The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 15, 1893, Image 2

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    vfood Jivcr Glacier.
oJtKuovs ha xno.xi:,
The Qrcoii!tn on several iHvaMnns,
lias stated while l In oil inlvy pivss
takes a dig at Portland :it every opp n--tunity,
that Portland is a solid Mul
loon the backbone of the northwest,
and that Irtlan1 capital stands li: in
ly at the back of the country to force
nd hold it up. We have no f:ii!it in
find with Portland, but there is no u-e
"flier trying to pose as a charitable in
stitution, or to claim credit for acts she
bo not perform. As we write there
ivpovtm on the table be fori us a circu
lar, signed by thirteen banking llrms
in Portland, and by 1M of the leading
business firm of the s-mio city, noti
fylng tho public that checks on local
bunk will not In; received on account.
At the very first rumor of weakne- on
the part of an Oregon bank, Portland
served notice on the business of tlie
balance of the state that she stood be
hind them, so far behind in. Iced, that
die could not, and would not reach
them. Portland's action reminds one
of the little toin-tit that ix ivhed on a
reed above his swuse who was engaged
in hatchimi her little ones, and brave
ly sang to her:
"Hrood kliul otvatiuvyon need nut fear
Thieves and robbers while I am hciv."
the ska axd Tin: SKA LS.
The Rehrinjr controversy lias at
last nearly reached an end. There has
lieen talk enough to have killed all the
mils In the Pacific, if they had I teen
forced to listen to it, and only a lot of
Frenchmen could have survived it.
The peculiar thing about the whole
controversy Is that the United states
has farmed the seal herd out to a pri
vate corporation, and is spending
thousands of dollars to protect the
right of a corporation, which has
cheerfully ignored the rights of the
government, the neople, the seals and
everything else connected with the
liehring sea. If the peals, the present
company, and the old Alaska company
with Lewis and Phillip SIosp, could be
turned over to the pelagic pirates, it
would be an unm'ti
the country.
sited blessing to
The cold storage warehouse situated
at the 64th street entrance to the
world's fair caught fire Saturday hist
and was burned to the ground. In
he center of the building a huge
smoke stack wa carried up through
the cupola, 200 feet from the ground,
and 90 feet above the roof. The fire
broke out near the top of this, and
firemen were sent up to fight it. Be
fore the hose could be pulled up tho
fire broke out below them, cutting off
all escape, and as the beat became un
bearable one after another jumped to
the roof below, all being killed. The
building was valued at $."00,000.
At Mecca the cholera is raging, the
death rate reaching 1000 per day, and
yet the pilgrimage to the shrine of the
prophet, made annually by devout
Mohammedans is not cheked. The
roadside is strewn with corpses, and
in the city itself the streetaare lined
with decomposing bodies the author
ities being unable to bury them. In
Europe there are but few cases, and
these isolated, and the prospect for the
disease being thoroughly stamped out
this season is not bright.
The silver question is stirring Den
ver citizens to some purpose. At a re
cent meeting the venerable governor
"Waite, who is old enough to know bet
ter, said "the silverites would ride
through blood to the horses' bridle bits j
before it should be thrown aside."
Should this prove true, it is to be
lioped the bits will be made of silver,
a9 they will then be only half ns high,
and the sea of gore consequently half
.as deep.
It is quite probable that at last a
specific has been discovered for con
sumption. The Aniick treatment of i
the disease in its incipient stages seems j
to be universally successful, and cases1
where all hope has been given up, have j
yielded to It. If this treatment proves
as successful as its limited trial indi
cates, it will rank as the most import
ant discovery of the century.
It matters little whether the Sher
man law was passed to prevent a free
oinage act or not. The fact remains
that it was passed, and it is also patent
thatJobn Sherman is as dead politic-!
ally as a last years bird's nest. The sil-1
ver question i3 going to turn down sev
eral other prominent "Statesmen"
before long.
Exporting Live. Geeso from Russia.
Live geese are exported from Russia
to Germany and Austria in very large
numbers. An export house of Warsaw
intends building special cars for tho
transportation of geese directly to their
places of destination, if tho railroad
managers will grant them permission to
run the ears. The ministry on roads of
intercommunication was notified of the
proposal of that firm, and its favorable
decision is expected.
The cars are to be 1
constructed with appliances to change
from the broad gauge of the Russian
lines to the narrow gauge of the German
lines without loss of time. St. Peters
burg Letter.
Th rrKr of Vnliipiik.
It is n very interesting fact that tho
roild language, Volapnk, is not only
joining to be spoken conversationally by
its enthusiastic votaries, but is to be
made a medium of interlingual commu
nication at the World's Columbian fair.
A complete nvord of progress made in
spreading Volapnk since that delightful
national convention of its votaries was
held in lioston, considerably more than
a year ago. would astonish all but the
,' who keep do ;cat watch oa the movc
I lent. A significant clreiimstaueo is
thai recently the Young People's Society
of Christian Ihiileaxor of the People's
rluuvh. Poston. formally adopted Vola
pnk as a study for that organization,
nu.l a v lass of forty ineinlvrs (expected
to vlou'tle shortly was formed, to m.vt
each M unlay evening in thee
reading room for instruction.
Other noteworthy insfanoos :;iv
lows: The people of Xovvteti, 4
their own request, are to have a
0:1 Voh'.puk under the iiuspici
1 s
r.s fol
ate at
. of a
ladies' nssociatio.i th.-re, Salem and
lilouceaicr are to have le.-tuivs in .lami
r.ry. and the interest all over the couu
try is simtl.trly manifested. Newsoatxr
lessons, puhh.-dicd sinr.:lt:i;:.M;isly ;;ll
over the maritime provinces. Canada
and tlie I'uited States. lieen given
weekly since Oct. 1'. The students
write out the exercises of th lessoas and
send them tooo:;vnient points, as desig
nated, for annotation, and itumcn e
liuuiliers of young and old of both sexes
nre following the lessons. Boston Ad
vertiser. I Arm if the t'.inauhiu Dominion.
I In the last issue of the Statisti
: c::l Year Hook of Canai'a. compile-.1
by Mr. Sydney C. 1. Kopcr
1 of the statistics branch of the do
t P'irtment of agriculture, we find that
i the total area of the dominion is com
'. puted to bo tl.Ioli.ttSl square miles. In
this estimate UO.Tuti square miles are
assigned to water aud t$,;il."),(317 to laud
surface. The table which yields this
total is said to be an entirely new one,
having been (specially prepared at tiie
; request of the compiler i f the Year
' Book by the Topographical Survey
' branch of the department of the in
terior. ; "The measures have all." we are told,
j "been made anew and checked, and
j may be depended on. in so far as war
: ranted by the pre.-ent geographical
I knowledge of the country. No change
, will lie made in these figures ui. less
I based upon new information." As this
; is a question on which there has been a
i good deal of di.scu.vsioti and much ditler
euce of opinion, it is satisfactory to
j receive this assurance from what we
. may regard as the highest otlicinl and
; professional authority. .Montreal G;i
i ictto.
Dr. Talmas' Now Vour's Maxim.
Make it the best year of all your life
the brightest, the happiest aud the best.
Lubuo your heart with the frcslmess of
the morning, your soul with the sparkle
of the dawn. Resolve by good deed.-,
and thonghts to make this the most tri
nmph::ut year of your life. As a series
of short maxims to carry with you
through this year, let me give you these:
Mako every day begin uud cud with
Be content with what yon have.
Have a hearty, joyful family altar in
yonr domestic circle.
Fill your home with aa much good
j reading and bright music as your means
j will allow.
i Tuink ill of none, but well of all.
If fortune favors you. thiuk of others.
1 Don't sham: be real.
Keep busy and you will keep healthy.
Respect all sacred things.
Love God. Dr. Talinago in Ladies'
Home Journal.
Something That Has ISccn Needed.
Tor some time past the public have
been looking for an adjustable grille,
with 6helf attachment, upon which to
phico bric-a-brac, the whole to be ar
ranged over windows or doorways to re
lieve this portion of a room, which is
usually dependent upon a curtain pole.
The great trouble had always been that
they had to be made to order, as win
dows and doors vary in widih. Now, '
however, a device is made narrow enough
to go into tho narrowest doorway. It is
in two sections, running upon a sli lint
top bar. By drawing these pieces apart
they can be extended to the width of ;
the door, anu the open place left in tho :
center of them is furnished with a short ',
drapery. Philadelphia Upholsterer.
Tnu lioys Did the Job. '
An East Dover (Me.) farmer had a 1
mare something over 20 years old, and
not thinking it advisable to winter
her, spoke to some boys to take her out, .
shoot her and bury her for a money con
sideration. Boys No. 1 and 2 did tho
job all right, but No. 3, not knowing tho
mare had been killed, went tho follow
ing day to the farmer's barn, and find
ing an animal in the stable, took him
out and led him down to a piece of
woods, shot and buried him. Imagine
the farmer's surprise on coming home to
find that boy No. :i had shot and buried
M UlV ' J VM S- ' IT VI 111 Al L l- a U LSW
hood of $200. Boston Transcript.
Big Coon, nig Tree, Small Man.
A party consisting of D. M. Rawlins,
II. C. Brown and others, of Brown's
Mill, went out coon hunting the other
night and caught the largest coon and
cut down the largest tree yet on record.
The coon weighed twenty -seven pounds
and the tree was nearly fifteen feet
across the stump. The tree was very
hollow, and Mr. Nathan Singletary, who
is not a very large man. went into the
hollow of the tree and came out at s
knot hole. Cor. Atlanta Constitution.
Doing I'eounee.
An old woman has taken up her abode
in a wood on Lord Annaly's estate at
Kildysart. She has made a bed of fern
leaves between the trunks of trees, sticks
an(l ferns forming a rude thatch. The
only article or turniture is a crucinx.
Sha subsists on bread and water, and
says she has resorted to this wretched
mode of existence as a penance. Lon
don Letter.
-A st riii;o Niort. Prepiitiitor.Y Class.
A strange story conies trotn a neigh- ,w l11 "W"!'" lonelier' review
IhuIuhhI about ten miles southeast or class preparatory lo ipiarteily cmhiiI
here. ! nation In August beginning June L'nih
Oct. CI, I!;IW, Alex Yohe, an aged and continuing live weeks. Corres
1 farmer, committed sui -ide, Yohe'a I
I mind had been unbalanced for some
time, and he imagined that the discov
; cry of natural woul I prove the ruin
, in ion of the world, lie was opposed to
' Mny search for t'm new fuel, and often
pleaded villi his neighbors to leave it
; alone, lie nlao Imagined that he was n
rained man, although he owned a good
; farm and was in a prosperous condition,
lie thought his family had been doomed
to starvation, and he resolved to take
Ilia life, thus terminating his misery,
Kecoutly an F.lwoe.l company began
drilling for gas on the Stai key farm and
the work h id proceeded nearly to com
pletion. Th "V w ere ru. hing the work
ana a day an 1 night toive uf hands were
employed. The night force, however, is
no longer at work and the following is
the cause: A few nights since, while the
men were at work, they were startled
by a slight noise near the derrick, and '
on looking they beheld the form
of old man Yohe walking from the en
gine to the derrick. One man approach I
I. in a;:d the form suddenly vani .he.l,
only to renpjvr in a few moments.
This sort of thing was kept up for sev
eral nights, the old man making Ids r.p at the same spot each night.
Tlie men claimed the place w;i.s haunted
and they refused to work any more after !
night. Tipton Cor. Indianapolis Senti- '
Spelnllni; Their Itoucyliluon In ( utile Car. :
It wi pretty cold i.i the forward com- j
partment of one of the Seventh and !
Ninth street cable cars Lwst evening. The 1
short lynches on c;ich side of the grip-
man were empty Pav for one figure
that of a lu'lite and pretty brunette m a
wann gray capo ulster, with a big fur
Ua around her nock.
The conductor put his head through
the door for a moment and came back
"Love's a funnv thing." ho said, as he
got back on tho rear platform and rung
up two fares. "There's Jim's wife in
there with him. Jim's thegripmaii, you
: know. They've Ih-cii married pretty near
two weeks, and I'm blamed if she hasn't
put in the best half of the time riding
' round with him in the car. They couldn't '
afford to take a tup o:r, you see, and so
they're spending tho honeymoon in thia '
way." 1
"Yes, sir," said Jim. "we've Ikvii mar-1
ried two weeks tomorrow. May W you
think it a funny way to spend the honey
moon, uud so it is. But it's Mary's do
ing. I'll saved up enough to take a week
or so otT, but she wouldn't havo it. She
saw. 'We'll just lay that away for a
1 rainy day, and I'll come aud ride on the
1 car with you.' Don't you put my name
! in tho papers or inaylxi I'd get the
1 bounce." Philadelphia Press.
Ad liilucky Uomollvo. '
Engineer Knowhlow, of tho Erie, has'
, finally agreed to preaido at tho throttle
. of Engine No. C7U of that road. This is
I tho machine that passed through the
; two terrible wrecks on that road at Iia
! veuna ou July '& and at Kent, Sept. 110.
! When it came out of the Mead villo shops '
j recently nouo of tho boys wanted to nit ;
! at tho right haiid side of the cab in the t
, unlucky engino, and it was only after ;
i considerable persiavsion that Lagiueer !
T- .11 , . . ... 1 1 .t. 1 -
. uuiinumii inio .iou,.iii.a n t..i; i..t,i.0i;
of tho hoodoed l ocomotive. Ii;iilro:;ders
I ,-, .:, ... ,, 1 , 1
ai-o hku satlora. they havo their Huper-
: sutions, auii an cngmcman no more
likes to run on an unlucky machine than
j diK'.s an old tar to sail 0:1 certain unfor
' tunato vesaels. Pittsburg Post.
Tho Sprueo Gum (icaiioii 1 On.
The spruce gum season is on in Maino
an'l business is booming. One firm re
ceived twentv-four barrels of about"1,.'
, , 1-t '111 1
tons of gum 1:1 0:10 day. and it will havo ;
12" barrels or 2-"j,000 jiouuiLs before tho
cltxo ;f tho se;won. Tho first grade of
gum is clean and clear and ready for
chewing. It sells at wholesale at sixty :
cents to one dollar a pound. I
Tho dark colored gum, mixed with
bark and pitch, is worth from six to
eighteen cents a pound, ami is purchased ;
by refiners, who Ixjil it, skim oil tho !
dirt, add some other things and produce
many varieties of spruce gum. Maine
No I ltnverit at IIU Funeral.
Owen Meredith's (Lord Lytton's) cofiln
was borne to tho grave without a blos
som to docoralo iis nail according to tho
direction of Lady Lylton, who said that ,
", ' ...
nor nusoanti nau requesieu tnat not so
much "as tho tiniest violet or tho small-!
ost Tni.1inrl" k'k.tIiI hn nnptl i.Imiiii' tiin '
est rose LlUU S lOl-ia DO lttCU .UWUt HIS
bier, "vhat, in heavens name, havo '
poor flowers dono to bo condemned to
r. D,,V. n l,..a .:.,. 1 ,,.'
servo such a horrid puqtoso as being ;
consigned to vaulte and graves? I like a
sad looking funeral," was a frequent i
saying of tho poet's, and his funeral
ce.-einony was indeed a gloomy one.
Wong Choe'a Coat of Mall.
When a Chinese highbinder, named j
TT rl , 1 1 . i. i r .
Wong Cliee, who had been arrested for 1
vagrancy, was stripped in the city prison !
recntly-acoatof mail was foundaround !
his body. It was a tight fitting armor, I
marlnnf a (iimlilo IhieknriHS of interwoven
maaooraaouoioimcKnossoi: micrwoven 1
steel links, and it weighed twenty-two
pounds. Erperts say that no pistol bullet
ever made would penetrate the armor,
and when tested the links turned a rifle
" . ,, , . , 1
uaii iroiu its tuuruu. ou t lituuiauuii- 1
Heavy liamages.
A poor citizen of Nassau, N. Y., sued j
n fif)i nrn'trliVinr fn rncnvnr rliimficiia fnr '
the attack of the latter's small dog.
which ho maintained was a "sii.-iorang,
,- , , 11 . ,?
snarling, vicious uruie. in answer ino
defendant maintained that tho canino
. i 1 ,
was a "great pet and of gentle nature,'
but he lost his case and must pay $1,000
damagcs.-Philadelphia Ledger.
Forbidden 'Words In Uaitsla,
It is forbidden to use tho words
"hunger" or "famine" in Kazan, Russia.
Nevertheless, tho sights ia the Etreeta
would draw tears from tho manliest eye.
Cor. London Standard.
pondence solicited.
C. I., (ill uriiT.
Hood Ulvcr, Oregon.
W PI ni.iUe 1 he siirihi: m nsuii nf I -.. nl con
unlcnt places lhinui;liiiiil Hie wtltcy mi l
Willie iilitiiil Mshlnnton. l ime mill
suluVcl lo Inline 1 1 1 1 k 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -u I .
Hesi i lplieii Pedigree.
"Ml.lnkhl Is 11 real I luel; llamWi'toiitiiti, .'
i-o i si I'M; Is hniis.l; wii-lil tieti niiiinl:.; si 1 ,-.l
hy Slum's 1 1 ill u! 1 1 it . 0 1 . ; 1 1 1 ; il:ilil, n I tipper
liottulil inure. "Mlillll,;lll" Is 11 t,oiil
tlmii'il liufe, 11 I01111) ill U it 11111I iiiilti'ii tint-
ier im n limv 01 his si,-e.
! "Miiniiiii's" sei i,e lee ill be iii tm stiinie
m I' lee, ilue nl liuie nl' her lee,
season, lYrs. his lueeiliu It;,
mill tinitv lulling tn e:iteli, can
or l.i I. r t!ie
sllle.le .- el lee hv the
season h I he ui hi
son in elese .lull I
niml pin inehl i .m.
I Mi;.
Km lei Ills mill nihi l'
IlllUI'llllll Ion II'V In,
A. I . I'liM.l s,
llllmn I-riiler mi ever lo niieniiver
Satinilii , tool, lie.: al ier I e 1 losliii; ite 1 11 tin nl'
II sille lie lias Just liunle In Hie t"el lllni 'll
o' .nl e.onln lioi-is. The uithiniU ine itiil
ioie;lil tm' liny s, 01 unusual eii Mise,
lull me merely ih stlneil tu 1epl.11 e Ih.ise ivn
ileiuneil liy I lie tm el aim lit. The me hniii;hi
III Viineotn f r lor Hie ileMll ( tile III ,, llle Int
11 111 1 il u. mnl nil' ilNtrllnileil iihnul iiiuuii the
various post,
-I'lin limses iniiikileil heie fur inllttury
iurioses," Midi Mr, I'ra.'.ler, "me Oreuu
horses. Thi'v me ehlelly Hie 'iiniuee nl 1111
prineil slalllons mnl ei iiininn rmu"' in. ues.
l'.er' leal' sresmi ttll'ltieluelll III the iUlll
Itvnl I lie Moil.. Shilllol'.s like llialli lu, I ,
! 1 rnn.i t
Ivinlnhut, MlUe,, ete.,
U lllell h:le luell 1 1 eel V hleit Mil hull I Hielr i t
, M" t"'""'1. o" "
If llii-
inrs iiiiiiii the euiiitiu'ii run ol' linrn'.-, nun It
it Hie I'tuiieer siiillluns Inuiiht heie Ituiu
Keiilueki nl nil enily Oi.y .Hit tipiin the
luares il 1 in en ai Hie pluliis, ,inly tu u
Klenler ill tree. Ill lli!' w lii Is ileal
1 ti if In huis, s eunsimitli s,-, s u p.ii',i,v ttu-
i,,,ri,.,ieiii in our inane mnl ii,,K.i.
tation-i me nuiim; less neei-s,ui.-i th.ui
lul tnel ly.
.NOTKT. 11)11 PC 1! PICA I'M IN.
I'lnnlier I .mnl, Ael June !, s;s.j
l lliteil Shoes l.iiliil I Utli e,
'ani'iiUM i', .i-h., June In Nil,
Nnl lee In lierehy i;l en Hint In eiiiiilianee
wit It the pl'to isli ins nl the net ul I "le;li's u
June i, s,'s, i 11 1 it liil "All nel hi' Hie -nie u
lltulii r IlllMs III (lie s,,,,., ,n , ID. 1 ,1 In
tun, Ni'Miil.i mnl Wiiluni;lun Tiriituii,' ,i
111 'lil II. I- h uier, nt I'm 1 1 an 1 1 1 mint ul nil in-
lllllll s,,r ul l Me-mi, l,.is th!sil:i III.. I ill i
til I lee hl sum n si :i,un ul , n Km I im I In- pur
ehll I llli' Milllll iM-l 1,11.11 lil' si e Nil. s In
lint u hip No. S. in n I h nt 11 'i N". la i ;. . M . mii I
will tiller pniiil In shun Hell Hie l.llel -"':..:0 Is
inure aluiilile lur its tuitlnr ur 1 - 1 - - t'.i ui t'-r
ucri'ii 1 1 in al pinpiisis, mnl 1., ei.o n-u Iin
elllllll 111 s.thl liiuil tii-tuli' the Ui ';i-:. l unit In - .
eeler ul Ihis tillieii at iiiu'iiini-r l .ish.,
tm Tuesilav lit" '-"'th line of .u.;ii-i, s 1;,
ilr injurs us 11 nes-.i : II. I'. I In: liletlu,
-rr A. Mir:,u e, , M. Him, ,,..,, Ihi.iiu
l. 1 iimni sun. nn ui I'mti.ui.i m. ;..n.
. V 1 1 llll'l mi I'i'isi us i .u 1 i.i ; 111; itiii'isri, in,
llhiie ill i rll'e.l llilnls me r. .lh sir, I hi lil.'
their ela litis in IhlsiiiUee mi ur Im I iO' 1 1 1 1 '."'! h
tinv ui .Mieiiil K' ;.
Jiihll u. (.
r l.miil, Ael .linn .'!, h?s.
t'lllteil Sliili'-i I ninl I itliee,
Yiinenuwr, , ll-ll., J ane III S! ;. 1
.Miuir 1- inn ui iiiii t:i. 11 in'
v 1 1 il I he pli i lsi ill- I I in' eel ul I ulllis. ul
June:;, lsTs, .1,111, m net tm- the -nie m 1
llllllii 1' llilnls III the st.ites u! I '.i 1 1 ! nil hi , I Ire-
..n-i wsi,. i,-r.." m.,.i;, ii, ,rr.
ul I'lll'l. mill, nullity ul .V U l luuuilll stnle ul
1 iii iiiii, lets this iiny lili . I in ttii "Hi.-, hi-r
swiii 11 si.iti iin'iit .Nn. K.i'i. lur Hie piu'ehus.- ui .
tln'Mi' '4 ul seetmii mi, In In tuiui-lilp
Nn. a lliilttl, r.ilik'e Mi. In e:i.-.l, ainl w ill uller ;
priMif tn shuiv Unit the litii't suiuht Is uime :
Mliliahle lul' Its tllnhel'ur stune luall tur !e;l'i-
eiiltut'itl piirpiiM s titi'l In e.tuhiisii her eiiitni
lii sit hi la in I he line I he le"-i .til' li I it
tif tins 11II11 enl 11ne11i1er S n.-li., nn I U.Mla.v
the Ltilli tiny ul August, l-ii.i. ' I
She nanu s lis Itneises; . '. Ilurnluirii;
11 . . .. 1 I ..... . II ' I ' 1 . t
ll'Ill .1, -III I.I' I', .l"llll ,t. I ll'lllll'-llll, JJ
J(. 1; i,,,i,.ii .,1 p,iian.i 1 n.
Any nii'l nil pei-vms elaiuiiii' mlverst ly the
Ithilii! tle.-teflhi'it In in I -4 tie 1 1 1 1 !e!ei In llle
Hie! I- flu I ins III I III - till lee nil ur heinre sultl J! M 1 1
tiny of Is'.i.;. j
JiilT iuikIII Jnlin I). liei'iMii'umi, lti'!.'l.ster. j
I'l'lnihi r I.anil, Ael June :i, I'-TS. !
fllite'l Stat.-. I,.'inil I llllee, j
Vaneiiiiver, Witsli., .May, 2, KH. I
Nutlee In herehi- -'veil Hint In emu nl liinee
with the pruvisiuns m nu- m t uf rmi .-i'ess ui
lillie.i, lie, eillllieil ,ll ui'l. lur lie sun' ill .
i unher li.nds lii the u!'i!es of i allfui'iihi, i r-
tftiii.Neviulu, mnl wiislniiltiii 'i'erriliii''t .
Sum Saiiisun of i heniiM II ii, ei in u!y ul Slimnu-
II lit . Htllte uf Mllsll., h.n lliix iluv llleil III
tins tillii-e his sivin ii slnteiniait mi l,.V,, fur Ihe :
plll'ell.l.seul tin' iiw , lie' , nl I iiilll nu. 11 1 1
lou iiship Nu .! imrth, rau,;e nn. ti t ;i -l . vv in mnl
will eller priiol tu Mnu thnl l.,e Inii t suiiht is 1
inure viiluiiliM! fur its tiinlieriir stunt- thnn fur
''-''' i.iiri.uses. ,
eluiiii In sunt laiel hi'luri
nut to fsiuMMi his .
Ihe l.'et:ihlef ninl lie- l
eeivei- ur this miiee m Vim tuivi r, wash
'''l".v isn. .lay uf July, Ki'i. ;
"'' l'i"'"'H s witnesses: Allen lliiiiurtli
M . .-,.,, t.-f. I'ranU lirnw.-r, .liihn 1. (ill-1
leit, nil tii'i'iiennwith, wash. i
Any and nil persuns elalinliiit lulvei'sely lliu:
"'",V'' llt'Serilll'll lllll'ls lll'l' l'l 1 1 I U Si I 'I I 1 1 1 Hit'1
lh,.ir ,.1,0,,, )M ,,,11,.,. orheiuresaiit isii, ;
i.v uf July, "x.
lulK,"'l,K'IAN' K,'lsl,!r-j
V. S. I.anil (llllee, )
Vancouver, Wnsh., June Ui, IK(i:l. ,"
Ciimplailit having heen entereil at this utllee
".V inis 0, '.v i s s nei i y .-.le.Ne i v, lur
11)lll1()I)lk, ,lis ju,ne.stea,i Kmry .W 77;:;,
'iteJ March 17, iwii, upon ihe sunt invest
county, Washin'Mon, wiih a view to ihecmi-
f ''ll entry; Hie saiil parlies nre
ht-rehy suiuinoncti in appear hefure v. It.
inniimr, coiniiiissiuiier 1;. s. cireuii c 1, fur
iwi:i, nt, loo'etueu a. M., to respoml mnl tur-
;!M"!Ll:;"!i;V;V',,'l,'Vli!liMf!,sai' ""V"';'1 "'"i'?-
(loiiinitnl, wilh tlay ul final licarliiH lielurc Ihis
oniee on aiikusi u jm i.i.
John I). (ieoiilit'Kan. Henlstcr.
; , , , ,
Is a dapple tfrny, I.i', limiils IiIkIi, weighs
. v.m v,mw, niree-.puiricr.s Normi 11, :i years
! n .Mny -lili, is ivcc ir all hiem-
lshes ninl (liseuseH an'l Is 11 line tlralt liorse.
gentle mi.t kind, u K..od traveler, m.d is
; owned hy
j JON hwkkn v. ok I toon iuvi:it. on.
Mr. Sweeny will nttend at tho following
places duriiiK Hi" prrsenl Hire season: At Mr,
Joe Purser's, Monthly and Tuesday of each
week. At Mosicr, Friday and Miturilay of
eiieli week. Terms: J-'or nitif;li! service, pav
iiblt! In ciihIi ifTi.dO. ty ihe stison, pn.valile at
end of same, (flo.(K). To Insure, paynhle when
same Is known, fcla.OO. Incase of l'ailure, ser
vice tin: followintj season arulis.
lCJ) (Fii
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
A supply (f,;iii(l '..-..wV, i:'iht I I
Ctdubr.iloil liiiuid rcdoi s ami tlnU'tl K'..u!-i.
Prepared to I'tii'iii- b at 1 e, a lim .-In s n inltlii-, lit a cheap r.rado
lint neat ami
.ioi!i:i;i;s and iiKT.Ml.i'its in
Curnor of Soconil ;;iul Rxloral Slrcot-i.
n and Charter Oak
Slovos ami HanK.u
('mis, Aiiiniiinlllim ami Spoiling (eols
I ion, ( 'mil,
Itlaclismitli Supplies,
'a:;oiiniakci's Maloi ial,
Scwcr Pipe,
Pumps and Pp'pe,
Pliiiiiblng Supplies.
That tlilltv days i-:'s Inn.; lis m- i::n cii dit rmi!-, nnd wmihl n xpcctfully
rcolli-st mil' ji.ilrol'S In "oeeni lie 111-1 he-t :ifi-i i;-, : if I v.
Specialties S
Private Formula : L)b liliiU dllliuU.
And ;i Complido l.itut of
yours for hood tiivn:.
a it in
House Builder's Gccxlf.:, Susli
nnd Doers, 2lcrldins,
Brackets anij Fooil Tomines.
Lime. Plaster csljI LntL. Coil
ing, Huslio azid PlccriiiP'.
Coffin. c cz Cc.clTCtcj.
i.v si!nt::i:sr vmii
O. 1.. STl! N !l N,
I'll :i!eni.
- l'r,ui'i;ii:!'ii:s ....
Have on baud 11 full supply uf I '1 nit, Shade uud Ornamental trees; gr:ip
vines, Miinll fruits, Hoses ami Sln nliliei v.
lie stiff to ','et our prices be Cor" plll'i'liu-i ng el-sew here.
Ileiiii iiiliei-our trees nm grow ii strictly without irrigation.
I". II. Sl'AVKiN, laical Atrent.
ilaf uc?
Choicest Meats, Ham,
Bacon, lard, Game,
Poultry, Also Dealers in
Corner of Oak and Foinlh .Streets, .... jtivL.r Oregon.
'J'lie llallfK, ( lri':,'on.
Six lots in Wiiiieoiini, 4S0 acres in
Skaiiiania county, and several farms
in the valley.
J. II. C'iiAii.i:i!.vt (iii.
rnlV rT',cti rt" T
Mii -I ant ial .
I'.IM'I llil'
MilciiGi!, Lewis & Slaver
( 'i.nijiaii' Vti'Iiiilliii'itl liupleiueiili
ninl M.irlihicn.
ii. f. nil.
i 11
i m
-iTldltMOV AT LAW.
I'l'iiftlces In i 11,., court of Oi-ckoii anil
U'avlilnKi,n. Hpeelul nl lenl Ion yiveli to coll
veyaneln, (il jW'n,;. ()FKK.,:
int sali:.
House and lot ill Hood III ver. Ap
P'y b A. S. Hi.ow ions.
Ja , P
y- 1.