The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 15, 1893, Image 1

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    The Hood River Glacier.
VOL. 1.
NO. 46.
3(cod Iivcr (Slacier.
runiimuii bvkht ratiiiioat morninu st
Ttio Glacier Publishing Company.
On. yr , .... f CO
Nit IIIUIllll. I
Tlirr. it tli W
NiikI. wiiy C.nU
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Pr opr.
n I St., mm Ouk. Hood River, Or.
Kli lug mill lluir cutting neatly don.
.Vltldlm tloll ( IIKIUIltlH"!.
Hill I'Mcmling Hie Time oi" Cit
izenship in Arizona.
Iirakeiniiu on the Atlantic and Parillo
Heroine ii Hero uml Receive
('tlUllll'rfcit llilllt'M, tllllHlH('lI of llllti-
iiiiiiiv mill tin, lire in cirruliitiuii in I.unc
county, ' 'r.
Mrs. MrWIiirtcr Iuih brgun xuit at
I'rcKiio for 4:10,000 iiiHuriiiirc on Iht lutx-
lllllld'H lift'.
'I'ln Awtnrin 1'iiiitK-rr llxed tin' 1 r ii at
1 1 a H.kiinon, ami tin- I-'ihIhtiiicii'm Union
di'limltd $1.15.
Tin- American IliHlorical Society ban
illMtillltcd tVVO HI M-l MIltM III Portland
HgainM (lie Orcgoiiian. j
All I In' men charged with crime in
connection with tin' laUr troubles in tin
I'o iir d'Alcuc arc now at lilM-rty.
There in talk of reducing the iiiintTH'
pay at Nanainio, 11. I". The union in
verv ntroiig llirrt', ami a strike in not at
all Improbable.
Hand of Apachca arc away from their
reservation in Arizona. So far the In
iliuiiH an- charged only with frightening
people ami being very Niucy.
(iovernor Murphy of Arizona lias ve-I
toed the bill u.-Mi'l ly tlie I,cgihlature !
extending t lit' time of ciliciitdiip from
nix month to twelve months.
The whisky smuggling on the west
coast of p.ntisli Columbia in not us ex
tensive US reported, 'flic lilllk of it in
from Victoria, not the United States.
I.'cports have been received at Phonix,
A. T., of new ml rich placer diggings in
the fjuthwestern part of Maricopa
county iiUmt thirty inileM north of Agua
Superintendent Hussey of the British
Columbia police at Victoria luiHdecidcd
to go north in connection with the In
dian excitement over the alleged Sorrow
Island massacre.
The International Nickel Company,
which owned the peat nickel mine at
Kiddles, Dr., hart wild a two-thirds in
terest in the property to an English syn
dicate for $000,000.
The lSonanzu miiicH in the
Halas, Yuma county, A. T., cleaned up
$150,1)00 art the result of the last month's
run. This iH the largest chunk of gold
ever run into one bar.
During high water on the (iila rive-r a
few din s ago a large section of the dam
of the (Iila liend Irrigation Company's,
canal, sixty milen southwest of Phtcnix,
wan washed awav. The damage, is.
stated to he not Ics'h than $100,000.
In the suit of John Doe against the
Waterloo Mining Company, tried in the
1-os Angeles United StateH District
Court, involving the title to disputed
ground in the mining claims at Calico,
Judge Ross rendered a verdict for the
plaintil!'. Several suits are practically
nettled by this decision.
The advent of a Chinaman at Ureal
Falls, Mont., who proposed to open a
lanndrv there, created much excitement,
and caused a muss meeting of laboring
men, who sent a committee to consult
with the authorities. Police protection
was given the Chinaman, but lie wan
forced to forego his design and leave
"There's more, whisky on the west
coast than in Victoria," remarked Frank
Adams, who has just returned to Vic
toria, 15. C, from that section. "The
Indians, are all drunk, and the sealerH
have a hard time in getting a crew.
Whisky is being smuggled in by the
wholesale, and the red men are having a
liigh old time. The whisky is coining
from the American Hide. I never saw so
much drunkenness on that coast. There
doen not seem to bo any government
control there at all."
While in the railroad yard at King
man, A. T., Charles II. Keno, a brake
man, observed a runaway engine ap
proaching at great speed from one di
rection and passenger No. 2 from the
other, both on the samo track, He
quickly sprang to a sidetrack twitch
and shunted the engine, which wan de
railed and somewhat damaged. The en
gineer had jumped from the cab as soon
as the locomotive became unmanageable,
but the liroman had remained at his
post. The latter escaped uninjured. A
puree was made up for the brakeman.
AshImIhiiI NcrrHury Npuiildlnir W rllcn
a liHIcr lo llie ColliM'toi'H on
I lie hicilk Const.
Secretary Hoke Smith gave a hearing
In the representatives of tin1 Dig llliick
fiMit Mining Company ami the liitter
Pool Development Company on the
ipiestion of the revocation of their per
mits, grunted some mouths ago, to cut
ho per cent, of the timber on twenty-six
sections of IuikI in Montana.
Secretary Morion of the Department
of Agriculture has devised a plan to test
the lit in hx of applicants fur portions
not governed by I fie civil-service rules,
Km h applicant on tiling his application
will U' riipiired lo answer a set of pies
lions as to moral and phvsical ijuali lit u
tions and on the work which he w ill If
required to perform. He hopen by this
means lo secure a high standard in the
A Itcpuhlicaii Senator, who stands
high in the party councils, says the pro-
Nisei I Senatorial investigations of a pri
witc character ami the reorganization
schemes will come to nothing this' ses
sion. They cannot be considered w hile
the contested seats are under considera
tion, and w hell that subject is disMised
of the Senate will probably adjourn, as
the ((lloruin would otherwise disappear
within two days uflcr the President no
tilied the Senate he has no further busi
ness to present lo it.
Secretaries! iresham andCarlisle w hile
liMiking into the expenditures of the
llehring Sea ( 'oiiiini-sion reached some
allowances which were extravagant and
should be discontinued. It appears that
everybody connected w ith the commis
sion! from the stenographer down, have
been given very liberal allowances, which
the ollicials of this adiniiiisl rat ion in
clude under the head of " useless extrav
agance." There are, it is said, eight or
ten ollicials connected with the commis
sion w ho are receiving more than double
i my by drawing ii to $15 per day in ad
dition' to regular salaries, which range
from $1,500 to $:j,5no per annum. Ru
mors of these exposures have made
piite a stir in the department, and some
interesting developments are expected.
The Senate Committee on Foreign lie
lations held a meeting the other morn
ing. It is understood that, while favor
able to making public the text of the
liussian was unable to agree
upon a favoralile report by reason of dis
agreements relative to the correspond
ence accompanying the convention, A
well-known Senator, w ho is the cham
pion of general humanitarian legisla
tion, states that, when published, the
treaty will be found neither more nor
less 'objectionable than several other
treaties which have been in operation
for some years. The criticisms, he says,
are due lo a conception of the cllect of
the instrument upon the garbled ex
tracts of a surreptitious publication of
the treaty first sent to the Senate.
Assistant Secretary Snaulding has
written the following letter to Collectors
on the Pacific Coast : " Thedepartmelit
is informed that the practice obtains
among Chinese laborers in this coiintrv
of entrusting money to merchants, which
is treated as a part of the capital in the
business. Chinese laborers who have
made such a disposition of their savings,
although not actually engaged in busi
ness, have claimed to U merchants, and
say they are thereby entitled to leave the
country and return at pleasure, The de
partment desires you to closely scrutin
ize the certilicates which may be pre
sented at your port by returning Chinese
and to require evidence of the standing
of the holders as Isma-lidc merchants,
actively engaged in business. In no case
should' Chinese be permitted to enter as
merchants unless their right to the priv
ilege is clearly established, and w here it
appears the practice herein referred to is
at Ic miitcd the certilicates presented
should be ignored, the holders arrested
and the facts reported to the depart
ment." ' The question .of sheathing our naval
vessels is one to which Secretary Herbert,
it is said, proposes to give some earnest
consideration. Naval Constructor Hich- j
born has nreiiared some important data
I on t lie subject. He shows that the At
1 lanta on her trial trip with a clean Isit
tom attained a speed of 15.5 knots
an hour with a ;t,,'M5-horse power,
while the Doston, her exact duplicate,
with a comparatively foul bottom made
but lit.8 knots on' :i,:!i0-horse power.
Constructor llichborn holds that the im
iportanceof the preservation of the bot
' torn of steel vessels from corrosion and
fouling can hardly Ik1 overestimated and
is continually emphasized by the reports
of loss of speed and increased coal con
sumption received from our new un
sheathed steel vessels now in commis
sion. Unless our cruisers are to be con
lined to cruises of short duration in the
neighborhood of our own ports, it would
appear that they are deficient in the
most important quality the ability to
maintain high speed at sea for long pe
riods. The additional expense incurred
in putting on the sheathing of wood and
J copper is in reality a great saving dur
: ing the lifetime of a ship, as it obviates
the necessity of frequent docking and
' the largely increased coal bills when the
the metal bottom is foul. For a vessel
like, the Chicago the cost would be be
tween 500 and $400 for docking alone.
To this sum must be added about $1,000
for scraping and painting. In Ureat
l?ritain competition has brought the
charges for private docks down to a min
imum, but the docks in India, China,
Australia ami on the Pacific. Coast are
very expensive. Captain llichborn rec
ommends that all cruising vessels in
tended for general sen-ice in foreign wa
ters be sheathed if above 1,000 tons dis
placement, and that vessels of less than
1,000 tons displacement intended for gen
eral service as cruising gunboats, etc., be
of a composite construction, with steel
framing w ood outside, planking and cop
per sheathing.
Florida Orange Crop I'rohahly
Ihc- Largest Known.
Nebraska Will Fleet Her Presidential
Flectors Ilerafler by ConifrcH
sionul Districts.
Western w heat-crop prospects are not
Another epidemic of grip is threatened
in New York.
In ls'.iL'lhe railroads in Pennsylvania
killed 1, persons.
A case of malignant typhus has ap
peared in Cincinnati.
The World's Fair has taken in Jlioo,
iHKl in admissions already,
A syndicate is reported to have pur
chased tin; New York Times.
Nearly 400 applications for patents
were made last year by women.
The Treasury Department has plenty
of gold for all practical purjsjses.
Arkansas protioscH to tax all sleeping
car, express ami telephone companies.
The new iron-pipe combine in the
Southwest will have :'0,0I)0,IHH) capital.
Americans can now buy bait in New
foundland w ithont taking out a license,
An artful New York Italian has made
iilsiut h,(hm) by raising $1 bills to $5 bills.
A bank, exclusively for the colored
race, has liccn organized at Anniston,
Cattle in the Colorado country w in
tered exceedingly well during tlie late
cold spell.
New York's Hoard of Fleet ric Control
is stiil laboring to get the wires under
The Cherokee Strip w ill not lie opened
to settlement in time for the planting of
spring crops.
The Atlanta Constitution is earnest in
declaring that ieorgia is entitled to 2,51X1
Federal ollices.
Two ex-Auditors of Illinois are living
sued for the recovery of interest on State
money placed in banks,
Thomas Helm of Austin, Tex., oilers
5oo to any one w ho w ill secure his ap
pointment as Postmaster at that place,
(iovernor Northern of (ieorgia is tired
of politics, and has liccoine enamored
with the life of a religious missionary.
The right of a saloon-keeper to eject
female crusaders from his premises is to
be tested in the Illinois Supreme Court.
The trial trip of the cruiser New York
has Im'cii every way successful. All
cruiser speed records have been sur
passed. A Chicago syndicate of capitalists is
contemplating the establishment of an
extensive packing-house plant in the
City of Mexico.
It is learned positively that a dispatch
has been received from Oxford by the
Yale Hoat Club opening negotiations for
an international race.
The City Electrician of Nashville,
Tenn., states that it would be verv dan
gerous for women wearing crinoline to
cross the electric car tracks.
ltumors of a shortage have led the
Randolph County (Mo.) Court to begin
an investigation of the books of County
Treasurer Matlock of that county.
For a long time hitherto New York
city bonds have sold at a premium in all
the markets of the world. Some new 3
per cents have leen selling at par.
A Washington special to the New York
Herald says that President Cleveland has
finally made up his mind to call an extra
session of Congress next September.
The Union Club of New York has en
L'liL'ed Captain Charles Perrv Smith, late
of the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, as
its Superintendent at a salary of $5,000
a vear.
'l'he Dclmonico Restaurant at New
York will have to move from its well
known stand in Mav. The Wonnser
ltrothers, bankers, have bought the
A tnend ot tlie I ennsvwania Hospital,
Philadelphia, has presented the institu
tion with 50,000, with which to pay for
a new building for the Out-patient De
A bill providing for the election of
Presidential Electors bv Congressional
districts has passed the Nebraska House,
and is likely to pass tho Senate and be
come a law.-
The Ixiwer House of thvj Kentucky
Legislature has declared against the
marriage of cousins on the ground that
children of such marriages are frequently
The United Brotherhood of Switchmen
held a secret meeting at Philadelphia.
No delimte resolution was tormeil as to
a strike when business is crowded dur
ing the World's Fair.
There are on file in the rostoffice De
partment more than 5,000 resignations
of Postmasters. These cases will be
considered and disposed of before any
eases of removals are taken up.
The admission fee to the World's Fair
grounds will shortly be raised from 25
cents to 50 cents, to diseourago visitors
until the work, which must now be
pushed night and day, is completed.
The result of tho efforts to increase the
trade of the United States with the coun
tries of South and Central America
seems to be an increase in the exporta'
tion of American agricultural imple
ments, the figures of one country, the
Argentine Republic, alone showing an
increase from $327,000 to $1,391,000 dur
ing the year.
Senator Frve will deliver the eulogy
on lilaine in I'oston, May 3. No man
knew him ts'tter.
President Howe, of the American In
stitute of Mining Engineers, is a sou of
Mrs. Julia urd Howe.
Mr. tiladstone would Is; the favorite
Imarder in it 1 1 American private hotel.
He is fond of rice pudding and prunes:.
Mrs, I.amont, w ife of the isipular Sec
retary, will remain in New York until
the close of the school year liberates her
Susan P.. Anthony has weathered the
gales, of ud verse criticism for forty years,
and still clings to the hojs: that she w ill
yet be permitted to vote.
Mrs. Emigtry has made a success, of
her display of gssl clothes. She has a
$175,000 yacht in w hich to enjoy her si a
nickness and U; fashionably miserable.
Verdi w ill have a gold mine in "Fal-
stafl." He has already received $32,-
000 for the ojs-ra, and w ill have 40 per
cent of the performing and publishing
royalty rights.
Itiid'alo P.ill now stands at the head
and front of American citizenship. He
told President Cleveland that he was
not an office-seeker and wanted abso
lutely nothing.
James J. Hill of St. Paul, the railroad
magnate, has a splendid collection of
French paintings Istught on his own
judgment. lie talks as understandinglv
of art as of railroads.
William Ordwav Partridge, the ISoston
sculptor, gets $M,ooo for his statute of
Shakespeare, and will receive $27,IH)0 for
his equestrian statute of Uarlicld. Ik
is only 31 years of age.
The Empress of Austria has translated
l'1-ear," "Hamlet," and "The Tempest"
into modern Ureek, in which language
she is wonderfully proficient, talking and
writing it like an cducateil Athenian.
Oliver Wendell Holmes is sensible
enough to lie very particular about his
diet and means of living, and to take
care that no unwise indulgence on his
art shall U-nelit the dix-tors or shorten
lis days.
There is a fortune in store tor the au
thor who has a long list of good-selling
novels. Ouida has written altogether
twenty-seven novels. They still enjoy a
large sale ami return large royalties to
their author.
If the Infanta Isabella of Spain comes
to this country, she will show the Chi
cagoans that a woman of fortv-two can
dance like a girl, hunt like a M. F. 11.,
and drive a four-in-hand like the Presi
dent of a coaching club.
Among the latest of the prominent
actors to reply to Flbridge T. (jerry's
violent assault upon the women of tlie
stage is John Drew, who jioints to his
listinguisliett mother, who began her
professional career atwut 0 years of age.
lie holds that the children are better off
on the stage than in any other occupa
tion that is open to them.
Taper barrels are a success.
The cigarette manufacture is decreas
ig. Locomotives now have electric head
England is building a ship that will
cost $4,750,000.
Europe is reported to have 50,000
match factories.
There are over 21,000 Western Union
telegraph offices.
The kegs used for the exportation of
gold hold $50,000.
The annual production of pepper av
erages 23,000 tons.
Electric lights are extinguished by a
clock arrangement.
Twentv-five cents a day is good wages
for a laborer in China.
The New York Central has increased
its capital to $100,000,000.
Birmingham, England, manufactures
180,000,000 of pins weekly.
Twelve million fans are exported an
nually from Canton, China.
The highest price ever paid for silver
w as $1.21 an ounce, August 19, 1890.
I)ts of land is changing hands now in
Franklin county, Kan., at $40 an acre.
The sixty-four corn-canning factories
in Maine put up 13,1(51,023 cans last year.
Twentv-one thousand persons are em
ployed making pins at Redditch, En
gland. During tlie last vear the imports of
woolen goods amounted in value to $35,
792,905. During 1892 there were 1,768 strikes in
the State of New York, involving 25,704
Move than live hundred street rail
roads are operated by electricity on this
The Bessemer iron miners of Michigan
admit the formation of a pool to limit
their output.
More gold has been obtained from
Spanish America than from any other
part of the world.
A new wire, called the Hungarian,
is covered with three coats of tliread and
two coats of celluloid.
From all sections of the Southern cot
ton belt come reports of a largely in
creased cotton acreage.
There are quite a number of women in
New York who earn their living by tak
ing in "baby boarders."
More than 500,000 lizard skins were
shipped to this country last year from
the State of Tobosco, Mexico.
The fish hatchery at Selkirk, Canada,
which has a capacity of 15,000,000 fry, is
said to be tlie largest in Canada.
The silver output of Colorado was in
creased last year by 3,000,000 ounces in
spite ot the low price ot tne metal.
There is $12,000,000,000 of life insur
ance written in all parts of the world,
and of this nearly one-half is placed in
this country.
Prince Roland Honaparte Will
Visit the United States.
The King- of Slam to Make an Interesting-
Display at the World's
Fair in Chicago.
Universal suffrage in Austria is favored
by the native Bohemian party.
Rumor says another American Cardi
nal w ill be named at the coming consis
tory. The Senatorial elections in Spain have
resulted in a sweeping victory for the
Russian and Austrian emigrants are
prohibited from passing through Prus
sian territory.
The population of Ireland in 1891. ac
cording to revised returns recently is
sued, was 4,881,248.
Chili and Argentina have settled their
boundary dispute by fixing on the sum
mit of the Andes as the boundary line.
Minister to Germany William Walter
Phelps is to have his portrait painted by
Ilerr Koppay, the noted German artist.
Prince Roland Bonaparte proposes
traveling through the United States this
year with the object of study and re
search. Father Joseau. a Catholic missionary
in Corea, was terribly maltreated by a
mob recently, being beaten into insensi
bility. Mnie. Navarro fMarv Andersml. lm
is livini at TunbridL't;" Wells. Kntrluml.
is rejiorted to be writing her reminis
cences. It costs flliout $1 41) fo havo a ton of
goods transported by carrier from Ma
taddi to the Pool in Africa, a distance of
230 miles.
It is a fact of curious interest that ir
religious France sent the Pope more
"Peter's pence" $450.000 than anv
other nation.
An estimate based on official figures
places the receipts of Paris theaters last
vear at 22,000,000 francs more than the
receipts of 1891.
An elevator is being built in the House
of Commons, London, so that women
new not climb eight nights of stairs to
the ladies' gallery.
Prince Ugo Boncompagni, a high Ro
man noble and formerly Clerical mem
ber of the Roman Municipal Council, is
alsmt to enter a monastery.
The financial situation of Chili has
been greatly relieved. The Government
will take up the forced loans of Balma-
eeda, amounting to $9,000,000.
The inventory of Victor Hugo's manu
scripts has occupied his literary execu
tors eighteen months, and thev have
400,000 papers and notes classified.
Last year's profits of the Cunard
Steamship Company were exceptionally
small, because of the low freight rates
and the suspension of steerage trade.
Monaco is reported as planning to
hold a universal exposition next year.
Monaco has a territory of eight square
miles and a standing army of 120 men.
The Russian Government has sus
pended the coinage of silver rubles on
private account, for the reason that the
silver ruble is now cheaper than paper.
Challemel-Lacour, the newly elected
member of the French Academy, has
been chosen President of the French
Senate. He is a Senator from Bouehes-
The promise made by Mnie. Schlie
mann after the death of her distin
guished husband in 1890, that the exca
vations at lrov would be continued is
about to be fulfilled.
The eruption of the San Martin vol
cano in the Tonalo district, State of
Chiapas, Mexico, has created great
alarm. The flames at one time shot up
1,000 feet above the crater.
Railway extensions are to be built in
LTpper and Lower Egypt to a cost of
1,250,000. The existing line from Ghir
geh to Keneh will be extended and a
narrow-gauge railway built to Luxor.
During the past year, it is calculated,
that the vast sum of over $700,000,000
was spent in the British Isles in alcoholic
drinks, and even this is less by some $1,
500,000 than the expenditure of the year
In the province of Antwerp, Belgium,
the unofficial referendum has resulted
in the approval of manhood suffrage by
15,754 of the 18,701 men who voted.
Forty-three per cent of the electors went
to. tlie polls.
A cable to the New York Evening
Post says : Much damage has been done
to crops in almost every part of the
United Kingdom by frosts. In some
parts of Hungary cereals as well as
truits are wholly destroyed.
The King of Siam, at his own expense,
has decided to make an interesting dis
play in the Manufactures, Agricultural
ami Forestry buildings at the World's
Fair, and will also erect a royal pavilion
of elaborately carved woods.
Socialist delegates from Germany, the
Netherlands, Belgium, England, Switz
erland, France and Italy at a meeting in
Brussels have decided that the Interna
tional Socialist Congress in Zurich shall
begin on August 6 and last for one week.
Hamburg, which last year was the
stronghold and the chief abiding place
of cholera in Europe, is now in such a
healthy state that the doctors have the
blues, and, as a cable dispatch says, " it
seems as if the epidemic had cleared out
tlie other maladies."
Til Aitonlahlng F.wrlence of JamM
Wliltcomlt It-j.
While th Nye-Riley combination wiu on
the roof winter a little Incident hap
pened at Kalamazoo, Mich., which hat never
been given to the public. Thrir entertain
ment waa over for the night, and a large and
pleaded audience had dinperwd. Nye had
been taken In band by the town lecture com
mittee and towed off up to Uncle Aw Butter
fleld'i boiue to hear Uncle Am tell his famous
ttory about hit red cow and Dunk Brown's
bired man, the occurrence having actually
taken place In 13.'9. Uncle Asa waa a local
bumorixt of Rreiit renown; be had been
unable to attend the lecture on account of
rbeumatfim, but had promised to sit up till
the committee brought Nye around. The
red cow story was his maiterplece,
and he was anxious that Nye should hear it,
as be thought that very likely he might want
to Introduce it into bis lecture. Kiley had
scaped by feigning sickness as soon as the
That was proposed, and before Nye could era
ploy the same excuse, and was sitting in the
hotel office at aliout 1 1 o'clock congratulating
himself and chuckly quietly. He was think
ing of various facetious remarks which he
would make to Nye, should he survive the
operation he was undergoing, about Uncle
Ana, the red cow, the hired man. and so forth,
when a man hurriedly entered who attracted
his attention at once. The man was tall and
angular with long gray hair and hollow eyes,
and he had a trick of thrusting his bead for
ward and pointing with a long bony finger.
He glance J around at the group of hotel
guests sitting about and walked directly to
" if oa are Riley, James W"hiteomb Riley,"
he said, as he pointed a long filler at hira.
The poet blushed slightly and modestly ad
mitted the fact. "Yes, yes," went on the
man; '! know you, though I never saw you
be'ore. We never met, but we've had
good deal of business with each other."
"Well, perhaps," replied Riley, "but I
don't exactly understand what you refer to."
"Hal I'll tell you. My name is Thomas
H. Stockwelf," and be looked at Riley tri
umphantly. "Er-well, I can't Just place you Pm afraid,"
answered Riley.
"You can't! Why, Tra the man that has
written all your poetry for youl"
The poet looked at the hollow eyed visitor
"Yes. sir, gentlemen," went m the intru
der, swinging his long, tv::y iiandso as to
include the little group, "1 am the man who
has written all of James Whitcomb Riley's
poems for him. When be has wanted a new
one be has always written to me and 1 have
sent it to him and got my pay for it, and
that has been all there is about ft You
know it, Mr. Riley, as well as 1 da But I'm
sick and tired of it. Hereafter, sir, the
world shall know Thomas H. S.ockwell as be
is; the fame of James Whitcomb Riley w,ll
hereafter rest on the brow of Thomas Hos
tetter Stock well The time has come for me
to declare myself and claim my own!"
The unknown poet who had blushed on
seen all these years drew himself up proudly
and laid his hand on bis heart. Riley had
been gradually getting over his astonishment
and now found bis voice.
"Perhaps, Mr. Mtockwell," he said, "you
may have some of your poems with you such
as you have been furnishing me, and can
favor us with a short reading."
"Certainly," replied the long haired Indi
riduai promptly, as be pulled a handful of
crumpled manuscript out of his breast
pocket; "certainly, nothing would give me
greater pleasure. I have here among others
one entitled 'The Old Barnyard,' with which
I intended filling your next order. I will
read one verse:
When you go out Id our barnyard a-kind 'o wan
na round
Amongst the bens and sheep, and the hogs
a-rootio' in the ground,
and git ffcg'rin' on the colts and how much they'll
prob'bly bring
When they're broke to drive In harness later in
the spring,
Aige off from the sheep with horns 'less yon
want to see some stars
Cause he's predjerdiced and U'ble to bunt you
through the bars.
But what you want to railly "void tint airy pig er
sheep er hoss.
But the cow 'at's got the spotted calf
"You will excuse me, gentlemen, for giv
ing you but one verse, as 1 want you to at
tend the reading I shall give in the hall to
morrow night. Admission only 50 cents. I
have one other here, entitled, 'When Bill
Turns Jack,' port of which I will recite:
When the stock is in the stable and ever'thing's
been fed.
And all them kind 'o chores done up and the wood
th rowed in the shed,
rm mighty apt to slip acrost to Bill's to have
some fun.
And most gen'ly we play eucher till the clock
strikes one;
I've alius handled pasteboards In a easy sort o'
But when It comes to Bill, Ise got Jes' this 'ere
much to say:
Tou may pile up p'ints agin him V hold the best
keerds in the pack.
But you've got to play 'em awful close
"That is all I will give you to-night, gen
tlemen, but it is enough to show you who has
been writing Mr. Riley's poems. My reading
to-morrow evening will be most entertaining,
and as 1 wrote all of Mr. Longfellow's poems,
and am constantly shipping poems to Mr.
Lowell, you can see that it will be varied as
well. Lately 1 have been encroaching on the
English market, sending a number of con
signments to Mr. Browning, and yesterday
filling a trial order for Baron Tennyson.
This is all done away with, however, and
Thomas 1L Stocltwell reveals bis true self to
the world. Do not forget my entertainment
"Tom," said a man, as he entered and
touched the poet on the shoulder, "come on
it is long past time that you were in, and I
have been looking everywhere for you, I
hope be hasn't disturbed you, gentlemen," he
continued, us he started toward the door, fol
lowed by the other; "he is perfectly harm
less, so we allow lu'na about the asylum
grounds, but we didn't think he would wan
der away. He is the same man who used to
think the world would cease to revolve
around the sun if he didn t wear a green rib
bon on his bat, but he has given up that and
taken to poetry."
Nye came iu a moment later very much
exhausted by Uncle Asa's cow and hired man
story, but be had to help Kiley up to bad,-