"Kood iivcr Slacicr. HOOD IUVKU. OK. may , ma. the school ocestion. The school meeting for tlie purpo. j of voting uiku the quwtloii of U.iidliiK A,-- It. ..-I... 1 1... It. !... HIO Uimilll, null uilliilli'K rni""i liouse takes place at (he mluxd house next Saturday afternoon tit - o'clock. The condition that confronts u is NO pupils, with room for only 100, lit the firvft'iit building, and Iwfotv Another year It la safe to say, we will h-ivo'it) ti tt la that room will have to W pro vided for. We must either put an ad Moi on the present Imildinir, at a e."si of probably $13iK), rent a room, or tulld. We need, or will need within a year not Us than four rooms, heuee if anndditiou is made to the present building It will necessarily have to luublo the seating room of tho present building. In view of all these circtini Klttret, the civetiou of a new building kius to lie tho proper, and only solu tion. As regards the locution theru is we think, a practical unanimity of opinion that the summit of the hill, the level ground, is the proper place. It Is the only place where perfect play grounds can be had, it is convenient to thoM outside of tne town limits, as veil as those within them, and unless Adopted will cause the division of the district. We can raise by bonding f 4.500.00 and this with the money re ceived from the sale of the old site, will give ua a good four-room buildiug fur nished. The bonds run ten years, after which time, ten years are given in which all must be paid. Every tax payer in the district should be present, to the end that the matter may be thoroughly discussed, and the question ofscaool building settled. THE UOOD GRA Y VOET. James Whitcomb Riley says, he can find uo poetry in Walt Whitman's writings. Mr. Riley voices the senti ments of every sane man, and woman too, iu America, save and except per haps a few bean-fed faiiulists of Boat ing, who pad out their mentalities with Lruwu bread and Browning, and de light iu literature blue-blooded to vari oeity. Whitman wrote such villaiu ous prose, that to make it printable, if bad to be classed as poetry. His writings never arise above peurility except, it be to fall over the summit into senility. He wades through the English language like a hog through a flower patch, and drivels his half masticated mouthiugs through two hundred pages that could easily be placed on one, and ruin that. His, so called, poetry is devoid of sense or rytbni and is only forced into notoriety, by the biuoculared dillctanti of the hub, who go seeking after strange gods. They have found something in Whitman that even their four-eyed gaze eannot penetrate, and hence fall down and worthip, like any other auperstitious race, the thing they can not understand. THE 'EXPOSITION OPENED. The world's fair was opened Mon day, Piesident Cleveland touching the button that started the machinery. It ia estimated that fully 200,000 peo ple witnessed the opening ceremonies. The intricacy of the electric machinery which started the lifeless engines into Activity, can hardly be realized. As the button was pressed the mighty en gines started, flags were unfurled from very building, hundreds of fountains ehot their limpid waters 70 feet into the air, and the grand exposition tak ing the breath of life, blown into its nostrils' leaped into active being. Chicago distinguished itself as it was generally supposed it would, by doub ling hotel and restaurant charges, the day the exposition opened. The Am erican people will not stand and deliver At the behest of Chicago, and unless visitors to tha fair can escape palpable jobbery in the shape of extortinate charges, the big goose that is to lay the golden egg for Chicago business people, will not materialize. Chicago has dealt in hogs so long, that her citizens liave absorbed most of the gentle por---cines instincts. The Geary law went into effect yes terday, and it is safe to say that not oue per cent of the Chinese have regis tered. The question is to be argued before the supreme court next Wednes . day. Until some decision is reached nothing will be done towards deporting Ihe Chinese. Six hundred and twelve arrived in Portland Tuesday from Vic toria. Of course they all claimed to be merchants, but the examination of .their certificates only j)ermitted four to land out of 418 examined. Of this number 121 are held for further exami nation. 276 being rejected absolutely. The Mississippi is on a rampage, and promises to do an immense amount of damage before it subsides. The Ohio Is also rising rapidly, and all the treams of the northern Mississippi states are at unprecedented stages. In Ohio the cold weather and continuous fains have ruined the wheat crop. In Texas a cloud burst washed away 35 miles of railroad track. . It Is not only possible but quite prob able that by the 1st of August the round trip rate to Chicago from the Pacific coast will be as low as $50. 0& TWO OEFESCES. Jdg Itrlliuger, Tuesday had four twn iienions chniwd with IHur llliior to IndiansTup for trial. All pleaded guilty, and were fined tho dollars each. The judgo stated that no nk(, fhifl .. .,,,. uonuw) ttii fU h u , j,,,, somo K time, but gave notice that should any of them be brought before him again, they w ould gvt the full penalty of the law. It is sincerely to le hojed that the farce of lining prisoners guilty of thisotl'enseflO, which was a particular hobby of the late Judge Peady's, will ho discontinued. Either some punish ment should bo inllioted or the law Ignored. As It has leu under IVady's regime, prisoners that cost fliiH) to con vict were fined $10. Another thing we would call his honor's attention to, is that nearly every man who sells liquor to an Indian, also violates the revenue laws in selling without a license, and there- is no reason why the lower of fense should be choseu In dealing out punishment. ' That the world's fair is an cpitomo of the progress of civilisation was em phasized when Mrs. Totter Palmer, president of the board of lady mano gers, stepped out from among the timing of well-dress women gathered in the assembly-room of the woman's building, and bravely drove the last nail into that historic structure, the first of the kind ever built in connec tion with any international exposi tion." Great Is Potter Palmer ! Great Is Mrs. Potter Palmer! and passing great, the reporter who created the above item. It is startling news in deed, that Mrs, P. Palmer stepped out from a crowd of "well dressed" women, and affords all of us a feeling of relief to know that the wife of the president of the great exposition does not associ ate with poorly dressed ladies. And then to think of the bravery and forti tude the lady showed in driving a nail Warm thrills of admiration at her he! roism, play hide and seek up and down ones spinal column with cold chills of doubt, but If 'tie true, it would have well been worth the price of a lie pass, to see tho well dressed heroine, belabor that nail, and vicinity, with a fae-simile of George Washington's hatchet. Instructions have been issued by the treasury department to the U. S., marshals not to arrest Chinese who had not registered by May 5th, as re quired by the Geary law. The law Is being tested on constitutional grounds In the supreme court, and will be ar gued the 10th. Until then the depart ment will take no steps toward arrest ing and deporting those who have not registered. Should the law be declared constitutional most of the Chinese will tie deported, as few have complied with the law. Rate cutting has commenced on the overland lines, an $80 rate having been fixed by the Trunk line rate commission at New York, the 2nd making the round trip from New York to San Francisco $80. No notice has been re ceived at Pacific coast points as to the reduction, at least us to when rates will go into effect. The gold in the U. S. treasury is in creasing slowly, but steadily, and it is thought the situation will continue to Improve. The New York bankers, still hold aloof, but those in Chicago are ready to back the government at any time. Late advices.from Malacca, state that the cholera is raging there, and the steamer Peru, sailing from Japan April 19th reports the disease as having a good foothold there. NEW FISU LAW. After the 19th of this month it will be unlawful to "sell, or offer for sale, or have in possession for sale except dur ing the months of September and October, any of the various kinds of trout." From April to November any one can catch all he can with hook and line, and can give them away, but can not sell except as above stated. A revolution has broken out in Cuba that is causing the government great uneasiness. It is probable that before it is settled, there will be great loss of life, aud possible that the bold of Spain on the island may be broken. The election In Spokane, was an overwhelming victory for republicans, the majorities averaging 700. Hon. L. L. McArthur is In Washing ton city, and is said to be a candidate for U. S. district attorney. Latest reports from Hawaii are to the effect that Commissioner Blount is in favor of annexation. The commissioners for locating the soldier's home have purchased 40 acres near Roscburg, and as soon as the plans have been selected will let the contract for erecting the building which will cost $8,000.00. The floods in Ohio are doing dam age, that will probably reach up to the millions. At Urbaua the breaking of a dam flooded the country causing the loss of several lives and untold damage. The state encampment of the Sons of Veterans met at Oregon city Tuesday. Caused by Carelessness, Sunday night lr. Broslus was called to White Salmon on account of an ac cident to little May Walton, agf about ten years. It seems that the workmen who were buildli-g the bridge across the White Salmon, on the Underwood road, loft some giant pow der caps lying on the rocks mar the bridge which were found by the children of the netghltorhood w ho went to tho bridge Sunday afternoon. Eight of thesecapa were found and taken home by them. Little May Walton undertook to dig the fulminate out of tho rap w ith a match, when It exploded, tearing the first joints oil' the thumb, Index and middie lingers of the left hand, and badly lacerating the lingers of the right hand. Her right eye was injured, it Is feared so badly that the sight will be destroyed. Read This and Proilt by it. Ollmrer and Hone, proprietors of the j Big I tod Barn, In addition to their liv I cry and since business, are handling grain, chop-feed and hay. lhey are also agents for thf Knapp Burrell A Co, machinery. Bain wagons, hacks, bug gies windmills and pumps, Oliver Chill.and Steel plows; garden cultiva tors, plows and harrows; and will sell their Jit. Hood coaches, hacks and bug gies, now in us', in order to open in the spring with an entire new outfit. Call and price their goods. "WorUN Fair Travelers Will Have If." The public demand through service when traveling. It is old-fashioned to change cars. Ou the through solid vestibule trains of tho Chicago, Union Pacific and Northwestern Line, from or to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate p dnts, there is no change. This is the finest aud fastest road. Out of Sight. Tho traveling public aro now fully alive to tho fact that the Chicago.Unlon Pacific and Northwestern line offers the rery best accommodations to the public from mid to Chicago, Omaha and Intermediate points, not onl du ring the world's fair, but all the year around. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act Juns 1, 1171 United State I.nnd OfTle, Vancouver, Waah., May, j, WOT. Notloo Is horeby Riven that In compliant with the provlMoiiH of the act of CmigreM of June 3, llCS, entitled "An m-t for the nuIr of thntwr laud In the Mules of California, Ore Kon.Nevttdii, and wnshinirton Territory, Sam Samxonof Clienowitli, county of Skama nia, statu of wiisti., Ims thin day tiled Iu this offlc his nwoi u statement so IT.')", for the purchaKeofthe nw H ne1; of tectlon no. loin township No 3 north, rainc no. 11 en.it, w lit and will offer proof to ihow that the land suuiilit li moro valuable for Its tlnibcror stone than for acrlctilturul purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before tho Ki'Klster anil Re ceiver of this oilico ut Vancouver, wash., on Tuesday the 18th day of July, 1S13. He names as witnesses: Allen Haworth John M. Coulter, Frank Hrower, John 1. OU" lett, all of Chenowith, wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands ure requested to tile their claims In this otllce on or before said lHlh day of July, 11)3. inytfJyS Joiin I). Oboohroah. Register. ON SALE TO AXjXj PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH EAST BOUND FROM HOOD KIVEB So. 8, Express leaves at 1IA1 A. M. No. 2, Mail " 10-:iS 1. M. WEST BOUXD FROM IIO0D RIVER. No. 7, Express leaves at 8'0 P. M. No. 1, Mall " 4:15 A. M TIIROGH SLEEPERS RECLINING CHAIR CARS AND DINERS. Steamers from Portland to Sun Francisco, every 4 days. For rates and general information call on DEPOT TICKET AOK.VT. W. H. HURLBUItT. Asst. Ocn. Pass. Ajrt. 1iA Wasliiduton St., Portland Oregon. B.R. TUCKER, Pfli iPUIETOB OF 1 111 WEB MILLS. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. MANUFACTURE tt OP FRUIT BOXES, HOOD RIVER, OR. AliSO DEAER IN DRY GOODS, STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY ETC. Terms Strictly Cash, ' AND AT Prices never before heard of In Hood River "MIDNIGHT." Will malm the spring seiisoit of Hivi, , con. vnnlciit places throughout. Ihe valley and While Salmon Washlinjlou. Tlmti and place subject lo fuliiit appointments. lisi-ldlmt mill PodlimM. "Mldnluht Is a coal-black Uainbletoulan, S yeurs old; IS hausd; welBbl !) pounds; sired by Shaw's llamblelonliin: dam, a Copper bottom inutv. ''.Midnight" I n ood dlxposl llonud hoie, a toppy driver and tjulle a trot ter for a hoi o of his site, Mlndhsht V service fee will be 110 for simile service, due at lime of service, or 11,'iforlhe kcaiou, persons hrccdluK by single, service and maiv fullln(t lo ciilch, can hived by the season by the additional payment -"ffo. Sea son to close July l.i, !.(. For terms and other lulWuiHtltm apply to, A. I., PiiKt.rs, MannKcr, CAKE OF V(H'Nt) CtU.TS. This Is the time of year when much lossoo curs to the farmers In the loss of .voiiub fouls. A Canadian hoisc-bivedcr of much experience say: Carefully watch your colt for the llrst (en days, and see that Its bowels m l properly, ea the first ten days arc the most critical In a fold's existence. If you can x"t them over the tlrst ten days they usually rulii very little attention If Ihe ma re Is fed Judiciously, The mure should be led somo twit or three weeks before she Is due to foul ami some time after soft food, sucli as boiled oals, bi an, and linseed that has been boiled for twelve hours or Ioniser, so as to Ioikihi the system and pro vide u ucucrous How of milk. If from some eaiue the mure should not have sutllvlnt milk the best substitute Is cow's milk, on fourth w ater and a tablespoon fill uf honey to a pint of milk. Co.sitvcucs.1, (tiarrhicu, and Intliimimillon aivthe principal ailments a 5011111: foul is sub ject to. The two llrst careful treatment will overcome; the last is, In most fatal. The followlns are well tried and the best remedies that have come under my tint Ice, Coitstlveuess Rectal liijcctloasof luke-warm wfttcr evory lialfhoui, or syrup of rhubarb with a few drois lineed oil; dose, tnblesiu fill. Nothing acts more pow erfully llniu In jections, aud llieadvaiitiiue Is tiTcy do 110 hiirm. 1 M it nil, iu should not be slopped suddenly; tablcspooul'ul brandy with teiispoonful of tincture of Kentlau and two tuhlcspiHiiifuls lima water In a cupful.llni.ced tea every three hours. Jullunimutlon Apply blanket, thickly fold ed and wiung out In ery hot water, to belly; rubthe.lci-s well; Klve t aisioufiil laudanum in two ounces of watci. Kcptut dou In two hours If necessary. Vol'Mi tiEN l'.HAI. ROCHAnBEAXJ Is 11 dupplc, eray, Ui'j bunds hlh, weluhs l.'Hju pounds, tnre-iimi lers Noriurii, ,1 uis old 011 Amy old, lnu, is tree I10111 nil Ineiii Islics 11 it it discuses and In a line druil home, k-cntlc and kind, a good tr.tveler, and is owned by JOHN SWEENY, OF IIOOU RIVER, Oil. Mr. Sweeny will attend at the followluij i daces durliiK the present sue season: At Mr. oe Purser's. Monthly and Tuesday of each week. At .Mohlcr, Friday and (Saturday of cueli week. Terms: For slunk1 service, pay able In cash $T.uu. Hy the season, payable at end of same, jlU.00. To Insure, payable w hen same Is known, 8I.V0O. Incase of failure, ser vice, the following season ynitis. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Idind (Mice at Vancouver Wash. May 1 1SOT. Notice Is hereby nlvcu that tho followluii nameit settlersliave lileit noilceof their In tention to make llnallproofiiisiipHutoi.thelr claims unci that wild proof w ill be made be fore W. It. Dunbar Commissioner I'. H. Cir cuit Cutirt District of wiishliiKlou nt Golden dale wasliiiiKlonon June 21. KH vi'.: Eliza J. Cline, formerly Eliza J. Palmer. II. E., No. .Mi.VJ for the s i' 1, of 11 c '4' v:, of s 0 !-4 und s w J, of e !, sec 2 T 5 11 r II cast w rn. She names the following witnecses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vl.: Simon I. Kreps, Oliver P Kreps. (ieoi'i!, Kreps, John N. Cole, till of Fill da P. O. WttsiiiUKtou. Robert ('line. li. E., No. 7717 for Ihe lots :l and I and c 't of s w y4 sec , 1 p j 11 r 1. easi w 111, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience- upon and cultiva tion of said land vl.: Simon P. Kreps, Oliver P, Kreps, ifeorue Krups, John N. Cole, all of fuida I . u. v asiiimjion. myO-JnlU Joii.sj i. Uko;'iciaii, RckIsUt NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofllce at Vuticouvcr, wash, A pi. 3, l.M3. Notice Is hereby given that tho following" named settler has tiled iiotlceof bis Intention to make II1111I prisif In support of his claim, and lout said proof will be Inadu before llm Clerk of the Superior Court of Skamania Count V WashiiiKtoii, nl Lower Cascades, WBshillKUHl on May 20, 1W, viz: Joseph F. MoniiKlian, II. E. cm, for tiicS. y. N.E. V: N. Vi.Jf H E. V4, and lots 3 and i Sec. ill, Tp. 1, N. It. H E. He names the followlnif witnesses to prove his continuous residence, upon and cultiva tion of, said, land, vi.: Andrew Zuivhcr, Fred Zureher. A. O. Tucker, Ucortfo Miller, all of Nelson, Skamania county, vi uliliu;un. apH-iiiuyl;l John D. Gkouhkiian, RckIhUt. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofllce at Vancouver, Wash. April 15, 1803. Notice U hereby Riven that t ho following named settler has (lied nut lee of his Intention to maketlnal commutation proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be inadu belore the llcxister ami Kt wjiver or 11111 u. is. ijund OlIlco ul Vancouver, Wash., on June 3rd 1S3, viz: Albcrtus H. Ford. II. E. No. R7!H for tho w 11 w und w y s w sec 21 Tp 3 n r II 0 w m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land vl,: Al H. Jewett, Francis S. Iturdoln, Cluis F. Patterson, Jno. L. Morris, ull of White Salmon Wash. ttpU!2niay27 Jolts D. GicouitKOAS, Rejjlster. S0TICE I'OIt PUBLICATION'. Land.Ollice iitThiDnllcs Or. April, 17, 18!i8. Notice Is hereby given that the following" named settler bus filed notice of ids Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register und Receiver IJ. H. L. O.atTlni Dulles Or. ou May 29, 1MM, viz: George Peterson. H. A. No. 4421 for the w" of sec2l,Tp2 n r 11 e w in. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ol said land vl,: S. K. Fisher, Charles Cramer, George Ireland, Michael Dlchtcrniill ler, all of Mosior Oregon. ap22-my27 John W. Lkwis, Register. sl Pii Established 1SJ3. LI NDSAY& COMPANY Wholesale dealers In fruits and vegetables of all kinds. Helena Montana. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. liETURNa puo:utly:.made. KEEK r2) a iLrra n Sill FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL. Wail Paper, Paints, Oils etc. A largo supply of, nntl l'.it tuiivc liUjht to soli Celebrated liquid colors mid Untod lo;uln. Undertaking n. Specialty. Prr'mivil to I'lmilnli nt oinv, n line i'Imsm n' wIUiim, iiImo u clicnp rrtil litit lii'itt aihl Ntil'slittitlul, J,1fJ urn SX MHS47(35 AN ft 'I c JOIUU'.KS AND HABDVAEE, TINVAKE, Etc, Fto. Cornor of Second land Federal Stroeta. CEI.EIUfATllD Acorn and Chai tor Oak Stovoa and Hangos. ('tins Ammunition nul Simrtiiit,' (' omls, Iron, ('(ml, Ptai'kstnith Hnplle, Wafonmnkor'ti Mutt'iiul, 8wfr lljit, Ptirnpi niul Pln Plumbing Sti)ilU. Thnt thirty liny ! lone iih m inn i icillt iroiiils, ntul wotilil rt-xi'fctfullj rtiiii"it our puH'ont to t-ovcrii tlp'tii'lvcs mvorliuuly. Proscriptions and Private Formula And a Complete Lino of DRUGS, CHEMICALS AO MEDICINES. YOURS FOR HOOD RIVER, BUS. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS. DEALERS IN House Builder's Goods. Sash and Uocrs, Mouldings, Brackets aDfl food T n r n i n a s. Linio. Plaster and Lath Ceil ing, Rustic and Flooring. Coffins dz: Ccislnctc. ON HIIOUTRsr NOTICK. 0. It. BTR.W AH AN, l'rrKldunt. Tia.e Oa,lles HNTia.xcorIcs, RAWSOfJ & WEBER rilHl'UlKTOIW Have on hand a full supply if Fruit, Khmlo und Onmnitmtul tri-tft; grup vinos, small fniitH, Ita's and Shruhlipry. lie wire to got our pricow bcfoi" iiiirclmHiiiKiilwwlipre. Itonu'inlxT our trees lire grown strictly without In igntlon. THE DALLES. OREGON V. II. Ftantox, lioctil Agent. HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE Choicest Meats, Hani, Bacon, lard, Game, Poultry, Also Dealers in VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. Corner of Oak and Fourth Streets, A. S. BENNETT. A TTOENEY-A 'J -LA W. OPFICKINHliANNO'S IUJI MHNO COHN Kit OFCOUXtTA.Nl) HICCONI) HTliKKT, The JJulleH, Oregon. FOR SALE. Six lots In Waueomtv, 4S0 acres In Skamania county, and several farms Iu the valley. J. ILCRAI'J.EHArail. & CsITi row KKTA11.KU,; IN Studcbaker Wat;oii, and l ioriul Csborne P.eiipers AH I IMS Milt MllGllGll, Lewis k Sto C(,imhui)'.h Arlt'tiltuml IiaplutucnU ntitl Miiclilnrrjr. BARBED WIRE. II. (J. COB hrrtarf, Hood River, Oregon, JOHN H. CRADLEBAUGH. ATTlMlNKY AT LAW. Praotlcos In all tha fnuirln of Oregon nncl WusliiiiKton. Kii!clul utteiitlun given to Cou veyiuiclni?, ULX'IEU OFFICE, HOOD ItlVEU OUEQON- F0U SALE. House ami lot in Hood River. Ap piy to A. S. lii.ownas.