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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1893)
iver Glacier. voi, HOOD UIVKIt, OUEGON, SATURDAY. JULY 15, 181)3. NO. 7. The IIooc Stood Iiver (Stacier. rliil,lBIUIi HVtlir AATlMlllsT M0RNIN8 T The Glacier Publishing Company. ttl'Uttl Hll'TION I'HIVK. fin cr tl 9C l limlillil 1 w Thin uiniiUia , , HiikIo , ....A CU THE GLACIER Barber Shop Grant Evans, Propr. Soo'iml Si., timr Ouli, . . Hood Hirer, Or. Kliavlny nml lluir milling neatly dun. .Sutisfiu linn iuaiauteeii. - X-J OCCIDIOTAL NKWS. A California .lusliot' of Hie Phut (iocs NYrotij;. SIIII'.MI'.NT OF ( HKKU1KS EAST. Tin1 Tall of Silver Causes Rail ami Ni'Miilu Mines to Clone Down Hoy Robbers. Uiders for tin- Adums l go to Samoa are expected at Mini' Island. I'. A. I'rquhart, ii Sim Francisco l in ii 1 1 1 t-r , in sought forliy tl't" Suit Lake police, tlir charge against liim being lui t" i v. I .my llu. !,i r, Uir girl who runaway W illl I'll I ill LrUIIIH llolll Melced ttll't went to Victoria, 1!. ('., lias returned to In I linlni'. M i ii t .i mi is trying to get rid of a lot n( Cu r Indians w lio belong to Canada, lint who have been living lifar Silver How thi' past, winter. The Canadian AiiMlraliun Steamship Company has decided to make Tai'oma the terminus o( their line. Steamships will make monthly trips between Ta coma uiil Sidney, N. S. W, A .1 U--I ! of tin- Peace of Conmuilo l'.i in h iiaini'il Kdgar Fleming is under must in Angeles for obtaining (JIM Ills Under false plctl'llSl'S. 1 If I'lailllM to have been 'Inink ami oblivious of liin romlurt. 'llif tli i iiit-ii t of cherries East from Sun Jose last week amounted to 111.775 pounds, ill all eighteen carloads. Tin' sliipincnls of cherries to ilatt' this year amount to I , ii.'i,s7(l pounds. Last year (he total shipment was 07:1,005 pounds. One (icrwaithc, a iih-iiiIkt of Com pany 1', I'nited States Infantry, throw iciin'r in tin' eyes of Jeweler Stimuli at I'.ciiiria, ami' ran oil' with a gold watch, lie was captured, and excused his net by saying ho w ished to get out of tin' service. The Duly-West mine at Park City, Utah, has heeu ordered eloped down. Tin Diamond mine at Kureka, Nov., linn been closed dow n, and the Old Jor dan and Galena al Bingham, Utah, have also been ordered closed. This is ow ing to tin) full in nilver. During tin) trial of three young thieves at San llernardino Saturday it was develoied that a nunilier of Ixiys of Highlands, from 10 to 1") yearn of age, had an organization railed the "Black. J)iamond," which earriedon a system of jietty robberies. The boys were eager readers of cheap sensational literature. As a practical solution of the strin- geney of gold in the money market it is proposed at San Franeiseo that, if the .Federal government would immediately withdraw all restrictions to hydraulic mining, I'alifornia lie fore winter would lie in a position to contribute over $5, 1)00,000 m gold. The proposition from interviews with prominent mining men is considered entirely feasible and op- portune. The rahies are now epidemic among animals of all kinds at Quijotou, A. T. Several persons have had narrow escapes, one man saving himself from a frenzied horse by knocking it down with a large stone. The cause is lack of water on the mesa, w hereby the coyotes go mad. Tlie I'apugo Indians sav the epidemic raged thus years ago, wlien it was un su?e to leave doors open at night for mad coyotes. A formal discussion of the proposed World's Fair in San Francisco was held recently at the Palace Hotel, prepara tory to a general meeting later. Ilerr Oorncly and Architect Bennett, who ac companied him from Chicago, were present. Heir Comely recited his ex periences in the past with expositions, and told the gentlemen that it was nec essary for San Francisco to take some action at once on the proposition to have the fair, for, ho said, 4,000 foreign ex hibitors in Chicago, who had sent him thither to represent them, were anxious to know as soon as possible whether the fair would bo held there; otherwise they would send their exhibits to Antwerp, where an exhibition is to be held imme diately after the World's Fair. He also assured the gentlemen that they could certainly count on all the foreign exhib itors coming there, and furthermore, if it were necessary, they would gladly pay for space for their exhibits and also pay their own transportation. FROM WASHINGTON CITY. The ai l of Congress. nceesnilal ing the recent, dismissal of sixty-seven clerks of thn general land olllre provided for II re duction of the Held expenses of the of fice, A large number of ull'iecM will be consolidated in such n whv as to make the number twenty less than heretofore. Assistant Seeielai'v Reynolds of the Interior Department lias uiado a pension derision which will heroine welcome news to a large number of women who ministered to wounded soldiers ill the hospitals during the lule war. They are to be placed on the pension rolls. The iii'sliou arose upon u communication lliilu t he Coiiilnissioiier of Pensions as to whether those women who superin tended the diet of the sick and wounded soldiers are entitled topeiisions. I'uder the m i's provisions Assistant Secretary Reynolds holds I hese persons are entitled to pensions. The Collector of Ciislonis at F.I Paso, Tex., has been instructed by Assistant Secretary Spiiulding to discontinue at. once the practice of admitting sulphides o silver from Mexico without, consular invoice and in future not to admit silver bullion from Mexico exceeding $10(1 in value, alleged to be imported as money, unless accompanied bv consular invoice, unless the bullion is sliown by the ship pel ' declural ion, made before the con sular olliri r at the port of shipment, to be forwarded as money or the medium of exchange at a llxed value per ounce, and not ui merchandise. Tin y are after fraudulent pensioners, A list .comprising t lie names of a number of pensioners recommeiidi'd by Commis sioner Fochieli to be dropped from the pension rolls has been handed to Secre tary I loke Smith, and In has approved the recommendations. has been foiind upon investigation by the pension bu reau that the persons named are for va rious reasons not entitled to draw pen sions, The work of examining the rolls with a view to the detection of fraud will be prosecuted with vigor, and at the name t ime the current issues w ill be care fully Si iut inied with the same object. Secretary Smith and Commissioner lochreu while prosecuting this work re new the a-siiraiices previously given that just us much care will be exercised to secure pensions for those who are enti tled to them under the law as will be used to prevent fraud. AlloriicV-t ielierul (tlnev has decided that the appropriations made by the act of Congress approved August 5, in uid of i he World's Fair, including the appropriation for the government ex hibit, ari' us available now as before the decision of the Circuit Court of Appeals periiiain iitlv opening the World's Fair Sundays, with t lie single exception that no more uion v ought to be paid the Il linois corpora tiou Known as the World's Columbian KxpoMtion. The grounds for the opinion are that Congress meant that the exposition as a whole should In closed Sunday. It did not, however, un dertake to puss a law to that elt'ect, but contented itself with making certain ap propriations conditional, not iihiii the tact of Sunday-closing, but upon the Illinois rorporution agreeing to the proposition of Sunday-closing, so that regulations to that cll'i ct might be made by the government. Representatives of the World's Columbian Commission, the Illinois corporation, did agree to the proposition. Proper rules were made by the Columbian Commission, and the condition upon which the appropriations referred to were made must be regarded as fullv satisfied. CHICAGO EXPOSITION. Five days, beginning with October 20, have been designated as Veterans' day at the fair. The New York Sun informs a corre spondent that it requires $2,000 and three months' time to see the World's Fair. Not many New Yorkers can all'ord to go West on those terms. The postollice on the World's Fair grounds at Chicago will be left open Sunday hereafter for the purpose of giving the needed mail facilities. This must be regarded as a concession on the part of the government, as the working postollice on the fair grounds has always been maintained as a part of the exhibit of 1111' Postollice Department and is therefore a part of the government exhibit. The World's Fair officials authorize the statement that there is no truth in the report that the government has determined to pay out the $750,000 reserve belonging to the exposition from tlie United States appropriation. How the report that t he government intended to issue this money in souvenir coins, thus practically throwing them on the market, started the officials do not know, but it is authoritatively denied. J. C. Royd, "the Oregon colonizer," lias brought suit for $2,000 damages against F. W. Allen of Portland for libel and defamation of character. In Illinois conviction might mean impris onment for one year. Royd alleges that Allen wrote a letter to Dr.' J. Cuy Lewis, superintendent of Oregon's exhibits, charging Him uyu; Willi ooiuining money fraudulently in New Orleans. Tl. In ..i,mf it. iu hHi'itim!. whs circulated illl.' IVJ'V. 11 .V J . f, - around the horticultural building, caus- ing great damage to ino ousiness ami reputation of Royd. There promises to be a lively legal skirmish. Unless the unexpected should happen, there will be a dairy exhibit at the World's Fair this month. This an nouncement, which was issued by Chief Ruc.hanan of the department ot agri culture was received with thanksgiving by some 1,500 exhibitors, who for the past two months have been compelled to submit to exasperating delays and linaneial losses by the failure of tlie ex position company to furnish facilities for displaying their products. The chief cause of complaint was tho absence of any kind of refrigerator service, and the promise is now made that this matter will bo rectified at once. KASTKItN MELANGE. fiianfily ami Quality of flu; Texas Wheat Crop. TIIK TRUST LAW OF ILLINOIS. Colored Successor to Father Mollin Ifcr Per for in I n if Miracles In the Way of Cures. St. Paul, Minn., claims a jsmulation of 225,000. Chinch bugs are doing great damage to the Kansas w heat crop. The Statu of Texas has won a suit to recover lands grabbed by ruilroads. The woman sullragists of Kansas have raised a campaign fund of (V),000. Maine towns this year have Paid a bounty of $5 each on thirty-two bears. The St. Ixjuis health officers have lie gun to inspect emigrants arriving in the city. .Iii-t before it adjourned the Illinois legislature passed a very radical anti trust bill. Thirty-two sites are ollered for the new Philadelphia mint at prices ranging from $1 to $0U0,XI0. A telephone line .'',500 miles long is planned in Canada to connect Halifax with Vancouver, Dr. Krnest Mart, the London sanitary expert, says that Chicago's water is bad and may cause trouble. The w omen of Kansas, who are to open their campaign for sull'rage in September next, are already ulield. A plot of ground was sold in Chicago the other day for $400,000, which was purchased in lH5i for $8,500. nutwood, Mich., has such an epidemic of typhoid fever that the public build ings have been made hospitals. Ry a recent order of the authorities of Carthage, III., courting has lieen forbid den in the public parks of that place. (ieorge Vanderbilt has purchased 20, 000 acres of land in North Carolina, w ith a view of making it a game pre serve. Lieutenant- iovcrnor Percy Daniels, Populist, of Kansas has a scheme by which no one will be taxed but million aires. A New York printer has been sen tenced to a year in State Priso and lined $1,000 for printing green-goods circulars. The big Chicago telescope w ill be ap proximately til feet long and 4 feet in diameter, and the dome will be 70 feet in diameter. The Kansas Railroad Commissioners are going to compel u wholesale reform in freight charges on the part of the roads in that State. It is claimed that there is now due the government in royalties for coal mined on government funds in Kansas from $500,000 to $WO,000. The widow of one of the Italians lynched at New Orleans tried to bring suit as an alien, but the courts decided that she w as an American. Southern papers sav that the machine cotton-picker is a success, and that in many districts that commodity can now lie raised at a cost of 2la cents a pound. A company has just been formed in Oklahoma to' develop the immense beds of asphaltutn recently discovered near .1... 1 ..I I I., M. .,,,,( fa n tl,.i r'l,i',.l-n Llll; HUlll!VH. Villi lllU.O VII HIV VlUllM saw reservation. The World's Labor Congress at Chicago, August 20 to September 4, will conclude with what is proposed to be the greatest labor demonstration ever seen in America. Charles T. Yerkes, the Chicago cable railway magnate, has commenced the building of a brownstone mansion which is to cost $1,500,000. Mrs. Yerkes' room is to cost $;S0,000. The Berry trust law in Illinois, it is stated, will enable the Attorney-General to break up the passenger and freight associations now controlling and lixing rates to and from Chicago. Secretary Carlisle has issued a circular requesting' Collectors of Customs to ex ercise more care in the selection of sub ordinates. This notice has been called forth by the Puget Sound scandal. The rain-making experiments in Kan sas have resulted in the death of a Captain of the Kansas National Guard and tho serious injury of two men through the bursting, of the cannon employed in the experiments. "Victory" monument designed by Casper Buberl, which is to be erected bv the State of New York to her dead heroes on the battle field of Gettysburg, measures from base to top 96 feet. The figure is 13 feet t) inches high. " Brother" Pay, the colored successor of Father Mollinger at rittsburg, is said to be performing miracles in the way of cures equal to those claimed to have been performed by fattier Mollinger. Dav is a full-blooded negro, but his auditors are nearly all white. The cures are mostly by faith. An underground electrical railway svstem, which was successfully tried at Coney Island recently, and which, it is claimed, can be operated at less cost than the trolley, is further said to be "free from the objectionable overhead wire and the attending danger to life A. W. Glover of Windsor Locks, Wis., claims to have discovered in the founda tions of an old foundry a stone covered with hieroglyphics, supposed to be of Indian origin, tliougn no one versed in Indian lore can decipner tiiem. UUSINF.SS RRKVITIKS. Thirty million dollars worth of ready made clothing is produced in Paris yearly. Coal that is sold for HO rents a ton is mined in large quantities in Ix:banon county, Pa. New York has a population of work ing women reaching in round figures to aliout .'500,000. Another lionanza lsb) of silver with ore worth $.'1,000,000 in sight is reported at Chihuahua, Steps have been taken for a general reduction in the force of employes of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. Last year only 4,i:!:!,000 hogs were killed in the West for parking the low est figures in twenty-two years. In Great Britain the daily rost of a la!)rcr's fid is 45 per rent of his wages; in the United States ,'i.'5 per cent. Thirty firms in Pittsburg each do a business of over $1,0I0, 000 a year, Car negie leading with nearly $10,000,000. In Manchuria dogs are raised for their skins. A fairly prosperous Manchurian dog farmer w ill own a thousand or more dogs. German v has one postofficc to every 1,774 inhabitants. In proportion to jsjp ulation the United States has twice as many. There are sixty-four steamers doing excursion business out of Chicago this summer, but so far none has made ex penses. According to Bradstreet's the income of American life insurance companies rose from $0,450,000 in 1H01 to $1011,000,- 000 in 1885. B. W. Jones, Secretary of the South Georgia Pear Growers' Association, says the yield in that section this year w ill be over 20,000 barrels. An Knglish watchmaker exhibits an engine of 122 distinct pieces (not includ ing thirtv-three twits and screws) which could be hidden in a lady's thimble. A new cigarette machine has been in vented by a man in Winston, N'.C.that, it is said, will feed, roll, paste and make 10,0)K) perfect cigarettes in ten hours. An electrically driven rotary planer that is operated like a lawn mower is used in some of the ship yards in Glas gow for smoothing the decks of vessels. And now comes a project to build a six-track railroad on the viaduct plan from .New lork city forty miles north, to cost $:!5,500,000, right of wav $75,000,- 000. A society of ladies is forming in Lon don for the adoption of day servants, who w ill come into the house bv the dav only and return at night to their own homes. In Bengal, India, there are three har vests reaped every year; peas and oil seeds in April, the early rice crop in September and tlie great rice crop in December. Most of the transportation in Havana, Cuba, is furnished by little horses bitched to a victoria. There are 3,000 of those rigs in that city and but one horse-car line. In the central part of the State of New York over 15,000 people are engaged in the cultivation of more than 20,000 acres of grapes, which produce annually from 40,000 to 50,000 tons. In its manufacture the knife is han dled by seventy dill'erent artisans from the moment tlie blade is lorged until the instrument is finished and smoothly wrapped up for the market. Practically all cheap paper is which wholly or in part from wood pulp which comes from the forests of Maine, the Adirondacks and Pennsylvania. Wood pulp was first made from poplar trees altogether, but spruce makes a stronger and better stock. PURELY PERSONAL. Tho Czar has sent as a present to the Pope two superb vases, each eight feet in height, with pedestals of jasper. William Waldorf Astor has been elected a member of the Marlborough Club of London on the proposal of the Prince of ales. Dr. Dele van Bloodgood, U. S. N., who became widely known on account of his striking resemblance to the late James G. Blaine, is to be retired in August. Mrs. Proctor, widow of the late Rich ard A. Proctor, the famous astronomer, and the principal assistant in his profes sional work, has been appointed curator of tho Proctor University at San Diego, Cal. Captain Soufilot, who died in Faris the other day, was the nephew of the architect who" built the Pantheon, and enlisted in 1810 at the age of 17. He was made a commander of the Legion oj Honor last year. Charles W. Dayton, the new postmas ter nf Xnt York, is th nrineinal owner of the Harlem Reporter, a society jour nal. He is also what is more impor tanta member of Tammany and an . i x T l intimate menu, oi cecrei-ary i.aiiioin. Prof. T. K. Cheyne, the eminent Bib lical scholar of Oxford, has the sight of only one eye, and he cannot use that ex cept in natural light. And yet he has written a large number of books requir ing an immense amount of original in vestigation. It is not generally known that a brother survives Edwin Booth. He is Dr. Joseph A. Booth, who was born in Baltimore and studied medicine at the South Carolina Medical College at Charleston. He is at present practicing his profession and lecturing on surgery in New York. Wee Hun Tenk, the rich Arizona mi ner, has sold out his interests in that Territory, and is going to South Africa. Three years ago this enterprising China man was cook in a mining camp ; now he is a millionaire and the husband of an American wife. FOREIGN FLASHES. Revenue Returns of New South Wales for May. A VERY OBJECTIONABLE CRANK. The Accomplice of the Notorious Murderer Eyraud Receiving Ofl'erH of Marriage. The Thames river is at tho lowest ever known. Cholera lias appeared among the pil grims at Jeddah. The present British Parliament has among its members sixteen brewers. English holders of Argentine bonds have accepted the Rothschilds' compro mise. A German physician has revived the apple treatment for the cure of in ebriates, A postal reform under the manage ment of Europeans is to be inaugurated in India. Consul-General Collins at London is alert in trying to prevent the importa tion of cholera. The scarlet fever epidemic of last winter in London has revived with in creased virulence. The town of Schneidmehul, Posen, Germany, is slowly sinking into the workings of a colliery. The London City Council want to spend $3,750,000 on new buildings for their official occupancy. The French government will ask the Deputies for a loan of $1,000,000 to help drought-stricken farmers. The Berlin correspondents of the IiOndon News and London Standard say the army bill will surely be passed. Germany is looking for Russia to open a commercial war against her, owing to the failure recently of a proposed com mercial treaty. Herr Liebknecht, the Social Demo cratic leader of Germany, favors a mi litia system in place of the present standing army. A number of German army officers are to visit the United States for the purpose of studying the immense sys tem of railways. French paupers are provided for by the funds arising from a 10 per cent tax on theater tickets. The tax averages $10,500,000 a year. Three lots on the corner of Oxford street and Oxford circus, London.brought at auction the other day a price equal to $llo a square toot. The Czar has officially thanked the Commissioners who negotiated the extradition treaty between Russia and the Lnited States. The Queen has decided that there shall be ten bridesmaids at the roval wedding, and that they shall all be her own grandchildren. , A new cruiser to be called Minerva and to cost $2,000,000 is to be built for the British navy, and its construction will be begun at once. The attention of the British House of Lords has been directed to the increas ing danger of navigation in the Red Sea, owing to the absence of lights. On many of the railways in Germany the practice of starting locomotive fires with gas instead of wood has been adopted, and proves economical H. L. WTilliams, United States In spector of Emigrants at Liverpool, is being denounced in the local press for the undue severity of his methods. The London Times savs there are fresh rumors of trade failures in Aus tralasia and the banks there do not want to send gold back to England. Mrs. Langtry and the Duchess of Montrose have joined John Strange Winter's No Crinoline League. The league now numbers 11,000 members. Sixty-thousand Italian ladies, led by the flower of the aristocracy of Rome, are petitioning the Chamber against divorce, which they contend is an onset against refigion. Endeavors are being made to realize the contemplated Scandinavian exhibi tion, which lias been discussed a good deal the last year or two, in Stockholm in tlie year 1800. Only four prominent Australian banks are solvent at the present time, and in the failure of the fourteen or more banks in that country England lost about $130,000,000. There have been set on foot in Glas gow an association for the protection of uninsured depositors in Australian banks, and one for the protection of insured depositors. The revenue returns of New South Wales for May show a decrease of 120,- 000 as compared with May, 1802. Cus toms returns for May fell off 50,000, and railway receips 30,000. An experimental boring made by the n : ; i. , t.!i : l- carried to the depth of a mile and quarter, and is stul progressing. The plague of locusts in Algeria is so phenomenal that a moving train was recently delayed for two hours, the engine being powerless to drag the car riages through the bed ot insects. The Chinese government appears to be awakening to the fact that the rapid increase in the sale of Indian teas in Europe may be due in part to causes for which the Cmnese growers are respon si ble. THE FLYING YEAR3. At a flri'am wla-n ninlit la dons. An a shallow Ilccn tlie tain, An a !iip whose white sails skim Over the horizon dim. An a life complete of days Vanlshoth from mortal ways, An a hope thai pales to fear In the dying of the year. An the first Kold shaft of ll(ht fchlver through the wreck of night, An the thrill and stir that bring Promise of the budding upriiiK, An new thoaichtaof life that ris Mirrored In a nick man's eyes. An utranice Joy to hearts forlorn (so another year is born. Olad or ad. a dwindling span Is tho little life of man. Ixive and hope and work, and tar Kly before the .''jln yars. Yet shall tremulous hearts grow bold All the story Is not told i or around us as a sea fipreada God's great eternity. Christian Burke. Ra Took Too .Muc h. One day a tmart younjr fellow with shiny shoes, a new hat and checker board trousers boarded a street car in a west ern city, and stepped to the front plat form. He pulled out a twist of paper and lighted it, and began puffing a con centrated essence of vile odors into the faces of those who were obliged to ride npon the platform if they rode at all. One, a plain old farmer, couldn't stand it, and stepped off to wait for the next car. When he reached the station the young fellow was there before him, and it hap pened that the two met at the restan tant counter. "Got any sandwiches!" called ths young man to the waiter. "Here, gimme one, and he tossed out a nickel, ana then proceeded to pick up and pull apart every one of the half dozen sandwiches on the plate before he found one to suit him. The farmer, who had been waiting for his turn, drew back in disgust. Fi nally he found something which the fin gers of another had not fouled, and presently followed the lond young man to the car. He fonnd i vj; y seat occu pied, including the half of one on which were piled the young mans gripsack and overcat. "Is this seat taken?' he ventured to inquire. "Seat's engaged," was the curt an swer, with a look meant to squelch the old farmer, who went into the smoking car. That afternoon the same young man walked into the office of the governor of the state, armed with recommendations and indorsements, an applicant for a po sition under the state government. He was confronted by the same plain old fanner, who recognized his traveling companion of the morning without any trouble. Glancing over his papers, the governor said, "H m, yes; you want me to ap point you to so-and-so. If I should, 1 guess I might as well write my own res ignation at the same time." "WTh why so?" stammered the young fellow. "Because I saw you pay for a street car ride this morning and you took the platform of the car. You bought a sand wich and spoiled the plateful. You paid for a seat in the train and took nine. too, and if I should give you this place, how do I know that you would not take the whole administration?" Youth'g Companion. Be Would Not Smoke. The Sardinian peasants are fond of a joke, if their jokes are not always of the keenest. Here ia a story, modern at least in its present form, of the taming of a shrew. It is entitled "The Girl Who Did Not Like Smoke:" There was once a priest who had a niece who was resolved not to marry. Often she was asked, but she would not listen, for she had got it into her head that she would not have a man who smoked. Finally a young fellow came and asked for her hand. Her uncle said to him, "Do you smoke?" Yes, sir, he replied. "Then my niece will refuse you, for she will not have any one who smokes." But the suitor said: "Is that all? I'll let the smoking alone." The uncle called his niece. She said yes, and they were married. In the evening of the day they were married the bridegroom, without saying a syllable to his wife, went off to bed and was soon fast asleep. And in the same way every day when he came home he never spoke, but went straight to bed without taking any notice of her. She thought this conduct strange, and began to fret and pine. Her uncle said to her one day: "What is the matter that you are always sad? Does he ill treat you?" "No, he doesn't ill treat me; but when he comes home at night he never speaks, but goes to bed and sleeps. In fact, when he is in the house he never utters a word to me." Then the uncle spoke to the husband: "What is the matter, my son? Are you not satisfied with my niece?" "Oh, yes, uncle," answered he, "but somehow, when I don't smoke, I cannot keep my eyes open." When the old man repeated this to the bride 6he said, "If that's it he shall smoke." And from that time she was never satisfied when he had the pipe out of his mouth. Gentleman's Magazine. Crossing Tehuantepec. The Tehuantepec railway in Mexico, which will connect the gulf with the Pacific coast, is nea-ly completed. It is expected that the Pacific Mail Steamship company will use this line for transshipment across the isthmus. 1