The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 24, 1893, Image 4

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    : vn ' 'AC
There are a
few people left
who still follow antiquated mcthinls of raising
bread, biscuit, c.iko and pastry with home-made
mixtures of what they suppose to be cream ot
tartar and soda, compounded haphazard,
but there are very few
The best housekeepers use the Royal Rikini;
Powder instead. Its scientific composition insures
uniform results. Hy its use alone can the finest
fiavorcd, most wholesome food be produced. Io
any housekeeper who has not used the Royal Hik
ing Powder we would like to send our Cook Nook.
fre Mark vour reciticst " l'or instruction.
your reqtic
Royal Baking: Powder Company,
106 Wall Street. New-York.
What If 1 tmiM furi'tlti'i-.
And tho wnlls i'f tl I'UiMlna Ktaiul
Lmui nfli'i' 1 ' Ii:nlli'ii
lty thrdiM'llor within llm land -I.iM'rt
iifltT tlio I'lilKlmiiK llrtvp rrnnihli-il
That worn t'omulod upon thu ml ml?
Whnt If I bulla fovotlioi
Ami llu' hiiiMtiw alu-'.tcrs ntc nut.
Ami vi tttilii llu- Imme I have bullili4
1 hliall limo no part it lot,
And thi lini'l'.on wlm tuivo tlirll homMthi'lu
Through h'i! tliucnliitll knovT mo nut?
Vit wlion thr yrum cliiill have fuili-d.
And N-neat'.i (tie runt Iiw'h alimla
Tlll ClllUllVll Of fcVIU'l lltUUH
III tluur i-hlUlUli iln lime liiy.l.
Ami Imw l'ii""'il finin tim'.rr tho rnof trw
Anil vanWnvl im,i i!u liiidt
Pomi ilHr'Irr honratli tln rinf troi
'l'lilnViin; "inn H " in'"',
iltiy , us IIh t!uin;ht. turn backward.
Uorpiii : i' i" it'w.
"1 lio hiiiUii'i' " ln lull It till' hullilinn
UniMi'd iH'llor than lio know."
Anil I, ttvuuli I' pniwd on want,
Hearing Ilio Mii"(or' imII,
Hay know, tlioiKli It may nut matter
To me what Hip buildm brfnll,
It Is N'tlor (o liavo bulltlt'il firuUur
Than noi to Iiiim- built nt All.
K. N. lintmi.ioii in IWun Trauavrlpt.
My wlfo l Jialnu of nu'h maid
1 worship In "' vonti.
Ami fvoiy ilolliir I mn paid
Vat thorn "ho ili'i'iim n oiino.
Ami though Ihnitich thorn 1 buy liartrowM,
Tny ilm-toiV lull mul if n t .
At lliolr fmr iiotliliiiiiii, h fruwni,
IlUpleaainti illro h vont.
On Uttlowi'iTt IM mjilnln-
Tivimlil wt lir ni'.nu rt't
But us 'I won M rvtnli-r lirr tH) vain
If olio but illinlT gmwJ-
TIikm tiiiiM" I lovo ffr Bontlil polf
ShimM li" mi" hli'il "f bUnrn,
Tor ovory om l Jii hi-rnolf,
Clloil bv nuotlirr tiitmo.
-K. 1 lii'iolrli k In lUrpr' Riwr.
I'UT to t r tairr
..ii ii.. ........ II... i.oolil.-n Hint Ih'M'I n wi"
hi inn i" - -
Cnolo Nahum IvlU Ailmitu Hi Injf Bera
Tni;lit Si-rlmi I.inon.
"Tlie brisrlitost uiiinls hov Uhh known
to git ftstiv onct in uwhik" ln;an
Uncle Nalmin Lttviit. "ami tho fact
that I sloppetl over oitet is jot as much
a sign of genius aa 'tis of a fool. Fur's 1
know, it (Wins so." His nci-hior, who
sat with him in thu groat baniiloor,
nodded his head very vigorously, as
much as to that Undo Nahnm's sage
remark was D too weighty for imme
diate discussion.
"The time I clinJ P ll cI,n t,W3
front the house was an awful upsetter
tii me "
"Ilow'sthatr kM the neighbor, whose
wivrs:itiim;il rowers lav mostly in the
line of interrogation.
"Well. I don't mind rclatin an expori
nco that was a putty good lim tor
I me, an that did more toward reduoiu my
i elf esteem than 'mtwt anything I ever
rnmiKiundod from other eheinioals, w ! wtlod "
that thev leave a strong alkaline resid- j rrrt ro,e cautionslV and peered round
uum in the food. Many of these pow-1 a corner 0f the barn to assure himself
dera, having proved unsalable m the . orerbettni; then, satisfied
East, have heen collectea dv ineir man-1 h th
i:-i i,,..;.i rnact in thp of-! to his listener and began:
o f.thnia in thi market "Well, one mormu I Fays ter .Mary.
their unscrupulous manufacturers have Them elm trees front the house ongnter
indulged in extravagant statements IkiHi ; trimmed up. That parlor has got the
with reference to their own and other : an 0' the tomb in it, says 1.
brands, claiming the most improbable ' "Uoldy?" qnieklv asked his listener,
indorsements lor theirs and defaming yis .twag vll. 1 hunted np
the brands best known and longest used ' u oQ the fence Rn cUm B
the i'aeilic v.oasi. inis - t, " ,. y B, t mt
ler iu3 won -
th door an ays
Caran d'Ache, the most pupulur of
modern continental caricaturists, looks
like a soldier. He is of Russian ances
trv, and his nom de plume is the Russian
word for pencil. If he were to sign his
sketches " Emanuel Poire," few people
would recognize them as bis handiwork,
though that is his rel name. Like Lieu
tenant Viaud, whom the world knows as
Tierre Loti, he could circumnavigate the
globe incognito by the simple process of
utilizing his real" name and discarding
hii nora dt plume.
For Pure Food.
The San Francisco Board of Health
can engage in no more laudable occupa
tion than the examination of our food
supplv and the instruction of the public
as to those articles it finds to be pure
and wholesome, and which, therefore,
consumers should use.
There are quantities of bakir g powders
in the market to use which is certain
detriment to the health of the consumer.
Thev are made from alum, or improperly
tion from this high authority, therefore,
is most opportune. , t
The Ptrvngth in leavening gas indi-'.
catee both the economical value and the j
purity of a baking powder. The tests .
mad? bv Messrs. Thomas Price & Sons,
the wtll-kn-wn analytical chemists of;
San Francisco, show the Royal to con-
tain 191 cubic inches of leavening gas '
per ounce of powder, which was fifty-one ,
inches more than the next highest in
strength. This shows the Royal aoout
SO per cent stronger than the beet of the
other powders and its use that much
more economical.
The opinion of the Board of Health
is as follows :
Wp. the members of the Board of
Health of the city and county of San
Francisco, cordiallv approve and recom
mend the Royal Baking Powder. It is
absolutely pure and healthful, composed
of the best ingredients, of the highest
strength and character.
In our judgment it is impossible to
make a puref or stronger baking powder
than the Royal. San Francisco Chron
icle. A great stir has been made among
shipping people at Liverpool by the no
tification that all freight vessels and
their crews bound for the United States
must henceforth be inspected by the
mpHiral nfficer attached to the American
Consulate before bills of health an be
Webster- Diction
ary, you will find
that the definition
of a Kargain is a
gainful transaction.
Now tha.t is what
you est looking
for. This week we
offer you a genuine
bareain and a very
seasonable one: 8
cents per yard
inr r.irtsliams
in popular colore In checks, stripts and plaids,
27 inches wide. It will cost about 3 cejlttS
per vard to mail. So you see yon are getting a
good grade of (iingham aenverea i jour pirei
office for 1 1 cents per yard.
OLDS & KING. Portland. Or.
1 II
.. F
Cor. First and Morrison Streets.
dollar for
finest Shirt
made. Post
prepaid on
all orders
Satisfacti on
tlpd Marv come tor
-v fotlmr ' she allers called W9
father after the childr :i come 'now
A.', hn ton vonturesorae. fur von am t
o young as you was onct. and ) oa can'!
do m the bovs do.'
Wp11 it fillers riled me tor be called
nn I oke iid putty sharp an says
'I'm old 'uough ter 'tend ter my own af
fairs an' not meddle!' I says, I neve
her threw yer aje in yer face yit, though
it be apparent to all!
"It was nuttv sarcastic, I know, an
ho went in an iet the door. She
AiA-n'. lntn it. but iost shet it easy, Lik
nhe could bide her time.
"I s'pose I was kinder flastrated by it
an upsei, an j ueguu wiu u-w
thing an not noticin what I was oom
till I heard a big crack, an fust I kuew I
waa -hangin by my vest ter the stub end
of a limb "bout 10 foot from toe ground
I hed sawed off the limb I was a-setnn on
"Mary heard the crash an come run
nin out lively, but when she see I wa n :
in no close danger she says, 'Pull yer
self right up ter the next limb, the way
tha bovs do.
"I says, pretty hasty: 'l aim no 007.
"I'm 'most too inhrm ter run, says
he, 'but I'll call for some one.'
"Putty soon she come bacfe witn a
man an a ladder, an when I was a-tep-
pin down she says, mighty perute:
There, now, don t play any 01 inem ooy-
teh tricks agin an Ecare me. Jly norvea
ain't so strong as you young people's!'
Well. sir. whilst I were a-uangin
there the conceit jest dripped off my
bootlegs. I was glad 'nough ter feel to
ground agin, I can tell ye, an sence then
I ain't never believed in braggin."
Youth's Companion.
Jos&maUing In China.
Jofismaking is very simple. The man
ufacturer's chief stock in trade consists
of wooden or metal molls. In these
the wet clay is put into shape and allowed
to dry. It is then touched up, dipped in
molten glaze and allowed to cool. The
average workman can turn out 100 a day.
The clay is kaolin, running from red and
to snow white, and costs aooui 1
Wlicn Oiltilrrtl .r Trollllng.
It U a strange fuel that during teething
Buporstlfliiii pnii-tii'OB nrv In vogue today
The writer lue known of lever al instances
In which the I'looil of a cock's comb was
used, ami the mothers insisted that It Imd
a nuirvcK'Us elTei't, hastiMiing the appear
anoe of the teeth aiul obviating all ilisivui
fort. IK-casuinally a ehil-l exhlims signs
that indicate that It H cutting us ir.-m
Ith some ditlletilty; such signs being Heat,
welling ami roitiuvs or the mouth ami
gums, also restlessness. In miett eases the
discomfort may Ih lessened by proper
treatment; not, however, by any supersil
tious practices. Cold water t one of the
host remeilit", ami the Utt le muierer snuuiu
Ih allowed to drink freely.
If it shows a desire for biting hant sub
stances, the mother may properly provnle
it with .1 ring. IVyoml this there is noiii
ing for her to do with her own responsi
bility. Uiibbing the gums with paivgorie
laudanum, a practice common i
many. Is not oniy use:rs oui, unnv
I'hese opiates art) not 111 any consmiT.unr
ree iiiisorboil by t lie guui. aml.oi couru-.
they are swallowed, therefore they an
ure to do tmrm. Uostoti Herald
A Woman Ilebnkril.
The danger of making personal re
marks in any tongr.o is well shown, a
certain Captain Symoiw was riding in a
London omnibus, when there entoreu
find sat oppo.uto to him a man ana 111s
wife. The lady alter a tow minutes re
marked to her husband in lliudoostanee.
Dekho, Sahib ko kaisa bara nak hai.
which iH'ing interpreted means, boon
whnt a large nose that gentleman hast"
Tho captain had a large nose, but
though a good natural man 110 couui
not lie generous enough to forego scoring
off the ladv. To her horror, he unmont-
otelv rose in his seat and taking off Ins
hat replied in lliudoostanee also, "nan.
Sahib bahut bara nak hai." ("Yes,
madam, I have a very largo noso.'V
Loudon Tit-Bits.
Whri Americans' l,ettir Gi.
The United States writes morn lottr to ltrltalu than to any other country.
I xisi ytr I0,a?,tvi0 eplst les went from the
liilted tjtutes to liieat llrllnln, B.sNJ.OW t
Uruiny nd to v rmioo.
i.xri u lltMM. At HKIMTKI HV
n.u' link tlrove School bus been
.0 1 on ili. lis! of schools whose gradu
iites are adinilted to the Slate 1' utverHity
..Humiliation. IT. hoiu s rruoni-
nieintation is also good lor admission to
the Stanford I'liiveinily. Tins school is
1 i... 1 11x111 Millhmo. San Mateo county,
I'aluortua. and ranks ns one of the best
ami most popular soi.ools for boys 011 the
Coast. --Sin ViKiewdi TitoniWe,
June InKI.
V Mistake Smiiew here. - KilUor-You ?
th',..e' Joki' lite ordinal? Mr. CliesitiiU (s
i,,.,r;,ii uriiiTl -Yes. sir. Kditor llii'iiyoil
must he s n il nbbT m 1 '"u ,or'
t'liOVhll T UK. TllK H1MT.
Tested and proved by over thirty years
ns. In nil nnrt of th world, Al.l.ooc'
have the Indorsement of
the highest medical and chemical author!
ties, and millions of grateful patients who
li. been cured ot distressing nuiiii-iii.
1 ...... , 1 t.,iitv 1,1 their merils.
. ......... ----- .
-IM.COCK S roBOl S 1'I.VSIKIIS urn Jlliri ljr
,,,1,1., iieir are mild mil eu.-iiiivi-
sire and .iiu.-k in their action, anu nnso-
,).. l.Ur,., .utt
I"1".' 1 1 . .. 1 .1..
i!.,,...--.. .11 noiiiiions. anil no 1101 '
: .' . i.b r,,r in
.... ..,,.. Ill" Ill IMI-t'll -ll-l.'Il 1 Hi 1.1 1 I. . 1 '
cock's, and let no solicitation or eipia'
tion induce you to accept a subsutute.
1 unman never l.esiin to til' about her g
until she has pn'ied tweiuy-llvi' years
11 v local arplleatlons, s they eannot reach the
,ir.....l nortlon of tlu esr. There i only one
.invtooure ilealn.-", ami that u by eoiull 11
........ 1 ,....!, ... ik.nfueits U ennspil by n tu-
,1 1 i. mil 1 1 11 in el the imienus lining of the
1 , no,.. When (hi ttil'e Kel" Inflamed
vou haw a rumbling sound or hear
ing, and when It H entirely eloned deafness I
the result nmi unless the Inllnminatlon can I
taken out ami this tube restored to its normal
1,1 i,..riiiff will be ite.nrnvpd forever;
nine ruse's out oi ten are rained by etitarrh,
vtn.Oi 1-1 tioihiue but an mtUmed ermdilion 01
.1... ,11a .iirtrti'.is
' u l'l elve line Hundred Dollars tor any
rase of deafness (caused bv ratarrh) thai eannol
K..,ir..,i i.v la 11 srrn 1 nre. .-m-h.i ht i n-
...1.,. r,.. V J. C1IKNBY A i'O..
v ' ' Toledo, O.
gyf Fold by druggist; 7.. rent.
How many rtmedles lliere ar wliien mereiy
tllov wllhmit iroollim illseaxi). lite e ie
liasl with slerllHH modlelues w hleh siieh ullla-
tlvus afford not only eutianeea ine ihn.ii
ii... r..i ni..i- lint Min-v.iM lo iiiiinhitslre the folly of
employing half-way measures w hen thotouuli
ones are 111 niniiiie. a nun sen iiisuuh -
la the efteet.ou the one hand, nl llosletters
Stoiinieh Hitlers III ease o( chills anil lever mid
hll Ions rem It lent, and oil I lie oilier im 01 u nun 1
remedies In maladies of this type, uy i 10 mi
le r iiiBliiiiiileoiiipbilnt Ineveiy Mane and n( the
.1 ,...,11.. ...... 1 11 1, nn. I'.imiiletelv eoiiuiieied
and lose tlielr hoid upon the system. Tlu'V me peetluK to beeoma
iiuely, It ever,
source ot met
I mav umiueslloi
HI..HIIS rim Miime ttolils u
are euied when nuiny vemuilie inn.
Mrs. Waldrou How ilo otl expeei 10 Kei
alonu boiisi keenlnu wllboiit 11 reli ineniioi r
Sirs Kemper we are noi koiuk 10 "'
we've boinht a ear tove.
m..-.: The only,, t,t ""'"f'"'
ta He, I'leieo'a 1'iivoi ll. I'iomci Iptlo . I r
women suirerlnn frou, ...0 eluonlo Tema .
eompUilnl " or weakness; Cov "
rundown ami ovei w..
11101 neis, mm -
r, dlsloilKi'd bv (he oulluary i'" i Villi) in nni"lur and eJlinusttsi; u. in
i..lleine, iillhoiuth their symploms 1 mnl. f,m rli lhooil to woninnhooil ; ml bemtllsated lliioiiuh sm Ii . . ,,n(,. o,hnii;if III" ,
saine holds "il In. Iest liin, '',,, lld f, Bl,,t ,el l.ilnly Im.l.hl
Tuv HkkmKs for breakfast.
1 easlT
wno noriN'T
St .rrlll. Ill" IMinieer III
It I itdlslila.
n In pea'er e( Oil"
Wilte lit it - I'nillniiit. 01 .
pain neglected, may become
Jiwt a little
may make a cripple.
Just a little
may make serious inll.immatlon.
Just a little
may make an ugly scar.
Just a little
will get a bottle of
Years of Comfort against Years
of Pain for
A rnpr of the " (Iftlelal Vortfullo el tin)
World s Columbian Ki(-slll"ii," i1.erl.llvo
ef llutld'.iiKS and iroiuiils, ls-aiitllully Illus
trated. In water coW eltes'l. will Is' win b
siiv address iiam reiwlpt of l'ie. In s-stai;o
ia"mii hr Vila l'UiLiol A. Vikjkukb Co.,
Ill.Tiiioiif, Mo,
o .i.',... n't If it aven lailn to bennlll OC
cure, J"U l"v J"ur immny back.
Wh it vou nre sure of, If you use
SW fiiliinti Ueuiedy, Uiliher n pcr
feet mid pernisneut. cum for your 'n-
1. .. .ii.illee lia.1 TOIir CB1 Uly
be or f.'ilH) 111 oa-ih. '1'ho piopt Ulom of
tliH medlelna protnlne to pay you
monty, If lhr emi t cut you-
EVIo Hotel
One. Is will be bi
Kurnpesii I'liin
nkid uoiv 011 Hie
For World's Fair Accommodations
At per day each, lo In a room,
Great Eastern,
(iOtli St. and St. Lawrenoo Avo.,
Ill the wolbl a
't he Isrit
proof. Write lofnl'l'.l Sl"
UU'rly uialisiier I'aliiier lloi
t pnn-ileiiUv lire
I11W NiKMi (lor
m ), Miuoiki'i, l lll-
The Ileginnln!;.
rrofewor Cooke was talking about
electricity nt llnrvard ami t.ont ms as
sistant to start up the dynamo. ".ait
a moment, gentlenion," lio nmiled, "and
the experiment will bepn." Soon there
Ras a terrific nimblmg. a ciaiwr ana a
thump. "There. Kcntlnnan," said the
Reui.i' professor, "that's the beginning.
Kmc von t .in hear tho dynamo running
It v. 11 stairs." Boston Budget.
Progress In electric roads can be seen
from the follotvins In 1SV there were
only three in this country Saw we have
335 roads, with 4,000 cars The compara
tive cost per car mile Is 13.13 cents, while
for hone cars we have 18. M centa and for
cable 14.12 cent
h -lie Would vou call blanche a beauty?
.lurk - Not utile' I thoimht she was likely to
overhear me.
pile and all rts
1.1 IjuuUM
on nn n. Also all iVlwite Alt-
is.i. Address lor pamphlet Drs. Korterflelo 4
Looy, IWs MarHotitrect, ru Fraudsoo.
ii w -a am mm js
1 1 ..1 m ti . 4
e 'Ivitiuiir
t I'n'. . V"ii
1 11 ntnl tl
( r i- ''
fun 1 I'hik 1
1 lit o 11 1 id NuU'l
! .1.! It, 'I'lii-oul,
,!(, t i l "! "'IT
i:itr r I ttn lulling
Htm rt ott.'nii n i-i t ni". m-"-
it niiH n nitntoi i iirf . i " ' ' "
r !. ..0MH0 r.i-H-U I' hliMl ir im.ii-M-
nun i-itl .'I. rt-Kiii-f. ...
lo M.iiMii"ini .""i"
r 1. im
Kti'liUls iieriiiane'iiir "
c.ilH(ln-,.i...lib..iiirtl..rit I
nine mini unler.l . Hi Hi"" . "I"
)i nme me..iiii- i-i.-
and enr e'ieeot e..inlr.K ri'lo
lull 11 I nt to uii'. If )"H
rui'V. litiu,i I'ni'i'"
eiln. Mil.-oii.l'iili In 1 " t .ilore.l
.,r ili.i I
.Mil. II I 'l HMilOtlOe
S1.00ler Dottle,
Uue cent a doso.
Tm Oni!T roniii
where all other tall,
hk urometly runa
Couch. Croup, Bore
hoiilil you siMrw
"Mid how should
' "As-er-tntstery."
a man?" "A
you address
t'se I'ollsh; no dust, no smell.
taotl to cure you.
A houae still st.mdiriR In Cldcopt.
Mans., is reported to tie years old. and
U probably the oldest dwelling lu the com
monwealth. It is lu h good stMtu of pres
ervation ami its pre-ent owner has occu
pied It fifty seven yeara coutinuoualy
The lighthouse al .Sydney, lu Australia,
baa an electric litflit equal to U.MJO.UOO
candles, which Is visible for fifty mile.
The next largest is the 7,UU0,UW caudle
power light in the lighthouse at St. Cath
arine's Point. Isle of Wiuht.
Hood's PUIS are the Den ancr-mmier. .....
aasiac oigi'SUou, euro nemiueuu. oj -
-.- . . .
remain thin just in
to their inability to
Thin Children Grow Fai
on scou s
fat f o o d s
make fat
They are
thin, and
assimilate food rich in fat.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil is especially
adaptable to those of weak diges
tion V is partly digested already.
Astonishing how quickly a thin
person gains solid flesh by its use!
Almost as palatable as milk.
Prcpari-d by ficntt k Bnwns. N. Y. All druggist.
ER, Leading Jew
eler of the Pacific
Northwest, keei a
large stock of all
B A DUES on hand.
Best goods at low
est figures. Badges
made to order.
ansisilMgnihliis Habit Cored In 10"
K. P. N- U. No. 497-. F. N. TJ. No, 574
cent per pound. The glaze is melted in
a small charcoal furnr.ce, similar to th"
old fashioned soldering furnaces of re
tired plumbers.
The wages of a good artist vary from
20 to 40 cents per day. ine cost or a
fair sized image is about 3 cents. lie
ells it for about 5 cents to a native and
for as high as $5 to the credulous Euro
pean or American tourist.. The molding,
touching and retouching are the same in
all shops. The glazing varies indefi
nitely. It may be opaque, of any color;
transparent, but tinted with any shade
desired, or clear and colorless. The best
work is made by painting the clay witn
heavy white paint and dipping in the
glaze last described. In another kind of
good work the clay is colored in caustic
eolors, kept in tho heat until they have
set and then glazed as usual. The Chi
nese are very skillful in this field of la
bor and with fine brushes will turn out
josses that at Erst sight might be takes
for eloisonne. Philadelphia Press.
Eight doctors treated me for Heart
Disease and one for Rheumatism,
but did me no eood. I could not
speak aloud. Everything that I took
into the &tomrch distressed me. J
could not sleep. I had taken al
kinds of medicines. Through i
neighbor I got one of your books,
I nrocured a bottle of Green's Aug'
ust Flower and took it. I am to-day
stout, heartv and strong and enjoy
the best of health. August Flower
saved my life and gave me my health
Mrs. Sarah J Lox, Dnance,
wtii-re all omera juu, -uugn, ""i-i ,
Throat, Hoarsentss, Whoopinff Cough mul
Asthma. Kor Sonsumpucn 11 mm uu
thousands, ami will critic Too ir
We positively cure rupture, tinea ana an w , k,ni t(m(x &,tt UrtiKglsta im a gur
adl.aae.Uhoutpalor leU on from bil- U llm k or Hi-M,
OHILfUH 9 pfc i- t " 1 "
I'rlw.Wi'M. InJccUirfroe,
In a f.mltr if r!s ohlldrw. W""1';
xlr far Oonnh. and Croup n'"n J"1'"
l.jii.t a, iriv. 1 -j. it ' i' rSn'.nn
Nn ray arsnoi-niiarn-i mn - 7 , . Ih-
Uw. Bold .Th" !' M l,i
T. 0. ubutulo tor it. To- s aima
A Little Red Spot
Appeared on my left rg '" 'he knoo, ami It
gradually spread until I was covered with
Clotlics ana pairing
whhh t!:o physician
culled por asls, Itching
nd burning terribly. I
si-ratchod and i-ratchod
only to lnnrcai my
mtony. Finally ltoT.
Fstlu-r CauUiveul urged
mo t) tako Hood's Bar
saparllla. I did o with
Joyous and wonderful
result. Tho tar,-e n ak-s
pcale 1 olT, tlia sputs grow ls and dl.sappivsr.-d,
thcitchlngand hiirningaiiui-iiieu anu .
fr-tly ciiT..l, ci-ikI lu 'lf'1", ,0H,,1,T tJ!:V
It I all rin to Howl's sarsaparlil. in
UEsTicii.tiroca llu, Wltmmsin.
Mr. I-stiche.
JOULES' Ml lll
i-, lilraso.
Drt. HUMFOllu-J TAINiit
Tlio n-lhil'!" I' ""'!1'" I"t"i'd'ti't .
iii.i , i 1 t'i "i I il l ir-
I i-t 1 It-i.l tho f ' .jv
'- s ill 1
luir.'iisli'rf svinji
tlllll SO I'l1 IV-
tout uf tho
Sufr. snrr and
l-ollllt.l.-. hrl.t I 11-
iml l 1 11 tii. lpt of t'liio
1 1.1 r l.i, II ii.i lor l.'i
Vi-urinilit'O.. llu '''ii. hrllltlo.Wn
Thn Specific A No. I.
rr.rfo. itliu (ill sll iw- "I Vnnnrr
h.n. hint Ulrt im iniiil.-r i.f Ii - I'lfVrli.s trli lliro. It ,..-! n nn In.
trn ii finwir. iwn n r.-i) u.ii,a .
Iini tml-'d. Mi.Mhvsll irili!!il.
Mi.Miiliu-lliri-l: I II" A.H. I..M-I nM. 'tool. Ins
la, Mull Jimi I 1
Best in the World!
Get the Genuine!
Sold very where!
ritAN K WOOL HK', A flit. "ill mill. "r.
inrilTP MAKK MtiNKY "i lllni; World lr
nUr N I History tniuu i i , Im U in- n-
HuLll I U hull-on II vi- I ks. I bui- 1 i.iiiinit-
lon. Allmismi' fur Iri iKht. A k i u( s iiiiud
lor othiir Imiik also, t'trrnlsr f n-iv K K. the
ae A Co.. l Kllth aveniif, CI1I1 kh, III.
Ks ! br all IiiibsI"I.
.i rnUa lolll.
$150 for a BICYCLE.
aTTcy Our customer had one jtiHt rh jjixxl, Rml he hfiuht it for I.KSS THAN
UPA.V the price hin friend hud paid. IF YOU WANT A BICYCLE FOR
$GO, buy it mriH t 01 ine
J J I J - J J. It
Rods, Reels, Lines, Hooks, Leaders
Ftc, of the Finest Quality.
S3 First St., Portland, Or.
3fy- flend for catalogue.
roi.i noi r.iti for oo. jh
TH'OMA. tl.KM.
iron b:ds, se.oo.
Ecml for Catalogue.
Fine Bedding,
Hair Mattresses,
Floss Mattresses,
Wire Mattresses,
and Pillows.
2 1 Nkw Montoomkby 81,
Han Francisco; Cal.
TTCHTOil PIIjEB known hy noltnr
11 aSplraUa,.. ca.iso "bluIi?
wh.-n warm, 'fill form amBi U" Jft
whloh oou directly on part J"0''";
hnrb. tumor. allavB Itoriinit.eirootinu
Fill CO a permanent euro. I'rlflj BOfl- Bra1ta
rlLLd Pr.Boanko,Pblladolpul.Pa.
Air rtft U i)tn flfl can be made monthly
h I ill ku Otuu.uu workluKIor
8. F. Johnson & Co., Richmond, V,
GonanmotlTea and people
wbo have weak lunt'B or Asth
ma, should use Plso's Cure for
Consumption. It bus enred
thonaanda. It haa not Injur
ed one. Ills not bad to take,
ltlstbe best oouxh syrup.
Bold everywhere. c.
oore's Revealed Remedy.
Autoria, Oreoon, January 10 1 can ttate w ith pleasure that by M10 ue of
MOORB'H KKVKALED REM EDV my hiiHlmnd wan rolli'vf-d fnnn an old raan of
RHKUMATIHM and my younnont hoy cnri'd entirely ol INFLAMMATORY KHKll
MATIriM when the best doctor 1 could gut did him no good. Yours In umilliida,
A Flood Coming!
So Sey Old Timers.
I want to flood the countr with gwd
Have iufit rnrpived 200 Safeties, which
I will Hell at $40 discount for each. Write
for Bargain List, or call at iny dtore,
326 Washington Street.
Lessons and Cataloguoe Frr-e.
Fred TWlerrill,
PloiMf Cwkr el tat PcllU Ooaal.