The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 08, 1893, Image 4

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If vou want cake, biscuit and
bread that arc superior in lightness,
sweetness, and delicious flavor, you
can have them only by using
, v ? 5o?.o jc5?. 5 5 5? !
Raising Water In London Dork.
In lieu of incurring the immense ex
pense of excavating the London docks to
accommodate the increased size given to
modern ships, large pumping engines
have now been set np, and the water in
the docks is raised by this means. Some
idea of the demands upon these engines
can be had from the size of the docks,
one of which has nn area of nearly ten
acres, the pumps which raise the water
having a capacity of CSo tons per miuut
and raising the water level five feet in
one a half hours.
Centrifugal pumps of superb work
manship are employed, driven direct by
compound tandem engines, and the power
of these pumps is evident from the fact
that the inlet orifices to the main pumps
are fifty-four inches in diameter, and,
when worked together, the three pumps
have a capacity to raise 57,600,000 gal
lons of water in five hours, against an
average head of ten feet. The pumps
are arranged to be worked separately
and independently or together, as de
sired, and the engines are supplied with
Eteam at a hundred pounds pressure by
powerful boilers. New York Sun.
The Bis Kimberley Mine.
No pen can adequately describe tha
appearance of the Kimberley mine. It is
the largest hole made by man, and in the
shortest space of time, for the incentive
to work was there the diamond. A.
spectator standing on the edge looks
down and sees men at work looking like
ants in size, and during the blasting
hours he can in perfect safety witness
the explosion of thousands of pounds of
dynamite and note the rending of masses
of blue and rock, which would fall far
below him.
As an honor to the late "Chinese Gor
don" when he visited the mines, the
writer saw the Kimberley mine illumin
ated at night with thousands of impro
vised lamps, assisted with colored tires
and displays of fireworks. The weird
effect produced was grand, for the eye
could not properly measure distance at
night, and the twinkling lamps but
served to heighten the effect. Engineer
ing Magazine.
The Crude Scarecrow.
The old clothes scarecrow in its crude
state is merely a wooden cross over
which is drawn a tattered coat. Usual
ly about half of each sleeve's length dan
gles over the end of the short arm, lend
ing an aspect of lassitude that is height
ened by the tipsy imitation, either given
to, or speedily acquired by, the cross.
You never saw a scarecrow standing
bolt upright. An old hat slouched reck
lessly above the coat, never fails to give
an air of demoralization to the figure.
ITClLUfO PILES known by lnolitur
It Ice perspiratia, cauae intenje itcbln
when warm. This form and
which acta directly on parts srfecteoV
absorbs tumors, allays itching-, effecttna
apermamentcure. Price Goc. DrucfflsU
CrmaU. Pr. goaanko, Philadelphia, 8a.
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
FRANK WOOLSEY, Agent, Portland. Or.
Tho reliable Female Roifulating
Fill, quickly correct oil ir-
regularities ana toe
distressing symp
toms Bonn
lent of the
fiRfn. Rlire-anff
reliable. Klinfe nnv
paid on reeelnt of nni-m
ft 1 per box. 6 boxes for fe.
SIumfobdCo., Box 695, Seattle, Wn.
B. F. Johnson & Co., Richmond, Va.
IRON JZDS, $6.00.
Fins Bedding,
Hair Mattresses,
Floss Mattresses,
Wire Mattresses.
Scud for Catalogue.
- and Pillows.
21 New Montgomery Br.
San Francisco. Cal.
ER. Leadin? Jew
eler tl the Paclfte
Northwest, keeps
large stock of all ;
BADGES on handj
joesi gooas at low-
est figures. Badge
made to order.
N. P. N. U. No. 499 S. F. N. U. No. 67S
Yc recommend the Royal Baking
Powder as superior to all others.
It is indispensable for finest food.
I'nittJ Cvis aJ Pastry Civks Assi'n
ftht Vnitid SUt.-s.
Constlmtlou am! Insanity.
It is now generally admitted that con
stipatiou is productive of serious disor
ders, that it aggravates other ailments,
increases the susceptibility of the system
to infectious diseases and produces
state of general physical disturbance,
The nervous system is especially affected,
and it must be remembered that the
nervous centers are in the brain.
The deleterious effects of constipation
wero formerly explained by the pressure
of the hardened mass on the blood ves
sels and nerves of the intestines. But a
different view is now taken. It is be
tiered that they are due to powerful
poisons, which have been proved to bo
developed in the process of incipient de
There is reason to believe that extreme
cases of constipation may result iu in
sanity. In some of the worst cases of
constipation there is a free passage
through the compact mass, the latter
adhering in thick layers to the walls of
the intestines, while the patient has no
suspicion of his real condition.
That grave diseases do not oftener re
sult from constipation is due to the con
stant use of cathartics on the part of
those affected. But such use is itself in
1 jurious. The true course is to establish
j habits that will effectually remove the
tendency to constipation. The muscular
vigor of the intestines needs to bo in
creased by invigorating the muscular
system generally with proper outdoor
exercise. Youth s Companion.
Laplace and Arago.
Laplace was a rather small man, with
a white necktie, looking very like a par
son, though he was reputed to be an
atheist, as indeed was the case. He was
then very old, and used an old man's
privilege, retiring to bed about 9 o'clock.
Arago was a fine looking man, with a
very fine looking wife, and a stanch Re
publican. Laplace, on the contrary, was
weak, and always shifting his politics
according to the time. This led at last
to such a quarrel between him and
Arago that it was not usual for persons
to attend the soirees of both.
When Laplace was near his end Arago
saw a man at his own soiree who usually
went to his rival's, and remarked, "Ah!
he sees old Laplace is going and so he
has come to me." It was usual for a
visitor, when once introduced, to go
regularly, and it was considered rude to
cut many soirees consecutively. La
place gave only tea and coffee.but Cuvier,
after his soiree was over, would sit down
with a few friends to tea and apple pie.
Sedwick's Letters.
A Conductor' Poser.
A Chinaman boarded a Market street
car and handed the conductor a five cent
piece. That official rang up a fare on
the register and, while making change
for another passenger, put the China-
mans nickel in his mouth. In going
around the curve by the public buildings
the car gave a lurch and the conductor
swallowed the coin. The fact of what
the result might be to his digestion didn't
seem to trouble him so much as being
short in his cash. His first move was to
put the Celestial off the car, but the fare
had already been registered and he spent
the remainder of the trip in trying to
figure whether he was five cents out or
five cent3 in, or both. Philadelphia
What Spectacles Have Done.
Eyeglasses are commonly ground with
equal convexity on both sides. The ma
terial for their manufacture ia both
glass and a kind of stone called Brazilian
pebble. It is really a rock crystal of
Tery fine quality and does not resemble a
"pebble" in any particular. Spectacles
have alleviated more misery than all
other human agencies, because there is
no sorrow equal to that caused by im
paired sight. St. Louis Republic. "
Income of Two Authors.
Victor Hugo sold one of his earliest
novels for 300 francs, or sixty dollars,
and for "Les Miserables," forty years
later, received f 100,000. Archibald Cov
ering Gunter, a New York author, whose
first works not only did not bring sixty
dollars, but were actually rejected, has
received, so far, from his sales of "Mr.
Potter of Texas," which might be said to
be his "Les Miserables," $115,000. New
York Advertiser.
Jennie (gushingly) Have you
seen the Uatskills in September?
Oldboye (slightly deaf) I kill 'em all
the year round, miss. They die just aa
easy 4ufiru8t as ia September.-
An Illustration of Hon .anting the Aff
(Ion of a Canine May ls
"An instance- of animal iitl'evtiou
ennio to my notice two yoars ago,
Kiiul Aqmlla I loiselmiaii, instructor
of physics in the University of Kan
sas. "It was on the occasion of Pros
ident Jordan's leaving the ntato uni
versity of Indiana, where I wjw thci
n student, to assume the presidency
of the Inland Stanford university at
Pasadena, Cal. While president of
the Indiana university lr. Jordan ko
rutvtl a tine St. lernard pup and took
good care to raise it properlw Tin1
dog soon became proticient in many
ways under the tutelage of Pr, Jor
dan and seemed fairly to worship it
master. Nightly the dog could bo
seen in the Hlooniiiigton postotViee
waiting its turn when the mail for
the president would 1h handed on
inclosed in a leathern pouch. With
this touch the dog would trot awav
toward the residence of the prvsi
dent, and wito to any ono who nt
tempted to bar its progress.
"Pr. Jordan on leaving presentee:
the dog to Professor Hoffman of the
college. At first the dog was disiu
dinotl to tart with his master, and
uiHtu meeting Pr. Jordan in the
street would turn away from Profess
or iioiinian ana tonow alter, nemo
driven away once or twice, however,
it made no further attempts at fol
lowing him. On the invasion of the
doctor's departure Professor Hoff
man, along with the other mem
bers of the faculty, went to the
depot. The dog journeyed with him
It was hero that Pr. Jordan stooiHt'
and patted the dog on the head and
then entered tho cars. The doe
watched wistfully for the reappear
mice of tho good doctor, but in vain.
"boon alter this Professor HotT
man noticed that his dog was ubseut
at a certain period in the day. The
operator at the depot also noticed the
daily visits of the dog to the station
on the arrival and departure of the 2
p. in. train. Iieing informed as to
whom the dog belonged he sent
word, and Professor Hoffman next
day watched tho strange sight. The
dog came, expecting the return of its
former master, and waited jiatiently
for the approach of the train. As
tho train neared the depot, it would
prick up its ears and observe tho nr
rivals. It was only when tho train
hail Missed out of sight that tho dog
would depart. It was really a touch
ing scene and shows tho depth of an
nual nfiection, ' St. Lotus Glole
The Last Day of KorltiKki.
Kosciusko, wounded and made
prisoner at tho battle of Maciejowice,
was kept two years in the prisons of
bt. Petersburg, and, amnestied by
Czar Paul I, went first to England,
thenco to Italy and then to Paris.
Here ho struck great friendship with
the chargo d'affaires of tho Swiss
confederation, M. do Zeltner, and
finally went to live tho last years of
his life in his friend s houso at So
leta, where ho died on the 15th of
October, 1817. The heart of tho hoix
remained in tho icssession of Kos
ciusko's goddaughter, Mile, do Zelt
ner, and on her marriage with Count
Morosini passed into the keeping of
that family.
The descendants of those amonc
whom tho great Polish patriot passei
away protest most anxiously, and oc
the best authority, against the phrase
attributed to Kosciusko when falling
wounded on his last battlefield, "Finis
Poloniaj !" This exclamation was nev
er uttered by Kosciusko, who him
self refuted the legend, saying in his
last days, "These are the words of o
Belf conceited braggart, and as far
from my heart as they are from my
hopes." London Saturday Review.
Wanted to Send a Sample.
Now and then some neat little story
turns up in a telegraph office. Of
course every one is familiar with that
ot the lady who wrote a message to
her sister in a faraway city to the ef
fect that she could not match a certain
shade of blue silk, pinned a sample
to the blank, added the words, "This
is the nearest I can come to it," and
requested that sample, message and
all be sent at once by wire.
When the operator mildly suggest
ed that he was unable to transmit
the sample, she of course became an
gry and promptly denounced the man
and Professor Morse's invention as a
snare and a delusion. New York
A Sign and an Omen.
When a man goes into a "rapid
transit" lunchroom, selects a eeat
and leaves his hat in it as a notice
that he has staked out his claim, and
then returns with a cup of coffee in
one hand and a ham sandwich in the
other and sits down on the hat, it is
a sign that he is careless of his per
sonal appearance and regardless of
matters of dress. It is also a good
omen for the hatter. Exchange.
A Cranky Patient.
Doctor (to patient) I do not wish
to frighten you, but if you have no
objection I'd like to call in a couple of
my brother physicians.
Irascible Patient All right! If you
need any assistance in murdering me,
call in your accomplices. Texas Sift
ings. Chance For Display.
He What are these hairless dogg
good for?
She To cover up, of course.--New
York Weekly.
Mtiimmliiti Suli-ldx.
A youiiit niMirii'd iimii lit Ymiiwiiltr(
Paviuia, wntiuil lo tt ml out whothor IiIm
wifo lovtil Itim nn. I w i nt nlxnit tl In the
nuwt HViili,'ir way. IliiWng IiIn wife's lv
hi'IH'o lio nnaiip-il iHalilniu that was wvll
mlaptod (o Ktarllo lici-. On liix wifVa iv-
1 tn ii found tier luilanil otivtrlu'il nil
tatvntlv lifrloN upon llu littl. Ills fiu-e
covi-ivil with I'looil anil tlio fatal pistol l
Mill' 1 1 1 1 1 1 .
At In'!' fricx ami taiiu'titationi tlu tit'ltdi-
Inns tlufktil Into tin' Iuui.hc, heard tho
dtvadftil news and pilii-d tlu mutowIiik
willow. All at once, however, the dear,
lamented one upland from tint hed, clasped
his despairing w ile in his ai un and wild;
"Here yon have tno ii;tnin. I nm not dead.
I only waiitid to Nee If you would weep
when I had pine." In order to produce this
t'll'cet he had tiesunaied his faeo with the
julreof heet l oot , laid I lio pistol henide
him and awaited the return of hi wife
with closed evesaud open mouth.
Millluae, San Mateo eouiitv, t'al. N'utn
her of pupils limited. A Urst eluss home
school lor hoys. Accredited at the Slate
I' nivenuty oi theStanloid I'ntversity. I''iill
term opens August 1. Catalogue on nppli
catioii to 1 1 a (i. limit, Ph. I , MaMcr ( Kx-
Mate Superintendent ol t'uhlio ltmtruo
I'.n't You iilnnyi miv my tules mul lulln.!s
Ht-c too I. 'UK, I'lll lint do yon ihmk of my tils
lu lls? Kililor- .lust the hiiiiiv tliey re too
To secure a normal and regular tissue
rtinugo throughout tho hodv use 1hn-
PKKru't) 1'n. I h. This tissue mc tiuuorphositi
consists in constantly proceeding waste of
tissue and its regeneration. IIiumiiikvu'h
Pii.ih are the hest solvent of the products
of disintegration of the ti-sues, and in
crease their elasticity. They tire an altera
tive and elitninatiTe reined v, which allav
irritation and remove ohstructloii hv niil-
ing nature, and tire of great henetit incases
ot temporary and haoitual constipation,
torptil liver, oiliousuess, headache, Indi
gestion, rheumatism and diseases arising
Irom an impure state ol the Wood.
ltiUM'RKiu's 1'u.i.k are luirelv vegetahle.
ahsolutelv harmless nnd sale to take at any
He What n clniriiiiui; young woiiinn! She
sin-nks on everv itin- it h ciuttl t-Hse. She A
mutter ot iiiMMMii, my ilcRr. Her Kminlliilhcr
s a 1'iirtier.
We ponltlvely euro rupture, plum tint nil reo
Ul dlsenm-i without psHi or detention from bunt-
tii'M. No cure, no nay. Also nil Private din
maun. Addremi for rainphlet Dm. Porlortleld t
Luw.y, 8.18 Market alreet, Sau Kraitclsco.
A inan doesn't neccssarllv liave to he a first-
class athlete III order to play a strong game of
-ps. and
60c ta,, and
tl.OOper Bottle,
One cent a dose.
TlftU GREAT Connn Cmm Dromntlv ciircji
wuito uii timers mil, touena, croup, sore
Throat, Hoarseneaa, Whooping Cough ami
Aauima. i-or lomumpttcn It dm no rivul;
baa cured thouaandi, and will CURB Totj If
taken in time. Hold by IlniKglflta on a guar
antee. For a Lame Hn;k or Cheat, use
Have you Cuturrli? Thin remedy is (nmran.
teed to cure you. I'rico.&Uct. Injector tre.
" For two years I suffered terribly
with stomach trouble, and was for
all that time under treatment by a
physician. He finally, after trying
everything, said my stomach was
worn out, and that I would have to
cease eating solid food. On the rec
ommendation of a friend I procured
a bottle of August Flower. Itseem
ed to do me good at once. I gained
strength and flesh rapidly. I feel
now like a new man, and consider
that August Flower has cured me."
Jas. E. Dederick, Saugerties, N.Y.8
ConanmptlTe and people
wbojiavo weak lumrnor Asth
ma, Bliould uso I'lso's Cure for
Conaumptloo. It bus cared
thonaumla. It hna not Injur
ed one. It is not had to lake.
ltiBtbe beatcouKbayrup.
'ijwuorij. tac t
A treiiiMlim liiiihl, nn uncertain tet, llduetl
hem, liiillciiteil hy rest lean idilltltiK from on
place or posture to another, usually mental an
lioyance ut unexpected muses, aie among the
Imllcalloiis nt I'Mri'inc nervousiiiss. these
seem trill I ug, hut the health of men ami women
III Oils condition In Mechlcdlv shaky," llal'le
to lie oveithron u dUiistnnisiy hv ciiu-es w hli-h
Hie vigorous might dcly. To (ot Illy I lie ner
vous nystt-m geiieuil vigor must , t hi oug h the
medium ot rcitifoiccd iligcslloii ami a ii-nenal
of an impalii d i-ouer of sli-et lug at iilulil.l'c
ralrcd to a healthful Ntnmlanl A guarantee of
this Is Hosteller's Sliiinin h Hitlers, Which re-i-slahlishes
dlnestlon, Idle sci-iidlon and the
luil. Ii ol hod y on a pcruiancutlv n nulnr luisls,
thus itiicu ng that hodilv eipilllhiium. hh-li
Is followed hy a ga u of trenmh and nerve
I in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - I or kidney complaint, rhcuma
I Is nt, ueu it Ik la. and a a pi event I ve of the Ural
attack or siilisi'iinent return ol malarial dlsor
deis, this uiidhine in ttholil a peer, 'Ihrlce
dully take a lucgla-lul.
"What did she ee ahoiit old IMicats to nt tract
Uerr ' "Ile Is hall dead."
There Is inure catarrh In this scclloii of the
oimtrv than all other ilUi-asc. mil leuether.
and until Hie la-l few years was siipposi-it to he
liii'iltaoic, or a gieat liiauv venrn doctors ero-
uouiiccd II a local disease ami hn-scilU-d lot al
remedies, mid hy constantly fallliut locuie with
local treatment pronounced I ncurahlc. Nch
ern e lias proven catarrh to he it constitutional
disease, ami tln icloie reoiures constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh t un-, niauufactiircd
hy l ,1. Cheney Co , Toledo, Ohio, Is the only
constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken
Internally III doses Irnin ten drons in a leaseoon
nn. it acts iiircctly on the li nod and mucoiia
surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred
dollars for any case it lulls to cure. Send for
circulars and tcsttimuilats Address
V. J. CIIKNKV .V I'M, Toledo, O
W Hold hy druggists; 7,i cents.
Try Okiimka for break fast.
r'rrd T. Merrill, the Pliini-er llleyehi Penler of llils
least He Is rellahle. W ills him - I'onluml. i
Hood's' Cures
"My trouh'o In-iaii with laflaiuiantory rheu-
uiatlsiu lu my hft let nlsivo thu kuetf. At
result of poultleliiK i
running ioro formed,
ml 1 was lu n terrlhlc
condition, liikbotitill
inonthi my physician
n-mnvid piece ol
Is. tie, I nil the time mil
ferlug gnat pa III. 1
could lU't mnnd on m
leg nml win oldlged t
Mr. Iliiuer. walk wlttl eriitch. I
ts'ilght half a do. n Isittlea of Ihsal fnrp
rllla, and ou after 1 k-Kh taking tt the toit
topped dlschnrKliii' nml healed up. I threw
way my cane and eruch and n walk in well
sever. All mv friends kimw how 1 tiled to
urfer and 1 am in thankful to
Hood's Sarsaparilla
lor tny perfect euro." I iuki.k . iiauks,
ii W. Tatrii k .street, Frederick, Mil.
Hood's Pills 'ur. M. k lleadacUc.
TT ! kr all lrM(( mis a ballla.
A specialty.
, Hcconil-
arr or 'lertlarr
PyphltU tH'rinaiientljr rured hi i.' toXiday. Yon
ran la treumd ni lioine for llio aaum prUo nii1 llxt
a:tme vuarunlerai wllh lhos, r ho prefer to eoimi
lk-ro wo w III torn rut t to euro I hem or refund money
rid ptijr exjwnseof i-otnlng. railroad taro nod hotel
hills, u wo not to cure, iryoii nuvfi laxi-n mri-
rury, Imltdft ituliish, nnd suit havo ni-lies nint
y illis, 1 iii-oua l'lileliea in mouth, Mire 'I'hroul,
lllilea,l'oi(er-l'ololed flltitta.l Ireraon atlf
earl of Urn hodr, llitlr or rvelirowa rolllitv
lout, l Is IhH Hvplillllln lli.OOl' I'OINOM
tlial we iiuoranlve to cure, wo solicit the most
obstlitaio raaea nml rliullenue ths tvrl4 for
n mar u r ruimitt cure. This til seas,i hna al war
hurtled this ahlll afthflS most rmlnrul ,hya.
rlona. !."., M) raeltnl h- hliel our I omtl-
llolutl irilaruntee. A haolulr irnfa sent settled on
neelletillon Addn-M KHIk iEI MI IlV CO.,
Ill K.I lu Muiinlc'lriiile,-lilu(a,iu.
write to IWLMKR it II K V
J)mLmA tab
Our t'liHtoniiT liiid out' iiint an eorxl. anil li lu.ii,. I, H f,. I 'rn.iv
! 86 W WriJffulJ 1"l1 ,mhL -,F
ror, imii.i, a us roit o.
11 ii W CI
Pfloore's Revealed Remedy.
AtfTOKIA. Obroon. Jannarr 10. I nan atntn iih .1.... t... .1
MAlirtM wheu the bcBt doctor I
The Pioneur Doalnr of the Pafilio CosiHt, M-ith
main store at 32(1 WtiHliinnton Htreot, hoIIh the
best and most reliable linichincsinatle in Amer
ica. Over (100 new and Hceond-liand Cvi-lcn for
Kale or tratle, cuhIi or on easy pavmentH.
hiin before you buy. r)2-paj,'e illiiHtrated
logue ireu lur ine iiKKinff.
Full Btoek of Bicycle Sundries ami Stiitw, and fine Kenair
t.IKK A TllthT IS
Till:' Mdltr, fon
iiiiiiIIoii comes.
ihr.hl cold, wiih your
sv'.lmn in lh Hi iT'fiil-
oiih condition nml
C.illM'd hv lllipill'il hliiod,
la eiioii;,li In fii'den It
upon you. Thnt is th
time when n...l.i--', and
delay ai u full of ilnngi-r.
t 'oiKUimptlon Is l.u'i-
Hcrofula. Yon can ptovent, It, and you can
cutci It, If you linvenT wailed t,i Imi, with
lr. I'leVce's llohleii Medical iis.-oei y, 'I'h it
U lh most potent l'h'd clean - c, hlien,;lh
IHMtoinr, nd lle.h Inulder I'.al s kicwii to
inedical wleliep. l'"or rvery di.oa.otiutl Inn
to Im reached tluoU-.h ll n hhaid, III," 'oil
sumption, for Horofulu In all lis f.u ins, Woalt
I.iiiiri, lliouchllis, Adlonii, mid all avrl.
llngeiTnit ('oitgha, it H !' "lily (uiiioiifcnj
tfintsly. If It disMl't I elll or cine, you
liuvw your money hack.
Tlio propileloia of Ih-. Huc.e'a falanh
Ileiilis.lT .nine that, lliolr luedlelne petfoctly
ml pelinnnenttv ciiit' t'ulinih lo pm
It to iou, they niako this oiler: If they cnt4
Mica our t nlan ii, no
Hint tor what.
la, fhey'lt pny you f.nW In,
- Kolt -
Rods, Roolti, Llnon, Hookti, Lnnctora.
rto., of tho Flnott Quality.
03 First St., Porilnnd, Or.
CWf Hum! fr mtivliiKiio.
fit fififns
In raiatnc famllr of him ntilti1rn, mr tmly rri
aUy ,,r t'.iutfha, C.iltU A'ul rroup waa moot, av rop II
! tuat aa efTtHjIK . I ,-tt r aa II wt.rlT yralMna-".
Now mr ratl,l"htl.r:j IW r lr. iI.iiiii'OIiiIi.m Hy r. t
wtllDll laalra1y proparo.! ait-l tu-ir'-i l'-Aaa-i' o tha
taala. H.iM avrrywlira !. l.,ot. wi ,.aioa.
Tao no aubatllviafur ik Tlioi.. , n.i:i..n4 aa "'d.
Tho Specific A No. I.
Crtraa. wlttimi' fli, all i nv, ..r ,irr
htris and 4-lrrl ho ti..,n,.' . r t, ...
stAiidln. lTt-Vi-ti. sirl. t o, i, u. . ., .
1,-iiiid r -1 n I . I i r, s , ...... , , .'f . i, ,. ,
has hilled
Id to
. M.MV!,, a
La ..'AXTT. a
i II I I- 1 1 1 1 : IIMK TO
order vour IM..K
l-'d I II.-. Vou uttut
the iu st t luil 's the
only kind
' il.-iil in,
on oi.l.-r
l;nl I ! IU
I'M MKll
k I ui; v,
'I hen
for il.e III.-T
and INK- lo
A 1(1 IU'
I'ollll fin, III-,
Wi1 lmvo for Halo clii';ii nn c:mv I, this:
1 new N-coliiiiiii folio or (i-i-i ti t n ti ijii:uto
Iniiu'ovi'tl (Country ( ';i i n ;l 1 1 'i sm. Also
1 now 'J-columii tolio or tl-colninn ii;iitn
Improved Country ('!tiiiil.c I're-M; l.uth
Complc'tO. AIh) 1 Hi collil-lldliil CutllllrV
Campbell Itchh; will print li-cluiiiii
iiuurto paper; i'h i;iiiiranteel to lie in per
fect COIIilitioil. TlieHC preHHes rtltl enxily
by Imnd; will do iili-roiiiid wm-l; ; hand
prcHHen or other machinery taken in part
. 1 I- , s
pitymeni. u i Ul) want a liartrain,
rYTK K'DHV, Poini.AM., On.
r -
could get did him uo good. Yourn in t'riitttuUo,
onto. a. v, cihiile,.
Shot), comtilcte will.