The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 22, 1893, Image 2

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    'Hood Jiver Slacicr.
aoon ou. .riuLC2, ista
Through tho kimiuc of State Prin
ter linker, wo haxe received a copy f
tllPgcllOol pnsiH'd Iti the klfl NOt-
ion of tho logi.slaiuiv. The act having
Jill emerpsiicy clause went into ett'eet
Feb., --ud. The act is ton lotii: fr u
to publish, but it provide Unit 14x111
the jH'tiUon of ton loal votei of tin'
jifluHil district, the diiwiois sdiall cause
iiutiivH of election to lo ported for :M
tiays, fur the puiposcs uf voting ou the
hroiHipition to bond the district.
J.umlsniay he issued, if voted, in a
Mini not exceeding tlve per cent. ol die
taxable pioperty of the district. The
IhiiuIs must bo issued to tlie civility', who shall sell or t lit. 111
to besjiii, lh.civr-t not to cMved S jier
.rnt, and bonds lo brine not less than
par. Tho bunds aix redeemable after
ten years at tlie option of tho diitrict,
but nbsolutely at tho end of twenty
years, lnieit-tt must he paid as it talis
duo, and a tier ten years, a sinking
fuud must bo provided for sufficient to
pay oil the bonds ut the cud of 20
So much for the law, the question
is thou shall we bond the district and
build, or shall we take chances ou
hiring roouw for additional pit pi la
next term. To our mind there is but
one answer, and that is to put up a
school house sutlicieut for all needs.
Secretary Carlisle has withdrawn the
order requiring all Chinese in this
country, in addition to registering by
May 5, to present photogrnphsof tlieiu
oelves for the purpose of future identi
fication. The furnishing tlie photo
graphs was the objeetionabla feu (u re to
the Chinese, it was also the only feature
that made the law practicable. With
out the photographs, it will bo ns Im
possible to identify any particular
Chinaman as it would be to identify
a particular slwep in a flock. The
Chinese' objection to the photograph
was not ou account of his o'er-wcenlng
modesty, though the pictures would
not take prizes for beauty even at a dog
show, but their objection went deeper
than that. They know that the means
of identification have now been de.
Btroyed, and snap their celestial lingers
at the law. However, if the continued
influx of Chinese which will follow
this ruling serves to hasten the day
when the immigration question will be
given the attention its importance de
mands, it will serve n good purpose.
The Chinese are undesirable, but not
more so than certain other Immigrants
who bring poverty, anarchy and pesti
lence with them.
A strike of the machinists, black
smiths, boiler makers, pattern makers
and moulders took place Monday, the
men quitting work in all Union i'acitie
shops from Omaha to Portland. Home
3000 men are involved ia the strike,
and it will no doubt cause the company
considerable inconvenience. The stri
kers claim the company has acted in
bad faith, in reducing the number of
hours work from 9 to 8 with a corres
ponding reduction in wages. The
other side of the story is that the men
have old sores to rake over, and are
taking advantage of the necessities of
the company in view of the large
travel to the world's fair, to get con
cessions. At Albina 12-1 men quit
. The semi-annual statement of the
county clerk ehows that this county
is now in debt in the sum of f 100.871
out-standing warrants, and about f 10.
000 interest. The county treasurer is
just three years behind in the payment
of county warrants, a call now in the
papers stating that he will pay all
warrants registered prior to May 1st
1&89. Just how the county has gotten
i deeply in debt is hard to say. The
u flairs of the county have no doubt
been conducted honestly, but the debt
indicates that sufficient care has not
been used in watching the expendi
tures. It requires now $8,000 a year to
meet the interest, and this makes the
situation difficult to deal with. It is
evident that only a high rate of taxes,
coupled with tlie utmost economy in
expenditures will serve to et rid of
this burden.
It is stated that Secretary Carlisle is
determined to stop the payment in
gold of treasury notes under the silver
act, unless the brokers of New York
city who are trying to take advantage
of the government's necessities, by forc
ing it to sell bonds, cease their troub
ling. This move would turn the
tables on the money sharks, and it is
thought would cause an inflow of gold
to the treasury.
While iwe are having a backward
spring in Oregon, we ought to accept
the fact cheerfully. As compared with
the eastern states we aro in halcyon
weather. Daily the telegraph announ
ces snow, sleet and cyclone, with de
struction of both life and property.
Oregon Is having pio-nie weather com
pared to tlie country east of us.
WeroiX'ive about 01100 a week, n let
ter from sonic Chicago news agency of
fering to furnish us a weekly letter
tolling our readers nil about the
world's fair, and generally enclosing a
saiupln of what tho Chicago Journal
istic 2iiudtgarten can do in the flowery
I description line. Tho priiv U within
our roach, Mug only oito dollar per
I litter, but instill too high, much too
j high for tho goods. When the ell'ete
I printer's devils of the east, understand
I that us Oivgonian have a big daily,
j all home print, and carrying all the
I latert telegraphic news, we may hope
J to oscapo fiii'ther ell'orls on their part
I to load us up with infantile prattle, as
j thin as soda water and as soul satisfy
I lug us a grilled ttone. The Ort(iiin
f furnishes all we cure to know coneern
!ing the Chicago scheme, and our
I trusty scissors arc as true to the col
j uuin rules as a noodle to tho thimble.
; We clip to the lino, let the credit fall
whero it may, and scorn the assistance
of tho Chicago letter mill.
H.mton has a fanatical society known
ns the Chinese defense league. It is
the purpose of the league to defeat the
I Scary law, and the Chinese lovers are
instructing their wards to refuse to
ooey the law. There Is one grain of
comfort In their fanatical action and
that is, should the law be declared con
stitutional, the Chinese refusing to
register on account of this advice, will
be deportuJ.
lSelgiura has been on the verge of a
revolution for several days, but all
danger is now thought to bo past.
The chamber of deputies, passed n bill
granting universal sull'rage, and it is
thought this concession will tide over
tlie threatened outbreak. Had it be
come nccossasy to call out the militia
It is probable that r ranee and Cer
many would have taken a hand and a
general European war would have fol
lowed. The state of South Carolina will go
Into the saloon business July 1st, a re
cent act of the legislature having pro
vided for the business being taken in
hand by the state, and prohibiting all
private firms or individuals selling
spirituous liquors of any kind. Should
the governor of North Carolina now
make his customary remark, it is prob
able that his neighbor on the south will
consider it the bar Keepers treat.
Georgia has a family for exhibition
at the world's fair, to illustrate the pro
ductiveness of her soil and climate, or
either or both. A family that began
its existence only eleven years ago
now numbers 30 children, triplets being
born every year for ten years.
An English newspaper cpenks of our
first president ns G. Washington.
With equal courtesy the American pa
pers could refer to her royal highness,
as Mrs. Vic. Wet ten.
"World's Fair Travelers Will Have It."
The public demand through service
when traveling, it is old-faubioncd to
change cars. On the through solid
vestibule trains of the Chicago, Union
Pacific Mid Northwestern Line, from
or to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate
points, there is no change. This is the
finest and fastest road.
Keuui-ed Kates.
It is seldom a newspaper gets a
chance to chronicle tlie fact that a
great transportation corporation has
voluntarily reduced its rates, but such
an opportunity comes to us. The Pa
cific Express Company has cut tlie old
rates on berries to Montana points .10
cents a hundred, which means half a
cent a box to the grower. The com
pany will find its liberality well repaid
in increased shipments.
Hens and Dorg.
Two large sized hens, acute brunettes
no brands or ear marks, but affected
with the scratches, have been assisting
the vegetables in our garden to come
up for the past week. If the owner or
owners will call and take them away,
they will prevont them being appoint
ed to the position of chief factors in a
pot-pie. Their heads will come off like
a fourth class post masters, only with
considerable more celerity. We will
add in this connection that a black
hound with rich ha.el spots over his
eyes, jumps over our fence, pads out
his dog-goned inwardness from our slop
bucket and breaks down our rose
bushes. If he is not taken care of
there will bo an item in this paper,
entitled, "There was a Dog."
The floral department of State Hor
ticultural Society la to hold a floral
exhibit at Portland June loth, at which
time something over $200.00 in prizes
are ollered for displays and collections
of flowers and plants, and a prize med
al to tho child who writes the best
essay on flowers. The premium list is
being revised, consequently it will not
be published until later, but it has
been suggested "why not get some boy
or girl in.our public school to carry off
the medal for best essay on flowers,;
and why could not a flower festival be
held here immediately before the one
at Portland, and make up a collection
at that time of either pressed or fresh
flowers to compete for the J15.00 priie
or perhaps for the best county display,
prize $50.00." Multnomah county is
cut out of competing for the prize. . More
particulars will be published later. I
Tlie Evolution of ( 'nllfornhm Literature.
It Is to difficult tii niialyc the dun 111
of tho host i'tilifornlan litcrat'iiv, hut
of Its existence there 0:111 be no dmiM. i
Something it possesses of that nutland-!
ish quality which marks the Anglo-j
Indian literature that tlnd-i Its best 1 v-1
pression 111 KUiliny's stm ies: but It his!
more than more strangeness of name'
and of seeiiiv to recommend it. No
alien woo pervade it, as the Hindoo j
pervades Kiplin;;'n romances. Tlie
Anglo-Saxon is dominant here, bti he!
has sulli-icd a sea change in his voyag
i;ig to this coast. 1 to iii Invader in his.
views than his Eastern brother; he has;
more hearty sympathies takiv. greater;
risks, recovers more specdilv from !
... . . ' 1
crushing (allure, beheves !i s 111 name
and family and blood and Car more In
Individual stamina and character. He
is a curious combination ef oiqnlug
traits, and upon him tho Indian anil
Spaiiish-Americin have both had their
influence. With hisdariu;; U mingled
much of the superstition of tho savage, !
and lot ween rivals of intense activity
he knows how to enjoy that complete,
Idleness which the California sun !
makes so full of recuperative intlueiiei . '
To deserilic tlu life of tlie earlv Argo-1
naut, who revealed his passions as peo
ple -uncover their inner nature on shin-1
board, roijiiiivs n certain sympathy I
with lawless character, and an inti-i
mate acquaintance w ith a life that
never has had a.'paralK I In thiscoun-l
try or any other; hut it is uot so dif-j
tieult as to paint accurately the life
that succeeded the gold-hunting period,
with its newly enriched mlllionaries j
und Its peculiar grafting of tho ivllne-j
ments of an old civilization upon the!
vigorous, unrestrained Ci.llftrnian. -;
May (t!ifrniiui. j
This charming magazine is without j
doubt the peer of any in the United
States. IVvoicd as it is to Pacific 'oast
subjects it should be a visitor in every'
Not tlie C.iiigar.
Report reached town last week that;
the big cougar that haunts the Indian '
creek and adjacent country across!
Hood river had boon seen near M. V. i
Hand's place. M. 1'. Watson took Ids!
hounds out to give it a chase, aeeoin-
: panied by several of our citiens. The j
dogs wore put on the trail where the
; brute was seen, und soon had him
hunting the tops of the hills. As it
; made a fast run for over three miles,
land the dogs finally abandoned it,
I Mr. Watson is of the opinion that in
I stead of a cougar it was either a w olf or
Out or Sight.
The traveling public aro now fully
alive to the fact that the Chicago, Union
l'acitlcand Northwestern line oilers
the very best accommodations to the
public from and to Chicago, Omaha
and intermediate points, not only du
ring the world's fair, but all the year
lYaiilifoii Notes.
Mrs. II. A. Pratt is again quite ill.
Whooping cough, or something like
it, is epidemic in this neighborhood,
and as a consequence the attendance at
school is diminished.
Arbor day was appropriately cele
brated by our school. The parents of
the scholars gathered at the school
house to witness tho programme, and
the pupil acquitted themselves well in
their recitations, readings, etc. Mr.
Andrews read the law of tho state es
tablishing Arbor day. The tree plant
ed was named Columbus by a vote of
the school.
Supervisor Prather, w ith his band of
road workers, put in some good work
this week on the roads in this vicinity.
Mr. I .ec Andrews, a brother of Mr.
II. S. Andrews, arrived here last week
from North Carolina. Ho expects to
make his homo here for aw hile with
his brother.
Miss Edith Potter arrived home last
week from Ileppner and is attending
Mel. Foley, with tlie assistance of bin
dog and traps, has captured twenty
digger squirrels this spring. Dogs ami
boys are very useful in harvesting the
digger crop.
Tom Wickens procured of a neighbor
his supply of sweet corn for seed, on his
way to town one day last week. Wlillo
his team was hitched in town, tlie band
of loose horses that get their living out
of farmers' wagons seemed to enjoy the
corn and ate it all.
Mr. Warren's family, who have had
a siege of sickness for the past six
weeks, aro all getting better.
Frank and Will Rogers are building
a house on Mr. Scott Uoorman's place,
which they will occupy this summer ds
a residence.
Ebeu lioorman presented his school
mate, Willie Warren, with a full-rigged
miniature ship, made by himself. Tho
present was mado whilo Willie lay sick
and was placed on a table at tlie foot of
his bed. The ship is under full sail,
with captain and sailors, whittled from
blocks of wood, on deck. The gift was
highly appreciated by the sick boy.
The work shows considerable knowl
edge of a ship for a boy who has never
seen one.
Some forward strawberry plants are
in bloom, farmers are planting pota
toes, grass is growing, tlie swallows
have returned, turnip tops are fit lor
greens, and other signs of spring aro at
hand. Sanciio.
Will ninlie llir spi Inn fi'iiMou if iso't, nl em
vi'itli'iit I'Iiutm tluMtifcliiml llix valley unit
W lOli' .Milium! W ' I iiu I tn . 'nine itnit pliteo
ul'Jiv( In niliirn 11 1'l'oHi 1 11 ion I r.
PcMTljithm ami lYiliurcc.
"M LliiluhlH H ciuil lilit.-lt lliunlili 'toitlmi, fi
i'in olil; IS Imtiml; Meliilil Hill miui'L, ullv.t
Miiiw'n lliimlilrtonliiii; tliitn, il 'nppi'f
I'ulloni nuue. "M lilulr.lit" Is 11 (."'"I illion.
I toni'.l lmi-e, a to''V h Ivi'i' iinil iiilli'H Irot
ler tor it lini nl hl sis",
"M linSklilV ,-i' Ini lio will le for ullitsle-s.-i-v
,v, line nl linn- of mtvIiv, or Jl.'i fur I lie
sivi'im. lrnni liivnllnil ' y lnulo set v lee
mul tiiiiii' l.illlii'. in ,'iilrli, e.'iit Imvil i I he
Mil-hi liy II11' ii'lililliinnl lili'iil of S.i. Mi'ii
mm in I'lusi' ,lul l.i, I sU,
I'ur li'i nis mill ntlu i' hiloriiiiitli'ii ni'l.v In,
,. I,. I'll I I, IN,
l'l!li' lit tlie 1 1 niut liUor I'liat iniii'V.
The Kiu:tlsh m;rli'iiliuiiil I'lrss t-mi 1 ptii 1 ti of
tin' si-iiiil Mipi'ly nl liiii,i s ul line iirlliHi, of 11
imu' el 10 lo I;' mill's mi hour, nhlrlt eiui In'
I'lil In a spin I, w llli, ml i'.KIi i'ss, to ,i iiilli ii,
ami of I lie si.-!' of 11 1 1 llli' lilii'n i lo a II U In nver
!i IhiiiiIm Horses l,'i li-.iuls lil,:h, or
slihlty over, ure iilniiiiliiiit, mill tin not lirlnt; so lui;h 11 i li'cas Hiiim l sti'iU'lm: enrs a
lire lio ;er, thai ill'lve well up lo Ihe Int. Now
line Is a prolllnlile market Im- Ihe lilspn.lMnii
nl Ihe v I of mil' hii'i'.e slit il lu'ltlm: siMlmiis,
oil! ol Well hreil loolliy iiiuii'h. TIli'Mi lust
must he ofeou.lili'riililii siihslinii e, its well n.
fhe slallion, In onli'i' o uisiiie vv 1 I j: 1 1 1 In I lie
pi'mluiv. t 'lii.llsll e:o Tillies hiv i;enri ally lar
piaMil heavier than A iiierieaii ours; mi. I
linn i vi r powei till a hoise of iiuuleialK hI
limy he, II I not laslilouiihl lo put lilm lo III
family carriiiKi', as he ueak when ut
laeheil to il, niut an hin-IUhnmii i-aiimit
lieiir; lie Hauls t'Veiylliliin lo apptmr sIioiik
ami poworlul us lie mows uloiii!. A few
hol ies 17 liainls IiIrIi, If in Hue style, 11 ml of
liePiaphl action, Ntoilhl lu'lnn u Mill higher
pi Ice; In fact, ahout us tiuiclt money an tlielr
exporter ooithl lennoiiiihly ask for Ihrm.
There Is no rlsli la tinfilliiu loo luatiy of rlllier
of llin ahtivfl i'Iiihsi's; unit nt he to rail the
atttnllon of enr horscmon particularly to
their ptoitiiction, nut only for the present, hut
for it luMiu time.
Vol Nii ;KM I.
Is a ihipple i'.iviv, l.'i1.. luinils hkh, eli;hs
J 'jo p. inn. i-., I iiii-,-''i.iilei s Niiruiiu, ,1 liars
nl, I oil .Via "Hi, Is: 1, l- live U'olil all hlelll
she. tout tiis 'iim'. ami Is a lliw tlralt hors,-,
uenlle aim U,ml, a t""4 liavele'', ami Is
ou licit h.
.im in swiiNV, nl' in a in it! vi :k. tut.
.Mr. Sa erny will at! I nl the follow Inn
places ih.rn:;: the prcsi iil sue season; Al Mi.
Joe 1'urser s, .Vniiil,i miiI I'la-itat ol each
weeU. Al Most, r, 1'ilihiv ami Miluiihiy o
u-li c!;. 1 ! in-; l-'iu' nimble service, pay
lllile In cash J.i. IM. lly the s.-nvt!!, piliuhle al
einl ol same, sii.ii. ',i Uimu'i', p.iyahle lieu
.a I c 1 - 1 1. 1 1' ' i 1 1 , -1 1 1 1 1. Innis' nl I. nunc, scr-
ice the l"l!'iu lai; si .1.011 grails.
I.aii'l 1 iltlec ut Tin- liallcsur. March II, Is'.i.l.
Nollce Is lii'ichv tiUeu that tl loilunlni!
namcil si ti Icr has II a il initio of 1 1 is intent loll
to inaUc llual prool In sapmii of his claim,
ami Inal salil proof Mill he maile hi Mi,- Hie
Itcsiisli-r ami li.veiicr I', s. I., it. al Tlie Kullcs
Ki. im .May 11, Isa !, v 1.:
I.iiamh r I'.vaiis.
Ilomcstcii'! vpplieal ion No. :-'i7i! for the s'a
11 e 1, ami s 'a 11 w '4 s. c ; Tp ; u r -J e v in.
He names the follou lm; wllm ssi s lo prove
His ciiiiiiuiioiis r -Mileiicc iiiii ami cultiva
tion 01. sanl l.oul vl.: Aiims Idiot, , lames
Klliott, William Johnson, all of MuMer Kr.,
11. .McNeil, of The 1 utiles nri-unli.
inclil.'iapl.''.' Joil. V I.I.W is, i;c.;ls. r.
I. aml Ollleo at Vuiicotiv i r, ash, A pi. .'I, Is!".
Notice Is hclehy jflvt'll Unit the follolllllK-
nameil set I Icr hai, tiicil not ice o In i Ihli ul Inn
lo malic llual pnsil In -iipport ol his claim,
aii'l I uat siihl proof I!J he maile heloie llm
Clerk of the Miperlor Court of Moiniaiiln
t 'utility Washliii.-tiin, at Lower Cascaihs,
WiLshiliKloii on .May in, I -si1. 1, viz:
Joseph I-'. Mona':lian,
II. K. im. fort lies. N.I-;.',; N. V. ',', S.
!;. 1 ,, niul lots :t ami I mt, l':i, 'I p. S. N. it. s K.
lie liaiilc.s I lie oliiwilu w It llesses to prov e
his coitl unions r.-siilcnci- upon ami iiililva
turn ol, sun! hiinl. vl,: Amliew Ziuclier, I'rnl
.urchcr. A.ti. 'I acker, osirnn Miller, all ol
Nelson, Skamaina eniiut v . l ii'
iips-imi !.l Joll.v i. I iKmillK'i.v.N, Ki i;lster.
Liinil Olllce at Vancouver, Wash. April 1.1, ls!i.'!.
Notice Is lierchy u'lvi n that the lollowlnc
llltnicil s-iller has till il notice of his llitenlloll
10 make ri mi 1 commntitllon proof In support
of his claim, ami that sal-1 proof will he maile
la fori-(In; l'.et'lster ami Iteeclverof Ihe U. M.
1. ami illicit nl Vancouver, W ash., on June
Snl ISM, v iz: ''
Alherliis H. Kuril.
II. i:. No. KT! I lor the w '., n v i and w s
iv ', si o u'l Tji '! n rllr w u'i.
He iiiiines th foliowim; witnesses to prove
his eoiiliniioiis iv-iilcncf iliion ami eulllva
tlnii of saiil html viz; Al II. Jewel I , Kraut Is W,
I'.uriloin, ('has K. I'atterson, Jno. !,. .Morris,
all of hlleH.'ilinon Wash.
npt-Jmayj,' John Ii. Okooiimajj. ItcKlster.
I. aii(f(illlciat,!'lie;iiilh'S Kr. April, 17, 1M!IH.
Notice Ik herehy (jlven thai the followini;-
ni'lucil settler has liieil iiolice of his Intention
to make llmtl proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will he made liel'ore the
ICi Kisler and llccciver V. ,N. l, Thw Imlles
Kr. on .May a), ls!!J, viz:
(iowyje I'i-Ici-siii,
II. A. No. 1121 for the K w i of see 21, Tp 2 II r
11 e w in.
He names Ihe followlm; witnesses to provn
Ills conl unions risiileiiee upon ami cultiva
tion ol nnid hind viz: S. K. Kisher, Chiirles
Cramer, i ieirt;i. Ireland, Michael ItU-liteiiinll-Icr,
all of .Moslor (rc):on.
iHi22-iny2i John V. I.r.wis, IteUter.
Kst.ihlisheit IK).
Wholesale dealers In fruits
and vegetables of all kinds.
Helena Montana.
I.umlOlliei; ut Vancouver wnsh. .Miireh,lfl,lK!i:,
To Ciiliunhiin Jowett and nil whom It may
Notice Im herehy ffiven Unit the following,
muni'il settler hus filed nol ice of Ills intent Ion
to miik-i! Ilnul proof In Kitiiort. of
his clnim, nml Unit, mild jiroof will ho maile
before the Register und Hccclvcr U. s. l.und
Olllce ut Viincimver M'ush. on May
i lull:!, viz:
Stlclicn .lohnsiin.
Widow of Huiiatitti(dlcli Jolmson, deceased.
II. K., No. f"17 for the s e yA sec IN Tji 1 n r II e
w III.
She niiinuM the following witnesses lo prov-n
her coutiniioiis residence upon und cultivn
tion of, mid hind, viz: Isabel Monmn,
Joseph Moruun, llli; Joe 1 1 ml Inn,) John Slonlie
( I ml urn,) nil of White Salmon Klieltititt Co.,
inch'iil John I). Okoiuiko.w, UcKister.
j i ! r .
Vall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
A hirtfu mipply of, and En'tiwvr lit lo soil
Colobratud linulil txdorn ami link-d Ik.hIs.
Uiidoy-fcaJdjizfj; a Sj5GciaU-y
Prepared to furnish at once, a line el:i-s of niiUii", also n cheap grade
hill neat lillil silli'.lalitlal.
as m
.io:'.i;i:i:s and i:i:taii.i:i:s in
Corner of Snrond innd I'odnral StriHils.
I'l i.i'iiit rr.n
Acorn and Charter Oak
V. I
Stovos and !.uii;os,
4uns( Amtiiiiiilllnii nml Sinrlhnr Cinuls
Iron, Coat,
Illaektiuiith Suppliex,
Winoninnkei'ii Mutei In 1,
6wr 1 ip,
rumpt and Pplx,1
Plumbing Supplies.
"a7"IE . -4.,"r IEZ3 1" Jz2 O L J-J IHj i J
That thirty dnvs If as limn as vie can eieillt panls, und Mould rfti4'etfully
reillest our patronu to uvel ll I helil-i'lvi s iieeiirdilily.
Prescriptions and
Private Formula
And a Comploto Lino of -
Houco Builder's GgccIs. Sr.sli
and Doers, Mouldings,
Brackets anil fcoi Turuinas.
Limo. Plaster and Latli Ceil-
inj, Rustic and Flocrino".
Coffixic 6& Caclets-
Ilavoon hand a full mipply of Kruit, Hhado and Ornainental trvs's; grap
vitiGO, mnail fniitn, HoHCHitud Shrubbery.
lie Hiiro to get our priccH beloro piirehaiiineisewhero.
Ivcnieniher our trecH arc grown Hlrictiy without Irrii'atlon.
K. if. Stanton, Local Aj;ent.
faHm f"p rv "jii ny" rjvjire imtwi nyrc s-mrtj fm
mum m&maiimiJmwml BinJ aJ w&a vinWtliiii&jBlvj9
Choicest Meats, Ham,
Bacon, lard, Game,
Poultry, Alco Dealers in
Corner of Oak and Fourth Strccln, ... - Hood 1 liver. Oregon,
rt.Wt.vDk iWBTk
i' r ii i. ia
Studebakcr ,z
m rl-'
ami Slowrri.
Ai.lNIS nut
Ilclisll, Lewis & Staver
Cotiiiiin)N Afiilciiltiirul ImplcracuU
mi l jlarlilimrr.
! A PPPT'l pIij PnmTU
! m 1 4