Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, and delicious flavor noticed in the finest bread, crusts, etc., which declare is unobtainable bv the use of any other leavening agent. ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL. Another Scion of a Distinguished Fit mil) Selected by the rrraident. Edward B. Whitney, who was nominated by President Cleveland for the ofiice of as sistant, attorney general, is a very successful lawyer in the city of New York, a member of the firm of Bur nett & Whitney. His appointment to his present posi tion is said to have been strongly urged by the most prominent mem bers of the "anti snapper" conven tion, in which he took a potent and prominent part. EDWARD B. WHITXET. Among hisindors ers were such men as ex-Secretary of the Treasury Charles S. Fairchild and ex-Mayor of New York William R. Grace. Mr. Whitney worked hard for the nom ination and election of Mr. Cleveland to the governorship of New York in and has ever since been among his stoutest sup porters, doing some very effective work for bim during the presidential campaigns in 1SS4, and 1S03. When the National Association of Democratic Clubs was or ganized in 1SSS, Mr. Whitney was elected secretary, and he was also secretary to the state committee organized by the Syracuse or "antisnapper" convention, from which he was a delegate to Chicago. Mr. Whitney was born in New Haven, Conn., Aug. IT, 1S57, and after attending the Hopkins grammar school entered Yale college in 1S74, graduating from the academ ic department in 1STS. After a law course in New Haven and at the Columbia college law school in New York he was admitted to the bar in 1&S0 and has since then built up a very extensive and lucrative practice in New York city. He isa memberof theLaw yers' club, the Century club and the New York Bar association and a trustee of the Reform club. He is not above medium stature and is quick and nervous in man ner. He is considered an exceptionally bril liant conversationist. With all his prom inence during the last 10 years in Demo cratic politics he has never before accepted public office. Mr. Whitney comes of a distinguished New England family. His father, William Dwight Whitney, professor of Sanskritand philology at Yale university and editor of the "Century Dictionary," has a world wide reputation as one of the greatest liv ing philologists, while his uncle, Josiah Dwight Whitney, the eminent geologist, has been of great service in various state surveys and has now a more than national fame. Yon may be pretty certain the man who puts his feet on the upholstered chairs in a Pullman car has no finer up holstery in his own home. ANTI-FERMENTIJiE Is a harmless preparation in tablet form for preserving all kixd3 of fruit without cooking. One pack age preserves fifty pints of fruit or a barrel of cider, and only costs 60 cents. Fruits preserved with Anti fermentine retain their natural taste and appearance. Ask your druggist or grocer for Anti-fermen-tine. Smartlv Solomon's first wife was the best one he had." Mrs. .Smartly How do you knowt Smartly The Bible says thutshe was one woman in a thousand. uibicr truly cutg ortte urofst"Co5je5 pf Pain e Rest- N. P. N. U. No. 503-8. F. N. U. .No. 680 Royal Baking Powder, made from absolutely pure Grape Cream of Tartar, cake, biscuit, rolls expert pastry cooks FAITH AND REASON. Two travelers started on a tour With trust and knowledge laden; One was a man with nudity brain. And one a in'Utle maiden. They joined their hands and vowed to bi Companion for a season. The senile maiden's name was Faith, The tnichty man's was Koason. He sought all know lodge from this world, And every world a-near it; All matter ami all mind were his. Hut hers was only spirit. If any stars were missed from heaven. His telescope could tind them: But while he only found the stars the found the liod behind them. He sought for truth above, below. All hidden thincs revealing; She only sought it woman wise. And found it in her feeling. He said. "This earth's a rolling ball," r And so d.iili science prove It. He but dix oveivd Ihat it move. I She found the string- that move it, 1 He reads with geologic eye ! The record of the nucs; Unfolding sl rata, lie translates Karth' wonder written pages, i He digs around a mountain base 1 And measures with a plummet: She leaps it with a single bound And stands upon the summit. He brings to light the secret force In nature's labyrinth lurking And binds it to his onward car To do his mighty working. He sends his message o'er the earth And dow n where sea gems glisten: , She sendcth hers to tiod himself. Who bends his rar to listen. Jll things in science, beauty, art. In common they inherit: But he has only clasped the form. While she has clasped the spirit. He tries from earth to forge a key To ope the gate of heaven! That key is in the maiden's heart. And back its bolts are driven. They part! Without her all is dark. His know ledge vain and hollow. For Faith has entered in with (iod. Where Heasnn may not follow. Elizabeth York Case In Home and Country. The First American Ilible. In 1603 the first Bible printed iu Amer ica was published in Cambridge. It was unlawful to print an English version of the Scriptures, that right being a mo nopoly enjoyed by privilege and patent in England. The one printed in Massa- chusetts was Eliot'a famous "Indian Bi ble, and although i.ouu copies were struck off they are quite rare, and "sealed books," as the tongue in which they are written is literally a "dead lan guage," the tribe and all who had a knowledge of the dialect being long ex tinct. Eliot's work is unique, being at once a monument to his piety, perseverance and learning. Its literary successor was New man's "Concordance of the Scriptures." This was compiled by the light of pine knots in a log cabin in one of the frontier settlements of Massachusetts. It was the first of its kind, and for more than a century was admitted to be the most perfect, holding its place in public es teem until superseded by Cruden's, which it suggested. Philadelphia Eecprd. Meaning of the Word "Either." The legal meaning of the word "either" has been gravely argued in an English court of record. A certain testator had left property, the disposition of which was affected by the "death of either" of two persons. One lawyer insisted that "either" meant both, and in support of his views he quoted Richardson, Web ster, Chaucer, Dryden, Southey, the story of the crucifixion and a passage from Eevelation. The judge suggested that there was a song in "The Beggar's Opera" which took another view, "How happy I could be with either, were t'other dear charmer away." In pronouncing judgment the court ruled that "either" meant one of two. and did not mean both. He said that it might have that meaning occasionally in poetry, but never in an English court of record. Exchange. An I'nexplorable French 1'lt. The wonderftd pit of Creus de Souci in France is situated in a sheet of recent basalt on the south side of the Puy de Montchal. The opening is 82 feet in di ameter and 38 feet deep, but at that depth a hole about 10 feet wide commu nicates with a hollow 70 feet deep, at the bottom of which is a stagnant pool overladen with carbonic acid, which for bids access to the water surface. The interior is a vast hollow, apparently formed in the basalt when semifluid, by an explosion of volcanic gas. The tem perature falls from 54 degrees Fahren heit in the open air to 34 degrees near the water. Pittsburg Dispatch. Odd Echoes. In a cave in the Pantheon, the guide, by striking the flaps of his coat, makes a noise equal to that produced by firing a 12-pound cannon. In the cave of Smel lin, near Viborg, Finland, a stone thrown down a certain abyss makes a reverber ating echo which Bounds like the dying wail of some wild animal. Exchange. 1 W Krai Hlndiia. A blind and crippled old mtui sat at the eilfc'e of the icy atone pavement grinding out his few tunes on n wliee.y hand organ, Mini holding in una ham) a tin cup for pen niea. Tho cold wind blow through his rat;, ami he was indeed a pitiful object. Vet few of the passers by deemed to pity bim. They were all in n hurry, and It was too cold to stop and hunt for pennies in pocket and purses. A midden Kiist of wind blew the old man's cap olV. It fell by the side, of tho pavement, a few feet distant, lie. felt around for it with his bare, red hands, and then with bis cane, but ho could not Hud It, and finally began playing, attain Intro Vended, with his scanty Kr;)' locks tossed llsuit in the wind. Peoplo canto and went, happy, well divssod men and women in Milks and vel vets and sealskins, iu warm overcoats and gloves and mulllers. Hut none of them paid any attention to the old man. By and by a woman canto out of an al ley, an old woman in rag; mid tuners, with a great bundle of boards and sticks ou her tx'iit back. Some of tho boards were no lout; that they drained on the ground Miiud her, ami it had evidently taken her a loin; time to tie alt tho lioarda and bits of luinU-r together and g,et tliem on her back. tUio came along, bendiin low under her burden, until hhe was within a few feet of the old organ grimier. Sho saw his cap lying by the pavement. fclie saw him ait ting there bareheaded. She (stopped and untied the rox that bound the bundle to her back, and in a moment the boards were lying on tho ground. Then she picked up tho cap, put it on the old man's head and tied it down with a ragged string of a handkerchief taken from her own neck. "Cold, hain't itf" she said. He nodded. "Ain't gittiu much today?" He shook his head agaiti. She fumbled in her ragged skirt for a moment and finally brought forth a cop per. She dropped it into his little cup, hoisted tho great bundle on her back and weut on her way. Youth's Companion. Mr. tirreii llidcrstood It. Some good stories are told of Thomas Reynolds, who began his duties as anas gociate justice of the supreme court of this state early in September, IS'JS. Not all t f them are true, and the olio that follows has been denied, but il may lie worth re peating nevertheless Governor Ford is authority for it: Judge Reynolds presided at a court iu which a man named li recti had been con victed of murder, and it liecame his un pleasant duty to pronounce sentence of death upon the culprit. He called tho prisoner before him and said to him: "Mr. lireen, the jury in its verdict says you are guilty of murder, and the law says you are to lie hanged. Now, 1 want you and all vourfriends dow n on Indian creek to know that it is not I who condemns you, but it is the jury and the law. Mr. lireen, the law allows you time for preparation, and so the court wants to know what time you would like to lie hanged. The prisoner replied that be was ready to die at any time the court might appoint. The jiulgetlien said: "Mr. Green, you must know that it is a very serious thing tot hanged; it can t happen to a man more than once iu his life, ami you had liettcr take all the time you can get. The court will give you until this day four weeks, Mr. Clerk, look at the almanac and see if this day four weeks comes on Sunday." The clerk looked and found that it came on a Thursday, and the court informed Mr Green that be would be hanged on that day. The attorney general of the state, James Turney, wanted a more formal and impressive sentence passed, but the court replied: "Oh, Mr. Turney, Mr. Green un derstands the whole matter as well as if I had preached to him for a mouth. He knows he 1ms got to be hanged this day four weeks. Ion understand it iu that way, Mr. Green, don't you?" Mr. Green said "Yes," and the court ad journed. Chicago News. Sock and Buskin. In the early ages theatrical performers disguised their faces with wine Iee3 or a rude pigment. Kschylus, the famous tragic poet, introduced masks, which were of various kinds, expressing every age, coun try, condition and complexion. All were constructed with the greatest nicety and precision. The dresses were also adapted to the characters assumed by the actors. What was known as the buskin was a hunting boot. Those worn by tragedians bad soles three inches thick, composed of layers of cork, and were laced up in front as high as the calf. Sandals were also worn, and many of these bad thick cork soles. The colors of the foot coverings were various, red being the favorite hue for warriors and purple for other characters. Slaves wore a low shoe, bearing the name of sock, which was also the ordinary footwear of comedians. From this circumstance arose the well known phrase of "sock and buskin," so generally associated with the drama. De troit Free Press. Some Mother' Superstition. The superstitions concerning babies ex 1st in almost every household. If the baby's nails are cut before it is a year old it will have a propensity to steel. If it is measured it will cease to grow. It is lucky to take a new born babe up stairs. It is unlucky to take it down stairs. I know a very intelligent mother who, because of a superstition of ill luck, will not name any of her children until the rite of baptism is about to be performed. Another lady just as refined becomes nervous if some one in the house has placed three or more chairs in a row, as that fore boded an early funeral. A third, upon re turning soon after having left the bouse, will sit down for a few minutes to break the spell of ill luck accompanying such return. Philadelphia Ledger. Feathers, Scales and Hairs. The feathers of birds are simply modified hairs. Scales of fishes overlie one another, tile fashion, like birds' feathers, and for the same purpose, namely, to shed the water. If a fish's scales were set with their edges toward his nose his progress through his native element would be Impeded. Washington Star. Suffered Every Minute Since I came out of tho war, with catarrh in my head, chronic diarrhoea and rheumatism," says Mr. J. u. Anderson, ot Bcottdale, Pa. 'I had pains all over me, my fiKhtwasdim.and there deemed to be floating specks before my eyes. Tho food 1 ato seemed like lead In my s'omach. Hood s BHrsup'inlla and Hood's Pills did me more good than anything else. All my disagreeable symptoms have gone." Mr. J. G. Anderson Hood's Pills cure Constipation by restoring the perlbtultlc action of the alimentary canal. 7 Meiiaiirtiig t audio I'nnrr, Tho tnotliod vt lni'tisuTinr! tho onn dlo ixiwor id' lio,ht is simply to niovo tin object tilon it j;t'iuli'l ncalc, away from tho liht. until it const- to cast n sluulow ; a murk mi tho wulo at this (mint indicating tho candle jiowor of tho Hanio. It is apparent, that the rdimlows thrown aretoa great extetit dependent on tho intensity of tho light. Thus water gas, which gives u more intense light to a given area than coal gas, casts a strong shadow in tho measuring machine, hut when put to practical use it does not illu initiate a room so well, not having so groat ilitYusivo power as a coal gaa light of tho same measured candlo power. New York Commercial Ad vertiser. Whenever a lover throws liU sweetheart n kiss he Is generally In the last throesol paritiiK. IIOITI S OAK UKOVK .SCHOOL. Millbrae, San Mateo county, ("al. A llrat class home school for boys. Iteitulil'iil tmr roumliuk's. Superior instruction. The beat of care. Us graduates for IS'At are admitted to the State I'niversity or Stanford I'niver sity without examination. Number ol' pu pils limited. I'ull term commences August 1. Send for catalogue, and mention this paper. Ira (!. lloitt, l'h. P., Master, ex State Superintendent Public Instruction. Novelist I'd like to have my herolnedoNonie hlim aholnlelv iinliiel" friend -Vest li y tllttlL- don't nm have her taint wl looklnn? lKtIlKDLV SHAKY, A trembling hand, an uncertain step, tldttell ness, Indicated hy restless shifting (rum one place or posture lo another, uaually menial an iioyaiice at unexpected noises, aie among the indication o( extreme nervousness. These seem trilling, hut the health o( men and women Iu this condition is " decidedly shaky," liahlc to he overthrow n disastrously hy causes which the vigorous mlghl defy. To fortify the ner vous system general vigor must, through the medium of reinforced digestion and a renewal of an impaired power of sleenlug al night, he raised to a healthful standard. A guarantee of this Is Hosteller's Stomach Hitlers, w hich re establishes digestion, bile secretion and the habll of body on a permanently regular basis, thus renewing that IhmIiIv equilibrium, w hleh Is followed by a gain oi trenglh ami nerve lraiiiiillllty. lor kidney complaint, rheuma tism, ueuri Igia, and a a preventive of the llrst attack or subsequent return of malarial disor ders, this medicine Is without a peer. Thrice dull) lake a w iueglassliil. Mrs. Yoiiuglove Shall ou eXS'l me to bnke 1 ii own bread? Mr. Younglove Jit-t as ou prefer, dearet ; but ou needn't bother about bilking mine. Tit I HUT K. While it is over thirty years ago sin e Allcock's I'okoi h Plahtkiis were first in troduced to the medical profession ami public, the marked success ami unprece dented popularity which they met with not only continues, but steadily increases. No ot iter plasters have been produced which tram so many testimonials of high value as those continuously accorded to All .cock's I'nKors IVvstkus, and the only motive for these exceptional tributes lies in the fact of their being a medicinal ami pharmaceutical preparation of superior value. Additional prol of the true value of Ai.i.coi k's I'ok Dts I'l astkks lies in the fact that they are being largely imitated by unscrupulous persons, who seek to deceive the public by ottering piasters which they claim to lie the "same,"' "eitial," "as good," "better,' " best porous plaster," etc., while it is in general appearance only that they resem ble Ai.i.cih k's. Kvery one of the so-called porous plasters are imitations of Al.l. cock's roHoi's 1'lastkks. Avoid dealers who attempt to palm off inferior and worthless plasters that are purchased ny them al low rates lor tlie purpose oi substitution. The matrimonial nice Is often begun at a rat tling gale. There is more catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases nut together and until the last few years was nupi"isei to ,e Incurable. Kor a great many years doctors pro nounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling tocure w ith local treatment pronounced it incurable. Set encc has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K. J. Cheney iSt Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally iu doses from ten drops to a teasxiou- lui. it acts directly on tne nioou ami iniieou surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. AdilresH F. J. CHb.NEY itt CO., Toledo, O 0 Sold by druggists; 76 cents. Use Euamellne Stove Polish; no dust, no smell Tbt Gebmka for breakfast. TWn KIXDS OF WOMEN need Dr. 1'icrcc Favorite Prescrip tionthose who waut to be made strong, and those who want to be made well. It builds up, Invigor ates, regulates, and cures. It's for young girls just entering womanhood ; for women who have rn.iched the critical "change of life"; for women expect ing to Decome motners; tor moiners who are nursing and exhausted ; for everv woman wno is run-uown. uciicaie. or overworked. For all the disorders, diseases, and weaknesses of women, "Favorite Pre scription" is the only remedy po unfail ing that It can be quaranleeti. If It doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, the money will be returned. A NAAfl filVKN AWAY to those guessing CP JLKJU "carest the number of Visitors at wvv the World's Fair. Particulars ilJJ and our treatise ou Prevention f. p.-, T and Cure ol private Male and l M h H Female diseases all Kentl r Agents wanted. Standard Remedy Co., Seattle. SOCIETY A. FEI.DENHEIM F;R, beading Jew eler of the Pacific Northwest, keeps a large stock of all HKOKET SOCIETY BADGES on hand. Best goods at low est figures. Budges made to order. Consumptives and people who have weak longs or Asth ma, should use Ptso's Cure for Consumption. It has cared thousands. It has not Injur ed one. 1 1 Is not bad to take. It is the best cough syrup. Bold everywhere. S5e PWWW' SSJM SMMa. j I MRS. WINSLOW'S SVF FOR CHILDREN TEETHING -, For sale bj all Drug-gists. It5 Cents bottle. ( 1 .iV tffl'tYii jmJ PRINTERS Aff TOllS WILL 1'1M A TYPE, Friitii; Material ail Machinery Kor Hiilo at lowest jiriivH niul iiuwl (ulvaiitii'oiiH tt'i niM nt PALMER & REY TYPE FOUNDRY Corner Front and Alder Streets, PORTLAND, OR. Writo for jiriivH ami torniH lirforo luiyini? t'lHowht'ii'. 1 toot.,nnil 1 f l.UJper llottlo. Due cout a done TlIU OuAT OotJOll t 'I'liii promptly riins where nil others fall. Coughs, Croup. Sor Thront, HomrntM, Whooping Coi.Kn nnd Asthma. Kor Consumption It Tin no rival: hM cured thousands, and will CP UK Tot) If taken In time. Sold by Hmgiilsta on n tfiinr mitcr). l'or a I.atno I lurk (r cheat, uvo SHILOH'8 BELLADONNA I'LASTR-Th). QHILOH'SCATARRH DSjsZaivn EMEDY, lliivo you t alarrh 'I Till remedy la trimrnn. teed to cure, you. Trice, 60ct. Injoctorfrcc, August Flower" Miss C. O. McCi.avk. School teacher. 753 Park Place, Klmira, N. Y. "This Spring while nway from home teaching my first term iu a country school I was perfectly wretched with that human agony called dyspepsia. After dieting for two weeks and getting no better, a friend wrote me. suircestinir that I take August Flower. The very next day I purchased a bottle. I am de- Iiehted to sav that August Mower lilruvt fn en tint T It-n-A ntn'lA - covered from my indisposition." 9 Baking Potifer Purity and Leaveninji PoWcr UNEQUALED. CASH PRICES To Introduco our 1'owilor, e hava do. teruiined to dlHtrlliuto among tho cnnsum rs number of CAhll l'KIKS To the person or club rotnrnliK ui tho Urtfiwt niimlKTofrertllliftlesonor beforo Jiimu 1, 1894, wo will Kive a ranh prl.o of If 100. nnd t thn next largest, niniieriiim oilier prizes ranging from fltuf 75 I.N C'AHIL CL0SSEr& DEVERS, PORTLAND, Or. THIS IS THE TIME TO order your HUMMER KOI.I.KKH. You want the BK.HT ; that's the only kind wo deal In. Then send your order lor tho HKST KOI.I.KKH and INKS to I'AI.MKR & KEY TYI'K K'DKY, I'ORTI.ANI), OK. HAVE ITCnrrrrj rri,E8 known by t-io!atitr lk unrHplratliui.cniinu intense lUihinf When wiinn. 'fills tnrm O'l'l ULiNll. BliJiEOlNIi or I'HO'rltVDlUa ilLLli ym.i.I)tonci:to CH. D0-SN-K0'S PILE REMEDY, whleli sots diroctlr on parts affectM, abfiorba tumors, allnvn itelt)ua,efhtntliiii a pfirma-.TTitouro. Prln'i fnio. Jriifrslfits oriujid. JJf, Xtouaokoll'hlluUolphia,,a, YOU GOT PILES DON'T BORROW RHEUMATISM HIS ROLLERS oore's Revealed Remedy, roRtA. OkKdON. Jannarr lh T nun utntu i.u Ki . . .. Ahtoru, Orbhon, January MOORK'H REVKALKD ?".'l:lMM ""I m7 younRcsthoy cured entrroiyof lNF a mm iVh v ITwl MAT1BM when tho best i doctor I BOLD ITU. I I M' OI'- Hercules Gas Engine (OAS O It OAHOI.INK) Mad for PowaT or Pumping Purpose. Th O0"t Itsllabl Ou Eimlut) ou Um llaiksL Our OP Enooh As rv dlrapllclty H Heats tho World. It oils Itself from a lte.ervolr, Ho Carburetor to get out i.fuhUr. Jio lUttrrlcs or I.lm trlo hpik. ri ran with Chcapr tirade of tuaulli.s U.aji i y ctiicr l'.iiin. IIKO rod C.Tl!KU' TO PALMER & REY, MANUFACTUWittAr 416 tafltomi Strict. San tmv, U. -AMl-I IIUTI AMl. OICI (ION. Brooklyn lio 208-212 Bush St., San Francisco. Thl favorite hotel l Under the tmitiiieentiMi! of I II A hi. M MuMiiiiM KUY, ami l ii- e Itf 1 not the heni Family and lliiMtu Men' Unlet j In San I raneiM'o. j H0TT16 Comforts! CuiSinS UnCXCCllcd ! ririi.ela erviee and the Inchest s'limlnrd of respeetnhlilly ninirmiteed, tinr m ,1111 niM:.-l In tutjHisiiiit fur wiiii-". (in. r.iu, f.i I. p.oiu.l and room er day. Jl '-'.i, l .'iO. I.T 1 and t.'.no; Imanl ami mom per week , f; to f I .' , nm:le rooms, .m to l. t ree coaeh lo unci iroin holel. DR. GttNrS ONION SYRUP , FOR COUGHS. COLDS AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. In rUlnf ffinilly nf nin chi.rtrn, my only rm 9f fur Coutrhs, C'ul-li nnd Crtmp wnrt onion vrup. U in jiiHt nm rfTK?tlvi ti-d iy a it. wt forty ymri Alt". How my ftrn.lnhltilrrti Ukn Ir. (itmn'n Onion Hyrut whluh i rtlmariy prnpurcti tM more pfniiiw.l to tha tit. Bold iivorywhro I.nrKI hot tint W emit. TaiiioiuOfltUuiofuriU Tboru'i uutUiug m tcood RL00D POISON A SPECIALTY. K"T?'KS Prphllls permnnently eiirod In 15 to HA day. Vnu can bo tmuled at humn fur tho sumo prleo Mid tlm onnio unirunteeai with thono who prefer to rimi.i jKirowowlllcontraet to euro them or nifund m y and par ezpenhoof coiiiIdk, railroad faro mid lintel tills. If wo lad to cure. If you havo taken mer cury. Iodide potuh, and still tiavo aehes and pains, Miirouil'utrhri In inoiilh.Nnisn'rhroat. I'lmples.Cnpprr-l'nlnred Mjiols.lilrerson any pan or mo buoy, mir or Kvr out. It Is this Myphllltlo JIMIOII that we vuurnnU'etocuro. Wo Solicit tho niof.t, ubatlnato ciuri andcliallrnB;ntli world for a ruae wsennnottars, 'rhlsdlKeasoliaaulwuj't hiiftlrd the skill r the mot rmlin-nt phjl rlona. MrH,0H capital behind our uneoiull tlonal iruarauteo. AhsliiiprooiasiitmitiiMiou application. Artrtniss Mli. JtKMKIlV '., Hum to 1331 MuauDlcTcuiple, C1iIvuko FRAZER Best in the World! Get tho Genuine! Sold Everywhere! FKANK WOOI.HKV, At'iit, rortlanil.Or. YOUNG MEN! The Specific A No. I. Onrs, wlthou full, all oaaoa of Unani r. turn i and Ulrrt, no nwitler of Imw lent jUindlnif. l'levenui ntrletur, It belnit mi Ii,. tenia) remeily. ( iires when i-vnryttiiiis: e)ne has lulled. Hold by all DriiKKlnls Ulaiiufmitunirs; The A.Hclioenfirt. MedlckM Prlrr, V.l.flO. -"' Jiife.i iu. TROUBLE." BUY V Ilk i r&TtoK Mima AXLE. 'Tlf? HHEAPRR IN TMR FA'D. CURED BY THE USE OF 10. - I can state with nln,,m o.ct v... ts .f , ... ,L!X,my h"s,'""'iwii(i relieved from ail old ccns oS could get did hUn no good. Yours in gratituda, MRS. N. V. STJSKUC, BY YOUR DRUGGIST.