j i 'i The Hooc 1 D liver iiiacier VOL. I. HOOD RIVIilt. OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY 27, 1803. NO. 52. 3(cod Iiver Slacicr. rum.uiitu ivirir iatiihuat morhiho it The Ckclcr Publishing Company. ftl llftt HIPTIOIX I'lUCfc On. .r ft W U IIMIllh. , , Or line, inmillii. K I'ojijf , , I (..ate THE GLACIER BarberShop Grant Evans, Pi opr. rWi.ml Si., near Oak. . Hood Uir, Or. fcliavlng ami Hull culling ueatly duua. Satisfaction iillkll4lll.nl. OCCIIMOTAL NKWS. Tin1 Libel Suit Against the I tat a Dismissed. l'Ol.irii'A I. SCANDAL AT YIMA. A Will Context fur the possession of a Colored Recluse's Estate In California. Sun Micgo's tux l.-vy has been llxed at 85 cents on tin- PHI. Tilt' Sun Joc Council has passed the Sunday-t !.;; ing ordinance. Santa Rosa voted to bond the city for the purchase of witter work. 'I'lic Peed 1 Intel atOgdcli has closed it doors, because the patronage did Hot ln:ike it pay. Tin' I "H ectors of the I'.cllinghaui liny lllld l!i ili-ll t 'ohl III hilt Kill I loud Company have lintde arrangements for the nalti of the mad to the Canadian Pacilic. 1'inetor Amen of the I'nioii Pacilic railroad writes that therotiimny in mak ing an active i 1 1 1 1 1 ry w ith the view of extending it h track to Astoria, Or. 'I he by-law for Vuiicoiiver, It. C, to guarantee the interest on $-lno,0(i(i (.( debenture bonds to ho issued by the street railway company has heen de feated hy 152 inajonty. Health Inspectors visiting Chinatown at Los Angeles found lifteeii buildings that, in their oiuion, eaniiot he cleaned or made healthful, and rct'cininc nded their being razed at once. The damming of the Mojave river at Victor, creating an iirlilicial lake nine miles loli;, three luileH wide and 130 feet iii depth, water siillicicnt to irrigate 1I(H),(KK) iic rex of desert land, is n project on foot in San Itcrnardino county, Cal. A will content has just heen coni ineiiccd at Stockton hy a woman who claim to lie the widow of Joseph Mc Kiunev, the colored recluse, who recent ly dieil in the town of Itantas, San Joa quin county, Cal., leaving a $ 10,1 100 es tate, The wiclow in a colored woman, and the adverse claimants are white, A sensation lias just come to light at Pacilic t irove hy the absconding of E. M. Carver, the cashier of the Hunk of 1'acillc (irove, with $10,000 of the de positors' money. The creditors who were duped hy the w ily cashier were Mrs. (ioodrich of San .lose for $5,000; William llannon, a real cHtate dealer of Monterey; Rev. Dr. Clark, a Presbyte riau minister of Monterey, of whoso church the missing cashier was a devout inemher and a nmnher of other well known persons, of 1'acillc (irove. Be nide these victims there is a further list of persons who were inveigled for less amounts. United States Judges McKenna, Mor row and I law ley, sitting as a Circuit Court of Appeals at San 1'ranciseo, have atlirmcd the judgment of the United States District Court of Southern Cali fornia, dismissing the lihel suit against the Chilian steamer Jtata and releasing the vessel and 2,000 cases of rilles she had ahoard when seized hy the United States Marshal in San Diego harhor two years ago. The lihel tiled in the Data case charged deliberates violation of Sec tion 5.2S3 of the United States Revised Statutes, and set forth that the Data had been lilted out with the intent to cruise and commit hostilities against the gov ernment of Chili, with which the gov ernment of the. United States was at peace. The decision of the Circuit Court is lengthy aiul reviews the details of tho late Chilian revolution and over throw of President Balmaccda. The Court finds that the state of all'aira as alleged in the lihel is not borne out by tho evidence. Tho State of Oregon baa filed its an Bver to tins cross hill of Multnomah county in the tax suit. Theansworadmits several unimportant charges, and asserts that the object of the equalization was to maintain a uniform assessment. The charge that assessment on mortgages in some of the counties is lower than that of Multnomah county, and other asser tions to the same etleet, are denied. The answer also denies that mortgages wero discriminated against in favor of other real estate in Multnomah county, and also that only 10 per cent was added to the assessment of mortgages in Coos, Linn and Washington counties; 25 per cent in Douglas, U0 per cent in Yamhill, and 7 per cent in Marion. The answer asks for tho dismissal of the cross bill, and that the county he compelled to pay $00,008.80 taxes to the State, which it has refused to do. CIIICAOO EXPOSITION. One of the iiiohI, Hlriking features of the Chicago l air is the absolute and staring nudity of the statuary. The charge for a room in Chicago hotel or hoarding-house ranges from l to (5 a day. The average price for an average room is now 2 a day, The Countess di Piazza, sent to Chi cago by ( ii Marghenla to Match nver Italy's collection of laces, is an Ameri can, w ho liciore tier marriage wan Miss Cora SliM'iiin. Washington State day at the Chicago Fair, which was to have been May 17, lias been postponed until some time in June, owing to the unlinisbcd condition of (he Slati' building. The Chii ago City Council has unani mously passed a resolution declaring for Sunday opening of the World's l air grounds, ami as representatives of sjfi, (MHI.IHMIof slock in tlio exposition criti cised the lliiancial management which closes the gate on one day out. of llie uviin. Commissioner Forsyth has presented a communicat ion from w iue growers of California. There have been charges that leslitiirantkei ptrs at the fair placed such high prices on 'alifornia wines that no one w ill call for them, as thevean ob tain foreign wines at almost the same price. Californians assert that restau rants at the grounds will not place anv wines upon their lists unices a Ismns of X0IH) to h.m is paid them. Califor- liians say this would exclude their wines, as they cannot iiOord to pay any such 1 sums. Thev propose therefore to estah- lish a cafe at the California building, in which all the wines of he California ex hibitors will be lifted. New York, Ohio and other domestic wiucmukcrs will he given a show on the same cards. The council of administration is asked to re duce the usual 25 per cent, turned in to them as their share of sales to ID per cent, to enable w ine to be sold ut re duced prices. The World's Fair gates w ill be open to the public Sillldav, and the Vexed oues- tioii is settled. At the regular monthly meeting of the local Directors of the World's Fair, it was decided to open the gates of Jackson Park to the public for half the sum of the admittance to the fair during the week, viz: 25 cents. This action has nothing to do with the opening of buildings. The latter will remain closed as required under the laws passed ly i ongres-, and as agreed to when the $2,.rrtHI,tMHI was accepted from the Fifty-second Congress. The vote by which the resolution was adopted was twenty-seven to seven. Under the resolution Midway I'hiisance is also throw n open. Edwin Walker, attorney for the hoard, submitted an opinion, and on the strength of the opinion the hoard acted. Ilricllv, Walker decided the exposition grounds altogether a distinct and eeperate ihiiiu'. Unless the National Commission acts vigorously to prevent it, Jackson Park will he opcii Sundays, the exposition buildings re maining closed. After much hard work the committee investigating misunderstandings in the bureau ot music has made a report to the national commission. It is a most severe arraignment of Theodore Thomas and his methods of conducting the bu reau of music. It gives a fearful rasping to Chief Harpist Schelicke, w ho proposed to a local linn of musical instrument manufacturers that he would play their harps for a Imnus of 1.000 a year. Schelicke in his testimony, it appears, admitted having made the proposition, before the committee Thomas denied being in any way connected with any house engaged in selling or manufactur ing instruments. Thomas declared that the authority of Director- ieneral Davis over him was mere merely nominal. The committee concludes by the expression i of the opinion that no piano exhibited for awards should lie used for perform ances; that the usefulness of Prof. Thomas as the head of the bureau of music of the World's Columbian Fx po sition is so impaired in the judgment of the committee that his services should be further dispensed with, and recom mends that the Director-Oeneral be in structed to request his resignation. FROM WASHINGTON CITY. Andrew Douglass of Wisconsin has been appointed Examiner of the Chip pewa Indian lands in Minnesota, vice Otis Staples, resigned. Charles II. Martin of Illinois has been appointed F.xatnincr in the Mineral Di vision of the general land otlice, vico Charles T. Yonder, resigned. The Secretary of tho Navy has ap pointed Medical Inspector Rufus Tyron Surgeon-t ieneral of tho Navy to succeed (ieneral John Mills Brown, retired. Secretary Herbert has authorized tho statement that ho will decline to extend leaves of absence to any otlicers of t he navy who aro engagod in private busi ness. Officials of tho State Department at Washington conllrm tho prediction here tofore made that ox-Representative Rlotint would be appointed Minister Resident to Hawaii. The members of the Diplomatic Corps in Washington expect that in tho course of a few months the Spanish govern ment will elevate tho legation in Wash ington to tho gradg of an embassy. Tho President's rule regarding per sonal applications for otlice has caused a largo increase in tho number of callers at the departments, and it is believed tho Cabinent members will have to follow tho President's course. Supervising Architect O'Rourko of the Treasury Department sayB it is his determination to remove, just as soon as it could bo done, all Republicans hold ing positions of Superintendents of Public Buildings, and to fill their places Trith Democrats. EASTERN MELANGE. Kc ere fury llolu; Sinilh Trying to Correct Evils. AN AUTOMATIC VOTK JtKCORDKR. Heavy Rulim Disclose Some Valuable Relics oh the Historical Mas sie Farm In Ohio. Drought w ill cut Kansas' wheat crop down one-half. A postal computation gives Detroit 2h:!,0ihi population. A "Colored Tariff-reform Club" has been organized in Atlanta. The Michigan legislature has indorsed an automatic vote recorder. The licenses for 0,000 (logs are annually taken out in New York city. Colli and frost has rendered necessary much replanting of the cotton crop. Carter Harrison has forbidden smok ing in the Chicago Council chamber. A innv law precludes the possibility of an absolute divorce in Massachusetts. The population of Johnstown, Peim., has increased over 0,000 since the flood of UWJ. The coal and coke business of Colorado is now in the hands of four great com panies. The Duke de Veragua is ho much taken w ith America that he proposes to stay indefinitely. Milwaukie has been taking a little census of its own, and is satisfied that its population is 215, 010. The Ohio legislature has again re jected a measure looking to the grunting of the veto sjwerto the (iovernor. St. IOiiis banks have turned over $2,000,01)0 in gold to the United Mates in exchange for Treasury and bank notes, Alabama reports an increase of O'i percent in the acreage in cotton, 2'2 per cent in corn and 0 per cent in wheat. Fast year there were 3,5',!) arrests for violations of the excise law in New York, hut the convictions numbered only thirty-live. The consumption of domestic beer in the United States last year was about one-half a barrell per capita, or some- thing like a barrel, barring teetotalers.! Aivording to otiici.il report the prohi- i lotion town of Portland in Maine uses $70,000 worth of liquor a year for "medicinal and mechanical purposes." Deaths from exposed electric wires, very frequent in New York before Mayor (irant's crusade against the 'dangerous aiul unsightly poles in 1S01, are now a thing unknown. The great tunnel which is to drain the Valley of Mexico is nearly linished, and will le completed in fifteen months. ! It is expected to transform Mexico into a very healthy city. The New Y'ork Board of Electrical Control has condemned three-fourths of the electric-light iron poles in that citv. 1 and ordered them replaced by wooden poles with cast-iron bases. American corn shipments aro moving into Mexico as heavily as last year. It is estimated 7,000 car loads will be shipped into the republic before the close of the year if the duty is not restored. There seems to bo a fair chance for the restoration of the death penalty in Michigan, for the Judiciary Commit teo of the Legislature has reported favorably upon the bill introduced to that end. A stone 150 feet long and 10 feet square at the base has been quarried at Pren tice, Wis., and it is proposed to use it as a monument to James (r. Blaine. It is forty-six feet longer than Cleopatra's needle. The Western General Agent of one of the larger New Y'ork insurance com panies is authority for the statement that a number of retirements of insur ance companies may bo expected before many weeks. Wall-street brokers have adopted a new gambling device in the shape of a phonograph which squeaks out from a colassal tunnel quotations on mining stocks, as many as a dozen fluctuations being recorded'in a minute. Secretary of tho Interior Smith is try ing to correct tho evils that have been constantly growing at Yellowstone Park in tho way of monopolies and conse quent excessive charges for everything tho tourist is required to use. Heavy rains near Chillicotho, Ohio, have washed the earth away and dis closed sonio valuable relics on the his torical Massio farm, consisting of stone implements, bullets, coins and silver buttons. The gold coins aro dated 1727 and 1750. The great dam now being built across the Colorado river at Austin, Texas, is built of large, rough blocks set in con crete in tho interior faced on both sides and on top with cut granite. It has a total length of 1,275 foot, and a maxi mum height of (JO feet. The story is revived in Washington that tho W hi to House is to be devoted exclusively to residential purposes. President Cleveland is said to be con sidering tho moving of his otlice to suit able apartments in the army, navy and Stato Department buildings." Southern California is the Mecca toward which tho restless negroes of the section about Chattanooga, Tenn., are now turning their faces. Great excite ment exists among them over an emi gration scheme to tho Pacific Slope. Tho impression amonj; the negroes ie that all that is to be done is to go out there with a few dollars, buy as much land as is wanted and live like a nabob. PURELY PERSONAL. Mark Twain's eldest daughter, Mies Cluia Clemens, nut yet 20, has written an allegorical play. Ismail Pasha, ex-Khedive of Egypt, now ii.'!, lives in regal splendor on the shores of the Bosphorus. His wealth is 1(25,000,000. Alva Gage has presented to the Unita rian Church of Charleston, H. C, a handsome brick parish-house, costing over J 1 1 ,000. A son of tlie Archbishop of Canter bury, Primate of all England, is a Cap tain in the artillery and an enthusiast in the art of war. Mrs. Laura de Force Gordon, a well known woman lawyer on the Pacific Coast, has filed her application for the Consulship at Honolulu. Queen Victoria is traveling in Italy, and in England she isn't missed, so little does she really have to do with the gov ernment of that country. Dr. Haffkine, the bacteriologist who has been investigating cholera, writes that he has conquered the disease by an inoculative method, which he will give to the world. Frederick Weyerhauser, one of the richest of the lumber kings of Minne sota, began work in a brewery when he came to this country from Germany. He worked for $1 a day. Conigsby Disraeli, who has just come into his inheritance at HuL'henden man or, is described as bearing a striking re semblance in personal appearance to his uncle, ijrd Ueaconslield. The ex-Empress Eugenie is said not to put trust in French medical men. When she fell ill of a sore throat in Paris not long ago she telegraphed to England for a physician to attend her. The Trustees of Lime Theological Sem inary have accepted the resignation of Prof. Roberts, one of the prosecutors of Prof, llenrv P. Smith in his trial for heresy. The Trustees also re-elected Prof. Smith for the ensuing year. Dr. P.uchner. the African traveler. broke from the highest point on Mount Kilimandjaro, one of the highest mount ains in Africa, a piece of rock, which he presented to the licrman Emperor. The Kaiser now uses a mountain summit as a paper-weight on his writing desk. Mine. Paul Mink is a picturesque can didate for a seat in the Pans municipal ity. She is the wife of the French an archist and the mother of a child named " Lucifer Satan Vercingetorix Mink." Her political platform is thatof " woman, mother, Socialist and Republican." Pope Leo XIII. spends most of his mornings in the Vatican gardens catch ing birds with nets, a sport which he practiced when Bishop of Perugia, and of which lie is particularly fond. Hundreds of birds are caught every morning and distributed among the hospitals and the poor. BUSINESS BREVITIES. Great Britian has more than twenty thousand trained nurses. There are nearly sixteen thousand miles of railroads in Canada. Great Britian levies a tariff on about twenty articles of commerce. The streams of Wisconsin yield $100, OjO worth of pearls in a year. There are 20,000 American publica tions, a gain of 1,202 in a year. The money circulation of the United States is estimated at $1,600,000,000. Of the 51,000 breweries estimated to be in the world 20,000 are in Germany. Fully 25 per cent of all the champagne made is lost by the bursting of bottles. It requires more than 1,000,000 sheep to supply the mutton consumed in Lon don. April saw three bank failures in Aus tralia, representing liabilities of $100, 000,000. The nine rum distilleries of this conn try put out about 1,000,000 gallons annually. Cleveland carpenters will bo paid 30 cents an hour for a nine-hour day, be ginning May 1. It is estimated that there were 19,573 papers published in this country and Canada last year. The domestic rice crop of the country for the current season is estimated at 225,000,000 pounds. According to tho "Wade's Fibre and Fabric tho cotton acerage of 1894 will be as short as that of 1S93. A total destruction by fire in the United States for eighteen years before 1802 was $1,760,944,017. Eight hundred and thirty-eight pairs of corsets for men were made by one firm in England last year. It costs $30 to decorate a room properly with flowers for almost any entertain ment. Philadelphia Record. A dollar loaned for 100 years and com pounded at 24 per cent, will amount in that timo to 112,551,799,404. An uptown genius has invented a slot machine that will furnish a small brick of ice cream. Philadelphia Record. The roll of paper as used in the Hoe press on which the Bulletin is soon to be printed, is from four to six miles long. Alaska produced $1,000,000 in gold last year, and California $12,000,000. The gold product of the United States was $33,000,000. The hot-house peach crop has not failed, but a man who bought enough for a large dinner party did. Phila delphia Record. A company of colon d people is being formed at Charlotte, N. C, tor the pur pose of building a cotton factory to em ploy only negroes. There is still an enormous quantity of gold in the banks and among the people variously estimated at between $600, 000,000 and $700,000,000. FOREIGN FLASHES. Emigrants Leave England for Mozambique, Africa. THE FOREIGN TRADE OF JAPAN, Emperor William Finds Fault With the Bishop of Metz Herr Iiozwadovskl Etc. Cholera reports aro again corning from Europe. Sir Charles Dilke wants the British government to get out of Egypt. Emperor "William forbids all German clericals to meddle in political affairs. Steps are taking to effect a combina tion of all trades unions in Great Brit ain. The long drought in Austria has been broken and the wheat ernn r.W.ul yond all danger. Russia has communicated to tho Pope her intention to send a permanent Min ister to the Vatican. Scotland's population in the middle of last vear wns 4 ar9 1 Of.l M1 - -I-"-, a, v.., v ujaica and 2,102,051 females. Heavy frosts have greatly injured the vines in the wine districts of Austria, Switzerland and France. The question of ocean penny postage has recently engaged the attention of the Britisli House of Commons. Adelina Patti has commissioned the Italian composer, Emiie Pizzi, to write a short opera for her American tour. The late William B. Aster's personal estate in Great Britain has been returned with an official valuation of $1,320,000. The British Consul at Bordeaux re ports that last year's vintage, though large in quantity, is of very poor quality. Russian cotton spinners boast that they will soon be in a position to dis pense with American cotton altogether. Japan's foreign trade for lS92exceeded that of 1891 by 20,000,000 yen. The principal increase was in the values of silk and tea. It has now been decided to light the whole of the Southampton docks with electricity, while the cranes will be worked by hydraulic power. Bismarck according to an interviewer thinks that the anti-Semitic troubles will be gradually settled bv the inter marriage of Jews and Gentiles. Thirty miles of underground electric railway similar to the City and South London line has been proposed for Ber lin at an estimated expense of $10,000, 000. Something strange latelv affected the fish in Hongkong waters. For many davs they were in a state of stupor, and al lowed themselves to be caught by hand, making no effort to escape. The Jerusalem and Jaffa Railroad Company is said to have inaugurated a real-estate movement in Jerusaiem ; to have laid out additions and run up lands from $1 an acre to $3,000. The Italian Chamber of Deputies has commenced the debate on the naval es timates, which the commission on the subject proposes to increase from 99,700, 000 lire to 105,000,000 lire. A Spanish engineer proposes to build a bridge of aluminium across the Straits of Gibraltar. The project is being sci entifically discussed in the current num bers of La Naturaleza of Madrid. The Russian government proposes to convene a commission of Jewish rabbis in September next to take the whole Jewish question into consideration and assist in bringing it to a settlement. The five Australian banks thus far re ported to have closed their doors have a total of some $170,000,000 of liabilities. This is an enormous sum for the sraali population of that part of the world. There have been discovered among the treasures of the British Museum some curious votive tablets set up in ancient Greek medical temples by grateful pa tients who had been cured of disease. The admirers of Prince Bismarck, who contributed three years ago more than $250,000 for a monument to the great statesman, are dissatisfied with the com mittee having the arrangements in charge. The telephone has well nigh super seded the telegraph between London and Paris. The average time for sending and delivery of a telegram is half an hour, while the telephone gives instant com munication. Herr Rozwadovski, a member of the Austrian Reichsrath, who owns land in Russian Poland, where he occasionally spends some time, has been expelled from Poland with his family by the Rus sian authorities. Miss Florrie Bryan, a young English woman, has forsaken Christianity and married tho Maharajah of Patiala in In dia. She was received as a member of the Sikh religious community just before the marriage, which was celebrated ac cording to Sikh rites. Dr. de Boissy of Havre recently com pleted his 100th year, and was given a dinner by his medical brethren. In his after-dinner speech he said that his fa ther had attained the age of 108, and he himself hoped to have the privilege of laboring for humanity for some years to come. A statement recently published by tl authorities of Munich gives some start ling information as to the increased con sumption in that city of dog flesh. So great an appetite seems to have been de veloped for that food that the authori ties have thought it time to interfere for th protection of dog owners. WWei ami IJulmicl. Going down town the oilier morning 1 pled just opposite a pretty little woman, fche was enjoying an animated conversa tion with ber neigh fair, oneof the brethren, Who seemed to find mh equal amount of pleasure in tho society of Inn fair friend. Their K7 interchanges I thought were In terrupted hy a third party, who had stopped outside for a minute, and who proved to b the husband of the lady What did he do? Join In the chat? No, indeed, he pushed his way Into the wat between the couple, and after settling himself to his entire sat isfaction, half turned his hack upon the Woman and drifted in to a con vernation with Lis friend. Everything wa discniwed, from politics to the latest play. Again and again the gentleman friend attempted to include the poor wife in the talk, hut monsieur would have none of it. Left to tbemselvf a lit tle later on. he fell to muling his paper and he stared out of the window From the weet face all life and animation had fled, and she at, this woman who hut a little while before had shown ho much cheerful ness, a sal, depressed being, thought and feeling paralyzed by the man at her side I overheard a young woman say to her companion upon a recent occasion: "I can pick out in a twinkling every married couple in this car The men read and the women gaze into space," and she punctu ated the remark with a hearty laugh. A sad commentary this, but the girl was right. I notice, however, that the women try to keep up a semblance of interest. If only for appearance's sake a woman will do ao much to keep up appearances but he seldom meets with much encourage mentCincinnati Commercial Gazette. Eating a Prickly Pear. My first sad experience of the prickly pear was gained on a visit to the market place of Algiers. The fruit was handed to us, politely peeled, by the Arab dealer, and thus as we made acquaintance with its de lightful coolness no suspicion of ita evil qualities entered our minds. A few days later, adding the excitement of a little tresspassing to the more legiti mate pleasures cf a country ramble, we came upon a well laden group of prickly pear bushes, and could not resist the temp tatkn to help ourselves to some of tha fruit. The result was woefuL Concentrated essence of stinjrlng nettle seemed all atouce to be is:;;lnig hands, lips and tongue, and our skin, wherever it had come in contact with the ill natured fruit, was covered with a thick crop of minute, bristly hairs, apparently growing from it, and venomous and irritating to the last degree. Our silk gloves, transformed suddenly Into miniature rohes of- Xessus, had to he thrown away, perfectly unwearahle, and the inadvertent use of our pocket handker chiefs before we had fully realized the ex tent of our misfortune caused fresh ago nies, in which nose as well as lips partici pated. For many a day did the retrihution of that theft haunt us in the form of my riads of tiny stiugs. "Home Life on an Os trich Farm." Mississippi Packets. These Mississippi packets of the first and second class are very large boats, and room iness is the mast striking characteristic of every part of them. They look light, frail and inflammable, and so they are. The upright posts that rise from the deck of such a boat, to support the saloon deck, are mere little sticks, and everything above them, except the funnels. Is equally slender and thin. These hoats are not like ours at any point of their makeup. They would seem to a man from the coast not to be the handiwork of shipbuilders indeed there has been no apparent effort to imitate the massive beams, the peculiar "knees," the freely distributed "brightwork" of polished brass, the neat, solid joiner work or the thousand and one tricks of construction and ornament which distinguish the work of our coast boat builders. These river boats and I tnclude all the packets that come upon the Mississippi from its tributaries are more like the work of carpenters and housebuiJders. It is as if their model had been slowly developed from that of a barge to that of a house boat or barge with a roof over it then as if a house for passengers bad been huilt on top of the first roof, and the "Texas" and "bureau" had followed on the second root Julian Ralph in Harper's. .Crocodiles In Water. The crocodiles are thoroughly aquatic In their habits, and their peculiar conforma tion enables them to attack and seize their Erey unawares. Their nostrils, which lead y a long canal to the back part of their throats, their eyes and their ears are placed on the upper part of tha head, so that when in the water they can breathe, see and hear, while they are themselves practically in visible. When they dive their nostrils and ears are closed by lids or valves, and their eyes are covered by a transparent nictitat ing membrane. They are further furnished with an arrangement which prevents the water from getting down their own throats when they are holding large animals under the water to drown them. The dentition of these reptiles is peculiar; the teeth are sharp and conical, and are hollow at the base, and each tooth serves as the sheath of another, which will in time replace it. The tongue for, notwithstand ing the ancient belief, the crocodile docs possess a tongue is fleshy and is attached to the bottom of the mouth. And finally the lower jaw is hinged at the very back of the skull, thus giving the ani mal its extraor dinary gape and also the peculiar appear ance which caused the notion that it moved its upper jaw. London Saturday Review. Tbe Men Who Complain. Men should blindly overlook any lack of protuseness in the gratitude of women to whom they offer their seats when they leave the train. Last night a man conferred a favor of this sort on a sickly looking wom an who, holding a basket, had swayed from a strap a few feet from him past many sta tions. The woman was too eager to get the seat in the crowd to thank the giver, who had no longer need of it. The maui how ever, did not forget what he considered his dues, and complained to another man that women had lost the hahit' of returning thanks. There are certain courtesies that are, in fact, no longer courtesies, notwith standing a certain amount of stupid good will that goes along with them. New York Evening Sun.