The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 08, 1893, Image 1

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    ,4 ,
iver Glacier.
NO. 45.
3fccd liver Glacier.
The Glacier Publishing Company.
mi iik iiirnoN I'ltii k.
ii yt i or
Nn Di'ititli. , , , I Ml
Tl Mi. hi Ilia. , fte
ttnul ruijf , ( ,,L.
thf: glacier
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Piopr.
Mrruii'l M , ruin ( l.ili, . . Iluuil Kivnr, Oi
Slmi Inj; nml llitii rutting wntly ilonx
Sal infurlinii 1 1 it Mil i tii-i I .
Di-play of Orison (iame Birds for
t lie Woill's Fair.
The Kitfe for Hidden-Treasure Hunting
In the NrfKhliorhood ol the San
l.uls kvy MMun.
Arix in's legislature closes it" session
mi April 1 1.
Blocks sixty f et in length a
tirt-uk mm found in the onyx qinuries in
l,oiT California.
Tn Arir.oim Council Ins passed a I'ill
exempting lmiii taxation fur tenty
years nil railroads Unit I 11 work in the
Terntny within one year.
The hint of the fnvir d'Alene rioters
held in have Im'cii released m obedi
ence to a recent United Hates Supreme
Court (Irritiion.
Railroad shop employes Kt Saeramen'o
llirt'ati'ii to IkivcdU inetulier ol the
11 uril ol I rude tl the hitter persists in
titkuiK business Irom the lift.
Oc. re touutl on Elijah Welch's place
below Pendleton, Or., makes paint ol
about the same Ixxly and "'r " burnt
sienna, whicti it resembles gicatly.
In theAnzma legislature the Field
hill, whim provided mr the division ol
IIih' l'l-rrii" rv inu irrigation dndric s,
Iihm been killed in the lln-e hy anover-
Wl. lining Vote.
Toe misappropriation of funds in tor improving the capitoi
grounds ..I I' o'ii x, A !'., him led lo the ol a if 'liiiion u the Leg
IH iituie to ifin ve the capital.
Tlie co iled over the Kdzslde will at
Sunt, li.ilmri I as he tin. Abut $50,
IM) are involved, and the widow cnar. eH
her hiiHh.ind was unduly mlhienced in
hi liestowal ol Hie properties on inner
frank L.n:ot, receiver of UhUohwiII,
N. M., United Slates l.nnd Oiline, disap
peared a few weeks since, ami advices at.
tVuitu Fe Mlale that he M short to the
ynvTii nt somewhere between $H,OllO
and $20,000.
By the provision of a bill which has
pasted the Ar House no bonne ol
III fame can exist within 400 yards of a
piiMic-Nchool lm Itling. It will break up
and clear out the divert on Monroe street
in Pl.tenix, as all that portion of the
town is witnin two blocks ol tbe llii
School budding.
A few days k' Miss Liznie Ptisan, in
structor at the Indian echo 1, known as
tlie Stewart Inutitute, at Carson, in at
tempting to separate two Indian Rirls
who were quiii relinif, was stiuck over
the head and it is believed ser:ouily in
jured. Two bars of bullion marked "Vulture
mine" have been oundiii a stable ditch
at Han Bernardino. They ate supposed
to have tie- n part of the bullion secured
by three Mexicans who killed lour years
ao Captain Uuod, Superintendent of
the Vulture mine in Arizona, while he
was on bis way to 1'hieuix with the
mine's output for the month.
Allen UbodeB of Salem baa prepared a
display 01 Oregon tranie birds that will
ffotothe Wor.d's Fair. It consists of
seventeen Mongolian pheasants, includ
irnr cock, hen and fllteen chicks, four
pair for a group; two pair of Kastern
Oregon prairie cuickens, two pair of
dnHky grouse, two pair milled grouse,
four pair vallov quail, three pair moun
tain qna-1, a g.oup of jack snipe and
some other single specimens
The rage for hidden-treasure hnnting
still exists in the neighborhood of the
San Luis Uey Mission, and the Itestora
tion Society is taking steps to put a stop
to the t urrowing in and around the
walls As an illustration of the elusions,
there'livea in Us Angeles an old Indian
woman with the name of Trinidad. She
was a young girl, about twelve years old,
at the mission of San Juan Capistrano,
when that building was distroyed by an
earthquake in 1812, and thirty eight In
dians were ki.led on that memorable
Sunday at biuh mass. Trin'dad, who
claims to be a witch, says she knows
where a large amount of gold and silver
is buried in that budding, and the spir
its tell that it ib still there.
Hccii liiry C 'in I i hI m has signed vouchers
to the at int. ol ILW, I L'O in f.vir of the
World's Fair Coiiiiiiih"Ioii, which are
payable in nmvinir Iuill-iiolnirH. The
cotiitniMMi ii up io tliiii ' in'f has r ceiv (I
fl,IC'0,l5 hi Ihn f:ylMi.( HI Hpproitria
tluii lv CoiiKresH, payable ill snuvt-iiir
hit (-dollars.
The ile egati'H to the rtrKiit Inlfriia
lional Monetary Conffifiirn Ii ve le
siguid. Al nig iiifini'fm ol Coiik'rf'H
it IH I elieved I he I'lehidi lit u ill hfipl a
i'IiIiiiiiIhhkiu Id llMl"hfl Io ifpre'ent Ui n
country when the cniifcri-nce iiMM-em-bicH.
'Mm Socielan ol Suite in now en
deavoring to ascertain how mini v ciiin
triiM will be lepri'Sf litd at the re iliceni
bl I III of the roiif 'lenie. Thi're aie Hume
iillii'ialM who hold Io the opinion that tlm
I'res di-iit will not i-eiid anotiier ilelffrit
t mil to l!rilH"n In, hut will ib s gniite our
M nihter to Belgium I't iitleiid tlm I'on
hr'liie bh the if ptineiital;vn of the
United Stati-H.
Secretary Carlinle, it is Hliitt-d on good
authority, t n tf Ih to vive much ol I ii
tiiiie this sninmer to the coiiHiih-nition
ol the tarill. with a vifw ti so thornugh
ly f m 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii r t r. 1 1 kf hiniHidl with the siilijcct
ii m lu be nil f t iii'liciitM in a getier il
way outlines for the formation of a t ur ill
till liy the M-xl Deuiocriitic lloune.
Snarly every mail that reaches the
TreaMitry I epnrtment contains sugges
tion from slut iHtii iaiiH mid olliem an to
compilation of a tarill' lull. Some
thirty or forty of these communication
have ulrcudy heeil received, prnin ii.nt
ii'imitg I hem being that from the New
York l"(orm Clnti. The weneriil nnt
hne ol the New York K"forin (Huh'
latiir proM,ition crrepou(ls closely to
the proposition Mihmitted in Isn't by
K lward Atkinson ol lloxton to I'reM'Icnt
Cleveland and Secrulnry M.iiiii'ug.
The ex-ofliceholderi are almost deliri
ous with joy over Cleveland i modifica
tion of the rule e.jiicerning reappoint
ments to ollii-e. U is believed tl at the
President will appoint "exes" where it
suits his pleasure, and apply the rule
w here candidates are ohnox oii". One
result of the nnnotinieiiient that the
' exes" would slam! some chance i that
the Sei ators ami Hepreentatives are
heiieed hy a greater iinm er of catidi
ilaes than ever. When it was ar
iiouncid that the ''exes" were not in n,
thry retired reluetitii ly from the lield,
and others, who hill not held ollice,
me to the front hy scores. Now, how-
HI", the "exes are avain liirhting
bravely in thelront ranks, and lietwecn
ali the t'oiiKre-siimn's h e is made mis
erat'le. Senator I'o'ph called upon the Secre
tary ol the lirerior the oher dav re
garding the proposed timlx'r reservation
st Ashland, Or, It. was understood that,
this reserval mi wuillil be made during
the last aduiiTiistrstiou, but President
Harrison did not find time 'o reach it.
Secretary Suiitu toid Venator ln'ph
that at pre-ent he was uiiahle to do any
thing regarding this reservation an I was
too busy reorgniiiziiw the depart meiit to
give anv time or attention to the work
ol the dirUi,t nt except tha of ino t
pressing iritttre. The nec -ss ty for hsv
Mill the Aihlatul reservation is said to he
that the water supply of that, town is
dependent upon havim the timber reser
vation, as the deiind it on ol the lands
where the water now come from wou'd
prohahlv result hi greatly impairing the
water supply.
When the Senile raMlied the Irea y
lor toe I'd ui n to the Unite I Sutes of
the Cherokee Strip, th re wis inserted
tin rem aclm-e which provides for the
compeiisition for the laud io he ni;i''o
in tune piiyutents in p ace ol the re
quirement of the k'overnnient. to pay
cash, as contemplated ill the agreement
originally draw n un with the Indians.
This itiivlili.'ation of the treaty was not
accept eil by the Indians, but will he
considered bv their legislative body, the
Cherokee Council, at a meeting to be
held soon. Th' early opening of the
Strip will lie entirely dependent upon
IheFCtionof the Council, for, should it
reject the modification of the treaty
made by the Senate, then it will be nec
essary tor the matier to be attain brought
before Congress, which would, ol course,
indefinitely delay the opening of the
lands to settlement.
The State Department baa received of
ficial information that IJueen Victoria
has rased the rank of Sir .luliiin
Pauncefote, her representative in Wash
ington, from that of Kxtraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary to t hat of Am
bassador, and his credentials as such are
on their way here. Under the provis
ions of the diplomatic and consular ap
propriation bill of March 1, 1SH, Presi
dent Cleveland is authorized to confer
the snnie rank upon our representative at
London. St Julian Pauncefote will lie
the first Minister to Washington to hold
the title of Ambassodor, but it is highly
probable that France, Germany, Uuusia
and Austria will be prompt to follow the
example thus set by Kngland and change
the title of their Ministers to Ambassa
dors, thus necessitating by international
courtesy a corresponding change on our
Litigation between the United States
and the late corporation of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,
commonly known as the Mormon Church,
is not as yet ended. The Supreme Court
has before it an appeal respecting the
use to which Bhall be put the church
property escheated by the court's deci
sion at a previous term When the prop
erty was declared forfeited the court di
rected the Utah Supreme Court to fix
the charitable ussb to which it should be
put. The oour rejected the proposition
of the government as to the use which
should be made of the fund from the
property, amounting to about $40U,00,
and directed it. should be applied to the
support and aid of the poor members of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints and to buildinir and repair
ing houses of worship for members of
the church. The United States has ap
pealed from this decree, asserting it
would practically permit the property to
be devoted to the same purposes for
which it waa formerly held.
Heavy I minora' ion Flowing Into
Northwestern Iowa.
Ilisli' p Wilder "'is a ( Addressed
to the I'llests Kesclndlng; Ills
Fjrmcr Older.
The Colorado Senate has passed a hill
abolishing capital punishment.
Prof. Totten predict. Ihe end of the
woild some time in September next.
Fifty thousand hotel rooms will he
available near the World's Fair grounds.
The Oketluokee swamp in ( ieorgia is
reported to be overrun with wild hogs.
A big Boston syndicate is trying to se
cure control of the Canadian steel indus
tries. Washington newsboys are forbidden
by law to sell papers except on the date
of issue.
Tim city of Boston is making a hard
fviit iiK'.iiiiMt the trolley system of elec
tric cars.
The Aransas Pass railroad has virtu
ally pissed into the pos.sess.ion of the
Southern Pacific.
In the 1jwer House of the Pennsyl
vania 1iHltttttrn the anti-Pinkerton bill
has finally passed.
A strsne disease among cattle in
Central Illinois is believed to be due to
the feeding of millet.
Ksliiniites an to the cost of the hotels
in the World's Fa.r district range from
:j,fjH),(ux) to fi.oi'o.utjo.
The heaviest immigration that evr
flowed into Northwest Iowa and South
Dakota is iu progress now.
A crin iline-maniifacturing concern has
been established in Ktiode bl.imi, the
f.rst ol the kind in America.
It is thought that the coinage of
World's Fair souvenir half-dollars will
be completed in three months.
Alsttit loO Chinamen living iu Boston
have iiitiimted tnat they intend regis
tering within the prei-crila-d peiiol.
Some one has goneolT with all the coin
ai:d records of the noted Tenderloin
Club at New York, and it is now in the
throes of dissolution.
South Carol na baa issued bonds cov
ering its new loan, amounting to $o,2t0,
tsio, tie.tring 4'i per cent interest and to
run for lorty years.
By a vote of 31 to 1!) the Minnesota
Senate has passed the Senate bill ex
ten oing the lull suflraice at all elect ons
in Minnesota to women.
The ca-e involving the Mormon Church
property b a Imen advanced in the
United Stall s Supreme Court to the sec
ond Monday of tne next term.
The receivers of the Reading road
have definitely decide i on the issue of
receivers' certificates. The bondholders'
committee will probably fight it.
A cor oration with a capital of $15,
0 O.lKwj lias been formed to cover New
Jersey in the neighliorhood of Jersey
Ciiy and Newark with e.ectric railways.
It ia propo-ed by the organized tin
and sheet-iron joo workers and cornice
workers ot St. Louis to estahhsti a train
ing school where apprentices will be
taught the trade.
The Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk
roads have agreed upon a rate of l1-
fare for the round trip from Canadian
points to Chicago during the World's
Fair. Tickets will tie good lor one month.
The Kansas legislature has parsed a
bill making it illegal to require a gold
contract in notes, mortgages or other ob
ligations and making silver, as well as
gold, a legal tender for all debts in Kan
sas. A committee appointed by the House
of the Tennessee legislature to investi
gate the chargeB against Judge Duboise
of the Shelby County Criminal Court
has reported that there are no grounds
lor impeachment.
Reports to ihe bureau of statistics of
theTreasnry Department show a dec ded
increase in the number of immigrants
entering the port of San Francisco, while
in the other ports of the country there
has been a faliing-off.
It is thought probable that at the con
clusion of the naval review Secretary
Herbert will divide the ships into three
fleets, put new ofheers in command and
send the vessels away at once to the Pa
cific, the South Atlantic and Europe.
Pians for the America cup defenders
show that some radical changes have
been introduced over tie former type of
yachts. The new boata are ne irly all
124 feet in length, 23 to 26 feet beam,
and have a mean draught of 12 to 14
The customs officers at New York are
holding the trunks of a number of Ital
ian opera singers under the belief that
the clothing in the trunks is not the
property of individual members, bnt of
Henry Abbey, who has charge of the
Judge Dallas in the United States Cir
cuit Court at Philadelphia has denied a
motion to require John F. Searles, Jr.,
Treasurer of the American Sugar Refin
ing Company, to show cause why he
should not be compelled to answer im
portant questions in the suit of the gov
ernment against the eugar trust.
Bishop W gger of the diocese of New
ark, N. J., has issued a circular letter,
addressed to each priest in the diocese,
rescinding his former order in which
priests were ordered to refuse absolution
to those members of a pari-h who sent
' their children to the public schools in
Bottles are blown by machinery at
Vineiand, N. J.
Uncle Sam's !ny have $30,0X),000 of
capital Invested in Hawaii.
'Ihe Angora goat supplies the hair
which adorns ordinary dolls.
Te ephone chat iosvs $ for three min
utes between Paris ami Imdon.
There are now nearly 200 women prac
ticing dentistry in the United Sta es.
Kighty-six of the 8o5 towns in Massa
chusetts contain no resident physician.
There are in the United States more
than l,7iJ0distiiictand separate railways.
The L'tch lield Car Works in Indiana
are alxiut to lai moved to Birmingham,
Over 100 electric cars are to 1 built
at once at Pittsburg lor a Chicago com
pany. New F'nglan 1 capitalists have pur
chased 75 ,M worth of Texas timber
Several fleets of river boUa are to be
established this year on the Western
The Armour Packing Company has in
corporated in New Jersey ; capital, $7,
tW.tMK). Wooden-soled shoes are Lein slowly
introduced in the cheap shops. l'hila-
ln'f,hil lliford.
The novelty of the Columbian stamps
is wearing off, and tUe old-timers are re
turning to favor.
Makers of maple sugar in Vermont say
that the supply this year will exceed
7,f)..0,OtH) pounds.
The Lingham gold mine in Belmont,
Hastings county, Ontario, is proving
highly profitable.
In some of the Eastern shoe-blacking
eel ars you can have your high hat pol
ished by electricity.
Canning is reported, are
lieing erected in large numbers in vari
ous parts ol Georgia.
It is reported that Melbourne, Aus
tralia, isoveillowed with men who want
work, but are unable to secure it.
Chautauqua county, N. Y., has 14,000
acres of lwaring vines and 5'JO acres of
young vines not in bearing.
For fifty-two consecutive miles on the
Boston and Albany railroad, it is said,
there is not a grade crossing.
An ounce of pure gold is worth $20.04;
therefore, a ton of pure gold, which con
tains 24,0 0 ounces, is worth $495,3X).
Last esr there was borrowed out of
banks and trust companies in New York
and Brooklyn on real es;ate I8,OCO,000.
It is said that 3,i00 miles of electric
road will tie added this yeir. One road
in Pennsylvania ia to be e;ghty miles
A Clearfield (Pa.) lumberman, Simon
Flvnn, will run 35,00J,00J leet of logs
dawn the Susquehanna river to the saw
The turpentine gathereraof Georgia, it
is estimated, have during the past five
years destroyed 200,00),000 worth of
pine timber.
Millions upon millions of herring are
taken every year It is said that there
are more herring eaten than any other
kind of fiih.
It is estimated, the Pittsburg DitpalcU
says, that 41,30o,000 cottages could he
erectnl out of the standing timber in the
State of Washington.
There came into New Orleans in two
days of last week nine steamers and one
schooner, bearing 102,00) bunches of
bananas and bO.OOJ cocoanuts.
The largest pumping plant in the
United States was that placed in a mine
at Iron Mountain, Mich. It pumps
4,000,000 gallons in twenty-four hours.
Now that the Pennsylvania miners
have an eight-hour law, some people are
inclined to th uk they will have to keep
well organized to get any good out of it.
A strong effort is being made in New
Jersey to defeat the law which makes
fl ty-five hours the limit of a week's
work. It is claimed that the law is unconstitutional.
The fine laces owned by the Vander
bilt families are said to be worth f 500,
David II. Smith, the son of the Mor
mon prophet, Joeeph Smith, has been
an inmate of the asylum for the. insane
at Elgin for seventeen years.
Lady Henry Somerset is about to start
a paper, to be called the Woman's Her
ald, which will be the organ of the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union.
Lard Chief Justice Coleridge of Eng
land will probably visit ihis country
during the World's Fair. He was here
in 188 ', and was then a tall, spare man
of 63 years.
Miss Emily Faithful of London 1b en
deavoring to organize in one of the sub
urbs a home for women who are working
for their own living, the idea being to
provide each occupant with a private
room at a low rent and the use of com
mon dining and reception rooms.
The Lord Mayor of London, who ia a
Roman Catholic, went out of his way the
other day to piy a visit in state to the
Church of England Young Men's Soci
ety in Ludgate Circus, and he not only
made an excellent speech, but left a sub
stantial gilt in his own and the Lady
Mayoress name.
Sir Alfred S ephen, the ex-Chief Jus
tice of New South Wales, can givepoin's
even to Mr. Gladstone in the matter of
juvenility. He ia in his 92d year, and
keepa two of his daughters busy for six
honra daily taking down his remini
eences from dictation. Sir Alfred ia the
Nestor of Lincoln's Inn. He entered
there as a student in 1618, and was called
to the bar in November, 1H23. Two years
afterward he emigrated to the antipodes
as Solicitor-General for the then penal
co ony of Van Dieman's Land, now the
elf-governing colony of Tasmania.
The Bloody Battle of Santa Lucia
in Honduras.
The Corinth Cmal Approaching Coroplc
Uon Gladstone Favors the
Channd Tanncl.
London music balls clear from 16 to 70
I per cent. Another is to be erected.
In small hotels in Russia each guest is
expected to find his own bedclothing.
The extradition treaty between Swe
den and the United States has been rat
ified. The operative cotton-spinners of Man
chester, England, have ofTered to com
promise. The Kiel Observatory has found an
other planet. This is the fifteenth found
this year.
A mass meeting at Buda-Pesth adopted
resolutions favoring Hungarian inde
pendence. The Nicarsguan Congress is discussing
the proposition to declare war against
The foot and month disease has broken
out in the Berlin cattle market, and all
removals of cattle have been prohibited.
The Brazilian Minister at Paris has
denied the truth of tbe report .hat there
has been fighting in Rio Grande do Sti'.
Peleall, a charming Staffordshire vil
lage, is in dangerof disappearing throngh
a subsidence caused by mining opera
tions. The talk of lower wsges for coal min
ers in England has occasioned threats
that not a pound of coal will be minel
for a month.
The oil inlustry has changed Baku
Irom a village to a large, flourishing
town. The Baku oil refinery ia the larg
est in existence.
A plot to overlhrow President Sooaga
of Nicaragua has been frustrated by
means of information given by the wile
of one of the conspirators.
The Congo Free State authorities have
organized an expedition having for its
object the repression of the traffic car
ried on by Arab slave dealers.
A number of the famous Oldenburg
carriage horees will be sent to the Chi
cago Exhibition. This is the most noted
breed of horses in all Germany.
The Pope has informed the French
Bishops of his decision to crown his
Episcopal jubilee by the beatification of
the French heroine, Joan of Arc.
The boundary question between Chili
and Argentina has been delayed in its
settlement, Argentina wishing to con
sult Congress before sign:ng a treaty.
The Italian government has just sent
the German Emperor a magn fic-nt al
bum containing photographs and pict
ures of every ship in the I alian navy.
It ia the law in D-nrnark that every
drunken man shall be taken to his home
in a carriage provided at the expense of
the saloonkeeper who aold him the last
A French anarchist named Barnard
has been arrested at Rome. He is sus
pected of having caused the explosions
at the Palace Antici Mattei and the Pal
ace Altieri.
The Social Democrats in Germany
have decided not to observe May day,
giving as a reason the impoverished
condition of the workingmen throughout
the Empire.
Several cases of cholera have appeared
in a convict prison in Moscow. Russia.
The Provincial Council has voted 30'),CO0
franca to be spent in instituting prevent
ive measures.
TVi nnlirA anthoriflen of "Rlrn-nTicrtiam
have served notices upon the small shop-
aeepers, lniorming tnem tnat it they
continue to trade on Sundays they will
be prosecuted.
The Mikado has abolished the law in
Japan which provided that the author-
iHpfl onnlit nieb- nut. a man frvr ftn nnmar.
ried woman of a certain age and compel
him to marry her.
Chancellor Caprivi re'usea to compro
mise on the German army bill, and an
appeal to the country is very likely to
follow the defeat of the measure, which
seems now to be certain.
Numerous Austrian, Gorman and
Prussian Catholics have petitioned the
Pope to call an international convention
to use their influence in trying to atop
gambling at Monte Carlo.
The Chinese government , haa dis
patched 15,000 repeating rifles to the
troops on the western frontier in the vi
cinity of the Pamir, and numerous drill
inspectors accompany the transports.
The works of the ship canal between
the North Sea and the Baltic are being
pushed forward with such energy and
regu arity as to give hope of its being
finished in 1895, as originally intended.
Bismarck says that all he cares for
now is to remain at home with his fam
ily. He rarely visits Berlin, because he
has no house there, and he dislikes un
familiar beds and hotel accommodations.
Religious riots have broken out in
Amoy. Many native Christians have
been tortured, and a few have been
killed. An English missionary was at
tacked by a mob of fanatics, and barely
saved his life by flight.
The Corinth canal, which is now ap
proaching completion and is to be opened
on April 23 next, waB formally com
menced on March 27, 1882. The canal
is over 3 miles in length, 68 feet wide
on the bottom, 80 feet at the water line
and 26 feet deep.
Prortnr.w, rrnit. Kt,
Wheat Valley, fl.l2'a'; Walla Walla,
11.05 per cental.
F..oi;b standard, $.3.30, Walla Walla,
13.50; Graham, 2.fW; Mi per tine, 12.50
per barrel.
Oats Choice, 43'45cper bushni ; fair,
40c; rolled, in bags, ftl.25W6.50j barrels,
W.W).76; cases, 13.75.
Hav Best, lDcil3.50 per ton; com
mon, f!MiUr$l().li0.
MaLSTUKfs Bran, Wii,l; snorm, il9
iM; ground barley, 3'ji'4 , cboi !eeil,$l
er ton ; whole feed barley, HOCUHic per
cental; rnidd ings, $23 t 24 per ton ; brew
ing barley, WWi c per cental; chicken
wheat, fl.lo per cental.
BtmxB Oregon fancy creamery, 273
(d.iQc; fancy dairy, ZZMZa; fair to
good, 176 2bc; common, 12'. tit 15c per
pound; picxle roll butter, 3J(tf3oc per
roll ; California, 404 jc per roil.
CiiKKrtie Oregon, U"4l3c; Eastern
Twins, 15c; Young America, 16c per
Eqm Oregon, loc per dozen.
Poultby Chickens, mixed coops, $4.00
4.50; oid hens, .r5.00ftio.50; old roosters,
4.i.0x4.50; dressed chickens, 1618c
per pound; ducks, 16.5ur?t7.5u; geese,
$10.00(311.00 per dozen; turkeys, live,
ltt'17c; dressed, ISftt lWi; per pound.
Vug btablks Cabbage, $1.5 K? 1 .05 per
cental; onions, $l.75t2 0; cut onions,
75w'.Oc; potatoes, $1.00 for Garnet
Chilis; $1.25 for Burbanks; Oregon
turnips, 75(ii 'JJc per sack ; young carrots,
75c (if I per sack; sweet potatoes, $2.50
M4.U0 per cental; caniirjower, VOc per
per dozen, $2 75 per crate, celery, s.'c
ptr dozen; artichokes, 85c per dozen;
lettuce, 4t)c per dozen; asparagus, 2'c
per pound ; parsnips, 85e per sack ; beets,
$1.25 per sack; radishes, i5o per doen ;
gn en onions, lse per pound; rhubarb,
H'c per pound; green peas, luitjllc per
pound ; spinach, 3,'c per pound.
Fruits Sicily lemons, o.0j(c5.5) per
box; Ca.i ornia new crop, $4.50(5; ba
nanas, $2.5(i(4.0J per bunch; oranges,
seedlings. $2.iXJi2.75 per box; navels,
$3O0i'a3 5J; cr in tarries, $12.50 per bar
rel ; ap oles, $1 5 n 2 25 pr box.
Hosxir Choice comb, 1617o per
pound ; new Uregon, I0'20c
Salt Liverpool, 2kjs. f 1 5."0 ; luOs,
$16.50; 50s, $17.50; e.., 1U.5O03 11.50.
Daiso F'kuits Petite prunes, lUti12c;
silver, ll14ci Italian, Zi 14c; German,
10'illc; plums, oid, 5(g6c; new, 79c;
appies, 6( He; evaporated apricots,
15(16o; peacties, 12tSl6c; pears, 7ilc
per pound.
Rick Island, $4.755.0J; Japan, $4.75
per cental.
Coffee Coeta Rica, 22c; Rio, 22c;
Salvador, 21sc ; Mocua, 2o)(33Uc; Java,
24!(a30c; Arbuckle'a, Midland, Mo
kaska and Lion, 100-pound cases,
25 35-lOOc per pound ; Columbia, same,
24 85-100c.
Bbajss Small white, 3)iC; pink, 3c ;
bayoa, 3Wc; butter, ij; liinaa, 34c
per pound.
Syrup Eastern, in barrels, 4055c;
half-barrels, 42(g57ac; in cases, 35(3
80c per gallon ; $2.25 per keg. California
in barrels, 2040c per gallon; $1.75 per
SuoAit Net prices : D, 4c ; Golden C,
4lid extra C, 4,'c; Magnolia A, 4?tcj
granulated, 54C ; cube crushed and pow
dered, 5Jgc; confectioners' A, bc per
pound ; maple sugar, 15(3 l ie per pound.
Caxnkd Goods Table fruits, assorted
quoted $1.75:'.00; peaches, $1.852.10;
Bartlett pears, $1.752.O0 ; plums, $1.37
1.50; strawberries, $2.25(22.45; cher
ries, $2.25 2. 40; blackberries, $1,850
2; raspberries, $2.40;, $2.25(3)
2.80; apricots, $1.652.00. Pie fruits:
Assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.25; pluma,
$1.101.20; blackberries, $1.2di.40 per
dozen. Pie fruits, gallons Assorted,
$3.153.50; peaches, $3.504.00; apri
cots, $3.504.00; plums, $2.753.00;
blackberries, $4.25(34.50. Vegetables:
corn, $1.50(31.75; tomatoes, $1.101.15;
sugar peas, $1.00; string beans,
95c per dozen. Meats : Corned beef. Is,
$1.50; 2s, $2.40; chipped beef, $2.55(3
4.00; lunch tongue, Is. $4.00; 2s, $6.75;
deviled ham. $1.75(31.85 pr doter.
Fish: Sardines, s, 75c(a$2.23; s,
$2.154.50; lobsters, $2.303.50; salm
on.tin l-lb.talls,$1.251.50; flats, $1.75;
2 lbs., $2.25(32.50; bbl., $5.50.
The Heat Market.
Bkkf Prinie8teer8,$3.8j34.25 ; choice
steers, 3.75(34 00; fair to good steers,
$3.00(33.50 ; good to choice cows, $3 15(3
3.50; common to medium cows, $2.50(3
2.75; dressed. $1.5037.00.
Mutton Choice, $4.504.75; fair to
good, $4.00(34 50; dressed $8.00; lambs,
$4.00(34.50; dressed, $3 00.
Hogs Choice heavy. $7.00(37.25 ; me
dium,. $6.50(36 75; light and feeders,
$6.25(36.50; dressed, $7.03.
. Veal $4 00(37 00.
Smoked Meats Large ham, 17(3
17J-6C; medium ham, 17. 18jC; break
fast bacon, 1718c: short clear sides,
iA)4bc; dry salt sides, 13i14c
per pound.
Laed Compound, in tins, 14c ;
pure, in Una, 1617sc; Oregon, 110
120 per pound.
Nailb Base quotationa : Iron, 2 75 ,
steel, $2.75 ; wire, $2.50 per keg
Ikon Bar, 2c per pound ; pig iron,
$2325 per ton.
Steel 10lc per pound.
Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual
ity, $3.50(39.00 per box ; for crosses, $2
extra per box ; I. C. coke plates, 14x20,
prime quality. $7.50(38.00 per box ; tern
plate I. C, prime quality, $6.887.00;
14x20, $14 00.
Lead 4?gc per pound ; bar, 6c.
Shot $1.80 per sack.
Horseshoes $5.
Naval Stores Oakum, $4.505 per
bale; resin, $4.80(35 per 480 pounds; tar,
Stockholm, $13.00; Carolina, $9.00 per
barrel ; pitch, $6.00 per barrel ; turpen
tine, 65c per gallon in carload lots.
Bars and Bairgln?.
Burlaps, 7-oz., 40-inch, net cash, 6c ;
burlaps, 10-oz., 40-inch, net cash, 7c;
burlaps, 12-oz., 44-inch, 7c; burlaps,
15-oz., 60-inch, ll)c; burlaps, 20-oz., 76
inch, 14c Wheat bags, Calcutta, 23x36,
pot, 6c; two-bushel oat bags, 7c