The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 29, 1893, Image 3

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    3food Itiver Glacier
- . .
ii'mmi hi i', ii, OK. .ILLV "n
nil: Mm,.
Tim mo II nrrlvi't Ii M. ,i . ..
J-U'l. . M. W,,l;.. K,! , .
UII'lt 'ill Mil 1 1 ( Oil . X .l "' '
r'SX1" "'lUUl' '""
Km- NV'liIlt' m.i,i i,.,,,, ., (,,, .
Kil lvi-mil iiiii. ir, l.i. ( ', ,M, '' '"
I'l'.l.ll Vhlh Null,,,,!! 1,-ttvc. r.r 1 .,11. . ii
iii.-r. Ti-t.ul I. mI,. , . it, ,IW, , ;,, ,,',..'.''
S nlm uil.i.ii. io 'n,,n. ii'lit.M.,
iikii:i' i.o( ai. ivm:its.
Ir. Murgau wi nl. In Tu.'oiiiu. Mi, n
lay. Fresh candle I ) i-il every i,,y
A Tull II IK- r I 1 1 ; - ; V Washers .r, ,,
III' llMl IH'Mi lnp.
II .. . I I '.. I .. I I I ... ...
" ' " " I M I l..l I'll S
eil, rllnw iiiul hard.
Mix. JImvihm himI ,M i , ',,hrl
lit 'I In- IIiiIIi h 'I liiiiMlay,
l. K. Old, my Inn a Inl n
llc wcclm ui pie i,' ,,,.
A lull IIih- of hI liiriii-,liin;;H uii.l
leal lire ill I In- liuriie.s hliop.
( iirlnad n Ii ii In- 1 Imr
mvtvi-il at ,s, ;. t;, 1 1, ,,
lillll' jll'l
We Inivi' M'Vfi'iil liiiiiiM nml huh, 1
Ifiirii nail'. ( 'all ami yy prii't-M.
Silcliv lly .a'i r .".ii I't'iiin .i r l.ux of
ilnlll.l.' nIiitU, at till' ilnij; m( . ti'.
Wax MiinK (in i'iiiih, ni w Hlni'H,
pl'i'-i'i v liur Ki llli'miml I'M iyiliiiijr ,1.
lit T, t '. I !l 1 1 II M. '
Mr. mi.l Mr-.. I . . t : i r. I .lom-H rani"
up In. in l'..illuii. h.M w.i lt, in n n, mi,
a in. nil Ii or hi;
KhIiIih; tai'M" ln. ln.liii;; pi.i., Im.
kclK, i i !, lly ami lh-1 Ur., nl Slianu-
Iimu'h, at I'.'i I lahil pi i, TH,
T. ('. i illa-liai jn-.t I. i'i v". a Hue
fctiu'K nl i n..',, fcii.v"-, iaii"i'aii. kit. lit'ii
I'lii niliin . ( all ami ur ll,"iu.
J. Ii. Ni.-ln l-.-n ami Will
HIiil.fVniii.N , V" 1,1 l. 'I r ml l,;,l."
IH'K'lliy n ali w ila-,- f'.liiii);.
( ii'ii. ( '. ami I !. ( i. .lulu s Ii ivi
M'lillii ll' till' ll.nlnv hliil.liii
InnMll illl,, I'u'lii , , lii, v.
i nii'il
' ami
Mil T. .1. Wai...,'i i. up I',,,, i, ',.
lam! In hp, in I Kalinin -r, l.avlm; ln-,1
ri-tiiriii-'l lli, in a 1 1 1 1 n. iln- wni W lair.
Iti'.lll.-ril lali, in": pn-tui.'H will
l.i- t-ivi-n until .Niia i )",. ;.'il,.y
iipi-n mi iviln:,l iv. . I!. Sf
Mm. A. I;. I'.v.!,i tl ui nl (., .-(.:,ii!"
Tliiii's.lay In vi'i' lul-'litrr, Mr-.
I'.VriK,'!". hln- will i, -main '.,rtn,.
tlllri' Wii ki
Ceil. Cnli'imm liTt
an awnim
iilin-"il nr.. nml In- 1 1 .1 ! i .
ami iilil ,-. .1
it l,v liiivlim 111" , "l.'l l.'i'i:.';ll.''
painti-it '.In-rinii.
Mm. Il'.w.'ll will 'W ,"i- -lock nf
Mllinn.'l' i'..'.,!s f, ,i' ".il t . i -v - a! rn'. Sh"
will I." al In r i-' ni- M.imiayn, Wtilms
ilapi alnl Satiii,l i t mily.
Ct.mitv I ii'l il ii'i- cuiniii iii'is M,, n
iiay, nml In.M- -iv .lay-, nl'lt-r whi"i,
(uiir il.iyt will I." .1. i.t,, t. I In' i ami inn nf appla-anlf In Ii ai h.
Cninpany I) mi l ( r ilrill '".lm-"l iv
(vt'iiiiiL-, iirai ly 'i'i I In- l." s iij. i, v.
(ill. ('aplain iirni- l am,' tlu-.i n
Irum 'I II" ll.ill"- I,, aMi inl it.
Mm lM W'llliami wlin Iiiim I . "ii
vinit ini; ln r ilaii. :hi. r. M is In. I '., -Ins,
f, ,r miii in lini", Iffi lir li. r Imini'
Kiiii'i-aw Nt hia-I a, Salut.lay nij;hl.
Ciir.lwnuil in a liini'i"! amnnnt will
In1 H.'ti'pt" I at this iillli'f in payini iit
fur llin pip.-r. ll vn ll .."iif In laki'
ti'lviiiitin:.' nf I his uH'. r, ilnn't wail un
til MIIIIW lli.'S,
I i t t . I lii'ltrli'k is having Ii'n Ininii--
Htl'll.1 pill ill . Hi' I hll.'lpl'. Ill' is lit
Wnl'k ill ('III. ani', I. lit has Hi nt nut nvt'l
JjOMM his Hiiiiiini-r in jiay fur hla-liin
ami final ill); 1 1 it- lainl.
liilly WihhIm liavinj; nlitalni'il lli-t iisi
tn Hi'll'iiiiiriliii. us liijiiurs in Skamania
i'liunly, Wash., lias i.pi'iifi! ii wilnnii til
llin in'iiiilli nf Wliil" Salnn.n, ami is
tiding n livi ly l.ii.siui-.'.s.
'I'lii'si' vi-ilml ( 'Inll.l Cap this wri'k,
Mr. ami Mrs. ivl Swanv nf I liinnliilu,
Mr. an. I Mrs Wnmlwar-I, Mm. 1). I'.
'riiiiniisnn, Mi'-s A.lains ami Miss
SVtintlartl, all nf I'm'tlam!.
H. K. Hii-lniiss ilnsiri'fi to annnitm-v
that iii'i-fafl.-r In- will wnll fni-casli only,
ami at a ri-.iiirliniii.l' from live tn ten
jii'i- cent, ami will uaraiit.-e priivs tn
unit tint liiii.s. Call ami Hi-o.
liiHi'i-tii-i'li-s far fruit, pest ami etc.;
Lninliin Purple, Paris (ireeii, I. X. K.,
Whale nil snap, pnwereil hellebore,
IVrsinii insect, pnwtlei- lie., at, the
llnuilKivei- I'liarmacy.
Kee Morse came in from the drive
"Wednesday. All tlie pnlen above the
forks of the river were left, ami there
lire In the drive only .'tilt), nml Ihese are
now near Tucker's mill.
The regular quarterly examination
of applicants for eerlilloatcH to teaeli
will take place hero upon tho close of
the teachers institute. Kxaminatiolis
vill begin Momluy, Aug. 7th.
Heveral parlies will probably make
up here next month for the purpose of
jirospecling tho country around (lie
headwaters of Lewis river, and tho
mountain rango south of tho Cowlitz.
A local in tint Mountaineer says:
"V. N. Wiley will soon move his
sheep to tho head quarters of Hood
itiver." Thills all right, brother Mi
chell, if he does, tliey wont bother tho
people in this quarter.
The fence around Oak drove ceme
tery is about, oomph-tod, the delay in
getting lumber for tho back portion,
alone stopping the work. Tho north
and west sides are mink- of pickets, the
other sides being for tho present at
least, made of fencing lumber.
The school directors of this district
liavo had the school lioiiso M-rubbed
and wood work washed ho that every
thing is neat mid clean as a new pin.
Tho cause of this neeming bit of hilari
ous extra vagiince is the meeting of the
institute, here next Monday.
The machinery for tho Irnia arrived
last week, and the sound of her whis
tle was heard Tuesday, w hen she made
her lirst trip. On account of tho boiler
i'oaiiiiii''. no accurate test eoiiltl bo
ninths of her speed but Captain Coo
thinks Bhe Is going to run wcii.
1'lllllT Urill'll'M lilWH, IIHH'll'll 111
', Alll.'IIM, til! I Ii. C., llll MIlTH WITC I'M-
c 1 1 1 , . I , m- law I m 1 1 1 ; mn li il mil In 1 1
ii 1 1 i w II h iij 1 1 1 1 f -1 1 sevcruy iih innugn
Hi I. nd.T hud bu n IuiiihI guilly "I
Tin' f -it 1 1 1 1 mi rl hig imiw hclne- held
a I Win! i' Nl III mil Will adj. ill I'll A 11" list
Vm." a'U!:;!;;;ih!i';!;:H;;:;;
i Tin' ini'lii -li'tl wlni'l lor pumping
v. a lit' In tin' I ii 1 1 Hi 1 1 .rl nil llii' I'lt-I
' Mi', Im in plan' ami Iiuh iIi'v. o,im
:;; ''ZTZ i
'H.nll.lrl. ii'lanl. wl'l pn.lilalily
..till,' tlir.Mm ii.-u.r. '
, , ,
, ..,..!. ll . '.'Min ai , -,,,. .......
"iiliei liiii'h'li-iit ill .M nil imiiiali rn'iiny,
.mil" Hi. Tin -lay .;', ami will i"-
main i,i r ii.m' wi'ik In nlii'inl II."
..lint v iiiMiint", Mr. ArUi iiiian'i.
I'ainily i,i" l,i"ii vi.llilir Iiii'IiiIm in
Hi" .il!",y I'm' ll." I'M..! I id. wci'Kk. ,
, , . , , , . , , , ,
Ji.i' llarl.M'. K!,.-i I." nan l!i" lali"'!,
am! In :i a I
Uli.'al llili yci.r, 'it '
I':. :.', in i" viiii.'V, I I" HI n
lliMiin iiiMina'-
'. (lull In- ami a fail vniin' ilaiir-..-! 1 " - ' '"M,: 1 "I"''"
Irnln a I'li'i'l:-!! i liiii" wnnl'l m.m.Ii, wil I. i 'i'i." 1 1': . i- n' III" ii"w "I." evulnl-y
III" a.i''l aiiii n a inin'.liT I'll rn it'll an : m.'v in . . i r i.l' if i I inn nl i h . "n w it n
hi in I'm- ii. Thai litlr!;.'iin: niati-li nl ill I." in :.. hi ..ip l' ma' !.".
ll." i. .'.t a 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 in- sn a:"i, lia'l Ii .a'l i't. .'."tlmny nf !':;i!!l
in'li'li In iln Willi tli'm l.illi'l- nn.ili;'"- ,,,.,. ,-, j (, , J :l nrion .si '.H" lh,.t.
ii'.-nl. ,:. . 1 j -( ; 1 1 . ; : s- !i. lli!'." n,it'h ;;Viiy.
Will Laimill mi" il.iwn I'lnni tin- N 1 1 1 i ; nl' Inl iml ni ',1" nl' liah.i
Mi's al... nl Ml. Il'.i.'l i.lniMlay. II" tal.iti !; tin- la-."! -i nf t Ii" ilif',"i":i
I'.pniUll.i' I',. a. I l.i t'np, n..,, iiiinil"' i nl' 1 1." M.Tali family in in
ami I In- nf vl-ntui'i IIiIh mm-uii lli" pn-..s.;..n nl' ,Mr-i. A, M.T,",ni i.l'
at i, In. nl :;n. 'I In-ml. I wi'iitln r ami ll- I'.'lli; in, 'a.
iiam-ial t'liini'in-y an- iVH.ninil.l' 1 t" . ,-y in )al!nn, ia. , nw in a r 1 I
lli" limlil tinvel tnwai.l , ,r,.,, pin i.f ,. r.'.il ant i.fiil v, ami ul!i
t Ii" hi-.nw liii". Many in I'mllaml w In. in ,i,v" ..i' nl' l'ln- l.i'il.lit
I. a.l nrraiip-il f'.r tin- Hip, imw will.- IA u ,.;k ,,( (;,',,iy,. W arlnm.-lnn''-I'.r
r'-ainiiH iilinvi-ftat".l, t In' visit will j i, nil'.
imt l" mail" milil iii'M f.i
War 11,, ml kivir. MmihIhv .Iii'v Llllli .
. ., ... ., ., ., ; .
tn Mr. ami Mm. M. I-. M..,.-r, u :
I'I all ni' Water.
Tin- Ii. filial', r lami-i lii'ar ll,"
.li-nni, ll,.- I i,l ii in In. 't inning In
hlay m ill' iiM iai'i' lii'.'h Wa'i r mark.
! ii.:,i Hi" Milium' nf wal.-r that liax
u i pi iluvt n i n t !i" pa.-l t ill"" nn ml h-,
i; i- i.i-ily i-ni'ii tliat tin' na-nn
I.. i',i ai. ai'la "! nm-, tlm I'l.unll'V
ja.-"iit tn lli" livi'i- ni nlil liav.' hi'i'ii
-nlaii, r.'"i!, a'l.l mii,-!i (lainac ilunc.
' '"!! l'i'!i.
Monday e'.iiiii-i; ll." littln gray lmr.-i-
li"Ion; iii," l.i I ; . P.-i.- iu-. had a lively
little ii.i-:. .l.'ttli 'liiil',1 sil'.-it a;l l.
, ,,. , , i ,, .,. , , '
hin, " . Mr. l. t,,Ki, nr. liiii.t'lnn
' 1
amIAn.n y I.iml.ay, had joM tliive,,
Iln In.'!.-.- in I mm Aiiimr s pkme, ami
l"t I. im nt .i :.. i bv ll..- f.ii iit-r nf die
I. ii'n l'"l' a in .linml. The In. I'm- Marled ' '
.'ll. tilt, , ll! II, ll' III' I I." Ii.ll'!, I. Ml III"
li;l " V U In flu i".t! i' 'ill llt.h,. li-ititr
, r " ' ' "
I In- i. i;!t. 'l'ln- Ii i:;hl"ii"d Iln- h"l'"
ami Im ran lo. u Piwr street tlisirib-
iilin v. illi impartial "inem-il y, Mini 1 1
pi", e- .,' 1 1," l.u.;;'y. Time, l hei-nlid- ;
damage ; i:.
Iirnwinar al l!cu'v.
1 W. l;. Tall", only soli nf I. X. Tail'"
nft t ill.., ami a man I, allied ll";;:in
; Welt' dioiV lied ill 1 1 1" ( 1 illlll'ia bet Ween
' Pig:--ami I Irani, Sunday. They had
I'feu I., (ii'.int in a -:n ill boat, lifter a
' .....I; ..(' u-l t ",,.l ii,.. I-I.-.I i,
I ion of Iif a.-eid' nt was the liiulin;; of
liie boat tilled with water near Pegg-. phia some tiii.e in ih" year 17S.I, about j;v,.,. Vallev." 1 liavo some verv tie
lluw' iheaeei. lent neeiu'i'ed is llllkuosvn i I'I Veal -'. ;:,!.',... wrablo tracts of g'ninl land nn lV li'H
but it is .r,i! that in tackinir the It i li--i;.-ve:l that whales often attain for homesteads and timber eii
boat i-al'i tin d throwing o.fe of tliem
mil, and the oilier fell nveiiioal'tl in
trying tn re-cue his comrade.
A Critic A rrr.steiL
I A man named Strom, was arrested
: in Tho Dalles last l-Viday, f..r assault-1
: , . . . . . , . . .i .
' I tig al rs. v iii-;;re:i, near v votll, Hie ,
,, , , ,,,,
day belore. I le was taken to the (as- i
leaues .or exam.uai.on, aim i.oun.l over ;
tn await the at-lioii .f tho grand jury, !
i with bail llxe.l at tdil.OHO. lie is now
: n ai at The Da les. where he will
; iimiii until the fall term of the district
' court.
White S.iliiiin la Ii.
W hen it comes to line fruit, ami vege-'
tables, While Salmon is alwavs tn th
front. Last, week . I. It. Rankin wive!
us a sample of his garden, in the shape
, ,, , , , , , .
ot cabbage, let I tree and i-ucuiubers, the
latter a mass of dainty, laee-like loaves ;
as white as snow. Tuesday. Mr. Silks-!
i tlni f heoiiglit over the tli'st peaches, not
i forgetting Unit tho printer like 1 them
; nicy were neauuiui to lonii upon, ami
ol'a Haver that left nothing to be tlosir-
i ed, unless if was more peaches.
! --- -
! ... , I,1ilrn!,'rs: ,.
We will do all kinds ol grinding on
i Saturdays tliis season except Hour
I making Wo have learned that good
i Hour can only no nuulo out of our dry
wheat by dampening the grain after it
j has passed through the smutter and
allowing it to swe,".t n few days.
! Leave your wheat with us and give us
I ,.,.!,.,,'... to .In ..'ood work. Von will
then use our Hour in profttronoo to any
oilier. llAunisoN J.tins., ;
Proprietors Hood Itiver llonring mills. : wil h "stomata, performs the oilleo of
- - j breathing.
Union Pacini' l-'mihor Reduces Use ralo. n h,,.;, i miiee and Cermany ono
To ('hieagn .$:;.llt) first class; St. : fourth (!) reduced to a decimal is writ
Louis otil.dtt 'first class; Omaha, Kansas j ton as t),'J': in lOniiland it is written O-il
. i t i....,i. ,-...,i o,. : (alwavs with the pjrind at tho toil of
City, Mimx city and St. Joseph ,,..0.00 . . , .. ... . s ' .
first class. Rates correspondingly re-i
tlueed to a'-l eastern points. Consult
ITnion Pacific agents befnro purchasing!
ni .-. i ii. f .i. ..i i
and you will bo eonv.ueed that tho old
Overland is the cheapest and quickest
route to take.
""PiTii SALE.
Farm on White Salmon one mile
from the Columbia, 14 acres cleared
J tine spring, and water for irrigation,
pply at this nlllce.
,ii'N lor (lit1 ( in l'niv.
-I. Louis l! fuLllf. i
A mli i iiillni' eniilniiis iimrc lliuti 2,
nun muni' 4,
, The i-mendd Is no w one of I In- rim-sl
if ljll- HIH flnll".
i AI.Iht willciiln T ondon 1 1 1 n I li
1 1 ill r nf I III' World III iU iln. rl.
houso for a homo or to rent, buy in SOUTH WAUCOMA. It is tho
,r "i"?!?;! ,,r tw"'oat residence property in tho city. Terms to suit tho buyer.
I Yin' M;-.inlin;r uimy of Hawaii eon-' ' XiL0 uULi
ki ls iif i; I mm, I hi i' nl w li'iiii uiv )"ii-'
.,(.. I,, : "" " " '
,.,,,, j,. , j(l Mj v.iiri an-liaini'i! ! (' vnu li.iv" i n ;,!'! ! y In h-II, li.-l, i! ' K yf IMK,w,,,w- .-.n
-,.,. ,,l;,i,i.,,i. ..m,,, ui;, w,Lj--.,-m.,i .,1 JL. jni CjjSIElNr-
! il a 1 1 1 1 II I riv.j ,,. .,,,,! .v v.- run ,
l An .Ml. inn K:;;'li Ii ii arrow in rlaiiu- ' ' :, ' 1,11 H' " 'J - DCALLH IfJ
,',...'. unia liv in.' I'n ii ii;i- a .ii-'. mi' i
HI l'l ll'' HI I II" Hlr,.'M'llM')ll HI It ri':.IH'lli
' ''
. , I ... I
, , :;. ',
, 1
f ' I" i " I lh" Inn.iimi
7"" 11 "' ''"' ''" I '"',
1 I "' l'l'"!ll:''''
Iliilnil i , I a I ' V, iiiul"a!l V,
I'' t I a;':i,i I nilji nml tli"ii n;nlil"'l
i.'.l'. il i final ( it hi .
, " inn I n" hinin -.a"" ni i nnui.i a
Sll;' ''' inli i i.t i In 1 1 vi. ii:' l i;; ii .'n-
ltniintr tin- ni'Mi nf Iliiiry 'III.
71, Inn pir-mis wii" l.j'illy i "(,i!"'l
' in f.m'i
in r.n' l iiiii. tii" laii r pniia.i, .,;
!'"'! (milly nl ' im
In. "i mi ri' ,'ii ill v til' ii.i , ,1 !', .. , Lia.
than iiii-.l in am,',-. In mi:
,,.;n,11(.. ,lall,,.
tr .."I
n't w i'iv Jia!i;vi I'ni- a-k -
ill': ."In I .
,!,ii,ii'li v, h. !, I'i'i.w ti. cin.nii-iii-.
;r ni ;iiii.-. .--'i ami i "n '.' I ! "i Inn;.:;
Ill" 1 1 1 1 .a ! . .1 I in-in, iiin, ,11 V.Iial" i yi
,,,;iii ii,;,! ii i-uimit .-.wallnw a Li," i.-s',' a , a ir:i I ; i -1 . 1 . 1. . I ii" vp Tlil.t""ll
It , a minii ll
linimli tn n Hi. A
a In ill.
Tn" "i.w I'i. 'i iiic 1 1., mi ii".! i,v i). j;.
i Wliippli- ni' l n1,.
I-, -o . I nf i ;;r.
N. '., lia.t a milk
pmiml- in a hin;.rii-
I n mir ,'im-t ion r,.in in I,nm,,n iln-
lili!-. a mv." n t v. r ..ti.l.n nl biril
:l..n, Irnni tin- West lmli ami llra.i!
.ii" ' i I.
'l li" t.-r at t"',"-"op" enlist ruete'l for
1 l,;r ' I' v:i ! -r in ar Nice ha-an nbjei-t
' la-i 'I I, , t in diahj.-li r and v. ii !i a Innal
, , ,, ,
l"li' i Ii "I , left.
, ,,:,,', U ,..,,,. ,.. Nl.w
y, 1 : i - and i.i rlin p:i; t i-.i iitr, an
ai'i'.i u lii.-ii nia-In-1, i.i -"iilfd by a elr-
..i i,
1:1 ill. inn tel'.
e-l aim, mil of im tll'atiei
r:-i; niioii auv t-i.e ill
III.. .11 auv t'l.e lil" i-
ni in. im in.
V, !,",.
mil n cirrii.
r, tii.- late Pti-ti
1 1 i ' est i mat. d t hat tin- light (if a fill'
im. on is at lea-it m.iiliii (mit-s Weaker
I ban . tinlhihl when tin- "great orb of.
day" i-. slaudinjr at meridian.
A Ii !l W;:s e.miiht ill the lake at
lb ilbmiin, Swabi.i. in the vear 1 I n
iii.-n had a l.i-a-s ling alla.-hed bear-
in-.' i'eeor.1 i.f the I'.ie! lliat the same f;.-h
had ii""li e iil"ht in tin- Vear SV) ami
l' l.-i-ed alV.-r h'iim; the ipuerlali
:l 1,1 h is I mdy.
'fh" I: hai'.non
ceiisi,i:i iii ti1(.
I'nii.'d Males wa-. made by Mes-rs.
I ; i 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " : in i I loi.kins nf I'luladel -
hi:,' ui' ..I war-. Tlie number of
year-, thai (!:, huge creatures have
"lived i- a-cei ..lined i.y enunting the
hp ; m t.f lamiiue forming the horny
s;:!i known as "whalebone.''
The-e lamina- iiici'ease vearlv, iust as
;t ii" "ginwi its" do nn a tn e.
Atnli-.'f,w!iieh isiveUonetlasn product
I In- , o i . I i i M " , 1o! 1 1 i-t in all i ,rol
' . '.' .'
ability, resin ti-oiu all extinct sjieeies ol
j,; . ,
.,.,. ..,.,;, ,,f Pc-Ma carefully tivasu.vs i
an heirloom in she shape of a small!
cube of gold liler.dlv covered with Ori-
.ii,. ;.!.'... ...... I : : l
eniai n ueis am, ei'ai.ici.a-,. u I? K.m
to have f.dleu from heaven during
MoiianiiiietPs time.
Naslie, a writ'.'r nl'tlie sixleelllh coil-
l l O.llil. III. II n Ml...
tlll-y says: If "a hoggv loneth an eye he
dv,'l!i 'i.res,'Pi!v." ' Also. "(Inats ' take
breatii not at tiie mouth and nosoonlv,
it at ve earse ioars) also."
The barb -r d rives his class title from
i i. i . . : I I ..I .... 1 l I i. . i
;l.l,:-ln,- " ,, ' J
uneivdised r.'.e s wen' ongiiiallv c.'.ll d
..i.nrluriaus" solely on aeeounr of the
unkept appe a ranee nf their beard and
Tho term carpenter is from the Latin
carpent urn, meaning n wagon, and orig-:
mall v denoted t he mechanic who eon-1
stni(.,(M ,u, wooden parts of a vehicle, '
- the whoelright being the one who made ;
I tho wheels. j
I Tho "Victoria- Cross," which we i
I often read of having been conferred up- :
on S()lm. .i(jsh soldier for eonspieiious j
j bravery, is nf the Maltese form, made
IVoni Lussiau cannons cnpluivd at'
:'S('1'aslo!,''L . xl . . . !
j ft- tZtlt'L '5
; stl.m.'k in uu. reign of Henry VL, is
; known as an "angel," but why, no coin
j collector can toil. i
Plants breathe through the "stomata" :
, ; or lnvaihing-ii nvs in tin; leaves. In:
. case i ho plant or tree is ol the leafless!
,-ariet v the stem, which is also nvovided
this way, (i.-,. l-'iMuee and (iermany
alwavs iho the comma (, Kngland and !
the I'niled States tho period (.), the!
onlv ditierence being tlie m-miier in!
wl)1(.h u ,s p,.M..i(, w )im j
Isaac Kew inn is given tin- credit for j
originating the present English method :
of using tho .looi.nal paint, lii roasons j
tlie hue it ciuid be distinguished at a
..l r....... 4L.. ii.. u ......) t....
jpins use the mark proposed by Xewtan,
and the p.-rio las a sign of multiplica -
w n
2ai) J
Han just boon plnttod
reached by tho pipes of
";-;ly "'"1V"" "'.hBIUSICAL lT.ZTVJn:imT?,
Ill" i.iiM-lia-i'r.i. i.r.cti. a li-.t nl I In; , . '
,)r,l,,,!,,,-ir.! m -11 ami w" will! bl'ATlUii LP- f , GLA.S3VAHE.
iln III" !':. ( all a:;'! I".; in at, li..'' .r . '
i a. M;..r:i.-. i la;t?3, BLANE-BCOKS, SCH(
I ' '
- ii:. l.i.:: in -
Etoves and tin
ware, kitchen fur
ni1;;?;."o, pruning
tools and plumb
ers Qo:Vj of c-Il kinds.
I;, . "nn .-. '.ft : v a el..! y.
j 7 i')i;si:y .iy ,.i ;p.
i:')n"M . ,, Ni;-.v vi "iT in.i.c:.",
t:.:: tr.i.:.;. :. ;;. .
In i i ii
.mi k ;:,
i i .....
(V..l.- UI V, Clock, over Postoffice
new -!.."!'. ni' !,:i'ii"-' ami (ivlit
F' i.:. r.D;::
M'KMAF. atl":.:i.,n ;.--vcii tn i-I.itn-
in;; ami i'"p..ii'in'.' wati h".-'.
-r t v?y"''P c. v Tn rsj-j '
u X J-ij.J J Wvit, ,
Hood flivcr, - - -
'l'ln-U'id.i'-i"i'i 'i I'i in.r In. :',!.':! i;:-::-I
Inod ki '.'el', Wl.-ht-x In in)'"l',ll j'al'lies
wlniinay l.e ii"-;:.,'is nf bavin:.' t-ur-Ve
ilrr ,1'ine, th,:1 !." is ;. j :""'! iea !
Mirvt-yor ni' many year exp-. :'!:. en, :
and that wt.rk en; rus-ed t !:im w iil he .
pelfnl'im d w ii ll il. -patch and i-aicet-!
Iiess. Jin lakes pleasure in Ivf'THUg to :
rlr. A. S. lilnwers, ' who fur ye:-.M was :
county (fiinniissinin'i- in ;.i inne-nia, i !
and li.r wlmiii he did enuiity work as
enuntv survevnr. as tn his al.iiitv. :
li.V .Inlin I'jmirs writing nle at ilnnd will le
ister (tell- ,.,.iv,t i,r,,o,i,t !itt.-i,tion
- - i i-
C. J. II Yt:s.
Dated lined Itiver April Hlh. IS'.H.
- -
A gold rint.-'-t witii two rubies and
two op-ils, lu a small eae, between
'1 uckt-i 's !ni,l and ll:" .ieoot. l imler
W ill be l'.;u a rde.i by returning tho Nime
In this ..ll-.v.
I' , .. t'f
1 i.-,.,,,.,. i..,i,. 'a l., ,.l ir,,.,.i
claims, with rumpng op.
them. lean locate several K'nekmen
advantage. u-!y. 1 n itnl fail to see
meat Hood l:i ver l-alls or adlress me
at J lond itiver, W.-.sen ( 'n-inly, Oregon.
Y. Ituo.s W 1 x a:s.
mm .
I P.-.j HHWanfftn ? 4 f
J.bCj. L ll U 1 1 u.3 1 liwi 1 CiU.
lMSa'tmt .S,'v d - - - - i,m DkIua lr
r- n I . , p .
ni c-chi 1
nuai.,11;, luuii u i.iou,,;.,,
Aj&NTi5. I
, Kfnts eolle.-le.l aa.1 tuxe; paid t-.v nun-'
: residsnis. band paper.-..)!' atl kinds pivp.i.vd !
' mi slinrtanlie.-. ' !
. . . . c -r:M
ul 4 .rt iy-
A.s.m.ou :a;s.
A. fi. BLOWERS k C8J
B-r p -T --"VM"! t" 7".',"
Dry (toeds, (Irocerles. Hats, Caps,
Roots and shoes; Flour, l-Ved
etc. Country Produce.
Roiight and Sold.
;i',5,: H.! j CELL ORATED
'"';.''. Ji ' I f FJi , n fnnmm
,.'.' .V-
,..' 4,0"
..'..-.'. s.'.a. v.
Conitncrcial Men and Tourisff
,. , ... . , ... ,
Tho cloud CapM aysido Stages leave
tho house daily for Cloud Cap In-i
during the season.
I)il)1H.,.s fl)r lodges, Parties etc.,
, !l ppwiaUy.
stes 2. rcr
! y, . LYSUH.l.ll, . riv);riettir -
ff VS )
and in now iIaccd on
tho Hydrant Company.
The Prather, Biiiklm&Svzond & Oak Sts.
t i
fi MUm
T!,n fir-t iin.'.ir'aiu rosnrt in Aiii"ri"a: situate- r.t too fnow linp on
Ml. il"" ! f.n-;ng the I"int laei'T, 7,ni.ll f, i t above the sea. Will lie
oj.i-n.'d July i - i ; ties .-'.';..")! p -i- da v. -r.'.in i per week.
for;,.:! write tn, V, ILL LANCILLL, HOOD RIVER, OR.
iy. Grain
In carload '.::, or retail at the very lowest market ruf-- deliver
ed anywhere in the city or at the depot free i.f . charge.
Mailimlers solicited and promptly liiied.
NO. SM tn'ijiii s IT ';'! STREET.
'I M
w. -i ' ti v. n -.i
rgi'l V. Xti'.V T' iV.'N ill's linen j .1 r; 1 1 1 .1 on i!io
Ji. !'! t":i'ij ui-ni:!..!. .-.! ti.e fori, an! I-'alls
nl' !i"",i ri' i ilii I'O'u" -ii:aily l"ls.
1,1'. 'l,,l .ilVilMill'l :. ; leys. u.s. ' 1 .- 'I i, pu.'i
i vii' i-iiii. I -ii;:.!" in pmnisii'ii. per-
l'ei-1 i!i-.i',it:'i;.', 1 1.!:-: . t I'll 1 eli-
el ;'.n- a!
tol'-.l 1,
, I i!" 'n'ai'e-:
ll is al-o an;
tn- n:ii.iit.i.v-.:.'i-i.r !. -',ia.n'
uV.-iiU- -t ct-iar mi.l n-
-grMiir1? n, -i-i- ,,f !,.,-.,.,. m-.
Ji. ( T il
Jit'iv a' -.-: -. I,'.-.'!'
i iil ,- 'lit :-',: r. ,.n
nun 1 nft nm. n
Lu- I'va:. iin.i a-,' .u'ttire. :
li-:n!:..,:1:e ;,.;i ,:!.i, a-'-;
will ;ini! Hits tl"' ela.-e l.
p, ',-i hu.ue or pi'.yin
BOO Iii. J L i.1 liiO l-jj. O illiu,
,scia,ty:!or adress mo at Hcod
.m.,s. ; jtiver, Wascc Co., Or.
I. il 111.1
Terms Strictly Cash,
Prices never before hoard nf in Hood
! River,
J T T s f n r
tho market. All lots aro
If you want to build a
. .. 7 .V'.'U.- --'" t.-' :
the all::h oiiKiux.
il Fi,
All Around Painter.
rrici s rousntiul.'k' ouJ salisiui-titai guaraa
v . i L ri f ?
I - wil ilLl I 3lU 1 0
east, west.
No. Kxnri'ss leaves at il:5'. A. M.
'o. " Mail " 10:38 P. M.
i WKST liOlD FUOM HOOD kivkr.
Xo. 7, KxpiX-ss K-uves at 5 :10 P. M
No. 1, Mail " -1:15 A. M
Tiiaotat sbKKi'EKs tacruxixa chair
.Steamers from Poi'tlanil lo Saa Francisco,
every -t.lay?.
Mi to ll Ifi EflTOp.
I For r:)'."s i,n:l l
m-.'al'.iiiiuu null on
It As: . ;en. I'lUSS. Agt.
'en si.. IV'-lbii'il i n-egon.
ma-oi' TiCKi'T .'.:
v,. it. tii"!:;.:
J-M V.-,:ee
Scicntiiis American
4V1?4T i
Fo? ir.f r.r.d free Handbook wiito to
Mli.xx & CO., Mil J'oioAinvAY, New Youk.
Oldest bureau lor revurliit; patents In America.
3'iverv ptitont takoa out hy us is broiiirlit before
tiie puWio by a uoiioo givuu free of charge in tho
Lnrfnst clrcul3ion c.i' any sclcatiflc paper In tha
world. SpleiitliiHT iliuslr.Ueil. No intelligent
man should be witmtut it. V3ek!, S3. 00 a
vi'.ir; tti nintithn. d.lre5 Mf'N'N COm
VUBMSHiiHs, hsowii,iw liorkCUl
2 iKhhl
1 HZ
"I. t :.' ? i Lr