The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 05, 1893, Image 1

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    Eiver Glacier
NO. 10.
2food Ivjver Slacier.
rnit.iniiKii itvKiir iwTinuur mornino t
. Tin Glacier Pibllsblni! Compjnj.
On var
f'V iitoltlti
Tin I'll IIMIIltll.
I 0
t Ctn
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr,
"'""I'Sl. iti'Ouk. Mood Rlvnr, Or.
Miitvln)-nml lluii ciittliig r.rntly tluna.
Sutinfw lion (iiiKiaiituud.
I li'iivy rains urn reported in Arizona,
Hi ijinp.iliiril by washouts till 1 1 10 roads,
1 1 1 1 1 ing t ruins,
Tlir Women's ChriHliiin Temperance
I'liiim ul Siirntini'ii(c) in waging war on
hi li' I'Ml nuii i y tn MtlnnliH.
Some of the Cn iir d'Alelie Women SUV
ihi'v will nut ii -k (or ii new 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t until
t In' niiiiilrv Iium free coinage of silver.
H un lit I 'iirt ( (reliant, 'r., lire busy
liarM-ct in); t ln ij crop on Island Huck,
lln ) liuvc now i'iimi ilucn ready fur nh t j-
IIH llt .
1 lie policemen of Sun Just' Imve begun
nut to compel tlie Common Council to
mi-" tin ir salaries an required ly tin.'
Mate law .
1 he Captain of the Oregon was given
a receptiuii at Antoria recent I v for his
IikmIi ' mi t in Hi uh trip to and Irom San
I i ain iTii,
Four hundred Inilian salmon fishers
on Fr.t-er river in ltritishCuluuihia have
fornieil a iinioii to cecnre a raiHeof wages
tin-1 fici . out tlie Japanese
There in consternation among the lie
puhliniu ilciks who hold government
hihiations at Mart' Nhtud. There in it
1 1 1 t 1 1 1 r that they are to make way for
I ii iiiiii i al ".
Ninety live per cent of the orange
cr.wl-if Uiversiile have entered into
a i 'otiip.ii t lor mutual protection unit to
hoi k in nniioii for the liect interests of
the grow ITS.
The reports from the Lick I Ihservatorv
Hie to the ellcct that the comet, w hicli
hit- l.t'ely iitlraelcd so much llttetition,
ha- a com pan ion, whose tail joins that
ot the original.
I he l:ier.-i'le Hank, wliicli failed some
time continues to receive collections
from onl-tumling accounts, anil there in
a general feeling that, if the bank peo
jile are given tiliit', deositors will ho
pui. I in full.
,s the ilavs iass, Iht" mass of evidence
in the 1'isltii t Attorney's and Slit-rilf's
eilices at Stockton corrolxiral ing the
,-lateiiu iit of Schllltz that lie inurilercil
i, keeper near Stockton increases.,
ami when in its entirety it is made pub
lie it will prove to I out? of the most
interesting ami romantic tales in tho
history ol American crime.
A very rich (fold discovery about thirty
miles from Sisson in the Fddy Mountain
has caused much excitement. The bills
lire full of prospector, and every inch
of ground in the neighborhood in located.
The owners of the original Htrike were
poor men, but have abstracted in the
neighborhood of $10,000 in gold from the
quartz taken out.
bis Angeles reports a cane, of faith
cure which, it is stated, has astonished
the people of that section. Mrs. Ada U.
Wttlton, who had been an invalid for
twelve vears, niost of the time bedrid
den, chums that w hile on her bed she
distinctly heard a voice tolling ber to
arise, us her faith had made her w hole.
She called for a wrap, jumped out of
bed and walked into the dining room.
She has had no trouble in walking since.
The attention of the outsido world is
being largely attraeted to the exhibits
Oregon in making at the great White
Cit v. Many of our Kastcrn exchanges
come to tin w ith artieh'H descriptive of
the resources of our State. Tho editor
of the Holt County (Mo.) Sentinel, writ
in from Chicago, pays Oregon the fol
Ji iowing high compliment: "As repre
senting the States of the West at the
exposition, Oregon, the land of big red
apples, stands pre-eminently at the head.
Although Hhe lias no State building, Or
egon makes a magnificent showing of
her resources in the several buildings of
the fair. Her display in tho horticult
ural building is everywhere acknowl
edged as being peerless. Here she shows
peats weighing live poundH, apples six
inches in diameter, plums larger than
noose eggs, cherries three and three
fourths inches in circumference and
peaches lV.'a inches. In her agricult
ural booth "she exhibits grains and
grasses that are acknowledged by mill
nicn to be w ithout a parallel. In the
flour test made at tho fair flour made
(roil) Oregon wheat watt found to make
whiter and liner biscuits4han any other
flour tried. In tho mining department
a miniature placer mine' is kept con
stantly in operation, washing virgin gold
from the gravel just as it is taken from
Oregon's placer-mining properties. In
the fishery department several tons of
the famous Columbia river salmon are
shown, together with fishing boats, lish
- I,, ...Is etc.. and in the forestry depart
ment are exhibited some specimens of
t imber that astonish the world. A block
cut from a forest of tho West measures
nine feet across. This is tho largest
block of wood at the fair, and it attracts
What tires people at the World's Fair
is Hut walk of miles in every building.
Five hundred school teachers (,f I'hil
adelphia are on a visit to the exposition,
Tl lor line has not been drawn at
the World's Fair. There is no distinct
ive Afro-American exhibit.
Captain Kuucof the Chicago police is
making a moHt decided crusade against
the dive in the World's Fair district.
Tint World's I'uir Commissioner ap
pointed from New Mexico by I'resident
Cleveland has been seated and While,
the old member, ousted.
The large status of Columbus that
stood before the main portal of the cold
storage building Iiiin been donated by its
owner, W. II. Miillins of Salem, O., to
lie erected upon a suitable pedestal, to
mark the graves of tint deud liremeu.
Idaho's World's Fair Commission suf
fered another loss, this time by theft. A
solid gold-lined silver cup, presented by
the ladies of Wardner, was stolen, The
silver chain and slit pie by which it was
fastened w as also taken. The cup cost
the ladies .r)0. There is no clew to the
It hits been Uliollicially decided by the
local directory not to return to the na
tional government the f I, lO.I'JO derived
from the sale of souvenir coins. The
majority of thedireetois consider their
action in voting to rescind tin rule lor
Sunday opening and the return of the
appropriation all that is necessary in
the matter.
Owing to the fact that it was discov
ered that several thousand single-admi--sion
newspaper passes to the World's
l air were stolen, the management can-
celeit all these passes, and will tret out a
new lot to be exchanged for the old ones,
to he properly issued as fat as possible.
It is not believed inanv persons secured
admission on them till the traud wits dis
covered. A number of those presenting
t In? stolen pa-ses ha e been arrested, and
an ell'ort will be made to make them tell
the Humeri of the persons from whom
they secured them.
Oregon is one of the States which has
made extensive displays of her fruit
products, and her section in horticulture
hull has attracted wide attention. The
fruit is renewed every two or three davs,
and is brought daily from the distant
seacoa-t at great exnense. C. I!. Irvine,
who has charge of shipments, has re
ceived a large consignment of strawber
ries. I hese were live days on the route,
making the journey of tji1) miles
through all kinds i weather. Straw
berries are considered by fruitmen to be
the most liable to injury of anv fruit,
mid the condition in which the consign
ment reached Jackson Park is thought
to be remarkable. The berries were well
preserved and seemingly as fresh as the
day they were picked, a thing w hich is
considered the more remarkable in view
of the fact that cold storage en route
w as dispensed with.
One of the most interesting and com
plete educational exhibits to be seen at
Jackson Park is that of the province of
Quebec, which is in charge ol lirother
ndrews of the t hristian lirothers. 1 wo
sections in the gallery of the manufact
ures building are devoted to showing the
work of the parochial schools in this part
of Canada, and one division represents
the dtllcreut stages of scholastic training
in the Protestant institutions of the
province, I lie display liegins with the
lowest grade and specimensof work done
bv the pupils from the time thev enter
school until they are turned out thor
oughly schooled, litted to take their po
sition in society, and are to be seen in
their regular order. Thestudies include
all branches known to the educational
world; but, if the pupils excel in any
one thing, judging trout the exhibit, it is
in penmanship and drawing. I tie course
of instruction makes a special point of
uiese two necessary acquirements oi ttie
student, and the result is most gratify
ing to the instructors. 1 lie various
schools that are best represented in the
exhibit are those of the Christian liroth
ers, lsrothers of the Sacred Heart, liroth
ers of Christ, Sisters of the Uood Shep
herd, Sisters of the Assumption, Jesus
Marie Sisters, Sisters of Charity, Con
gregation of the Holy Cross ami many
others of the well-known parochial in
The number of pensioners dropped
from the rolls since March 4, 1803, is
2 l.r, ami the total number of pensioners
suspended since March 4, pending a fur
ther investigation of their cases, is 5,000.
The manufacture of the new army ri
fle (Kragjerogenz) is being pressed vig
orously. It is believed the first lot o
completed arms will be ready for deliv
ery and issued to the service about Sep
tember 1.
The chief of tho bureau of statistics
reports that during the twelve months
ended June ISO, 18011, the number of im
migrants landed in tho United States
was 407,0:!(l, and during the preceding
year lllO.Ii-'O.
The pension bureau is now engaged
in investigating what appears to be an
extensive system of pension frauds in
New Mexico. It is said that about 2,000
pension cases in tho Territory are being
While Treasurer Morgan is non-committal
on the report that a defalcation
exists in the mint at New Orleans, it is
learned the Treasury Department dis
covered a shortage in the funds in the
mint Juno 20, and that a searching in
vestigation has shown that tho recent
lire there was of an incendiary charac
ter, started for the purpose of covering
the robbery.
The charges of perjury made against
the Japanese interpreter employed at
the United States custom-house in San
Francisco have been overruled by the
Treasury Department. Acting Secretary
Hamlin has sent a letter to the Collector
of Customs at San FVancisco exonerating
tho interpreter and directing that the
twelve Japanese be deported "to tho
country from whence they came."
(Irons Kurniiitfs of the- Atchison
for llic Tiist, Y:ur.
The Heal Kstute Valuation of the
Clly of I'liilailelplila-Fall-iii-cm
for Six Months.
New York's new city directory con
tains 400,1100 names.
The Kansas w heat crop in estimated
at L':i,000,lMHj bushels.
Krupp, the great giinmaker, with his
party is in this country.
New York bankers say that the money
scare is practically over.
The Treasury gold reserve will soon bit
up to the full iigure of If 100,000,000.
Preliminary work to the opening of
the Cherokee Strip is well under way.
The winter wheat crop will be K0,(IH0,-
OOll bushels less t hull that of last year.
( ieorge ( ioilld is reported to be a loser
iy the " squeeze " to the extent of $10,-
01 MM Ml.
The enlargement of the Frie canal has
again become un important question in
New l ot k.
Impure milk poisoned half the West
Point cadets, but all were cuved by the
post Hiirgeon.
Secretary Herbert says: "The United
States ought to have twelve such ships
as the Victoria."
The failures for the tirst six months in
ISOU have been 0,2:10, more than in anv
previous like period.
Senator Voorhees declares that Con
gress will continue uninterruptedly in
session for a full year.
The Mormons are proselyting with
much success near lieaver Hum, Ya.
Mot of their converts are young women.
Senator P.erry of Arkansas says that he
has voted three times for free silver, and
that he is not in the habit of changing
his mind.
Philadelphia no longer fears cholera,
into such excellent condition has the
Delaware Pay and river quarantine serv
ice been put.
The National Alliance of Theatrical
Fmployes has been organized at New
York. John Williams of New York was
elected resilient.
The gross earnings of the Atchison
luring the year ending July 1 was f.W,-
rssi.iliKi, an increase of if :i, 501 ,815 over
the previous year.
A monster lock, to bo built on the Cal-
hcrt Shoals canal at liirmingham, Ala.,
will be when completed, it is claimed,
the largest in the country.
The russet shoe, which has attained
such wide popularity w ithin the last few
vears, has caused a good deal ol trouble
in the leather trade in the l-'.ast.
The floating debt of the Chicago l-'x-position
is f;J,(H.K),000, a million greater
than it was on June 1, and there is fear
of a financial crisis in its all'airs.
Mr. Cleveland now weighs 300 pounds,
seventy-five pounds more than his nor
mal weight, and is greatly inconveni
enced physically in consequence.
Railroad passenger rates from Louis
ville ami Indianapolis to Chicago are
iown to 1 cent a mile. A thorough de
moralization in rates cannot be avoided.
During the past ten vears the normal
standard of production for w heat in this
country has varied from VSX to 10 bush
els per acre, making an average of 141.;.
The statement of the Philadelphia
Hoard of Revision of Taxes for this vear
shows a real-estate valuation of $740,
:!5S,447, as compared with $732,300,802
last year.
What is described as a gigantic speci
men of an antediluvian monster has
been discovered in Hoyd county, Neb.
Workmen are now engaged in exhuming
the monster.
Cashier J. J. Hush of the defunct :!
mira (N. Y.) National Hank has been
arrested upon a warrant charging him
with making false reports and falsifying
his accounts.
Immigration statistics for the month
of June show that 51,007 alien steerage
passengers were landed on lillis Island
during that month. As usual, Italy
heads tho list.
Secretary Lamont is considering the
suggestion" of General Schotield that
there be created a military department
of the lakes, with headquarters at Buf
falo or Oswego.
In the Massachusetts reformatory for
women good behavior is rewarded by
permitting the well-behaved ones to
wear dresses with smaller checks. The
bail ones wear very big chocks.
Tho State Supreme Court of South
Dakota has decided that the Western
Union Telegraph Company must accept
messages tendered whether or not writ
ten upon tho regular telegraph blanks.
A building is ncaring completion at
the corner of Pine and William streets,
New York, which, although it is only 10
feet 3 inches wide, is 135 teet high. The
brick and stone iu it are held together
by a metal skeleton.
The irrigation canals constructed at
great expense in Kansas are said not to
be entirely successful. The fault is not
in the irrigation system, but in the fact
that the ditches have been made too ca
pacious for the water supply.
The Francis S. Bartow Camp of United
Confederate Veterans of Polk county,
Fla., has unanimously adopted resolu
tions expressing their grateful apprecia
tion of Mrs. U. S. Grant's recent acts of
oourtesv to Mrs. Jefferson Davis.
It is estimated from the census of 1800
that, the insect pests cost the fruit grow
ers of the United States alxmt H,000,(XX)
a year.
Statistics are said to show that (he in
troduction of machinery into manufac
tories has decreased tho numlcr of the
The Wagner Company owns 700 par
lor ears utid sleeping coaches, valued at
$10,500,000; the Pullman Company 2,3W,
valued at $.T.i,000,000.
To make 1 ,000 cubit: feet of illuminat
ing gas eight pounds of coal, costing 2
cents, and four gallons of naphtha, cost
ing 12 cents, ure required.
In the five or six months of the year
during which the sardine fishery lasts
000,0OO,iKl0 of thes.: little fish are caught
off the coast of Brittany alone.
The entire riuiulicr of l'X'omotivi'H
owned by the German railways in 1802
was 11,788. The number in the United
States iu 1801 amounted to 33,503.
There are over 7,000 miles of com
pleted electric railway in the United
States, and in a year to come there is
little doubt the total will be doubled.
At tin: Maple Sugar Lalioratory at
Montpclicr, Vt., during the past season
4.750,702 S)iinds of sugar were tested.
The bounty on this output will amount
to about $72,500.
In the central part of the State of New
York over 15,000 people are engaged in
the cultivation of more than 20,OW acres
of grapes, w hich produce annually from
10,000 to 50,000 tons.
The average wage per week of women
in Kansas and Wisconsin is $5.27; in
Minnesota $0. In Indianapolis the sum
paid for shirt-making ranges from 30
cents to 00 cents a dozen.
Admiral Belknap thinks that "since
steam and electricity have taken posses
sion of the naval soul seamanship is al-mo.-t
decried as a lost art by the rising
generation of naval men."
The area planted in cotton the present
vear is estimated at 10,701 ,3s5 acres, an
Increase over last year of 7.20 per cent
and altout the samt: as in 1887; also
showing very little tlilference from 1888.
The $3,000,000 which the hat manu
facturers of the country have to hand
over to the inventor of the sweat-band
used on hats adonis a striking illustra
tion of the value of genius when it makes
a hit.
Women do a fair share of farm work
in nearly all F.uropean countries. They
are especially etlicient in Norway and
Sweden. Tim) many men are withdrawn
from prolitable occupation to serve as
The tolal receipts at the New York
ciii-toin-hotise for the fiscal vear that
ended June 30 were $138.032,02.8.94, com
pared with $120,732,013.00 for the previ
ous fiscal vear, or an increase of nearly
The largest State building in the United
States and the seventh largest building
in the world is the State capitol of Texas.
It was begun in 1881 and finished in 1888.
It cost $3,500,000, and was paid for by
3,000,000 acres of public land, deeded to
the capitalists who bad the work done.
In 1800 there were altout 275,000 women
engaged in money-making occupations,
as follows: One hundred and ten law
yers, 105 ministers, 320 authors, 588
journalists, 2,001 artists, 2,13(1 architects,
chemists and pharmacists, 1,106 stock
raisers and ranchers, 5,135 government
clerks, 2,438 physicians and surgeons,
13,182 professional musicians, 50,800
farmers and planters, 21,071 clerks and
bookkeepers, 14,405 heads of commer
cial houses, 155,000 public-school teach
Queen Victoria is, it is said, especially
skilled in making omelets, while the
Princess of Wales excels in making tea
and buttered toast.
Mrs. Ormiston Chant, the well-known
preacher, says she has officiated in
churches of all denominations except
the Church of England and the Roman
Catholic Church.
Miss Roalfe Cox of the English Folk
lore Society has made the interesting
discovery that the story of Cinderella
has been told in 345 different ways, and
that it appears in the oldest literature
of Egypt and India.
Senator Stewart is visiting Mexico to
look after the working of his silver mine
at Zaeataeas. Before returning to Wash
ington in the late autumn his family will
make an extended Western trip, includ
ing a stay at the World's Fair.
Queen Christ ina of Spain believes that
children could be much better and easier
managed if each mother were allowed
to punish not her own, but her neigh
bor's children. If instead of "punish"
the word correct were substituted, the
notion would not bo half bad.
Kotaro Sakura, paymaster of the Jap
anese navy, who is now in Chicago, is
on his way to England, where he will
take charge of a new war vessel built by
a British tirm for the Mikado. Mr. Sa
kura will at once convey the vessel to
Tokio, where it will be placed in com
mission. When Queen Victoria left Florence
she rejoiced the heart of at least one
woman. Lady Colnaghi, the wife of the
British Consul, was presented by her
with a bracelet bearing in blue enamel
her initial and the motto " Honi soitqui
mal y pense."
George Vanderbilt has bought 20,000
acres more of land in the "Pink
Beds " district of North Carolina near
Ashville and near the residence of Bill
Nye. Mr. Vanderbilt will establish on
bis new purchase the most complete and
extensive game preserves in the United
States if Mr. Nye can be kept off the
premises. The" Vanderbilts now own
50,000 acres in North Carolina.
The Financial Crisis in Spain
Reduces Kailroad Trallic.
A Grave Charge Against the Berlin
Office of the Reuter Tele
graph Company.
The crops in Bulgaria are in a very
bad state.
Extraordinary heat is prevalent all
over Spain.
The grain harvest in Thessaly prom
ises to lie exceptionally good.
The German Chancellor von Caprivi is
said to be suffering from diabetes.
The Czar has ordered the departure of
all vessels to the eastern shores of Siberia.
England has lost fifteen ships and
2,352 officers and men in the last thirty
The Chinese Minister to France has
lodged a strong protest against French
aggression in Siam.
The marked decrease of fat fish in the
North Sea is attributed to tha great in
crease of steam trawlers.
The prospects of winter and summer
wheat in Russia have improved greatly
since the beginning of June.
A Moldavian lady is at her own ex
pense constructing a railway from one of
her estates to the nearest town.
Now that the army bill has passed the
German Reichstag, the Fmperor, it is
said, will make Caprivi a Prince.
Commercial treaties with Portugal,
Sweden, Holland and Switzerland have
been passed by the Spanish Cortes.
The Ixjrd Mayor of London has ob
tained the baronetcy ujxjn the marriage
of the Duke of York according to cus
tom. In Southern England hay is now worth
150 a ton, and farmers are selling their
cattle. This means a dearth of English
A letter mailed in London April 7 and
retnailed in Hongkong made the circuit
of the world in the fast time of sixty-
two days.
Paris hostesses give afternoon enter
tainments at which literary and scien
tific lectures are the attraction. It is a
great success.
The Greek government has decided to
enforce the law against brigandage
passed by the Chamljer after the Mara
thon murders in 1070.
There are now between 13,000 and 14,
0(i0 miles of telephone circuits in the
metro jwlitan area of London, a region
covering about 500 square miles.
A prominent English physician of
large experience with drunkards says
that he can recall hundreds of recoveries
among men, but only five among women.
The financial crisis in Spain has seri
ously reduced railroad traffic, so that
nearly all lines are badly crippled and
some have been forced to offer new issues
of bonds on the market.
Freiherrvon Maltzann, German Secre
tary of the Imperial Treasury, has re
signed. It is probable that he will be
succeeded by Ilerr Schraub, one of the
Ministers of Alsace-Lorraine.
It is hinted on British authority that
the closing of the mints at India to free
silver coinage is only a " first step in a
process which will not be completed un
til gold is made a full legal tender."
There has been a curious outbreak of
cattle disease near Cardiff, Wales, sup
posed to be caused by blood-poisoning,
and this in turn to be due to the drought
and the fact that rabbits ran on the pas
ture. The anti-Semite publisher, Heppner,
at Berlin has published a book in which
he argues that the Berlin office of the
Reuter Telegram Company is a source of
danger to Germany and ought to be
closed by the government.
The Chilian Congress has passed an
act for reorganizing the currency, and
having received the sanction of the Coun
cil of State, the act has now become a
law. The object is to redeem the paper
money and resume specie payments.
A commercial convention between
France and Russia was concluded three
weeks ago. France reduces the duty on
petroleum, and Russia reduces the ' du
ties on some fifty-three articles, includ
ing wines, spirits, linen textiles, fancy
goods and clothing.
The Jews of the town of Yalta in the
Crimea refused to obey the decree to re
tire within the pale. For several days
the clergy exhorted the population "to
rise and expel them. This caused a mob
to pillage the Jewish quarters, and many
of the Jews were killed. Troops restored
Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, who
succeeds the ill-fated Vice-Admiral
Tryon as Commander-in-chief of the
Queen's Mediterranean squadron, has
been in the royal navy for forty-three
years. Both his grandfather and his
uncle were Admirals before him.
A leading financial writer in London
says that "the injury done to the crops
all" over Europe by the long drought
makes it reasonably certain that later in
the year the withdrawals of gold to New
Y'ork will be on an immense scale, espe
cially if the silver-purchase act is re
pealed." A company has been formed in Milan
for supplying the city with tricycles. At
a trifling cost a person may hire one of
these machines and take a drive either
for business or pleasure. Each tricycle
has a driver, so that the hirer has noth
ing to do with either its propulsion or
Tlie Tt iu tiM'iit liislrlrt f'oiniiiirotl With
Ttns rOMier title.
A recent census report sliow.s that
there ore 81,000 houses in New Y'ork,
Dcoupied by a number of families no
great as to imply that there are
noarly four families (32; for every
bouso in tho metropolis. When it in
recalled tlurt thero are thousands of
beautiful homes in Now Y'ork occu
pied each by ono family only, that
fiiles of avenues and Ktreets are
lined with houses each individually
owned and occupied by ono family
f roup, it will be realized to what ex
tent in other parts of tho city crowd
ing occurs, when to aceonuxlato an
average of nearly four families to
each house tho remaining houses
only are available.
Comparing the condition of New
York with Philadelphia the difference
is most marked. In Philadelphia tho
average number of families to each
house is one family and one-tenth,
as against three families and over
three-quarters in New York for each
house. In New York the average
for each house is 19 people, while in
Philadelphia tho average is not C
people per house. The death rate
tells the rest. Iu New Y'ork it is 23
in every 1.0'K), in Philadelphia 2i per
1,000. While New Y'ork has 10 peo
ple to each house, London lias only
7, with a rate 3 per cent lower
than New York.
The extent of the crowding in New
Y'ork is made painfully apparent by
the statement of the national census,
which shows that out of a popula
tion of 1,000.000 no less a number
than 1,200,000 live ia apartments,
flats and tenements. Still further is
this confirmed by the sanitary cen
sus made by the police in which it
was found that there were herded ia
what the board of health designates
as the 'tenement disrrv.t" no les3
than 276,000 families. This number,
exceeding a quarter of a million fam
ilies, averaging five persons to each,
is so great as to excite surprise that
such a condition can exist in the
chief city of the new world, where
conditions of civilization, as illus
trated by the character and number
of homes, ought to have their most
perfect exemplification. But the
facts as presented in official reports,
in the death rate and in the person
al observations of men and women
who take a deep interest in the con
dition of human kind in the metrop
olis, show a condition of density full
of danger, in which tho indications
toward improvements are few and
far between. North American Re
view. Questions of the Senses.
Perhaps the reader has days when
nothing goes upward or straightfor
ward, but downward, backward,
crookedly, spirally, any way but
straight ahead. Never mind whether
these ills come all the same day or
not; we all know well that they
come. "What are the senses," some
old worthy has inquired, "but five
yawning inlets to hourly and mo
mentary molestations?" What else
are they when on an icy cold morn
ing, after hugging your pillow for
an hour after conscience tugged to
pull you up, you arise to find that
the household fires have taken that
zero morning to turn black in the
face and die? How, when you have
especial and most pressing work to
do or engagements to meet upon a
certain day, and when you wake to
find yourself in the grip of an all day
headache, or other paralyzing ill?
Or, in an equally important emer
geney, just as you settle to your ab
sorbing task, or haply dress for your
engagement, your sensitive friend
arrives blandly on the scene? Bos
ton Commonwealth.
Purls Skeletons.
Paris is the head center of the skel
eton trade. The mode of preparation
is a very delicate operation. The
scalpel is first called into requisition
to remove the' muscular tissues. Its
work being done, the bones are boiled,
being carefully watched meanwhile
that they may not be overdone. Aft
er this cannibalistic procedure they
are bleached in the sun. Even the
spots of grease are sure to appear
when they are exposed to heat. The
French treat these with ether and
benzine, securing thereby a dazzling
whiteness, which is a distinguishing
mark of their skeletons. They are
wan-anted never to turn yellow and
to stand the test of any climate. New
York in midsummer is not too hot
for them. They are put together by
a master hand.
A brass rod with all the proper cur
vatures supports the spinal column.
Delicate brass wires hold the ribs in
place. Hinges of the most perfect
workmanship give to the joints a
graceful and lifelike movement.
Cleverly concealed hooks and eyes
render disjunction at pleasure possi
ble. The whole construction plainly
indicates the care and skill of an art
ist and a connoisseur. Boston Herald.
juueh attention.