The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 08, 1893, Image 2

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    ccd jivcr Glacier.
noon kiyi:u, ou. .ri;ti,s,
rut: j;i!:i:y. n
1 1-. I .V'7.7.
Ronator lMph In.s been iiruinu the
forestry lesotvatioii in Oiogon liefoiv
t It m-crotnry of tho inlet lor. The gov
ernment has alumi us much interest in
it reservation through l J ; middle of tho
tnto as tin- distinguished senator has
in the intitf sts of i !, people,
yiinc club w ant to emulate tin
Tho Al-
:,: istoe-
fiiv-v of Europe mid hav
name n m rvo at tlio i ul lie e euso,ahd
that is all there is in it. The Cascade
lmge furnislu's pasture for thousand
ol cilt iii ami sheep, ami its valleys sue
living rapidly settled by thrifty pinj'li'.
'i ho slupi- of tho main t !ii ail' ranuo,
s wt'ii us i ho foothill, a ro as lino tniit
lauils as thoio aro in tho worhl. Too
netting apart of tlio proposi ti ii'si'ivn
tiou woiiUl work i'.'ivtiiovablo injury to
tllU wliolo stall'. A small losoi vation
arvHliul Mt. Hood would not U olijiv
tionablo, but as Natmv has mado tho
country so rucgiil lis to lv praotioally
Impi'ni'tn.bli.', tin ro is no imd own of
thut. 'I hoit is no danger of any one
Mealing Mt. Hooil, sutil tho fow sani
ples that are eaninl away by others
than Alpine club im mbo.s will not .U-j
tract Irom the lo or appeaiiiiuv of tile
grand old mountain.
Wo have received i clipping from
tha Ori(iDiiiai), that would about till
one of uiir columns, w ith a jioto of two
onU: "ri-ase publUh." Tho clip
ping was headed ""World's Fair,'' but
itoes uot mention anything cxoejit
"Mr. Myer." It Is passing stian-o
that the legislature cannot provide for
cix-nting commission so that it will
Hot Ik? at oxoc headed bv a dam nhool.
This lump of concentrated gall, M vers,
asks us to civc him a column in which
to remark that "Mr. Myers has been to
Cuicago, ilr. -Mvers has returned t.-om i
' ,
Chicago, and Mr. slycrs expects to go
Lack to Chicago." It don't go. Mr.
ilyers can go to ilel ena.
A letter by Captain Nathan Appleton
to the ortieial stenographer of the con
gressional committee of investigation
into Pannma matters, asking f,- n full '
n of the ..rooeediims of the com-i
mittee, brought the following reply:
"In reply to yours, containing a re
quest for a report of the investigation
committee of congress relative to tho
I'anama canal, etc., I l eg to say that
only about a dozen copies of the testi-;
inonj were printed, and thes.', owing
to the extreme hurry attending the
closing up of the matter pertaining to j
the Investigation, in some way have!
mysteriously disappeared. Kvoii the!
members of the committee are without ,
the testimony, and out of tho whole:
mass of matter published I myself have !
but a few fragmentary puts, and when
called upon for information in refer-1
ence to this investigation, my only re-'
courae has been my s-hort-lmml notes. :
I have lieen informed also that tho typo
the printing ollice has been distrib-1
uted and the copy d
troved "
'- '
It stands any person who discovers a j
UU. l.CU UVlll. .fl 'liIM.-.l ...ll ,rt Llli;
railroads of Oregon to keep his mouth
hut and rlee as from the wrath to
come. The tramps are ho onto the I
scheme of obstructing the track and j
then saving the train, that the f;r?t ;
thing the railroad officials do in such
cases is io arresi iuo lntormer. i nc .
saving of human life is a natural in- tains in this stato, except the county of
tlnct, but a term in the penitentiary , Tnion, shall b constructed in the fol
for so doing is entirely too much of a lowing manner: They shall have posits
good thing.
Sullivan and hi gang of toughs did
not succeed in convicting C'al Hale of
the Kosiyn bank robbery. This al
leged detective simply arrested Ilaleon
mspicion. Kittitas county has lost
more by reason of Hullivan's foolish
ness than the bank did by ihe robbery.
Kittitas county should prosecute Sulli
van, for the bill of expense created by
liini is scarcely short of- robbery.
ProbablylheTiiost unioue exhibition '
at the world's fair, if the dispatches re
port correctly, will be the Ilaida In
dians of British Columbia. The dis
patch states that a number of them will
leave shortly and that they are of both
sexes. Wo judge from this they must
belong to the improved order of red
-in .
It is passing strange that with men
in the bet of health, and trained down
to a perfect physical condition, that a
perfectly harmless contest between two
of them should so often result fatally.
At Syracuse, Y., Tuesday, Donovan
was killed by a blow from the gloved I
list of Dunefee
Harnuel l'asco has been nominated by !
the democratic caucus of tho Florida j
legislature to succeed himself in the j
U. H. senate. Xo doubt the democratic
applicants for office will keep their eye,
two of them in fact, on Pasco.
It is the boast of America that her
women easily fit themselves to their . Htantial compliance with the terms of
Hurroumliti-is. If this be true, lcgisla- this act, the owner of the stock so killed
tive enactments prohibiting tho wear- j or injured shall have the right to re
lug of crinoline are an urgent neces- j cover from tho owner of such fence, by
"'ty I action of the law, a sum equal to the
If the Oregon exhibit gets toChicago amount of the injury sustained by him
on time it will be a miracle, for it is
Ludly Alywd now.
Carter Harrison has Iwn elected
mayor of Chicago over Allorton by
, .MM mnjoritj, and it majority over ull of
I In another mluinn we print In full
i tho homestead exemption law eimi'ted
I by tlio last legislHtuiv. No iloubt ibt
: iikihi; mm- mo,.,., . anm im- poor
iii.-in liv iim m 1 mr fi'iini kvkciiI nit
- .' i "s "
homo viilnoil at Jl,"i00, but In reality it
is an injury. It will destroy tin credit
of every out' who is not worth more
than l,."ini. A majority of tlio small
farms in Oregon
nri not worth more
man inai auioiiiu, yet mo owners nave
a i-iviiii in propoi i ion in i ueir value.
; lint if tho land is not subjoet to oxoeti-
tim, their eredit i ivduot'd to tho value j
of wiiat other property they may have;
: luit if they have hono", then their credit
is ruined. - (Vioni tit view, j
I The best tiling that oan happen to'
' most pe-iple is to have a limited oi'dif,
and fur this reason, if no oilier, tho law !
i8 a i;ood one. Hesides, for borrow inf
purposes, the land is as good security as ,
ever, only it reiiiiivs a mortgage, idu
si'iiiieutly tlio oonsent of the wife, to
m.iUo it s,. It is a coml law. !
The ivnister of the land olVuv at tr
iron t'tty deserves in have his olllcinl
head ohonped otl" instauier. lie ha
persistently violated the law with re
gard to the publioatiou of laud notices
cvor sinoo he has Ihvii in otlkv. In
stead of piflvlishim: the notiivs in tlio
m,st ,R, l1PI,ko a law
of his ow n, and until forced to quit,
published nearly all of them in the
Kast Portland Mudivntur. Wc called
his attention to the fact that lie was
having n notice published In the Trout
dale Cionipioii that U'longed to this
paper, but tho old gentleman said It
w as a mistake that he could not rectify.
As ho has been making that kind of
mistakes for the past three yearn, we
suggest that he lie let out, nnd that
Next week wc shall give Hood lUvcr
untl vi'1"ly " x,rM Tlti-np. and sonic
tiluc in M,,-v' if " mn m,lH'r
courageinent in the tdiape of advertise
ments and purchase of papers to meet
' i
111 . . .1 I '
uiu c.iH'iise, we win give a uiorougii i
description of this section and Its re
sources. We would like to print wv-j
eral tliousand copies, and would be
pleased to henr from our citizens con
cernlng the scheme. I
The Day brothers, who have the con
,ratt flr fowpletiinr tlio Cascade locks,
i state that the locks w ill lie finished
and boats running through the canal
,., VPllT
IJoswcll Ilcariisley was appointed j
onst master nt Vortli T.nnainir liv .Iiilm I
(Juim.y A(lun md h.m he(, ,
contluuously ever since,
will remove him.
Death alone
Urieks for the School Horn.
It has been suggested that when we
build a school home: that the material
URcd should be brick. It is claimed
that there is an abundance of fine brick
clay near the factory, and one party
offers to d( liver the brick on the ground
at?" per thousand. If this can bedone
the cost of a brick building would not
be a great deal more than a frame.
l"" l'1"'1 '"' -
i 8 eaueu in oipunro iui uws-
Ilnrlied IVire lnce. ,
rsev erai poisons nave made inquiries
of us as to what constitutes a lawful
barlM'd wire fence. For the lienedt of
all such, as well as those who have built
the animal traps that go by the name
of fences we print the law.
1- - ...... .
: 34o(i: All wire fences In any of,
, . .
the eoimtiea east of th.. f 's,-u
six and one-half feet in length, and not
I less than four inches in diameter, made
of sound timber; such posts shall be set
in the ground two feet, and shall be
' not further than thirty-two feet apart;
tile re shall be not fewer than three
j wires of the kind in comon use stretch
jedfrom post to post; the lower wire
t shall be two feet from the ground,, the
: second fifteen inches above the lower,
ana uie upper one nnccn lncnes irom j
the second one. .Said wires shall be fast-1
('"' - 'd 10 tllt; P0 securely in the custom
ary inanner.ami at the distance of eight
feet from each of said posts,and at every
space of eight feet from each other,
throughout the entire lengut of such
fences, there shall be poles or false posts
set up on the ground, four and a half
feet in height, to which tho wiret of
such fences shall be securely fastened;
and on each side of such fences, if the
ground can be plowed, throe furrowe,
at least four inches deep. Said furrows
must be plowed within two feet of the
fences; provided, that in cases where
the land cannot be plowed, or in other
; cases, a pole not less than two Inches
tujjj at nie gmull end, or plank not less
than one inch thick by six inches widei
affixed to posts as above provided, but
not more than sixteen feet apart, may
take the place of the middlo wire and
false posts and plowing.
U cases in winch stock shall j
be killed or injured by comimt in con
tact with barbed-wire fences which are
not at the time of injury kept in sub-
in the killing or injury to his stock at
A Slrnu hun t.
A strange story mini's Irom n neigh
Itorliood uUmt ton miles som'.icnsi of
(tot. SI. IS'.m. Alert Yohe. an nged
fanni-r, committed suicide. Yehe's
mind had lnen unbalanced for some
time, and ho imagined that tho diseov-
, f , , , , , ,
I : "
Htmn of tlio world. Hi' was opnsod to
liny search for t ho now fuel, and often
pleaded witli his neighbors to leave it
aloiii'. Ho also imagined tlmt lu w;w a
! ruined
man, although ho owned n good
j rami an. I was m a pi'iv-porous eoiulition.
lie ttiotc'lit his I'ainilv had lnen doouuvl
to stal vatiou, and lu irsolvod to t.,ko
his life, thus terminating Ins misery.
Kocotilly an I'.lwnod couipauy U'gaii
drilliiist for ;,asou tlio Starkoy farm and
the work had tiroeccdod nearly to coui
plotion. Tin y were rushing the work
and a day and night force i f hands were
employed. Tho night force, however, i
no longer at work and the follow ing is
the cause: A few nights since, while the
men won lit work, they wore startled
by a slight noise near tlio derrick, and
on livking around they beheld tlio form
of old man Yoke walking from the en
gine to the derrick. 1 mo man approached
him and tho torm suddenly vatmhod.
ouly to roappcr in a few moments.
This sort of thing was kept up for sev
eral nights, the old man making his ap
pearance t tho same spot each night.
Tho men claimed the place was haunted
nnd they refused to work arty more after
night. Tipton Cor. Indianapolis Senti
nel. NlH-iiilllitfThi'lrllniir.Miiiiiiii In h Cuhli-('nr.
If ; ,i... r..H.,..,r,l
t - . ------
partment of one of the Seventh and
JS tilth street cable cant last evening. Tho
short iK'iiches on each sitlo of tlio grip-
mail won empty save for one figure !
that of a petite and pretty brunette in a !
warm gray capo ulster, w ith a big fur j
boa anmnd her neck. j
The conductor put his head through
the door for a moment and c.uao b.u k
chuckling. j
"Love's n funny thing." he said, as ho
got buck on the rear platform and rung ,
up two fan's, "llieres Jmiswifo in'
Al -.ii- r- .i i
there with hnn. Jim s thognpm.m. you
know. Tliev've Uen niarrieil nrett v near
...1 1 I'.,, 1.1 . 1 ,F . I. , I ,
two weeks, nnd 1 in blainod if shohasnt
put in the liest half of tho time riding
round with him in the car. 1 liey couldn t
afford to take a tiipolT, you see, and so
they're spending tho honeymoon in this
"Yes, sir," said .lim. "we've lieen mar
ried two weeks tomorrow. May lie you
think it a funny way to spend the honey
moon, and so it is. Ihit it's Mary's do
ing. I'd saved up enough to taken week
I or so otl' but she wouldn't have it.
: J'"st turn
' niin.v ,l"a 111 c,"" rido ,,UJ
I V ' I I I. I l''U . 1 , lllj II. .11,1-
in the
or niavbe I'd get
bounce." Philadelphia Press.
An t'liltii'ky I.oeiiiimt Ive.
Engineer Know-blow, of tho Krie. has
finally agreed to preside at the throttle
! of Engine No. i?u of that mad. This is
bo "lacl'i1no t!,;l,t V hT"n& Jiho
iwo xernuio vvreciis on inai roan ai jt--
i venna on July and ut Kent, S-pt. HO.
When it came out of tho Meadville shops
! recently none of the Imys wanted to sit
ut tho right luuid side of tho cab in the
unlucky engine, and it was only after
considerable persuasion that Engineer
' Kuowblow was persuaded to take charge
of the hoodocd locomotive. Uailroaders
are like sailors, they have their super
stitious, anil an engineman no more
1 likes to run on an unlucky inaciuno than
ernes an oiu iar io sail on certain untor-
tunate vessels. Pittsburg Post.
The Hprure (Oim Si-umxi Is On.
j Tho Himic0 K,ini slsoI1 is 0 in M;line
i nn,i business i.-i booming. One firm re- i
i ctived twenty-four barrels of about S'ji
tons of gum in one day, and it will have !
l-- barrels or 2.1.1)00 pounds before the
close of the sea.s.m. The first grado of
. . . . , .
" c-Ioihi and clear and ready lor ;
chewing. It sells at wholewile at sisty ,
sisty .
cents to one dollar a pound. j
The dark colored gum, mixed with ;
),...rl, ., itch is unrtl. f,-,., vir to
eighteen cents a pound, ami is purchased
..... f... ---i
by refiners, who boil it, skim oif tho
dirt, add some other things and produce
many varieties of spruce gum. Maine
No I'loivers ut Ills funeral.
Owen Meredith's (Lord Lytton's) coffin
was borne to the grave without a, blos
som to decorate its pall according to tho
direction of Lady Lytton, who said that
her husband had requested that not bo
much "as the tiniest violet or tlio small-
est rosebud" should be used about his
bier. "What, in heaven's name, have
poor flowers done to lm condemned to
servo such a horrid purpose as liemg
consigned to vaults and graves? I like a
sad looking funeral," was a frequent
saying of the poet's, and hia funeral
ce.emony was indeed a gloomy one.
Won- t'lii'e'a Coat of Mull.
When a Chinese highbinder, named
Wong Chee, who had been arrested for
vagrancy, was stripjied in the city prison
recently, a coat of mail was found around
his body. It was a tight fitting armor,
made of a doublo thickness of interwoven
steel links, and it weighed twenty-two
pounds. Experts say that no pistol bullet
ever mado would penetrate tho armor,
and when tested tho links turned a rifle
ball from its course. Han Francisco Ex
aminer. Heavy Damages.
A poor citizen of Nassau, N. Y., sued
a rich neighbor to recover damages for
tl.n f,,,.l, ,,f tl.f. 1. ,tt,,.! cut. II il.rr
whkh bo muintailiwl WIS a .-snapping,
snarling, vicious brute." In answer tho
defendant maintained that the canine
was a "great jK.'t and of gentle nature,''
but ho lost his case and must pay l.OOO
damages. Philadelphia Ledger.
I orhiilden Words In Uussla.
It is forbidden to nso the words
"hunger" or "famine" in Kazan, Russia.
Nevertheless, tlio sights in the streets
would draw tears from tho munlicst eye.
Cor. London Standard.
WIM mnho Ihr sprlnit season nf 1 -1 Vt, nl eon
Minlml place tht'ouiihont liin valley mill
While ."salmon W IiIiiiiIiii, Tlum Hiul Iiut
mihjeet In fu I in n i1 ill mr n t .
Heserlpthni mill lYillirroc.
M ItlulK lit In a ronl-hliii'lr Uiuuhlctiinlttn,
renin old; IS hfttisit; Moltl.t UiO mutitU; Hired
liy Slum ' 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 n : iImiii, ii fopper
hnttom mull'. "Mhllllpht" ll II lionil itlism.
tlnnmt hore, n toppy ttrlTor unit (iilnii trot
ler for n ltorsi uf his sire.
"MluiUiilitV -r e (m will he I0 fur pi tic t
hmvIcc, ilni ill llnii of mtnIi-k, or lift for Hip
mmhii. ivnuu inisMllint hy tannin xwvioo
Hiul nmrK fullliiK lo 1'iih'h, on n hrivtt hy the
(.ftisnii hy Hie iiililllliiiml I'livniKUt nfji'i. Hen
on io i-lnm' .Inly ,i, I MM,
For n rnm iiiul m her liitiiriniilloii ii'ly to,
A, I,. Tim es,
Hffli' nt ( lio llooil liler t'liiunmi'.v.
Tin Iii-iviIIiik of II M' KliH'U U of lulu yi'iii'i
oiiiiilni: to he mi liuliiNliy Hint Is Iuim'iI mi
i'oiinIiIi'i iilluiiii ninl I'lili'iiliiMniiH ol nmlhuiiiiil
lent nli-i'ly. In ti'ottlim Imrv rlivli-H I hose
Iioiki'ii (hut hy llmlr lnri'ihni! ami ill-rlplhir
Imve (folio n fur low m il khovlnii 1 1 io nuii U
iIoh n to I hv I u o inhiiiti' noii'h ion Iho ones
thill mi' nillllii Iho n'i foi inlliK hlonit lulo
thi'lr tii'l. No Kliillloti i' rr pill any mi in I u-1 of
IH'ifot nu'iK lulu tlin -M IIhI uuliiml ha
IllU somi'llillii; In shun for II. llirrilris ol
I'lilllcimil M ho me nfler ntiolhrr hohhy ollirr
I luo: (Iml of iiii'iit. hilM' t ii 1 1 m t wiiut Ilu'v
hiiiiI III wluil iiii know n as Iho n'i'liil ilnliy
hieeiN niul llio in ill lot) hu'i'its. IUiiiiim' ol a
limit lliie of I'l.vilhn; In llilx uo I li'iilnr (llr
is'l Ion Ihe inral lih'a has lu i ii losl klM of.
Ull the oai' liiiinl e tuixr the lllllp Jersey
MllOM' lIltil'NtlM' llllit IISsllllllllIlM' iil'I'iilulilK
tnrimiill li.,r f . ill I n I lie , In e. 'I Inn of the in I Ik
iwll, M hllf on Hie olher l the .Merino M It li
! Muiutriiul IlifiV of niUMiiullly mill ilrlnlts.
Thi mini who Is tuveillnu fur hi-i for iMirl. inn
miike his selection fioui lOimin; llieeioly
inulai'liiK liueil (hut eoiin' In their maturity
iiiori) lo ly, ninl miike I lie Iwavler erivimsr
for Nochkl iniirkel. All tlio hnsnldr ikoiI iio
now Is to luy out lit work In fore him unit
then Mvuiv lln' rlj lit liisliiinieiits. 'l in n he
eull eill H ue to t he line. lU onouiy In Hie lay
hill out of Hie work ninl skill In the uo of the
tools will cnuie M Ith a llllle tlnio Hint r'i l-i-nei'.-
Nehnnkn I iiruu r.
Vul'.Mi lU'.MiKAl,
Is ii ihoinle irrm', l,!1., Iiionls hlith. Melius,
, .H,lt?uL tmis-iau. n .s Normrn, :i v..u;
' oi,i on .xiny ."a a, is'-i. is m e iimn ull hiem-;
i lsnes am ii si usi s ami is it line nnin iioim ,
,,.,,. ,, ,, ,, ,.,,,,. ......
; i ne.t I. y
JniiN sw ia'.NV, of ttoui), on.
Mr. Sweny Mill atleu.l at the follow Inu ,
plnei s ilurli.i; lln. sn'e season: .l .Mi.
.joe I'lii'sir s, Miiuilay unit TuestlHV ol euci 1
Week. Al .M.Micr, ! rlilay mul Muiiii.liiy ol ,
eiieh Meek. I'l l'lns: l'orsllii;le nervlee, 1 1 -
kI.Iii In eusli f.i.ui. I ly the .ui'.ii. u.i.lile nt 1
rml ul aali.e, sii.iil. I'o iiisin. , u) uhlc In n
suine Is Kuoh u. s.i mi. tu e. is,- m laiiure, sei-
111 the follow niu season flails, !
XOTICK l'Olt ITP.UcniON. !
IjuhI (itlhv lit The I'ullcsiir, Mairh II, l'J. 1
Not lee Is Inr. -liv u'lv.-n thai tin
(olliiu Inn- I
nillni-il sell I. r has II ii . I nollei- of his lul. nl ion
111 11... U II III. I l.r.H.1 III hi. . IIHI.'I ill ll . I'll. . I. .
. Mini tlmt sulil iI1mi1' Mill hi lllll.le heloir lln
Ki'k'lster mill liee. lver I . !s. I., u. ill 1 lie lau
id, on .May ii, s!H, i.:
I.enu.ler Kvmis.
llonu-steail Aiilli iiIlon No. :'.'n for lln
n e ij unit s 'a a w i' 7 T - u r IJe m in.
He nmnes the folloM'lni M ltne.e lo proM
1 his eoliimilous rslileuee iiion ami eintlMe
lion ol, Mini liiml Ann's lloi.t, .hiine!
1 Klllolt, W llllaiu Johnsun, nil of .Mi.-,er ur.
' It. .McNeil, ol i lie I miles i Mvnon.
! lnelilHti)i:j John V I. km is, Hi-kIhIit.
' bund ( Ullce ul Viineoii er li. I. lid I. !
.lotlee Is hi'it'hy ulirn that Iho foloirla- ,
nioneil seiner tins lileit notU-u of his m- !
lenlion to make Html -iroul in Hiippoii Ins !
rhiiins nnil lliul sunt M ill hv niiiile he- '
fore W. It. Uniiliiir I '.a 1 1 n i issioit.r f. . i n-J
etllt (mill I H -I il.t ol Miislilnulon ill liolilili
. ilule Miisiiin.tiiiion April ' . 1MM Mr.: j
j lllsliniis II. Hleh. i
' l're-f niptlnn ll. s. No. J.SI lor the n w ! ur
STp i ti r 11 e M in.
1 lie names the follow In w itnesses to prej
I his contlnnnil-t nslileliee upon Mint ellltlvil-
i lion ol sunt Iiinil, M.: .Mill ion I,. k, Minni
! l.oek,.!. Henry livmis, l ei. rl.l
j w hile .salmon, Miisninuton.
sliong, nil of
111-11 1 111 i 13
John Ii. (ii:o(iiien,n, Hrijlstir.
NOTICE l'Olt Pl'llLICA T10N.
Idiud Utllci at Vuneonver, Vih., Men. II, 1K93.
Notice In heruhy ulveii Hint thu folliiMliiK-
j to nmke tmal loinnnilalion proof In support
"'Ink elulm, ami n.nt nuki pns.f Mill Im imnlo
iieiuii inu lieKisier ninl uvi uoei in mi is.,;, ,,,,. ,,i Vancouver, WuU,., on April
-i'' vik
Friitrlelc W. White.
II. K. st TO for the in!, see .Vl'p H n r 1 1 v v in.
. im nn men me lonowinir wunessM k. jirove
mn ioiit nnoiis reslilenee nrion anili'iiLlviillon
of sunt land viz: .Mike .iniiiiennan, William
A.Syiiinis. Unbelt M. I leniaiiH. tin U. I
Kiiinhnne, all nl hlle Salmon, Klickitat Co., !
InelilJaplLi JollS 1). CiKOiilfKOAN. KirlxtiT
IjIiikI oiriei' at Vancouver Mush. l'"i-h. 3, IWI,
Notice Is herchy nlven that tlio following
nunieil settler has llleil notieii of his Intention
to make tlnal proof In siipiHirt of his claim,
' anil that said proof M ill he linnlu hcloru Hit
l KcKlsler ami ltceelvcr I'. S. Land (illlio at
: Yaneonvrr wash., on April Ii.l, viz:
Claim II. Pearson.
i P. H. No. 2 'l.1 for the t :. n e i anil ) n !
lection H Tp Our 1(1 e w in'.
i He numPK the folloM ltn; witnesses to provr
i his eontlmioiiH resilience upon anil cultiva
tion of, cniil lanil viz: l'etcr Stolier, Sir., Kiini
iiil Htollor, of Vaneouver wash., lVterScluiilil,
; Hanlel V. Kaeul, ofTroul Lake wash.
tnehlapIS JoilM 1). tiKofJUMjAN. HeulKt(r.
Kstahllslied 1H3.
Wholesale dealers In fruits
and vegetables of all kinds.
Helena Montana.
I.nndOIIiee at Vuneonver wash. March, Hi, ISiW.
ToColumhiiK.IeMelf and all whom It may
Notice Is herchy ulven that the foiloMlni;.
named settler lias Hied notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support of
Ills claim, anil that said proof will he made
hefon the ltculsler and Kccclver I'. H. Land
iflicn ut Vancouver wash, on May
'St l0,vlz:
Ktlckru Johnson.
Widow of Sappatanclicli Johnson, deceased.
II. K., No. ,V.17 for these kcc IS'l'p 1 n r 11 e
w m.
IShe names (he folloM lnit witnesses to prove
her continuous residence ujion anil cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: Isahcl Mowin, I rank
Joseph MoiKiin, III,' Jonilndiaa,) .lohnHlontie
Indian,) all of While Salmon Klickitat Co.,
inclii",a'"l .lolix I). Ckooiikcax, Itelslcr.
- i
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
A I.W'.0 HUpply of, i'UhI r.rrhmivr l,'i;it o Moll
Cnlobraloil liquitl t'ldnrii atnl tinhul In.ids.
Uniclcrt-iliin n, Specialty.
I'n'pan'd to furnish at once, a line elas of culUns, also a cheap gradu
bill neat and hUbstaut ial .
iVIays A1B1 Crowe,
Cornor tf Socoiul ,"iml Toiloral Slrools.
fKl.K.niiA i:ii
Acorn and Chartor Oak
Stoves and IJ.iiirhs.
; iin, Allimilllltlon ami Spurting ('(Mills,
Iron, Coal,
lllacktmith Huppllcs,
TTafonmaker's Matrrlal,
Bswsr lip",
l'umps and Ppl I,
Plumbing Supplies.
That thirty days Is as long as we can eie.llt gi.ods, nnd would ro"prrt fully
n-ipiest our patron to govern themselves accordingly.
Proscriptions nnd
Private jEcrmuln
And a Comploto Linn of
your-- rcn hood nivizn,
House Builder's Goods, Snsii
and Doors, Mouldings,
Brackets ami wool T u r n i n r s.
Linic. Plaster and L.itli Ceil
ing, Rustic and Flooring.
Coffirxc Co,3lots-
ON HI loin
TTb.e IDa-lles
Have on hand a full supply of
vines, small fruits, Hoses ami Sliruliiiery.
Re sure to get our prices lie for" purcliioiingeisewhcre.
Remember our t rees are grown strictly without irrigation.
W. A. HMNUikiiLAttft, Ijocnl Agent.
Choicest Meats, Ham,
Bacon, lard, Game,
Poultry, Also Dealers in
Corner of Oak and Fourth Streets, .... Hood Hiver, Oregon.
t.i :it in
W lieiml,
ninl l uirlnfM
CnmpaajM ArvlcnKsrl Ii
ninl "3rhlM7.
1 riPQ
3U VbsfkV
it. iva
Fruit, Shade and Ornamental trccn;
ninl N,iwik
A( I MX K'lt
Eilclicil, Mis & Slur