The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 15, 1893, Image 4

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    f 4
Absolutely Pure.
Indispensable in the preparation of the finest foods.
I have found it superior to all others. I recommend it.
M. Gorji', late cisf, Delmonico's.
C'nnaiill the Owner.
A pirl in Kentucky has recovered foOO
damages from a ste;iinlR;it eoiupauy for
naming a boat ;:ftcr tier without asking
her permisMon, and they must rename the
boat. She took offense nt a marine itci
tatitiR that "Kiltie Marshal took tlie low
er chute and run her nose into a pl tuta
tion." Detroit Five I'res.
A Terrible Cmiae.
"What was the iMUtf of t ho revolution
ary war?" was one of the questions asked
at the final examination for the term.
Every pupil, with one exception, an
swered it as w as expected, line jtiri wioie,
"The cause of the revolutionary war was
the brenkin7 out of the constitution "
ortfye wo6tca$e5
01 rear
A 3 ulntion G. A. K. Suits,
II with two sets 'of but
r I 1 tons black and cilt
I AH Jkl I at only SlO. Send fur
rules for self-measurement.
Samples for any kind of suit and 64
page Illustrated Catalogue free.
Dnrtlni J
Oregsn. (Ui
V I am ready to testify under oath
that if it had not been for August
Flower I should have died before
this. Eight years ago I was taken
sick, and suffered as no one but
a dyspeptic can. I employed three
of our best doctors and received
no beneBt. They told me that I had
heart, Kidney, and liver trouble.
Everything I ate distressed me so
that I had to throw it up. August
Flower cured me. There is no med
icine equal to it." Lorenzo F.
Slsepkr, Appleton, Maine.
Silver and "Hosb"
Gold-tilled Watch
es, perfect time
keepers, full-jeweled,
only $20.
Write to the larg
est jeweler in
ITCin0 FIL23 known b7 nolutut
like perspira'Jep, cause intense iu.'birg
vrhen wurrn. Tliiu rm una ELIAD.
which acta directly on parts affected,
absorbs tumors, allaysitching-.erTectrnit
a permanent cure. Price 50c DniKfrista
gruuLii. Ir. Boaanko, Philadelphia, Pa.
Blr O ta the acki) owledi f
leading rarcedy tor alt
unnatural dlacbarr am
privatedlaaaaesotiaaa. J
certain cure tor ttaa dao'lli
tatlnf waakneaa pac'iiia."
to women.
Mrcmlyay Irjrmcribe!tandfM!ia2
I The EvAMt CHEMllCo In recommending It !
aj ail ,uuin.
A.J 8T0NER,MD.,0rorM.fe
Bom Djr miranruaa
fiUCB f a..
Consumptive and people
who have weak lunge or Asth
ma, should use Piso's Cure for
Consumption. It has cared
thousand, ft has not Injur
ed one. It Is not bad to take.
It is the best cough syrup.
Bold everywhere. Sac.
Ihttm hi uat4
uitjcr truly cutj
fClWl To 6 D A Y B.j
GaarftstMd i f
K an atrUtara.
ll . MM
Plenty of Gootl Material for Scuiiiea, but
System I Nceeaaury.
"Although seamen's wacca Mid food
were never better than they ate at pre :it
our youiiciieni do not take kindlv to the
ea, and most of tliase whoiloyo, after
voyasje or two, leave it iu disgust,"
Captain Duncan Mcl'lean. "The restraint
of discipline is irksome and often offensive
Young America is too accustomed to hav
ing his own way ashore to betid to the way
of another afloat.
"Kvery ship must I) a despotism, and no
Diattur how kindly it may be adminis
tonal, the young, who have imbibed the
Idea that 'Jack in as good as his master.
o not relish the idea of inferiority The
work at sea is not hard not near as hard
at most mechanical labor ami if a sailor
is economical he can save more money than
he could as a mechanic.
"A single man in our coasting trado can
aave at least fciW a year. An able seaman
in the navy can do even lifter than thi,
aad have a good time, for tlx work is
not hard, and even if taken sick he does not
lose any pay, but. has the best of medical
attendance free.
"Most of our deep water business is in
the California and Kuropean grain trade.
Our East India and China trade is carried
on by British steamers, mamit-d of course
by British seamen, who must follow the
sea or starve, for they liave no other occu
pation. On the other hand, mast American
seamen are 'jacks of all trades,' and if one
thing fails, they can turn their hand to
anot her.
"Our merchant shipowners, as a rule, do
not wish to be bothered with the care of
apprentices, most of w hom, by t tie time
they have acquired the use of their 'sea
legs,' leave the sex
"To man our navy we must enlarge our
apprenticeship system, for we cannot rely
on the mercantile marine in tune of peace.
In a popular war volunteers would come
forward faster than they would be required
In a verv sjiort time our navy will be
manned by men who have been trained in
our schoolships, and who regard the nary
aa their home for life.
"The men employed in ourcoastingtrade
are steady and hardy, and most of them
have families, the responsibility of which
keaps them on their good behavior. Many
of our fishermen, who in a very short time
make excellent sailors, belong to the British
provinces of Xortb America and become
citizens and settle among us.
"We have plenty of good material out of
which to make seamen; all we require is to
systematize it. The more schoolships we
can have the better.
"When the advantage of a seafaring life is
better understood there will be no difficulty
in procuring an ample supply of poor,
healthy boys to train for it. The flogging
and starving of other days have ceased
afloat, and if men or boys will discharge
their duty faithfully they will find life at
sea pleasant aud profitable.
"Most of the talk about the hardships of
life at sea is nonsense. Many an able me
chanic suffers more hardship and privation
looking for work than a seaman endures in
a whole life. The cowardly fear of being
drowned ought never be permitted toenter
the mind. Besides, drowning is the easiest
death a man can die.
"A boy who has no higher ambition than
to be a laborer through life cannot do bet
ter than enter the navy and never leave it.
In old age he will have a pension, and in
the event of accident will be taken care of
"A law might be passed for the encour
agement of the ambitious to present them
selves for examination for officers at cer
tain periods, but it is well known that the
navy must train its own officers, for much
of their education at present is scientific
and unknown to merchant officers. The
old yarn that most of our officers were
trained in the merchant service before they
entered the navy will not apply in this age
of dynamite, electricity and steam." Bos
ton Herald.
Good For Ilia Buslneaa.
"Twenty dollars is rather high for a mite
of a room like this," said the doctor.
" Yes, it seems so," said the landlady;
"but then you must remember that the
house ia very unhealthy, and that there
are most always two or three sick people
in it."-Epoch.
Mr. Goschen, the English statesman, Is
a man of slender physique, stoop shoul
dered and pale. Ha ia painfully near
sighted, and can read a letter only when it
is brought to the end of his large nose.
The Timothy Hopkins
Collection of Sweet Peas
Containing twcnty-o.,a ditinct varieties a large
packet of each fori.5, or a packet of the same
varieties, mixed, for io cent.
12 Carnations (distinct ranetiai . $.00
12 Chrysanthemums $1.00
12 Pelargoniums (distinct varieties) $1.00
12 Ro: CS diitinct rarietiei) . . $I.OO
ill itrong, healthy, pot-grown plants, free by mail.
Flower Seeds-Tw yfivechoice
. . avvi varieties, your own
Vegetable Seeds f0rr0,',r"'.ectil'n'
With either of above collections our hand-omel)
illustrated K-o-pag,. catalogue is sent free. 'I his ir
admitted to bea work of art, and contains a reproduc
tion, tn natural colors, of the twenty-one varieties nnv
a '"v-MaNy recognized as The Timothy Hopkin
Collection of Sweet Peas.
Sherwood Hall Nursery Co.
A Trntffdr In a Uitrnl Hotel, but the
flonrdi-rs Never Stopped i:llni.
A inrty of ongiiuvrs tuit out in tho
light of tho oamjitiro on tho ltvwnnl
Biilo of a lull in Dakota oxflmiiiup;
"Lt't mo toll you of an onjtvabU
8UplHr I oiuv liatl," r!Hko up tho
younijost tniMulior tif tho Kroul'
whoso F.njjiish hail not yot Ihhu t'or
miiftHl by tho vornaoular of tho
"I was on tny way to join an ontri
litHTinf; party at Uoiso City. I hail
takon tho 8tat and ttavoltl about
forty inih'8, wlu n wo tlixw up at
ono of thoso mushroom towns, wlioro
wo waitotl an hour ami a half for
"Smoky tYtok sottlomont, liko
many towns" ho wont on by way of
explanation, "is famous for somo
singlo oharaotoristio. This particu
lar ttwn is notorious for its lynching
piirtios. It is alnnit forty mi!ts from
a railroad, hut tHvasionally an east
ern iHHind travolor stops over for an
hour or two on his way to a neigh
boring mining town. It is in eloso
proximity to ttomo f tho largest
ranches in tho country, ami is of
course a great rendezvous for cow
punchers, miners and tho attendant
retinue of fakirs, road agents, faro
tricksters and representatives of
nearly every calling who proceed to
collect tho living which tho world
owes them in the easiest way. There
aro several hotels. I stopped over
at the Crossroads House. 1 went iu
aud took a seat at the long table.
"Several glanced up, giving me a
quick scrutinizing glaucous if to size
mo up, then paid no more attention
to me. While apiwrcntly engaged
in consuming the kieon, corn bread,
Borghum and dried tipples, I had an
opiortunity to take in my surround
iugs. At ono end of the table sat a
gniff, sullen looking fellow who
glared now and then at an inoffen
sive man seated across the table from
him. From the fragments of con
versation of those nearest mo I
learned that the two had had some
disagreement over a game a few
hours before, and there were possi
bly old scores to settle. Someone at
my left remarked. "That air night
hawk for once got tho lcst uv tho
day wrangler.'
"Tho sullen looking fellow, evi
dently the day wrangler, looking
across at the nighthawk. said gruffly.
'Pass me the m'lasses!'
"The other looked up at him coolly,
muttered something about 'a feller
bein a little more porlite,and shoved
the pitcher across the table. Tho
pitcher upset, and tho brown liquid
oozed over the table. Tho day wran
gler evidently took this as an inten
tional insult. Without saying a word
and with scarcely a moment's hesita
tion he took out his revolver and
shot the man dead."
"It must ha' broken up that air
supper," remarked one of the group,
shifting his cud of tobacco to tho
starboard side of his mouth.
"Indeed it didn't," was the answer.
"The other boarders looked up, but
not a word was said, and the meal
went on as if nothing had happened."
New York Herald.
Seaside Confidence.
"Yes," remarked a stranger to the
editor, as the two sat on the veranda
sipping lemonade aud looking out
upon the rolling sea; "yes, head work
is very trying, and the man who
earns a living by it needs a vacation
now and then."
"Yes," said the editor, "head work
is very trying. I find it so, especially
when the hours are long."
"How many hours a day do you
work?" asked the stranger.
"Four," said the editor.
"Heavens! I work ten."
"Head work?"
"Yes, every bit of it."
"Newspaper or general literature?"
"Neither. I'm a barber."
Then the editor for editors are not
all wise shut himself up as close as
the sun umbrella which he carried.
New York Press.
Zola and the Late Emperor.
M. Zola, in The Figaro, in reply to
some critics, insists that the emperor
rouged his cheeks at Sedan. The
emperor's friends, he says, have
talked as if to have done so would
have been humiliating "the role of
a buffoon. ' "On the contrary, this
seems to me a great mistake. I find
the act superb worthy of a hero of
a Shakespearean play, heightening
the figure of Napoleon III to a tragic
melancholy of an infinite grandeur."
That is a characteristically French
exaggeration. We presume M. Zola
means that it was noble of the em
peror to take the trouble to conceal
from his troops his desperate phys
ical weakness. But even granted
that it was a prudent thing not to
show a cheek of ghastly pallor, we
fail to see that it was heroic Lon
don Spectator.
A Story of Hard Luck.
"The latest 'hard luck' story that
I have heard," said a racing man in
an up town cafe the other evening, ' 'is
that of a young man who went to the
track and lost $180. He had ten dol
lars left. He liked a 20 to 1 chance
in the last race. He went into the
betting ring, got into a crowd at a
bookmaker's stand and was holding
his ten dollar noto high in the air
when the wind caught it and blew it
away. His horse won in a canter."
New York Times.
Kvery I'lia ller Own Milkmaid,
J.U Tlionipxon Im iiHvivetl a patent for
hti automat Io milker An ect eut rlo, l lire:
liu:liea III illamoter, It attticheil to the cow'
JutT From this It'iitU a wire coiinectliiK
It elaxtltf nipple on the mhler, eiit'h nl
which I llttetl with a valve, nuikliiK K an
air pump wlu n In motion When theeow
chew her eiul the eciTiitrlo revolve and
the wire U wurkeil luick ami forth like a
piston, iTf.'itliiK HiU'tion III the nipple
The milk a It I ilnov n run Hilo a Imrki't
Mipriiilctl Mow The Invention will re
lleve the thtlri limn ol miii'h lalmr -Homer
Ilia 1'rejinlleeil View.
.Ksthetlo luit I'limiirrieil Youth -Now
what Iu your opinion i iiioni Milking eon
t'eriilnu lovely woman' K.irliF
Man io! hut not .INthetii' lirowler -The
priiv, uiik iu. in -knie r'lt'hl' WnMlunu;
Our reiiil'M mrve tlieninelveii ty
nolioiiii- the retnnrkiiMo ort'oritijjHiulvertlried
In iinolhor t'olunui ly the Sheiwood Hull
Nunieiy Co. nf Menln Pink inn! San l'rtm
fiseo, tlni nro leader on the roast In fur
iii.shinn eveiythiiij; for the farm mid garden.
The lit of May Is not apivliillv aad, yet n Kieat
niiiii) aie very iinn h moved by Uh coiuliiK.
ui'i'Ti1 hi ani ft Han.
We piwHlveW cure rupture, pile and all nx'
uil tllatiitaea without pal l or detention In iu linal
neaa. No cure, tin ). lao all ViiiKr dla
oaao. Addreaa for pamphlet lira, Pnrlertleld A
Iaii) , ssh Market alreol, San Kram lato.
"What ninket aeiue lilrN look yoliiiit so lout: ?'
'The men are Io lilniue. Tliey won l propoM'.'
The World' Mainmolli llot. l 1 the HO"
room. Ii reproof, an miner Hold, the ' Uiik vt
Kahi iciin,' at St I.iih renee iivenue itiiil MUli
t reel, I'liieiKo, two hlock from Mulay
riuistince World Kuir entrance and over
looking liimoii WwdiiiiKton Park. World
l'nir visitoi can avoid annoyance and ex
tortion of dhurka hy euaitiiiK room now
at $l.X) a i ay, each' iut-oii, t Kuropi an) hy
addreNiiiK t'opi land Tow naeml, Manaef,
I formerly manager I'almer House), -I'J The
Uookery", (Tiicatto, 1 1.
She--la your wife eiitertaiultiit tlili w lnlerf
He- Sot very - except to other men.
ur.wtitK or oiNrMKM Koit va-
T A It It II Til VTlM l l Kit CI' HY,
Aa mercury will aunty duatroy ihe aenae of
anted and eoinpleti ly di mi k'c the w hole ayatem
when enleiliiK It lliroiuh the niuimia autfaiea.
Such artlelea ahoiinl tieter be umi ex ept on
prcsc npilnna f o 'in rekiuali e tdiyalcliina aa the
ilaiiiax j Ihi'V III i'ii U ti'i.f 'id ,o llin kooI you
can poaalli y th rive from llieui llall'a I'alarih
Cure, manufactured hy T J t'lieney A I'o.Tn
lido, O , coiitaloa no metciiry, ami Is tnk u tu
t'Ti'iil y, a llnK illrei tly upon he lle d and it'll
cona aiiifuei i f t' e ytem. l:i Imyi iK ll'ill a
CatMtrh I uie tie mre you t Die ii''uuitn. It la
li ken Intern ly and maile In Ti l.'do, u., hy K.
J Ci i ney .V Co. lotimonlala f ee.
faff-Solil by drunnla'.a; price, 75 cent per
hot lie.
the most STunnonx
Skin and Scalp Disease, the worst
forms of Scrofula, all blood taints
and poisons of every name and nat
ure, are utterly rooted out by Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
For every diseasf caused by a torpid
liver or impure blood, it in tho only
remedy so certain and effective that
it can be guarantted. If it fails to
benefit or cure, you have your
money back.
Eczema, Tetter, Salt-rheum, Erysipelas-,
Ioiln, Carbuncles, Enlarged
Glands, Tumors, and Swelling, and
every kindred ailment, are com
pletely and permanently cured by it.
Uuo ccut a Ooso.
Trrra Oreat Cotroii promptly ct.nai
where all other full. Coughs, Croup. Soro
Throat, Hoaraenesa, whoopine Coui;h and
Aathma. For Coniumpticn it Tins no rlvul:
has cured thouaanda, uinl will CLUB Vtill if
taken in t!mo. Sold hy l)niK(f',ta on a gunr
anteo. 'nr a Lame Iluek or Ch"ti tiso
Tfttvo you Catarrh Thl rf randy is (ruiiran
teed to cure you. l'rice,5Jcts. Injector frto.
is often equivalent to
getting ill. If loss of flesh
can be arrested and dis
ease bafilcd the " weak
spots " in the system arc
Scott's Emulsion
is an absolute corrective
of " weak spots." It is a
builder of worn out failing
tissue natures food that
stops wast6 and creates
healthy Mesh.
Praps red by Hontt A Bawne, Ohmit,
Niw vol K. noia oy ariiRKiats every wnuro
S. P. N. D. No. F. N. U. No. fi4
k. JT'. jra m tti
From 10 to 40 Per Cent Discount to Agents.
Agents wanted in every town in Oregon and Washington to sell the leading
fn all grades manufactured in America. New and second-hand machines
ments. Write for catalogues and terms. FRED L
Pioneer Dealer of the Pacific Coast, 326 Washington Street, Portland, Or
Free 'Cycling Academy in west wing of Exposition building.
UYfci liilat H i f
If there l, In this vale of tear, a more ptvUnu
oareo ij tiitaery tltriu I lie r!ieiimtlii Of tune, wo
hv yet to hour til It. People am Ihii iih I Ii a
tamlviiu)' to rlif innatUin, Jut a th y .raWllli
one to idiiKtiiiiptloii or tof ofiil. rtli(thl eaiiaea
ihhv il vini till A noon a the nkoiikIiik
e- in '1 1 ti t Kiilfintn lUi lf, roii r uliouhl be
tin. I io Himti'lii'r'sHt.iiiiH Ii Hitler. ttlou oh rk
IIn fnrilier i nulla an lianlliea Hi t eiimaue
p In oi limn Ii e Mem. Tula niMli'im'iil liillloa
eiai lly Willi the tifcttuiohf of iliy!rlmn w lio
l lime 1'iiii'lnyeil till" line liloinl l pur, nl In tin Ir
Jirlviitenrni'tli'i', Tin re l ntxn die Hinpli l pro-
Minimi m nl ui nor. 1 1 Mummy Io III- rlll' io V
of Hi lit ir lor malii'l 1 1 or romi'lulii , e in
llp th n. I in Hi! at Ion It ilnev Ir.) .U. n ivo a
ne-a hiiiI h aa nl iii llie Mil lli'ali Al.iT a wi l
I Hit, liKiln r fnl mv il hv a eo 1 1 i r tint, I lie llll
t ia la n-i'fiil a a pii'Veuilve of tin Initial lliirk
o ri.i'iiuiMil in.
Mlatrea llul, Mary, how often must I lell you
aluaya Io aerve on Hie li'llT Mary (lioiu Ihe
country) Oh, iniuliiiii, but lau't lliui mi'iely a
Till SOS HOItlll It KM K Mil Kit I Ml,
When you feci a kind of Koueneaa uhout
the atomach it 1m a "'KU that your f od
ttoei not nit well and that you arc alioiil to
have a lit of iiltlik'e.-tiuu
When you hein to fe d nerviiui mid toe
iiniil'le to nit atill (torn fori lOdy ; yy hen your
clotliin Hiiddeiily aeem t luxe their lit 'and
iMC.'iue loo litfh'l Iu phu'cN the lit of hull
geNlioli la aiirelv upon v II.
hen thin lit ol IndinoHtloii Ii repeated
from day to nay il llnally reaolvea llacll
into tlya epaia.'
Keiiiemher that Ihree to leu of 1 ItvN
Iikhiu'h I'll. ia wilt cure Ihe worat eate of
iiitliatcHt iiMi or dyapepaia. or hoth, and (lint
a regular courae of I hem, nay two every
niillit lor a week or ten dnva, will ant u.t a
preventive of either complaint.
JiiKaon any Unit our boon compiinloiii can I'C
relied upon bei aiMe they are our lani lrli
For bronchial and aslhiiuitic compluliitii
lllld COIIIih and coldai, " Iiihi ii'j oniic' l'df
Vocii'.i" have reiuiukalile curative )uop'
erticH. 'i.'i t'lN, a ho.
Il appenri to ll that llieie ineetliik'' between
delilori and eredtlora are larKely over dun.
Try (Ikhmiv for
I'ae Kliamellue Stove Pollah: nodiial, tmainell.
ELY'S CREAM RALM Mennara the Nnanl
ritaanuea, Allma I'ulii
lil, hiinx. H,loi,a I ital
lvea lii lli l nl mice
.1ili'y f,r Iht .Vi'.fi lia.
I'aK-. liriuuiatanr by imtll. Kl.l
lYloore's Revealed Remedy.
Aitoku. OH mis. January 10 -1 ran atate ttb t enun that by Ihe ne of
MooliK H KKVKAI.KIi KKMKl'Y my hiiab.ud waa n il' v,-,l from an o' I aa- of
HUH MAI l.M am! my ynume at b..y . nr. il eiitliely ol 1 SKI. A MM A ItmY UIIKI'
MAl ln.M when the la-at doctor I t'oudl Ketdld hlin no K'""1 Voura In crntlt nle,
MUS. N. V. n't KKI.K.
1 n rftlifnv a famil rf r'-1 nhlMrn. mv mil v rm-
dy ffjr ComthH, CjMi f 'd Troup wu onion nyrup. It
(not tin rffiwtlvj t'i-i f a It wita forty vr ao.
N w my rritidrhll'trri titt'i Ir. (itinn'n Onion By nip
whloh M n1r(ly nrnpnrfti an I mr 1 1 'it in tht
tnnto. H M nv(rywhfr, I.rtnrt boHln 0) ont.
Tit.DocubUtut4jIuf IU Tt.crt. 4 UtUiiK M rj'wd.
fir X TI.I..I. VT
SM IUU I lil.irv ft
'ty khiil I crop w ,:i i n. ''""I -lil
ri auv km I . I "ii v. .11 i .!' i r v
yf I t n-fuiji :i a ,"iil I I m. 'f
) II Ml.llll I II a I ' l ( A. .M.-i. l' I .ij
Aiwnvu Mm ln .it, iniy urn reii','.iii::iii Ktijf
Ihtj iilitiiilitii fVeryvMii ie.
Verri'i. eeil it on it I ia Hie moat
iiiiixii into ii"' i i on- nil. "" By 11 In iiivii'iiuMi- in n.j ki
pinuler. We iieiiil r In e.
i). m. rnkMiYco. 1
Best in tho World!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
CKANK WOOLMKV, Acent, I'ortlniul. Or.
iue-Teu.5 vovaumovt
tu roB ota OTAtooue-Tcu.f vovaumovt
bicycles or every description."!
Marovam Buiidin -Portland Oregon.
Amilflf VMoThlnn Habit
I Morphine Habit Cared In II
Iay tin enron
, LoanoB,unio
The Specific A No. I.
Cnrm, without full, all cnaes of onorr
hfr mid illee, iin nuiltpr of how iong
aUuulliiR PrevenlH atrlcture, It. being an In
U'riml remeily. (Jurea when evorylliliig elite
has fulleii. Hnhl by all OriiKBlata.
Muiiiitiieliirers: The A.Hehueiihel. Medicine
Price. :i.lK). winaiuinKiUii.
l M KX,
O! tho Agony
Of Thoso who Suffor from
Dood't An ran mi vtll a ruiHflrt,
tioothc, Ileal, VLHLSI.
I havn fur many yrmi 1 n a i;ri"iit milTt'rar
Turn MCltori 1.4 tiieiiKiuK out iiii my arm
Hid lci:; they yveio divercd with eruption ami
iori'1, ilia, Imruiiig all the lime. I II led very
ninny iiiedli'liiri iiml rniiiulled pliyalcluita fur
tud iirnr, but ruuatnuily giew mora, I
have tulieii but threa bottlr of lloiid'a Harinpa-
Hood's ; Cures
rlll.i for rlietiiiiHtbin, ami I n derived no iniioh
benefit from It that alio dei larea Ibera Ii no
Other ineilli'lmt oil rilitll. Wn Wiillld lint b
without It In the bullae If It enati f jo a bottle. "
T. Vahh v ,!oiinii, Sun Joa, Cat.
N. II. He am In c't 1 1 no, ' Hariiipat llla.
Hood's Pllll' t eailly, jrl promptly and
Oli'lently, on Uio liver uiul tuwcU. XoO.
iiml IiiIIiiiiiiiiiiIIimi
n..,.i.nvy- -i.'i iti .
I cor....CV!TARWo1
in ol suicii, ntul
SVl.OlNO'rL ,
v i . r
lurl 'otil Iu ileml.
Il u tliirti; A huirUii.
HltO!', M iirrvll Ml., N.
ciin'l Inive a" ;ooil an
11--0II11H-11I a-. 11 liirKn
one. Try a bat ad
vniiliiKei ihe imiMirl
er inn itive Voil imlh
In 1'iiri' and iiuillty,
for 25 rni ami
V 1 vnta eMrii In
pay pnotiiKc e will
1111111 on 11 1 mi v a Jcr
. M'V lill.lieil eat, H Uh
hlk'll uerk, Ioiik aleevea, ahiipi'd unlit Mini Iu
eilher while eiru or ifrnyiolor. mr .-prliiK
I'll til 1 'Kill- lella nil hIhiIII lieu K001I1 ulnl loUeil
pricea. We yi III acini It for the itiklni!.
rorilund, or rn,i.
ii ent iiy m dm
lioiiea, Mem. In lath' ami ai.
Hreen t,'ut ItuSKrt wil
doiililn lln iiiiii li, r of eititi
iil niiikn t eui ni.irefei
tllo will curry tin, hem
mil ly thrntiKh the molting
perliMi nnd put thera It
Couilltlou In In y when erai
couiuiiin.l the hlitlieal print
and a-lll dovolope yotu
rhlcki fiwtor than ani
other food.
Keerl Orren Tlnnon anC
mo I reoKoxonn to kll:
tho Hen, Hllil you will laakf
filly per crnt moru prollt,
Hend for Catuloiru an
itilllH iM-rmaiiiMii ly curcil in Hit Id tkl clity h. Wi- elim
inutu all puiHuii fnnn lw hvhioiii, f Unit t hi'iit can
tiovur tin a rut urn uf t litHtkahi. Yon c uilnun'iih't.
nt home for tho fmum pneo inul iinitnr tho win no
liu.rutiUMtM.hiit vf ah I Iiohh who pre I or iromi h ro
we will ront mot io euro t iicui or rotund nil in noy
11 rid pay uiilroxjoiiHU of rornlnir, rullroiiU fni Hint
liod'l tji I Im 1 f wo fail in .mi r. Il yn havti t aUcn nur
rury, I(mII1 polimh, and i ill liavtj arlirn unit l-iilnn,
Mucoun riiLolH'fi 111 Moiilti, Horn Throat, 'iii)Iih,
'oppir-r)orn( ftnotn. UIcith on any p iff, of tho
hoily. Hair or KyebrowM Tallinn mil. It. Ih l IhnH) phiU
itlo Ml (Hid i'olHon that wo Kiiarnnlou to ;uro. Wo
no 1 1 clt the moHt olmt initio chum uixl ohalh-nun tho
world for aciinn wo oainift euro. TIiIh chnann han
always hntlti'd tho fkiil of tho niiiNt niini'nt phvcl
Biaiifi. A loual tMianintno to in e or rt-linut inoni'y.
Abnulute proofit hunt Btxiloil on aitpllr.n Ion. Adihus
took iti;ui;nv o.,
Nasonlc Temple C'IMrnaro, lit
T It If . T ir I , trtttrv
Poaltly lyCurail with VeKetbla Kemerllai
Uave ciiaod thoiiannda of caaea. Cure eaaea pro
anunced hiipelean by hatihyalelnni. Kroni tiratdoM
ivmntnnia iIIhhiii,.... in ... 1....
i. -,... ,.n j 1 at K'nnb 1WU-lllirUI
sliaymptoma removed. Bend for free bonk teat.lmo
Dial a of mlraeiiloua enrea. Ten .laya' trentmtnt
free by mall. If you ordnf trlnl, aend 10c. In alamin
orpay poatnge. nil. H.II.(liiKRNftHoNH,Allanta,Ua.
vfuuuiuuiMiniiDiuiioiiig au vuriiauiuun r vo Ua.
Wan ted In palra, forhreei'liiR purpoBi'B, Wrlto
I'Yimeiliiitely, atntniK loweat cuah, to Box
131, Portland, Or. ,
from $20 up. Cash or on install
Mr. T. V. .ohuaoi.
Hail .loin, CuL
m iv ,1 k i
1 .1 4
n isanciiED, CAL.