I HOW MUCH A KNOT IS. I HIUOS r 1ANHAOK I 1W'" Til HI I Absolutely Pure pili: Roy; X flavored ;mJ. more w h- t :n ar.v other lo.ivoiv. ;'.nd therefore move cco.-inie, tiliC tests show that . exit an ecjual. Uoyr.l is undonli'.i. d'.v l:-. ottered to the public ' '. . -.aker. sweeter. K-htcr, finer- 1cm one bread, biscuit and e.d.e iLvr.!. It is ef higher tren;;tli. .1. All vn-ernmetu mtk! sci er.i:i.T avrent it is actuallv wit!;- 7 t ' '.f's AV iaM.-rt. ! akini! jiov ihT i Kothlns to Co Br. Mrs. Gnhb What Mt o' folks are these new neighbors of yours Mrs. Ua,ld-VcU, I've been watching their back yard for two weeks, but as they send thoir wash to a laundry I o:;n't tell onytliuij about them. New York Weekly. An old Kni.'11-li "Manners Book" says, "A lady should d:p only the tips of her lin gers in the sauce lwvl, and should not let food full out of her mouth ou the table cloth." A woman who does not nnury Hnd make some good man happy is likely to turn phi lanthropist and muke some bad man un happy. If you wish a succession of Flowers or Vczctnvlethrouch the vear. riant i:ow. ForuXE lml.I.AU wo will seis'l cither of the. following Collections of Well-t.rovrn I'lants, postage paid. . .'. .". ' ' 12 1 12 12 12 12 1 c ROSES .. FUCHSIAS . VERBENAS.". CARNATIONS CKRANIUMS CHRYSANTHtHUKS lid 1 IIUIl i: wrrlirs..f C either fyuur own or our selection; The Timothy Hopkins Collection of Sweet Peas. l Dist'iirt Varieties. A I.anre Packet -if S-t'Is ol each SI. SO, or Packet or all, mixed. IO t.. Rwpplrarntirr l.lstl of AmnoHbl. Sp.-ialtr now rea !y. Ilease sci.il Crt one. SHtRWCOQ HALL NURSERY COMPANY. 5. W. cor. Clay and Saiisome Streets, Sat. 1 riii-Lcco CiU. Footstools in Theater. There is an arrangement in most Eu ropean theaters which 1 am ast .wished to see our theater owners neglect so linjj. I refer to footstools. If you k to the theater and take a look at the ladies present you will notice that after tin act or two many of them, especially those who are dimiuntive iu stature, are evidently very uncomfortable. Their discomfort is owing to the same eanso as that of the man who was hanged their feet cannot reach the ground. After a short time yon may be certain that many of the i-edal extremities are in the arms of Morpheus. You will notice that many ladies put the toe of one foot on the ground and raise the heel in the air. Upon the instep the other foot is rested and a momentary relief obtained. European managers recognize the fact that a neat that is comfortable enough for a man of average size is very nnsnit able for a woman, and accordingly at the entrance of the theater yon can al ways find a woman who keeps little tools which she rents for a trifle. Any lady who has used them is surprised at how much the ease afforded adds to the enjoyment of the play. Many own their own stools, and bring them to the . theater as regularly as they do their opera glasses. They are made of carved ' wood, with the legs hinged so as to be i folded back, and can be carried with little more inconvenience than that en I tailed by taking a good sized prayer ! book to chnrch.- They are inclosed in handsomely embroidered bags with a : handle, and if adopted here could not I fail to be popular. Interview in St. , Louis Globe-Democrat. Purely a vegetable compound, made entirely of roots and herbs gathered from the forests of Georgia, and has been used by millions of people with the best results. It QURE3 All manner of Blood diseases, from the pestiferous little boil on your nose to worst cases of inherited blood taint, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh and SKIH'CIFCER Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases wailed bee. Swift Specific Co, Atlanta, Ua. I CARRY IX STOCK XEARLY every kind of Secret Society Badge. I also make any design toorder. My stock designs are tasty, and prices lowest for good goods. A. FELDENHEIMER Portland, Or. I SOCIETY IID HI SENT FREE for one oi their lustratcd list of S GESTS - Olds & King PORTLAND, OR., ! Are the distributing I agents for the ju?tlv cele- brated STAX1UKD PA- I PER PATTERN'S for Ore- I gon, Washington and Idaho. ISv sending your name they will enroll it on a book and every month mail you free of charge a Standard Gaz'tle, fully illustrating the lat I est styles and fads in i dresseB for ladies, misses i I and children. Also ask Catalogues, containing an il- their numerous stock, will buy an Ansonia-make ALARM CLOCK, nickel case. Postage, 24 cents extra. Order I HAVE YOU COT PILES IT'CHIiTO I1139 kntrtcti by ttwlstnr like pcnjpiraUc,n,eauso intcttao itching when warm. This form an BjuINJ), yii r.n AT ONCE TO Dft. BO-SAN-KO'S FILE REMEDY, nrhl "h acts dtr-j.i''y on partu affected, BbiorlM tumors, al.a7r,ltchinir,effecthi(i a pcr-ian"itcnre. Prloooyo. DruKtrin'ii or uu-i. BodanUo, Philadelphia, ? I Mornhlnn Habit Cnred in 10 I to 20 dar. No pay till cured. I DR.J.S I fefHtNti, ueDanon.umo. Piso'B Remedy for Catarrh is the '.J r.et. I''i'3t to T'se. and fheaixst Bold by druRRlsts or sent by iun:l, F Mukini; Mlunten Connt. A poor girl, who works all day in the mending room of an embroidery factory, told me how the girls used their spare minutes. There were thirty of them, and whenever a piece of embroidery came from the great looms it went into their hands to be looked over and mend ed, so what they did was "piece work," and any minutes they gave np were deducted from their time at the end of the week. After thinking it over they decided that each one could spare ten minutes a day, and the one who was having her ten minutes read to the others, fn this way they got 800 min utes a day, 1,800 minutes a week, and whoever amoug you is a good arithme tician count how many minutes a year that would be for them. Doesn't thia make you, who govern your own time, a bit ashamed? Ruth Aahmore in Ladies' Home Journal. Method of r I ml I n tlx Cult of Uurt. in rut fur Sri'il at Sen. How much Is k not f Thin (juration U evtked, wo Ih11vp, In every aa piissniio by ome passenger or oilier, mid never meet with a clear reply Sailor themselves do not describe it distinctly, mid book of ref erenco differ ns to lis dimension. A knot I one sixtieth of a mean decree of tho earth's meridian This dellliition requires explanation and also numerical computation. The earth's meridian Is com Uioiily dvseriW'd as any circle whcw center 1m t tie center of the earth and whose cir clinifeivnco passes through the poles. This I not exact, U'canse the meridiau Is not a true elide. Kvidently, It would be a 1 1 tie circle If tho earth were a true sphere, but the earth Is not true sphere It Is a spheroid, Its ill ampler measured on tho axis bemn less than II diameter at the equator. Hence the circumference of a section of the earth by a plane pasm; l lii'oui;h lis center nud tho poles, w hieh circumference Is a merid Un, Is iiot a true circle, but an oval. Hearing this lu mind, It will bo easy to understand the nieauin,; of a mean ilejjreo cf the earth' meridian. If Sot) separate decrees he set off front tho center of a perfect circle It is evident that the circular measure of each decree, meas ured ou the circumference of the circle will be the same. Hut if they Ihi set off from the center of an oval the measurements on the circumference of t lie oval will not all be the same. That this is the case any one may demonstrate for himself by drawing an oval ami its minor axis, and then, front the center of the oval, with radius equal to its nemiminor axis, inscribing a circle iu the oval. If. now, deuiees, or rather, for convenience, eouimult llilcs of a dejjrce, be net off from t lie common center thereout nrv of the llcure will show at once the variation In the circular measurements on the circumference of the oval. Now. a mean decree of the earth merid ian Is the average length of these oU un equal measurements, and it is obtained by divldini; the lonctn of the niernnan tiy aoo. Astronomers have measured the earth' meridian and found it to be 13l,'e.i,'.'b7 hntf lLsh feet. DividltiK this by StW we get 3tVI.Mt.!3 feet as the length of a mean degree of the mo ridiau. One sixtieth of this, then, Is n knot, and thus by division a knot Is found to be lUiTO.SIS feet, or .'.ICYO yards, or 1 mile 2vo.O yards. It will uow be convenient to notice that, a knot being G.OTO.blS feet, and a niilo being S.iiSO feet, the proportion of a knot to mile is very nearly as b.O.l) Is to B,"M', or, dividing bv 4. as 1,.M'. is to l.H-U which Is verr nearly as 13 to l.l. o that tor orm narv minioses knots may lie converted Into miles by taking thirteen knots as equal to fifteen miles, and vice versa. Cham tiers Journal. After I'lftern Yrur- A few mile out of the city of Hankok there is a mineral spring, and near it Is bungalow much frequented by the Euro neans in the citv An Englishman s.-.vs that cue evening a he rmle up to thi bungalow, a gentleman was alighting from hi howdah at tho entrance. A soon as he had dismounted, his c!e chant was moved to one side, and ray driver, who was seated on the head of my elenhant. ordered it to advance. The in stant he spoke, the animal which had moved aside to make room for us flapped his great ears, mid then turned sharply around, facing my driver. Suddenly, without the least wnrniiiK, he stretched out his long trunk and wrapped It about the body of my man. 1 heu, I t- fore anybody had time to interfere, he raised him hik'h in the air and brought him to the ground with tremendous force An the imor fellow struck the eartu we could hear his bones crack. Hiittlieele nlmnt was not done with him. I he next moment he had placed his huge foot on tin head and chest of the prostrate driver When he raised it nuain. all semblance of life was gone from the crushed, mutilate body. The gentleman whose elephant had com milted the terrible deed was greatly :is tressed. He said that he had purchased the animal from the king's pen, that it had always been exceedingly gentle and well disDoscd. The animal wxs blind, one eye having liecn pitt out by an attendant lit teen years previous It was my driver, I learned the next day who had nut out the elephant's eye. II wait at the time one of the jiuards at the kitia' stockpeu, and for some misd meanor committed by the animal had thrown a stone which struck the creature full in the eye. The elephant was no enraged thereafter at the sight of him that, fearing for hi life, the man left the place. Hut the in Jured animal had bided his time, and after fifteen years or waiting had ternmy pun ished his enemy. Itelwoen thl nud tho other ilde of the broiul A limit to, In the nhnpvot tourluu, coiiiniutclal travelers and iniiitneis, iiRenU "on tho road," leiiiubost ciU'tntim, Khht'a miiKeoua and ",nll elm and coiuitttimn" o( tiavelei'H.einlaiaul ami M'lilcrs api'ieeliile Hud testily In I he pre niUe and remedial imoiu'i I les of lloletler' xiiiaeh H 1 1 lei a In tcuMcltiicnx, iihiim'ii, malarial am! rheuiiialle linuble, and all diniitei'n ol Hie imiim h, liver and Imwela. Analnsl tlie preju- lli'liil liilliirnces ot liiiiiaie, ei udely cooked or unaccustomed uiel aim tininiro aler, II mil sovereign siiieMiiiiid, and has leen so lemii'ded the liav ellim ublie nr oer a third ol a lit it iv . No loiin o( nialiiilnl (ever, (nun Ihe aleiuina id' Ihe I'aellle and (he broken-tame er ol the Mississippi lo lis milder types, eau resist the ciinilive aeiion nl Ibis hciilunaiit pre- tier and leshner ol health, a vei'liahle noon e prisons in leeble health or liable to ineiir disease. K uies to me can pshe you liearl trouble, Poroihy Well, (lie doelor sit Id I must hot do auylliliiK that would make me tired. Disappointment. "Of cawse you liked deah old Lunnonf" said Goslin to Sappy, when the latter re turned from his first run across. "No, deah boy; I was rathaw disappoint ed, doncher know." "Awf" "Ya-as. The fact is, Lunnon Isn't quite bo English as New York." Harper's Bazar. I'lie Mexican eo eitunciit is doing good work in the matter of distribution nt trtiit lives. I'ui'ing .laiiuni v ami rebiu- it . i .1 arvottlto pusi'iit vear tnev liiiponeii (i.lHKl young olive nml ti,"'J I fruit tree unions kinds, beside lSl.fiOll grape incs nil trtuu V aiiioniia. sr. pruM der' srwfi ObenBloodPubifier. u U n L. -3 "" KIDNEY tV LIVER DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA, WV' jfjO .1 llfnWHCADACHL C03IIVENESS. SKfB 1 K. 1 . S2 . F. N. U. No. 569 I must say a word as to the ef ficacy of German Syrup. I have used it in my family for Bronchitis, the result of Colds, with most ex cellent success. I have taken it my self for Throat Troubles, and have derived good results therefrom. I therefore recommend it to my neigh bors as an excellent remedy in such cases. James T. Durette, Earlys ville, Va. Beware of dealers who offer you "something just as good." Always insist on having Boschee's German Syrup. 0 An Anecdote of General Jackson. General Jackson, while on one of his fournevs to Tennessee about the time of the nullification excitement, arrived at Virginian village iu a very impatient state of mind, both with public affairs and with the state of the roads. The president was entertained as a uuest at the house of a lady in the village, and although he tried to lie polite, the state of vexation which he was in affected him visibly. His hostess, at the supper table, was much alarmed to see the general swallow Ing, with great rapidity, a cup of almost boiling hot tea. "Wait wait, general!" exclaimed the lady, "let me give you some cold water." ''No, I thank you, ma'am Bald the eeneral, continuing to drink "Hut I don't see how you can drink that boiling hot tea without scalding yourself." "No wonder you can't, ma'am," said jacK son; "I am scalding myself." "But, sir, wbvdovou" "Good gracious, ma'am I" exclaimed the general, "dou't you see that I want to scald mvself?" Ihe lady re frained from making any further sugges tions as to her distinguished guest's com fort. Youth's Companion. Remarkable Changes in Color of Hair. The hair of Mary How, of Mapleton Derby, at the age of 1 10, changed from gray to its original color. Bhe died two years later, in 1751. Sir John Sinclair reports the case of an old Scotchman, who, at the same age, 110, regained the natural color of his hair. Dr. Stare states that his granuiatner, a native of Bedfordshire, who died in his hundredth vear. "at the aze of eighty-five had a complete set of new teeth, and his bair from being a snowy white gradually hwnmB darker." Hvland C. Kirk in iNew York Times. A Bare Jewel. An old gentleman, when talking with ladv. made the following remark: "More jewels are worn nowadays than iti mr time. Still there is one I useu to ad mire trreatly, and which I very rarely see now." "What lewel was itf" the lady inquired "A thimble," was the old gentleman ' re- ply. La Famine. We offer One Hundred Iiollivin1 Reward for any ease of catarrh that cannot bo cured by lla'll'i Catarrh Cure. K. J. CIIKNKY it CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the tnidersluued, have known '. .1. Che ney lor ihe last lUiecu years, and believe him peiieetlv honorable In all business Iniusaelioiis and tliiaiielallv able In cum out anv obllnulloii made by iht-lr llrm. hsr.v I III AN, Wholesale imiikkisis, inieoo, u, WAI MNU, MSNAN .t M VKVIS, Wholesale III iinulsls, Toledo, 11, Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, set- lua dlreelly upon Ihe blood and mucous sur taees ol Ibesvsleiu. Price, ,',' renin her bulllu, Hold by all druiiKlsls. 'Testimonials lice, Mlerall your experience what ran you ob serve o( society women! ' " iuinsi eveiy thlUK." ootru'j itiini'ioif 7Voec. " are simple and convenient for bronchial affections and oughs. A VAI.l -A II 1.15 ltKMIDY. lion. Edmund l l'itts, the late 1'rcsi nt ol the New York State Senate, writes: " Static ok N rw Yoiik.I fsr.N VTK I'llAMIIKIt.J- Ai.uvnv Marcn II, ISNi., " I have used A 1.1 coon's IVum I'iastkhh in in v lainilv for the past the years, and an truthfully say they are a valuable rem edv and effect ureal cures. 1 would not be without them. I have m several I; stance given some t Ineinls wintering wmi weaa and lame backs, mid thr y have invariably afforded certain and speedy relief. They cannoCbe too highly commended." t'llv Sportsman Have you seen anything worth shooting around here? Tanner We no; not till you tame along, b'gosh. KVI'Tl'KK AND I'll, ICS UVKKD. Wrt iMMlilveiv euro runt urn. el lea and all refl Ul disease without palu or detention from bus! ueas No uro. no eav. Also u rTitum uts uhsiw. Aildnwa tor iwmuui.iu ir. roricruoiu Losoy, tUs, Market street. San Francisco. lielltlon Is a natural Instinct w it It women - ol 1 1 ic Is an aeuiiired taste. Ilk Ihe relish (or oliws. t'so Kn&raollue stove Pollnu: no dasl, no iiue'.l TsjT fv for hrnakfast Do You Ever Have Boils ? Read How Mr. Hydo Woe Cured. mmmm JJr. LJuiiJ S. X. H ide Fresno, Cal. For icv.-ral years prior to ls02, I tras ron- utautly la f lier.ltli. There was harCy aday that I was f.'i-o f ora Ixii's and other eruptions of tlio akin arlsln.f from I n:.url:Lso( tho M od. After trying various rem -dli s V. I'.hotit relief, I lieuaaln July, 12, to t;:l.o Il.asl's earsaparUla Heals as a rule waul ninuev, and even man w ho heals carpels Is olil lor the dust. Ihe Pfiiinlrr' or ti lllouil I'lirlllrrls the best remedy lor cleansing your icm. KASYTO T A Ktt Ilr l'lnrce 1'iHisiiut roiinis. Smallest . tviMcst, ehenpesi, best, They're lliiy, augar-cnnled, null bllioii Ki': lib s, a eouipouu.1 f icllii'-d 'ld concent rated vei'clnbln ex tiads Without deitiii banco r l.l.i t'oinill- k nun f nun i"""" " ,, 1.. i.tuvcillc!. the liver, alonuicli, ami ii" ...,, i ...i i.iii'ini i r I ..... " it Ill tin l ulleU way aialii lotion. I.idlg""'!"". Ai,,,"'u' i:iSiie..dci,c,:...tii : 1 bi.l Klll'liil rnu.vrsi, ..... ' ' . .-,.,,,,. .,.ii,,,,. tbesn too. lly the r Hum a"" un" '..,.... li e 1'i.llr.U lad the "vslcu in o i.alu.al 'l'lielr Inllueiiee im. Evrryll.lnrT catarrhal In Us nM . calanlt Kself.and all H. U - come fioni Mlurrli. l! "'. 1 permnnen.ly cured by lr. SUt' ari'h lteme.lv. No muiirr hw I"" lour,,;, or ot Lowlunx .uudliig, you can to cured. . HOOD'S Sarsaparilla ClJEtES according to direction:!, and bcf.iro I had flu shed the third botllo I found r.iysijf entirely cured, much to my mirprbo and grr-r.t relief." X. llYDi, of t'm fir:-i f Van Va'.. r .' Hyde, Real Ksta'c Iiea'.crs, Room 4, Fresno, CuLfirnl.t. Jjelong HulldiniT Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and efficiently, on t'm liver and bowels. ass? iur . n m an , wm mmt, . and KUKit i ii ii W CUcU. f 1.00 per llottlu, Oueueutadose. ' .r r- fffif y mjj Tma Orbat Conon Cuitn promptly ctr where all others fail. Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it has no rival: has cured thousands, and Will CURB YOU if taken in time. Sold oy Druggists on a guar antee. For a Lame Hack or ("host, use BHILOH'8 BELLADONNA PLASTKR.x. HILOHVATARRH remedy; nam von nutn Ii y 'Tills romedvlH miurnn- teed to cure you. trice, 50 eta. Injector free. S It is very difficult t o convince children that a medicine is "nice to take" this trouble is not experi enced in administering Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It is almost as palatable as milk. No preparation so rapidly builds up good flesh, strength and nerve force. Mothers the world over rely upon it in all wasting diseases that children are heir to. Prepared by Scott A Bums, N. Y. All druggists. 1 " JU H i!r WWW v m m w CurpsT RDMmYANrTPEMVtfEHTlY BHE V MUTISM SCIATICA, SPRAINS, BRUISES, INJURIES, CUTS, NEURALGIA. ALL ACHES, -Sfyv BURNS, WOUNDS, Wfjffiv SORENESS, Vt4 FROST-DITES. THE & LUMBAGO, ,ss'if fy pn.vt ' I '.-- f.'i jacVre. IHICHARICS A.V0Cr.Ult C3.. tsltlnaor. H4. FREE LM) vc;ir CUM V FREE nicki 1 tin un .'i. . 2'. ' ' I . .. ' 1 tWil; I." - t.v ' .- ji ' i s ., i"-V- II COSTS YOU It I $12.50 SUITS ( r U C i I' N T U V friends may accept our assurance that our sprltiK suits at II.' .'in are e.pniled now heir In the Northwest lor Ihe money. e make these suits oiirnvlvi's, and Kiiatautce muke style, tl ii t-.li , cloth and lli'iluK. W e sell more clotbliiK than iter hoii-e lu I'ordnud.aiid our prices ure Iomc.i. M ini (or roles or si ,. Iiieasuremeiil. Mall To f,s Wat. b, but when a id 1 1 s'lils Von, n t..eexpn 111 iii, d Use li, ollu rw .so at our i peiise, Tllir HITIOr I wo do I anr u i.r n.i v w.t.-i,..wt,i. i ii beiti-r lli'iu biii.s. Me u mi r.i Hi' n our It od, and is'i s-'l oil ti)llil:i.: in .1. m iiy line, al sim'.iir pre . SEEING IS BELIEVING W c si-uil I'oo'ls ' .li. It. lid. -el in i vih.li. "excelsior VATCIl CO C,:7 Miiidir t rt.. i' i - Sua I'iMiii is.'o. I', l. i. orders a specially. A. B. Steinbach & Co., Cor. First iul Morrison. 5 DR. GUNN'S luruovEu LIVER PILLS A miD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. A moysmdnt nflhn bowels oncrntsj Is neessrT fnr hisslib. Tame piTs supply w ni sysism l"s iu ni9 It reilulsr. 1 Iicy imre llomtsehi", Ijrlsllleil lilt Etis ml ulnar th Coinlilinl.nl tto'lnr HUH oo netlen. They set inrtitly, iinlthsr gripe nor cken s othef puis rin. To enuvlui you ut 'heir nmrlls will mell iimr''ff. cr 'll 't -A emits. Mol- vsrywbi.ro. i..m.uilo MuU. Co., l'UilnOoii.lus. S FISHING TACKLE r iPTiar3&ijj-jsxzy; MEN! ? YOUNG Tho Cpoclflo A No. I. fnres, wltlmm kII,II essen i t ll.innrr h-n lent 1'lrxst, un miitu-r of li .w li st.n.ltiir. i'-evi-nts strlrlnre, ll In1 nan l;l- li-rnnl remtsiy. riires vin'ii cvi.ryUileK elhi tins f.illi-il. Kild bv all liriicul Us. MunutiM-ttirers: ,Iut'A.Ketint!lir.. Vt-U'-bie Prlc.M.O. t'-.. Han J,,-,-, I ul INVALID GOODS. HolllllS (hairs llrcllnlna I'ltalrs Ilsrk Unt. ('onimoiics. hi-nil fur CutabiKue. W. A.SCHRQLK(ZlHciMonlg:mcr)S!.S.F - pint - Rods. Reels, Linos, HooV, Lonclora Etc., of tho I Inest Quality. TIE H. T. HUDSON Ml CO., 03 First St., Portland, Or. jy Send lore t:i'o(j le. 0V NOT SlOINO THE mr.MT Ri CYCLE 5N0 fOU OS (SIALOOUC-Tr.UJ YOU ALLAUOVt ffORTH PACl 1'IC, CYCM: (',0. BICYCLES Of tVEHV OtSCKIPI IOM."" Mskovsm Buuoiwo -pQRTtAMO Orvrc.ON. mm BestintheWorldlf. Get the Genuine!!? SoldEverywhsrel mi. rtss r t r si Kit ANK M iii'l.-l:V . Viir-i.l, I'm i Imiil r. THE BEST WHEEL Off EARTH, THE DERBY FOR '93. Morgan & Wright Pneumatic $150 DKTAIb Frame, Derby pattern, double throiiKhiiut from continuous seamless steel tuhiiiK; ll-lnch Head; Wheel llnnvll Inches; M heels, In.; 'Tool Steel HcarliiKs; Miuiiicsmann'H Spiral Fibre Steel 'Tulilun ; ilenrlnn f7 and HI Inches; Rounil Cranks, ili.j anil 7-Inch throw; lluiul.er Chain; Harford Saddles. Prop FoikIhk UiioukIioiiI. We have the best and most simple spokes made; they can be replaced by the rider llhoiil remnvlim the tire, and are fully explained and Il lustrated In our CalaluKue; also laiiKenl spokes. For beaut v ami slin plh ll v I here Is no eiiial. For service none can hs made better. SKN1J Foil CATAMltil'K. Webb Safe and Lock Co., GENERAL NORTHWESTERN AGENTS, 04 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND, ORFCDN. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF IVloore's Revealed Remedy. Astoria OiutnoN, Jannarv 10. 1 can atato with pleasure that by the use of MOOKK'H KKVKALKI) KKMKDY my husband wa relieved mm un old i of RIIKUMA'I ISM and my yomiKest boyetired enllrelyof INFI.AMMA'TOKY if KIT. MATIbM when the beat doetorl could get did him no good. Y urs In in.it Undo MKH. N. V. H'lEKLK. SOLD ItY YOUK DKHGUIST. LOOK OUT FOR TRAVELING "FAKIRS" SELLING " CII EESE-K RAM E " BICYCLES And representing them to bo Just as good ns "Victors," "Ramblers," "ClevHands," "Ralolghs," "Rudgos," "Sylphs," Western Wheel Works, fctc. Send for catalogues, club and agents' discounts. FRED T. N3ERRILL, 32G Washington Street, Portland, Or.