The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 20, 1893, Image 1

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    I .
f r, yet;''-
iver Glacier.
NO. 51.
Sfood Iviver Glacier.
Tin Glacier Publishing Company.
ft! Il HIIT(V l-ltlCK.
On. ymr
llll'tllll. , , ,
TIiimi In; .1. . . ,
NiiKle 'ijr
....ft M
... Unit
) 1 r
Dcr mod
Grant Evans, Pr opr.
Jlon.l UUr, Or.
Hm-iiiiil St., ,.14l (uj
Kl.uv.,K mid Hairrultiiig nn,tly ,10,.
.S!ifm lii.u
Representative Oiilhwaili! of Ohi,, jH
tho latest to verify 1 1 report , at (',,.
I'l'I'MM L'ill ... ........
'""' iii cjira session in
n. pieiiiiicr next. JUllns llllti docs ,(
'""' Mock ill lllCHlllll'IIH'lll 1 hilt illl
luciljalely alter the appointment ,,( (M,
House committees ii recess Mill ,e tal,,.,,
until t lie lirst f December. J J H,lM .
''It is my iiiiiiiin thai. Congress will In.
Ill COIIlllltlOUM MCHHHHI, bailing llll
iirisimas Holidays, from
until tin- follow iiig'.liiiie."
It Was learned a), Ii,,. sti,),, ),,lUrt.
im-iit Hint tin- refusal of t, liuinian
OtlSlll ill NVW' Vlli vihl! tl. pass-
pOlt issued (., Mrs. Sadie Schwartz by tl.
Male Department, on ground "that
hill) in u Ji'WI'M. in in ii,-,...i-,l., ...i.
I in aws (if Russia. J Mrs. Schwartz
should make i'niii,laiiit to Secretary
ill filUIII, fllC Mill, ll II lleCC-sity, . j.
formed (hut l. .an ilo Holding in t.
matter, because the rules governing tin.
I; iifniiui consular oHii-eis j.rttlndit Tln-ni
from countersigning any paper intended
fur IISC HI IfllKhjil llV .JlH S.
I lnt danger (if an
Scjitilii her
Hit! Jroojis vVj I lnl ni vn From
Hit; Mt'.xifiin JJonlcr.
Niivul Militia Hoys Must do to Sea
urn! Live ami Art I.Ike Sailor
-Rebel Millionaire.
Jijuk w aid Season
Protects the
in Nevada
1 1 1 I-1 H 1 1 1 ill ( 'iili.'i
K"i'i"i- mi- i nrisiian missionai ies
mai coiiiilry has iuhcI. Tin
iiiiiIih if iiatncM luul (In
terinniale tin- w I
ns," by
A Hlue Rililmii War in Progress at
Sun Dicuo - A Deputy She rift"
Killed liy (he Kid.
The Soul In-ill Paiillc in to build to San
Diego finm Yuma.
Victoria R, C.) lumber dealers have
formed it lumber combine.
1 1 in Ii Spring, A. I ., im in the
f excitement out a new L'nlil fin
A w Iiifullv lirh htiiki dan Ki'i'ii
iniiili. in the F.unli-Tuil MounlaiiiM, A. T.
Tin- CI:t.Nni Mill Ciiiiiiany ul A.-loria
now Iiiim a ilrvliuiiMe, with a raiiacitv of
I'tMl.lHM) f,., t u ,;iVi
Tin- Cili.i iih tii ki t at I'hu iiix. A. T..
nas iiitii cin'ii.,1, hi, tli
( ilv M.tohal.! Dicpi County llorti.-iiltiiral
C(iiiiini"iiiln iK linvi- oiaiiii'il ainl eoui
liiiluiil tin- ft inly of fruit pi-Ht.i.
'I'hi ri- aii- runioiH of a li opium coin-Kiiii-,
working through Cuiiailiaii jioiIh
uinl having hi-ailouarlors at I'ortfaiul,
Tin1 hark want ncasoii in Nevada ha
)iioii.( i(.. the fruit, and the jia.-liirant'
will he i ,( erdiinjly line, owili to iea V
raiiiH and mui .
There 1h tii iult exeitenieiit in llrahani
roimty, A. l.,oer the indictment of
several citiens lor rai.inn the reniMra
tiuii to make the county lirst-cliixH.
Kid, the Apache, has killed dakit Bow
man. Deputy Sln-rill' of Cochise county,
in iiiadalupe Canyon, A. T. HovMiuin
htaricd out to hunt lor and kill the Kid.
An A Many paper uenert that people
i'-wm that
atened to i-x-
was n-i eivi il In-1 1,..
r-iuoi iMiianmenl Hiine wick
'alile. I'rolectioli from (.
Milieu J.-OVCI I, ini-nl. was rnilili d and
HccorduiKly Ihe Navy Department' ,.,
' "K.iiiier .Men iroiii SliaiiK
on n. w in oil let-M
i ' i .
I i I l u 1 1 ... I
( I I ll I'caceliil aspeit.
"'' n.iiioonv caoicil l,l
nielli inai Hie Alert arrived at her
iinaiion .prii Ihe other
oilier Hispati li was received f,
Mlalllitf the Alert luul M
Intl. hile nolhin
it ion of allair.H
exceplioli o
ty an-
ioiii lino
uriii-d to ShaiiL'-
colicernilij; the con-
UHS eilllt:lllii'il In ll...
iihpiucn, it is certain the Alert would
not have left Core.1 if imv u.n,,n.i i i..
had existed.
The International Monetary Confer
hec, which adiouriied to reii It I ill i ii
lirussi-l the ;inth inst.. will not r......
Hi inhle on that date. 'I I,,. .,. ..,! f..'i
iliK ex,rise, l.y the rcpre-entativcK of
the JeadiliL' Isiwers is ll 1 ..I
Mavis not asuitalile time f,,r recom-
liieiicink. tl. of Ihe conference,
anu as a resuil a consultation was held he
twecn the l'resident,Secretarv(irihain
itlnlMimeof the de cL'ali-s of ll,.. r.,;i...i
Mates. It was dctermiiidl tocalilethe
aiiiiouncein, nt that the reaseiuhlink' of
the conference would he postponed until
wmie time in next Novemher. ( mvernor
-McCreiiry of Kentuckv, who, as well as
Senator .lones of Nevada, will con
tinue to nerve upon the coiuinis-
on, rxpressi-M milch ura'.ilieation at the
change of date, and helievcH it w ill in
rreaM',the pn.-pei't of the conference no
eompliMliinj homo olid rcsultM.
A congress of hankers from all prt
if the world will he a World's Fair
icaiiire in Ihe week of .lime isil,
ihe Duke of Wra-jiia, when he saw
the l-.ast river hride, remarked: "Jfs
a pity Columhiis is not here to see it."
In the cxhihit of hand-made lacesseiit
from (I rent Britain to Chicago is an
apron Kivcn hy (JiUTti Kli.aheth to Ixird
I' an fax.
The Illinois law against ticket cealpin
has heen declared iincoiiHtitiitional.
I. K. Choate has heen elected Presi
dent of the Colorado Trallic Association.
Chicao's demand for domestic help . i.-.u.-o u corner in inu servant-L'irl
An ordinanci. for purilication of the
city water wan introduced ia the St.
Jiuis ( 'ouiicil.
The apple crop of Northwest Missouri
and Northeastern Kansas will he- an ul-
iiiom total lailure.
A committee of nrominent citizen
Mailed a Sunday-closing movement at
Sun tiDiiim Ti,v
By direction of the Council in New
Haven, I'a., the sale of Sunday newsna-
pers has heen Mopped.
Troops have heen withdrawn from the
Mexican Ixirdcr, showiiiK' the authorities
fear no more trouble there.
The Arkansas river in Texan iu ;)
miles wide, and aloinj the river's course
nun ii uamajjc lias heen done.
The Heason'H catch of the Newfound
laud seal lihlieries. amounts to aljotit
1, as itKainst ;!:aj,000 last year.
The Hum of nearly $ 100,0(K) in to he
collected from the male residents of Kan
sas City as lines for neglecting to vote.
r tieiieral McCook, commandinj; the
Icrnlory of Arizona, savs the report re- ll... V : .! i .
h""""! -'wijo uiuoreaK Juts heen
Crooks from all over the worM will
seek safety at the World's Fair this year
Four hundred detectives will he on" the
grounds on duty.
ti, ...... ; .. :.. -.. , . . .
. .1. . m in. in in irimn, ia., Who is i
hoarding H,000,0(H) of Confederate'
money in tin; hope that it will become
valuable some dav.
President, Sell, l,we of Columliia Col
lV: has inherited from bis father a larai!
estate at Newport,
Tin- Empress of Russia's physician
when in at tendance upon his august pa
tient receive a fee of X70 (700 roubles)
a day.
Rev. Dr. II. M. Wharton of the Brant
Icy Baptist Church. I';i..r,.
..:.i.. i . .,. ' .1 "
''I lO n
bim by tin
Bloody Itottje Fought in Kio
Grande do Sul.
Crimean Typhus Epidemic In Some
of the Paris Prisons-Nine
Catholic Prclatea.
The drought
w - j . -i,i,iin
vegetable famine.
The plans for the Paris T-'rliiV.ifi ,.t
i.w an: assuming definite form
me a J7.000 salarv oll'ereil
JM'il'hailV B.lhtist' Church
eoiiKn nation of New York.
The Register at Stanford University
announces that. e-lv,.u;,l,.i,i it......:.,....
.. - - ... .... ii. ...ii,niii
win Id-iii his course of lectnrcK on in
ternational law next October, when the
new school of law will be opened.
The tombstone marking the jrrave of
Iii-'V. Wareham Williams, a leulim.
preai er ot colonial ilavs, was unearthed
ut allham, Mass., recently. Antiiiua
nans had lon searched for "the irrave.
That astute lawvi.r Iinfnu f-i,
knew better than to be cail-ht bv Dalian
opera. " Jnterpret to me the libretto.''
Ktid he to his daughter at tiie oiiera,
lest I dilate with the wron' emotion."
At the June commenceinent of Roan
oke Colle-e, Salem, Ya., a fiill-blwded
hoctaw Indian will graduate. I'm is
one of the Iwst speakers in the college.
Another Choctaw was rn lieid..! ii, ......
. o
111 ITO,,
i riticess .Maria of I'arma is not pretty growths
ia' ;;unt";; " : otxi. .t
verv lom i ui..,:.... i """ :- r ", ,,urn "
. . iiimi no.e, aim ii is atrenctes
uiilmI ant v sa tl, i., f...... 1....1,.. 1:1... " c"
that of a borse. - - Influenza has broken out extensively
The ,. Kmneror .i v J l- . n.ot -vereI"' in 1ari and other
are ueco,,,,,,.,.;,..! ... .".V:.. ."r " r,c"c" clue-
:, 1 " "eiiiiue 01 seveniv- ti , , , ,
three persons on their visit to Rom'e. t 1,Kj PPulanty of the study of Dante
wonder the Italian court, with its re- , A er8 '.ia1 an extraordinary
r ii. u-o nuances, is a little bit anxious P '
ROOIlt the t.i. i.r'u I. Ill Thero tinu .I:. ,
11 i.iii. 1 rc 11 ureiueu uecrease in
Allreii .Mace, son of the
J'.nglish prizefighter, Jem
closeii a series of evangi
in iniiianapolis. lor twentv
has been preaching. He came to Amer- show"n y recent statistics.
ica aiwui lour years ago.
IUftdy wltb III Froverb.
"She wan a bright youtitc Yankee ncliool
inarm," tnUl Thompson II. Ilerndon. "She
Came higlily rccoimneriflci! t.i i,i-rw.,..,.
and ariHtocratic neiKlihorli(xl not far from
Llttla Itock a few months ago, and was not
long In building up a good school. Time
wore on. and her pupllH advanced wonder
fully in their Htudics. Slur concnivwl the
Idea a few wctks noc,f (fivinK nn exhibi
tion of her most proficient claw, and lnvit,xl
all the neighbor to come to the little school
house on Friday evening, that they might
ee and hear for thcnisclves the progress
that had ln made hy her teachings. There
was a good crowd present. .She had all the
Mine gins una tiie iatle hoyu utand up.
lihe qucitionel thm one about one thing,
and another about nomc-thing else. Their
answers were gntifyin;; to the pretty teach
er and to the parents of the children.
"'Now,' she said to them toward the
close, I want each of you to repeat some
old proverb.'
"bald Johnnie. 'All is
" 'Very Rood,' nuid she; 'very good.'
The Johannesburg gold mines produced j,"- vlrtuous "", yu" i happy,' .aid
ounces ol gold during W. .,...,
itlv married at Onmsby, England. In Boston.' respond,, the fair tether
Ihe germ of munition is thechrysalia
of wisdom,' said Willie.
"And so on down the claxs she wpnt until
he got to Peck Smith. II u-iluntf. imp
bright, and she intenilcd trmtinhim k
he seemed anxious to say somethi
the asked him if he knew any old proverb.
Racing has been overdone in Austra
lia, and all the jockey cluba are getting
in debt. 6 6
A CenSIM of th treea nf Po.r. t
iat the French eajjital has 88,000 green
It ban extensive
'A stumn tailed valler dm? in thm K.t
for coons,' was his answer.
Peck s father trrabbed him un Invfnltir
and before he left paid a year's tuition for
Peck in advance." St. Ixiuis Republic
Not So Bad aa Tt Seemed.
The young man was talking to aver
pious acquaintance of hi.s.
Miss I ollins told cie today you were at
siie said.
once-famnns Lr n,?: a murderand bngandaire.
if .,.,. i.u ;.. 1,1 r'Bli 01 late years. w iuhlirm,-
-aV. IIHO llirL - I V .... If 1; j
listic meet,nu A remarkable increasa in th M ue
. . - . , ., . - . - . w I I Tl PI1CI 1 1.w, r.
. rill aa a i...l I ! .. . - t..voui., hi
vi.uru id iuvi ii HS fln ratimn.i i.. I
u. uaw la 1
COUrse VOU haA run
pleasant time. She'ssuch a charming girl."
ixjveiy. 1 never nad a better time. You
rv.. 1 ...... .
rive Hundred stevednrno i, 1.1. . . . .
ti 11 1 r . - . i .1 . 7 iio.c ciiuin ramticnssiiui e one niayinji tne nmnn
Ihe flais bin of tin. itr ul. a, .1 at the Victor st Iim.Uj t,i : i u. u ..i . i..1 5 lue Plu"0
i f. ' ., . , " i'"''"Jii ,1 , -- '"t agamsi,
. nit; icieraiion oi tree rira
is named after Robert I'.lake, the famous
-vumirai who lought for the common
"caiui under 1 rom well against the rov
a ists ami Hubse.Hieiitly beat the Dutch British government of U,000 a year.
111 a series of bn emt i.n.m ..........i t.. . ..... ' v - ;mi.
in tha nnlr.. Ml.... i . .
?,...,. t;, e t i 1 ' iiui niui rannieanal
uraiionot free latx)rer8. ouietly stole out into tht, ,i;i
The new Cunarders ramr.o: I thev ha-e. and
j , ,.. ' aiua aim : ....ui.v 1 dujju
-ui .wiiit, Hiii earn a Htiovention from fchp ttI"1 auout tier waist '
nene.s 01 oniiiant enga'ements. R,Vvi( . .1 t , - ' "
Rev Or Willi.,, ti v .1 "-VV lY "umoer or rode
.hiV U;.Vlrm: Pastor their wheels through the fifty-five eates
of I de , . ! C " ne 8Un"y W day re-
The Chicago jiolicc oflicers have b!os-
I out in new helmets and coats and
other articles of spring attire in honor
of the World's Fair.
It is now stated the boys at Delaware,
O., w ho were hazed and branded with aii
acid solution, will bear no scars. Their
wounds have healed.
The Upper Mississippi river in Ik,,..,..
ing again. Steamers from above St.
Iiuis have considerable tronhl 1 i n Ducu.
1 . 1 1 . 1 1
1 JlH.idt' tihl:L HU thp nl.L.wt Ii..!,,.. I -..ntlv
-elsrbhdav ;h,h !.eeIe :J7 hundred tons of butter arrived
I . . . 7 . , 1C II 1IIKinn in nnn ClimmAn. f 4...
. -- - cijiiicui. iitjui Ausira
ii i , . , : . '-
WK ""' "urvivor oi the class of 182J. lia recently
iceressey 0f (ireat Britain, Scotland W,vm.
auo ireiami hy hirtli, marriage or erea-
uon are ire
she would hi;
Its total value was about
e vH , "S lar'e quantities of reiSdeer meat
u il process. In the event of a peer- for canning, and when fresh it is consid
s being charged with a criminal oliense ered a delicacy.
tried by the House
K'-oiK o uie ,ioiiii ruir iroin ineiiiiin-: h... ()l lt , . . . : ,
try thereabout will take at least .l5H.IMI0 r. , "1 "U 11 F"1"1 (" "early 1.1,
away that will never return and
complete loss to that community.
The clerk hire of the last Legihlature
of Oregon SL'li.tC'ti.lO. or
lowest paid lim
ine report o Director-! icneral Davis
i e,i raised lor l he or i I'm
cost the Stale
over :,(U0 a dav. The
one clerk was .1 1. hut Verv few of them
drew less than .Il2'i. There were KiS
clerks on Ihe pay roll.
A blue-ribbon war is in pro;
Min im-go. Lands ot (. hrislian
women the saloons in
tpiarier ol the city and hold gospel meet
ings inside the saloon if invited, as is
often the case, or on the sidewalk if de
nied entrance.
The I'hienix (A. T.) hankers have de
cided to contest the legality of the Ter
ritorial buy taxing all banks, national,
Stale or private, on the same basis as
other property when the bank does busi
ness solely within the Territory, whether
organized under the laws of Arizona or
any other State.
Chester Ay res, with traps baited with
cotton sat ii rated with a nostrum whoso
odor is pleasant to the nostrils of coy
otes, has been able to capture and kill
wilhin live weeks forty-Mix coyotes in
Mendocino county, Cal., whoso scalps
bring him near if 1, '150, tho bounty from
me county ami the sheepmen
At I'hienix, A. T., the grand jury has
just, ignored me charges against live
prisoners who have been in jail for from
lour to six months, these men were
too poor to give bonds, and were com
pelleil to remain in jail until the session
of the jury without a shadow of evi
dence to indict, much less convict them.
A lish wheel is now in operation in tho
Umatilla river a mile above the town of
Umatilla. It is the lirst ono ever tried
out ot the C olumbia, and seems to be
doing pretty well. K. C. Ilinton, who
put tiie wheel in, is also the inventor of
an irrigating w heel which is now being
used sueecssiutiy at several points along
the Umatilla river.
Preliminary arrangements lmvo been
completed for the establishment of tho
Australian steamship line to run in con
nection with tiie Canadian Paeilie rail
way. The lirst steamers will leave Syd
ney May 11 and Juno 8, and, returning,
will probably leave Vancouver Juno 8
and July 8.
A petition has been put in circulation
throughout tho mainland of British Co
lumbia, addressed to the Governor-General
of Canada, suggesting separation of
the mainland irom Vancouver island as
the surest means of relief from the ex
isting evils of the resources of the prov
ince being spent in unproductive undertakings.
i'f s in ill Tin....... . .... I I... r . ........ I..,, ...:i. . - i . .
mi vv.-l aiuu oi i.hii e Kiu nines in eight and a
hours, the fastest on record
500,000 have
the exhibits
A general wail is heard all over Mich
igan aliout the scarcity of hired girls,
due in a great part to their departure for
the World's Fair, where big wages are
oll'ered them.
The 1 lanuony Society of Beaver, Pa.,
ress at ' among -the lirst .to onerate a miceet'iil
ii men and ''k industry in this country, has sent to
a chosen 1 1'"' world's Fair nn cxlnbitof dress silks
inaiiuiactiired sixty years ago.
The Chicago Tribune estimates on tho
present scale of prices that a temperate,
economical man can get along in that
nty on .13 a day. This will include
lodging, board, car fare and admission
to the exposition.
iiil: under the bri.kre.
Last year there were 400.000
grants landed at Ellis Island, N. Y.,and
only 11,557 of them went to the South
ern States to liud homos.
It now turns out that it was the mug
wump members of the New York Union
League Club who brought about the
tiiacKhaiiing ot young Selignian.
On the run from Cape Henry to Balti
more the cruiser Detroit covered the dis-
over this
... ' "vv.. ai uitu nun Li I h rpcrn lanrm i.
Mr Julian I'ttuneefotc'M KahirunooW,., fl.. Thin ...m- .im, t '."
increased from 30,0OU to moodin con- men to The armv VUDie
sequence of his promotion to the rank nf a .k 1. , -
an Ambassador to thi ti.T; .. . . ' "l" la lne Vonna has been
makes his eo, ,.! .' j. S," lu .ule income tax in England.
that paid to ou A n a ZiW' oVCn Coml!1,.n season of drought,
of St .I..TH..U " rm U1ULH uissatistaction.
James F. Melino. Ai,t,nt t,.,.,.. L ,the ?ine Catholic prelates deprived
,.f .i. . i-... i ... . "l,-1u"-i oi Buuenua lor iios-nita tv tn v.n u
ui lliv Llllieil Mates ninnv rM.o o,. u Li:..n. r-- j .uiucoaivu
wrote and mtblisbed' o ; f " . "3 " .uu"su.a " one have been restored
Ihe big Krupj) gun, now at Chicago,
contains 2.;0,000 pounds of wrought steel,
and it is the greatest .implement of de
struction that the world has ever seen.
It hurls a mass of steel weighing 2,,'iOO
IMHinds sixteen miles.
Are you busted?" is now the common
salutation of the World's Fair people
and visitors from the Northwest. The
opening; day hotel rates and restaurant
charges were more than doubled, and
great dissatisfaction prevails, (i. r,
Calhoun, executive of the Washington
Commission, wired the following to the
Spokane Review: "Would not advise'
any one to visit tne lair tor the present.
NothiiiL' readv : weather hud m vii,i.,,
eon fusion and insolence."
When asked for an expression of opin
ion rogardinir his visit to the Wm-M'u
Fair President Cleveland renlied : " Wn
received a very cordial welcome, and
everything that could bo done was done
for our comfort and pleasure. It wns n.n
occasion 1 shall always remember with a
sense oi genuine pleasure. 1 am much
gratified at the enterprise, skill and
taste displayed in tho arranLrement
appearance oi tne buildings, and the re
sults so far attained bespeak to my mind
a great success lor the World's F air."
From present indications tho Til nui..
trouble at tho "World's Fair is about to
become a scandal. Evide nco wiis iiiv,
dueed at a recent meetintr of the via.
tional Commission which tends to show
that Musical Director Thomas, not satis
fied with using a contraband piano, is
bent on boycotting pianos in his de
partment that are made bv firms
exhibits at the fair. The evident
of midi a forcible nature that tho wim -
mission adopted a resolution directing
President Palmer to appoint a special
committee of six to investigate tho matter.
A message has been received at. the
Department of State from the United
States Minister at Constantinople res
pecting the settlement of the Marsovan
The United States hvdrographie office
has obtained a set ot 2.500 British ad
miralty charts, tho only colle Ction of nf.
licial English charts in'the possession of
me unueti oiaies.
Mrs. A. M. Mankly lias bequeathed to
mwi.njui asinngion a large' sum of
money for the erection and maintenance
of a home for destitute women as a me
morial to her mother.
iho olhcial announcement has been
made of the rehabilitation of the Phila
delphia and Reading Kailroad Company
by a syndicate headed bv Drevel a .,"
aim irown iirothers As Co.
Chauncey Depew, representing a syn
dicate, has been trying to buv the New
lork Mail and Exnress. I)r i)
often said that he regarded himself as
competent to jierform tho duties of a
good nll-round reporter.
High license has reduced the number
of saloons in St. Paul, Minn., from 708
to 300. The license now is il Odd a ...,
In 1887 the 70S saloons paid 70,800 li
cense. That year St. Paul had one sa
loon lor every 180 inhabitants.
The South, which has only 28 percent
of the country's population, and which
a" ""'v ou per cent ot the popular vote
,U1 v. neiium, nas ums tar secured sev
en teen Ambassadors, Ministers and Con
suls to fourteen given to the North.
Armour's new grain elevator in Chi
cago win nave a capacity of 3,000,000
imnneiN, ueing mucu the largest in the
city. Fifteen hundred carpenters are
enipiojcu on me elevator, 800 on the
(lav shift niui Will i t.
" "'c login, Kllllt.
charminst histories of Ahie Kt , T " w uu ngtus ana P"vleges.
;., ... i... i . . - -
l" "C lOUIld 1 t IC VMst. nwnmn .I
... - ..vvuiiiiiiuuuii
ui iieraiure relating to that bvelv and
nf.., .
"'"i niiiaie woman
Sir!" And Miss Prim almost had a fit-.
Be was cool as a cucumber.
"I said," he went on "that I sliDned mT
arm about her waist and she put her soft
white hand on my shoulder"
"I beg your oardon." interruntd fcfic
Prim, "but I cannot permit this conversa
tion to continue. If Miss Follina thinks
no more of herself than to permit such lib
erties f mm n i,pntl,.miin .t,n.l- l ..i ,j
rj,, , , " C -tlj IIC OUUU1U
i lie -Norwegian Preserving Company think enough of himself not to tell of
ieS lart7( nmmtitioa nt ...:-., : than
The young man snickered.
' Of course, of course." he said: "hut mitt.
till you hear it all."
'Ao, sir; no. sir." she nrotesterl "I hva
heard too much alretuly."
"Why, there isn't anrthin2 told vet." hm
persisted. "As I said"
I shall not hear it. sir." And In hicrh
dudgeon she arose to depart.
r A- i ....
-"j iui, ut- saiu very contritely,
we were only beginnimi to waltz and ev
erybody was looking at us."
"Oh," she exclaimed with a sudden col
lapse, and the youncr man laucrhed TTa.
troit Free Press.
of The drummers of the Austrian army
have been armed with the res?ulat.i
m. rt.Liiiit v a u laounn Kr. i
the Italian nostofiift nn tho en-
unig uay oi tne King and Queen, bear-
"'s oi me .rung ana tjueen.
Tho dearest leather sells for J110 per
dozea skins.
There are over 300,030 telephones in
this country.
eminent forces and the revolutionists in
li? i r i . wn A . 1 C'.l inn - ...
ine iuronean onrrfisnnnovifa u
n-ii&u press are devotim? a annd rioal
A telegrapher has sent 200 words in let-proof " uniforms invented hvH
llnn-n a,, A nl
A Gunn ies Country.
The West Indian archmelaim. with it.
xour isiandii and uumlx-rless islets, is c!ill1
Reports from Brazil , tua eamels country because in a region
that in an enempnt . Cf ;7L IW),(X square miles there are
five minutes.
A diamond for cuttmo 1
e B.;;u,
three months.
A real-estate syndicate, representin
,, , 1 1 i.i,,.. .1.11 .,, i . .
.Mw.iwn,- ui uoiiars, wiui a view of im-
l-iuMiig tracts ot Washington citv sub
urban property is to be formed, frank
G. JSewlands, representing the Sharon
estate, is the largest owner of property
m the vicinity of the proposed syndicate
The first woman to annlv for and m.
ccive a certificate to practice medicine
in lrginia is Sarah G. Jones fcnl OlVi, I
ast week she anoeiired hei'.-ra i,
Board of Medical Examiners ot ijj.'.k
moiid, and passed a successful examina
tion. In a class of eiehtv-fi
ninth in surgery.
The mines of Goleonda once employed
Over (iO.OOO men. J
Beet-sugar production in this country
has doubled in a year.
In some parts of the East steel beams
mo cueaper than pine.
une texas stockman will ship 75,000
ueau oi came this year.
XT .
oi way and Sweden export 20,000
ions oi matches annually.
TI . .... m
nousioii, iex., win soon have its
lourin couon-seed-oil mill.
The estimated value of the nim.ntn.n-
qua grape belt is 5,095,000.
The great saw mill at. Clint, t
Knnnon t....i ,.c , , ..' '" l-uws
"i m i ui iinnoer aaiiv.
Plie largest sincle lnnn moJo ?i "Vm.-
York last year was for !j 1,325,000.
The diamond mines nf Sr,n, i tm-
I -11, ; "UlU
e y leiuea a value of i 350.000.000.
Only about 9,000,000 acres of Michi
gan's 30,000,000 are under cultivation. '
It is estimated that 75,000,000 pounds
of maple sugar were made this spring.
The government printing establish
ment has ordered 50,000 pounds of type.
The standing pine in Ashland county,
W is., will measure about 10,000,000,000
TH,I IL. I .
xociiis, tne American Mimafc.
Germany, renorts that, tho f.
,p. , . I ! ' ... - ...w V V 1 ... .I.,
iiieie are only two lawyers doing busi- c s, ,OIIlce Knows nothing about the
ss in Iceland. pulsion of American missionaries f
the -Marshall Islands.
Dunns 1892 324.000 tona n.
ti, ..1.. H .: .i. "5"' '"-"C1
nia micu iisii. were anrtorl fi-r,,v, K
sheries of the United Kingdom, valued
at i.4,020 000. The value of the shell
nan lauueu was JE354,UU0.
It takes 100 gallons of oil a year to
I, O "..J v VH (
nnt n .,1 1 I
a uwyc-eizuu locomotive in running
order. -
A musical cradle that.
finds a welcome place in many a growing
familv. 6 AiiO :n...l .
v.. imo were made in
ixndon by doctors in notifying cases of
infectious diseases for removal to hospit
als, with the result that 102 of the mis
taken cases resulted fatally.
The French Senate lias thrown out the
proposal, recently passed by the Lower
House, to tax pianos 10 francs a year.
CJlliJ lino nLA 1 1 1 . . J '
ttiou leiiuceu Dy nan the tax on
cycies, maKing it hve franca a year.
In an effort to cope with the rabbit
pesi in ..ew -south W'ales 632 miles of
laoon-proot leneincr have latolw
erected at a cost of 51,000, and 404
uuico iu aiuniar iencing are building.
Marseilles is the hparlnnnrtoi-Q
sale of false hair. Twenty huge bales of
ymit-oc nuuiau nair recently arrived
there, and will be mannfaetnra,-! ,-.,f
curls and frizzes for fashionable ladies.
To average daily consumption of en
' orA'A1" country is Placed at
The amount of 'wheat, consumed in the
United States exceeds 300.000 nm h,.0i.
els annually.
Experiments in wlipat-rrnnwir,
Queensland have given twenty bushels
per half acre.
The manufacturins? nrndnetinna r,f
United States in 1892 evecedpd 47 9.10
000,000 iii value.
Iherewere 324,327 tons of nhnsnWo
As the result of the nrohihiti
theatrical performances in the Russian
language durins Lent the ffrpator t.ort f
the Russian theatrical nrofessinn
duced to a state of the greatest poverty.
The revenue returns of Cm son oi
and Western Australia for the quarter
,i , 1'lsiri-n snow, m common
with all other Australian cnlnni pa on taw
reported, a decrease, compared with last
In Germany 200,000 families are sup
ported from the care of the forests, upon
which about f 40,000,000 ia expended an
nually, 3,000,000 people more finding
employment in the various wood indus
tries of the empire.
Crimean typhus is what the epidemic
that has broken out in some of the Paris
prisons is called. Owing to the serious
ness of the situation, the Prefect of Po
lice has convoked a meeting of the med
ical officers attached to the citv iaila nA
SSSS5S S5T -S5K lSZtyt.
110 monkeys, no bears, raccoons, wild hntm
jaguars, pumas, panthers, lynx, wildcats,
foxes, wolves or jackals. There are nnl
even woodchncks to be dug out of the many
On the highlands there are no bisons,
deer, antelope or rabbits. Dogs and cats,
too, are unknown, and this lack of house
hold pets seems to have driven the aborig
ines to expedients, for in i book called
"Ogilvy's Voyages" there is a story told of
a San Domingo native who kept a tame
manatee that made its headquarters in an
artificial pond and was so well trained that
when called by name it would come out of
the water, go to a native's house, and after
receiving food it returned to the pond ac
companied by boys who seemed to charm
it by singing, and often it carried two nl,!l-
dren on its back. Its instinct was wonder
ful. It was once struck by a pike in the
hands of a Spaniard and after that alwava
refused to come out of the water when
there was a clothed man near.
The largest land animal of this stranim
territory is a huge rat, measuring eighteen
inches in length without the tail. With
this exception, Cuba, San Domingo, Ja
maica and Costa Rica have no land ani
mals. Chicago Dispatch.
Didn't Like to lie Joked.
At a cornerstone laying in Newark th
cornerstone was swinging in the grasp of a
powerful crane above the hole left for it to
fit in. Down in this hole an Irishman was
fussing about with a bed of mortar. Sud
denly a portion of the tackle slipped and
down came the stone with a run. It lit on
the Irishman's back, and everybody ex
pected to see him flattened out thin as paper
when the stone was lifted half a minute
later. No sooner was the stone clear of the
hole, though, than the man sDi-ans nn lil-o
a jack-in-the-box.
He was covered with mortar from head
to foot, and was coughing, sneezing and
spitting to get it out of his nose and mnnth
As soon as he could speak, he addressed the
men managing the crane. "Here nowl Hem
nowl" he yelled. "Oi can stand a joke a3
well as any mon, but any of yees can have me
jod artner tnot," and he put on his coat and
went away, persuaded the highly respect
able assemblage bad put up a joke on him.
San Francisco Argonaut.
The Chicago footpad who held np a
woman with the tlemaud, "Your pocket
book or your lifel" displayed fine discrimi
nation. She was only shopping, and he
said nothing about money.
The auger that bores a square hole con
sists of a screw auger in a square tube, the
corners of which are sharoened from with
in, and as the auger advances cuts the
round hole sauart.