The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 27, 1893, Image 2

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(ood Iftvcr Slacicr.
HOOD IUVKK, int. MAY 27, tSS'S.
the ijuu .s n a s i 'it: ir o
The IJv. Kdw jmi t'. I'n.vson, pivaeh
. Ing lout Sunday in Nov York, on (ho
Chinese exclusion lw, liiaiidod it its
"unjust and unohiistiaii." Then as he
warm up to the quest Urn lie says:
"I do not hesitate to say that it I ins
given inoro varied hcnelltH to the
world than any other nation of the
earth. The Chinese nioved them
selves strong Intellectually and coin
iiietvially, an is shown ly what they
have aoeomnlished in the 10 years
following the war which resulted in
in breaking down of the Chinese
Wall of exclusion and the admission of
'Christian missionaries,"
After more rot of this kind his zct.l
got the Utter of his very common
sense and he enunciated the follow
ing remarkable doctrine:
The Ort'flMtan says of the Oeary
law : "If any evidence were necessary
to show that this law wan the work of
i thirty demagogues, dcalgned to aeenre
77', the favor of the workingnten at the
hI!s, it may 1h found In the protense
of an appropriation to carry out Its
; pivisior,8 tltat aiwmpanicd it." The
j big dally deliberately mis-states the
l whole proposition. It editor knows
that the deary law did not intend the
dcortati(m of Cluhoso already here,
j hut that Its obvious intention was to
it-ompcl the Chinese to register. It w as
not forseen that they would refuse to
oliey the law, hence the sniallness ot
the appropriation. In this connection
we would tike to ask our big contem
porary, if it is not a fact that every
American in China is compelled to
procure passports entitling him to re
main in that country. We would fur-
Head Tills and Profit by it.
Ollngerand Itone, proprietors of the
Itlg Kcd Itant, In addition to their liv
ery and stage business, arc handling
grain, chop food and hay. They aiv
also ageiitsforlhe Knapp lturiell i& t'o
machinery. Itain wagons, hacks, bug
gies windmills and pumps, Oliver
Chill.and StiH-l plows; gulden cultiva
tors, plows and harrows: and will sell
their Mt. Hood coaches, hacks ami bug
gies, now In use, tu order to open in
the spring with an entire new outfit.
Call and price their omuls.
"World's I air Trait Icr.s Will Huto It."
The public demand through service
when traveling. It is old-fashioned (o
change cars. On the through solid
vestibule trains of the Chicago, I'nlon
Pacific and Northwestern Lino, from
or to Chicago, Omaha and Intermediate
points, there is. no change This is the
tinest and fastest road.
W ill make. I he spring season nf Nvi, at con
venient places throunhoul tin- vttlU-y ami
W 'title Salmon Washington, Tline mat place
subject lo Pitiiro iippoln'nietil.
HcM'iiplloii and Pedigree.
"Mldnlisht Is a coal h;uclv Itunihlctonlan, &
yciiis old; IS liaiisd; velKht I WO pounds; ulrcil
! I Shaw's lliimhlclontnh; ituni, II Copper-
bllttOIII IllnlV, "Mlllllllllll" U II UOlllt ll.plN.
I tinned horse, ii loppy ilrlvi-r iiml ipilleii Irot
I lei' lor it hocsn of his sle,
"Mlndluhl's" m-iv lee lee will lie $10 Tor slm'.le
' scrv lee, due at time of service, or jni'orlho
t season. Persons hiecdluK l siunlii MTV bv
I mi.l mini' lulling In eiileh, eiiu lnveil liy the
j .season bv the additional pa aienl ii Sca-
mhi lo close .1 illy ,i, sv I,
i Kur lei ins iiml other liiluriiiiilloii npply to,
! A. I.. 1'iiki.i-s,
This Is the time of year When linieli loss -I
ou ix to Hie farmer In Hie lo-sof yoiinu toals,
I A Canadian hoiM'-brcedcr ol iiiiu'Ii experience
rvw f fr
ary 14 a au u a xtsP vo u
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
A l.irgo supply of, and l.rlimirr A'AAMo still
Colobralod liquid colors anil tinfoil It 'at In.
Untlurfcikm a Specialty.
Pii'pared to furnish at once, a tint-'class of eolllus, also a ehnip grado
but m ill and miiIisI, inlLil.
"Thus Have we. a christian nation.
. broken faith with the Chines., whom The trial of Lewis McCarthy and
we, in our righteousness, designated as ; 0h robbing the Uosly u bank, is
a nation of pagans but even if we have i,n,Klvs ( KUensburg. It is a case
the right to exclude and deport Chi- j witl,,,ut parallel in one respect, and
'iiiese, we have not the power. No act , th:jt ,lmt h ''"'"nts re U-ing
of congress can keep them out. ii,e i ,riil ,'or a ol i,'u- ,,r which another
principles of Christianity say we must 1 1 C'!l1 1IakM has ,,"l',y convicted.
.V.eteuue . all strangers within our ' "ictliy, hank cashier ideut itled
'gates, to our schools and churches, and Hul a8 " ,,f tlu" I'lvi-s, and it is not
--teach them the lesson tauyht us i,y "i" that Lewis or the others were
IHirist." " 1 with him, in fact it is conceded that
It is passing strange how readily ,J tley were not. Now Cal. Hale was
religious zealot can clothe with imagi-1 trlci1 ,uul 1,v'i'tcd, appealed to the
attributes a tvonle whom he MF"1C wm, U,UI w gran tea u new
ther like to know why the Chinese j
should object to doing, exactly what1 tranalian has opened his
ll...rne.,r ,,t - V .,....., Stand Oil St VV t , llll.l will keep tl
f " v"' ""' Sf. .-t of III.., II..- IV.nia I . . I. ......
and during the summer will serve iv
cream and lemonade. Ilesides this he
w ill carry a tine line of fishing tackle.
to do.
trial. At this stage of the proceedings
nary attributes a people whom he
desires to inculcate w ith his doctrine.
It would, nerhaos. bother tlu riv-or.
end gentleman to poiut out the "varied i ft'r"ish the money for re-trying
l-enetiutothe world tlian any other ; tlu C:is0 ,l,ul H ll Wi,s "liarged.
nation of the earth," and it would fur-1 Ho U ,u ,lvsi'l,t. while practically free,
nish serious employment for a long!' 1,0 Io'ftll.V victed criminal. The
timto demonstrate , that any glWHi Jry saia tie was the man, ana yet
lias been accomplished bv the adiniss.:othor Jui'y is trying others for
ion of missionaries to China. Accord
ing to statistics there are 110,000
luse in the United states, all
to cnristianitv, but tew huh
Miy s:
l iiiellilly Miileli your eolt for Hie llrsl I i-n
iIii.vm, iiml wo Hint Us howeU net pmpei ly , n
Ilio llrsl Irn iIiivm nre Hie ino-.l ei llleiil In n,-l.eiiee. If you eiin nel Hiemovel' Hie
lli'sl ten ila Itioy usnully le.pilie xery llltle
ullenlloii ll llie mine la leit .liiilleloiisly.
I'lie until' .-IhhM.I ho l.'il Mime two or lliree
. . . , weeks tietore slie Is ilne lo loul iilul Milne lime
'ullel'Mifl looil, k;i. Ii us luilleit mils, Ihioi, innl
OTllM-' l.'OP PIMM tiM-nuY I Imseeil tlu.l lias I...-.I l.olle.l for twelve hours
triniber Uoi.l. .Vet Juin.3, S7S. I vl(lou ,.,.,,, ,w ,lf ,nu, ,, .,
1-iille.l stales l.iin.1 iitllei. 1 , au-e t lie nmre sliotil, not liu e sntlk-lnl milk
aiuMiiver, W asii., Max, :!, IsV, i , ...
v .11 ... i. i. ... i .. i. .. . . .. tin-lie-t sulisiliule is cow s milk, onelouil i
Notice Is herein- ulveu that In isni;ilane . .... . ..
Willi the provisions of Hie net of l 'mures of " a,, r a lalilespooniul ol la.uey to a pint ISTS, eutitlea "All net lor the sale of ! ol nul!.
limUM- lun.Ulu the Matesof i-alUoruh.Or,-; ,.;Mw.,ll.H.s, .llun ho'ii, ami lull immalloii
tou.Nevmla, ami wnshtnuion lernloiv, .'.., ,,,
s-ani samson ot i henmi uh, count v or skamii- ! invllii- prtm lpal iitlmenis u youmt loal Is kiiIi
Illa. male of vasli has this ilav llle.l luijeet to. Tholwo tlisi caielul Ireatiiuiil Hill
tins. .Ih.i. his .ivniii Malenient s,i l.i;, lor th . ,,..; ,ie last Is, In most fatal.
pureli.isiiortlu' nvv lie', of M ellon no 111 In ,, '
lowiiNhlpNo;tnorih, east, win nail I I ne lollow ln un well lrle,l- ulut Hie lust
win uiii-r proot to show that I ho lamt sought Is remeilies that have cum timler my tmih v:
sof luke-warin
I'hi in lo Mil, I Inn. I iH-ioie Hi.. l:.H.i.i..r ii.l l;... wMier rveiy nan noun,
Cornor of Socorul ami Foiloral Strool .
an.t iH-loie the Ktxisler slid Ke-! 1 r,e, nmi ihii, or s,nii tu i iiiieuin
the county Commissioners refused tO "'iv,r of lltU otlh-o al VaniMUver, wash., on ' with a few drop llnsecit ell; ilose, tulhsi.hiii. I
furnish the nionev for ra-trvln.T ! Tl"'"aH-v t,,M sih J,-v 1,r Ju,-V ,ss,-t- i fi. Noihi., a.-w more powerruiiy ihun m-1
liiiiiisu un niomj ior re-irjlllg, n names ns ui..,,. Allen lliiwoiiloi, .. .. . .
, i r i i . l ti i mt L'.. ... t. jii iii'iii.iiuiiiiiriiiniiiim i' ifv i u n I,
the case and ll.ile was dischaived. '"h" 1 ""'"'-r. I- "inn l.i-ower, .lohu V. Oil- , . . ... ,. , ,, ,
ie.i, mi 01 i nriiowiih, wash. ' ' " '"' nrr im.ii-io .
Any unit all persons elalmlm,' inlversely the
ahove ilesenl-il lauils are ri-iii,-st-,l to' hie
their claims In this ollhv on or helore wilt I istli
ilay of July, I sill.
itiyiiJ.vS Joan I. liKoiiiiKOAN. Itenlsier.
t-r.i.i'.iiu ri:i
Acorn and Charter Oak
Slovort and HanKUS.
(mis, Auiiiitiaitloii ami S;ioi'tliii (iooils,
Iron, Coal,
lUacksmith Supplies,
WnKoumaker's Matot lal,
Hewer Pipe,
i'uinps and I'p'l'c,
Phiiublng Supplies.
i Osborne
iiml I in I Inii'i
ami Moweii.
A 1. 1 A I'M loll
('iiiiiiniN Airi'lciilliiriil I mpli incut s
innl M.icliliiri'j.
a tithe
, crime.
Wc received
with it. Iu San Franciieo where there
is now, and has been for years a
legular Chinese city, the conversions
to christiauity;are few, and t!ue few
have in most cashes been accomplished
through the ettbrts of young lady
teachers, the religion histing only
while the term of the teacher lasted.
exosed ,.()!v o( t)ie iarr lX proliitiitioii
i.H-ulatcd j pm;i,slei ut Kockford and Chit
yesterday morniinr a
lition paper
puhljshed at Iiockford and Chicago 111. I
Along with it came a copy of the tit.A-.
ci Kit with our name in Pelk's petition j
marked with a lead pencil. The per-j
son who sent it had torn his name oil'
both papers so as to conceal his iden-;
tity. He is evidently ashamed of his
own position. We concede to every
net-son the riclit to liolii'vo as ho or she
The Caucasian and the Mongolian will ! llk,lst9onany subject; and claim for
no more mingle than oil and water. ourseiVo9 the same privilege: but we
ltace lines and race prejudice are too j h:ive nothing but contempt for the
strongly drawnin both sides tojbe ever !huiU!U1 wl)(, VM uot backbone!
nroKeu down, ana it is right that it
should be so. The civilization
Van Johnson,
A. Wise,
II. Drown,
11. Hhiisoii,
T. Pollock,
lna I-" 1 1 .... Lr
1 1 enough to express his opinion except 1 j w-nlinee
O. !!,, ,i finom-nmii.. .o,,iti n n li... I i. ot i w...
today will not join hands with that of j Sllch poor ghl.iVele.l and diminutive ' I',
ItXK) years ago as repiesenled by thesou,Si Pot themselves the task of es-1 - ";
Chimse-, and neither Ueatira by the i tablishing a code of morals, for other j"-r -,"ik
govVtlmeut nor prayers by the mis- j wllilo l!U.klnK eVtfry dement of j aWiw iw-h,
eionaries can bridge over the chasm .1,i... ...... .i,.,,,,!,..,, i.iisi,r.
Those who are signing the remon-! I1:,, 0'u,,llrk''
. 7 . . . I on loomey,
strance against Delk's petition are no j j.; M,rK.t
doubt doing so because they believe J. K. Hoof,
they are doinir riirht. and are not ! Jl,hn K'4
afraid nor ashamed to put their names
itoonUlYllt PltKClM-r. V .ISOlCill'NTV, ) I
stale of l trefoil.
To the Honoriihle, theCouuty Court of Vas-o !
County: ,
We the miilerslmieil leynl voters of llooil '
Kiver prii-lnet, W aseo County, Oregon, res-
HetfulIy iH'tition your lionornhle court to !
tri-ant a license to J. T. lk-lk, to si II spirituous, !
vinous anil mall li.piors, at Ihe town of HihmI
Kiver, In sali! preciuet In less nuantith-s than
one Kaiion, tonne period of one year,
tahlispoiiiilul hramly wltli teasnonlul ol
tineluie of gentian ami two tah!i'.-..Hiiil'uls
l!me water In n cupful, IIUm-ciI tea every three
Inllainmallon Apily hhinki t, thleklv fol,.
j i-it ami l unj! out In Very hot water, lo lull ;
' ruh lliejixs well; jilve teiispooiiful lamhinum
III two ounees of w al r. Itepiat ilose III two
, hours it necessary.
That thirty das Inns loin; ns wo cmii
ivipicst our putroiisi to gnvi-ri
ci'iilit goods, innl
I lli-m-icl VC-4 I i
would rcsH-c!ful!y
.1. M.Chitty,
r- 1 u-
down where thev lie seen of all men. ..!"'
H'l, f A t 1 ! V. Ill IS 1 'I'LIIIIIUII,
liie tiit duty of any r Tljat s honorable and nroner. the duty J. itertei.
of a citizen, if it is his belief. On the . smiinan,
other hand, the writer of anonymous ! 1, c-M('Ii,ire.
, . . , , , . . ! J. l. hastinuu,
letters, wlio is ashauidd or afraid i Anun
to expres bis opinion over his proper j m. winoheii,
signature is a coward and a cur.
between them. As for the proposition
that congress can not kef p the Chinese,
or any other people or jersoiJs out of t he
United States, we refer the reverend
zealof to the decision of the supreme
court, and the logical conclusions of
common sense.
government is to its citizens, and not
to those of some other country. It
matters not. what the demands of
Christianity are, or what claims the
Chinese inay. have on the religious
world; if they are a detriment to our
people'and to our country, it is our
duty to keep them out of it. We may
sympathize w ith the leper, and hu
manity would dictate some provision
for his care, but bigotry itself would
scarcely demand that he should be ad
mitted to our firesides. The time
when these United Status are to be
looked upon as a great receiving hos
pital for the world, has gone by. The
fellowship of man, unless it is an
agreeable fellowship, is an obsolete
doctrine. The United States govern
ment is for its ow n people, and neither
its duties nor its powers, demand of it
a religious crusade. What the relig
ious denominations may do is their
own business, but neither mistaken
zeal, nor fanatical bigotry will be suc
cessful iu opening wide our gates, that
our country may be flooded with
Luman cattle, to furnish the raw ma
terial for possible converts.
The state board of equalization
year, went beyond their powers
made a new assessment. Unimproved
land here, that was assessed at Ave
times what the same class of lands
were rated at in other parts of the
county had to staud a raise just the
same as the latter. In .Sherman
county this year the assessor is rating
improved farm lands at 800.00 per
quarter section, or Js-5.00 per acre, and
grazing or other unimproved lands 3.
per acre. Personal property is being
valued by him as follows: Itange
horses $15. to 20. work horses 540. to
$50., cattle f 10. and credits at 5o per
cent of their face. Our improved lands
are generally worth much more than
Kreil 1 1 ii ir,
H. Kelley,
1'. JiH-hlnison,
K. I..,
X. K. lteiitsoii,
J. A. Cook,
J. W. McCuistion,
Geo Horilcn,
T. J. Uriseiidiuc,
I'eter Kopko,
Wnrern W'ulls,
J. X. Watt,
Jus. I-aeey,
James English,
Geo. J lkIv,
V. J. llouan,
Ueorge McKae,
V.. II. I'sarson,
J.C. MoCaley,
F. X. Kordun,
Wm. It. Tlllett,
Win. Copple,
John Krej;cr,
John Spencer,
Herbert K. Wiley,
Oregon has outgrown its constitu
tion, and needs a new one. It was
made to suit the wants of 20,000 people,
and is uof large enough for 400,000.
The muddle over the soldier's home
emphasizes this. That, the constitu
tion says that all state buildings should
le located at; t lie state capitol, is beyond
question; and ibut the locating of any
atate building away from the state
capitol is unconstitutional is an unde
niable sequence. The constitution has
been trampled upon and ignored so
often that it has lost respect and force.
The people have aquiesced in this
treatment of it. There is scarcely a
county in the state but that has a debt
in direct violation of the constitution,
and we lielieve Marion county is in
that condition "Salem cares little for
the soldier's htoinV being located else
where, and the. suit was brought not to
prevent the locating of the soldier's
home, but to prevent the locating of
the branch insane asylum in Eastern
Oregon. It will not work. The mat
ter may be delayed, but Salem has
started a conflagration that is now be
yond her control and the matter is
going to be settled, and; settled right,
even though It le'juires a change of
Loth constitution and capitol to do it.
. -...K..r
n,n -i,ni i i ,.f ci .,..
iu5 nuvtti luuuo vii ruici mua l;UUIllJ'i Cush Luckoy
out me unimproved lands Here are
worth no more. This may serve for a
pointer to our people in giving in their
assessments. Every citizen should
cheerfully bear his portion of the bur
den of taxation, but taxing unimproved
lands at $20. per acre, is taxing simply
future possibilities.
Reports from Southern Oregon gold
fields, show that occasionally some
lucky prospector takes out $500.00 in a
day. ' This is naturally exciting, but it
must be remembered that there are
probably 1000 men prospecting 999 of
whom did not find anything, and the
gold found would iiot be a "grub
stake" for all of them. This is there
verse side of the mining picture.
- j
Hugh Gourlay is now editor of the
Goldendale Sentinel, and its readers
will note a marked and permaneut
improvement from the first issue. It
will be as readable as when our old
friend W. It. Dunbar penned its edi
torials, and this is good enough for
any body.
Out of Sight.
The traveling public are now fully
alive to the fact that the Chicago, Union
Pacific and Northwestern line oilers
the very best accommodations to the
public from and to Chicago, Omaha
and intermediate points, not only du
ring the world's fair, but all the year
John Knoy,
U. W. Williams,
ll. S. Crupper,
II. Heals.
W. I.. Aitanis,
Tlioiu Walker,
1!. K. Fewel,
Alex Milne,
J. lieynolils,
W. 0. Strnnah.iii,
John Kills. m,
1a' Nealelnh,
J. S. I'rnthar,
Kit. Keens,
J. 11. Nlckell,
F. P. Kc.nor,
It. ilarprr,
11. 1". lirlitlii.
11. Ilertken,
J.N. liorrell,
Charles Uroilt,
W. A. l ulu.
Joe Hack us,
Wm. A. Ulood,
C. I', rriilliur,
Chun. Ileriter.
J. Mei.'lary,
W. It. Allen,
J. T. llurne.
O. A. Knox,
11. F. .lochiinseti,
V. F.lirck,
A. A. Harry,
II. I'ritfKO,
K. V. lllrd,
II. C. Kerieiilini'K,
11. SSelverkrepp,
Johnn lictlersy,
11. 1). Ktralglit.
J. II. Kalstun,
T. X. Donaldson,
J. A. 1.CI17.,
J. M. CoU'enburj',
Thomas Lucey,
Louis Illy,
W. II. Iiannuh,
John Klpiu.-v,
K. J. Kills,
Jos. Meliuire,
I'.D. Illnriehs,
J. F. DoUson,
James Miller.
V. X. Woods,
J. I.. I,anllle,
Scutt Doualilson,
James .Slranalimi,
Joseph Pursur,
Wm. Keclcs,
w. V. IiOxsdon,
Marion F. l.oy,
James, H. Lyndes,
F. K. Holers,
w. H. t rapper,
D. Ji.t'louKh,
w. G. Clellnnd,
J. C Markley,
it. Hand,
V. well,
E. Rund,
w. Keely,
O. w. HtralKht,
J. V. Custerman,
C. II.KlHworth,
John Kweeny,
John Leu,
Nick ISillen,
Geo. E. Coleman,
John Collins,
John A. Mohr,
Kdwuril llaw'kes,
w. D. KoKem,
M. w. Robertson,
w (;. IddingK,
T. !'. Pierce,
.Julian Ixiweniy.
II. Faulkner,
F. Ziika,
d. D. Galley,
w. I. Church,
II. L. Darrll,
Isaitappli itray, I V , hands hivh, iii-is!
:mi, I uh .--.(ii.ii in s .Solium, ;i wins;
old on May .'ah, ls'.i.i, is ins. limn all I'deui-
l.lies and diseases and Is a line d.nlt horse, i
ueiule mid kind, a ii.n.iI tnueier, and Is
oi ht'd by i
JuIlN s KKNY.uFltnoli HIVKIl.ult. I
Mr. Swisyny will attend at the follow ing !
plaees during the presrnt Mire sruson: At Mi .
joe Purser s, Moiid.iy mid I'm siiay ul eneh
week. At Mosier, Friday and .Saturday ol
each week. Ti-rms: for slimle svrv ir.. pay'. lly the miisoii, p.ivaiile at
end ol same, rlii. ml. l o Insure, payable w lien j
same Is knou n. jl.' Ineas,. ol lailure, sei - :
vice I he l.illoa nn; -i-asiii uralls. i
Prescriptions and
Private Formula
- And a Coiiiplolo Lino of -
NoTici: von rrni.icATio.N.
Uunl I illlee al Vancouver Wash. Mav IK.!',,
I Motiee is lii.,-eliy tUm that the followlnn-
naniid Millers have tilid not lee of their in
! tenlloii (o make linnlprooi niMippoitol ilu ir
1 elaiins and Unit said pnsit will be made lie.
lore W. li. I Hi ) Inn- Coinmissioni'i- 1'. s.. Clr
' ii 1 1 1 Colin I'islrlit of wasliinulon at lioldeu
I dale washiuv;tonou June I'l. i vl.:
Fllza J. Cllne, formerly KM a J. Palmer.
I II. K., No. MCC lor lher 4 ot iii'l,i'l,n( e
t and n w 4 ol e '4 se 'p ,', n r li , lu.i vv m.
She names the follow li.i; H to prove
: her ron i in nuns reslilenee iin.n inn I eult n a I Ion
I ol miid land, vl,: iui.m p. Kreps, i Hlvi-r P
I K reps, I i','.i K reps, John X. Cole, all ol I'ul-
i du P. . v u.siilhKioii.
Ilobert Cllne.
il. K., No. 77 IT f..r Ihe lois .1 and I and of
s w '4 ws- 7 1 p .i n r 1J east w m.
lie names the follow ing w itnesses to prove
his continuous ri'sldemv upon and eiilliva
llon o said land viz: Mumu p. Kreps. uliver
I'. Kreiis.lleoru'e KriM.s, John N. Coli'. all of
Kiilda P. U. ashliiKtoii. I
inyiJnll) John IK liKoiiiO', Hilsler
i UiiliUT
I', S. I.AMIIIl l'IIT., )
OliKuoN l i t v, iini;i.on, V
May. llth Isut. I
Ci-nplnlnl havlni; been entered at this oltiee
! bv Alpliotiso M. P.arritl, against Thomas F.
Mope, for ubaudonim; Ills homestnid entry
No. Ill iS, dllb-d April 1M, Isjll, II poll In- n ;.j lit'
n w ',, weuon i.i low usaip n rnniti' 7 e, w in
In waseoniuiily, llri'L'on, with ii view lo Ihe
cancellation of said entry, I he said partus are i
hereby siiinmoiied to appear at this olllce on i
Ihe ;iiltli day of June Kt.. at in o'cl.H'k a. in., lo I
respond and lurnlsh testimony coiiiti iiImk
said alleged abandonment.
J. T. Aiperson, IteKisler.
l'uler I'a'iuel, Uei elver.
House Builder's Goods. Sasli
nnd Dooia, Mouldings,
Brackets aid Wood T n r n i n a s.
Limo. Plaster and Latli Ceil
ing, Rustic and Floorinp.
I.. STIt AN A 1 1 A N,
ii. c. cnn
It. O. F.vans,
C. A. Morgan,
T. C. Dalles,
H. Ii. Gibson,
Fred Hurt,
J. Ii. Hand,
Hob. wright,
w. E. Tate,
II. A. York,
w aiter K. Thompson,
II. Lae,
G. H. Kvans,
Ii. X. woodward,
w. Campbell,
Charles Johnson,
P. M. w alls,
J. S. C'urran,
F. H Miller.
A. J, Hand,
Peter Mohr,
C A. Hoss,
H. P. Joehimscn,
L. M. Monroe,
Dan Smith,
John 1'rosper,
M. ltund,
II. L. Cumin,
G. II. liush,
J. II. Crudlcbaugli,
J.B. Hunt,
F. Tclleson,
M. Ostergaard,
J. F, .Shannon,
Charles II. Williams,
John w. liuck.
Xotlce Is hereby given that I will apply to
the county court for the state of Orr'jfou, for
wasco county, ut un iidjoiirned lneetlng of the
May term oflS),1!, to be held Monday, Juno 12,
lSU.'i, for alieense to soil spirituous,' vinous and
mult liquors, In less than one gallon, ut my
place of business In the town of Hood Kiver
Hood Kiver Pieelnct, In wild county ;und
stute, lor a period of one year.
J. T. Dki.k.
notice yon runucATioN.
Land Olllce at Vancouver, Wash, April 1.",, 1h:i:i, j
Xotlce is hereby given that Ihe following, i
nameil settler bus tiled not ice of bis intent Ion I
lo make liniil commutation proof In support '
oi nis claim, ami imii sain prooi win lie niiuli
before the Iteglsler and Kccelver of the I,. N,
Kami i Ulice al Vancouver, Wash., on June
:ird ItSIM, viz:
Albertus H. Ford.
II. K. Xo. K7!M for the vv n w J J and w yt
w sec l t o nine w III.
He iniines the following witnesses to prove I
his continuous residence mum and eulliva-i
tion of said land viz: Al II. Jewell, Francis K. j
Iliirdoin, Chus F. Patterson, Jno. Kr Morris,!
ull of White tsalnion Wash,
iipl'J2miiy'J' John 1). Gkouiikoan. Keglster.
Tla.0 IDa,llca ZbspU-xecriGs,
Havoon hand a full supply of Krtiit, Slitulis and Ornamental trees; nr.i;
vines, sninll fruits, Itoses and Slirulilicry.
He Hiire to net our iriei'si In-fur iiireliasiiirtiHfwlicr.
Kenieinlier our trees are rown strictly witliout Irrigation.
K. II. Stanton, Local A.uent.
I.aniKOlllci; at Thc;i)alles Or. April, 17, JMffl.
Notice Is hereby given that, the following
named selller has llled notice of Ids intention
to make llmil proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before Ihe
Keglster and Iteeelver V.H. K. . al'l'liu Dalles
Ur. on May ), W.n, viz:
George Peterson.
H. A. No. Wtt for the s w i of see 21, Tp 2 nr
II e w m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion ol said land viz: H. K. Fisher, Charles
Cramer, George Ireland, Michael Diehlcninil
ler, all of Mosier Oregon.
up22-myU7 John W. J.kwih, Keglster.
Kstablished lHKi.J
Wholesale dealers in fruits
and vegetables of all kinds.
Helena Montana.
Choicest Meats, Haxn,
Bacon, lard, Game,
Poultry, Also Dealers in
Corner of Oak anil Fourth StreetH, .... Hood Kiver, Oregon.
The Dulles, Oregon.
Six lots in Waucomu, 480 acres in
Skamania eounty, and several faruiH
in the valley.
Praellees in all tlm courU of Oregon and
SVashlnglon. .Special nlteiil Ion given lo con
veyanelng. (ILflliUOKKICK,
"' IIO(U) IMVKU ()11K(H)N
von nam:.
I louse and lot in Mood lliwr. Ap
Ily to A. S. r.i,ovi:n9.