The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 29, 1893, Image 2

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    vtcoaiyver Glacier.
iioonniVKK. uu. .u'i.y .., ism.
it sriiYi;s.
Tho tmltmti at tho mouth ol' White;
Salmon, Is Mid to have takc:i in i-.V-O
imv It o;hmhhI for the tnutMiclion of
business last Saturday. This pi'ov-
-conclusively that the doctrine of tlu
Mirvival of tho tlttost is i-otrcct. Uant.s
ironk ami go under though Ivescd b
wealthy people, business hoi:c close
on account of tho hard times, railroads
representing millions go into tho liamN
l' rooi,'ers, hut a saloon started in tho
il.hrness, w hose- nearest rciglihor is
t camp mooting in full hla-t, i::itlie;x
in tho shekels of tho ungodly, and
prosper in spite of circumstance.
'Hie meni.-il fond dished out thioiiuh
tho columns of tlds i:imi'y sheet, li:'
not yielded in six mouths, an amount
of ready cash, c.ii.-il to tho six days
earnings of tho pioneer gin mill of tho
woods of Skamania county. The
horny handed backwoodsman knows
what ho wants, and if provided the
opportunity, gets it. Four inches of
whiskey in a lard htickot, placed pivp
rly houcath his calico shir!, is eondu-
oive to his happiness, if not to longev
ity, and ho "drinks nn! forgets his
poverty" according to the sciipturali
injunction. If tho doctrine of thesiirv
vival of tho fittest, is true as, tho evi-1
77; TIF. THAT lilXPS.
A irAt.l.Ks si:.saiiox.
It is asserted that tho lhiko of or- ti'.nisxinti'nt or.'.mtioi.
agua's father married a dosoondont ofi Friday afternoon tho eiliciis ot toe
Columbus. S!io dying ho married pallos treated to a highly interesting
again, tho juko helng tho sou of hisjand sensational episode. Uev, O. 1.
second wife. It will ho seen hy this Taylor, pastor ot tho Kapllst chinch
.hat tho juke's relation to lumhtis, and ehlof i.oonier of Noil h lalles, was
is .f the density conveyed hy tho ' thoroughly and most satisfactorily
statement that Ids gr.iudi'at her's dog; I hoisc whipped and chased a'lout the
chased tho iuko's father's tlrst wile's streets hv a woman. Mr. Taylor
grandmother's cat, up a hack alley In j president of the Wasco Independent, It , (V.'vj I v'l ..'.''ftl
the iit'ishlioriiood of wlioiv that old-j Academy, situated here, and acts as a !'. C'.-, V's .'' -'fl
timer ivsi.led. This incai midine tie of j treasurer ofthe institution. Miss llol LI Vv' ! '.V, "'1
consaniiuit v ought to sw ell tho purse wml., one of tho teaches for the past . K PV'V V . ' V, ' " jffik
proposed to ho raised in hehalf of tho I 'r. engaged hy Taylor, and w ill. ; UUy (.,.. ( . tf$J$
Spanish L-entleman-eow hov. j My ''''''. K,luU l, a Wv ; W V"tl .t-r
i in tho Fast and oamo to The Dalles a fiftyW,
The ri!i,s-Moitn.iin-tT of Wediu s-' little over a ear ago. After the close rwO0"' r ' Y'$'
h:vsas: Kev. t). M. Tavlor was nr- ! of tho toi III Miss lloleolllh ani'hed
rested ill this city today ly Mr. W. t'. for the salary duo her, and, as she
Morgan, deputy sheiill'of Multnomah olaims, was paid JdW short, Taylor
county, ami w a taken to l'o' tland on tcl'iMUg to pay the huh.nce. As she
the train this afternoon. The eriino was without means and far from
tunned is larceny hy enduv'euient, and friends, she had to ahandou all hope of
the I'onch warrant was issued out of collecting more.
the circuit court for the county of Not so, her friend, how. vor. Mi-s
Multnomah. IViil is fixed in the sum M.piio oalled on Taylor this morning
1'or sale at ItlNer Pharmacy.
NoTitT. I'm; it iutca tion.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
A l,ir,on tuipply (d't ;iinl .'.i. 'K.vhr AfAMo tudl
Cidcd)i aU,il Hquiil rulot .1 ami tinted IuIm.
UjD.dijrl-:ikin?:c a, Specialty.
Prcpareil to lui ni:.h at nin-e, a line class of eolllns, nU u cheap grml"
hwl neal and sill. slant lal
JOIil'.l.KS AM IlKI'All.l'.KS IN
of slVi.WO. The iudietuicnt w as found
hy the grand jury on July l!:h, and
deputy Morgan oamo up on the 1
o'clock train.
Of the guilt or inno.vneo of the
iwviirt'tl, of ivtivso we know nothing,
that reinaiiis for tho jury to settle; hut tho "cooler, w here he had no douht she
the .(ik'stionahlo transactions in tirand I ha.f heeii ln-foro." This was adding in
Ihilles real estate w hich is managed tiy ! suit to injury, and Miss lapiie's hloo.l
O. 1). Taylor, have caused general 1 was up. She promptly purchased a
In TmvIoi's I llli'l
for the last time and demanded the
lialauce due. This he rel'u.-ed to pay.
ami w hen she assured him thatunl. -s
lie did so she W ould hofse-W hip him ho
politely infoimod I. or that if she at
(einpted it he would have her put. in
Wa-li. ,1 ill l.i, tuU,
Unit till' loll. in itin-
r i! his Inlrullmi
I III Ml'.Mt
1 1 m 1 1 m III I',' iiiuilr
IMT HI' llll' I'. S., ml Auk.
Illbl lull I M '.'
jlilllihl I II .1 I t iU (-ltl ....fl l.i i, lo
in iivv niuiinui hi iiiii?iiii 1 ij U.I-, , . . . . , I'l i
T ' 11.111. 1. .1 I li .i t li. .i.i.i li.i.l lniia.illt ii ill ill 1 CIIU h li In .lllil i.iiltn
ft.,.. ..f ..1.,., .. . !,.....,"V v ,... ,
.ii.ii fii.irwi. n. iin. nv iiiiu ., , , f . t .... . . . i i i . r , 'ri . !:...).
ine nanus oi investors, lime, is miui ueiuau.ic.i mis i.euig in-
saiiHin KOi-pers. o
Always hold that tho average nows
jiajHT was just us hrain U fu.ldling as
jtloohol, hut it d.Hs not circulate as
freely, and tho man who w ill hand out
his last 53 oont dollar for a small jag of
diluted coffin varnish, with a flee trade
smile, will stand tho grocer tho mer
chant, the huteher and tho printer otV
until flu l.itt ..all f. ullnliiir til 1 In. 1I111.
... , , ,., . I terests of that eitv, wo sincerely Iioih'
lui TfiiH tf a i ' 1 11 1 1 iii it tviwt n
, . w ill U show n up as it is,
ftamp. ThosiihKm survives and must '
he the fittest
to set all things oven, and U-tween the ' nicd her, she to.ik her station oulside
p.-oent owhiding opisodo, and tho ofthe oilieo, to which there was no
charge of larceny now pending, it j hack egress, and declared her intention
looks as though the end of tho play, ! of waiting for the parson. After ling,
w here justice is meted out to theU'riugan h-uir tr two, she hoeamo con.
heavy vilhan, is at hand. Tho Dalles j viu.vd tl at Taylor did not care to s.e
has suilered ininieasurahly from the' her, and she accordingly walked away,
lirand Dalles sw indle, and in tho in-: Hppuiontly ahandoning the attack.
its grand namesake across the river, I a seat on tho porch of a friend's house,
' a sew Mocks aw ay and kept a sharp
I eye on the route Taylor would take in
Tho w hipping of Hov. (). I. Taylor, ' going to his house.
hy Miss K uia, at The Hallos was a Taylor having sent out scouts, w ho
J' 1-OT. KL TIO . j .lUirr-ifWiil iifTiir Ai'i'or.liinr fn t)i ' nni,ii-t...l nil i.i..r slnrtcil tur Iuiiii.i lui I
l.:'lil I Mil, i- III 'illH iMI .'I
Nul i - 1 . Iii'n Ii ijIm'ii
tliillli'.l M ill. I In.'- Illfil Il it 1.
I,. lii!i!,i' Ui.ll n-.h
n tlt r'.tiin, !i M'l I hut a' I
(.. :. it-.- 11. i' Ui-o-'it iohI Kii
1 .nil. I 1 'lli'V ill lllli 'ia. I ,
'.V. l-.o, i:
tin I !. V.V
II, i. I 7. 1 i I'nr 111.' s 1 . n .
.1 I'i' .1 11 I' ',' r III.
I'.i' llllllli". 111.' I"l." ill'4 W 1 1 It.---.. I.I .1ll'
ills .-I'liiliuiiiil'. l.'-t.lrti.T ll'iitl i. in I rlllllMi
I ii .it hi, -mUI Intnl. x If: Aiillmiiv Hill, Aim. k
I'.iimv.t liiirli'. Mi'Vit, linl. il liiliiou, nil n
I lii iiiiw II li, sill ii i nun la n mill y W u-li.
Jj IIKJ . .lulls 1 1. IOiii.IIKiiAN. Iv.'Ulslir.
xtmci: rtK ppiuication.
I .Hint i iiliri- nt I'hi' I'ull. i i 'r. July It, KO,
Mill. v l Iter, hy .'Urn Mint tin1 fullnw iiik
llllllll'll w lll r lins 111. '.I null. ul III Hit, i. tl, 'II
In mnl.i' liiuil im't In -ii,..,ll ul lil . li. mi,
Hint liml vini l.'.'t UI l.i-' lul.Hi' ll. r
Kin. i -li r n a, I i;, n i i i- I . s. I.. 1 1. m I h. Ma lli
i r. mi l'u, -,lny I, s.. ;, ir.
. in, I. I' .Ins..
1 1. A, Nn I.' 0 I'm H f n ' ,. n 1 , ul sc.' 1 1
mi. I Inl.s I L'aml s .'i s. i' I . 1 1. I ti r li' r . in.
1 1., num. - : I..' I.'il.i lit.; w 1: :i.-m-s In ,'n.
his r.iii! inii.i is r..-;.irii i- u;.,ii iiii.I .iilll.i.-
'he did not go home, however, hut took mi r l..k. .ll. in; , .I..iiii s'i.ii,i,.,ui,
A. I l.'.li 111. ill., ill V.. mil I i ..... I . fi';;i ill .
J;M-ii4Ji -I m W. l i w is, ('..-liistcr.
.NOTKT, l-oi: PCP.I.H'A I IO.N.
;'l mil', r l.ion', A'-l .luiif :l. I'"v
I .mi l I lit!.
Conu'i' nf f.ocoiul ami 'hUu.I Stroohi.
I'll I'll V I KM Cl..JLl,nN
Acovn ana unartcr uaK ,
Stoves ami n.m.;uH. I
t.'iuis, Viiiniiinilinil ami Spoiling (mmls,
I ll.ljMI
Osborne ?wr.
vor NTS lull
Iron, Coal,
Ptlacksuuth Supplies,
Wagonntaker'n' Mal. i lal,
Sewer Pipe,
Pumps and P : e,
Phiiuliing Supplies.
HI, Lewis & Star
('uiai'inn V AtIciiIIiiiiiI I niih incut.,
ninl Maclihiri't.
t m. .
V Ull. l.llM'l
V sii .1 iim- Hi ivi.i.
Many iron and other industrial t.s. i r-nhlished reports tho young lady he-, had gone hut short way when Miss
tahlishruents are shuttin-' down. jt-; Shored him with a raw hide, while .KM I K.piio, w ith her raw hide, appeared on
their owners should unite hi a demand i ,,f T,u I,,ll'0!' citi,,ls ,","u,', J'r-1 the scene, and the Mows rained on his
that the government must buv or rind ! cd H!"1 "'I'rft ise exPr..ssed their satis-! head. After a struggle h- sure. ed. d in
& market for their products, and get up ! rat',i,n :lt t,,e wa-v ,,K' i,irair was Wu ' S,':ll,i" hl V w 1 1
1 ' 1 ..-1 ..1 T: .1 . 1. .. .' ..!. I'll l.ll'., ..I'
hoi ill lion i'i I'.iina ou, i ii j .hi.
N..I :. .
Willi Hi
.lu i" ..
Iiinl.i r l.nni
in li.
n l. i;l..t lllnt 111 ('iilil'!!:Ol.'i'
1st .us ul Itu- tirl ..f I '. ln."vss nl
til. I i -i " Vll a. I li'l' l ii.' -ill i
Ill l 1. 1' Si .1 1 1 s . if t nn .. I II , I l I'
,i nil. I ::si! 'l i . t It . n . ' Al
ii., I . .1 I ,.i ! ,., ml I , .nn! . in M lilt n.h
nl. ..I i 'i f ; li, lli.s I ins i hi . lit . I 111 I Ills
ii- . .. ii - nil. nn nl, r.i 1 1 li'l I in'
. ... T.I ... 1 ..... ..l. . . . 'i. '!. ..I- I ..' .nut l r.i-l ..II. .11.1' si-Nil ..III
m. ..i ...,.a i, t i...: 'times when the voutiir hav lutuled lUit ho dul not kill her. us u erowtt viiuii r (!,. i i,. .,. mu th. tun.i simim i
,.s I f ' t 1 ... I : .1 i .. I t. I . . . 1 1 111
dies, thev WOUld liejust llhoilt US big ' a'Ma,Kl ,l P"""l"'. " "'sneo, : m men m.inno.e.i aiicasimn. c.-.uie..'.,
' . ... 1 .....! ! 1 : . I ... 1 I . I I . I . I .
ami oi ine entire crow u iioiitj lnieiiereu i uuu tore ins nanus loosi-, noniiiig iiiui
i in his hehalf, until the city marshal 1 while tiui raw hide was plied must 111-
' arrested the ladv manager of the atlaif. I dustriously tiy the voting On he-
fools as the producers of silver, hut no ;
bigger UrcyonUtn.
Whv bless vour nrattlin'' innoceiipo
Harvey, that'is exactly what the re. ! Tt was a disgraceful scene, and one to ing released lie ran for the hill, distaue
puhlicans and the Raiuiall wing ofthe ; 0!U,S" Tl,e is 0IU Uu' ! in 1,is '"''H'iitrs, hut was soon over-
democracy have been doin" for twenty : Pri'ltil'st towns in the state. Its oiti-; hauled hy one of the crowd and ivcciv
ears,and what you have advocated 1 7-pa a,v I-'w-ahiding, pracahle, goner-, ed another he.itiit. The last seen of
. niii nl'ie Us 1 1 iiii. r
ii-t u '.i I ! 1. 1 nl j .u i i '. -1 -, i. n l
i ..inn ... s.ii.l inn, i I-, mi.' ll'i
rm. r nl ll.i- i.::i ' nl
ul' .slum- 1 1 in n .
t., .-lulihsii 'ii,
11. :! ii ' .nn! lii
lii.' i i' W u-li ,
In.- .' 1
on I n,
1 1 . linn. i s it -
I'i I T A. SHI I.I. '.
1 1 . 1. .in i "ii, a. 1
Ato nn I nl. : i
:.... .' .I,--.,:., I
(in -ir i lni.n- in in
. v nl a. ,ii-; l
ji.irmiuli J,..
ul. .n. i,
1 1 u inn
! .!:: ... .Vll ;!!, l'i
. ,! ii. "i li. T. Uu
I. ii ii M . I II. in is, hi.
,. I in 1 1 in.l l ':. i.' .li.
-lis . in,, inn-.' ii . . -si . Ihi
! ni. N nn- i. ii,. -Ii I I.. Mi
..i.lni mi hi i'. ;. n snl.l .'Hi
ill I . I .- ti ;l II. l.i'
That thirty davs is a-l.uii' as we can ernlit gooiU, and would rc-peetful!y
ivtiir-: ii-.if . ii I -.', i I., govern thcimelviM ai'.'n'li ugly.
Prescriptions and ' A rnirn toll PnTTl TinTlTlflpfl
Private Formula f MoMklj UUUIllUUUUbU.
AikI a Compluto Lino of
yours ran wood nsvEr:.
for the past eight or ten years. You
tins and charitable. Ofthe entire "IX) i him was his tleeing form disaimearin
' ..... l : l l. . 1 .1. . I i. .ii- ...:.i. i: . ..: ... . .1
have argued that American iron, Coal, ! " wi'iesseu, ami enjineu uie easii- , oer tue uiuii, huh juss l.tpne a goon ;
imaginary tin. wJol and' hundreds of ! at'um of tl,e Itev- r'',l) ?"tat s,iark' 'lt ; !
other American products he furnished I is t0 9a.v tllat 4:, know t,ie vk'linl- ! Miss Holcomh and Miss i:,,uie arc
a market by the government, through ! nl0!t of ,ht'nl personally. And yet of both cu!,.ung ladies, gmduatos
the enactment of the tariff laws, alui ll this crowd of ae piaii.tances not one of WelUsly college. They are not only
nearly every day you find worelrf of1 'ipreeateil t!it? ail'iir or raise.l hand or above reproach in icputalion, but are
praise for the McKinley bill, becausJ voil'e m llis half. The rrowd knew ; highly esteemed in the community,
as you say; the government by it pro-! Taylor. For this reason we say a-ain ; It is not inexcusable that being U iii. d
vides a market for our products. If it ! U was a disgraceful ail'iir, Taylor being w hat they claim are honest due, and
is proper to protect iron, coal, lumber, i the ''iwmce, ami one to cause regret. , left w ithout funds so far from home uu.i
wool and tin by tariil'laws, whv is it I Ta'lor funiUhlng the regret, with no male relative to attend to Tay-
Iors case, these young lathes went to
coinage laws? We do not believe i" subscribers to nay m, has resulted in a ; l" l'm'"U' ' " ""r)
' . . : . in toe conimuiiuv was cieariv ovnieiu
in the attitude of the large crowd gath-'
notici: i'oi; ri
j'rilnlii'l' I an .1, Ai
l llili it S'.nl, .
.Itllln II, IsTS.I
I.nn.l 1 iirirc
, .Inn.' I 1 Iv
Our urgent call on our delinquent
bseribers to pay up, has resulted in a
free coinage of silver, any more than , fevv. ,.()ming to lhe front llltH.h t) ourj
we believe In tlie doctrines or protect-1 r..titi..on, 'n.rn ,.r. .-i
ion, but we do not gee how anyone otljerSi wLo ;ouM anil filloul,i pav ; -red about the scene ainong w hon, not
who dW9 believe in the theory of pro- j promptly. The bills owing us" are ' fr ,f 1 u' ;
teetion. can consistently be arain.-t n ' .i. .i.m n . witli the exception of his attorney!
' - inn ..moil, Luii.-t 'uuu in viuuig isiii I'vi I- . i . t i . a- ' ",l "
free coinage of silver. The object in j ed to wliect in I lar,,e numbe, u!fore , r,'t""' . u") Mu "lU', il'11'' 1 J" -
each case is to u ive the article protect- 1 .1.0 ,., ...i,.... ;A mr jiiss r.ijuie s anesi was
N' il in- is ..'i l.v ' 1 n
it Ii 1 in' .r.i'. 1 -."i. - .1 in.'
.1 inn' 'i, Is. -, 1 in ;: . I "An
t,,iil r li.l.'l- 111 -in.
,11. n i.'ia .. i.-1 '. i-l . I '-
ni I'm ;!;ii!'l, , ...i'i'., nl
1 in ..11. h.l - I In - ,1. .. 11
sWi.i II -l.ilrlll.'ltl ,. 1 ,,
I hi' .V 1 , i.l l 11. II
.Nn. 11. : ',.. i n 'il-- vi.
.r,.,il' .. -I,.m Hi.'
villi. .ilit.' ,,,! I : - 1 1 111 1., r .
riillr.inl .iir;i ninl I
1.1 it -1 li.l.-l I,. I..IV 111.- I
li. 1 llis eli ,1 - lit . ll.'1 Hl
Kn- L'.Hii li.iy m Aiii;-!, 1 1
S!if iiiitn.'s ii- it :n - - -: II. 1'. I '. 1 1 1 -1 1 . : . 1 1 1 : '
I'i 11 y A. Sin in.'.'. .I.i.iii M. rii,nii,-niit 1 1 until '
1. I in. in;. s. in, .1 I i.l p.rt l.u. l i ir. i
All.' Hint illl I- 1 -'!'- rlilllllill;,' !l, ITS Hll'
ul'iiw i -i'i ill. , liiinls 'ii ,' i . . t .. 1 . 1 1 to III.
Iln'ir i'I.iIiiis In t hi- o!! ur 1 1. In u: -nh! ''Uii
ilav ii'.' A nvlisl I
it in
. I nl
rl 1.-
I 1 '.llli'l ! ill i, i 1. 1'-
i..hiil I I 'lii' l'.
,.i i, i; :i. .,.,nn -mi. 1. 1
,, , in Uu . i.'ii-- In-r
. .. ii.r i In- put . h i-.' i,l
Ml. M III 1 1 IV. Il-ll'ji
i.l i n-', mi'! ill nll.-i'
mm! -nl,, .-nl I- iiinri'
r -iim,' ihnu t,.r ni i
.i i -ti lii-r el.. 1 1 ti
; ." -u r in it li, I'm . , r
I i n-!i., i n 1 ii,
J.iini I . i i. nfli'sii". I isl. r.
House BriMcrY, GcoiIg. Sash
r.nd Doors, i'lioiddinj;
Brackets oil WdoiI t n r ni dr s.
Limo. Planter and Lath Ceil
ing, Knstio and Ploorincy.
Coflzi.cj CaclTctc-
issuLil, but the charge was withdrawn,
the agcrrejiate amounts to anythina.
ed. whether iron bv tariff, or silver bv
coinage laws, a value in America great- ....,.. i. i.,i i. , ... , ; and she was put under bonds to keep ,
o i wt-iif tii"rir n'fuiu v 111 iilivi iikj ctvjii
. . . . ... i tue
ON KI!ii!ll'i:sT NOTIi'K.
er thau in the markets of the world
his 400 crates of berries to as many dif-;
1 ferent persons and each of the 400 !
i should neglect to remit the money. I
II. c. inn
The Duke of Venigua, while doing i It would take 400 duns and the chan
the World's fair, was himself done for ; ces are
would think like the! Ten head yearling cattle, some bnuid-
bv unsvmpathizinir creditors who ! average subscriber: "My bill is a trifle ! ed 2 bars on the Hide, some with a V
jumped the Duke's bull ranch and ' and the other fellow s will pay." The j inside of a Hijuuro, some with circle on
levied an attachment on the ducal es-i result would be no more satisfactory to tl,(J A li!j(,'i'l reward will be
tate. The good mayor of Chicago who 1 the fruit grower than it has been to u.s. j Paitl for iiU'onnatiou leading to their j
is no stranger to the vicissitudes of the J Gentle reader if this means you, don't recovery. Write W. K. Cm-ran or (J. ;
bull-pit as run in that city, had the : delay to settle up, ease your coimcince ' IJl Hf'tlcy, Hood Iiiver, Or. ;
depth of his compassion stirred at the and our financial embarrassment. j !
illsofthis descendant of Columbus and i y"r 7., . , 1 uivi.iinu in I'hiUiieiphia. !
proposed getting a fund to he in vested I T ,0reKou ,ru,t teJfhlbl.t at ,the ! Tho January payments of interest
for the benefit of the duke and the world's fair, has attracted universal at-1 and dividend, in this city are tho,
du,hess, and their progeny. Before ! n,lon U. Dittt.ter of V f' H?a I ?eaViest ! tho yea, " Ln .Jan-1
,. . r. . ,. j Iuver may justlv feel proud, that her terest mature;) on ;i large portion ot tho
proceeding to carry out this bit of bene- j strawberr aft(Tr fi ye 'd national debt, aU(1 the g04rmncnt pays
voleuce, the mayor telegraphed the ; proI10U11Ced the linest!tho quurterly interest on tho 4 per
plundered bull ;breeder, asking if his j . . ' . .. . ..... cents., about a.,5!ifj,000, and also Sil.lKW,-
rich blue blood and patrician gorge , ' , ,. , '
,, . . . t v , have won for Oregon such flattering
, , , i mi . comments, over half came from Hood
from his friends. The renlv to ... .
. . , , . , , , . I Kiver; w. J. Baker raising over SO
iiiDiii ji, mm .inn u main reiusai lu lit-1 , , . ... ,
' . ., ,, x ... i bushels of those shown.
eept aiu. ji coum hoi possiuiy accept
anything but if Americans wanted to
r. h. i.i n i oiiii'i',
j Vi.iii'.,i,i.r. Wn-li., June lit, S!i.i.
i ('iiiiipl.iiiil lin .iii,.; hri n i iit'Ti'il nl tiili. oll'ci
, liy Iln-. I., liviih'' ii;:.,in-t Hi niy MrNrnly, I'm
! iiiiiimliitiini: liH llmiii'-h'i'il in ill r.v Nn. 77,11,
iliili .i .Mill, 'ii I.', l-'ii, li -ll llin ,-niil liwi'si
i ijiiiirtiT s.-el ii hi '.), tiivni-iliiii ll, li.ulli nl riiiine
I ll rii-l, W'lll.'iiiii'lln M.-i l.iliiti, in Klli'klhit
county, Wiisliiniit.iii, wiiii ii i irw In lli.'ciiii
i ii'lhil inn nl' fiihi I'liliy; llin milil pni'l ids hit
lii'ivliy -ni'iiiimi, "I I, i iipp.'i.r li.'i'nre V. (.
I m nl hi r, i in n iiii--i.ini r I '. s. I n. cni! ( 'nnrt fur
! Iiistrlel of VViisliliii'ton, at li: ll'-e In (inl'l
i nil, !:i !i', VViislilh'iinii, mi I lir ?l t ii v 1. 1 A iicusi.
I".i t,.il In ii i li.iii A. M., lo r siiiiinl nn, I liir
; ni .i ti'Mlmmiy niiii'ii nlin; snlil nlli",'.', nli-ni-i
1 1. 1 ri 1 1 1 ,'i 1 1 , Willi .Iny nl llintl licariiiK lu liiic llili
' iJlice ul) Aii:;n-I 7i. Is'r.1,
I Jiilin 1 1. (ii'm;l:i'!;:iii, I!i'i;
I'lilil'lUKTliKH .
Have on baud u full supply of Kruit, Shade and Ornamental trees; grap
vines, m;ill fruits, Hoses and Shrubbery .
He sure to get our prices lie fori purchasitigeisew'hcre.
liemeinlier our trees nre grown strictly without, iii i "ntion
I'. II. Stanton, Local Agent.
ehow their appreciation of Columbus by
raising a fund for the duke's wife, she
would accept it. From which we infer
the duke's wife is "nut so cerulean ly
veined as her husband.
Vice President Stevenson and party,
after a brief stay in Portland went on
to Beattle Wednesday. From there
they will go over the Great Northern
to Chicago.
France having had some trouble
Trout Lake is a splendid place for i with feiam, has declared her intention
camp meeting, being convenient to ! to blockade that country's ports,
the ice caves. As fast as sinners are j . Two .Suupsi "
converted, we suggest that they he j WH1 gell for o0 tH ' the dol!ir(
packed in the caves, as we have oh- j tLe finest Bheep ranch oa the VMine
served that camp meeting converts ! coast. Will ranf,e llatumi,y feliced,
generally spoil easily, probably on ac-j sumcient for 5vm sbet;p. Can ar.
count of the warm weather. I n for CIUU tom of h jf de.
The Oregon National hank of Port-!
I sired, convenient to market, no snow.
lonrl ,.l0.l It A,.nr, ThA.,., mi, 1 o e-ic oi Janu 12 miles iiuiu me
. . . , .. . . . town ot Hood River at $25 per acre:
Btatement shows it to he in good con- , , , ., , , , .
.... , , .. ... , -.. I level and easily subdued, i-or partic
dition and depositors will be paid mi,, . . . . ... t -J,r
, Tl . .. ,, 1 ulars apply at this o lice or to W. P.
Trill If. lu nllira u run fl,r 11 '
.i- t. .1 i v i , , i Watson, Hood Hi ver Or.
other Portland banks may take place, I
. ... ..... - 1 LVIO illl D
una altuough all ot them are sound a
run would compel some to close their
A 4 spring 3 seated mountain hack;
A. S. Blowers & Co.
VHt'N'ii i K.N Kit AI.
I -in iii)iln irriiy, l."i'.. Inonls liltili, wi'U'Iik
V.'ti'i ii.iiiiiil.s, tiir.'.'-iiiin"lrrs Ndiiiiiii, 11 .vein's ;
nlil mi .Mny ."ilh, IV:).;, is Iriv I'riiin nil liieni-i
isln-s iind ,iM'ii-i ,s ntnl l.s n film iliiill linrw, j
Ki'iille ninl kinii. a mind 1 1 n veli-r. uinl l.s I
705 semiannual interest on tho Pacific "wnud ty ,
railroal bonds known as tho "currency j jomn SWKKNV, oKliooi) RlVKIt. on. I
sixes." The semiannual interest on tha ! j
rlnVif r.f fV.r. .if,r a,,n 1 sw.,.. ' M r- S.WI'1'II.V Will III IIII Ill, I in I. II IDH'I III;
Uebt of tho city, duo Jan. 1, is now ,))m.,,M ,m.llu; ,,.,.,., sin. M,.,IM: .t sn.
being paid. Tho city interest duo isl-loe 1'ursi rV, .Mnuiley ami Tinwliiy of eimli
1 nlll IITn of Wllir-ll .nsl 77i irnna itifr. 1 week. At. .Vlnsicr, I'lhlny mill Mil iinliiy nf
$i,.jiu,Ui.j, or wnicn ,tiJ,i,4 goes into : ,...,, W(.,.k S(.,.V(.,, .,...
tllO City Sinking IUIIU. TllO principal Of ; uM; in cusli i.;.m. liyllin wnsini, pnynliln at
inyiil)li' wneii
of Inlline, si r-
that all tho money paid m Philadelphia
for January interest and dividends ex
ceeds .$10,000,000. Philadelphia Ledger.
It ILnff
W 11 11011.
uiu tuj oumiu tunu. aiiu il niuipuii in hum; in ciisn livini! wastM
the city debt upon which interest is dis-! rJr tiZZ' !
burseu w $u2,41i,300. It is estimated i vice Mil- fuilowinMenHnii 4,'intin.
A Turtle's I.oni; lust.
In Juno last a tree on tho farm of j
Mortimer Hamilton, in Jackson county,
Ind., was blown dovn and pressed itito j
the earth a large snapping turtle. Homo ' A 00(1 SGt Of Single
r,LaS i! ,S J f V 71 r,r' th , ; narness, hand made,
tnrtlo was removed, and tho animal: t1 r oon
crawled olE, apparently unhurt. During j irOm xplO. tO -ptCx),
all that time it had existed without food : mQ non no Kfi n Q3
or water.-Yankeo Blade. Ae?;m 111193 P2'VV 10 ipii.
1 iFull line of buggy
washers in sstock.
Against AVIUe CmmU. j
The attempt to widen a dress cravat j
nearly two inches is a ralhieums fancy.
There is nothing 60 untidy looking as
the appearance of the band of tho white
lawn cravat above the coat collar. At
this width, unless it is crumpled consid
erably, it would reach almost to the top
of the linen collar. Clothier and Furnisher.
IJoslon Team Collars, per pair ?"i -r0
Team 1 lines, per set $" to .10
l1, llreast St raps 00 to CO els
li Halters ?1 00
Feather lione Whips oOcts.
Hood Kiver, Of.
Choicest Meats, Haxa,
Sacoa, lard, Game,
Potdtry, Also Dealers in
Corner of Oak and Fourth Streets,
Mood River, Oregon.
The Diilli-s, Ori'noii.
8ix lots in Waucoma, 4S0 neres in
fSkamania county, and several farms
in the valley.
J. JI. ( 'KA 1 1 l,I)l!. ri. 1 1,
I'nu-tlccM In all Mv.) coiii-Ib of Oregon nnrt
ViiHli!nKlo. Hpcelnl ult.uiu.lnii given to coil-
vt-yn llclllir.
House and lot in Hood Itiver. An
Pb' h A. S. liunvuHs.
i new.
I '1
1 I 'saS