iver Glacier. VOL. 1. HOOD UIVKIt, ORKGON, SATURDAY. APRIL 22, 181)3. NO. 47. The Hooc B 3food Iiver Slacier. riUl.l.Mtll CVtlir DATUHDAT MORNIM) BT Tho Glacier Publishing Company. m u( itirnoN I'liict On. r Or Nl MKIIllht ,, or Tlir. id ji i tii . ... , , fci ttiifcl. iiijr , t C.nU THE GLACIER Barber Shop Grant Evans, Propr. floi'uml Si., iimr Oak. llunil Uler, Or. ruiavhig mul lluir cutting iirntly dun. Sill it fact inn (iiaiuiilueil. OCCIDKXTAL NKWS. Shipments of Oranges From llivrrsiilc, Cal. AN I MM F.NSF, CANAL PKO.IF.CT. Dilllnilty With tin- Ciiiuii Sailors ut Sit it 1'rilro I'tiscUli'tl-ltoiriH Chinese Ci'llllli'titi'S. An armory w ill probahlv Im liuitt fur till' (irilllt's I'll" lllilitiit tllis summer. Tin discovery has just Imvii made in Oregon that tin' Chinese iIii'iimiiiI feeds uii wiM OIltH. Tlu' li'iiur dealers at ls Angeles pro jmihi' to light tin' high license ordinances to t ho bitter end. In tin- election ut .lliiiiiifr'iii', N. M., every I li'luoi -rut if aiididatc, from tn to Ulttlllll III tllf I if lift, WUN cltS'tcd t'XCfpt one ,-f liool I iri'f tur. Tin' first through stage from Yost-mile Viilli-v ha reached Wawona. Tin ac cumulating snow in thf high Sierra guar antees lint waterfalls t ! i i m Miiiiuifr. Suit uplink thf Soiithfrn I'lifilii' has liii'ii instituted at San lieriiardino fur $1(I,(HK) by tin- brothers of Sainiifl Foley, who mum run ovrr and killfil u few weeks ago. Jiilcy ILiintiicslcy, a prospector in Jo sephine county, Or., has htriifk a two foot ipiart. ledge on Jump-oil' Joe cree k, nix t v jhiuikU of which has produced 25. Thf rancher in Ixiwe r California op pose tin.' five admission of llnur into Mexico. The growing of i iri'in l.-t ulTn on thf peninsula lias hffii iiiHtitutfil on a large wall' . tioviTiior Murphy Iiiih exercised thf Vfto power thrff times during the pres fiit term of thf Arizona legislature, ami in each case tho hill has Iitii passed ovf r his hfiiil. Thf tlillifulty with thf union sailors at San Pedro in unsettled, ow inn to 'I'1' "P" position to thf I'Xfcution of warrants by a Justice, who favors tho cause of t hi striking seamen. Shipnif nts of oranges from Pivcrside arc now la-ing pushed vigorously. Up to date over WO carloads have been shipped, and it in estimated that 1,(HUI carloads ri'iiiain to hf sent Fast. Thf Bradslrce t nifrfiintilf agency re ports sixteen failures in thf l'aeilif I oast States ami Territories for thf past week, as foinpart'd with ton for thf pivvioiiH week and thirteen for tin- corresponding week in 1W2. James Mflntosli of Coos KiviT, Or., having satislicd himself that he would eventually die of eonsimiption, placed a rille to his hfad, toiu hL'il th triniT with a stick and Mew out his brains. Ho was well oil' I'maneially. A strict surveillance of all visitors to tho various hanks at I-os Angeles is now maintained, and all who carry satelv's liavL' hff n especially wrulini.od. This in owing to letters received hy the lianlc ith threateiiing to blow them up with ilynamito unless they sent money in a certain way to tho purlieu demanding it. A telegram luw hoen received by Col lector Unborn from the Treasury Depart ment, not only grunting permission to tho County (f Antrim to discharge at Santa Monica, but extending the privi lege to all vessels containing bulky goods, under the. provisions of Suction -!, Act of CongresH approved Juno 2(i, 1881. Tho people are much pleased at tho fact that they now have an open port. Tho Southern Pacille. has decided to at onco begin the construction of its lino north from Santa Monica to Montalvo, on tho branch from Saugua to Santa lJarbara. Thus when tho line now being built from tho latter place to San Fran cisco is completed the company will have a through road to the Golden Unto, un paralled for beauty of scenery, freedom iroin heat and dust and shorter than the present route by several hours. A real California lion, measuring bo tween five and nix feet, is declared to have taken up his quarters within the domains of some of tho residents who comprise tho hamlet of lioss Valley. It is stated that ho has been oncountored by Will Kittle, Captain Urifliths and Bcveral others. Since tho new visitor has made his appearanco outdoor enjoy ment after sunset has in general been discontinued throughout the entiro val ley. A reward of 1(50 has been offered for te aqimal, dead or alive. FIIOM WASHINGTON CITY. Ten Tliipiisiiiid ( lilne-te AHni's Leave Nliuiilfhul on Their Way to Hie World's Fair. Secretary Smith has directed the re moval of t i en I s -live pension examiner IliilV ill the lield, It is said the pnlilii H of the examiner was not considered, ami that the only iiiehtiou taken into ac count was that of prolic ic ncy, The State I i partmcnt has been in formed that the owner of t lie coih ch siou for building a railroad from the City of Mexico to the I'acilie Coavt have dfpoMiled ipi.OOII in IhiIhIm with the Na tional Treasury as required under the terms of the i olieef.-ioli. 'I he builders of the road are to receive a subsidy of lL'.lNH! it mile. Asa rcHiill of t he eoiil roveivv between Murk W. Harrington, chief of the weather bureau, and .1. 11. McLaughlin, chief of the executive division of the bureau, Mr. 1 larriiiglon has ih maiided of Secretary Morton an iiumcihaie and full investigation of the adiiiini-tnition of the bureau. McLaughlin was sus pended by 1 1. irringloii fur inMilioi'Iiiia tioii and ri cummendcd to the Se( n tarv for diMnisMil. McLaughlin r . -j " n 1. 1. . I bv tiling charges of corruption against Harrington. An investigation by the management of tho bureau will be made at once. The I'liited Slates has taken vigorous action in regard to 1 1 ullages on American citizens at Maisovan in the Turkish dominions and the violations of the mails of the I'liited States legation. Secretary liresham has cabled to Minis. !cr Thompson at ( 'ontaiit inople a st rung expression of the President 's V iew s on the outrages and demanding not onlv prompt reparation fur the burned senu' iiarv, hut the puni-hiiii lit of all parties guilty in the matter. The Mini-ter is to act promptly and adwse the department by cable, No elliu t is lo be relaxed ill securing the legal rights of our citizens in Turkey. Secretary Carlisle has received from l .dw ill Walker, Chairman of the Com mittee on Legislation of the World's Co lumbian Imposition, a letter raising certain iplestioiis in regard to the sundry civil act, in which is included the appro priation fur the World's Fair. He asks especially for the construction of the Congressional action authorizing the coinage o the J.,iMiii,tioi souvenir lialf- loil.us for the benelit of the fair and ifterwards passing an act declaring the exposition inii-t furnish security for (In payment of fi7ii,sso appropriated for awards, etc. The directors of the expo sition are in doubt as to how to construe these acts. Secretary Carlisle referred the ipleslion to the Attorney- ieueral for decision. United States Consul Seymour at Can ton, China, has cabled the State Depart ment that 111,000 Chinese actors, etc., belonging to rival companies, have left Shanghai for the 1'nited States to visit the World's Fair, where they will land at Vancouver, Taeoma, Portland, ian Francisco and other places. In accord ance w ith this informal ion Assistant Secretary Spaulding of the Treasury De partment ha telegraphed the customs olliecrs on the I'acilie Coast and North ern frontier to exercise the closest scru tiny that none but liona-lidc exhibitors or employes whose services are required by the exhibitors at thf World's Fair Exposition hf permitted to enter this country. This exemption as to the Chi nese exclusion act in favor of exhibitors, etc., was made by Congress to cover just such cases as this. Chief-Justice Fuller has announced the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of the Northern I'acilie against Charles Walker, County Auditor, et al., from the Court of Appeals for the Kighth Circuit. The railway company in IS',10 began suits against the Auditors of twelve counties in .North Dakota for injunctions to re strain them from assessing taxes against certain lands, the title to vvhioh vests in the county. The Chief Justice stated the amount involved in any one county was not siillieicnt to give the Circuit Court jurisdiction, and indeed the rec ords show that the total amount in the twelve counties is not sullicient. The judgment of the Circuit Court was there fore reversed and tho cases remanded for further proceedings. No disposal was made, the Chief Justice explained, for the reason that by the time the cases are returned the amount involved may be sullicient, in some one of the counties, to give the court jurisdiction, but it can not obtain jurisdiction, he said, by com bining the amounts of issue in two or a dozen counties. The Assistant Secretary of State has been directed by Secretary (in-sham to examine more thoroughly than has been customary into the personnel of the State Department, with the view, it is understood, of determining the fitness of the employes for the positions held by them. It is reported, and on good au thority, that tradition and precedent will not obtain in the State Department during tho incumbency of Secretary (ireshain, and that there will be less rod tape and greater dispatch of business hereafter. Secretary lloke Smith has already begun to carrv into ell'ect his policy of dispensing with tho services of all incompetent clorkH in his depart incut, or those appointed purely for political reasons. Under tho direction of Chief Clerk Wardle, tho individual record of the clerical forco of t he census office is being thoroughly examined, and all the clerks found to he delicient will be dis missed. It is Secretary Smith's belief that tho work of the census should be completed by the end of tho calendar year without asking an additional appro priation from Congress, but to do this lie is convinced there must be not only economy in expenditures, but each em ploye must do good and etlicient work. It is understood, also, the clerical force of the general land otlico will soon un dergo tho process of renovation, after w hich some attention will be given the pension and other bureaus, with a view of putting them on a itrictly business bauds. KASTKRN MKLAXfJK. The riirrolifc Strip Will Not lx' Opi iinl I'ct'oH' July. till: WKF.CK OF A (it'NUOAT. Wheat Crop Prospects in Southern Illiiinis-Uriive of (ieueral Hancock Unmarked. The Michigan World's Fair J Soar I will make tin exhibition of its newspaper. The grave of ( ieueral Wililield Scott Hancock in Norristown, Pa., is yet un marked. The building of electric roa Is in Ohio is said to be "developing the proportions of a craze." The Colorado Senate has parsed the llailroad Commission bill over the iov ( rnor's veto. It. will require fortv cars to carry krupii's exhibit for tlie World's Fair from lt.illiiuore to Chicago. A great How of natural gas has been truck at Cherry vale, Kan., and the cit izens are expecting a Issmi. Secretary of the Interior Smith does not expect the Cherokee Strip to lx; open to settlement before July 1 next. Lev. Dr. Parkhurst of New York has organized a corps whose business it will be to sye that all local laws are obeyed. The legislatures of New York, Con necticut and several Western States un making ell'orts to suppress the jool rooms. , lieports from Southern Illinois an nounce that the prospects for a good wheat crop this season are most promis ing. Lands which were selling two years ago in the Ped Liver Valley, N. D., for 1 to ill! an acre now bring double those ligures. The capital of the lumber trust, which seems destined to control the Limber business of this country, is understood to be :;l',ikh),imio. .lav (iould's children are aliout to build a church to their father's memory at Loxbury, Delaware county, N. Y., the place where he was born. Mrs. Jane L. Fow le of Dcdhain, Mass., has been awarded -t50 by a lioston jury against a dentist who extracted a sound tooth instead of a decayed one. The new regulations for the govern ment of the navy provide, among other things, that naval olliecrs shall not act as corrcsMndciits for newspapers. The Chicago packing linn, which started thirty years ago in a little butcher-shop with one wagon, increased its capital stock last week to f l."),000,000. I'.videiiee has been secured of whole sale registration frauds in Chicago. Of :M,-r00 names added to the list 5,000 and jMissibly 8,000 are said to be fraudulent. It is reported from (iuthrie, 0. T., that hundreds of Texas cattle are being unloaded at Ponca in the Cherokee Strip to graze, and waiting settlers are indig nant. The Massachusetts Senate has 24 toll passed a bill providing for the submis sion to the people of a constitutional amendment establishing biennial elec tions. According to the report of the Auditor of Virginia the negroes of that State pay taxes on real estate valued at $ S,4"J5,tiS" and on personal property valued at $.'!, :ML7.I5I. The w reck of a gunboat which was sunk during the late war, and which lies in the regular channel near the Cape Fear bar in North Carolina, will soon be removed. The large petrified snake, claimed to have been unearthed in Colorado some time ago, turns out to be a fossilized p.ilm tree which grew in that State be lore the climate changed. The three vessels of the United States and Brazil Steamship Company were sold at auction at New York. The Alli ance sold for if 8:5,000 ; Virginia, $81,000, and the Advance, $1)4,000. The petition for the rehearing of the celebrated Chicago lake-front cases was overruled by the Supreme Court of the United States, but a second petition will be tiled if opportunity oilers. Philadelphia members of the Sons of the devolution arc about to start a move ment against the removal of Liberty Hell and the original Declaration of In dependence to the World's Fair. A brakeman on the Central Railroad of New Jersey has obtained a verdict against the company for $25,000 for the loss of a leg which was crushed by some cars "cut loose in violation of tho rules." The Wisconsin Legislature has adopted a me niorial to Congress asking a sub mission of an amendment to the FVderal Constitution providing for the election of the United States Senators by a popu lar vote. At West Union, la., there was a battle between the farmers and railroad men over the erection of a warehouse. Seven or eight were severely injured, and one will die. Tho railroad won the point in contention. According to the Baltimore News the new city directors indicates an increase of population for Baltimore during the past year of 36,000. The gain is attrib uted largely to the growth of manufac turing interests in the city and suburbs. Senator Eoaeh of North Dakota, whose record Mr. Hoar wants to have investigated, is accussed of embezzling a large amount of money from a national bank in Washington, of which he was an officer nearly if not quite twenty years ago. I'l UKLY I'F.RSONAL. The gold medal which the Queen has given to diehard M. 1 1 unt , the architect, is the first of the kind ever received by an American. Herbert spencer begun his literary ca reer in t In- coliim ns of the Independent and Nonconformist at the age of lb; wrote first on the "Proper Sphere of iov cnimeiits." Tin- younger Dumas has given up smoking, l or the last five years he has confined hiinrelf to cigarettes, but even these, he thinks, retard in-tead of stim ulating his mental processes. M. Munkacsky is ut work in bis Neu illy studio on a picture of such dimen sions that the canvas has to lx; raised and lowered by a machine made for that ursise. H is V, feet high and 45 feet wide. Prof. Martin Kellogg of the University of California has been granted the hon orary degree of LL.D., by the Yale cor poration at a special meeting. Prof, Kellogg is a graduate of Yale in the class of Ih-Vi. A visitor to Marshal MeMahon says that the Mar-hal is still a great sports man, lie starts out w ith gun at (i in the morning, and walks twelve or fifteen miles a day. His hand is lirm and his aim sure. The An hbishop of York has an nounced to his archdeacons that he will contribute 5,oiiii a year one-tenth of his gro-s stipend to 'the fund formed to incn ase the income of the jioore.-jt bene fices of the di'M ese. iovernor Northeri of Georgia has an nounced that In- will be in the race for enator Colquitt's seat next year. It seems lo be taken for granted that Mr. Colquitt will not seek re-election on ac count of poor health. Thomas Allen, w ho served under Wel lington in the war with Napoleon and under leneral Scott in the Mexican war, and who enlisted at the age of "2 for service in the civil war, is still alive at the age of lo;t years in Tyler count v, W. Va. Mrs. V. S. Grant will spend the sum mer at Highlands Falls. A suite of rooms overlooking the Hudson has Iteen engaged for her, and is now receiving a thorough overhauling. The neighiwr h')od ot West Point has a strong fascina tion for the widow of the great soldier. The Princess Ldward of Saxe-Weimar, the I Michess of Leinster, the Marchioness of Imdondcrrv, the Countess Spencer, Lady Carew and the Countess of Shrews berry are among the ladies who have promised to preside at stalls at the dis play of the Irish exhibits for the Chi cago World's Fair, which is to be held on March it and 4 at Mr. Astor's house in Carlton House Terrace. Sir Andrew Barclay Walker, who died recently at Gateacre near Liverpool, was one of the richest commoners in Eng land, and was widely known in connec tion with the famous art gallery at Liv erpool, w hich bears his name. " He was a brewer and public-house owner, be came largely interested in mines, and had an income of 1250,000 a year. The cost of the Walker art gallery" was about 40.800. He gave 20,000 to University College, Liverpool, and tens of thousands in other directions. EDUCATIONAL BREVITIES. A $200,000 building is to be erected for the New York Teachers' College. The golden rod has been adopted as the tlowerof the Chicago University. It is stated that 204 of the 3(55 colleges in the United States are coeducational. Of the students graduated at Yale University since 1701, 7,520 are dead and 7,820 living. The United States have 18,812,7(5(5 per sons of school age, of whom 13,010,130 are enrolled in school. The cost of maintainingCirard College last year was $440,052. The Girard fund now amounts to $13,28(5,238. Hy the terms of the charter of the University of Virginia tuition is free to students residing in that State. Harvard University has 2S)4 teachers and 2,!Uili scholars an increase over last year of forty-one teachers and 308 schol ars. Over 2,000 schools in Pennsylvania outside of Philadelphia are already sup plied by the respective boards with free text books. There are in the United States some 15,500 women in colleges and graduates of colleges who are members of Greek let ter fraternities. Yale University's faculty has set its face against gambling among the stu dents; so there is a possibility that even football will have to be played simply for fun. Since 1755 Harvard has tilled high places in the government as follows: Two Presidents, two Vice-Presidents, fifteen Cabinet officers and thirty Minis ters Plenipotentiary. Gossip has it that Queen Victoria will leave the bulk of her wealth, estimated at $25,000,000, to the Duke of Connaught and Princess Beatrice, leaving the Prince of Wales out in the cold. Three of the building-society swindlers of London who robbed poor people of some millions of dollars of their savings, have been sentenced to penal servitude two for twelve years each and one for five years. There are twenty-four freezing estab lishments in New Zealand, with a ca pacity not far short of 4,000,000 sheep a year. Nearly all the frozen meat ex ported from New Zealand and Australia goes to England. Last year witnessed the construction of 179 sehoolhouses in Kansas at a cost of $151,620. There are in the State 9,113 organized school districts, and a school population of 408,801. There were 4,S7(5 students at the Uni versity of Berlin last winter, the largest number in the history of the institution. This is about 2,000 more than were in attendance at Harvard, FOREIGN FLASHES. Jinrikshas Gain a Footing in South Africa. THE RECEIPTS AT MONTE CARLO Socialists in Convention at Ghent Political Leaders Organizing for Election in Peru. Irish societies are arranging for a big amnesty meeting in London in the near future. Four hundred houses have been burned in the suburbs of Manila, Philippine Islands. Birmingham, England, is making a strenuous effort to suppress Sunday trading. The Iml Mayor of Imdon is paid the same salary as" the President of the United States. Railway extensions are to be built in Upper and Iower Egypt to a cost of alsmt .1,250,000. The English papers comment approv ingly upon the increase of Parsee philan thropy in Bombay. Electricity, it is said, has been success fully introduced in Fngland and France for purifying sewage. Great discontent is said to exist among the French troops at Dahomey, and de sertions are of dailv occurrence. Famine rages in Cauca Valley, Colom bia. It is a very lionulous district, rich and fertile, but the crops have failed. Despite rejsjrted denials it is certain that the war office is planning to shortly increase the peace force of the Austrian armv. The government of Spain has tendered to the United States as a gift the repro duced flagship of Columbus, the Santa .Maria. Although the election does not take place for more than a year, the party leaders of Peru are already organizing for the struggle. In Italy one and one-third million acres of land are irrigated; in Spain two and one-half million acres are cultivated by the same means. The largest private gift to the Pope on the occasion of the Papal jubilee came from the Duke of Norfolk, who sent the Holy Father $250,000. The London Mark Lane Express says : Russia is now shipping to Great Britain alone 800,000 bushels of wheat weekly, and India will be doing as much after Faster. The United States Minister at Con stantinople has protested to the sublime Porte against the opening of letters sent to him under the Consular seal from Marsovan. Next to the largest diamond in the world is being cut and polished at Ant werp. Uncut it weighed 474 carats, 274 of which it will lose in preparation for the market. Another insult to Scottish sentiment! A Highlander in his native kilt has lately suffered arrest in Rome for "outraging public decorum" by appearing in such "indecent" attire. " Socialist delegates from Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, England, Switzer land, France and Italy at a recent meet ing decided that the International So cialist Congress in Zurich Bhall begin on August 6 and last for one week. Japanese jinrikshas have gained a con siderable footing in the towns of South Africa. In Cape Town, Durban and Pietermaritzburg they are well patron ized, and are crowding out the cabs and public buggies. Kaffirs furnish the mo tive power. The receipts of the Monte Carlo Casino during the year which ended on March 31 were larger than in any other year of its existence. They amounted to 24, 000,000 francs. Five-hundred franc shares are now quoted at more than 2,500 francs. Parisian ladies are apparently behind hand as compared with Americans, and even with the ladies of several other large Continental cities, with regard to 'cycling. In the French Capital only twenty-six ladies have applied for the necessary license. The Russian government is considering the question of joining the Amu Daria with the Caspia Sea. This new water way would not only give a great impetus to Russian trade with Central Asia, but would provide the means of irrigating vast tracts of good land. In buying the Tall Mall Gazette W. W. Astor has not pleased all the Eng lish people. Mr. Labouchere has been asking what would be thought of the Duke of Westminister buying a Wash ington paper and taking a share in American political journalism. In the March number of the New Re view, London, under the title "The Com ing Cholera," Ernest Hart, M. D., con tributes a paper, in which he empha sizes and adduces facts in support of his well-known theory that water polluted bv cholera tilth is the one sole method of diffusion of this dread disease. Mr. Carlisle's new private secretary is Captain Samuel N. Gaines of Kentucky. Captain Gaines was a gallant Confeder ate soldier, was educated at the Univer sity of Virginia, and has since been con-nac-ted with Kentucky journalism. He is a bright writer and a very attractive man socially. Emin Pasha's fate still remains a good deal of a mvstery, but the great travel er's little daughter, Ferda, who made her way from Wadelai to Baamoyo two years ago, nearly starved, still remains at the latter place. She has quite re covered from the privations of that ter rible time, and is described as being a sprightly, ttoU-towb trl ot H, The Rcmarkabl Onlmrnn of I'nlnj float Inteal of Putty In Making It In doubtful whether the annals of the American stage have anything more ludi crous than an accident which befell Actor HcDry Dixey on hit California tour. He wa playing "The Sveri Arcs" at Lo Angels to tanlin room only. In hla makeup aa the Judgn In the fourth act Dixsy wears an artificial noe a huge Ro man nasal appendage of putty colored with vermilion and ocher. Upon the occasion referred to the play pade a big hit, and the first three ads were presented with all the regularity and ftmoothness of clockwork. At this point, however, Dixey made the discovery that the property man bad neglected to provide putty for that rubicund jndicial nose. Haat.ily summoning acalltioy Dixey sent biro, out to procure the miksing article. It was nearly time for the curtain when the youngsUr reappeared and reported, "I can't get no putty nowhere." Then Dixey (rave an Impromptu war dance which would have made him instantly famous had he been before an audience, and seizing the boy shouted: "Quick dow! Get rne some flourl Quick! Run to a grocery! Run every Inch of the way ttoing and coming!" Scared by the rather warlike demonstra tions of Adonis the youngster lost no time in getting the much desired flour. Dixey hastily mixed the flour with a little water, kneaded it into dough, fashioned it into the semblance of his putty nose and painted it as usual. The result was eminently sat isfactory; the dough was lighter than putty and more adhesive, while there was no difference In appearance. After a short wait the curtain was rung np and the fourth act proceeded. It was a warm night, and the heat from the gas footlights was quite oppressive. By the time Dixey had finished the celebrated dance in that act and had responded to an encore be was perspiring freely, owing to the unwonted heat. This combination of circumstances had a most wonderful effect upon the comedian's artificial nose. The members of the company were thunder struck to oljscrve that the most prominent feature of the judge's physiognomy waa growing, and growing very rapidly too. Within three minutes from the begin ning of the act that wonderful nose had doubled in size and was still growing with a persistence which threatened soon to eclipse the other facial features The or chestra noticed the phenomenon and every player stared at it in astonishment. Then the audience observed the change in the judge's appearance and wondered how it was produced and what it had to do with the play. But matters steadily grew worse, and finally the actor was obliged to skip light ly from the stage to take heroic measures for reducing the mysterious and inexplic able swelling of his nose. About two thirds of it was left in the dressing room this time, but the fractional proboscis con tinued its dilating tactics, and when the act closed the judge's nose was still much larger than usual. When the curtain was rung down the members of the company made a rush for Dixey'a dressing room to find out what was the matter. There they found Dixey standing in the middle of the floor, with his erratic nose in one hand and a small can of flour in the other. He was reading aloud to himself the printed directions on the can: "Self Raising Flour Requires no ! yeast or leaven. Mix with a little cold water and set in a warm place for a few minutes, when the dough will be ready for baking." Chicago MaiL Miss Alcott as Author and Woman. Miss Josephine Lazarus publishes In The Century a thoughtful sketch of the career of Louisa May Alcott, the children's author, from which we quote these paragraphs: Strangely enough, in her works, which are the counterpart of her life, her defect becomes a merit, and accounts for their phenomenal success. What was it in Miss AJlcott's books t hat surprised and delighted the children of a score of years ago, and that still holds its charm for the childhood of today? Was it a new world that she discovered a fairyland of imagination and romance, peopled by heroes and enchanted beings? Far from it. It was the literal, homespun, child's world of today; the common air and skies, the common life of every New England boy and girl, such as she knew it; the daily joys and cares, the games and romps and jolly companions all the actuality and detail of familiar and accustomed things which children love. For children are born realists, who de light in the marvelous simply because for them the marvelous is no less real than the commonplace, and is accepted just as un conditionally. Miss Alcott met the chil dren on their own plane, gravely discussed their problems, and adopted theM point of view, drawing in nowise upon her inven tion or imagination, but upon the facts ol her own memory and experience. Whether or not the picture, so true to the life as she had lived it, will remain true and vital for all times cannot now be determined. For the literature of children, no less than for our own, a higher gift may be needed; more finish and less of the "rough and ready" of everyday habit and exist ence; above all, perhaps, a larger general ization and suggestion, and the touch of things unseen as well as things familiar. But whatever the fate of her books, Miss Alcott deserves the niche she has won, and the monument built for her in the record of a life which is a protest against the doubts of the age the fear that duty may have lost its sway and character its founda tion, and that happiness is the sole meas ure and rule of living. Somebody says that "snoring is the spontaneous escape of those malignant feelings which the sleeper has no time to vent when awake." The game of football played in Ameri can colleges and schools is not nearly so harmful and dangerous as that which is played in England. Among the recent inventions in elec tric heating devices are hand stamps, curling irons, coffee urns and branding irons. The South Sea Islanders are claimed to make an intoxicating drink from com and decayed fish.