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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1893)
;ir iver Glacier. VOL. 4. HOOD RI VKIt,' OREGON, SATURDAY. APRIL 29, 1893 The Hood NO. 4ft. - . - . i 3(ood Tiver (Slacier. fUHI.IllUU iriKT lATUHUAT MORNIIfO IT The Glacier Publishing Company. ru( itir-iioN rnici. On yur , mmilhi Thr.. iiioiithi khKl xiijf , , It to to Cal THE GLACIER Barber Shop brant tvans, Propr, fWomt St., i,r Ouk. . Hood Rlr, Or. Rhavlns ftiul Hair cutting neatly dutit. SatUfaolioii Ouaranteed. OCCIDENTAL XKWS. Now Process of (ialhcrin (oll From Columbia Sand. thk out mo ship PKNS.UOU. I.ccniiiiiioinls to Pass Into the Temple Dedicatory Ceremonies Sell lit High Figures. from Washington mv. K A STERN MELANGE. the lxil A IIK ll H 1m to have a 11,000,000 lllllcl. A band of wiM dogs infests IHMir TllCHOh. Vancouver Island is agitating scpara tioii from tliu iimiii land. Mil Itailcy, w A nj-fli-H female fiNt Jul' I, Iiiih liccll cent to 1'Yilsoin (or two years. Snu-ltH arc ho plentiful in the Coliim hut river tliut uuantities lire taken oui Willi Seoop-Uets, A largo number of Umatilla Indians have left I In; reservation fur tint summer hiuI gone to tin1 Columbia rivrr to cute SallllOll. A WW (lit 1 1 1 1 111) t tl tllU Ellllldc OStltte Ht Simla Itarhara Iiiih ui'in-iircl. Murv . Elimdc, an illegitimate daughter of Eh .ulilt', in tin.1 t'litiiniuit. In a shooting scrape tit Carev, Iilalio, Dave Evan's life was saved ly u package of gum, which was ill Iuh pocket, the titllU't hslging in thti package. A big silver htriko in reported in tin I.ooko mint in Yavapai roiuitv, A.T. It is tin- greatest hiIvit strike vet known. Thu ore, it in htatcM, ruiiH over l,(MKl ounces to tin) ton. It lookrt iih if the old llitgship Pensaoola will soon ln liault'il into tlic wharf ut Mure Island ami work commenced on her to make her ready for use iih a' train ingship for tin; naval reserve. Mr. Iladlev, tint new receiver of t ho Oregon Pai-illc railroad, in liable to give the htoilioidtTH a shock of lu'urt disease. Ho is absolutely making the road pay ex'tenses, sometliiiig unkiiowii for years. IntiTi'Hti'd luirtii'H.liavi! I'Xiiininiil the ccmi'iit rock found in quiuititii'.i near Santa t ruz, and thu ri'Hiilt of tlu tout Iiiih Ih'cii iinnoiiiH'cd. It in that the rock in riqmlilo of prodming (ho bont of I'ort land ci'incnt. It Iiiih Im'ch iliwovprcd ut I'inatilla that undiT a now jiriMTHH (.'oIuiiiIhii rivor fuihI will ian out ? ! jut day in goll. 'J'hi' Kami in obtained twelve inilcn t'tiHt of Uiiiiitillu. 1'iijiituliHtrt uru iTvi'tigat- lng thu unit lor. The ciino. of the. State of Oregon ngaiiiHt Sain llarriH for keeping hin hiiIooii open Sunday won tried hoforo JuHtioo Clove land at Antoria, the jury returning u ver dii't of not guilty. The jury in tho miit of Miss Felicity Alleinand of (iilrov against JohojiU Ma therHon of San Franoinoo, for 10,tHK) daniagoH for breiu h of proiniHO of inarri Hgo, has rendered iv verdiet in favor of tho plaintitrfor if 1,200. Mrn. riui'lic Rii'linrdHon iH tho twelfth woiiuin ever eoniniitteil to tho Orogon peniti'iitiary. Sho and her IniHliand will Horve tv year etioh for inalieiouH dent ruc tion of ' property, they having cut to pieceH a neighbor's buggy and harness. Detectives wore within night of Sontag and Evans, tho train robtiers, on the North Fork of King's river. The outlaws had MiowshoeH anil used them to advant age, making their way into tho almost inaccessible mountain's ahead of their pursuers. Captain Edward Bailey, Company C, Fourth Infantry, stationed at 15oise, Idaho, Iiiih been placed under arrest by Major Kennedy, commandant of tho post, on the charge of drunkenness and gambling with the men of his command in the resorts of the city. A story comes from Ogden that Bish ops' "recommends" to the saints to en able them to pass into the Temple dedi catory ceremonies are selling at high fig ures. One young man in Ogden is re ported to have sold his "recommend" for $75, and another man is said to have sold his for JliOO. Tho new placer field at Borax Lake, 150 miles from San Bernardino, is at tracting prospectors and minors. lry washers aro used, producing to each man from $10 to $25 per day. The placer Held is large and practically unexplored, and rich finds are anticipated. I .Secretary Morton F.xpliilim Why He KoiiiovimI a Hrother of .fames (i. lihilnc-Ktc. M'cn tary iioko Ninth Ims give notice to the law clerks and other liiL-h-iMadi employes of (hi! interior I 't-iutrt infill that an expression of opinion to outsid ers us to the proluililo Holiitioii of iuiv iiii Mtion pending before the department Will he a Hilllicicnt cause for dis- missal. i'i... ii... ion i 'I Tin i ii ii n v hi i-iaie ih miii in 1........ l: . . .1 t riuii'iniii' rciiming ine rcpigecH who sought, an asvluiu in the Fiiited flutes legation at Santiago, Tlii-v claimed to In- political oirenderx only, and assuch Minister r.gan nave them a refu-.e. Tin t It 1 1 tit it govern ut demanded their sur lender as common criminals, ami linked that Fgiui lie instructed to deliver them to the lisal authorities. ' This demand Iiiih not hcon comnhed with bv tin- l iilUl States. J he paragraph in the navv remi hit ions recently IsNiie.l, iirohihituiu naval olli- cers iron) acting as correspondents of tin newspapeiH. is Hitl'l to have luel it h on- gin iii ine lain i iiiinin war. Hiiring tin mriiggie, the htorv K'S'S. two naval otll cers sliitioneil at ali'iiraiso were in th .ay of certain New York newspapers, t,, which they wired freijiient inside news in ciplier of the inoveinentH of the forces engaged. It freiiuetitlv happened that Haliuaccda on the one side or the provi sional inniiiH on ine other were I him made aware of the movements of tin .1 ei . uier. j ne new s was w iron mill ew York hy their friends. These movements they could not otherwise have known. I he provisional forces silliseijuelitlv com plained of this to our uovoniment. uml alleged they had Is-en seriollslv elnblir Hissed thereby. 1 hereupon the United States expressed regret at what bad passed, ami rendered a r titioii of tin complaint iuiMissible bv causing the iie sort ion of the much-talked-of paragraph in the new regulations. 'rencli-CanadiaiiH ('oming OvtT in (Jmit Mulliliiilcs. CIIKROKKKH RATIFY TKKATY The Amount 1'ald In Divlileiidsby the Curneifie Steel ('oiiiiuiiy for I-iist Year Red need. ... i . . . . . .-'ecreiary .tionon s ailelilloii InH lieeti called to certain criticisms upon bis re moval of Itobeit i. lilaine from the io- sition of chief of tho onarantine division of the bureau of animal imhistrv. The Secretary said that when he took charge of the Department of Agriculture he loiimi .Mr. limine is-ciipying a position with practically no duties to perform amnirawing a salary ot fL'.iHHi per v num. it was one ot the most evident sinecures in the department, ami he oiild not consistent Iv allow it to remain. even though the incumbent li;ij ned to is- ine hrollier ol the late James t limine. If ho had been the brother of President Cleveland, the result would have Ih-cii the same. TheSocrotarv said the only position which could bo taken in the interest of economy and good government was to alsilish the divi sion, which consisted of oiu man, ami assign the clerical work com necieii Willi i in Millions to the divisions of held invest igations ami miscellaneous work of the bureau of animal industry, w nore it nail roany noon done during .Mr. Maine s incumhency. F.xtraovdinarv olForts w ill lie made to secure ud judication uistn the Chinese exclusion act bv the Supreme Court at this term. The matter hits boon the subject of correspondence between the governments of the Cnited States ami China, and at tho reouest of the State Department the Department of Justice has completed the necessary prelimi naries in conjunction with tl'io counsel of the Chinese government and its sub jects in this country. Under the terms of the tiearv law a case to determine the validity of tho act cannot he begun until the 5th of next mouth. In ordi nary circumstances it is impossible to bring a test case belore the Supreme lourt of tlie I nitod States before ad journment for the summer recess, but by the concurrent action of all parties interested, which has been secured in view of the important international character of the ipiostions involved, the standing of the law will be decided within a few weeks, thus obviating a long, tedious and expensive litigation. The arrangement entered into contem plates the arrest of a Chinese laborer in New York for a violation of the terms of the law, a prompt decision in the lower courts' and an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States, which mav be heard Aluv S. If the programme shall be carried out, t he decision will he rendered by the middle of May,at which time the court expects to adjourn for the term. During the last session of Congress a measure was lobbied through granting ine privilege to v. r. nue ana a Chi nese named Chang Dak tjuai of bringing 1,000 Chineso to the World's Fair for the purpose of putting up a Chineso village. The steamer China has on board nearly 500 Chinese, who are said to be on their way to the World's Fair. The delicate question is presented to the Collector of the port of San Francisco as to who are entitled to go' to Chicago and who to re main. So tar as known those Chinese have no papers to show they are a part of tho Chinese village. Quai will not ar rive on the China with the first install ment of Chinese, lie is expected to fol low on tho Belgie with the second in stallment of about 500. Of course, every Chinaman who arrives during the next five or six months will assert that he, or sliOj is on the way to the exposition, and their landing will follow. In this way it is feared that from 2,000 to 3,000 Chineso will get into San Francisco, and there will be no means of stopping thoin. In an interview Collector l'helps said: "1 am in a quandary. I don't know what to do in the circumstances. I don't see that 1 have any power to exact bonds from theso Chinese who aro now on tho way. and according to the act of Congress" I cannot refuse them a landing. If they have a certificate showing they are to be lnploveu as salesmen, clerks, cooks. There is a tendency in Viriinia totrow less tobacco. 'hree expeditions will nut out for the North Pole this season. Standard time has gone into olfcd in Ohio by act of legislature. Chicago ami Dllll'alo w ill be but eleven hours apart by tho now fast train. I'he Pangor and the Albatross will pa trol liehrilig Sea the comiiiL' season. ----o Extensive prairie tiros are reported in Kentucky. OW illir to the lonif drv snell. n --rj j t Three thousand acres are wanted in Southeast Missouri for a Welsh colony. A coal company w ith a capital of ntiO.iHHi has just been formed at Kunsas iiiy. AlleghenvCitv ami Pittsbiiri mav ioin hands to build a big water-supply res ervoir. It is said that there are 10.IKK) annli cants for jiostmasterships in the State of n-orgia. I ho Ohio river railroad lines have agreed upon a 2-cent-a-iuiie rate for the orld s I' air. Steps have Ihi-ii taken in Eastern Massachusetts for the extermination of tho gypsy moth. he necessary amount to free Tul- mage s J'.rooklvn tabernacle from debt has heon siibscnls'd. The Cherokees have ratified the treaty with I licit- Sam, and the strip will be opened uiK'lll July 1. The Chicago ice dealers have combined and increased prices from 35 cents to 50 cents per hundred pounds. In two years' time it is probable that ccrv rviiuiicrn Mate will conduct its election on the Australian nlau. I ho Kentucky State crop report makes ine comiiiion ot w heal mi per cent. A year ago the condition was K.I percent. 1 he body of Jeirerson Davis will lo ro- iiioyci from .New Orleans, I .a., May 28 ami po remterroii at Kie nnond. a Mav.'U. J ho complete statistics show that the production of beet sugar in the United States has more than doubled during the pasi year. l.'eports from fifty towns in South Dakota give details" of the greatly in creased immigration mst now pourinir into the State. It is estimated that since Mr. Morton started the Arlsir day movement 400.- 0011,000 trees have boon planted in the Northwest alone. The Now York Senate has killed the hill for the submission to a vote of the people of the question of the consolida tion of Brooklyn and New York. The World's Fair management has de cided to maintain a Police Court in the grounds, w here visitorsaeeusod of misde meanors can be tried without delay. It has come to light that the late Colo nel Shopard of New York was unable to secure a life insurance several years ago owing to a suspicion of Bright's disease. The New York Assembly passed, 78 to 2H, the bill abolishing capital punish ment, to take effect, should it become a law, on September 1, too late to save Curly le Harris. It is estimated that $10,000,000 will be expended in new buildings in Buffalo during the year 1803. The prospect of soon utilizing the great power of Niagara is booming Buffalo. Everybody who has a pass to get into the show at Chicago must have his pho tograph on his pass. Perhaps Secretary Carlisle can be persuaded to decide the photograph unnecessary. The Ohio State crop report says wheat mis come out ot ttio winter in excellent condition except along the southern bor der of the State. The April condition last year was 71 per cent. New York city has begun in earnest the work of purifying its water supply at the source by burning filthy dwellings", bams, pigsties, etc., along 'the head waters of the Croton river. PURELY PERSONAL, Hie Duke of Oporto, brother of the King of Portugal, is one of the finest flute players in the world. Owing to illness, fir. Edward Everett Hale did not start the series of lectures on journalism in JSoston last wm-k. Captain Henry Howell lewis, whodied in Baltimore recently, was the last of Oeneral Washington's graiidnephews. Secretary Herbert is said to Is a hard worker. lie often remains at the Navv Department until 7 i: m. answering lot Mrs. Pho be Hearst, w idow of Senator Hearst, proposes to establish a home for destitute boys on a farm of 450 acres near San Francisco. There are two women bank Presidents in the country, Mrs. Annie Moore of .Mount I'leasanl, Tex., and Mrs. C. E ChadlKjurn of Columbus, Wis. In the home of Rider Haggard, it is sum, me iay opens with fain ily prayer read or recited bv himself in . r i - . ' .: - -- ine large, square entrance hall PttOUDFOOT'H NOBLE BEQUEST. In FOREIGN FLASHES. A cumou3 wedding present. Did th Merchant IV lull to Robuka HI Iau(hter, or Vim It III Simplicity? ..ft . . . Austrian War Office Adopts the thUdtyho liUllet-Froof Cloth. Bing". nMa n,B wa? "tewlily np to com- meixiai tame ana immense wealth, all by tho manufacture of soap," said a New Yorker the other day, "and with all his wealth and prosperity he never forgot how a poor man feels or lost any of his consideration for the rights of others. Pride never puffed him np nor made him ashamed of his business or his early history. "He was proud of the purity and ex cellence of his soap, and the secret of his access over his rivals lay in the fact that he invented several processes for cheapening the manufacture of that arti cle, and his great factory in this city was full of machinery of his own inven tion and manufactnre. He made one ample fortune solely out of patenting the ideas of his fertile brain, and several Others by selling the manufactures he was thus able to turn out. "His wife was as intensely nurse nrond m he was simple, though her origin was as simple as his own. and her daughter took after her. This child married well. Two Enormous Breaches Occur the Banks of the Yellow River in China. Employment is scarce and laborers are overpientiiui in South Australia, Belgian Socialists threaten a general nriKo h not grantea universal suflrage. Surveys are Is-ing made for three new railroads in the Transvaal, South Africa. The Chinese government contemnlnf.a Max Judd. who has bo n Hindi Ponsnl a considerable extension of railroads this to lenna, is one of the best chess nlav. ' ers in the country. He thinks thr mur Not for generations has move oi ins a capital one, no doubt. fwn a sunny and altogether idyllic r.x-j.mpross t arlotta of Mexico in her ' 1 U11B' insanity retiuires a 'fresh imirnf iu.o.i. The shin tha Tuti,,,, ,.i ' . ...... v., ...... vi... in.uijiun Ul I i .... gray, two-button kid gloves on rising Corinth will probably be ready about lney BaJ" tnat is, a young swell about v. . i.i.ii ooiK iiiroiigiioui me year. "epiemwer. ijiuoubcu io uer on account or tne Mrs. Jeir D avis boini? in Htrnitrtitnnrul I Oueen Victoria's nrin faMi.nn i I sjcea t weaitu ne knew she would inherit. circumstances, the Charleston News and ,llfi Continent will cost the British tax- Wnen the engagement was settled the i ouner urges that she be mud. IVcui.J Pavers fSO.OtN). daughter and mother Ht.l.r1 tha m.n dent of the South Carolina Imlnutriul C....;i..l ,.:. I what ho vena crr.inw in. An in u ..,. and Normal Collce for vv, ... Z ; "u L.M' V " ? quence fK: r "V"? Vl : , ,i , " : , " yi HiiTwic urniKing, seem to De on the -"ujs " io)ie upiaiire. is alstut to tie organ..,,!. in.-rease in Russia. "Here they ran up against an unex i n si.ieni i.,arnot s son Jraneoin, who A law has been passed by the Reichs- snag. The old boy would give ?!?!': ','?T Ul!H','ar'f.m,"liV,r taa wrtaWishinR a standard time over the nothi"? in the way of a dowry. He oSaiiUT, 'de f V7 . . Support his physical health is Is low the stand n,'e ,T fi" ,,mltt.e1 to the United rd.; the young man will ellppi Crispi, ex-Premier of Dalv. b.ta b..V.n Influ: '-a appeared in a virulent compelled to place his son, Who is in the Z , "T'?111 Anthem Russia, and 21st year of bis age, in a correctional iu- th Ul0rtal't' 18 8t. stitiition at Pisa on account of the rnas- , .! "enty-fiye ships of war of various tery the young man had gained over his 7 H al!e ,low ln l'ourHe of construction conscience in the matter of getting or lne "re,1-'11 government. .in n on ii io icau a last ine. v uuiuv jieroert, liismart'K has con- One of the unfortunates who suffered . ;ntoa lo ruu Ior the Reichstag in the heavy losses bv the failure of the West- interest of the agrarian party. ern '1 rust Company, of which ex-Senator In the Isle of Man there are no death lngalls was President, is E. W. Howe, duties, no income tax and with the ex the Atchison author and editor. His ception of a small duty on beer no excise. .oss Hi.. un; jmniics gain, it jtoverty I During the last twenty hifl wife unaided till her fatW n-ill gave her a Bhare of his estate. The ut most he could be prevailed upon to do was to giva his daughter a wedding present What this would be he stead fastly refused to say just then. On the wedding day, however, his gift to the bride was the deed for a handsome house in a fashionable street, completely fur nished in costly style from top to bottom. me bridal tour had all !h ou arranged. so no stop was made hy the happy pair to examine the new honse. All through the honeymoon they talked of the pleas ure they would have in going over the like the " Story of a Country Tou-n " fudge li. R. Nelson of the Unit..,) States District Court of Minnesota is the only man on the district bench an- I i . t . a. i . -1 . J iiomieu ieiore me civil war. Judge ,M. P. Deadv of Oregon, who died a feu-(lav l i-k (lilt 4.1. St.... X t I I . . .. . ' spurs him on to write another romance fof land in England u. ler' the t loW h; V over"4 per centn0arly2,W'W,0aCreS'Or Great was the delight with which they Two enormous broaches in the banks their new home on their return, of the Yellow river, China, are reported . Ca?? wre velvet-the angingsof io nave occurred, a most unusual phe- ouu "uo lUB lurolture nana carvea, nomenon in winter. tno pictures old masters, the linen of the finest, and eilverplate was everywhere. even in the kitchen. lation now being of that faith. the bride's n.. a ,- The late Dr. Andrew Peabodv accord- Four thousand workinu- neonlo ha, -a I pvos flashy a tkt ng to Dr. Edward Everett Hale was won thrown out of employment in N'ew quench. Every where she looked she wa looking or some accumulated papers 'uth Wales by the stoppage of several LW mSw fi,1." ,o ... m in tl.P Phnn.l.i:. Vll.. . '"".uuuoiu ll.u-aSe. anatching a heavy silver salver from the table, she showed to her husband, en- ago, was the only otherone. Judge Deadv Mohammedanism is largely on the in was a Territorial Judge in Oregon, and crease in the British West African colony on the admission of the State was made oi Sierra Leone, one-tenth of the popu- District Judge. one day when he discovered that he was collieries in the Rhondda Valley. l it) niuk .i i . . - !f40,(HKi riclier than he was the vear be fore. Thereupon he wrote to the Assess- ors of Cambridge, asking those officials to impose a tax on his property accord ingly. Yet nnlmdv ever miaiwu-tn t,n gixxl doctor of insanity. When Calvin Brice was a student in Miami College he was a poor bov, but a fellow of much sturdy indepenehce. At that time Oxford was twelve miles from the nearest railway station, and the jour ney was usually made bv the students in a stage. But the fare was high, and Mr. Brice could not afford to pav it. He irpn- erally walked the distance, therefore, although rich friends offered to provide him with a seat in the stage. The result was sometimes that these friends would accompany him on his tramps. The price of private telenhone in London is very soon to be reduced from 120 a year to 10 a vear. subieet to th condition of a rive years' contract. The Austrian war office has dpoid,vl tn adopt the bullet-proof cloth, one-third ui an nu n iincK, inventea uv iierr Ly ...,! hi, an engineer living in I anS, graved on it minutely but with elaborate detail, the representation of a bar of soap with her father's well known trade mark on it. This queer crest was everywhere about the house, worked into carved The Bohemian fWrol a ,;! t unre, woven in tne linen and nana Soeiety is organizing an internatinnl mg?' m eTe" Painted on the carriage BUSINESS BREVITIES. exhibition of agriculture and food stutfs and "tP6" on the harness which were to be held in Prague from the 14tli to the Presented with the house. It was the win ot May next. oia man s greatest pride, that trademark 1 lie overthrown Kine of Dnhompv hoa and what it stood fnr hut vki.u. addressed an appeal to " all civilized na- had it put on his daughter's thinsra out .h;l iiLSyU'P, y: V-u.18 ?use of shr simplicity of heart or whether """"i id uiiit ui riLMib a.ri(i ins- hA mtandnd -i i , tice, in his struggle with France. ' TZSTZ! UT! ! . i - new iur& J 'unng mn there were 4.651 deser- ITibnue. tions from the British armv. Thpra were 10,803 court-martials and 208.190 A Lord who Drv Water Cart. minor punishments imposed. Th nor,. When Lord nharlea Savannah loads in naval stores trade, eral conduct of the soldiers is improving, tered upon a naval career he was very An imitation silk is made from wnoil Tlmw !, ;.. r- fond of a bit of fnn ivnaeinnoiiTr tw l ' ' 'J ctnuuo uur 1 11 1 i Ulll t! OI I . . v...... u , . I,UJJ'.. building a canal from thn 18 Shown bv the followino i aiis were made by hand previous to Mediterranean, so that the Mediterra- which is told by one of his brother offi- nean trade lor other countries need not cers. While in the officers' mess one nrsi usea oy tne in- carrieu wiiuin range ot tne English day, a discussion arose amomr th vonntr guns atOibraltar. officera to whether any one of them Efiorts are making to reconstruct and would care to ride down the Row at a iiuc hip siispenaea commercial fashionable hour on oaiiK. oi Ausiraua. a new comnanv There is a strong presumption that thousands of the most undesirable class of emigrants are evading the American regulations every month by entering the United States by way of Canada. Since' work has commenced on the World's Fair grounds in Chicago, ten men have been killed outright, eight have died from wounds received while in in service and 010 have been injured. The French Canadians continue com ing over the border in great multitudes. Tnero are nearly as (inany of them and their descendants in'this country as there are in the French Province of Quebec. It is said the amounts naid in dividends by the Carnegie Steel Company for 1802 was reduced from $5,000,000, paid the previous year, to $1,000,000, owing to the Homestead strike and other troubles. During tho last eight months w ,i number European immigrants landed in this country was 210,928, against 300,484 in the corresponding period of the previ ous year a decline of nearly 100,000. General George W. Gordon of Mem phis has introduced in the Tennessee Legislature a memorial from the Con- cupation, i must land tnem. the widow o jeQ-erson Dttvi8 1810 Petroleum was dians. Electric roads have displaced 30.00(1 itorsos. Jarrah is the most nearlv indestrneti. hie wood. -it- , . . . . au,voo,uuu io carry on imeZi, m arebwomin8 more collapsed institution. l- i- i The United States produces 46.000.000 ? , i.., - ' """T tuiuiiur in lonu alio. p , . ; Ti Jl, , n. .... w " ccuw ... vai a, repre- ucago packs and ships over 6,000,000 sentation of the landing made bv the hogs a year. subordinates of Columbus on the "coast ihe lathers of Boston have decided to 01 Venezuela m the year 1498, aemana d a day. The first coal in mining was done i ennsyivania, lm. The cheapest dress Worth will make for a customer costs $150. The people of this country sent 60, 000,000 telegrams in 1892. The United States contain 194,000 square miles of coal fields. There are now over 400 electric roads in operation in this country. The leather-dealing firms in the United States number 48,096. The animal tobacco product of the country is 565,000,000 pounds. Sixty thousand acres of Florida lands are to be cultivated by Swales. The United States produces annuallv 610,0(10 tons of butter and cheese. ' a cart, and "Char- will be formed with a canitat rt,0 .V T "-""" caueu, unaer- 6000 to carry on the fiusineof the TJt L w tmuivuilllV 1J ' f i rxi i r? that he would not do so, and in this bet the ojher officers in the room about seven in number joined. The matter then dronned. A few davs afterward Lord Marcus Beresford was riding down the Row, followed closely by Lord Melville and his brother, when they were suddenly hailed by a man sit ting on a water cart with the salutation. 'Oi, just hand over those fivers." The . a new 1-cent size to our a renre- coast The French government has apologized to Count Muenster. German Ambassa dor, for the detention of the letters written by Herr Kurtz to the German Embassy and Consulate, while he was officers drew up in astonishment which imprisoned on suspicion in Rouen. immediately save nlace to rmonntroli Cliff railways in England crow mnm lans-hterwhpn if GAfin tltnf f1A Jwinn. i i o I . uu jvv u vua it biirj UJ.1 VC .u more oopuuir. yuiion nas opened of the water cart was Lord Charles a remarKaoiy tteen line, eut m a tunne RDf,i j.j i, , , ., iroiu the gorge of tl.e Avon to the sum- rATCiT T- . u 8 u mit of cBfton Rocks. The gradient is S? b7bed thd"verto him to . , uun ., in n mu'h nun rim nTAf." . . i. . X , wmw UIU3 UdU l UO one foot in two feet, and the tunnel 27x is leot paid. London Tit-Bits. Telegraph lines in tho Zambesi Terri tory have but a brief existence accord ing to present experience. Elephants knock them down, the carriers steal the thick lines for mending purposes and A Missouri Supper. In a description of a weddine that re cently took place in northern Missouri the groom was described as heme "dressed in tho Makalala ladies appropriate the fine conventiona,1, black, making a most lovely ffilni.nn...JLL. appearance." The suDDer was "hnth t. a v v iiv.aiit.o Mill uaiiuirpi, I . . . . .... ' a .u. ..,1... . stylish and beautiful, with noddimr Dlumes .lfe - thrExecXe CWitteT ICS K wuv VUU1UJI, going iiuo tae co-operauve DUSiness. Slaverv (!omnanv h i.i j,-:" There are ,oix: than 6,000 lighthouses to wK GS tTaXmtof$0 to direct the navigators of the world. and to offer the Nyassa station to the an"t i roreet tires in this country destroy imperial government, r unds are insuf every year $12,000,000 worth of timber. ncient for the continuance of the new A Dii.-n.m h,i;i,ii,T fifrr oti00 ! enterprise. suggested, but the contract is not yet let. .A" imm'nfe .crowd gathered at the Machmnrv i ,i! on ,at h"6.t.1?nia. Norway, and cent of manufactured products in presents were "valued in the aggregate to A New Sort of Premium. Of novelties in" advertising there Is no end. A Berlin publisher is circulating the following announcement on the cover of one or ins periodicals: conntry. There aro Per cheered as the Viking passed down th ZJ"1 rJ' 8 " 'ce 10 this harW firiniT c.,lt s;v,Q !ti !":" y"." "'u arrangements lam 125,000,000 hens in this alon mav gf a CrU1?e enabled 10 !". t the friends of 'my g the coast, m order that the people magazine purchasing the entire volum? ave a chance to see her, anf early Hvinir niir. about a month. m T In