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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1893)
'Mf' -i;-.w'.i--w.'.,.t.p;' ' '..:. T- " """V - ' - f The iver Glacier. VOL. 1. HOOD RIVNU, OUKUON, SATURDAY. MAY 1.5, 1893. NO. 50. Hood .8 3(ood liver (Slacier. rillll.UIIRIl IVRItV HATUIttUT MORNING AT The Glacier Publishing Company. M IIM IIIPTION I'lllCK. nut yrr ft 00 sit iitmith. ,t ...,,,, 1 Or Tliir. nimilli.. , o i"W , .....,..(. THE GLACIER B v ar Grant Evans, Propr. rWowl si., mai (Ink. . Hood Ulr, Or filiuving ami lluii cutting neatly dona. Sutinfiti'tiiui (iiiaiuiitiit'd. ()((;! DHNTAL NKWK. Checks of I lie Seven Slurs Mill hi? Co. Kepmliiilcd. ni:i:iis for lands A WclK Furiro A Co. F.i press Cur on Ih Atlantic ami Pncille. Destroyed liy Fire. Tin' Milium) run lit tin1 Columbia iinprnving. Natural gas in Santa I!', N. M., is to lie lllililll, Tin' Oregon Pacific road is to ! ex tcllllcd til Boise ('it)', MnllO. I lit" horsclhlcves W ho raided ranches near Pivscott, A. T,, have Ix-cn caught 1 rouble im reported iiciwecn the cow Imys and Navajo linliansou tirecn river, l luh. A project fur ii railroad between rim' nix, A. I'., and San Diego in ls-ing net ively tlt-vt-l. .n.. Tin" Htm k-wrow ers Association con ventiou at Ogdcn wants tin' arid hinds ceded ti the Mate and territories. Mr. Huntington has directed the olli cers nf the Southern I'aeilie Company to name the Santa .Monica whan 'Tort J.nH Angeles." The mining excitement in Josephine county, Or., cnntimieH. New finds are reported almost daily, uml come of them lire ery rich in gold. The Sheriff and deputies at Visalia, who made a failure in their last effort to capture Kvans and Sontag, are now busily engaged in explaining liuw thev faileil and pUn in the Maine on eacli oilier. Numerically the Stanford University faculty consists of thirty-three profess ors, seven associate professors, fourteen 'assistant professors, fifteen instructors, eight assistants and one liou-l'csidclil lecturer; total, seventy-eight. It is estimated that Oregon wool will flip seven pound to the lleece thin vear, which will give the Stale 17,000,000 pounds of wikiI for Hale w ithiu the next three luoiitliH. The increase in sheep thin year in estimated at IK) percent. Luke county, Or., haw two milt marshes one tin Silver Lake, uml one on Warner Lake and when the railroad pierces that country the nail industry w ill bo a Hiiro tiling, us the salt is cipiuf in strength and purity to Turk's Island salt. Deeds for worthless lands in the Colo rado Desert lire arriving at San Diego for record from persons in the Mast who are being victimized by Walter J. Kay luond. lie calls them citriiH fruit hinds, and sells them for good prices. Tliey lire utterly without value, Tim Wells, Fargo & Co. express car on the Atlantic and Pacific at Hancock, N. j., wuh destroyed hy lire, ami the safes contained nearly iflliO.OIIO in gold and hh much more, in greenbacks:. A large Uimtity of the gold will have to go hack to the mint for recoining, being melted together. There is nothing but ashen of the currency. Checks of this Seven Star Mining Com pany have been repudiated by u Pros colt'(A. T.) bank, with which the com pany has been doing business, tbo com pany haying no funds to its credit. This is the property recently stocked by Dr. Warner ot patent medicine fame, and which was advertised for sale under a guarantee of paying dividends. A farmer named Whitney living near Ktiwanda, San Diego county, Cal., was recently bitten bv a rattler, and through the prompt application of remedies ex perienced no apparent ill results. One week afterwards, it is gravely stated, while working in a burn ho saw and killed a large rattler. Immediately ho wan thrown in convulsions, and smco then liu will throw himself on the lloor, crawl along and protrude his tongue, lie is under medical care. The Bowers dredger, which lias been at work at South Bend the past twenty months, has gone to Olympiu. While at South Bend th! dredger excavated 1,158(1, 500 yards of river bottom, and distrib uted! the material, a very sandy clay, over 280 acres of tide Hat, of which alout forty acres are tilled live feet and the remainder three feet high. The harbor has been extended about half a mile eastward by the operation, the extension having an average depth of twenty-two feet at extreme low tide. The cost of the work, exclusive of engineering, drainage, etc., has been $278,180, and all borne by the property ow ners of South Bend. 1 ri Dcr bhoi i I'CRKI.Y J'KHNONAL llciiriclla I li'iHi lifeld, the IIimI woman graduate of the Philadelphia College of I ii t ill Surgery, is assistant court dentist in (iermiuiy. I leiiry M. Stanley has gone to Africa to suppress the shive trade. If Henry doesn't make a few deals on his own account, he is not the thrifty fellow he used to be, President Iharles 1''. Thwing says that lohn L. Woods of Cleveland, who has jllst died, gave to Western Kcserve IJiii versil V during his lifetime iiImiiiI JIVKl, ikmi, niid not 1(10,000 as currently re ported. (iov. McKinley openly proclaims that he would ucrepi, the giilieriiatoriul nomi nal ion iiguin if his party oll'cred it to him. The iovernor still has fuiih in the tarill', and says the future will vindicate the wisdom of the bill that bears his name, Mrs. Mury Llleii l'iise is more than ever impressed that we are on the verge of a gn at upheave! Isith socially and politically. .Mrs. l-ase is a thorough ,-ocialist, and believes the people's party should commence pulling the Socialistic I'h us into practice. Mrs. Ita hel Floyd, formerly Miss llol- loway of Ohio is one of the most accom plif hed chemi-ts of thedav and took her cgree as a iloctor of philosophy at the university of .urich. Sh itzerland. an honor which only two women have been acionliil. Mrs. I.lovil is now tuofeHvur f chemistry at the ' 1,'iiiversitv of Ne- Lni"ln. Oliver Sumner Teall is a man of med ium height, With big, Im-liy, blonde mustache, a pair of shoulders and bici iis thal do not invite aggression, and a self- continued manner that bclits such a hustler as the candidate for the place of Pig Tom P.reiman. lie never has the lues, never gets excited, is alwavs courteous to cvervlHsly. uiid makes friends easily. ( ieorge ShellieM, the "Muxsachilsetts Yankee," as he calls himself, who has a new motor that w ill take a steamer to lmdon from this side in three duvs without a iNiiind of fuel, is gently bill (irmly informed that one Jolni M. Keeley has had one of 'em for the last twenty years, its only drawback Iteing that il will not mote. Among the items of minor imortaiice onnected with court life in Kurope it may lie meiilioneil lliat the Puke of rk, the future King of Lnglaiid, has recently loineil the ranks of ileteitive itinera liends and amateur photograph rs, w bile Prince Albert, the nenhew and heir of King I - i k . t of Belirium. has ilossomed forth as a bicyclist. Caiitain i. W. (irantof the Knglish army, w ho is in Washington, speaks thus ol our soldiers: "I have seen most of the armies of the great nations on re view, and 1 consider that the American regular troops are a tine IkmIv of excel- lentv drilled and Wcll-otlicered men; though, of course, the army in this oiintry docs not receive the attention leslowed upon the armies of the older nations." Mine. Camille Collett, the well- known advocate of the emancipation of wo ii in Norway, recently celebrated the eightieth anniversary of her birth. festival was given in Christiania in honor of the day. and was attended by Ibsen ami many other famous writers. Professor Uircmv Iiedrichsen made the address. Mine. Collett is the author of The Ollicial's 1 laughter" and other books. She still enioys splendid health. Icspite her great age. Hl'SlNKSS 15RKV1TIKS. (iiorgia's cotton acreage is not in reased. There is not a wagon factory in Mexico, A new Ireight car is double the ordin ary size. Machine lace is made to look like hand work. Sugar cultivation is rapidly increasing in Iiuisiana. In 1802 17,205 vessels arrived in New York HarlRir. Women serve as switchmen on the Italian railroads. Four hundred patents were issued to women last vear. The Southern strawberry crop will be large this season. Oyer 4,000 liooks were published in this country last year. More than 180,000,000 pins are made weekly in Jtirmmgliam, i'.iiglaiul. Chair manufacture is a trade in which machinery has not superseded human skill. It costs tliirtv-live cents a thousand to manufacture illuminating gas in Boston. On the Arabian coast the pearl fishery produces annually a sum little short of 1,71)0,000. Hood farms can he bought in Chau tauqua county, N. Y., at prices varying Irom if 10 to Sflo per acre. The hairsprings for watches are made principally tv women on account ot the delicate handling required. Kloctricity is now used for making forging, augers, ball bearings and other articles hitherto made by hand. France has three dynamite factories, which produce over 25,000,000 dynamite cartridges a year. The railroads emnlov morn men than louble the number of men required bv the general government. Last year the net profits of the Metro- lolitan Telephone Company of New York city were about $3,400,000. According to the Iron Ago steel beams for building purposes are at present cheaper than heavy pine ucanis. Of all the vast store of wheat that was sent aDroiui irom Jew lork last year not a bushel went in a sailing vessel. HAST KILN JMKLANfJK. SIHke, on flic Inion Pucilic Satisfactorily Settled. A CONSCIKNTIOI'S JIORSE'I II I KF. I'eiiiisylviitiia Iron Trails Expect Much Trouble 'I'll is: Year in SlrikcH-C.W. Ilarrlx. Albany is to have an electric trunk Hue. Kansas 1m tilling up this spring with I icrmaus. " ium-cbewerH' lockjaw" has made its appearance. The new directory of St. 1juis con tains JlU,r2:i names. A 2,(HKI,(HMJ poHtolllee is to adorn the. ciiy oi nullum, k. i . Boston is planning to build an eleyutisl railroad to cost t2.r),(XH),0(H). Nut culture is attracting attention on the Delaware peninsula. (Ieorge (iould says the Union Pacific flouting debt is only f4,0(K),(KM). The New York legislature has ilrii up tin- jssil rooms in that State. Missouri crop prospects are most dis couraging, owing to heavy losses. It is said the railroads will ignore the .Nehrasku maximum freight rate law. Kusteni capitalists are said to be try ing to buy the St. Iiuis street railroaifs The water is very low in the South Pass at the mouth of the Mississippi river. There are seventy-seven branches of the Theosophicul Society in the United States. J he strike on the I uion Pacila: is at an end. The terms of settlement have not been made public. PlttHbtirg capital, controlling 40,(MH) acres ot territory, will build great iron mills at MuinceJnd. (iovernor Flower of New York will commute the sentence of Curlyle W. Harris, tin; w ife murderer. The 1,027 electric-light lamps of Chicago are maintained at the exicnse to Unit city ol j lie each per year. Louisville, will offer U.OOO.OOO in bonds and a building site, if the State will move its eapitol from Frankfort. The Populist women of Kunsas have Ix-gun organizing women suH'erage clubs. The first was organized at Topcka last week. The Pennsylvania iron trade expects much trouble during this year in strikes. Manufacturers will attempt to reduce w ages. lieiicral Harrison has lieen invited to make the chief speech at the unveiling of the new soldiers' monument at Ath ens, O. CargiM's of horse meat, it is said, are being shipped from New York to Bel gium as food for the poor people, of that country. The (loodland Bain-making Company is said to be contracting with fanners in Western Kansas counties at an average of $1,000 per county. A Kansas woman, w ho held a man up at a revolver point and went through his pockets, has been sent to the peni tentiary for two years. (.iovernor Nelson of Minnesota has signed the anti-scalper bill, which be comes a law April 18 next. Scalpers say they will contest it. According to a recent decision it is an olleuse against the laws of the United States to send a dunning or scurrilous message on a postal card. Fleet ric roads in Ohio are so numer ous that there is a prespeet of so many being jammed together as to form a continuous line across the State. As a result of the immense crops of grain harvested the last two seasons in South Dakota, that State is this spring having the heaviest immigration in ten years. The first grain fleet of the season has cleared from Chicago with 11,000,(XH) bushels. Notwithstanding the severe winter, navigation has opened earlier than usual. The wonderful influence of the sun on earth is shown by the fact that during less than three minutes while the last eclipse was total the temperature fell three degrees. The receipts from water rates in Chi cago during the last fiscal year aggre gated $2,500,052, and the operating ex penses were onlv $1,170,008. This leaves a protit of $1,300,854. Steel caskets for the bodies of those who die suddenly on shipboard are being carried on many of the transatlan tic liners. The remains are placed in them and hermetically sealed. The Supreme Court of the United States has had occasion to declare itself on the question whether singular or plural pro nouns ought to bo used in speaking of the United States. The Court sustains the constitutional form, "The United States are." John Railey, a Tennessee fanner in hard luck, has just been made happv bv the receipt of $t85 from Fank K. Walf dran of Heading, Pa., being in full pay ment with 6 per cent interest for a horse which Walldran, then a soldier, appro priated from Kailey's stable in 1804. In the effort to keep New streets clean four hundred red barrels have been vilaeed at the corners of Union ! Square for passers by to throw their banana skins and papers into. If the experiment prove useful, barrels will be placed city. at street corners all over the I FROM WASHINGTON CITY. S'l-i'l-el 'i rv f.t-t'.ii l.uu ii r.t..I.t.l If If . .... . ... j i.t.o ,... r, ij i j ii, J l i C Duiiwoodv assistant chief of tin weather bureau, vice Major Itis kwo'sl resigned. Major Dtinwoody has ls:en connected with the bureau for many years. K. P. P.aldwin, First Auditor of the treasury, bus issued an order which w in preveiii lavoritism in the examina- uoii oi uccouniH. Liiuer the new oMer eueh in count will be taken up in the order in which it was received and on no account made special, except by onjer ol the hem ol the department. Unless unforeseen reason for jsHt;ne- meni should occur the International .Monetary ( onlereiici; will reconvene at liriisw.i. May 30. All the Commissioners have tendered their resignations, and but one of them Henry W. Cannon. President of the Chaw National Bank of New York city has been reappointed It is understood Senator Jones of Ne vada bus Is-en requested to w ithdraw his resignation. The Executive Committee of the local directory of the World's Fair held a meeting aty which resolutions were adopted which practically mean a flat renunciation of Congressional control. The joint committee made a lengthy reiwirt on the recent act of Congress in structing the Secretary of the Treasury to w ithhold enough of "tin: Columbia haff dollars to secure the payment of $570, KH0 for awards, which was amply dis cussed. The report Kays the committee would regard it us a direct and inexcus able violation of the pledges and coven ants with the bondholders to enter into the formal undertakings w hich the act of Congress require. The requirement of this act, says the committee, is a violation of the" act of August 5,1802, accepted by the directors. Acting Commissioner of Pensions Murphy has transferred about lifty clerks, who were heretofore employed on "statistical work," but which, so'far as he could see, are of no value to the office, to current work in order to facilitate in bringing up the business to date. Murphy is decidedly of the opinion that among the 058,0(10 pensioners on the rolls of the bureau there are many fradu lent cases, and with a view of purging the list of such as can be reached he has issued an order to the special examiners in the field, directing them to use all diligence in searching out such cases as require the attention of the bureau. Friends of ex-liepresentative Blount, now on a special mission to Honolulu, say there are several reasons why he will not be chosen as Minister Stevens' successor. Notwithstanding that his actions have ticca approved hy the ad ministration, the President is "not blind to the fact that certain things he has done, notably the hauling down of the tlag, have been received in this country with disfavor. The president realizes also that a commissioner appointed to assist in settling a controversy between two parties in a foreign nation can hardly hope to be persona gratia to all factions alter the settlement is effected. Before leaving Washington President Cleveland practically set at rest all rumors that he would call an extra ses sion of Congress to consider the financial situation. During a conversation with Cleveland Representative Kilgore in quired regarding the intentions of the President as to an extra session. Kil gore explaned that he wished to bring his family to this city, and for this reason was anxious to learn w hat would probably be done in order that he could make his plans accordingly. The replv of the President was he would not call an extra session until September, unless some unforeseen circumstances which were not now anticipated made such a course necessary, lie stated a call would be made for assembling Congress between September 1 and 15. Senator Ransom. Chairman of the Commerce Committee, was seen in reference to the committee's Pacific Coast trip. When asked about the probable date of the start from Chicago he said he had an idea that arrange ments could be perfected so that the committee would leave June 15. There was no certainty about this, he said, but it was his purpose to get the committee away at the earliest possible moment. It is now stated that the committee will be on the Pacific Coast for fully six weeks, and possibly for a more lengthy period. Senator Ransom says the com mittee will go direct from Chicago to San Francisco. F'rom there the commit tee will go to Ix)s Angeles, to investi gate whether the proposed deep water harbor should be located at Rodondo Beach or San Pedro. When the investi gation for this purpose is completed other river and harbor improvements will be looked into, and then the com mittee will go north to Oregon and Washingson to investigate the Columbia river improvements and 'also the pro posed scheme to connect Lake Washing ton to Plli'er, Sonml hv shin ennui CHICAGO EXPOSITION. World's Fair construction has cost eighteen lives. World's Fair buildings will need 120,- 000 incandescent electric lights. But few English society people will come to the World's Fiir until the Lon don season is over in July. The buildings of the Chicago World's Fair have already cost twice as much as those of the Paris FIxposition. The Trince of Wales is not coniine over this year, but his son, the Duke of lork, is expected to do so before his marriage. What is claimed to he the plow used Vf V'1"', VeJfter .!his fftn t Marshfield, N. IL, will be sent to the Wai.i,1' r, i. o Id s I air. The government exhibit for the onus rair is not reaay, and therefore will not be placed in position at the fair until May 15. FOREIGN FLASHES. Count Herbert Hismarek to Re appear in J'ulilic Life. JAPANESE WOMEN FOR CHICAGO. Women Employed us Station Agents in France-Belgian Suffrage Rioters Sentenced. British India has 10,417 licensed opium mops The revolution in Honduras has been suppressed. Victor Vifquain has been appointed voiisui-ijenerai ai j'anama, It is estimated that 70,000,000 of peo ple in j-.urojie wear wooden shoes The latest record-breaking time be tween Bombay and London is thirteen uays (irassboppers in China are so numer ous ttiat soldiers have been ordered out to light them. A Tokio paper says 300 young Japan ese women are to be shipped to Chicago ior unmoral purposes. It is rersirted that a seam of roal has ls:en struck at a depth of 200 feet at .Newport, near Melbourne. J he Ileichstag has passed bv a lari?e majority the bill providing for the more cureiui preservation of military secrets Count Herbert Bismarck is alxiut to reappear in public life. He has become a candidate for a seat in the Prussian Diet. Cape Colony's exnort of iold during .iarcii amounted in value to 430,000. as t i . , i. 4 . . against $334,000 in the same month last vear. The P ope has ordered that nrayprs fur ruin oe ouereu oy catholics throughout Italy. Rain has not fallen for two months The province of Oueliec is endeavoring to float a new loan in Europe in order to pay on uie .nereier f4,000,000 loan, ma turing in July. Ihe Russian government ronfessps that in the first two weeks of April there were oo;i ueains irom cholera m one province alone Nearly 500 women are employed as station agents in France, but they get omy nan as much pay as men in the same positions. Ihe famous clock said to have hepn made by Ixnus I. was recently nur chased by a member of the Kothsehild family for $108,000, (iermany'8 wine crop of 1802 was little more than halt the average production of the previous ten vears. althomrh the quaiuy is excellent i ii.. - Sanction has been recently granted for me coiisirucuon oi a railway Detween lacninawa and uine. Janan. to be known as the Owe railway. In the relief of paupers 2,191,172 was spent oy local government rehet loards in England and Wales during the last half of last year. Queen Victoria abandoned her pro jected visit from Florence to Venice on account of the alarming reports as to the prevalence of cholera. The Prussian Landtag has approved Finance Minister Miquel's proposal for a property tax, the most contentious part of his financial reform bill. Sir Andrew Barclay Walker, who made a fortune of $14,000,000 as a brewer and spirit merchant and in coal mines, left $50,000 of it to Liverpool hospitals. The total stock of wheat at twenty eight cities in continental Europe de creased 3,403,000 bushels in March. Stocks on April 1 were 17,875,000 bushels. The increase of population in the whole of Australasia during 1892 is esti mated by the government statist at 85, 000, of which only 6,700 was due to emi gration. The Jews of Bulgaria gave to the bride of Prince Ferdinand an album inlaid with diamonds, rubies and emeralds, which cost $50,000. The Pope sent a diamond ring. The latest crop report of the Hunga rian Agricultural Minister says frosts and north winds have done much damage to wheat, and a considerable area ot rye has been killed. Ouida's latest novel promises to be startling even for her. Mr. Gladstone will figure as a villain in the plot, and she promises to make him aa black as any she has ever painted. The Franco-Siamese difficulty is re garded at Singapore as serious. The Si amese traders, as thev fear there will be lighting, have ceased Importing rice, and the dealers are hoarding it. Many of the men who participated in the recent suffrage riots in Mons, Bel gium, have been sentenced to short terms in prison, and the Socialist leader, Bre nez, was sent to prison for five years. Notwithstanding that everv vear from 5,000 to 6,000 ships go up and down the river Seine, carrying 2,500,000 tons of goods, it is said that there is no map of this important French stream in exist ence. The official estimate of the condition of the French wheat crop on April shows the area to be about the same as last year. Twenty-eight departments report the condition very good, fifty good, seven satisfactory and two medium. The Empress of Austria is to visit Vi- .chii us1"" nii-ei vcia in. wunuering abouJ. the world ghe ia extravagantl" fond of Mowers, and the florists of her loval city are forcing their roses and orchids in order to meet her unexampled demands. SEPARATION. If It were Innd, oli, weary feet rould travel! If It were m-a, a ahip mltflit cleave tlie wave; 1 It were Di-atli. nail Ixive could look tohcaveu Ami ace through team the smillifht on tlia Krave. Not land or ea or ift-atb keeim us apart, lint only thou, ob, unforgiving Heart! If ft were land, through piercing thorns I'd travel; If It were wa, I'd cross to thee or die; If It were Deat h, I'd tear -Life's veil asunder That I might eee thee with a clearer eye. Ah, none of these could keep our souls apart; Forget, forgive, oh, unforgiving Heart! The Human Kje. The last 100 yearn have Increased tbs aeed and capacity for work upon small objects near at hand. One of the question occurring to the mind is, Do these different and increased demands bring increased facility and capacity to the human eyer Eyes are now used la ways never imagined by our remote ancestors, possibly never dreamed of In the oriental countries. What ever there may have been in the way of sculpture among the Greeks demanding artistic and accurate vision, there was no typesetting, no electric telegraphy, no stenography and no typewriter. The eye of the patriarch Job was constituted at birth and went through life to old age very much such an optical instrument as that of the English squire who devotes himself to an outdoor life in the Eighteenth or Nine teenth century; but Job had no printed books to beguile the tedium and pain of his seat in the sand and ashes. The examination of the mummies in the Egyptian mausoleums shows that there has been no change in the anatomical con formation of the human ear in 4,000 years, had there is no evidence that there has been any in that of the human eye; but the difficulty of preserving the eye for exam ination centuries after it has ceased to see prevents us from proving this. Cosmopol itan. Three Kinds of Them. Eddie Dinwiddie was in a mood of in quiry, and he said: "Papa!" "Well, Edward?" "Papa, what is a canthook?" "Acanlhookf Don't you recollect, son, when we were at grandpa's sawmill last summer and looked at the men rolling logs bout with a huge pole, to wuich was fas tened a gnpper or hook of steel? That was a canthook. There is also" "But, papa, isn't there anothercanthookf I" "Wait, my son, until papa finishes. In former times barbers and toothdrawers used a canthook for pulling teeth. It was on the same principleas the one mentioned. only of course smaller. The prongs were inserted under the roots of the tooth, and a twist finished the job. Now, son, that ex plains it." , "But, papal" "Well?" "Don't you know anything more about a canthook?" "No, my son." "How does a mnlley cow strike you?" Pittsburg Chronicle. A Quick AVltteU Thief. I saw a clever thing worked the other day. A messenger boy got on the car with several bundles. He looked at the ad dresses on them all to see where to get off first. "Hang it," said he, picking up the largest one of the lot, "the marker forgot to put the mark ou it. I don't know where to take it." It was a cold day, and a moment after the messenger entered the car he was fol lowed by a seedy looking individual who had heard the boy's remark while on the platform. Soon I saw him writing an ad dress on that unaddressed package when tne Doys head was turned. It must have been at some nearby street or hotel, for uddenly the boy shifted his boxes, looked up hastily, and evidently thinking he had missed the address at first glance he made a bolt for the front door and was gone be fore l could stop him. In the meantime the rogue who had writ ten the false address got away by the rear door, and I have no doubt got home in time to intercept the bundle. Let this serve as a warning to all. New York Herald. "Old Ginger." Some Leeds children had been sent into the village by a charity fund for a fort night's country air. The elerevmnn nn asking a group of these little girls to what parisnes tney belonged, was informed by one little town mite with much pride that she lived close to the parish church. "Ahl" said the clergyman, "what is th name of the vicar?" for a new appointment had re cently been made to his nursery ground of dignitaries. "I don't rightly know his name," was the reply, "but we always call him 'Old Ginger.' " "Dear me." said the parson, "but why 'Old Ginger?'" "Why, that's the color of his whiskers!" These whiskers that now adorn episcopal cheeks have since, alas! changed to a decided gray. London Spectator. , A Hare in the Water. A correspondent writes: "In answer to Mr. H. W. Thorpewood's experience of an aquatic hare, some fifteen years ago I had young gentleman staying at my house who went out for a day's fishing on the 1 names, and as he was sitting in the punt nnder Quarry woods a hare was chased iu the fields opposite, when it sprang into the I. names and swam for the woods, and my friend caught it in the landing net in mid stream. I well remember how delighted he was with his catch when he brought it home to my house." London News.- An Untimely Death. Isaac Dixon several months aero cams to this country from England and went to work as a laborer in a rolling mill at Passaic, N. J. He drank ice water to excess Thursday and died Saturday as a result Since then it has come to light that had he lived seven months longer he would have received a large estate in England. Why he came here and hired, ut as a laborer no one appeared to know. He was to be married within a few weeks to a young lady of Patersoa, Philadelphia Ledger.