The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 01, 1893, Image 2

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Xccd Fjvcr Glacier.;
noon kuku, on. ahum, ku.
excoxsrt rr7',ostL.
It Is fl curies i i 'wV , :-c.
poml governor .er;iii'l i.'iw'.v- :;;
re our
if e'u'.o
,o ;,le
!. calc
HH'klltg I.H'UIK'U f' H lt.ll ;
rsyliim. The coum ;i ii i-m ;
(hat all rtftto bui'.iu:.;:.- m;;;1! tv
nl the capital, yet In- vl. a
fur the tt 'ii! i t ti t u n i-
nistiiiu in .-J ending fl'. '
jlc's money in violation
hloiseh.'in has hull' '.he
.!:!r:t.!y c
'. 0 uf the -coif
it. If rh;
i'.-,t h!v;:; ho
should have ho "i!; i i'; to
the mvri'tm 's died:
f cent ir this lihtih.
tor any money
o no or
jeciions to tl
l- ttittl 1 Oil!!.' ! H'a'o a .
Jl.islt'iii Oregon; on the conirary.wi-uh.
hue to nil. or v.a'e hnibhugscrivii .1
on this Hide of the mountains, for it is
the proper phioc lor them. What wo
do ol jcot to is tlu dcliU-i.'i'.e iel.ition
of tho i-iH.siiUi'.lon. AYo frankly iu'.mi'.
that tho venerable old deicumoni should
he j. ut on the retired !i.-t, l-iit tho way
to do it is tv i':iii a i'onsi i" uiotnal i''ii
vention and make a l ow one. The
safety of the peon!-' i'e;iiiiN on tho
n violate tne ''!:;
cf the eon- ilt;;noiK
SJiYi HO Li1 1
All the fools are not ilea. I yet; indeed,
it ia (juitc possible that all arc not Uirn
yet, but that the crop la unusually
plentiful up about. alia Walla is evi
dence.! by the recent excitement over
the placer mine or. the ('ohimbhi ami
Snake. Many persons air fii.ngon the
ranches up that wiy. iliiui.;;',' all shov
have to do is to sift tiie g.ii.l i n; v. ilh a
gravel screen. The fact i- the wliulo
nake river country carries jrcld, but
ou'y in a very fevr spot in i uautith-s
to piy v.eige-. l'or years -m, t
men have worked tl'.o ceenslui-al crr.ivci
Luis of the Snake a:.d the bed rock be
tween high and low water mark. Yet
thu excitable jamp at tho '"go! I dis
covery" ti a new thing. The need of a
branch insane asylum in far I'.astorn
Oregon is the only thing the excite
ment seem? to Le cap: of demon
s', rating.
rotate ceiiat r i.'ogv.u'Iinf Lake coun
ty has just returned from ' V.'i.-bii.gtou.
T he rank and filo r.f ;hc oivcon de
mocracy will breathe more freely now
that this redoubtable attorney has
opened his lips and dropped words of
J. ft so for Fl'tSuii.eit Cleveland. Mr.
CoDjwell says: ''! w a i;uitc f: ivontbiy
impressed with 1'residen: Cievil tud
and Vice President Stevenson. J f there;
hre any bad uppomtments made inj
Orcgen, it will not he the fault of the
President. 21 r. Clevelnml nppenrs to
be a man anxious to do vchat i.- right."
''ShaduS of l'ope and Dryden, have we
come to this'?'' Tho pestiforous gn: t
jerches on the head of the ehrpdmnt
snd proceeds to cxpre.-s an opinion con- j
cernlng the construction of iho ani-j
raal's brain from the appearance of the J
cuticle. Cogswell ays further that
outside of Gref-ham, Carlisle and Hoke
(smith, "the rent of the cabinet office re
do not appear to have r.ny marked abil
ity.'' Thia may be true, for Cogswell
vould never recognize a casa of ability
unle-e it was marked, uud that in plain
print. The Lake county statesman
and Femi-clerni-con.-titr.tional lawyer,
gelf-appointed piime counsellor of the
etate scnaie, wants to hie him to the
shores of the pellucid Klamath lake
and there poak his head. That is the
only receptacle large enough in that
portion of Oregon to p ermit of the op
eration. And there is no doubt but
that hia head h hurtimr him badlv.
Edith Day, a fool woman, aged 2:
is malting the trip from Portland to
Washington, thence to St. Louis.thcnce
to the City of Mexico, and thence
homo. All this to prove what every
body except the foul girl and her fooler
friends already know, that any lady
can tiavcl, unattended, not for 10,000
miles, but for ten year?, over the rail
roada of the United States without
ilaiiger cf being insulted, especially if
fihe looks anything like the picture of
the one in question, as presented in the
y)rt()t)irian of the litttli. That picture
would tide track a freight train.
The Cntijfirni'iii Magazine for April
Is an exceptionally fine number, being
devoted to Hawaiian affairs, to the ex
lent cf justifying its title, the Hawaiian
number. This magazine i3 rapidly
taking ita proper place as a leader, and
ia doing it on its merits. It Bhould be
in every household.
Arrangements have been made by
which editors can get round-trip tickets
from 1'ti'tland to Chicago for five dol
lars. The r:dlroad officials thought
they had the fraternity .sir.ed down, but
the price is (still too rich, unless a guar
antee for a n eck's hoard ia added.
Kirby Smith, the rebel general, died
at Sewaiice, Tennessee, Tuesday. lie
Was the last full general of the civil
Vi-ar, either federal or conk-derate.
M. P. Dcady, judge of the U. S. dis
trict cou.t for th district of Oregon,
died at Portland hist Friday.
Oregon nosed !!,77U,(M)0 bushels of
wheat last, your, of which over ti.OOd.OhO
bushels remained on hand tho first of
March. Average weight per measured
bushel, of pounds; only one statu in the
i.iiion g-uug ahead of it by 1 pound
(Colo; udo ). i
Tlio Sotf linpoi hmi'o of ii T)ili'!l Yonns
?tarrlitl .Man Ini t!:ii n Iff o
fuiii . Vomi'ivil Wuni.'iii M-.n l':oiiuit Ilo
!ir.;';Mfsrtl In Hit I. Hints to lli '.laiij'). '
"1 pitv th.'.t woman."
"Yes. Willi rd I my heart: watch them."
t:he wa.s a bud of a girl w ife, an 1 as
r.o fat cosily ensci need ia her light gray :
t.i.:e'..ivtosii, w ;;h i;s cape and big though j
!.i.-i:Vo;.; a plaids the piouire of pel fei t i
!.-. lua --s i:;ivue'.ul against tho u iv j
ia.; ".'.ess of l'ao sionny night - ono -.hi
wi 11 marvel ;:t the alien thought
if pity, li'.ero wis t'.io u:i:a;.s;,;kabk
.or-,io-iof :mc(pii.-itily rounded and
gr.u . i'uI iigure.
11. a-1 e. w.'re of a deep blue, rhaded
oy t'.ai :. brows and laalses, and the wavy
-gr.-ua 1 i oi li.'.'r. a icliade faint, rand more
duil t'.:.'.ti golden, wore po s . A at-out tin
fh.'li ii'.o ear, by a b. .'it veil, v. iuoiiaisC
seor'.od t i ::, ! 1 the pivtiy little boni.ot
!:n::!y in place. The face ret'mcd,
I 'amii'ul in. A iaoro lova'ole ll;a:i iatcl
herur.l v.; us outlines: the coiupieaion
w.'.s lair but colorless tne uuinipoaeii
a'oh' evi.loneo of an habitual and harm
lessly r.'.iid til-slpatioU. !
Tl'.ey had been to the opera. I Io sat
fti.t'.y and u:av:::firt.ibly by her .side.
lie was tall and lank and lingular, and
as, he unfastened the two top buttons of
his b!ae' overcoat there was shown tho
immaculate front of evening dress. Hid
silk l'.at leaned, perhaps involuntarily, a
little to one side nn.l his little ihu'k eyes
increased the impression of a self com
vioas uneasiness. A thin, dark board.
. .. eviaeiitly wa.-u t en speaking
is v.nh the mouth, had also doiied
e. s'.'uilv a:iv artistic intimacv with
and a hectic Hush
heightened the cheeks.
He occupied only the forward part of
his seat, while she cu. Idled back as far
as pes.s,i le cad mclmed sligiuly toward
the vacancy 1 ehind him. lc is nccdL-in
to add that they were going to their
homo hi Brooklyn.
iiho evidently enjoyed the open at
least, and v:is anxious to dwell with
him upon tho scenes which pleased her
most. Her mood also was a friendly
critical one. lie seemed to have a
chrouie grudge against himself and
everybody cL:e who presumed to inter
rupt his ViiHjur.d eoiamimiou with his
aho sat a few moments i:i silence, then
looked up into his face with childish
coutidence and said something in a loud
His features relaxed, tho crease be
tween Lis thin hrowa deepened and hid
face was petulant and fretful as he roll
ed his eyes toward her, more to let her
understand he was about to address hex
than to look into hers.
"I'd like to know what you know
about it, anyway.
t-iie drew back a little in silence at his
rough retort, but presently she forgot
her chagrin and said something to him
"Well, you're a -nice person to criticise
anything like that, aren't you? Haven't
you gist any feense at all?"
The little woman blushed, her eye3
dropped, the faint smile of interest
faded from L?r face and she sank back
again to hide her embarrassment.
But hers evidently was one of those
sunny, open temperaments which soon
forget a wrong, especially when perpe
trated by a loved one. and it was not
long before her countenance was again
serenely tranquil, anil her happy eyes
told of tho pleasant thoughts which
were flitting through her mind. Soon
she looked up again and spoke to him.
"Yes, that's just about like you," ho
ejaculated sarcastically. "Why don't
you wait till you know something of
what you arc talking about before you
begin to criticise? What do you sup
pose people go to hear it fur. anyway?
Do you think every one's a fool but
And tho man rattled on with his harsh
reprimands, seeming to take a supreme
dciigiit in verbally chastising the sweet,
.shrinking little innocent at his side for
presuming to or endeavoring to
make the evening pleasant for him with
her inoffensive prattle. As she shrank
further and further back in her seat a
paleness drove the blushes fijom her
cheeks, and she had not recovered her
courage to speak again when the train
stopped at the City Hall station, and
they hurried across to the bridge cars.
lie is the same, probably, in every
thing. His is a nature which doc3 not
change. They are young, and evidently
have not been married more than a year
or two.
How long will sho endure it?
And at the crisis, which of tho two
dark crossroads will she take?
"Yes, indeed: 1 pity that woman."
New York World.
New Yorli'g Old Debtors Prison.
It is not generally known that where
tho Hall of Kecords now stands was
formerly tho site of a debtors' prison, In
1833 it was used for a cholera hospital.
Asiatic cholera made ito appearance
about July 1 of that year in Cherry near
James street,, and continued until tho
last of October, d period of four montLa.
Its prneipal ravages were in July and
Angu::t, during which time thero were'.j cases. From July 1 to Oct. 20 thero
were '1,-190 deaths.
7.'he sum of $118,153 was disbursed for
drug's, salaries, etc.
Tho six marble columns which sup
port tho portico of the Hall of liocords
were brought from the Sing Sing quar
ries. Tho style is Grecian, from the
model of tho Templo of Kphesus. New
York Herald.
Italy's Army.
The Italian army contai-s nearly
,000,000 men, or, to give the exact fig
ures, 1,928,072. Among them are 33.000
Alpine soldiers, trained and inured to tho
hardships of mountain warfare. Detroit
five Press.
A Frenchman has inveuleii nn i a
pnived inelhotl of telegraphing, so il: il
it Is practicable to transmit ."n words t
niinule on a single wire. The imv. ..i ,o
When delivered I'l'om the lliai lline il
type wi it ten.
The western part of San Antonio
county, Te., is tn'iiur scourged hy a
huge MoMcan lion, the first seen the: e
for live years. It Kilted and ileioti'vd
ouo steer and three hoises m one week.
In the ity of New York dm ia ,' tho
year IMH the unknown dead reinou'd t"
the morgue imiubered 'j'i; males, U0;
females, CI. Of the tola! 'J.' were i lea
tilled siibseniieni ly.
A Wmulci liil t:i!.il. V, .11.
The repor!s from tho arlcsim .,M
at Huron, X. 1'.. show that il hi';..'
most wonderful well known to ci ..
Tito water spout.i up to a f'-'.nii .
of aKait I0il feet, and the amount ;!..l
tlows from the well i-t l rea.ea.lo ..
Iving estimated at from S.OiKi t tiv
gallons .; minute. Uvea at lie f w, .,
figures enough water i.. i .jeeti l i i
uiaiisii every m in. woman and child i i
the .-.late of North Dakota with at ! :. .
four g '.'doas of water every four knur.-.
As to tl'.o prosamv, that has no; y, ;
Iven fully iist'crtained, but Ijmui le ;
already ma le it ii ic:i.iw;t lo bee.-, i i. ,
ably more than '.Mil pounds to i i :. , ;e.'
inch. With a fair tost it is l,!;,;y t i
reach S'.'s pomtds. 'i'Ii pressure ha ;
steadily incrca.-u d in the l ist t:.ree f,,p s,
and may exceed theaUive liguies. -Cor.
Kociicstcr lYcst-Kxprcss,
Tile Shot Slu-tliliiiK K im.
The back frame of tho big United
Suites defense rani is now in place at
t!ie Bath iron work. and shows tho
skeleton of tho great hulk ia all its
oddity. The philosophy of th" vls'lo
thing is now made clear at a ;:lauee, a t 1
any man wiili an idea of the i o:e; a;..-
live ciise with which a shot can bed.--
ttected when striking upon an angling wul see ttiat tao gun ee.p.oi.e .,'.
piercing that armed deck is not made
yet. The only thin : the sirango look
ing vessel has to fear is a torpedo, mid
she is no more exposed lo them iha i aee
any of tho big battleships. I.ewi. ten
A l-'lr'priif Sitlutlitii for lrcssci4.
A chemist of Vienn;i has succeeded in
discovering a composition wlmah will
make even the slight material oi' 1 all t
dances' dresses fireproof. Tic Vie.
of Lichtenstein gave thu cmnpoj.iii -a a
first trial on the stage in his ow a aim
in the presence of a numerous eoiapaoy.
The rise of the curtain discovered two
life sized dolls, drirsed as ballet cu ls, t
both of which a light wa.s applied, duo ,.
of the dolls was rapidly reiitieed to-1'
ikdies, while the other, well saturate
with the protective composition, e.
caivd with a small hole in her dre.-:..-I'itttburg
Ho Dicunicil Yrmi.
Pierre Ruan, an aged banker "f 1 'arts,
had a prophetic dream a few years ago
which told him that he would live until
the year l'Jl)'. lie was so iirtii in the 1m--lief
that the dream was correcT that he
had a monument erected with his naine,
age and the date. 1'jnJ. cut upon it. The
old man lias just died and ! he marole
cutter had anotner l'ierre Uuan inscrip
tion and date put on. .Si. I.ouiolh -public.
ttirrli'il ui liic Thri'slitilil of '1'Iicir HuriH.
Thomas Netting and Mary Jones were
m.'irried by Justice Sloane. who pro
nounced tho ceremony while tho twain
stood in tho doorway of a pn-dily fur
nished cottage on Columbia ttri'.r,
which the groom had just completed for
tho woman of his choice. San Diego
It Uiil Not CVtise.
One hundred and twenty-seven years i
ago England seized the first eigiit hales
of cotton grown in the south, and de
clared that its production should cea. o.
For last year the estimate of the coi ion
crop is something over 8,l!()0,0W hales of
iiOO pounds each. Manufacturers' itec
Is a dapple (.-my, TMt hnnil.s liluli, w'n;hs ;
l.iMl i" ui lots, t hi-ci'-utiiirtcrs .Noi'inrii, ii vi-.u.s ,
old on .Mny "ah, Is'ii, is Irec from nil Mem.
lslic.oind (llse.'ises anil in u line draft ho, :-!',
tceinii: aim iitiiti, a nuiiii inivdicr, mnl is ( ,ihi:iI;i Court of lie' Mute ol (li. i:m rur vn
uwncd by i i.ii u 1 1 1 ,v, li'iiiiins duly iiniilhrn c.t.iirh. All
I in i . ens huvitiiA cininis nuiilicC hnld ehite ni-e
JOHN SWKKNV, OK HOOD ItlVKK, flit. ; t; ;:, re, hiacliy notlil.-d lo .iinl llmlr
' -: in 1 j 1M ullly el'lti("l to the lllnlcline, ul
Mr. Sweeny will attend ut Hie following r I, .no HI i er, Ore;on, n-lthlu h!x iimnili i ('ciiiii
phices diirini,' tie: iircsi nt sire si'iison: At. Mr. ! t ai: iinie hei i uf, ninl any claim not po s'-nted
Joe Purser's, Monday lind Tuiwluv of ca.'li wiliiin linit iiinpwill be posi poncd nntll nil
week. At, .Mosier, Friday and Mil iir.l.'iy ul' ! einieis pri senl'-d u iiiiin Hint lime ure fully
eneh V( -k. Terms: 1'ur sinirle service, pav- paid.
utile II) cash Hv l.he scnfion, payable al
end of Kami.', : s 111.00. To insure, payable v.ii'-ii
same Is known, ;la.(K). In case uf 'failure, ser
vice tin; following m-ason gratis.
Tie Blest Proflnce ia li
Established 1833.
Wholesale dealers In fruits
and vegetables of all kinds.
Helena Montana.
I Any titnl ail persons eljiinilin; fiilvi'i'.-ii'ly the
-v-Tcniin i.'ii i i r i77 i, "".ri uW- I lilivi; ii''seribe. lamls are reiptesteil lo lilu
OlILh I'OIl 1'UliIilCA I iOS. ,!.;, claims in I his olUeo on or before wiid 121 h
I-andOIIici' atVancmiver v.'ash. Miircli.HU'Cr!. ' l:y of April, i-IM.
. ,, , , , ,. , ,, , ''aiinpl Jomi 1. ;i;oi;iii:can. R"Hl;;
'1 0 Coliimbu.s Jewell and all whom il, mayi-' 1
concern. i . .
.Notice is hereby uiven that the I'olluwinr. ! 'Y-T cc i . ie i'viii Tr'Pf U'VI'WiV
named settler has liied notice of his i i t i ! i r i -OIH.'i'' I vJU J CjJiIviliiJJ
Id lnaliii linal iroof in support, of Land oil'iee nl Vancouver v. usii. Feb. .'I, I WI.
ins ciaim, anil thai said proof will be. mam;
bclore the ltcgistur and Hecclver L. .S.
oillco at Vancouver Wash, on
Zi lH'.a, vi.:
Stickcii Johnson.
Widow of Kiip.-atanclich JoluiHon, deceased.
JI. K., No. MIT lor tlic se sec IS Tp 1 n r !! e
w m.
She names tiie followiiiR witnesses to prov
her contint ons residence upon and cniiivi.-; i , , , f,ov,K witnesses to prove
(ton of, said land viz: Isabel Jloi-ai. ,. rank 1 ,,,lllhl,ls resilience upon and cnliiva
.lusepli .M.irifan, . Jul. i nil Ian, John Slontie ! ., .' 'i'i i vi- I'eier -.loli.-c Ur Kim.
ilnda.,,,all of ' W'.ii.o Salmon Klickitat (Jo.,: 'J.'van 'ouv.m' wash! iVtVi SelwnUl,
asl,insion. ! 1;,nii. y Kac'. i, ofTront. Lake wa.-ih.
mclii0 Joii.n V. GnuuilixiA.v, Hitsiu-. ' mcli l.ipls Jiui.n U. (ji-:oiii.'.0AN-, lieisb r.
W M li'iitO' I hi".M I nr. w'lisnii i'l' 'it eon-
xnonii cIuccm i in .uinhuiit tlic uliiy ninl
W hit. siOiihhi W, l lini' ninl I'lm-o
sll.,-. l to IMIUO' lli'iH'llOllll'lllH.
1'iM'i'iplioii mill I cdhiree,
At til o, o- iii is ti civil liliii'W itnmltfi'inmitn, l
i.'.l Is l:.lll it. lclllt I liO . .ii ml sll ii
lo 'C'.iov t 1 1 o.ioli loiOiOi; ilnm, :i l'i''M'i'
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ir! I i. ii lor. i t i In, ..i. e.
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o-: '.in. I '..
- .. ao a .! .us v I. - i .. :: ,-;a.
Ntii'lt'l', I UK I I ' 1. 1. ITA 1 lu.N.
I n'lti i 'l's f at V .on'. ni if an. M ai . li, i. 1 it .
l I
, ,ii ,-. le. I'm II th" fi.itmi m
I t a! la-. !l i.'t la ,t I.'.' el 111. .le
ti a'io.ilo i i.ic loial 'io,,i in mi,. , .at Ills
i , a . . i . . n M. i i ; ..i '.i' i ... ..; u t'.i i. n.a.ii' i.c-
i.ii .. t .. Ini..' .i. i in..-1 -r i . i ii-
. .1 I .mil I l-!lc 1 nl H e i.ll, lial a, t;..!.lcli-
i. .iia ,1 a I l.,ii . 'l !l I- 1 I.'.'
i a .nuns 1 1 . I in ii.
I'll -I lli Mull i .1. No. nit til." tl W SC
s i, , a i i i i- ii in.
I I' Iia'ia -I t ia' lo'lo'.l im u M lli-ii-i lo if"'.''
h,-. .-. -i.t i ic.. ia i ot'l'Site ni. iii i. .al ri.;;r.,i.
t .,,11 i ,1 -a , i laiel, o:: .i.a.,...i l.iaa.. Sauil...
I.... k. .1. II. to; I .M.l::., I'i'1' ! in'lii.', all el
l lllta ."-lOIH. II, " .1 .Hh"l.
lnrliiiaj'il'i .loll N P. I il .il. 10 i. Mi, l;l.t.r.
Mii K i-: roit itisuca i iu.n.
I. ninl I aih c nl iiiic'iiivcr, W'ltah., Mcli. il, Ki;t.
Nl.licc is lo 1. IV kIi- I the lolli'll Illk'
III. 1 1 ii .1 '. I p ' 1' I . . 1 1" 1 1 el Hot Id - nl I Is llU'Mll mil
t.. male ii'inii.iit ,;..ii i I . "l Iii -..1 'ia I
nl in- i I. Hi. i, alio Mini .iiio V III I i. nil'
h.i.-ll I la- i.i K . t ef aril i a i i ' .1 1' "( I In I. is.
I.aii'l eiiii',' lit ,i:ii ' in ' I', Wusli., o:i .nil
.a j I i.i-, vU:
1' le.ll'IrU V. While.
II. I:. -esJ lor M.c s c 1 1 -i .'.'1 1 1 ;: a r II c v in.
lie laoiii's tiie toil. iii ii. K u itin'M'K to (ima
l,K cm inta'ti 1 1 .-i a i in c u" 'ii a ml ' till u a I l"i i
ut Mi'.u ' I '..: .0 1..C .O.llllll l lli.Ol, ll.llllll
.,i linn ., li'-hai l ,M. I ii'iiiinis, 1 1 iv W. 1'.
loii'i.l iiin , ail ul W hue f-aliin n, t i.e. Itul I'n.,
tin iiilnj,! la .Ion v 1 1. (1 Km. 1 1 KUAN. KclKtcr.
.N'tii'ici; ion ruiiLiCATKiN.
leuel i 'ill
: li'. Vic
In n 1..
.'ouvcr uiish, 1'i'h. 'jr., :v.ii.
tiui'ti Unit lite foiiownnt-
n a
iini .
Il.-r i,ns hi. "I in iT n e "f los int. -i.l inn
i.. le
a-loan i aoiil iii mi inn ", ni Ins ci. inn,
hat . .'hi I i.iol u ill lie lilliil" I'l imv W .
i; i ni ii l, ai , I el.i :i ;-... nl.'l 1'. IMriill 1 on i I i
j..r a I ul m n.-n iin;tii:i nl i'O'
,i jsIiiim;Iuii on Ai'i'i! 1 'In I -' I. vi:
.) ii ii K. llciis' l.
ll-itia iCeit'l a j'l'll cut ion, .No. T-i.1 for the H ' .t
ol' u -. u 1 , o s c ' , mill Ii c 1 , nl' i w '., mii
I'i 'I'll 1 II I' l'J ' w in.
lie iiioi.i -: I !i" I'.'llnu'lni; witm-Mtl lo jmivo I
Ills I'a.'il liiitm; i r. Hiiienc" iijHin ninl culiivii-l
I urn ui, '..oil I mi 'I l.: I. en i.v lonsv ia, .l"'.eii j
i . f il ', u, .la en 'i 1 it, .luiiii A. (iiihnni, nil of
1 ... la 1 , li. W iisn.ii'tlon.
in': ii.icii;;! .ioim l. ( J-r trl H'!4;m ti , Itciilhli-r.
AlI'iiMMUA'IOK'.S .l'HJ:.
Nnilc ! hi'i'i'hy u'lven liiul the cnili-rilni'il I
u, , l in unlv ii'.oiiit.l ii,iiiilnl..itiuli)i' of
. the c-.itnlenl I .. I-. "c, ilin vi..!.'.,, I.y llin Hon. I
Jiuiid Klver. Orcitoii, Feb., lllh
II. C. f '.IK.
A'lminlsl ralur.
iso'i'ici; foil i'I'kiica'i iox.
Timber I.nn-I, Act Jnnn .'i, ISTl
l.'nile'l Slates I.aiel OMico,
Viuieiiuviir, Wie-li., .lan.,21, ISii'l.
ntlee is In'i'i hy j,'ivfn tl'.nt. In cutnplliuici!
with lint prnvisluiiii uf tho net uf i'ihii'Ii ks of
.line.':!, IS7M, enlilh-.'l "An net fur tli'male uf
slune Inn 1-1 in lie; Ktales ufl 'a.'il'urnin, Ore
Huit.N'i'i inla, anil ii-iisliini.'l.on Ten'ttury,
William I irano, uf I hinicil h, ccninty uf Klick
itat, Ktalu uf wash., ban this ibi.v II led In
thia ollice Ills swurn ntHtoinnnt No, leVl, for the
pnrchiiMoortho lots .1 unfl l of nccliun no. In
towiiKhip.NoS norlli, ranee no.!) cuL w in and
Mill oIl'i.T pruuf toflhowthut tho bum nought is
moi'H valuable for it Hlune Ihtin fur
ivtrrictiiliirnl iiiirpuses, ami to e.itahl mil his
cia.iin to i iinl hiiiii befure the ie '.'ister an. I In
eeivir of this oi'icii at Vtuieom er, waih., on
Ueiiiiesilay the Uiiniaynf April im.
Hi. name:- as wiines-''K: Ames I 'ti'h'iavwil,
liilwaril I ti). i'wouil, of lluon Uher ii.'i;un,
i;oliirt, ('air, of ( 'asemlnH viash., I'liarli'.i
i . . . . ... e......,.-. . v,.,, n,.,., u. r.,U,)Wh,K.
named seltler has (lied notice of his intention
fu imilie linal nruof In Ktmpurt, uf liis claim.
mid IliaL said jiroof will be miitio heforo the
licnisicr and iteceivcr I'. S. Land Ollica ul
'ai:convci' wasli., on A))i'il III, l'lili, vi.:
("atiK II. I'earson.
It. S. No. 2M 1 for tiie e '.j s e unit s n e )i
v. el ion s 'l o li n r 10 e w m.
Wall ?per Paints, Oils etc.
A l.trjgii r.upply cf.aml I'n iu.-.i:, ;;,,!' t .tl
C'K Im.'.IchI 1 1 1 1 1 i t i 'o!.)t!t .nn I llnl.'il !'.h!h.
l'l'pared to fill liHli al oiiei , u I'm i la nl chidus, ! a cheap grndo
but neal mid -ill 1 :u 1 1 ial.
pro p-r
iv i I Tt il
.hiiir.t.ii.s and
Cot'iinr of Sof oinl
in i;;:i:. n.n
ArnrTi mill fi cni Oak
Stovos and n.mK"'.
(inn", Amuiiiiiltlnu ami Spurting (hunls,
Iron, Ciml,
HUckimith Papplle,
Wf;onmikor'n Material,
finwur Hp,
l'tii'ip and rol e,
I'biao ni' .- ti plie..
TM l H ly
?l BJk ' ' I
That thirty d:i U a" long in ve can
re.ptest IP' p:t!ll'ICI to V -
)d.ic:::Z3l.c-rrrcic3r a
1V n:T'i svs n
"--si! .! e " U
Prorate mtd j n;f!;i?C3!iif(iIiIei
Pnvato i;ori:iuia J 1 u" J w'1iUJUUUJ'
-- And ;i C.)ntpli;to l.ino of
6 J iT ! f 'J ' ?H ?? I e?T H k. ;
!v vl
n.xi f l iJracsvn. 1 -:-.csi ? at. ii
BracKets aafl
ON HlloKTt
(). I,, KTltA N. 1 1 A N,
Have on hand a full supply of I'ruii, Simde and ( Irnatnental triTu; grap
vines, tiimill fruils, Itoccs ami Shrubbery .
15e Hiiro to get our prices befor' iiiiiehasingcisewhere.
Kenienibcr our trees are grown Irh ily wilhout irrigation.
W. A. Hmmokulano, Local Agent.
HcflfflM If Wnff
1 iCn i lilll ltl h H I
jmujn npTt "f bbbiot nrja rr'in p "Taj Mtrai .jBfai nTi-nrij "T!)
Jaa KMoianari7."iij miiiu suJ bid ,rlt, i-J,..l r.-Levli
Ciioicest Bleats, Hsma,
Bacon, lar-il, Game,
Poultry, Also Dealers in
Corner of Oaic and Fourth Streets, .... jU(Ki uiwr. OrcKon.
i:i;i' Mi.r.Ks in
mtl I'tulor.'l iUionts.
cf 1 1 n r. 1 r I 'Pr ci.k-.ini.
Vl..wWli('l VV. I U11,
f ' sf f C ITf C- i:. i.ii- -
.Mil M1 I'i'U
Mi, Lewis & Siafir
CtMt!ianj'.i Agrlcnltuml
i el Mudilni rj.
F.AI i'iiT) WIRE.
i ;
t "
eicdll , and would nprctfulhj
ril I hel'l IVe- !t "CO I'd i llgl.V.
"1 p TN VI
f t lj I ,' "i
si ri
i.ttwi .ii s.
Wood T u r n i 11 a s.
- tMT NO't'll'i;.
it. c. ;on