The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 29, 1893, Image 1

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    Ml A.
iver Glacier.
NO. 9.
Sfccd liver Slacicr.
Tlio Glacier Publishing Company.
fcl lls( Itll'TION I'HK'K.
Onn vrnr , , J 00
hi nioiillxi , 1 W
1 llli'li MlUllttll frl)
'l'.r . ...I C.nU
Grant Evans, Propr.
Si-coinl St., innr Oak. Hood Kirnr, Or.
Moving nil. I llaii cutting neatly iliino,
Siilihfai'tioii (iiiuiuntved.
Tin- Nevada State Hoard of Pardons
has nfii-rd to giant liny of tho many
applications in -i iilcc to it.
. 'I'l ft tll'ClMtlld 111 I CS of 1.1 IK 1 llUVI I H -11
1 1 1 1 ) .1 -1 ' 1 lll'Ollt tl'll lllill'M Cllst of lilV"
clide, ( ill., which Will In' 1 1 1 1 1 llllilcr
wait r mid sold or settlement.
There In good money ill tubai't o-gloW -
in;,: iii W ii-liini.Moii according to T. I".
I'it! I f Mi Millm. Mr. 1'u Hon Iiiih
tin t i1 iii-tcM of tobacco (his yi-iir, ID, INK)
plants to tin' acre.
A woo'li ii ware manufacturing com
pany of M ii Iiimm is guaranteed t,(u'
Imui'Is iii J . 1 1 i anil iiioiiry if it will
-ii rt u mauuf.ictoi v in Wliutroiii,
Wall., itml employ 100 men.
Tin- owners of tin' Fast Wellington
(II. C.) collieries have telegraphed tlicir
unwillingness to agree to terms with
tlii'ir employes oh tin' compromise offer
ed 1 1 v tin- latter ; so tlie mines lmvi' shut
low II.
The capture of a Woman named Mr
I '.iggi'tt nt Uoiiner's Ferry, Idaho, who
1 1 - 1 1 u' i ' c 1 1 1 ill smuggling oi ii in from
1'iiiti-h Columbia, in reported. It was
fouii'l in In r liritli, ami mnounti'il in all
to m I y i aiiu.
Schult:, tin' s lf-colife-scd shooter of
George A In aiiasin, a wayside saloon
keeper in iir Morkton, was confronted
liv Iii- lull' t iniiloyrr, l. W, McCurty,
w lio ii"-t rilu'il him as being mi easy liar
who likes to pose as a lifro.
A ili'rk liaml on the Australian
(trainer Wanimoo at Vancouver, I!. C,
was I i t by a tarantiilii on the breast.
Tin ioiMinoiis insert lroiel from a
hale of bananas into hiH open shirt
bosom. A surgeon eut the llesh out all
around the hile.
Mariano irarnian, alias liartolo Gar
cia, w as arrested at Tuseon, A. T., mill
chained with the inuriler of l'eilro
Lopez in Ties Pinos, San Itenito roiinty,
t'ul., on September "0,18711. For over
twelve years (iearinan lias liveil in
'I'umoii and vieinity, working in thu
mines ainl freighting. He has lieen
know n as Bartola (iareiii, mul bore the
reputation of a peaeeahle ami indus
trioiisinmi ami eared well for his w ife
ami little daughter.
Judge Bellinger in the Tinted States
District Court at Portland refuses, to
issue writs of luiheivs corpus in Chinese
eases until the customs officers have
deeided on their righto to enter the
country, lie added: "The govern
ineiit lias appointed (imililied officers to
take rare ol Chinamen, and it is not
presumed the courts aro to take the
matter out of their hands. Chinamen
are not imprisoned in the usual sense of
the word. Thev voluntarily plueed
themselves in this position mid knew
perfectly well they would ho subject to
examination on reaching United States
Those who tiro skeptical ns to the
worth of Oregon's exhibit at the
World's Fair w ill lind in the following
clippings abundant evidence that her
high uit and line woods, aro attracting
no small amount of favorable comment:
Chicago Evening Journal: "A ropre
Hentative collection of fruits from
the growers, of Oregon in arranged
on the east nidi! of t lio north
hall in a glittering array of glass, jura.
Oregon prides herself on her prunes.
Her soil produces, with utmost iin
Ixpartialiiy Italian, (iennan, French,
Hungarian and her own '(silver pruned.'
When it comes, to a matter of nie the
State is also well to the fore. There is
a petir in her exhibit which ineasuivH
1) inches and weighs pounds; a
'Gloria Mundi' apple weighing 2 pounds,
a cherry H'.i inches in diameter, and
pearlies " 1 7 .j inches in circumference."
Chicago Tribune: "In the horticul
tural building, Oregon, w hich was the
first State in complete readiness and
w hich opened May 1, makes an exhibit
which should be seen hy all. It. is a
wonderful story of the resources of that
Stale.- Its plan of display is remark
ably artistic, and shows its many varie
ties of fruits in jar and on plate to great
advantage, in all there aro 400 plates
of apples that make the mouth water
and 10 immense jars of fruit in solu
tion. There are monster pears, ouinces,
plums, peaches, apricots, cherries and
grapes, any one ot which, except the
two latter, would do for dessert for a
niediuin-sized family. There aro )(
cases of prunes, sun-dried apples, pears,
plums, pi nches and other fruits. Chi
cago 1 nter-Ocean : Sections of horti
cultural hall contain fruits and vines,
or more properly speaking, tho displays
of the bureau "of viticulture anil po
mology. Of. tho latter Oregon, Cali
forniai Utah and Nova Scotia have ex
ceedingly flue exhibits ready for inspection.
bcr bhoi
Florida's orange crop--ft,()00,(Xi0 boxen.
Hpunisli laborers average 10 cents u
Itat-catching Is a paying lmdoii occu
pation. Scotland iihi'h American spinning
The principal food export of Sweden
Is butter.
World's minimi collee coiiHtimpl ion
(150,1X10 tons.
Over 2, (MM) printers are employed hy
one concern in Paris.
Illack tea and green tea are the prod
uct of the same plant.
There are nearly 1,700,000 seamen em
ployed on the higli si'HH.
Hartford (Conn.) electric linemen use
bicycles on their rounds.
Mini v large bells are now being made
of steel instead of hell metal.
Paper-making ruuks lifth among the
industries of the United Slates.
Russia has the greatest iimoimt of live
stock of any country in Furope.
The aluminium buggy, pneumatic
tired, is the latest record breaker.
Some rich men sleep well on silver
plated bedsteads costing 4500 each.
One-fourth of the world's silver is sup
plied by the mines of this country.
It is said that I'.T.O'MI working women
in New York support their liii.baiids.
(ileal P.ritain has but one medical
journal, w bile this country has over 200.
Over 10, (KM person -i are emploved hv
Ihe telephone companies of Ihi- country.
There are nearly (100 laundries in Phil
adelphia, 1157 being operated by ( 'hinese.
Canes, particularly of ihe higher class.
are chiefly made in the Fast lind, In
don. Thu value of farming lan U in this
country is said to he greatest in New
Jersey. Two-thirds of the gold now in use in
the world was discovered during tin; last
fifty veins.
William Ueharity, Mavor of F.lwood,
I m 1 . , is only 22 years old and probably
the youngest Mayor in the country.
The wife of Parke Godwin of New
York, w ho died recently, was the eldest
daughter of the poet, William Cullen
Hryant. She leaves four children two
sous, Harold and i'ryaut, and two
James Pavn, the I'.nglish novelist,
writes: " W hich of all the heroines of
fiction, if oii had your choice, would
you iirefer to take to dinner'."' For him
self he thinks that IVcky Sharp would
be his choice.
Thurlow Weed's granddaughter, Miss
Catherine Weed liurns, the best-known
woman amateur photographer in this
country, w ill wed Harry Snowden Ward,
editor of the Ixmdon Practical Photog
rapher, and live in that city.
No woman (cars a mouse more than
Iinl Roberts, whom Oucen Victoria re
cently decorated, dislikes a cat. His J
nervous sensibilities are such that he
can detect a cat's presence when unable
to see it, and he is ill at ease until the
animal is removed.
Mrs. Lewis Rico of Frederick, Md.,
has collected enough money to place a
more imposing monument upon the
grave of Francis Scott Key, author of
"The Star-Simngled llanner," than the
Hat marble stub w hich now marks it in
Mount Olivet cemetery, Georgetown.
Mjss Mary Mann Page Newton, daugh
ter of Rev. Ir. John R. New ton of Rich
mond, Va.,is being much complimented
for a paper upon "Colonial Virginia and
Its Part in Molding American Civiliza
tion," w hich by request she prepared to
read before tlie Historical Congress of
tho World's Fair.
A Spanish Jenkins declares that the
Queen Regent of Spain is so fast a swim
mer that she often distances the rowboat
which accompanies her when she goes
into the surf at San Sebastian. If this
is true, her Majesty is certainlv a re
markable swimmer, or perhaps the men
in the boat are excessively bad oarsmen.
Attorney-General Olney, who was at
first supposed to be frozen up in a crust
of Massachusetts dignity six inches
thick, turns out to be a very genial gen
tleman. He attends all the baseball
games in Washington, and whoops and
yells for the home team as vigorously as
"the humblest'occupant of tho " bleach
ers." When President Dwight of Yale eon
ducts services in the college chapel he
usually prefaces his prayer by saying:
" Let us unite in prayer." At the close
of the last term, however, he rose in his
dignified manner and observed. " Gen
tlemen, this is tne last time wo shall
meet for devotional exercises. Let us
therefore unite in prayer and thanksgiv
ing." Tho Yale men are wondering if
he really meant it.
A successor to Father Dam ion has
arisen in tho person of Pere Sauton, a
Renedictino monk, w ho has been com
missioned by tho French government to
study up as to leprosy. Ho will visit
leprous districts in .Norway, Lapland,
Finland, Turkey, Greece and Egypt, aft
erward returning to Franco to report the
results of his investigations to M. Pas
teur. Subsequently he is to set out for
Molokai in tho Sandwich Islands, where
lie will remain for a time.
The originator of tho Concord grape is
still living in Concord, Mass. Ho is
Fphraim W. Bull, now 87 years old and
one of tho prominent men of the his
toric town. He was a friend of F'merson
and Aleott, and has been greatly hon
ored by distinguished visitors to Concord
and by horticulturists at homo and
abroad. In his garden in Concord he
still shows tho old mother vine of the
Concord grape, which he developed from
the seeds of a native wild grape planted
just fifty years ago.
Kissiii"; Debarred in the I'ltrks
of Baltimore, Md.
The Assessed Valuation of Property
In New York City Mr. Rod
ney Ahead of Time.
The big Catholic Congress will as
semble at Chicago September 4.
There are 7.K 1 7, -l.'il.O'.i in the Penn
sylvania State Treasury.
Five women were qualified as notaries
public iii Philadelphia last week.
New York city has spent $12,000 in
entertaining the Infanta Fuhilia.
The Treasury Ocpartuient has decided
that tlx; tomato is a vegetable and not a
Kentucky fanners are talking alsmt
feeding wheat to lion's because of the
low price.
The assesed valuation of property in
New York city is approaching the $2,000,
000,000 mark.
Oklahoma has quarantined agaitist
Texas cattle, owing to Texas fever
among t he herds.
Many Fastern towns are now making
use of the electric cars for keeping the
streets sprinkled.
The (i rand Armv people of St. Louis
propose to raise a fund for a monument
to Oeneral Sherman.
The silver bought by the government
under the Sherman law is worth 55,-
000,000 less than was paid for it.
Hinckley, the crop expert of the St.
Paul road, says the spring wheat crop
will be the poorest in twelve years.
It is said that neither Cleveland nor
Hill will take any especial interest in
the campaign in New York this year.
The now vacant position of Chaplain
of the House is going a-ls-gging,
hut one candidate having appeared so
A decision of a P.altiinore Judge that
"no kissing" he allowed in the parks of
that city has been sustained by a higher
The syndicate which bought South
Carolina's Isuuls has completed the
!li,,000 payment, and the State feels
The ravages of the chinch bug in Kan
sas this year have aroused the fanners
to a more general trial of the infection
The Mexico Land and Improvement
Company of Kansas City will experi
ment with coll'ee-raising on a large
scale in Mexico.
Mrs. Rodney, who is walking from
Galveston to Chicago on a $2,0lR) wager,
is ahead of time. She sells her photo
graphs en route.
A physician in Brewsters, N. Y., has
invented an electric disinfectant that
promises to be of great importance in
killing disease germs.
Jerry Simpson denies that a deal has
been made by which he is to run for
Governor of Kansas and Governor
Lewelling is to become Senator.
Of tho thirty-four counties of South
Carolina only seven have complied with
the regulations of the new liquor law of
the State, w hich went into effect July 1.
Successful experiments have been
made in several States in stimulating
the growth of such plants as wheat,
corn and tobacco by means of electric
Panama has had a water famine.
The aguadores, or water carriers, were
compelled to pay about 20 cents each to
have their pi poles, or barrels, washed
and disinfected.
It is estimated that there are 60,000
men idle in Pittsburg and its immediate
vicinity, awaiting agreements as to a
new scale of wages for the coming year
in tho iron mills.
The New York Central will furnish
transportation and sleeping-car privi
leges to all its employes who wish to
visit the fair. Fach employe can take
one member of his family.
A Harvard law student, who acted as
his own attorney in the case against
him, was sentenced to five days in the
Boston House of Correction for causing
a disturbance in a horse car.
In New York the Health Board has
appointed what is designated a "sum
mer corps of physicians," lifty in num
ber, whose duty it is to visit tenement
houses during July and August and give
medical attention to sick children and
poor people who are unable to pay for it.
A significant feature of tho Treasury
statement is not a cent of the receipts
for last June were paid in gold certifi
cates, and the May statement was little
better in this respect. In June of 1892
8 per cent of tho receipts were paid in
gold certificates and 2 per cent in gold
At a recent auction sale of the per
sonal property of the late Governor
Samuel W. I ale, of New Hampshire
shares of mining, electric and other
stocks having a par value of $2,700,000
and promissory notes of a face value of
57,000 were sold to the highest bidder
for less than $7.
With a view to encourage immigration
into tho Canadian Northwest from the
Western States tho Canadian govern
ment has decided to abolish the customs
regulations which now provide that in
coming settlers must own their stock
and certain other effects one year before
leaving the United States.
The appraisement of lots and parcels
of land in the townsite of Port Angeles,
Wash., by tins commission appointed by
Secretary Noble lias been approved by
the Interior Hepartinent. 'J ho commis
sion of the general land office is now
preparing instructions to tin; proper Reg
ister ami Receiver for the sale of said
lots and parcels of land. The settlers
under the law are entitled to purchase at
the appraised value the town lot on
which they live and any other on which
they may have made valuable improve
ments. 'J'he remaining lands are to be
sold to the highest bidder alove the ap
praised value. The whole townsite ag
gregates about .'i,000 acres.
The pension bureau has notified a
great many pensioners throughout the
entire country, who are drawing pen
sions under the ad of June 27, 1800,
known as the independent pensions act,
that payment of their pensions will be
suspended for sixty days, during which
time they arts required to show cause
why they should continue to draw pen
sions, this action is pursuant to the re
cent ruling of Secretary Smith that a
pensioner under the art of June 27, 1HIH),
drawing a pension for total disability,
must be shown to bo physically incapa
ble of manual labor. It is estimated at
the pension ollice, although the work
ha-i recently begun, that something over
1,000 suspensions have already been
Fn listed men in the navy will now
have the privilege of purchasing their
discharge. Secretary llcrliert has issued
an order establishing rules and regula
tions for tin purchase of discharges au
thorized by tlie last naval appropriation
bill. No man is to be allowed to pur
chase his discharge while in debt to the
government, nor until he has served
three months. The price of discharge
during the fourth month of enlistment
wiil lie 25 per cent of the yearly pay of
the applicant; during the 'fifth" month
lio per cent, and so on, increasing 5 per
rent per month until the fourteenth
month, when the maximum price is
reached. I Miring the fifteenth month
the price will be 05 per cent of the max
imum price; in the sixteenth month !J
percent, and so on, decreasing 5 per cent
per month until the thirty-fourth month,
w hen the applicant may apply for his
discharge without payment. No man is
allow ed to purenasc his discharge a sec
ond time, and those procuring discharges
hv purchase lorteit all benefits due to
continuous service or honorable dis
charge. A discharge by purchase is not
an inherent right, but a privilege which
may be granted by the Navy Department.
The atmosphere alxnit the weather
bureau has cleared otF very perceptibly
since the recent investigation, and affairs
are running along very smoothly, with
very little probability of any further
changes being made in the near future
in the bureau. Secretary Morton said
that he wished to make it popular; in
short, he will insist upon a useful fore
casting, so the farmer, miner, shipper
and commercial man can derive from it
the greatest possible good. In addition
to cutting off a number of what he calls
"useless scientists" Secretary Morton
proposes to save money in the matter of
telegraph tolls. He also decided to dis
continue the river and Hood-room work
and at an early date place the river fore
cast in charge of observers located on
the principal rivers. As a result Carl
Barns, F. II. Bigelow and Thomas E.
Russell, professors of meteorology, will
be tlropped from the rolls this month
along with a number of clerks and other
employes. In his forthcoming report
Secretary Morton will make two impor
tant recommendations. One relates to
the indiscriminate distribution of garden
seed, and the other to the duplication of
experiments by stations, now being done
by the department.
September 30 lias been decided upon
as Ireland's day.
The feature of the Literary Congress
was a paper by Charles Dudley Warner
on the tunction ot literary criticism in
the United States.
I It has been decided by the council of
I administration to maintain the depart
ment of promotion and publicity until
. the close of the fair, with Major Moses
i'. Jianuy as eniei.
Chief Allison of the manufactures
building of the World's F'air expelled
R. II. Ingersoll & Bro., a New York
novelty firm, for persistently violating
the rules against selling goods.
Auditor Ackerman of the AVorld's
Fair has presented the financial state
ment of the exposition to the directors
covering the period up to June 30. A
note accompanying the statement says
the receipts since July 1 were over
$1,000,000, and a large " reduction was
made in the floating debt , since that
date. According to the statement the
total gate receipts were !f2,12l,3(!0, and
the total expenditures ff20,U10,lt0. The
operating expenses for May were $60!),
883, and the receipts $719,402. During
June the estimated receipts were $1,600,
820, and tho expenses $642,921, leaving
a balance for the two months of $1,127,
417. Oregon is one of the States that will
receive daily shipments of ripe fruit and
fresh vegetables in season to renew her
exhibits fit the World's Fair. She is
now receiving cherries and strawberries,
and the shipments have all come through
in line condition, establishing the truth
of the statement that Oregon fruits are
good shippers. In that State's exhibit
in the fisheries building one of the most
attractive displays of the whole fair has
been lioldin; the crowds about the Ore
gon booth during the past few days.
This consisted of fresh royal chinook
salmon from the Columbia" river. The
largest fish weighed eighty-two pounds,
and was tho largest salmon ever caught
in the West. These fish were frozen in
side of solid cakes of ice before they left
the Coast, and they came through nicely
in that shape. They looked oeauties
through the crystal ice.
The I'liysical Exercise Craze
in St. Petersburg.
Bullets of Garnet Encased in Load
Fired at British Troops by
Rebellious Hunzas.
Italy is adopting co-operative farming.
The unvaccinated cannot vote in Nor
way. The Salvation Army has invaded
thirty-five countries.
The Pope is to Ix-atify Columbus, and
America will then have its patron taint.
A 25 per cent cut in wages is an
nounced for 400,000 coal miners in Eng
land. The Sultan of Morocco has been suc
cessful in his expedition to suppress re
bellious tribes.
Senator Santa Maria has been ap
pointed Minister of Justice of Italy to
succeed Signor Jionacci.
The Russian government has issued
orders that smoking compartments for
ladies be provided on ail trains.
Seven hundred live larks constituted
the queer present lately sent by the King
of Italy V) the German Emperor.
All the members of the Italian Cham
licrs implicated in the bank scandals at
Rome are to be proceeded against.
There is threatened dissolution of the
French Cabinet, owing to differences re
garding the treatment of the French ri
oters. A type of firearm has been invented
in England by which compressed gas is
utilized instead of powder as a propell
ing force.
A meteorological station has been es
tablished at Siberia, Palestine, a nlace
582 feet below the level of the Mediter
ranean Sea.
Madame de Valsavre, a foreign cham
pion of woman's rights, has started a
crusade for the admission of feminine
writers to the I rench Academy.
The marriage of Prince George and
the Princess May is the fifteenth mar
riage of a direct descendant of Queen
Victoria which has occurred during her
During excavation in the river Dee at
Carrog, Llangollen, the remains were
discovered of an ancient church de
stroyed by floods in the sixteenth
John Geddes of New South Wales,
Australians negotiating with the Ger
man army authorities for the use on
trial of frozen beef and mutton from
During the recent fighting on the
Kashmir frontier, when the British
troops defeated tho rebellious Hunzas,
the natives used bullets of garnets en-
eased in lead.
Despite the rumor that the late
,' Squire Abingdon" (George Abingdon
Baird) has squandered all his fortune,
his English executors say his estate is
worth nearly $5,000,000.
French women have evinced a new
desire to be strong as well as beautiful
and handsomely dressed, and have taken
up the pursuit of outdoor exercise of
the most exacting character.
Reports come from Santos, Brazil,
that the yellow fever is decimating the
town. The death rate averaged 310 a
day, and hundreds of corpses were atloat
in the water at all stages of decay.
The German army bill will be passed
by a large majority". Herr von Kosciel
ski and Dr. von Jaadzewski, leaders of
the Poles, have pledged to the govern
ment the solid vote of their party.
Impartial writers say that the gold
contained in the medals, vessels, chains
and other objects preserved in the Vati
can would make more gold coin than
the whole of the present European cir
culation. It is reported that the Ghezirah
Palace, situated on the banks of the
Nile, is to be converted into a hotel ;
that a line of steam ferries is to nlv
across from Cairo, and that the Nile is
to tie tunneled.
Paris has a unique exhibition only
less attractive than the two salons
themselves. This is a collection of
portraits and statuettes of the great
French writers and journalists of the
last 100 years.
In Zanzibar, owing to the abolition of
slavery, there is great difficulty in
obtaining laborers. This, it is feared,
will be felt very much within the next
few weeks, when the gathering of the
clove crop commences.
The Malta correspondent of the Lon
don Graphic reports that the Captains
of several of the vessels which took
part in the maneuvers off Tripoli will
be court-martialed for not having obeyed
Admiral Tryon's fatal signal.
It is said that the largest rough dia
mond ever found in Africa has just ar
rived in London. It is a bluish-white
stone, weighs 170 carats, and was found
in the Jagersfontain mine. The Kohi
noor weighs only 102,Hj carats.
The physical exercise craze has reached
St. Petersburg, where the ladies are be
coming ardent athletes and expert
bicycle riders. One of their fads is to
carry Louis XIV canes, some six or
seven feet long and stout in proportion.
An interesting piece of information
brought out during the Brussels Con
ference is the fact, that there are at
present no less than $100,000,000 of
counterfeit silver money in circulation
in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy,
Spain and Portugal.
How tli Metropolitan Urchin lima
bull In Central I'ark.
It Ih nald a really bad play h nn amuHlnd
s h really Kood one. T lie unrno U true of
baseball, for a league contest doesn't begin
to s an funny an the wmw In Central
park on a Saturday afternoon In summer.
A map and Kuido aren't necessary to the
eerie of these contests. You no as far as
the dairy, and from that on you are jrulded
by the noise.
Presently one cornea to a "common" on
which are innumerable nmall boys, all vio
lently nayiiiK, "A a nhl"
They lire playing baseball, and a boy
tan't play baseball without laying, "A
-a hi"
"Ah a-ohl Dat'soutl"
"Ah a a hi "faint neederl"
"Ah a Hht Yer crazy. "I'U too. Didn't
I ketftb bini out (is' denf"
"A-a-ht Wutsa matter witch yerf Yer
did not."
"A a ht Yer lief
"A n hi 'Fyouhaydat agio I'll gmnnh
yer. See?"
And so on.
No white rubber plates are allowed In the
park for the batter to tap, and there are no
bags at the different lumen. The bases are
marked off with coats There isn't any
greater racket when one of these make be
lieve bags is stolen than when Homebody
tries to bat out of his turn. The reason of
this is tbat every last drop of breath and
every rat; of indignation is exetiiled on
the fellow who has wrongfully picked up
the willow There is nothing left for the
The spectators obligingly mark out tlie
foul lines.
"Nig" pitches a hot ball ami "Popeye"
Adams, w ho is at bat, smashes it right on
the corner of its jaw. The ball screams
and starts fur Iis Island City, but it is
foul ball and so comes up ngaiDst the bead
of one of thi bystanders, ft makes a noisa
like a plank falling off a wagon. The fel
low looks a little siliy and begins rubbing
his face, which begins to swell visibly. He
doesn't say anything.
This Is supposing be Is a "grown up."
ff he be a hmall boy he wrinkles up bis
face, draws in bis breath about a minute
and a half and lets go of a yell that would
be deafening any place else, but is simply
unnoticed here, for the pitcher and the
catcher re standing very cUjo together
and giving each other -:u a looks as rival
cats do. They are snarling "A-a-h!" at
each other and promibingto give the other
a poke in the eye.
You might go all over the green and
never see any dispute with the umpire,
whom they call "de umpie," the letter "r"
in New York dialect having a tendency to
melt away.
The umpire is not to be treated with dis
respect, because empires don't grow ou
every bush. lie has to be coaxed.
"Ifey, mistey, woncba empie faw us?"
"Wut's it woyth?"
The mercenary umpire wants pay for
crying out, "Oong bawl" or "slrike!"
The uniforms, if indeed it be allowable
to call duds uniforms no two suits of
which are alike, are canton flannel cape
and shirts, when they are anything.
While most of the boys in the park are
on pleasure bent a few turn an honest
penny by traffic. Some sell weak lemonade
and others peddle what they call "lossen
gers." New York World.
Eccentric Diners In Paris Restaurants.
The Paris restaurants have a wealth of
stories about eccentric diners. Prince
Soltykoff, according to the gossips, was
accustomed to consult the menus at two
of the most celebrated houses, choosing
that which had his favorite dishes. After
dining well he used to give the waiter in
structions to wake him in a couple of
hours, whereupon he would drop into a
sound sleep, and hardly move until his
time was up
The Duke of Brunswick was a frequent
customer at the house which often secured
the prince's patronage. On one occasion,
it is said, a Russian committed suicide at
a table near where he was dining. The
nobleman consequently sent for the pro
prietor and bitterly upbraided him for
allowing bis digestion to be upset by so
tragic a scene!
It was in the same restaurant that a
number of gentlemen dined daily for forty
five years a record which beats that of
the Grand hotel, of Indianapolis, the pro
prietor of which says that he had a boarder
who regularly paid his monthly bill for
sixteen years. London Tit-Bits.
Woodpecker versus Sparrows.
The English sparrow has a mortal enemy
tn the common red headed woodpecker,
who, though no giant among birds, is as
big as half a dozen English sparrows, and
not afraid of half a hundred. The wood
pecker's beak is so hard, and his head and
neck are so powerful that in a single peck
he can kill a sparrow, ami the English
birds have become aware of his powers and
are very much afraid of him. The appear
ance of a red headed woodpecker will set
a whole lot of sparrows to flight, and the
only time t hey will face him fs when he
makes an onset on their nests.
The eggs of the sparrows are not larger
than peas, and their young about the size
of a grubworui, and a uestful of young
sparrows is a dainty picnic for a wood
pecker, which he is careful not to overlook.
The sparrows will fight, but they cannot
drive him away. Drake's Magazine
An Old Style Sailboat.
Captain Collins, who is familiar with all
the builds of foreign fishing boats, tells
about the Newfoundland pinkie boat, some
few of which are still found off the New
England coast. For size and build, the
piukie is a clever boat, with her strong
sternpost and sharp bow. ft is highly
probably that the pinkie is a survival of
the oldest form of Norse boat brought to
England a thousand years ago, and as for
that, the lines of the dory came over to
New England with the pinkie from the
mother country. New York Times.
At Old Point Comfort.
Reuben Verde Great Scottl What's that
big noise?
Regular Guest That? It's only the gun
that always goes off at sunset.
R. V. (decidedly) I'm going straight
home, whar the sun kin set easy without
making such a racket. Pittsburg Bulletin.