The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 29, 1893, Image 2

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    nooi livcr Glacier.
liooi) mvr.n, on. AVini.w, isio.
WJlOSJt X An (.'0A7.7.'
Mr. Slnnelietul, tvp;vi'ittiim I In' Oir
ffnniati, whs here I'l ""'v Milieitini:
mihseriptions to the "linn. I Hook r
Oregon," uliieli is U-iiin cm ten up le
thal p,ver. Tin" Meu is lo uive every
loeality brief mention, ami if paiil t"r
it the r.itti vf a p:iui'. a cxtoiuloil
mention us liesireil. Tin' l ink is to
Contain l.tHKl jvgaiul soIIm for fS. Tlie
OrrjtmitiH has a tlnmnp1 suit n its
lumtls for callinjr a win nu similar to
iis own, only applying to poisons in
h'.cail of phurs, a fraud. 1 leiuv w e give
it this opportunity to recoup.
Governor Pentioyer aiul State Tr tc
linr Metselun arc again traveling over
Kitstern Oregon, hui tinjr for a loealiou
for the branch insuie nsy'iuiu. The
lalles has, in ouropiniou. nir.ny points
in it.s favor, ami with a square ilea!, wo
believe, will le wloetctl. Asa town it
lias hatl hard luek for the p;wt few
years, and bile its citizens are wMe
awake, the city seems to have lost all
energy. If it eou'.d slip upon this in
urte asylum ami capture it, we Ulieve
It would Infuse new life into the place
and give it emirngv to tackle something
else. We hope sinccivly that the gov
ernor and treasurer will Iccate the nsy
lem ou Chenow ith cieck, and we hope
o because we believe it to be the lest
site, everything considered, iu the
There are some things in modem
journalism that are monot
onous, and this thing of nu.nii'.R the;
cuts from the patent medicine adver-'
tisements among the reading matter
and passing them oil" for distinguished
ersonages, is one of them. We can
put up with Dr. Van Moneiwur'a mug
doing service for the great Columbus, I
ukhough the mutton-chop whi.-Uers arc (
jM)iuehat like the I)r., a vane of mal-!
piactu-e; and can pass by l)r. Powell-j
lloeea doing duty us Ponce do Leou. I
The springing of ''veins for health,!
Lydia K. Pinkhani," as the bride of aj
German princelet is what jars us oll'tne i
Southern Oregon is having a genuine J
mining boom, the center of which is
very properly located at Central Point.
Keports of individuals cleaning up!
from 5300 to f'ICOO a day are numerous; j
but stiil it must be recollected that this
is cnly "some individuals." Uy the
time tliis report travels loot) miles fur
ther one cipher will be added to the
.figures', as perhaps one or two have al
ready been added in the journey here.
Two distinct, a water spout
and a terrible bail stonu swept over
Oklahoma Wednesday. The most
damage was done at the town of Nor
man, where thirty-one people were ;
killed. From reports made Thursday i
it is known that sixty-two persons i
vrerfl killed and an immense amount of I
damage done to building. The list of i
injured will run up into the hundreds.
Judge Bennett of The Dalles is in
Washington urging ttie claims of J. L.
Btory for register of The Dalles land
office, and, it is said, is seeking the po
sition of U. S. district attorney for him
self. Should he be successful, The
Dalles will be "fairly in it."
The small-fruit crop in the Palouse
country is said to be a total failure. It
Js estimated that this will entail a
"financial loss of Slij.OOO.
An Actual Il.iiw.
Editor Glacikk: An article headed
"Iteduced Kates" in issue of the !L'd is
clearly a mistake. Last year the rate
to Helena, Butte City, Anaconda und
some other points iu Montana was f-1
per 100 pounds, while this year the local
agent of the Pacific Express Co. in
forms me it is only 3.2-5 per 100 pounds
to these pointsand remains the same as
last year to Halt Lake City, namely,
$3.00 per 100 pounds. An apparent re
duction. Let us investigate: Last
year and years before they were billed
at 25 pounds to the crate at a f l rate,
being 1 per crate, and 7o cents at a S3
rate. This year they propose to weigh
all crates and bill at actual weight.
The lightest Portland crate weighs 7
pounds, making a well-lilled crate
weigh 31 pounds, which, at a $3.25 rate,
ie $1 00:, or the same price as last year.
Now, the $3 rate mentioned above, this
year will be 03 cents per crate, which
last year was 75 cents an increase of
18 cents per crate. It is a raise in lates
on All points where the rate is not low
ered 75 cents on 54, which means tho
time rate as before. If some of the
heavier crates are used it is a raise all
along the line. This is too much like
the populist finance puzzle in being
thin. CORKJX'T.
"World's l air Traveler Yj'ill Have It."
The public demand through service
when traveling. It is old-fashioned to
change cars. On the through solid
vestibule trains of the Chicago, Union
l'aciticand Northwestern Line, from
or to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate
points, there is no change. This is tho
finest and fastest road.
V. C. iStranahan Las opened his:
stand on Oak street, and will keep a
tock of fine candies, fruits and cigars; !
find during the summer will serve ice I
scream and lemonade. Uesides this he 1
WjJl cany a tine line of lishiug tackle. I
IVrrilcxIt.r t Pot I to Mitn Who t.o.l
II U I u 1 1 ttvt it iti Iii h Ktrcvt Car.
1 tixk them for a newly tur-ried cou
ple. Certainly if she had been married
very long she would have known bet
ter." They got on a south bound Clark
ftroet ear at OiH'the street. She was
pleii.ler and graceful, and had largo,
fetching dark eyes, lie was extremely
Jolite, lie helped her on the ear very
tv-nderly. and after ndmg two blocks lie
jut:jicd up the instant a very tleshy old
lady entered the car and otfeivd lier his
:'.t. with a low how a sure indieatioti
t.Mt he was j nst married and doing it
lor effect.
Then lie hung on n strap and lent
down and kept up the conversation,
which seemed largely t'.t'ide up of irrele
vant remarks a'lvt tuglily relevant
glances. Preser.tly lie discoveixnl that
l:e could stoop lower if he let go tho
sir;: p.
lie had just availed himself of this
discovery when the train swooped around
the curve at Illinois street. He Hung up
!;!s arms, m ide frantic, ineffectual
grab for t'ae strap, swayed gracefully
half around, aiul sprawled out over tho
fat old l.idy's lap us the car stopped.
His pink and white cheeks turned war
lei. He scrambled half way to his feet
and began. "I beg"
Justus he was in the uct of re-establishing
Ins equilibrium and simultane
ously intern.: the iolgy. the car gave
the sharp jerk and tjuick. strong pull of
ptaning. He clutched the incorporeal
air and went down with the words ou
his lips tint, full length on the tieastly,
rar.ildy lloor. It wiw Um bad. but every
Ux'.y lauglied.
Yes, she laughed. She put her slim,
black gloved hand, with a him of sceut
ed handkerchief m it, up to her mouth
and her black eyes danced at him.
He got up. scowled very darkly at the
gentleman who had said "Whoop-e-e!"
as he went down, and washed a witch of
mud off his coat sleeve. Then he looked
at her laughing eyes. For an instant he
tried to look amused; then lie straight
ened Ins face out severely and weut over
and looked out of ttie door.
As he started into the tunnel he looked
around. The handkerchief was still at
her month and her body swayed slightly
as from a repressed emotion. A deep,
straight line came into his forehead
and he stepped a little farther away.
Half way through the tunnel ho looked
around again. Tho instant she met his
eye she dropped the handkerchief to her
mouth just iu time to suppress a ripple
of laughter. lie went out on the plat
form and banged the door liehind him.
At Madison street ho opened the door
and stood stiff r.s a statue until she
walked out. She looked over her shoul
der into his face as she passed him. but
there was an irrepressible twinkle in her
eyes, and he stepped to the ground afier
bur without unbending. Chicago News.
Hani on Cambridge.
This is a short story that Cambridge
people may not find exactly humorous.
It is told, however, concerning a bright
youngster who lived among them for his
nine short summers, and by reason of
the cultured atmosphere he breathed
and the experimental systems ho was
brought up on ought either to have
lieen dead or oue of their own. But lie
defied liotii the.e fates and in ilueconrse
received his reward by moving into Bos
ton. Here he at once found congenial
companions and uo doubt liegan to
contract those nnfortniiare habits of
speecti that indirectly led to this tale.
Oue. day his papa heard him using lan
guage that no nice little boy. esjiecially
a nuiversity town Itoy. u supposed to
know the meaning of.
"Teddy." said his stern parent, "never
say that again; its swearing, and God
will hear you and bo very much dis
pleased." "Well, I'll go down cellar." said the
youngster defiantly, "then 1 guess he
can't her me."
"Yes. ho can," insisted the devout
"Is he in tho attic too?"
"Then." announced the youngster,
with the triumphant air of one who set
tles the question. "111 go to Cambridge,
for I'm sure he's not there." Boston
Statistic A limit ttie Lukes,
The following figures obtained from
reliable sources show the mean level of
the lake surfaces above the mean tide at
New York and their maximum depths,
respectively: Lake Ontario, 24(i.CI feet,
":W feet deep; Lake Erie. r72.yi feet and
210 feet deep. Lake Michigan. 581.23
feet. 870 feet deep; Lake Huron, 581.23
feet. 750 feet deep. Lake Superior, C01. 78
feet, 1 .003 feet deep. The deepest water
runs very fairly iu mid lake through
out the chain.
The ansa of water surface in square
miles according to Grossman's delinea
tion is as follows: Lake Superior. 31.2(H);
Lake Huron. 23.800; Lake Michigan,
22.450; Lake Erie, U.9G0: Lake Ontario,
7.210, or a total area of 94.050 square
miles. Maine Record.
How the Pencil un Produced,
That the luscious peach has been de
rived from tho hard shelled almond can
uo longer bo successfully denied. It is
said that the peach in its original soil
was a viralt-nt poison, and that the Per
sian warriors brought to Persia some of
the seeds and planted them for the pur
pose of poisoning the points of their ar
rows so as to render wounds caused by
them to be fatal, but achangeof climate
and soil produced a fruit which is not
only luscious, but is esteemed exceeding
ly healthful. Chicago Tribune.
Itather III Timed.
At a recent wedding, at which the
bride had retained her "maiden medita
tion fancy free" a number of years be
yond the usual marrying ago, the organ
ist most thoughtlessly or most nngal
lantly played as a prelude to the arrival
of the wedding party, "'Tis the Last
Rose of Summer," thereby causing a
visible smile among the listeners. New
York Times.
linst Side Hems,
K.vstSihk, April 20, isn;t.
John Sweeney Is making prepara
tions to build a new liotisu ltd Milli
liter. J. Cox, with wife and family, arrived
from Phlllipsburg, Kansas, lust week.
They are stopping at present with his
brother, S. 11. Cox, and will make Hood
Ktver their H iiiuineiit home.
11. W. White of Hherinaii county lias
purchased ton acres nf laud from Mr.
Johnson. He has put up a temporary
residence and Is now actively engaged
with lils family iu making a home In
this garden spot which is "eastward In
Hans l.age and sons me putting the
finishing touches on some seven or
eight acres of newly cleared land. This
has been an old trick of theirs torn
great many springs, and the tlrst thing
you know Vr, I .ago will be sighing for
more stumps to conquer.
P. Mohr is another who puts about
live fresh acres under the plow every
spring, and ho is doing it again this
Warren Turner and William Jackson
have declared their intentions to ruin
every stub and grunip guib and
stump, I should have said on their
lioinestads within three years. As
Warren and William are truthful boys,
don't be frightened lfyouco trash of all
kinds in the air, something after the
manner of an Eastern cyclone.
Two of D. (i. Boatdniati's horses
strayed from home one day last week.
Mr. lioardman aud Ids sou Charles
have boon enrolling for them high and
low In tho country around The Dalles,
where they Last heard from them; but
thus far their search has been fiuitlos.
Hunting str.'.y horse llesh at this busy
season of tho year would try the pa
tience of a regular old Job.
Jerome 'Wells has rented W. G.
Cielland's place for three years.
reuce Silliman has also rented C.
Grodt'a place for two years.
Koad Supervisors Kand and Prat her
have both been doing some work that
is highly commended by all fair minded
citizens. Tho big bill hear J. 11. Kami's
house lias lost its steepest pull, aud
through Mr. leather's i -Moris our East
Side teamsters can get into town with
out throwing oil' half of their load
within a stone's throw of tho goal.
Peg away, bosses, in spite of the kick
ers, and remember that "As a rule
man's a fool. Wheu it's hot he wants
it cool; when It's cool ho wauls it hot;
ever wanting what is not."
Out vf Sight.
The traveling public arc now fully
alive lo the fact that theChicago,L'nion
Pacific and Northwestern line oilers
the very best accommodations to the
public from and to Chicago, Omaha
and intermediate points, not onl du
ring the world's fair, but all the year
Xo, 8. KxpreM leaves at JI:M A. M.
No. 'i. Mail - JOa I'. M.
CNo. 7, Express leaves at 5::m J. M.
No.. 1, Mall " (:! A. M
Steamers from Portland lo San Francisco,
every 4 days.
For rates and general information rail on
W. II. Hi: BXHl'UT, Asst. On. Pass. Agt.
21 WttiihidKton St., Portland Oregon.
Terms Strictly Cash,
Prices never before beard of in Hood
WIM tnnlin tlo spi'liin ki'iihiiii of Nil, nl eon-
V. 'III. Mil 1IIVN llll'lltlllllllltl lllO Mllll'.V mill
Willie Salmon W ikIiIiikIoii. Time mill pliieo
Milijivt to I'liluie tiiHiliitini'iiK
HfM'i'iptlou and Pedigree.
"Mlilnlulit Ik a eoiil hlm'li lliuiiblt'li'iilan, f
yeiii olil, IS IiiiiimiI; v, li- hi I Ml ixiiiiiiIx; nheit
t SIiiiw m lliiiiilili'liuiltin; iliini, a ('oii'r.
Imlliilii liiine, "M lilnllil" U a 14 out I clkiiml
IIihuhI Imr-e, a toppy iMvit mill unlloii liol
li l till' u liil el' Ul nle.
"MltiilliihtV i'i W Itv will lie I0 for (MiikIi
ihtvIiv, iluo nl time of wi n Ice, or SI.'ifoMlio
unison, IVi'noiih Imvi'.Uiu I'.v "IiiiiIo M'lvlee
unit nun'.' luilliiK o ralrh, t'mi livnl l I lie
si n-on l i lie tiiitlllloiinl mi ini'iit 'if;.'i. Mm
on in done ,1 uly ,i, N' t,
for lei in unit oilier Inlni niiillon apply to,
A. I,. I'm i.e.i.
iioknk t!ia:i:iiNn.
The I (iiuilry (ii nlleiiuoi ruuliilim a wrles of
Inti'tvKtli i: article", on Ilils Mili.livt, w i lltru ly
hii I'liiliit iit I iikIIsIi anllioiUy, troin which
e i i rm t the lollow tnu cminchit Ion:
Thcic l.i U iimiic In the ow'iici'Ninpof a itooit
irooil-iiiiu mill her yoiinit slocl., hicit en
oi.c'now n hohlliiK, Unit I- lell In very lew
olln r l.liiiln of properly. Tlie Arnhi nun -tiler,
ax m V ilo, that the proittuv tul.c-. inure al'ler
Ihe sire lluiii Ihe tlum, 'Ihry snv, "Kruicni
ler, li e nuiie N hut a huu; you will ti t cohl
mil oi II if yon lmc put uohl In." r:. ci lenoo
clilli n.s th oplul.m. There have hecii iiiany
Ml'v Dial couht Ki't uooil slock oil iilmoM any
marc, hut prohnhly there hii never heen a
inure mi !;oiul ti lo I e ahle In hr eil a ft I
It put to a H lily ImJ Iioinc w ith lu ietlltaiy
faults si'.eli us spalu anil romiu, unit with
hail cotiMUtitlon ami foruiutlon. We have all
m'i ii a koo'I foul liuli ll the uiot ruhhUhy unit
unsoiuiil iiiare, t ut II Is a ilaiiKi'roii pert
llii at In lr , unit ttie Arali UKiiln Is wIm Willi
hU a.l lee: "Sow mviI only in cooil oil, unit
never put honey hi a ilousklu hut lie.
Vul NU litlNKlt.M,
Is a ila'ple .i',, hamls hlqh, eli;hi
t Ml poiniiis, I .Mi l -qilio lent Noriiu n, II yean,
olil on Amy . 1 1 . I.i, H tree Iroin all lilein-
toll.", nti.l til.! n...' iiiilI l II line illutl I.iiI h.'.
Ki'Hlle mill i. in. I, a mi. I ravi'ler, anil I-
uw m il oy
John swki:ny,ofhooi i;ivi:i;,o!t.
Mr. Sweeny will intend at tho folloivlnii
phii'i s il'.iriii ihe 'i-i m'iii sire eiison: At Mr.
Joo I'niM i .Muiiilny ami Tneituy ol I'nen
wei'k. Al Ao'MtT, J'llilui ami alniihiy ol
eneli i ek. 'urniv Korhinvh ser iee, pay
i uhle In easli io.ui. Ilylhe m'iimiii, paviihle at
j eml ol Milne, I,M. In lii-uie, uiulile hen
! saiiie it kiioa n, ; lo.ui. Inr.i-e oi laililre, m t-
viec Ilie lollou 1 1 1 K m-.i-oii Knit Is.
NOTici; rou itiu.ic.tio.
IjuhI Oitlee at Tin- Dulles Or. Maieh 11, t.
Not lee U lierehy ien that the follolmt
till Illeil sel It. r has ll led nolle,' of IiIh Intent loll
to make Iliini I'loi'T In siipiorl nl hlselnlin,
ami t. nit Mtiit proof Mill he m.nle helore Hie
lieijlsler ami li,s elver l". S. 1.. (. at The Dalles
Oi. on .May (I, Isni, I.:
I.eander Kvuns.
Iloinestead Ailleatlon No. .'ioT'i for the 't
n e 't ami s ;a n ' ; 4 see 7 J n r 1 i e in.
Hi' mimes the f.ill, m ill:: ltnessi n lo irovu
his iMlililiiliills r'sl lenie iion ami euitlvn
tionol, s:i:.l land VI.': Aimm Khi, .lames
i:illott, W ililimi .lohiison, ull of Mosli r or.,
,1c. Ale.Nell, in i lie Dalles ( uvkoii.
liU'hlsajil'! JollV W I.KW I, lieylster.
Ijind OMlee at Vnni onver, wash, A pi, X Is: :l.
Notlee Is heretiy clven that tlie lollowlnii
nami d sellier has tiled nolieeul hu Inleiitlon
to iriake tlnal priMif In snport of his claim,
and I hat said proof will he made helore llm
Clerk of the Superior I null of Skamania
County Washington, at Lower Ca.seailes,
Washington on Alay '.O. Isi .l, vl.:
Joseph F. .Mon:i;han,
II. i;. m, f..r iin-s. ' ' N. K. ',: N. w. ' s.
K. 1 and lots o and i See. it, 'i p. , N, It. i K.
lie natnes the following wltiiesses lo proe
tils eoiitiiinous iisideiii e upon and enlilva.
t l.'ti of, said hind, i: Andrew Xnrelier, Fred
y.iin-1 er. A.O. 'I in ker, i jeorr .Miller, all of
Neison, Skaiii:tniii eounty, Washington.
iiH-niy.i Jiiii.n D. liKiMiiiKii.v.N, Itvulstcr.
notick roit pup.lication.
Land O.'llee at Vatieoiiver, Wash. April lo, Jsu.1.
Notice Is hen hy ulven that the rollow lnit
named settler has Illeil noliee of his Intention
to make final eommiitallon proof In support
of his claim, und thai snld proof w ill he niiidi)
In fore Ine Hi isler ami Heeeiver of the I', S.
Land i illh'e al S anconvcr, Wahh., on June
Bid l!i:j, vl.:
AlhertUH S. Ford.
II. K. No. HTIH for Ihe w ',, n w '4 and w s
w !i wt 1 'l'p U n r II e w in.
He names the following witnesses to prove
Ins continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land vl,: Al 11. Jewetl, Francis S.
lliudoln. ('lias )'. l'allerson, .Inn. 1.. .Morris,
ull of Wlntv Salmon Wash,
U2lnuyj; John J). (iKoiiiikuan. Hclxlcr.
notice mil pi;i:licatiox.
Ivind'Olller al TI.iDiiIIcn Or. April, 17, 1S1I8.
Mil lee Is lierehy tlven that Ihe followini;
named Ki ltler has Illeil nolli e of Ills lulenlion
to make llnal priHif in Kiippoit of his claim,
anil that said proof will he made hefore the
HiKister and lieeelver I.'. S. li.O.atTliw Dulled
Or. on .May , lsir.l, viz:
(ieorne l'elerton.
II. A. N. m for the s w of see '.'I, Tp 2 nr
11 e w m.
He nami H the followinic witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion n! Mild land vl.: S. 10. Fisher, Charles
Cramer, (ieorjic Ireland, ilu hael Dlehlcninil
ler, all of .Moler Oregon.
Hj-uiy'.7 Jon.vW. J.rcwis, HcKlKler.
Is Oltet Prote la 11
tlCstabllshed Haiti.
Wholesale dealers In fruits
and vegetables of all kinds.
Helena Montana.
Land OHW'e at Vaneonver wash. March, l(l,ISI):t.
To Coliunlnis Jewett anil all wliom It may
Noliee Ih hereby clvcn thai tho followinf,'.
naiUKil .settler hastlli il notice ol'liiB intention
lo make tlnal proof In mipiiort of
his 'lnlin, anil thai saiil proof will hi; made
before liie UiKislcr and Heci'lvcr U. H. Land
Olllce at Vancouver wash, on May
'i't lH'JH, viz:
Klleken Johnson.
Widow of Hapimtanellch .lolmson, deceased.
It. K., No. asiT for tlie k e sec 18 Tp 4 n r II c
w in.
Hhts nnnies the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: Isabel Morgan, Frank
Joseph Morgan, IUk Joe ( Indian,) John Mlonl lo
(Indian,) ull of WJiJtu .Salmon Kllckllat Co.,
mchiia-'!) John I). Ukouiikoan, neylsler.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
A l.iruo supply of, ami fyvlwhr '. to oll
Cololn aUul liquid color: anil tlnloil loads.
Ptviureil In ruriil'-ih nl u:i.r, 11 llm 1 Iipm id' I'.dllus, nU.i 11 elieiip :ritila
Imt ni'iil ninl t iilivlanl l:il .
S aS m
.mim'.'.iss and i;i:i'Ai i,i:i;.'i in
HARDWARE, Tin vABE, Etc, Ftc.
Cornor of Socoucl .ami rtnlotal Stroots.
ci:i,i:iiu rr.o
Acorn and Charter Oak
Stovos and n.mus.
(iiiis, AiiimunltliMi aii-l S;hii U:i:; (o"n ,,
Iron, Coal,
liltiekHinitli SttpplleH,
Wnuiiiniiker'N .M.'iteilal,
fiwr PIhi,
Puinn ami iY'l-o,
J'luuililtij; Sitll'?i.
-wis tozzgztdjzid
That thirty iIiivh in ps li.iij; us we inn iiiilit v'""'Mi 11 I wohIiI -neet fully
reillit.t mil" i.itl.iiis t.i .tveril I lli'lil -ilvrs aeeoriilllyt
E3IooclIcr Plic.rrp-acy'a
PrescriptioiAs and
Privato Ferula
And a Coniploto Line of -
House Builder's Goods. Sasli
Brackets ni wood Tiiraius.
Limo. Plaster ar.d Isiih Oeil-
iag, Rustic and 3T looriu".
Coffins &Zj Caclrotc-
ON- hllOltTi:sT NdTlClv
Have on liaiul u full supply f Kruit, Shmle und Orimnu'iittil trees; grap
vitieu, hinull fruitH, Iliwes ttinl Hlinililiory .
J St. Hiiro to K''t "ill- prieen lielui"! iiireiiiHiiiriiH.vlieiv.
Beiiii'iiilier our treeH fjre grown uli iclly wit limit irrigation.
K. II. Stanton, Locul Agent.
mim bhuoI muum Knar wlat WiiailaJraaliiUWIWa
Choicest Meats, Ham,
Bacoai, lard, Gvisic,
Poultry, Also Balrs fox
Corner of Oult anil Kourtli S'.ieets, .... Hotxl liver. Oregon,
IStudebaker j;wrz,m
lii aper
and NIowpij.
Ai.I'VIS lull
i:it:t:i .. Avrlriiltnnil luiilenientj
ntnl Mncliliierj.
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