DECISIVE Baking Powder Tests The United States Official Investigation of Baking Powders, made by authority of Cono-ress, in the Department of Agriculture, W ashing ton D. C. furnishes the highest authoritative informa tion as to which powder is the best. The Official Report Shows the ROYAL to be a cream of tartar baking pow der, superior to all others in . IV S. Debt. AeriKlVt leavening power ( BKW4KB OF OINTMKSTS FOR CA IAUKH TH AT CONTAIN JIBHCVRT, At mercury will surely dasiroy the souse ol moil and completely derange the whole system rheu entering it tnrousn uie mm-vm t ,-,....,v a- i".v TMst monian iree, rfcr-Sold by druggists; price, 75 cents per bottle, Fs Just as Easy Ta grow Choice Flowers as It Is ti pnw cimmoB ones if job SURT B1SHT. ina Ct, P fres, tor th. prlo. . THE TiMOTHT HQPltlSS CQLLKTICI Of SWEET PUS Cbmprfoinfl fl Distinct Varieties. A 1?. o) Seed$ ot each for or 4 Fact of Setdl Of the lam varietia mixed for only 10 cents. ,2 Roses $1.00 "v 12 Pelargoniums $1.00 12 Chrysanthemums $1.00 Flnwer or CCmO25 Choice Varieties ot Either RpUUs OttUO (Tour ow o, oar ml.) t'OH OJIK DOLLAR. SHERWOOD HALL NURSERY CO. 1 I. Ear, Sansac 4 On Sis. - - & Frarlsca, CaL ERADICATES BLOOD POI SON AND BLOOD TAINT. Several bottles of Swift's Specific (S.S. S.) entirely cleansed my system of contagious blood poison of the very worst type. W M. S. Loomis, Shreveport, La. CURES SCROFULA EVEN IN ITS WORST FORMS. T HAD SCROFULA in 1884, system entirely from it and cleansed my by taking seven bottles of S, S. S. I have not had any symp C. W. Wilcox. Spartanburg, S. C toms since. I HAS CURED HUNDREDS OF CASES OF SKIN CANCER. Treatise on Blood and Ekin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co- Atlanta. ta. erman yrup" William McKeekan, Druggist at Bloomingdale, Mich. ' ' I have had the Asthma badly ever since I came out of the army and though I have been in the drug business for fifteen years, and have tried nearly every thing on the market, nothing has given me the slightest relief until a few months ago, when I used Bo schee's German Syrup. I am now glad to acknowledge the great good it has done me. I am greatly reliev ed during the day and at night go to sleep without the least trouble." 8 We make a special of fer in this space each week. This time it is of an Ori ental col Portland, Op. ored fringed CHE MLLE Table Coveb (size SOxM inches, not measuring fringe), which we will mail to you for 98 cents sent us, with 22 cents for postage. It's a suggestion from our house-furnishing line for making vour home attractive. Our special offers are not to get your money for the article mentioned, but to get your attention to our prices and qualities. We know they'll convince you that vou are assured of honest goods and honest va'lues from us every time. Our Spring Catalogue is sent free for the asking. . WE KNOW VERY f XmJ-r L well that few country I A 71 fir I? f people know that we IllllIIILI Vcanfit them perfectly W V VfA VA 1 at a hundred or two J miles away; but we a can. Send for rules for AiJ Aivo self-measurement, and llfTflOfC we shall fit you. Our 1 I I' 1 1 I' il. vast stock of Clothing WA VVl 9 made under our own supervision. Our 110, 112 and $15 Suits have no equal. You save money by buying from us. Try us ONCE. A. B. STEINBACH I StrictljVOne-PriceV CO., sers, PORTLAND, OR. ptso's Remeay for Catarrh eiuoh articles should never be used except ou i d A little before sundown Mrs. Huse XSX preparations for Su,,,r ,Hist ?iu SSiblv derive from them. H.Ts Catarrh ( ,he time of the hunters' return, in Cure, manufactured by F. J. Chenc A 0v' ra" j early days few houses hud cellars under ISrnaVv n"itw tpo:UH:in: eath; but a potato hole wan ilu near the mi i Tiiu'fScei & thTsvVteuv In buying Uall'i j dwelling and covered over during the win Catarrh Cure be sure you st t the genuine. " i ter with sods or thatch, In this hoi6 the Ukeu Internally and made tn Toledo, O., by F. , vegetable were stored. "G h Is the pf hfapent. I I by mail, I 3 m. 9a, J Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. Bold by druggist or ent 0 K. t. JJJHU Warns. Mr. Hu ) Hie Hour. tn thfl "History of lleutiikrr," New rUuinshire. it is related tUut Mr. Most Hum set off with a friend ou a U-ar hunt rna autumn lnornitiht to he cone for the aeason 's veue Mrs. Huse handed a pau to her little Kirl, and bade her ko out to the cellar hole and getsome vegetables. Thechild olieyed, but soon ran lu, saying that slio had heard a noise in the leaves and was afraid. Her mother assured her there was uothins to be afraid of, and sent her back, hut the lit tie girl soon returned with the same story, when the mother said impatiently, "Wall, you stay here, an' I'll go myself." As Mrs, Huse neared the potato hole she heard the noise which had alarmed the child. Upon going nearer she espied a bear digging in the leaves for acorns. She immediately gave chase, picking up, as she ran, a huge pine knot, "with a train a long as yer arm," she said afterward, and came up with bruin just as he had begun the ascent of a tree. Mrs. Huse was of Indian descent, of wiry, powerful muscle. She had often taken her end of the log In clearing the land, and now, equal to the emergency, aha dealt the bear a heavy blow with the knot, which broke hU back and he fell to the ground. She quickly ciispatcncu mm. dragged him to the house and dressed hiia When Mr Huse and bis comrade re turned, the woman was cooking bear I awak for supper. They were much ton hihed. and asked where she ohtaiueu the meat. She told them, and added, In her ouaint dialect, "When he failed from the tree, I lammed on, I did, and I killed him. I did. I did!" The energetic woman had beaten the hunters, whose search for bears had been fruitless and who had returned without game of any sort. A Tutor Who Maintained Bis Dignity, Dr. Chalmers always bad a high sense of nomnnal disruitv. When a young man he was engaged as tutor in a private family. His vounc lady pupils resented his strict ness, and the mother foolishly took sides with her daughters. In petty spite, when company was Invited to the house, young Chalmers was shut out from the table and dinner was sent to his room. He made no protest against the treat ment, but when it was attempted again he told the servant he bad ordered a uinnerac a neighlKiring town and should need notn- ing. When this bad been done a few times nn emlosion came. The master of the house called Chalmers to account for In suiting his family. Chalmers replied that ha had been insulted by banishment from the table. The young teacher conquered, and ever after held his place as one of the family at all social gatherings. New York World. Clean Money. It must have been noticed by most peo ple in this vicinity who have much occa sion to handle money that the cleanliness of the bills in circulation, especially of the smaller denominations, lias depreciated within a few years. A new bill is seldom seen; clean ones are rare, and the public are forced to handle and carry upon the person paper money which is exceedingly worn, dirty, and even foul. The remedy for the present state of things is in the hands of the people. o far as the people are represented by the banks. The treasury department is always ready to give clean bills or certificates for soiled ones, and offers to the banks the benefit of its own contract with the express compa nies, by which bills can be sent to and from Washington at the nominal rate of twenty cents a thousand. Springfield Bepublicaa An lephant' Mistake. An elephant in the Zoological gardens, while carrying riders, and when passing a lady who was seated on a chair, trans ferred to its trunk and thence into its stomach a brown leather purse which lay on her lap, evidently mistaking the same for a piece of gingerbread. London Tit- Old Time Methods of treating Colds and Coughs were based on the idea of sup pression. VVe now know that "feedinsra cold" is good doctrine, 's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with hypo phosphites, a nch fat-food, cures the most stubborn cough when ordinary medi cines have failed. Pleasant to take; easy to digest. Piwpriil btftopi't A Vfno. HJ. 11 1mglt. A COCTOfc ADVICl;. Thing X f Iktrh IMung lo tlx I' lie"" lag Cor tho Might. Tb Aouraof rotvo H;v wv,i Bcntiisof tho many liiiittois ri' i:.u : trblc A onutrilntto in tan -'U' i:km-ui - tovi itl existtfiioo. Wish .. . tlwi-lothiug fx r tin1 tii Kufny idea atv trov;il nt io i",:r4 i wbaA; ahouHlx wrn hi i'n t;ui" w h. a ou ordinarily propatvs fur tl;:;t ivv rbivh is toigive onorgy IVr tho foltowt.'j; diTV, Otuv person lias an opinion ttw! ;i curtain flhrtn of night i3o and lnxl covering of p.-ietaeular fiaistnu iioii ; character uro Uiu propor things u'f health, and for comfort. Ordinarily theso 'conviction of thought nio ik"; worthiH Borious consideration. A littlt' common sonso gocsa groat way and car ries with it nearly every thing that sug gests a proper habiliment for the hour of "looping. In the first place thero is th body gar ment proper, uml this is from purely sanitary standpoint best exeinplilled in the pajamas. Pajamas cover both Ihhiv and limbs and furnish all necessary warmth and comfort. They are low fitting and thoroughly comfortable, and no very easily adjusted that any one can put them ou the body with that facility with which an ordinary nightshirt is placed. Women who may lie averse to adopting clothes which may outwardly appear manlike may find in health a goal well worth contesting, and in cov ering themselves with that stylo of gar ment which is thoroughly sensible. The composition of tho nightgown is a matter of taste. Canton tlannel, linen and woolen goods stand at tho head of the list: after these como tho silks. One, however, which deserves special atten tion and which is equally suited for both sexes is tho real china silk. This last is the best, but cannot 1h procured ai prices within ordinary range of purse. If it can bo bought it win give not ouiy a necessary protection, but a comfort able and nn enduring garment. The matter of bod clothing is another thing deserving of thought, comprising that same relation to tho body which the outer clothing should hold. A few simple rules should cover the entire ground, and they are comprised in four homelv precepts: Use a hair or husk mattress, cover this mattress with blanket, cover tho blanket with a sheet. put a sheet, blankets and counterpane. or extr.19 u you like, above this, una ai ways bear in mind that a lowering, of the body's temperature at night is not to be sanctioned. 2ew lork world. Itllmllng a Shark, A successful diver must possess great courage and nerves of steel. Such man, connected with a large wrecking comnanv. was visiting the pearl fisher ies in the gulf of California. On one of his trips in quest of the pearl oyster ho had a narrow escape from a fearful death. He had been instructed never to stir from the bottom until he had looked up and around. Fortunately he heeded the advice. Uaviug tilled his bag ho glanced quickly about, and caught sight of a huge shovel nosed sharK watcning mm In an emergency men think fast. Near the diver was a largo rock. He moved quickly to the other side of it, hoping to dodffe the ferocious monster. But tho maneuver did not work: the shark watched everv movement, changing his position by a slight motion of his tiower ful tail. Time was precious, and the diver con ceived the idea of blinding the shark by stirring up the mud. Under cover of that he might escape. He worked for dear life, and had the water thick with mnd in less than half a minute. Slipping around the rock again he rose to the surface, having barely strength enough to reach the side of the bout, and was hauled on board inst as the vora cious man eater made a rush for him. Frank Leslie's Magazine. Two Extremes. There are many things which women do not approve in men, a. there are doubtless many faults in the moral and mental composition of women which are distasteful to men. The violence and abusiveness, the lack of dignity, and even those personal dif ferences which are emphasized with blows it would be painful to see intro duced into an assemblage of women, Nevertheless there is no reason why the other extreme of excessive amiability should be aimed at, with the caressing and petting that have their proper and only place within the four walls and the strict seclusion of home. It is a far cry from the masculine turbulence of a po Htical primary to the excessive sweetness of the too "womanly" convention, but there lies between the two a golden mean, where courtesy and refinement and unceasing regard for the feelings of others are perfectly compatible with official dignity and refreshing good sense, Chicago Inter Ocean. Venetian Hospitality. Whatever might have been said azainst the Venetians, they were 9 bos pitable people this, too, in small as well as in great matters, wnen, ror exam' nle. in 1476. an ambassador from the khan of Tartary visited the city, and it was known that the khan and his suit carried but one shirt apiece in their bags, the senate formally voted twenty ducats, that they might be provided with additional shirts, which were ac cordingly made ajla tartarescha," and nresented. We can imagine how the irood councilors and citizens would en Joy this kindly little jest. National Re new. A Retort p Black Friday, On that historic day in Wall street fo! Iowinir the memorable Black Friday Gould's old partner, shaking his finger in the millionaire's face, shouted: "HI live to see the day, sir, when you'Uhave to earn a living by going around this street with a hand organ and a monkey." Maybe you will, flenry; maybe you will." was the retort. "Ana wue want a monkev. Henry, I'll send for -I you." Exchange 'UK WAS IN IT." ilg Moni oe No lleeliked lu I avor of Kelly-Kelly vs. Feulow. Jiihn J. Kelly v. l'oople's Hunk t at. Plaint- liegHit tht null by no I lug a hiltery ticket, twentieth ol a whole ticket, which had won 6,W0 ami bad been lorwurded to the Peoplo'd ink fur collection, and lu which he claimed ie-lourth Interest aa owner, Hy cement the ckct was cahed, and the tim'tnlmcd three- inn ten wove w It Intra w a, leaving the contented ne itiarter, which was also claimed by John . Willow, under control ol the court, The panic live la St, l.niila, and have been tilte unfortunate, lu lS'.iL Wulow , Kelly.'Norie. man, O'Keofe ami Omtmra formed aiuant cltll ami ou three or four occasion purchased live action of lottery tickets, ald fraction cost- ig fl each, and each member, contributing his roportlnit of the price, was eipmUy Interested u I he w Innings. Willow generally a charged llli purchasing tke tickets, and held them mil the draw lug. The member usiuully paid their contribution eforo the draw tui s, and Wnlow paid the lot, 'ry ticket vendor. In April. Iv.y, 'thev Invested (t'onuoi had roi'pcd out). M I mild except kcllv, who hud uiccd to pay Ills dollar ou the ilu.v preceding lie drawing. I lie tickets had been selected by .Sorlemnn. here was no (ur ther Intercouise between the ictiiU'r ot the. club until alter I lie draw Ing on ucmIhv, April I.1, when It was leio'lieil that one f the lour tick iu hail won IIA.imn. The tickets 11 vi' been pah', lorbv Wnlow , and the UCltou r the court lo decide Is w lietlier teuton- paid r account "of Kelly l, or whether It was lor Is own account. The day after the draw lug Kelly tendered hi oil ii r, tint u us tuld that he was "ten late" and int lie w a "not lu It. ' he oouct conclude that Willow gave Kelly uudci'sVaud Unit he (I Vnlo I w ould s( , l lull clW ' interest lu the ticket would he paid tor. It Is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed lat there ho judgment In luvor ol John J. wily and against .lohti . Wnlow , decreeing ellv to Iiilvo U'i'ii the owner of an undivided one-fourth luteiesi In tho lottery ticket, and that plaintiff receive and collect fl.'.o, re pre- filing the onc-lourin ol tue proceeds 01 ine llerv ticket now ou deposit.- New Orleau ..) City Hem, Wbruury 7. ltlobhs-l drink a cheap California claret which I know to bo reliable. Wigwag Yea; I now the kind -inair but honest. HEADACHE AND DYHl'RI'SIA. William H. Uockwt lt, No. M'J West 57th trect, New York, says: 1 have ieeti a martyr to I iliotts head ache and dyspepbia. Any Indiscretion In dit t, overfatigue or cold brings on a lit of indigestion, lollowed hy a headache lasting two or three ilavs at a time. 1 think 1 must have tried over twenty ditlrrent remedies, itch were recommended as certain cure lV loving friends, hut it was no use. At last I thougiu I would take a simple course of purgation with liRANPHKru's ril.ts. For lie first week took two pills t veiy nigiii, then one pill lor thirty nights; In that tune I gained three pounds in weight, and never have had an ache or a nam s lice." Disease in one purt ol Ine body will eventually till the whole body w ith disease. hvery year or two some pari ot tue system grows weaK, and begins to decay, pucn part should be removed at once und new matter be allowed to lake its place. There no need of cutting it out w tth a surgeon s scalpel, i urge awav me oni, uncased aim worn out parts with I kasukkih Tills. A Kentucky gentleman has Wen confirmed a Minister to Teru. Here I the good eld eoiiiljl nation ol lii.-ky and iiimuie over again. As a cure for sore throat and coughs 'titowit n bronchial Trarhts have been thoroughly tested, and maintain a good reputation. Jkshc What's the Hunt animated spectacle you ver saw 1 lie A uoaiuii gin cuasiug neei car. Our readers will serve themselves by noticing the remarkable offerings advertised in another column by the Sherwood Hull Nursery Co. of Mculo Park and San Fran cisco, who are leaders on the coast in f ur- nishing everything for the farm and garden. A ('icrmantown poet Is w riting a poem entl tied "The Lay of the buster .gg." Mr. B. It, Churchill MU Vernon, Wash, An Honest Medicine Rheumatism Cured Health Rullt Up Mr. Churchill, formerly of Churchill & Taylor, surveyor find civil engineers. lt Vcrnnn, Washlnt'ton, writes: "Southern California was mv homo for man v years, when I came bore I bu;;au to bu afflicted all over with Rheumatism And also pains In mv back and a general feellpg l being used up. My business takes me out la the elemont all the time, and I found my self unfit for work, lteadlng an advertise ment of Hood's Sarsaparllla, and learning also mat tun mcncine was enmnounucu 111 mv own Kt'il o of Massachusetts. I concluded tlils mnv be nn holiest medicine. I took It and am so much improved that I a n ou Hood's x Cures in all weathers and travel all day with no fatigue and tired feeling. To any one that feels bad all over I say take Hood's Baisapa- rma. ji nas emeu me." jii.ciiuiu.uiLU HOOD'8 PlLLS cure Liver Ills, Jaundice, BUlousoess, Hick Headache and Constipation. TAKE mm prUNlPER'S. Oregon Blood Purifier UUhlL3 .KIDNEY OLIVER DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA. PIMPLES,BL0TCHE5 AND SKIN DISLASES., HEADACHE. COSIIVENESS. li H ll" ITCHIiri rtL33 known br raotstnij HA lit. I' ke poruplrutlr.n, eauso intonso Itching I in Vim whcA war.n. aiil fnrm on;! BIJWtt Vftll BEJSUim or lUOl'aUDlWO VtiMt I UU Yll l.nATONCKTO OR. BO-SAH-KO'S PILE REMEDY, M till I which act directly ou parts afteotrd, wx (ilworbs tumors, allovr;it:lyn(,olfeotinn nil aTO a permani-ntcuro, 1'ricn .00. DruKKlst rJLtlO orma.1. Ur. Bominko, Philadelphia, Pa, P. N. U. No. 490 S. F. M. U. No. 567 IMiaajjii jam M I'HKVKNTINO rt'TI'ltW 1MINBHV. It litem I. Iii till vale ol tears, a more prnlllhl ouiveof misery than th rheumatic twinge, w have ret 10 near ot 11. reopin are num wim tmidimcv In rhtuiltiallalll. hint til1 V are with one lo conaumpllotl or to wiofula. Mllghl can. may develop this. Aa ioon a the agonlltig 1'nmplnllit icaulfcats Itself, recourse should he 111 to 1 oNlettei nNUiiuai li liners, w nien em e Us further Inroads an 1 banishes tlm ri euinalle iIhoii Iron) the yleai, Hits tatetueut iiituea exactly with Ilia testimony 01 piiysieiau nno ave employed thin fine blood 1I1 pureiil III tneir rlvate practice. There I also the amplest pro- loinil anil ueueia ti l iiiotiv a lo llieelllcacy f Hi" littler foi malaria, liver complaint, eon- tllMitlon, India) llon. kldnev trouble, iiervon- utw ami loss ol aimet e and tiesii. , iter a wel ling, whether followed bv a cold nr not, the Hit lei I useful a a preventive of the Initial ttack riteumatlMii, A man feel proud w hen h I working Ills ay ii lo the inp, hut he (eel different If lit ccktic undertake to do the nunc thing UlirTllllK AND IMI.KH tUIRICD We positively rm) rupture, piles and all roe- Uil dlsciiaoa without pala or detention liom hul nes. No elite, no pay. Alan all JVienld dm eases, Addri' lor panipnuii in, rorwruvin Uxaiy, Him Market tr,H'l, Han Fruitctsco. 'Hlche may have wing, ded man, " but there are " said lbs tlght 110 it lei on my money. Thy UitHMRA for breakfast. l ie KnaiuellneMlove rotlh; no diit, m niiell. rfiimler')) Oregon Itlaod I'nrlller I the best remedy for idealising your system. TO HHACK I I' the system after " m (lrlpw," pneumonia, fevers, and other at Ing acuta dis eases; to build up luxslod thwh and stieimth, and to restore health and vlor w hen you feel "run down" and used-up. the lat thing In tha world U l'r. Pierces (lolden Medical liiscovery. H promotes all the bodily functions, rouses every or gan into healthful action, Inii'iflcs and enriches the lood, and through tt clcansm, ripalin, and invig orates thn entir syslom. For the most stuhliom Scrofulous, Skin or Hcnlp Iil-Kinses, iyMi- sia, UilloiiBiieMS. and kindred ailments, ins liiscovery" is the ontv roinouy ninis guarantttd. It It iloesn t Umclll or cure, you have your mousy back. Can you think of anything more convinc ing than the protuis tlmt Is nmde by the proprietors of l'r. Sage's I'ntivrrh Umnedy I It is this: "If we can't euro your Catarrh, well pay you f.Ju lu cau." fk'ji., and f l.UOer Ilottlo. Uueceutadoso. Tins CIukat Conoil 11 iik promptly mrrs wbcm all others faiL Couchs, Croup. Bote Throat, Hor.rnm., Whouptnu; Loun nnd Asthma. J 'or Consumption it Tin no rlvul; has cured thousand, and will 11 Hi: VI II If taketiiu tlino. Hold by lrui;i,'!its cm a Ktr snteo. 1'or a Ijune Hack cr h''t, 110 bHlLOH'3 DIILLADONNA PLA3TliRi.J. CI llaveyoiii aturrh ? This remedy Isgiinran- toi U to euro you. i'rlco.Wcta. Injector irvv. MASONS Ofll) FKI low, Kli'ghl ol I'yih las and all other nori elle should write to us fur price ou supe rior badges, buttons, medal and watch charmsol their reaper tlve sorleili-'. our specialty. I FUOUHII.H lint anil Morrlsmi streets, Portland, Or. DR. GUNN'S 1MPR0VBD LIVER PILLS MILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. A movomtmt of the bowel ach day la hr all h. Then DilU upDly l ; I; tor yatem la, IV ya aDfl clear th Compeion botmr maa oo- metioii. Thoy act mndly. neither gripe nor .osirn mm otha will Ula do. TO OOUVillte yOU Ol inoir merit wt will mail aiitnlffi free, or a full box for Aoou. Bow every wbura. iuaaako Mud. Co.. UUaUolphle, V KMARK I BY NOT HIDING THE RI8HT niCYCLE cno rosj ois QsTAtoove-Teu.) vow ou movt pRTII PACiFICfffCtEf,0. BICYCLES Or tVERV DESCRIPTION, , MARtVSM BWlDIHtt -PORTIANQ QBCqON, OPIUM Morphln Ilahlt Cured In It. to 20 day. Nojiay 1111 cutbu. DR. J. STEPHENS, Lebanoa.Obio, day 8 ai evi; SSctA, t... .. I i.-iAi..i-ufc sUtiil Vkftl r.?1 IaI C 1 sb U src'i J" . .. IW . nJI ..A J 1 ..J. F . OHILOHS3 CATARRH TTn pirntf Society Badges. MA FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN," MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF Bloore's Revealed Remedy. ur..;.. nannu tn T ...... ...... , ..... Ahtokia, Okhoon, Jitnuai MOOKB H KKVEAI. KHKUMATIHM and my youngest boy cured entirely of INFLAMMATORY HHITI!. MATIdM when tho bes t doctor SOLD LOOK OUT FOR TRAVELING ' SELLING "CHEESE-FRAMS" BICYCLES And representing them to be Just as good si "Victors," "Ramblers," "Cleveland," "Ralelchs. "Rudges," "Sylphs," Western Wheel Works, Eto. Send for catalogues, club and agents discounts. FRED T. 326 Washington THREE TROUBLES. Three thinga which ull workingmcn know give the most trouble in their haa!-.strain wink nrc: Sprains, Uiuiscs tuid Soiciic.H. THREE AFFLICTIONS. Three supreme ulllie- tioiis, wli'u h all the worhl known afllu t mankhut the limst with At 1um niul l'iiin.H arc : Rheumatism, Ncuralgi;. ami Lumbago. THREE THINGS. to ilo arc riimply lhiy it, try it ami he prompt Iv nnd tierma-' ncnlly nirttl by the use of FISHING TACKLE isMjlWIl.. - KOIt - Rods, Rol, Lines, Hooks, Uadr Etc., of tho Finest Quality. hicnh To - TIE 1 1. HUDSON ARMS CO., 03 rirt St., Portland, Or. fSf fond lor 0 .tslognn. INVALID GOODS. llolllus I hairs llvrllnlns I hair I ''I Hark Hnl) Commode.. . Mi llil for ('alateglie. W. I. SCHRQCK. 21 lew lfiontgcmcf St. S-f FRAZER AXLE BestinthsWorld! GREASE Get the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! V KAN K WOOI.MKYi Anl, I'ortUml. Or. Hercules Gas Engine (OAS OH OAMOMNK) Mod for Powar or Pumping Purposao. 'l h ChvtipMt Rellabla (la KugUi 011 llio slotkuk Out v Inni Ana Puns'. For Hlmpllclty It Reals th.1 World. It oils Itself from a Itoserrolr, Iso Carburetor to get out nfonlsr. No lintterlii or Klectrlo Hpark. It run with a Cheaper (Iriuli, of (lasnllci tlian huf ullier Kngliie, skno fua (ATAiimrs) to OALMER & REY, ManufacturiRS, 405 Sansomt Street, San franiiiee, CaL Attn PORTLAND, OltEUON. YOUNG MENI The Specific A No. I. ftirf, wlthon'. full, all rases uf Uoanrr hopi. and 4lspi. no nntt,r uf how lung nnoiilliig. 1'ieveiitn Htrleitire, It heiim an in birual remedy. I 'lire whin everytlttiiji else has fiilleiL Hold liv ail li mml-itx. Maiiu'actunint: The A.H liiwiiliriMedlchit 10.. nan Jiaw.un. IllirOli lhsclrnfilrt leading rnmsiljr lor ail us unnatural dlacharcw skI prlvatdlnaKof ic. cartala curs (or th. a.l Ullng wsaknsu linmUkT' ... "UIDTD, ) pnnrlbltaBdfMlafi tin In r.comni.ndlB li M 'U all tinrr. A. I qlUncn. II D.,Dlflr,Uv Sold by DraKKlataT I'UWM 1.KA, op Wr7 scA fa iff ,jt Vvron lnW ( HlHlWI ol W H 8 J wsm auuian. V ItrAnliVr i ITmi EvCHlS'fl V eiHCISSUI.D.S VtV i ltZlliiv u u j ""P'esRure mat by the use of ED REMEDY my husband was iclioved from an old ensn ol I could get did him no good. You in irmtttiirt in cnitl turta. MK8, N. V. bTfiEUC. BY YOUR DRUGGIST. FAKIRS" MERRILL, Street, Portland. Or. 6