' f j- iver Glacier. VOL. 4. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY G, 1893. NO. 49. Hood xlG 3(ood Iiver (stlacier. rum.iiiiiu irinr tAToatur houiuso it The Glacier Publishing Company. iiivtitirTioN fricb. Ons jrur ....ft M Sf inniitli. ...... I W Thru, iiiciiillx M tngls uupy , ...I Csaw THE GLACIER Barber Shop Grant Evans, Propr, fUuoud Hi., imar Ouk. . . Uood Hirer, Or. Rlmvlng unit Hair cutting neatly dim: (Satisfaction (iuarantsed. OCCIDENTAL NKWS. Columbia Kivcr Fishermen and Cannern at 1'eace. THE SIGNALS IIV 11 ICLUXi RA I'll . Canadian I'licillc Railway Company Compelled to Take Chinese Hack to Cli ina. Tho Supreme Court ut lm Angeles has adjourned (or the term. The tireat Northern tunnel to lie luiit in Oregon will be, when completed, l.'I, KtH feel long. The Arizona legislature al jourm-ti sine die after continuing a large lint of iiNiintiiieiitri by the new Governor, L. C. II lights, l'aiille University at Forest (irove, Or., oilers to erect a new building ut a foot o( 150,000, provided the citizens o( thu town will subscribe $15,000 toward it. The diHicultlcH between the Columbia river fishermen and the runners have been Mettleil. The liHhernien will rerei ve 5 rents per iouiid. The run o( lish in light. The British Columbia customs au thorities are ut work on cases involving ullcmpt to defraud the government by getting in goods free, ostensibly for naval olliecrs. There ban Wen no gain or lows by either Mexico or the United Stated iii the boundary surveys of the two coun tries, notwithstanding rumors to the contrary. Bricklayers at Vieloria, B. ('., have notified contractors they will not work Saturday afternoons, and the contract oi'K thitiK of knocking oil' on Saturday altogether. The signals by heliograph on the suin mit of the ranges in Arizona, displayed bv the boundary surveying larty, are l.laiiily Heen in Yuma, although ninety miles distant. Tint Han Diego and Plm-nix railroad lias, eU'ectod an organization and filed a complaint in an action decking to con demn land 100 yards on either Hide of the proposed road. Two case have been decided at l'hic nix, A. T., against the Southern Pacific railroad one for $18,000, the other $15, (HIO. The suits were for death and inju ries caused by the company's trains. .lohn S. Kearney, who was conspicu ous for his sensational expose question ing the correctness of the Stamboul trot ting record, litis been twice arrested at Iami on charges of jumping a board bill. The Salt Lake police have arrested Have 1 lay nes and James Hubbard for counterfeiting, llaynes circulated the coin that Hubbard' made. The latter was making dies (or half-dollars when captured. The I'.nulstreet mercantile agency re ports twenty-four failures in the Pacific Coast States and Territories for the past week, as compared with ten for the pre vious week and thirteen for the corre sponding week of last year. Eureka has sent ono of its business men to Portland to urge the importance of building a railroad into Humboldt county, and pointing out the advantages Portland will secure in controlling the commerce of a large and wealty portion of California. For the first time the Canadian Pacific railway has been obliged to take Chinese back to China. A batch of Celestials came over by the Empress .of India for Portland, but were refused a landing off the llaytian Republic. That vessel took them to Vancouver, B. C, and some were returned to China. The others are waiting under bond to return by the Empress of Japan. Louis Schubert and two other men had a lease of a waste dump at the Dayton mine in Lynn county, Nov., from which thev obtained 200 tons of ore and had it crushed at the Rock Point mill. Schu bert attended to the ore-crushing, and reported that the bullion extracted bare lv covered the expense. Schubert's part ners ascertained later that he had sold bullion valued at about $1,000 to the Curson mint, and they charged him with embezzling to that amount from them. Schubert, hearing that he would be ar rested, fled on foot over the hills, and was pursued by 200 persons, but escaped, lie was subsequently captured. FROM WASHINGTON CITY. So soon us Eckels, the 1 leniocrat ic Coinpti'ollerof Currency, assumes hiHdii lles, Secretary Carlisle intends to reor ganize the syitlcui of examining national banks, lie desires to prevent such dis honesty as was shown in the ullaiis of tin banks w Inch recently failed in !.m. ton, Philadelphia uml Nashville, and for that purjsise after redistricl Ing the banks so as to equalize the examiner' work he will ask (-ongress to enact a lawgiving the examiners more power in hsiking out for the perpetrators of frauds. The abstract " C " reports made to the Comptroller of the Currency, showing the condition of all national banks in thu United States at the time of the, last cull, .M iiiilay, March i, have been pre pared ut the Treasury Department. The aggregate resources were f :!,tfiil,72l ,2'.':!. In this connection it is interesting to note that the gold coin held aggregates SHi,Kri7.vr:i5, and the gold ccrtili. atc $, li:tli,(HHl. The loans ami dim-mint have reached the enormous sum of $2,i;n, (MMI.IHM), Among the liabilities are flip it ill slock paid in iHH,tNKi,(KMi ami indi vidual dejstsitl l,;ai,(KHI,(HIO. The Committee on Territories w ill 1s--gin an investigation of the condition of the four Territories now knocking for admission im States early in .rune. Chairman Faulkner has not yet mailt! his selection of the sillieomiuittce, but lie has decided that the start w ill be made from ( 'hicago June 10, anil he ex pects to complete the work within one month from that date. The committee will go direct to I'tah, win-re it u ill look into the condition of all.iirs ami then pass through New Mexico uml Arizona. From these Territories tin" commit .tee will return by wavof Oklahoma. Short stops will Im- made ut the principal cities in each ol the territories, and the com mittee will address itself to the consid eration of the material development of the count tv una the condition of thu peo ple who comprise its inhabitant. Secretary Morton has determined to levote his energies to furthering the con sumption of corn in Europe. He invites the co-operation in this work of all inuu faeturcrs of corn products, from whom he desires as a preliminary step to obtain a full statement of the various kinds of products made from corn by the iiianu- laeturers in each State, with a brief state ment as to their characteristics and ex cellence. Agent Mattes of Nebraska will s(sni be in Washington for a conference as to the carrying on of the work abroad. mong other tilings .Mattes w ill lie in structed to investigate the tobacco laws in force in Eurois an countries, known generally as " Regi." with a view of as certaining whether it is not ossihle to secure a freer market for the sale of American tobacco in foreign countries. Mattes will also investigate the subject of thi! sale of meat products in Germany and France ascertain w hether this trade is not seriously impeded in spite of the withdrawal ot the rest net ions on our in spected meat products by those coun tries by local ami municipal regulations. The ninth annual report of the Civil Service Commission was issued the other day. i ne i oiuinissioiiers urge imu me classified service should be extended as rapidly as practicable to cover every po sition in the public service to which Itcan be appropriately applied. They crnest ly desire that some such bill as that in troduced in the last Congress to take iourth-class postmasters out of politics may become a law. The report contin ues": "Ultimately the system of pro motions in the departments must come under the immediate supervision of the commission in order to secure uniform ity ami the best results. Very serious harm in our judgment results from al lowing the chiefs of divisions to bo ex empted from examination, and we think they should be put under the general rule and lie appointed hv promotion within the service." The renort shows a very surprising growth in the numler of employes compared with the growth in population. I lie percentage ol the growth in public service in ten years is nearly double that of the population. Hie service classified tor examination under civil-service rules has grown even faster in the sumo snare of time, increas ing at the rate of about per cent, so that, whereas only about 11 per cent of the public service was removed trom party politics in 1883, about 81 per cent in 1H03 was so removed. The whole number of places subject to competitive examination under tho rules now is 42, 928. CHICAGO EXPOSITION. The electric light on the manufactur ers' building of the World's Fair will be visible for 100 miles. The harbor at Chicago, from the river to the World's Fair grounds, will be lighted by electric buoys. Bow to stern, all the vessels which will participate in the great naval parade, will make a line over two miles long. There were 5,000 carloads of exhibits at the Centennial Exposition, and it is estimated that there will be 10,000 car loads at tho World's Fair. Canada is to send a mammoth cheese to the World's Fair at Chicago. It will be A feet in diameter, 6 feet in height and 11 tons in weight and tho product of milk from 10,000 cows. Postmaster-General Bissell has issued a notice to all postmasters that there is now in operation in the government building on the grounds of the World's Fair a branch of the Chicago postofliee, known as the World's Fair station. This station will make regular collections and deliveries through its own force of letter carriers from and to all parts of the ex position grounds, and wMl transact money-order and registry business, as well as other business pertaining to a first-class postoftice. Postmasters are instructed to use every proper means to give publicity to this information in order that personB intending to visit the fair may, if they so desire, have their mail addressed to the World's Fair station. EASTERN MELANGE. Illegal and Fraudulent Disposal of Public Property IN THE WEATHER BUREAU. Fire Insurance Advanced In an Iowa City-TlieCostof the Recent Chicago Election. Two Philadclphians are in jail for counterfeiting 1-eent piece. It is estimated that the recent Chicago election cost all hands $2!H),00(I. Newspaper writers' unions are crop ping up throughout the country. A bill to establish a bureau of labor is before the New Hampshire legislature. Tht! chartering of electric railway com panies in Ohio is going on at a rapid rate. Baltimore projses to encourage man ufacturing plants by exempting them from taxation. Seven cruisers w ill protect the Cana dian mackerel Isiats in the Gulf of St. Lawrence this season. Generous Brooklyn Aldermen have given away for nothing street railway franchises for which f.'.'Vyx.lO wasoilereif. The Park Commissioners of New York have refused to grant a site in Union Square for a statue to Roseoe Conkliiig. A Vermont Judge bus ruled that a girl who discards a lover must return the engagement ring if he has given one to her. Governor Hogg of Texas has issued a proclamation establishing quarantine on the Gulf coast and tho Rio Grande bor der. A syndicate has been formed in Phila delphia for the completion of the Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago rail road. Minnesota now gets from its tax on the gross earnings of railroads $ 1,500, 000 a year, and the amount increases year after year. All kinds of building material except iron and steel have advanced in Chicago, ami numerous building projects have been deferred. A numlier of prominent women of Philadelphia have started a movement to prevent men from expectorating on the sidewalks. The maximum freight bill of Nebras ka, having received Governor Crounz' signature, is now a law. It will be fought by the railroads. The Attorney-General of Ohio has de cided that insurance against burglary in that State is legal, because burglary is an accident to property. This has probably been the worst w in ter ever known in New York for horses. Pneumonia and pulmonary diseases have carried them oil' rapidly. Fifty American and eleven British companies have recently been organized to develop business in Mexico with a capital of over f 100,000,000. It is proposed in Massachusetts to pro vide for the use of indelible lead pencils at election!) to prevent the fraudulent altering of ballots during count. President Cleveland's mail has reached an average of alwut 1,000 letters a day. Secretary lhurber and live clerks are kept busy handling the packages. Tho company which projwscs to estab lish an electric railroad between Chicago and St. IiOiiis has lot contracts for the entire construction of its roadbed. Wife-beating has become so common in New Jersey that there is a movement to erect whipping posts for the punish ment of the cowardly bullies who prac tice it. Fire insurance rates in Des Moines have been advanced 20 per cent. The alleged cause is the inadequacy of pro tection from fire on the part of water works of that city. A Washington special sa vs : Secretary Carlisle has definitely decided to redeem in silver the outstanding treasury notes issued under tho act of 1800 and known as the Sherman act. The highest recorded speed ever achieved oy a locomotive was recently made by a compound engine on a New York road, when it covered a mile in thirty-seven seconds. Ground has been broken at the Bat tery on the spot where is to rest the mag nificent bronze monument which is to be dedicated to the memory of John Er icsson of Monitor fame. Dr. Sheldon Jackson, Commissioner of Education for Alaska, has received or ders to go to Siberia to purchase and transport to Alaska tame reindeer to be propagated there for the use of the na tives. James Dixon, an expert accountant, has just completed an audit of the ac counts of the Fconomite Society, show ing it to be solvent by a small margin. The society's holding are valued at $5, 000,000. The extensive deposit of asphalt near St. Jo, in Montague county, Texas, is being operated by a local company hav ing a capital stock of $200,000. The product is being shipped all over the ' country. The New York custom-house reports j that the government now holds $21,604,- 000 in bond for goods in the bonded I warehouses. This amount is said to be j the largest ever held by the government for bonded goods. I It is said tjiat a large number of Chi nese recently discharged at Tampico and from various railroad construction camps in Mexico are wending their way toward the Rio Grande in the hope of slipping unobserved into the United States. PURELY PERSONAL. Governor Flower of New York and J Sterling Morton spent their ljoyhood days in school together. ' In the autobiography ( Salvini, the famous actor makes a naive confession of his boyish love for Adelaide Ristori. Mrs. Frank Ix-slie is about to start out w ith a company and present a play writ ten by herself, and is laying a good ad vertising foundation by applying for a divorce from her latest husband, Willie Wilde. John W. Book waller, the Ohio million aire, said the other day : "I cannot tell you how much money I have spent try ing to build a machine that will fly. But I think I have a model underway now that will solve the problem." James Mulligan of the "Mulligan. Let ters" celebrity is very ill with pneumonia in Boston, where he has lived for many years. A short time ago Mr. Mulligan, who had ls-en a life-long Presbyterian, embraced the Roman Catholic faith. Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Aus tria on his tour through India noticed that the Rajah Putiulla, when he was presented, wore a turban with a double row of diamonds and innumerable pearls and other gems, and learned that the Rajah had lsmght them from the Em press Eugenie for $Ko0,000. Oliver Wendell Holmes, who devised the hooded stereoscope, with a handle to it and a partition lctween the lenses, since patented arid sold by thousands, w hen told that he might make some money out of it, replied that he "didn't care to be known as the patentee of a pill or of a peeping contrivance." Count leo Tolstoi, who voluntarily gave up the gay life of a court set anil became in occupation and manner of life one of the humbler classes, to whose social improvement he has since devoted his life, will probably come to this coun try during the exposition, unless cholera should again break out in or around his estates. Mmc. Venturi, Mazzini's friend and biographer, who died the other day, was a warm sympathizer with radieals'in all countries, and was especially interested in the movements of the Parnellite party. The sympathy was appreciated by her Irish friends, and among the flowers laid on her coffin was a wreath from John Redmond and his friends. Richard M. Hunt of New Y'ork is the first American to receive the gold medal of Queen Victoria, annually awarded to hint whom the Council of the Roval In stitute of British Architects shall select as the most worthy exjKjnent of the pro fession. Mr. Hunt probably wins this recognition just now by his design of the Administration building at the World's Fair, but his other work in America is well known abroad. Commodore Vanderbilt, bis brother, Captain Jacob 11. Vanderbilt, and his son, William H. Vanderbilt, were ex tremely fond of horses. His grandsons, Cornelius, William K., Frederick and George, seem to have no such tastes, although William K. likes to go to the races and make modest wagers. It is rather strange that a family should change so much in a few years. William II. Vanderbilt never gave up the road until he became too blind to drive Maud S. BUSINESS BREVITIES. Iowa raised 220,000,000 bushels of corn last year. Codfish dried by machinery loses its best flavor. A woman in France is not allowed to witness a will. Over 20,000,000 hogs are annually slaughtered in this country. Experiments are being made in tea planting in Cordoba, by a Mexican syn dicate employing Chinese and Mexican labor. Welding is done by electricity by the Johnstown Iron Company, Johnstown, Penn. South Africa still supplies the greater part of the ostrich feathers used by manufacturers. Railroad-building last year was only one-third that in 1887, or 4,804 miles against 12,000 then. A population of 25,000 live in the Cro ton water-shed, from which New York is supplied with water. Cincinnati claims 8,664 different in dustrial concerns, with an annual in crease of from 500 to 600. A Sewell City, Kansas, firm will send 30,000 dozen eggs to the World's Fair, not to exhibit, but to eat. It is estimated that the standing pine in Ashland county, WTis., will measure about 10,000,000,000 feet. The largest suspender factory in the world is at Williamsport, Penn., and it turns out 40,000 pairs a day. Women in the employ of the govern ment at Washington receive salaries ranging from $900 to $1,800 a year. Aluminum slate pencils are being manufactured by an Illinois firm, and are reported to find a good market. According to statistics, the production of beet-sugar in this country has more than doubled during the past year. There are now 7,000 building and loan associations in the United States, with a membership of 2,000,000 subscribers. A West Virginia farmer has cut 30,000 hooppoles during the past winter. A ton of gold is worth $607,799.21 ; of pure silver, $37,704.84; $1,000,000 in gold weighs 3,685.1 pounds; of silver, 68, 929.9 pounds. F'or several years past nearly all the slate pencils used throughout the United States have been made at one factory in Charlottesville, Va. It is estimated that during the last five years the turpentine gatherers of Georgia have destroyed $300,000,000 worth of pine lumber. FOREIGN FLASHES. An Appeal for an International Sanitary Code Issued. THE INCREASE OF THE OCTROI. Large Tunnel Between Capri and Acquafredda, Italy, Success fully Driven. It is estimated that nearly 2,000 Christ ians are now in Turkish dungeons. Imperial federation is being urged uisn Mr. Gladstone by many of the British colonies. Some successful attempts to purify sewage with electricity have been made in France and England. The riots in Belgium have caused a prediction that before the end of the century Belgium will be a Republic. A commencement is ere long to be made with the construction of the rail way tunnel under the Clyde at Patrick. It is stated that the South Austrian railway, one of the largest lines in Austria-Hungary, is to be purchased by the State. England is considering the advisabil ity of entering a formal protest against Turkish outrages on Christians in Ar menia. A bimetallic league of Australia has been formed in Melbourne " to promote bimetallism by international agree ment." The President of Ecuador denies that there is a treaty pending with the United States for the possession of one of the Galapagos Islands. Coal has been discovered in the KifTel region near the Rhine, which is declared by experts to be Devonian anthracite coal, with an admixture of pyrites. The Medical Committee of the Cancer Hospital in London has published a statement that tomatoes neither predis pose to nor excite cancerous formation. The Berlin police have arrested Count Olatf von Gazern, a member of one of the most powerful families of Germany, on a charge of committing several frauds. The Sultan of Turkey, who maintains a rigid censorship over'the press, has or dered that no newspapers shall be pub lished in his kingdom until in the after noon. Mine. Bernhardt has recently appeared before an official in Vienna whose busi ness was to judge on moral grounds of the appropriateness of her stage cos tumes. The jurv system in Bengal is not to be abandoned after all, although the gov ernment last October declared it must be abolished or greatly modified in the in terests of justice. The English trade in frozen beef from Autralia, like that in frozen mutton, has increased enormously during the past year the export, 80,000 cwt., being al most double that of 1891. The Anti-Slavery Society in Germahy has become bankrupt, notwithstanding its lottery netting several million marks. It is probable that the government will intervene to avoid a big outburst. It is said that several members of the British Cabinet favor a plan by which a choice between government by a Dublin Parliament or government by a British Parliament shall be granted tb Ulster. A lottery is under consideration in Germany for the completion of the Kai ser Wilhelm Church, but lotteries do not take well now, as the intelligent classes notice that only the bankers profit by them. M. Leroy-Beaulieu says that at the rate things are going in France there will be a regular annual deficit of from $40,000,000 to $100,000,000 and the need of a loan of $200,000,000 every three or four years. Baron Mundy of Vienna, the veteran sanitarian, has "issued a strong appeal for the establishment of an international sanitary code, and suggests the summon ing of an international conference to discuss and arrange such a code. " The Irish home-rule bill," declared Michael Davitt, M. P. for North Meath, in a forcible speech in the House of Commons one day last week, "will be ac cepted by 13,000,000 of the Irish race as a pact of peace to be honorably observed. " The large tunnel between Capri and Acquafredda on the Pisciotta-Castro-eucca railway, Italy, has recently been successfully driven. The tunnel, which is three and a half miles long, was com menced about three and a half years ago. The method of treating snakebite by injections of strychnine is to be submit ted to exhaustive trial in India under the sanction and supervision of the gov ernment. The method has proved high ly effectual in many cases reported in Australia. The canal across the Isthmus of Cor inth is soon to open to navigation, and has cost $20,000,000. It has been built with French capital and under French direction, the original concession having been granted some twelve years ago to M. de Lesseps. Some of the French papers are trying to stir up ill-feeling against Lord Duf ferin, the British Ambassador at Paris. They accuse him of trying to make trou ble "between France and Russia, and with giving financial help to the Triple Alliance and its agents. On account of increased railway rates the British Army authorities have adopted the novel method of sending transports required for various maneu vers by road, in trains of wagons drawn by traction engines. The cost has thus been reduced fully one-half. Wll Flnl.liril. Ellpbalet Duncan, or "Uncle Llph," as be was familiarly called by his relative and friend, possi-ssd what lie termed a "phllosophb.io' mind," which stood film. In good stead on many occasion. "What's the sense o' worritin' over thing that V happened t" he used to Ha jr. "Jest vlevr 'em over careful an' you'll most alius find they've got a side you kin dwell on au' take some comfort ont'n It." He had his nlmre of discomfort and trial, but he wn a "well to do" man, and some of hi less fortunate neighbor said that "if tbey were forehanded as Cncla Lipb 'twould come easier to bear up under thing. " Hehud lived Id one house ever since bis narriaKe, when a very young man, but when he w about sixty years old the old house was getting no dilapidated that he had a new one built on a lot of land which commanded a better view of the bill. He also built a new barn, which was well stored with hay and grain. Much new furniture was bought, and Uncle Lipb and bis wife, with their one unmarried daugh ter, were to move over to the "new place" to October. The lastof September the Duncan family, together with many friends, went to the county fair, wblcb waa held eight or nine miles away. Late in the afternoon a boy arrived at tbe fair and announced to Uncle Lipb with horrified gasps that his new barn bad caugbt fire, nobody knew bow, and tbe only neighbor who had staid at borne bad been making fruitless attempts to put out tbe flames. When the Duncan family arrived at the site of what was to have been their new borne in a week or two the barn had been entirely destroyed and the bouse was rapid ly burning. The next morning a farmer driving slow ly past the scene of the conflagration espied Uncle Lipb seated on the stone wall, in a ruminating attitude. He turned round as be heard tbe sound of wheels, and said slowly, "I'm viewin my ruins, ye see!" "Well," said his friend, with some en ergy. "I'm bound to Bay, Uncle Liph, ef I was in your shoes, t sh'd find it consid duble of a stamp to philosophize over this mess." "Ye-es," drawled the afflicted Eliphalet, " 'tis more difficult 'n usu'l, but," be add ed, brightening a little, "it's all fer the best, in course; an', then, jest see what a complete job 'tis; there ain't anythin' left wuth speakin' of except a.she; an' ye know I alius was a great hand t' like things fin ished up, without any shilly-shallyin' or half way work!" Youth's Companion. Tea Gowns Always Popular. It is not likely that tea gowns will ever go out of fashion. They are too comfortable, too graceful, and far too picturesque to be forsaken, at least until some garment with similar or greater advantages and attractions can be de vised, and that creation has not as yet appeared. Most women never look so well as in flowing robes that follow, though not too closely, the lines of the figure, and more luxurious and expen sive fabrics and more daring color me langes can be employed than would be permissible in an ordinary day gown. Even the stylish tailor girl is glad to re lax for a time and seek easy comfort in a tea gown, and no "five o'clock" recep tion room or pretty boudoir looks nor mal with the inmates tight bodiced and round skirted. The tea gown is as nec essary in either place or case as Hamlet in "Hamlet." When Horses Fight. The herds of horses on a western ranch, roaming over so large a space, rarely en counter one another. When they do the mares evince only the smallest possible amount of curiosity, but join and graze. Different is it with the stallions. With but a moment's preparation, they rush wildly at one another like mad bulls, neighing in what seems the mockery of a neigh, and with head in air and tail curving proudly they rush and plunge and rear, kicking and biting, stamping one on the other until the ground and horses are covered with blood, and ex haustion of one forces a surrender and retreat As I have said, the flickle mares march off with the conquerer at their head, while the defeated lags wearily behind. Harper's Weekly. Arsenical Poisoning. The danger througb arsenical poisoning in our homes is not confined to the wall papers, having been found often present in cretonnes and imitation Indian muslin in poisonous quantities. A bad specimen of cretonne has yielded on analysis 1! grains of white arsenic, 2 grains having been known to be a fatal dose. Some months back a London doctor experimented upon forty-four samples of cretonue supplied by a local tradesman, not one of which was absolutely free from the poison; eleven of them were grouped by the analyst as "very bad," and nine as "distinctly dangerous." It is quite a common occurrence to have pieces of these substances in a room con- taining sufficient arsenic to give 100 people a fatal dose. A very popular impression has been that greens and blues are the dangerous colors, but the analyst declares that reds, browns and blacks are more dan gerous still. Chambers' Journal. One Hour's Work. "I'm simply exhausted," said Mrs. Hig gins as she returned from her shopping tour. "Here I've been out one whole hour and couldn't get near a counter. Why, in all that time I've only bought five yards of lace, a dozen pairs of gloves, a stepladder, six finger bowls, a toy book for Willie, a pair of shoes for Sallie and stockings for Jamie, three neckties, four collars, a novel,' three cups of chocolate, u pound of candy and a few knickknacks," Harper's Bazar. Glad to Know It. Wife The flour's out. Husband -So is my money. ! Wife The coal is gone. Husband So is my credit. s Wife Well, we can't starve. Husband Can't we? That's good; I was afraid we should. Exchange.