The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 29, 1893, Image 4

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    Why not, indeed ?
When the Royal Baking Powder makes
finer and more wholesome food at a less cost,
which every housekeeper familiar with it will
affirm, why not discard altogether the old
fashioned methods of soda ami sour milk, or
home-made mixture of cream of tartar and
soda, or the cheaper and inferior baking pow
ders, and use it exclusively?
An i:ii;llh Stair Srcrrt.
I hope tluit I he ion I nm nlvnt to
nmke ni;iy Ik- oouilerol Mi h'tly confi
dential. 1; tiin-t not U toM .'U'ivs the- At
lantic. It is one of those sivtvts whioh one
loams wit li .haine and iv;io.itsin a whi.-por.
It refers, in t;u;. to the venerable house of
lonis. It lias to do with a tiling which
pvntly jultls to what the pivra ealU the
enjoyment i f a llile. It is a secret of the
ve.-tiariiini, or ruhiiii; roni. It is nothinit
less than the lon and carefully oonoealotl
truth nlvnt the coronet. Von K; v that it
is a crimson velvet cap, very so: ; .mil pretty
ami comfortaMe. rottiul w hich is the jiohl
coronet set with pearls. Now, a coronet is
just a lnvail circular Kami, ns everyKvi
The iron crown of Lomharilv is sue
Kami of f;oiil set with yreat ruhies rouuhij
cut, ami w ithout any palliative of velvet.
With the kre crown stuck firmly on his
head there he was a kins;, just as with his
wig adjusted oh his head tin re is the other
man a lord chief justice. Very well, then.
The peer's coronet is not of poM at all. 1
amassurcil. hy one who ktiows, that it is 1 Ouce
of copjvr cilt, and that the pearls in it are ;
not pearls, hut silver things as big as
pitroons' eiTirs. One more illusion is gone.
We shall learn next that the velvet is cot
ton velvet or sateen or soft merino, or
even red flannel. Only copper nilt! Is it
passible? Walter Uesant in London Queen.
This U the room to which he came that da
Camc, when the dusk was falling cold and
Came with soft atop. In delicate array
And sat beslilo me In the ftrellfht there;
And, like a rose of perfume rich and rare.
Thrilled with her sweetness the environing air
We heard the Rrlud of traffic In the street
The clamorous rails the sound of passing
The wail of bells thai In the twilight beat)
Then I knelt down, and dared to touch bet
Those slender finger, and the shining band
Of happy gold wherewith her wrist was
Oh. thought, by which despair Is half consoled.
That slender hand lay once within my hold.
And round my own I felt her fingers fold.
Her radiant beauty made my heart rejoice;
And then she spoke, and her low, pitying voice
Was like the soft, pathetic, tender noise
Of winds that eome before a summer rain.
leaped the blood in every clamorous
Once leaped my heart, then dumb stood stlh
-I'hilip Bourke Marston in Independent.
' he sur
think it
When to Call.
"1 can wait for your answer.
Rested timidly, "if you wish to
"Thanks.'' she answered; "that is a good
Idea. Call around say ten yean from
now." Harper's Bazar
How to Corns to a Stop.
Judge Monroe So Derided In Favor of
Kelly -Kelly vs. Fenlotv.
When we least
expect them,
accidents will
befall us, a veri
fication of the
old adage that
the unexpected
always hap-
fens. The fol
owine recites
business man was
how an active
suddenly brought down.
Cincin., O. " Recently while in the act of
aliehting from my car, I stepped upon a stone,
which, turning suddenly under my foot, threw
me to the ground, wit h a severely sprained ank le.
Suffering exceedingly, I was helped into my A
car, and my man rubbed me most generously
with arnica and kindred remedies, but to no
Reaching a station where St. Jacobs Oil could
De procured, two Dottles oi n rUVf : TUP
wer hnno-ht. and thf annlica- .
tion of it resulted at once in a
relief from pain, which had'
wen nign become unbearable.
I was out and about my work
ia three days."
PrKrt. &'Vn! Man ( M
The Pain Stops. w1ntn
John J. Kelly vs. People's Hank et ul. 1'lalnt
iff began this suit by seizing a lottery ticket
one-twentieth of a whole ticket, which had won
Jl'i.OOOand had been forwarded to the People's
Bank for collection, and in which he claimed
one-fourth interest as owner. Hy consent the
ticket was cashed, and the unclaimed three-
quarters were withdrawn, leaving tin; contested
one-quarter, which was also claimed bv John
W. Fenlow, under control of the court.
The parties live in St. Louis, and have been
quite unfortunate. In 1S'1 Fenlow, Kellv, Norle-
p.iun, O'Keefe and Connors formed a quasi elul
atiu on three or tour occasions purchased five
fractions of lottery tickets, said fraetioiis.coM
ing t each, and each member, contributing his
proportion of the price, was equally interested
in the winnings. Fenlow generally was charged
with purchasing the ticket', and held them
until the d. awing.
The memlers usually paid theircontributions
before the drawings, and Fenlow paid the lot
tery ticket vendor.
In April, IK'2, they Invested (i nnnors had
unmpeuouij. All paid except Kelly, who hint
agreed to pay his dollar on the day' preceding
ine urnw ing.
The tickets had been selected bv Norleman.
There was no further intercourse between the
memlKTS of the club until after the draw ing on
Tuesday, April 12, when it w as learned that one
of the four tickets had won Jl.",mju. The tickets
have been paid for by Fenlow, and the question
for the court to decide is whether Fenlow paid
for account of Kelly 1, or whether it was for
his own account.
The day after the drawing Kellv tendered his
dollar, but was told that he was " too late " und
that he was " not in it."
The court concludes that Fenlow gave Kellv
to understand that he (Fenlow ) would see that
Kelly's interest in the ticket would le paid for.
It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed
that there be judgement in favor of John .1.
Kelly and aeaiust John V. Fenlow, decreeing
Kelly to have been the ownerof an undivided
one-iourth interest in the lotterv ticket, and
that plaintiff receive and collect' fi.'.'jU, repre
senting the one-fourth of the proceeds ol the
lottery ticket now on deposit. New Orleans
(La.) City Item.
An t'uroiigUt Duel.
Dr. VUv.iow, tho eminent man of
science, htul been shin-ply criticising
trine Uismnrek, who was then
At the end of n iwrticulurly sever
nttnek Bismatvlc felt himself person
nlly aft routed nnd sent sivonds to Vir
enow witn ii tTiiillenkfo to twit n
i no man ol science was loiuul in
his laboratory, hard at work ut ex
Jvruuents which had for theirobjoct
the discovery of n meansjf destroy
tnar t rich uue, which were mnkin
great ravages in tJermany.
"Ah," said the doctor, "a ehal
lone, from Trince liismaivk, eh!
Well, well! As 1 am the challenged
party, I suppose I have the choice of
weapons. 1 lero t hey are !
lie Held up two larw sausages,
which seemed to be exactly alike.
"Ono of these sausafjos," he said,
"is tilltHl with trichina'; it is deadly.
Tho other is perfectly wholesome.
Externally thev can't Ik told apart.
Let his excellency do nu the honor
to choose whichever of these ho
wishes and eat it, and I will eat the
Though the projwsition was as rou
sonablo as any duelling projxvsition
could 1h Prince Bismarck s repre
sentatives refused it. No duel was
fought, ami no one accused Yin-how
of cowardice. Youth's Companion,
III. Only ltfque.t.
It Imppotioil onco that ft faithful Moslem
married, hut w hen he wtw hi wife nIi
proved to bo very iinpreposaeaxlim. Some
itaya after the marriage hla wife mild to
him, "My dove, a you have ninny rrU
Uvea, I you would let me know before
whom I limy mivell." "My nelle," he
replle.1, "If thou wilt only iil.lo thy face
from me, I care not to whom thou shortest
It." San I'Vauolsoii Argonaut.,
A Ml. tut..
Mr. Drown (to her pirlly ilaughterln
the elevnledl-l will apeak to the kuiiiM If
tlmt youtiK ninn over there tloeau't nlop
taring at me.
Pretty D.iughler (InuoceiUly) I don't
think he'a alnrlnn at you, miimnm, New
York Kihh'Ii
Millbrae. San Mateo counly, t'al. A llrst
class home aclmul for boys, 'lleaulil'ul aur
roumltnga. Superior insirueiioii. The best
ol care, lis graduates for l,s:U are admitted
to the Stale l iiiveraity or Stanford l! diver
sity without exiiminatioii. Number of pu
pils limited. Tall term commences AugiiNt
1. Semi for catalogue, and mention l his
paper. Ira li. Uoitt, I'll. P., Muster, ox
State Superintendent Public Instruction.
Teacher Io Peas urow mi v-lnesoritti lotslinuf
Pupil (w hose father keaps a Mimnier boarding
house) Ibey come In cans.
My niece, Emeline Hawley, was,
taken with spitting blood, and she
became very much alarmed, fearing
that dreaded disease, Consumption.
She tried nearly all kinds of medi
cine but nothing did her any good.
Finally she took German Syrup and
she told me it did her more good
than anything she ever tried. It
stopped the blood, gave her strength
and ease, and a good appetite. I
had it from her own lips. Mrs.
Mary A. Stacey, Trumbull, Conn.
Honor to German Syrup. 6
"ature should be
assisted to throw
blood. Nothing
does it so well, so
promptly, or so
safely as Swift's
For three years I was troubled with mala
rial poison, which caused my appetite to fail,
and I was greatly reduced in flesh, and life
lost all its charms. I tried mercurial and
potash remedies, but to no effect. I could
get no relief. I then decided to try
A few bottles of this wonderful
medicine made a complete and permanent
cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever.
J. A. Rice, Ottawa, Kan.
Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed free.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga,
$75.00 1
9K(I fid can be made monthly
d9U.UU working for
F. Johnson A Co., Richmond, Va.
Piso's Bemedy for Catarrh Is the
Best. Kasiest to TTse, and Cheapent.
Bfeffi to!
Bold bv druggisui or sent by mail.
Mull tiling's Freaks.
A case is on record in which seventy
eight sheep and twodoiH were killed while
the woman w ho iruarded them was un
touched. It has also been freouentlvoh
served that the outer member of a party
are struck while the middle ones escape. ranged in a line were
only shaken by a stroke, except the two at
each end, which were killed, and of five
children, sittiii',' on a bench, only the first
and last were fatally affected.
This peculiarity may be due, as Arago
suggested long ago, to the circumstance
that the intermediate bodies simply trans
mit the charge, and are therefor least in
jured, just as the parts of a bar of iron
struck by lightning which are the most
damaged are the points at which the cur
rent makes its entrance and exit. London
A Steamship's Peril.
Among the tales of perils by storms was
that of the British steamship Tyriedale,
Captain Love. She was in the Gulf of
Lyons when a gule came on very suddenly,
with a sea that, rose more rapidly than the
wind. The waves were so high and steep
that the ship had no chance to rire they
buried her almost out of sight at every
blow they struck her In this emer
gency the cargo shifted and the steering
gear carried aw ay She drifted helplessly
for two days, when the wind and the sea
went down as rapidly as they had come up.
New York Sun.
Wonderful Contrast.
Brevity may be l he "soul of wit," but
the laughable effect is sometimes the very
thing the speaker doesn't mean. In the
following case a word or two more would
have made a clearer description, but it
would not have been half so funny.
lhe head masterof the girl's high school
U describing to the class the beauty of the
Alps, which he has visited during his va
cation, and ends his lecture in these
"And there, with one foot 1 stood on the
ice of the glacier, while with the other 1
was pluckingthe most beautiful (lowers. "
Youth's Companion.
IrUb I'ootball.
Football iii Ireland niav bo said to
consist of throt' parts KiiLtlu'iau, As-
sociationist and (laclit. Tho rnlo of
play in these organizations has lavn
defined us follows: In Kinjby, you
kiek the ball; in Assooiatioii, you
kick the man if you eannot kiek the
ball, and in Gaelic you kick the ball
n von cannot kick me man. nus
puts tho present procedure and posi
tion of the rival devotees into u nut
shell. The Associutiotiists are mainly
confined to Dolfast, whore they form
a body which it would 1k as difficult
to convict of professionalism as it
would lie for them to prove that they
are amateurs.
The Gaels are a free and festive
community, who have their head
quarters at Clonturk park, Drumcon
ura, bounty lniiiim. Tins park is
conveniently situated iK tween Glas-
nevin graveyard und the Mater Mi-
sericordia hospital. A man has lavn
known to pass from the football field
direct to tho hospital, and from the
Hospital to tno cemetery, anotuer
match being then got up to raise
funds for the benefit of next of kin,
thus running tho risk of killing a few
more for the lenefit of the deceased.
-Rev. F. Marshall.
A tremblliiK hand, an uncertain step, tlditell-
ness. Indicated by ietle kIiiIUiiii Irom one
place or Hituro to another, usually menial su
noyance t unexpected, aie anion the
iiiuieailous ot extreme nervousness. bese
seem Irillinit, but tlie health ol men Hud women
in llits condition Is "decidedly slinky." liable
to he overthrown llsnsirous.v bv rnti-es
the vigorous iiiIkIiI dofv. To Mititvilie ner
vous system (lenerul vicor must, through the
meiiiiim m reiuloieed iliceslion und n renew n
ol hii impaired power ol xlcceliiK nl IHkIiI, he
mim'iI to licalthlul standard A k ilaranlrc ol
mis is n.isieiter s Motmic u I Iters, which ie-
tahlishes illxestloti. Idle secretion an, I lhe
habll o body on a permanently lemilar basis,
thus renew tni( thai N.dily equilibrium, w hlch
is 10110.MM by a M n ot -iretiKtlt and nerve
Iran. i it i 1 1 1 ( v . l-or kidney complaint, rheuma
tism, neim liiiii, nnd a a brevciiiive ol the tlrsl
sttsi It or subsequent relurn ot malarial disor
ders, (Ins medicine in w lihoiit a peer. Thrice
dully take a w lnci;liislul.
WKe What do vou think of my new balhhiK
nil. .Intiu? Husband h verv erettv. but I
don I iliink ymi eould do a skirt dunce in It.
I'M Yeiiney, lirockville, (hitiirio, Cntuula,
savs :
" 1 have used HiMMiRitrii's 1' for the
past fifteen years, and think them the best
cathartic and anti-bilious reined v known.
For some live years I sutlered w ith un erup
tion ol the skin that euve me urent Miin
and annoyance. 1 tried dillereiit blood
remedies, nut, although iriiiiiing strength,
the itching was unrelieved I liimllv con
cluded to lake a thorough course of Hiun-
pkktii'k 1' 1 took six em li night for
four nights, then five. four, three, two. les
sening each time by one, nnd then lor one
niontii took one every night, Willi the
happy result that now liiy skin is perfectly
icar ami lias noen so ever since.
Jack -I say, i, us, that dog of voiirs looks like
afoul, (ills -V by, be has Just as much sense
as 1 have. Jitck-Thal's what said.
His I atber Is a "lloss."
In ono of the grammar schools on
the east side is a boy who has a great
admiration for his father. His father
word is law to him, though he pays
not the slightest attention to any
thing that his mother may say. This
bright young ono was very much
disgusted by the question put to him
by his teacher when he first
ttie grammar scliool. Alter giving
his name to the teacher he was asked.
"What is your father's occupation?''
"Wot's that?" was bis reply in a
mystified tone.
" nat is your father's business?
What does be do?
"Do? Why he don't do nothin. Ho
just bosses, see f" tho boy answered,
in a most aggrieved way.
Tho boys father is foreman in tho
street cleaning department, and his
son had seen bim directing the men
under him, and so considered it an
insult that any one should suppose
that his father worked like ordinary
mortals. Aew York Times.
We posltUelr core rupture, riles and all rec
tal discuses without paUi or detention from busi
ness, No euro, no pay. Also all rtm dls
eases. Address for pamphlet lira. I'orterBeld 1
honey, sjm Market street. San Francisco.
Ice Irom one to two Inches thick u III hold up
small. I he Iceman docs the sumo thlnii nrac-
ticuily wilh bis bill.
There I more catarrh In this see. ion of thr
country than all other disease, pin together
ami until the lut lew years was aiinposeil to Li.
iiicuranie. ror a great umiiv vears il.ictors pro
nounced It a local disease and iircscrlb, d local
remedies, ami by coii-tniitly (ailing toe lire with
local treatment pronounced li incurable. Sci
dice lias proven catarrh to Ik- a constitutional
disease, and therefore requires constitutional
treatment, llall s ( atarrli Cure, manufacture
by t. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Is the nnlv
con-tiliitlonnl cure on the market. It Is taken
Internally In doses from ti n drops to a teasHHiu
nil. li acts uirecliy on the biooil anil mucous
surlaees of the system. 1 hey offer one hundrei!
dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials. Address
F. J. UIKNKY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists; 75 cents.
Ce KiiHmollne Stove Polish; no dust, no smell
Try Gkrmba for breakfast.
It Never Forgot His Kindness.
A toucmng instance ol insect in
stinct has just been published. A
writer says: "I found a cockroach
struggling in a bowl of water. 1
took half a walnut shell for a boat.
I put him into it and gave him two
wooden toothpicks for oars and left
him. The next morning I visited
him, and he had put a piece of white
cotton thread on one of the tooth
picks and set the toothpick on end
as a signal or distress, lie had a
hair on the other toothpick, and
there that cockroach sat a-fishing.
The cockroach, exhausted, had fallen
asleep. The sight melted me to tears.
I took that cockroach out, gave him
a Bpoonful of gruel and left. The
animal never forgot rny kindness,
and now my house is chock full of
cockroaches. "
of diseases start from a torpid liver and im
pure blood. Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery cures every ono of tbem. It prevrnt
them, too. lake it, as you outflit, when you
feel tho first symptoms (languor, loss of ap
petite, dullness, depression I and you u save
yourself from something Kcriotm.
in uuuuiiik up nueuou iiesn nna strentrin.
and to purify and enrich the blood, nothing
can equal the " Discovery." It invigorates
the liver and kidneys, promotes all the la-slily
functions, and print bark health and vigor.
For Dyspepsia, " Liver Complaint," liiliotis
ness, and all Scrofulous, Kkin, nnd .Scalp Dis
eases, it Is tno only remedy that s guaranteed
to benefit or cure, in every cose, or the money
is reiunueu.
About Catarrh. No matter whnt voti'vo
iriea ana round wanting, you can lie cured
with Dr. Hajre's Catarrh Itemed v. Tho pro
prietors or trim medicine agree to cure you,
or they'll pay you fiOO iu cash.
Knowledge of Crammnr Not Necessary.
One is sorry to see that English lit
erature is to be introduced by Eng
lish grammar, a certain method of
rendering it unjxpular. The gram
mar should be learned through the
literature, and indeed in its technical
and gerund grinding sense docs not
require to bo learned at all. I have
known most of the best writers of
English during the last half century,
and not one of them ever so much as
held an English frrammar in bis hand.
Choice Klce. .Oc, ll: larue Kaislns. fin- tine Tea.
.KJc; KegSyi Arbiickle Coffee, ifle: Saito.
Tapioca. Sc: 2U-lti nkits Klnif's itiiekwheiit.
10c; bried Peaches, lie; f igs. 4c; Prunes, 12c ;
Apples, evaporated, lie. SKNIi KOK THH bi
QUOTATIONS. Mention this paper. Address
Jones' Cash Store,
130 Front Street, Portland, Or.
To Detect Ozone.
After the passage of an electric storm
there is quite an appreciable amount of
ozone in the atmosphere, so much so that
Its presence may frequently lie detected by
exposing a piece of blotting paper, pre
viously dipped in a solution of starch and
iodine of potash, when It will be turned
blue, New York Recorder
Numb Spells, Chills
Hush if blood to the
head, und other dinagrce
ble s.-'inptoms af'lieted
Mrs. Annie W. Jordan, of
'.'IS Tienioiit Street, bos
ton, caused by had cir
culation of the blood.
Sue could not take the
physician's medicine, so
begun totuke Hood's Kiir-snp.-irilla
and soon fu ly
recovered mid now en
joys perfect health.
KR, beading Jew
eler of the Pacific
Northwest, keeps a
InrKe slock of all
BADGES on hand.
Best goods at low
est figures. Badges
made to order.
Mrs. Jordan.
Hood's Pi list eii-o Liver Ills. Juundlce.
Biliousness, Sick lleudache and Constipation.
ITCHI?rr) rit.E8 known hy montnf
llsfl purupiratltui, catiso luUsnso luihlr.ff
Vlien wiirtn. This form and UlilNl).
yn.r.n at oven to
whb-li Acts dlroctljr on parts olleeted,
sbsorbfl tumors, allayHltGliintf.efrectrnR
psrmnntcuro. I7rif-o COo. briiKKlnls
or uuul. lie. Bouanko, PhllaUtliilila, fa.
N. P. N. U. No. 6028. F. N. U. No. 679
-Wil l. KINU A 1 I'LL LINK 01'-
Printing Material and Machinery
For suit' at lowest juii'i'M iiml inusl iuI viiiiUihi oiih (i-i iiis ii L
Corner Front and Alder Streets,
jffcy Writo for jiiici's iunl ti'iiiin licforo lmvinn plriowlirri'.
fcis wrs s- Hm "ssl" :'-e-issi sy
t .Wwr llolUiC
Uue cent a doao.
inn tliliAT roPdll o ik promptly ciiirs
where nil others full Coughs, Croup. 8or
Throat, Hoitimm, whoopinf Couun nnd
Asthma. Kor Consumptlcn It lis no rlvul;
hiui cured thousands, mid will fi lm YOU if
taken in f imp. Isold by PniKtflsta on a itusr
anten. Kor a linin liack or t'le-st. uo
llnvoy.iiH iitm rh t This reined r Is KUiimn.
teed to cure jou. I'rlw.Wcu. Injivtorfree.
Baking Pon ier
Purity dnd
Lcdveninj Pouter
Hercules Gas Enoine
Nlad for Power or PumpInK Purpoaaa.
Tl ChMi-Kt Itsllalila Im Euliia
Ull t alalsal.
OUT Of f NOlNt A
W9W fllmpllcltr It Heats tho Horld.
Holla llarirrronl a l',
fio Cartiiirrlor to get Diilufurittr,
Nil llatlrrlea ur Kleetrlo Harh.
It rans wilh a Clirsiu-r (Irs.le or (lm. :in t'.wi si
oitiiir l.iisiue.
aasru T'n eitsusica to
PALMER & REY, Manufactuiiii,
4U Uimit llntt, Saa Fanuut, UL
- II -.AMI,
ol; I (JON.
Tu Itilroslurri our l'l.iv'.-r ua
Inlroilucn our 1'owiler. us h.v., ,.
ternilnrdtoillstili iit..iiniiin tho cinnuni
rs a nuiiiLs-r of t'A-sil l'liifco To
tint lierson or chili returning us tho Isnrest
nil iiitM-rorcerllileat.s oner iHforo J J
181U, wl irlr,iof aim). ni
to His nptt luriri-st, liiiii.i'r-ius ollu r iirirca
raiiKlim from J Id7S in C'ahil
order your KI'M.MKH
Kdl.l.KftH. You wsnl
the ursT ; thst's the
o:ily kind we denl In.
Then send voiir order
lor the IIKsf UOI.I.KKS
and INKS to I'AI.MKK
1'OKTI.AND, Oil.
iron b:ds, $0.00.
fiend for Cstnlotpio.
Fine Betiding,
Hair Mattresses,
Floss Miitresses,
Wire Mattresses,
and Pillows.
fisu 1' rsiicisco l si,
208-212 Bush St, San Francisco.
Hull a'i li
.1 1- II. k-,.1
i M.-ii s II
'I il
.1. I
1 his Invi.rilc hoi.-l !s un. I, r (In
ol i It A It I I.-. iiVi,i ;i , Un- I ! I mill! v un. I llu ,iii,
In -un I'rniH 1st ii.
Home Comforts! Cuisine Unexcelled !
rirsl i lnss service mill lhi hit-lies! slum liu.l ,,(
res,-eiilillUy un t nil lei'il ih.r k, . i.i..i,..r hf
io;.iii,1 rnr ,.rn(ii . uii.l. , II., in. , in.
room per ilivv, 1 ; ,, i ,'i, i,, .'.i,i. ,,,
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