The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 13, 1893, Image 4

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    Kitchen Ecowm)
'-Actual tests stow
Tender to he 2" per eent. stronger tlm any
other brand on the market. If another bak
ing poicder is forced upon you by the grocer,
see that you are charged the correspondingly
lower price.
Bread, biscuit cakes and muffins are not
known- in most delicate and perfect quality
where yal Baking Powder is not used.
.tt.w im Unit ,ir.-,l liolbirs' Reward
mtv oa-o of enwrrli Unit ounnot be onrod
Hnll s Catarrh Curo. r.J.l a r.. r. a v v.,
1'rops., Toledo, O.
,the undersinned, have known V. J. Ctu
i't'U'i the lnt tlt'toon years, ami believe urn
refferllv honorable in all busbies transact ions
iiml linaTieiallv able to eartv ont any obligation
made bv their nrm. VVEST&TKl A,
Wholesale Prupeists, Toledo, O,
Wholesale linguists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Cntarrh Cure is taken internally, aet
inc diroi'tlv uvon the blood and nuieons siir
faees of the system, l'riee. " eents ir tnittle,
Sold bv all dr'nists. Testimonials free.
itrv.n I
'ains of
wp. nnvT RE
Hit 1
lieve in promising
anything we can't
perform, nut we uo
believe we offer you
th ninsf ib'sirrtble.
Pertland, Or.
popular KID GLOVE
P. A P. glove. Its
ii Tlprfppt.
Its finishings and colors always the newest. Its
wear is alwavs excellent. It ke, p its fresh ap
pearance. Its uede gloves are superior to any
I., . cu.wt fuMnifitr nroeess makes
them strong as any glaze. It costs ju-t about
half as mnch to be always well gloveu wnn r,
;,k rh..ri Thevwillsend
r,ii.l nv color or size. Dressed kid r. &
t. ..f 1 Hi,l.a. in J.hii.tin nr :vhook StvleS
for 11.00 a pair: or in 4-button or .-hook or
mousmietaire stvles for $1.50 a pair, bueue (un-dre-sed
kid) Gloves, 4-button or mousauetaire
stvle, at $1.50 a pair. Their spring Catalogue is
sent at request.
wi fk'F, AS
offer of Slen'sSuiw
at 112.50 that are
unequaled by any
house on the Coast.
These are such spe
cial values that
we simply say sena
self-measurement and description of any
suit tuat you want.
Portland, Or.
vnn will send ui voor name and
ailHrcsn. we will lend von free
oar SlTriEIlE'.TARi LIST Or
Seeds, Plants and Bulk wuirh if
plasted i'iw, will jieb a harden
full of bloom.
you send t Dime, we will send
vnn a UrifP napLit of Seeds of
' . ,.r,
tlieililUlin UUrklAMUULl-
110N cf Will l'EAS, 21 tariN
lim. mind. From our List Ton
can e!xoje a Flower or Vegetable
Garden hi a Hollar.
S. W. cor. Clay and Sansome Streets, San Francisco,
" I am happy to state to you and
to suffering humanity, that my wife
has used your wonderful remedy,
August Flower, for sick headache
and palpitation of the heart, with
satisfactory results. For several years
she has been a great sufferer, has
been under me treatment 01 eminent
physicians in this city and Boston,
and found little relief. She was in
duced to try August Flower, which
cave immedaite relief. We cannot
say to much for it." L. C. Frost,
Springfield, Mass.
m a
the "Royal "Baking
Hirds' Nmta and I'oetry.' nests have lit t nu ted the attention
of inquisitive genius from thediiysof Aris
totle down to the luvsent tune. i ill is not
wonderful. Wemiso the nests are invari
ably curious ami often beautiful, besides
offering a cradle, as it were, tor a host 01
romantic speculations and piHtical theo
ries. Imauiuat ion lias taken noui 01 nuns
aud their nests with singular atTection,
drawing forth meantime some beautiful
legends to enrich romance withal and to
add to the sum of what is most insistent
in the song of mankind. .
Tim im..i..its told that the liaUron, a
beautiful aqintic bird, had its nest tm the
sea's breast, a li le tloat mg palace, aroiuni
which the water was always cairn aim
8weet. Halcyon, or aicyon, was the kiukj-
fil,.r it is Kiinmiseil: but we now know
every species of this bird, and none of them
builds its nest to drill about, on uie sea.
Indeed, as if to make the contrast of fact
with fancy as great as possible, most of the
kiugtisheis dig deep holes in the ground
for their homes. Maurice Thompson in
Golden Rule.
Where Women Propose.
In the Ukr.'ine, Hussia, the woman does
11 tha eoiiriiiiir When she falls in love
with a man she goes to his house aud in
forms him of the state other leenngs. u
bu r.M-inroeiites all is well, aud the formal
marriage is duly arranged. If, however,
he is unwilling, she remains mere, Hoping
to coax him to a better mind. The poor
r.ii...., ..,,,,,,(- troif her with the least dis-
IVilU" VU""U .v..v ' "
courtesy, nor has he the consolation of be
ing able to turn her out, as her triends m
such a case would feel bound to avenge the
lr His remedy, therefore, if deter
mined not to marry her, is to leave his
hnmt. mid atav awav as loiiu as she is in
if A k nn ar nractice to lliai ill me
I'L-rMinc ovists hiiioiiiz the Zuiii tribe of In
,i ti,,i unmnii nil the court lUi:
aud also controls the situation after mar
riage. To her belong all the children, ami
descent, incloding inheritance, is also on
ber side. Baltimore Herald.
Tough on the Animals.
Df h11 the extraordinary scientific experi
menta surely the most extraordinary is
that reported as having been made at St.
Petersburg. Some trials or armor piaies
were iroina on. and "this trial was mane
no., nf tn ejirrv nut a verv curious experi
ment to decide the effects of heavy gun
firing upon the nervous system oi animais.
1 f n-apu ullinfT 111) in hlltrS
A UUUtuct VI muwiio i.v.v r a-
on frames close to the line of fire, and dogs
and cats were also tied up unuer cover oe-
neath the muzzle of the gun." 'ice resuir,
is not given.
Retween this and the other side of the broad
Atlantic, in the shape of tourists, commercial flTPntS"on the TOIIU.
steamboat captains, ship's surgeons and "all
sorts ana conditions oi iruicn-u, .-hmBhih
and new settlers appreciate and testily to the
i r I..u ll.xtet.
preventive auu remcuiai ,MPfiiiiiaui
ter's Stomach Bitters in seasicKiiess, iiaue,
malarial and rheumatic trouble, and all disor
ders of the stomach, liver and bowels. Against
the prejudicial lntiuences oi cuinaie, n
cooked or unaccustomed diet and impure wa
ter, it is a sovereign safeguard, and has been so
regarded bv the traveling public for a thirdof a
century. No form of malarial fever, from the
ealentura of the Pacific and the broken-bone
fever of the Mississippi to its milder types, can
resist the curative action oi una ueniKuniiw y
server and restorer of health, a veritable boon
to tiersons in feeble health or liable to incur
"And is the air healthy here?" asked a visitor
at a mountain resort. " Excellent, sir; excel
lent. One can become a centenarian here in a
little while."
The valuable curative properties of All-
cock's Porous Plastebs are due to the em
ployment of the highest medical and chem-
1 L!, mi 1.. nnAnKtn nrtA
ical BEUi. iuey are puieijr om
in ingredients and method have never been
equaled; safe, quick and effective in their
action, Miey uu iiuu uuiu ui vuai,
nwh. 01-id valiova while. Hirincr. nnd can
UUbUD t 11 .4 w... 15 ,
be worn without causing pain or inconve
Do not be deceived by misrepresentation.
All other so-called porous plasters are imi
tations, made to sell on the reputation of
Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicita
tion or explanation induce you to accept a
Th man vchn is cRnvassinir for a new diction
ary wants a word with you.
We positively cure rupture, pile and all rec
tal disease without pain or detention from busi
ness, Ko cure, no pay. Also all Private dig
eases. Address for pamphlet Jrs. Porterneld 4
Losey, 838 Market street, ban Francisco.
A .. nf i.mnnilo a t t h a r.rnunri t (1 11 V l 'nrt ll
exactlv 7.000.000 no more and no less. Don't
be imposeu upon anu pay ,,i.ju,uw.
A A nwm w no Tdiii1 i IT R r T ,(Rr(Mlt,
Pwi,vi..i7 Trwitfe" nrp Avprvwberft Tiorilllar
US a Cure lUt tllioau UlSCtuco aiiiA uuugiin
anu mis popularity is uttseu uijuii ica.
merit. Sold only in boxes.
The word "rascal" originally meant "a ser
vant. It now means a seivanv wiiu iiaa iiciu
office during the last four years.
Our readers will serve themselvAH hx
noticinc the remarkable offerings advertised
in another column by the Sherwood Hall
Nursery Co. of Menlo Park and San Fran
cisco, who are leaders on the coast in fur
nishing everything for the farm and garden.
The way of the transgressor Is hard, yet good
people tell us it is the easiest thing in the world
to follow it.
The refining of lard is not one of those things
.,,.,,., ,.luh .,,il half trv
I'm trying on my armor, ilrnr,
yix wlileU my battle are woib
I thall count aomo brilliant ooiuiuels before
The miiiner ami haa gone.
Here's a w hlte lres ami a Illy trimmed hat.
Ami n wr:utol like foam;
They'll make my eyes look darker yet,
A 1 feteh my pi'lxoiiera home.
You would not think this simple silk,
Aa light "'a gull's wlnir,
Ceulil bring dow n many a knightly heart
In the lists of "miumei lng!"
And here' a fun - It la not smoko.
Hut Inee and ostrleh feather;
It will be walehed by -e thai ak
My faney'a wind aud weal tier.
And here'a a yaetiling unit that ),
I'lHHi life's merry wave
X, like au admiral, idiull w in
Kngaueiiieula brisk and brave!
And at this shoe, all lipped w lib twld,
A trembling slave shall stsp
A vassal whom a rival ipieeu
In ome giimii.
In short, when autumn otiee more hangs
The land with gorgeous line,
I shall come riding back to tow a
In triumph. Wouldn't ou?
-Hose Hawthorne Ulhrop in llarper'n Haar
Work of the Models.
In soiii' of the nmnlW hotisos tho
ntoilolsi wlit'ti not on ilrosn jar;nlo lo h
little of ovotythiiiK'. There is a youiif;
woimm of Hmtlit'tn extiuotion ami tin-
form f ii veritable Aphrodite who is
with ono of the striving ,'itu thriviiii;
younger houses in tin? triilo. Mn pin ks
boxes, marks jjomls for out of town ship
ment when tlu Khiiiping oh-rk is busy,
and iK-tually in the twitoinont of one
busy day started to hoist a case up the
1 recall mouutins; a tlidit of stairs sev
eral years iil;o of one of the big coui'trii.s
below Canal street, ami on rem-innj tue
tnn cut ii i-ninelv voutiir woman staler
along tlie tloor with an overload of lotij;
garments, and heard a man's voice call
out in anirered tones:
"What do you meanV"
Before the nirl could answer, although
her face Hushed crimson, and before 1
could decide whether to punch the fel
low's head or soothe the ottended fair
one, he had taken the bundle out of her
hold and remarked not less severely:
"Now, don't you ever let mo seo you
do that again!"
Then the young woman, who vva
blazing with indignation, saw that the
words aud deed were but the impulses
of a considerate man, and she smiled
through her frown. 1 have since come
to realize that the protest on the part of
her employer was not altogether miser
fish. Perhnns it mav have occurred
him then that a physically disabled wife
was not desirable. At all events, ho
married this same model young woman,
aud they have lived happily togother.
Cloak Review.
To Keep the Unhjr Welt.
A baby in the country is under the best
conditions possible to resist the effects of
tho heat. Yet the mother should be al
ways prepared for emergencies. Before
leaving them she should procure a few
powders of pepsin and bismuth, or any
simple remedy for indigestion, with full
directions for its use. .She should take
with her also a bottle of lime water and
another of pancreatin, or one of the other
preparations for peptonizing milk. The
purityof milk isahvaysotien to question,
because it absorbs germs so readily. That
used for a baby should bo sterilized to
make it perfectly safe.
This can be done in the morning and
evening by putting tho milk, fresh from
the cow, in bottles of a size to hold
enough for one meal each. Flace these
in a saucepan tilled with cold water and
set it on the stove where it will heat
gradually. After the water boils for a
short time cork the bottles and let them
remain in it for half an hour. Remove
from tho stove, and when the water is
cool take out the bottles, if no ice is to
be had stand them in a stone jar contain
ing water, and wrap the jar in wet flan
nel, or put it in a brook in a shady place.
When a bottle is opened and all the milk
is not used throw away the remainder.
Elizabeth R. Scovil in Ladies' Home
Wore Eugenie's Jewels.
Thev like to sav nice thimrs about us
on the other side of the water. The fol
lowing is from a Pans letter, and its
final sentence makes a not unlikely stip-
"It is verv strantre that Americans
who would not be received in the most
commonplace houses of their own coun
try think that their money will open all
doors on this side of the Atlantic. An
American parvenue had the bad taste to
nrsar tha riiniiinrid necklace once owneu
bv Emnress Eucrenie to a reception given
. . r, , ,,111 A. 1- 1 .
by Princess uonaparte. -wnai; is tier
idea? was the question asked by the
French people. 'Does she think of show
ing her hostess that if the Bonapartes
have lost throne and power she has gold
finoiich to buv the newels that once adorn
ed the beautiful empress?' Perhaps this
name American will some day find a
crown for sale, and as her wealth has no
limit, she may appear at a reception of
H. R. H. the Duchess de Chartres wear
ing a diadem that once belonged to a
queen of fc ranee.
IVntnfin (In Gunnlnir.
It is becoming quite the thing for New
VnrV wmnen to aceomnanv their hus
bands or fathers into the woods in search
of game. Light rifles and shotguns have
heen in unusual demand this spring. A
tuoil b-nnurti HrrWl wav trunsmith inform
tA fba writpr n. fpw rlavs atro that ho had
not been able to procure enough women's
rifles to suimly the demana. "i nave not
anhl so manv trans to women in any sea
son since I have been in business," said
he. "as this snrinar and summer. The
amell nf nowder seems to have captivated
the fair sex, and the huntsman's fever
has superseded the taste for archery.
New York limes.
The tomato is an excellent purifier of
(1 the following is a choice
mode of preparing it: Place the tomatoes
in a Dutch oven tor a rew minutes tie
rVir thA fire, adding a verv little vine
gar. When they are wanned through
peel off the rind and eat with any kind
of roast meat.
MKvlian l'ovty I tiemi. l'letuieU
tu CaniiHt Oliorr
Chief lunottg the many piiltuij ques
tions with which my childish mind whilcd
iiwuy the weary half hour of a Sunday
uioiuiug seinioit, was the existence ol
beggiivs in bible thu s. I pictured Pales
tine to myself as u land of temples, tombs
mid gardens, inhabited by btggais mid
l'haiisees. Horn and tearcd in the ptos
petotis west, poverty such as the act iptni al
tales dinilv suggested was to me a thing
uu v ue iu it's the 1 loll of the same nvotds,
nhiiiv tule t'nrmote unreal UinnthosliTt
in.i li.'ilui-oor the caves of Aladdin, Now
the puzzle is solved, I have seen jioveity,
I Imv hern to Mexico. I undiistaml
Palestine. I can almost believe in a horn
i-.l Siitiin and tire and brimstone.
Ton casual observer Mexican poveitv
u ..viii'im-lv nirtiiiesiiiie. It is not an
;,,,,!. itl, ,n n't' irsiH-ctahtlit v such as the
i,iiil,l..t A on ! H , in will attempt, but il
is liuui '.iiity in tags and nakedness, too
often in soies, almost always in out.
Then , beetling is a trade, the occupation
,,r n't tlw timitvr tonulation. Ilceuars
inf -st the railroad stations at the interior
., u .in.i ii inoth'v airav It is, lliev
vvi. ...... -- ,
..... ,.i .,11 t..v,-u .-, in.i it i, ins aihl aees. w ith
am. without sores, the lame, the halt, aud
the blind, babies tu arms liobliug out
.iirt. tilth Imiuls lor a "ccntavo," old
u.iiiiiMi votine women, healthv little
boys, crippled graiidlatlicts all whining
i. il,.. k.iim.. time in their mount el Spanish
" l'or the love of l.od, Scuorita, give me
a rent."
C.ive them cents! I poured them
out upon them. Never bad a copper
I .,r much value. I luxuriated
in tb,.ir il. lieht. 1 bomiht out the potter.
!,.. 11.,,'U.llMl I.t iiinl the conductor to
satisfy the want that never could be satis
tied ; for there is a friendly fccliti,,' among
I...... ,,r.ii-iiiii,iti' nnd when thrv tilid
one who will give, they spread the glad
tidings among nil their class, ami uioeeu
1 them ol havimr discovered
......... ,...-nii ir uiivot'ti keriiohinvi the in
formation to the next station, so besieged
was 1 tor charity.
c...,. timrUtu who had been in the
country before endeavored to impress me
...;.t. it,'., r.n-t th,it 1 was t-ucourauiuc idle-
tint U'llil U't mid not be idle w hen the
sun was hot and water a luxury and even
fr tulior. tnonev was not tortlicomiug
Thev must live. " To live they must eat,
n,..t "ii ins tu me that in the more ileso
late portion of the country, to cat, they
must beg.
v..r- i,i,-tiins.iiie were tlicv Sect! Iiom
t,.. Avimliiw in tin- soft eliHim of the
mv vi.
southern night, their dark eves gleaming
i;t... ct.iru imil.T their miaint hat or still
r iirimitivf heail dress, their white, ,.liit. Tin,' ns the musical Snnuisli
I r,.rtb in roiniilimeiits calculated
to atileal to the generosity of the senorita
. ' 1 i . .'i ii iv., , i.
who seemeu to mem -
.1. ....... t lb. criii' I elare of the slltl de-
ili lilt . r. j
r....lo t, inn. rviilellt. llUll lltlfUillW til
coarseness in the sinia!or ninl dirt, still
.......... ,!i,l tlu-v rimr to be noetic. TllOV
i. i I n m rfci-tlv with the back
ii.ii iin'in'.i i-- j
ground of cloudless sky, antique nniui
ings, and tropical vetdure. There was a
beautv even in their very ugliness which
.....o r,l..,i fur tlu-.r existence aihl in re
,!,.. rim the tileasantcst lourney ol
mv life I s.hall alwavs have a verv tender
recollection of the beggars of Mexico.
;t'V; M. uv i 'i "'' - Vi y den s
A'iiHuay an J ..:zcth:
World's Fair Number. .
The Youth' Ibininiiiiipn mlil isiirs this week nil
,'vin, w.irlil'H Kiiir Number of ;'' haces, w ilh IM
Illuslriitions, mid cover In Ten Colors.
'1'hls is the Iiimesl and most elaborate number
(hut hill ever been published by Thr l'.miiiiiim
duriitir the shtty-.-even years oi lis nistorj.
Whether voil Ko to the Fair or stay at home you
should have this number. It will be sent free
to nnv new subseriber reeelved In May H lib
ll.T.'ifora year's subscription. U can alto be
.iI.ihIiii.iI nf tnnv..ilealer.i. or by neudlliK ten
rriitu to
Tli Vimlli'a t'limoiiiilon. Itoatuii, Mill.
Tbv Oermka for hreakfiwt.
Cue EmimelllieHtovc I'oIIkIi; no dimt, no ainell.
....... itn.Dnn lllnn.l I'urlfler Is
the best reiueiiy lor eieansinK your njsn-.u.
Mr. Ceo. W. Twtat
Colomn, Wis.
All Run Down
A Puzzling Caso How
Health was Restored
Gained from 135 to 170 Pounds.
.1 A tnw tm.ra airn mv ' Ullllll fiitloil mf find I
coiiBiilted Hoveral vhyHlciatm. Not one could
cienny uim;iioi.u iiijr i;ut3 nn-i iiin ih,:.jh,h,.i
failed to give relief. After lniieh perHuiuiloii I
coimneneed to tnkn nooirsHiirMii.nrllln.. Have
taken several Dottles anu am nincii improveu.
From an all mu down condition I buve been
estoreu to i?ooa neaita. iormeriy i weiuiii;u
1.15 pounds, now I balaneo tho scales at 17(1
pounds. Hood's Har.-iaiarllla has been aereat
benefit tome, and I have recommended It to
friends, who reailza ood results by Its use."
(Iko. V. Xwiht, Coloma, Waushara Co., Wis.
HOOD'S PILLS cure liver ills, sick head
nehe, Jaundice, lndifTestion. Try a box. 25c.
r'nnmimntlvea and DCOClo
who have weak lunca or Asth
ma, should uio i'lso'H Cure for
Consumption. It has cured
thotiaanda. than not Injur
ed one. It is not had to take.
It Is the best couvh syrup.
Horn every wner. .c.
I t
t 1
- - i lift Bi iitfclhilliiiffli " " MiWiittrr1-1" ,
I U u
IT .s'.Vi' V 77 K Oi'i.V.IiT H .11
that, Pr, l'li'l-eo's Kavorile I'reaerlpt Ion eoiucs
. the weak and millVrliig woman who mvds
it lt' innii'i'i''''''- Not with words merely;
cinv imxllelno can iiinliii claims and promises.
Wlmt is ilonn with tho " favoilto I'renerlm
tiou" U thlM : If It falls to luaicllt or cure, In
nnv ease, your money Is leiuriieti. t "u J""
aHk nuv lii'lter proof that it medicine will (hi
what it promise I
lt' an Invigorating, rostorallvo bmle.
aoothlng nnd mronetlioiilng n.-rviiie and a
ixiftnin n-niedv for the tils and ailments hat
i i . In ",.,., ,i romiilaliit of
every kind, periodical pit Ins, Interiml Intliiin-
nation or uiivriiuon, ninu ihk
i .ii a,i,i.,iiiin iviuikiieHiii nnd Ir
lHilir., mi,. , - ,
rugtilaritie, it is a jHwitivn and complete
t.. ......... ti,.,l .iviii Hinliiyl woman, nnd
mi. I iillliiir iimi. IL itl
to evcrv ini, ik-i i" -,
guiiriuilood to bring liwillh uud uti eiustli.
si minor llotili
. ; m ii i
Ulio tent u in we. -i-f m-rKjrdimiM
Tum n.iKiT riitTiiiilTToTiiioiniilly rnri.1
whero nil others fall. Coinih, Croup, Bare
Throut, Horrn, Whooimitf Couijh mid
Amnion, l or tontun.iticn it nun no roiuj
tuts cured thouaamti. Bild will tflllt Vi 11 If
taken In time. Hold by UrtiKKlsts en tt K"iir-
iint"'. For a iiiune Hark or t h'""i
illlLUH a litEI.l. AuunjN a i-i.iiiiii -.
rllll O H'S CAT A RRtt
bn e n e d y,
lliivoyoui iiiiitih 'Z '1 his rime ly Isiriiiirnii.
toed to euro J'uii. i riee.iwein. nijivim n
A Natural Food.
Conditions o f
the system arise
when ordinary
foods cease to
LI It I I VI IIV.-i" ft! I
there is urgent n'
need of arrest-
in waste assistanee must
... t
come tiuickly, Irom natural
food source.
Scott's Emulsion
is a condensation of the life
of all foods -it is cotl-liver
oil reinforced, made easy ot
digestion, and almost as
palatable as milk.
rniparxit i fioott llon. W Y. All nrimt"".
rgjp- take
r Oregon BLnRDlninEii
PIMO .lS.ULUtUll bMIKil".'N lll'il .VM i yfrl
I. no ,,i.i-,lrI..Ji.oif u. in'-' ''.''li'f
wh.-ll wnrnl. TI.H t'T:' ''iVj,',1,,, I I
Yiei.o re'" l: T,
on. no-sN-KO'S kle remc;y,
win Ii a"l illri-i'llv nn'a Mln-tnl,
ttbmirb liim'.ni, nlliiv illi lyiirf.rfl'lnm
,i.Ttilaii"ii. eiiru. I'rle-i !.... bniKCIi.',
OL IjC- Juwnko, I'.'.lLulolvb.a. 1'a.
Best in the World!
Cfit thn Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
KKANK WOIILNKV, Aitei.t, rrtlnuil. Or.
IMori.liln Ilntdt J'nrml In Jtl
to i4t! d.ij. No liny UU onrjil.
DR.J.STicHENtt, Lobanon.Ohio
jrx.f M :n 1.1 is v. a
i 'i K.'m'r' i. ii
.viy l rzlnmhlic Ilninnc P. T) O . Sfprllnwc. Kflsiflnrrc
w'ti$!i& -
VI All 1893 Wheels. No Job Lots or Back
1(1 ai
. Agents wunli'il in
mmm a a k
Rfloore's Revealed Remedy.
AHTontA, (Mihuon, Jiiritiiiry 10. t ciin mato nn p cnsnr inui Dy tno hno oi
MOOKK'H KKVKAI.K1) KliMKDY my tinnbHiiil whs rull.'Vf!il from mi old oiihh of
blivril.l'luu .....1 ..... m..,m.u. l,v .iiirtiit r,f IN VI .A MM A T. .11 V 1
Kll ki; M atimm nml ... v vnimirrHt linviMircO ciitlri'lvot INFLAMMATORY H II Itl!.
MATIriM when tho bent doctor
And representing
Victors," "Ramblers," "Clevelands," "Ralelfihs,
"Rudges," "Sylphs," Western Wheel Works, Etc.
Bend for cnttUogues, club and agents' discounts.
326 Washington Street, Portland, Or.
Ulf uiinr-
Htlllt' nil
our vnioiH.
V A Ifltki
IVC i'llll Ml
Vull lit bet
irr vitlue
itiiin uttV
,!., lu.ii.o. A. t i:l.l'i:Mti:lMi;ll, I'.-rllmid,
"' H.irVl.Nlll HI'OOSH
(nl s nor trleiuli In the I'.imt.
WORTH PAtilFKl I'iYCIiK fjft
mrvr.i r i nr rvr HV DCSCHil'l ION. .
db. cums
i liirm.lnaf iml1y nf H"n rhllilmn. "'"' r"n'r
1 t.,ly l,,p Cuiidia, tv.l.l I tVui.Jl '"'" vip
1 i.iior Il bir'T ""
i N.iw , v Hk I" " J0""",', . ...II
whii'l. I, ,i....e.Ui..t n...r- ;,""" ',
In.i... H .1,1 nvt.rvwl.i-ri. !,i . ' I'" ' "''
' 'l''lk Tbtfl'i'a liullnn ."'
riviitillla li.'nimMenily e.irn.l In I". l.i.ia). ""
1,1.1 Ihi In ul, .1 in li.inuili.r Hi" B 'I'"' I"1' " '"' ""'
1 r!ll.i..i..'er..lUh tl...v.l.....-l. TU. - '""
! Ii . v. III e. in I Lieu... Il.ei.l or r- 1 1 m t
i . .t tiOlt.uiil tun. Illil II .lei
"ill. Il.i I..II to em... If . ""'Vi. Inken
rurv, "ll'l" l-'''. ..i. Uim I" :,!' "'
.,.ll.'. l ... ...a V.,1. Ill IMfi.ll.. 11.1-m.l.
i-.l.-....,...-ft" I...f.l I.....I..I 'n""'
ZV .durT, noo.' Wo M
I....I.. . .... a I..,lln..ur.l,mbl t r
it r.i.r rri.ii..t..'f. Tin. ill....... Ima i0
Inline. I .Will i.rthn lii...truil.iriit .h,u
. I...... ,... .-.u.llal Ik lilu.l our I.MI.I...II-
l ii n..,.n...n ... A i....i..if l''""';"' !'.' Vi
liU.tlu lU;lt JWuaiilTeiil"t uitMgt. au.
Hercules Gas Engine
Mnd for Power or Pumping Purpo.
'll.U I'lienlieM It. lllltil.' ilwi Kli.tlia
ull ll." lttl"u
Our o Thoin an 9
l or 'llr.iJ-IU tty U Itenta til , World.
11 olU It .i'lf from n,
No iirbiir.'li.r to set "l of order.
No Hall. rle. or Klei'M.' Spreik.
It nun Willi it t In t.r llru.le t ioi.dl.ii' lha.i any
iiin.r i.hkIih'.
nysi lull i'.iT,ilul'; To
OALMER & REY, ManufactubsrB,
405 SiTucm Slrcat. frantista, CjL
roltl l.AM), OKKOON.
Tho Specific A No. I.
Cut, wllliuie fnli, all eHii'M nf Wmrr
li.r. .mil 4JI nr niultxr ut li iw
nl.illillliH I'levl'Hih utrlellOe 11 ! I 'K IIH ill
vlTIMll remr.l.V. run a wlien evervltiluK i.lrrt
IH. fnlliMt Hi, ill liv .ill l.rnilMH.
M.llilllin'li!ref; 1 IK' A. f li'ii'i'lli'l, 'Hiill.-lllO
t'lM I li , hull JlWte, I Hi
IlPAtting rnT.tI 'or u vn
certain runi or tb dml'ij
i fti. da VH.
UftrftHtaMll ftlll M
in worn io
ll aolTarara.
V. . A.
A J BtUNfR,0 ,
SiUia ny ara(iviaicak
. ..... .
ueroys, majesiics, tie.
every town, I'iHcotintH to cIiil.H. Send for
1 aw
wgdd bate ana lock uo..
Northwest Agent, Portland, Oregon.
1 conkl got did him uo good. Youra In gratitude,
them to bo Just as good as
N. IV N. U. io. i91 8. F. N. U. No. 668