsory education is rig
orously applied to all classes, and vet 7
per cent of the young men who wish to
join the army are rejected because unable
to read or write.
Several fashionable ladies have ap
peared in London driving with a femi
nine handmaiden instead of a footman
behind them, the handmaiden arrayed
in livery and buttons.
In the government of Kazan at the
present time a great competition is go
ing on among chemists in the sale of
charms, which are supposed to act as a
preventive against cholera.
Emperor William has ordered no army
maneuvers to be held anywhere in Ger
many unless it is absolutely certain that
the district in which it is proposed to
hold them will not be damaged.
Mormonism has taken a considerable
hold in New Zealand, mainly among the
Maoris, the latest statistics showing the
sect to have 3,176 members in New Zea
land, of whom 2:12 are Europeans.
The Irish revolutionists claim that the
sinking of the Victoria was not due to
Admiral Tryon's mistake, but to the
members of the revolutionary party who
aided in bringing about the disaster.
A law is to be promulgated in Russia
this summer prohibiting the transfer of
land in the possession of rural commu
nities or individual peasants to persons
not belonging to the rural population.
Wy or Srrilnir It C'l.M anl Hut How
to M.tkfl Olrry Malt.
Okry Kalad C'tlery tabid Is the
choice of salads for game, especially for
small g-'ime. Cut the best and whitest
parts of the celery into small pieces and
serve with titayonnais. or French dress
ing. Arrange the salad on lettuce hearts
and garnish with nasturtium blossoms.
A very excellent salad is made by adding
finely shredded arid bruised cabbage to
the celery a half a head to three heads
it celery. Cut the best and whitest
parts into half inch pieces, mix with th;
cabbage and cover with tlie following
tip-suing: Beat together the yolk of one
raw egg, two tabu-spoonfuls of olive oil
(or melted butter), a tablespoonfnl of
ungar level full it should be a tea
epoorifnl each of salt. peper and mus
tard. Stir in a half cupful of vinegar
and the powdered yolks of four egg-i.
which have been boiled for ten minutes.
Pour over the salad nt serving time.
Roiled Celery Cook the celery with
as little water as possible, with a pinch
of soda added. Season with salt and
Chicken Celery Cut cold boiled chick
en in small pieces, mix with the same
quantity of celery, season with salt
and vinegar or cover with salad dressing.
Turkey and veal (cold boiled) may be
served in the same manner.
Steamed Celery Wash two or three
heads of crisp white celery. Reserve the
best parts, cut in pieces, sprinkle with
salt, add a lump of prime butter and
place iu the steamer in a dish suitable to
serve it in. A few minutes before re
moving from the fire add some rich
cream Celery cooked in this manner is
regarded as one of the daintiest and
most appetizing of celery dishes.
Celery Salt Wash and celery
roots until quite clean, and then cra
tbei-i. When dry grate and mix witk
one-third fine table salt. Use for soups,
gn ies. hashes, oysters, etc. Pittsburg
American Women Who Trvel.
Somebody was saying other day
that women who travel :a railway traius
are often not so careful as they should
i about speaking to strangers, particu
larly Strang" men. "Strange men" has
a dreadful sound, and it might be said of
the comment in general that probably
women, like men, are
as they should be. In regard to railway
travel and its resulting acquaintances, it
is notable that Americans are much
freer in their traveling habits than
foreigners, a fact which testifies very in
terestingly to the greater social safety of
our public conveyances.
'In England or France," says an Amer
ican lady, "men seldom oiler to help a
woman who may lie traveling in a rail
way carriage, not because they are less
willing to extend the courtesy of reach
ing a satchel or anything of that kind,
but because they would be very likely to
get a freezing look and the cold shoulder.
Continental women cf respectability feel
themselves obliged to wear a panoply of
reserve that sometimes seems amusing
to an American Ul' course- the reason
is that our socbiy is a purer society and
one in which women have a bi tter status.
This American freedom undoubtedly be
gets many abuses. Women of the
utmost respectability not only exchange
words with men they have never seen
before, but often do not hesitate to
'strike up an acquaintance.'" New
York Recorder
Arrested for Selling P.riinilieil Peaches.
A peculiar case of innocent violation
of the revenue laws has developed in
Decatur F. S. Fos bought a quantity
of imported brandied peaches. He took
them to Cerro Gordo and sold them at
his restaurant. Jacob Leslie's boy be
came intoxicated on the peaches, and
this started quite a run on the peaches.
Fox had to order a fresh supply. Mr.
Leslie had Fox arrested for violation of
the liquor law, and the trial will take
place at Cerro Gordo. A Decatur chem
ist analyzed the peaches, and found that
oue bottle contained 37 per cent, of al
cohol (Jor. Chicago Tribune.
Made a Fortune Kasily.
Captain D. S. Goodell, a retired sea
captain, of Searsport, Me., advanced
money to enable James Knibbs, of Troy,
N. Y., to prosecute a suit for an infringe
ment upon his fire engine valve patent,
on condition that he should have a cer
tain percentage of the damages recov
ered, if any Captain Goodell's share of
the winnings thus far foots up 750.000
Bangor Letter
Appenrunt-es Are Deceitful.
While riding down Washington street
the other afternoon the seat beside me
was occupied by a poorly dressed, igno
rant looking man, with the misshapen,
dirty hands of a coal heaver. Yet he
was reading, with apparently intent in
terest, a well thumbed copy of Herodo
tus in the original Greek. Boston Newft
There is no other work in the world of
which so many copies are printed annu
ally as of tho Chinese almanac. The
number is estimated at several millions.
It is printed at Peking and is a monopoly
of the emperor.
There are differences in testh. Some
are of a nature capable of withstanding
very rough usage, while others are frail
and need constant attention.
The use of drapery in ideal art is as
purely for artistic reasons as is its ab
sence and has nothing to do with tl
propriety of clothing.