iver Glacier. VOL. I. HOOD RIVKU, OREGON, SATURDAY. APRIL I. IB'.a NO. 44. The Hood B 3fccd Iiver Glacier. ri iiiiKiim. icvritv hatiihuat muknino nr TIio Glacier Publishing Company. M II llll'l ION I'llKi. Oim trnr f2 Of " liuiltf h. , (m i info i iti. ""'""I'X tt.nU THE GLACIER Grant Evans, Piopr. Smm.ihI St., Ii. in U.,1,. . . Il.iucl llivni, Or. SIiavIiij; ami 1 1 . i i iiiltinj nintly iIoimv Nlllfcfui (lull t illliluntvi'll. I'dli Mh an! Kilkalia InJians (nmiiu'ii'A' Hostilities. FREE GOLD-BEARING ROCK FOUND The Governor of Montana Sli;ns the It II M k!nn It Unlawful lor Scalpers to Sell Tickftf. Tombstone, A. T., ban become tliOKf.lt of a I'nited Mules PlHtriet Court. Idaho pupil" ill tin public m-htiols ii rr to I e furnished n x-haiku without cost. Vane .liver, 15. C, has discovered that its t'humtow n is overcrowded, unhealthy iil ditieaio-breeding. Fish and icaiue dealers in Oron ar to tMt the legality of the HhIi law adopted hy the ast I.fjttMliitiitt. A unit bin I icen instituted at San li etfo against the Hear Valley Imitation I'oiupiuiy. Waste o( fund in charged. TIih 1 lei hi llella and Kitkitlia Indians in Not ill H it'.H'i (loiiiuibia have mm- IIUOIC '! hostilities HH H M'htl t of the H- cent ina-sacre on Sorrow In. ami. Th trial of the bigamy charge auain-t i.org II. Jetleris, whom connec ion witd the AyrtM Brighton murder ca is well known, lian been set lor April at SiliTtllilfllto. Tun I'mv hIoiihI iroveriinn'nt is km iik to iirslit the rra er river bndje roj n I to t hi t-x'i nl O! MJ.to) i, piiyah e in live ni'ial am mil inlalliiientH This will limtiTt'iilv help the Northern Pacifier ul road extension pr .ji et. The Mining and lev. loping Company ha purrhu-ed the Hold Har inini'H Kil l i ild liar west x1m.m on in the Vmiiler bilt mining iMirirt in San Bernard no county for 5 V . Toe same mines were recently sold h.r f 40,000. The Hradstreet m.-rcantile agency re ports thirteen iHiliirta in the Pacific Cuml States and Territories lor the past week, hm compared with thirty-one for the previous week and fourteen for tlie corresponding week of lN'.Ci. Char bh V. Olsen, an ex member of the Utah Legislature Biid ex-Acssor and Col.ector of ('ache c unity, Utah, has heen sen tene, d to one year in the penitentiary for embezzling fli.llOO while occupying the posit on of Collector. Deep snow in the llhio Mountains in Oregon have driven largo numlrers oi elk to the lower levels to the great de light of hunters in that regie ii, who have killed a greater niinili.tr oi these nni nmla tlii ' season thiiii for years previous. A resolution has Ikioii introduced into the British Colunitiia Legislature pray iiiK the L'eutenanl-tiovernor to move the Dominion xovernment to prohibit all immigration from Asiatic ountries for a period ol one year from the (irbtday of April next. At Virginia City udraft of thirty-five men wan made from the force employed in the Havae mine and a draft oi ten from the l'.n!c!.er. The draft will result in tlie suspension of ore extraction from thohe mines, which have heen jointly producing alxnit 4,(100 tons monthly. Governor Kickarda of Montana has Biuned the hill making it unlawful for a scalper to sell for any consideration the whol or part of any ticket on any rail road or steamboat, . whether the line he operated or owned within or without the ISiato. The punishment is a fine of ifilM and one year's imprisonment. The riuenix (A. T.) City Council passed an ordinance raining tlie saloon tax to $11)0 per annum, raising gambling tuxes in accordance and forbidding mu sic in rooms whore iiiruor is sold. ItaUo put a tux of $10 a day upon street fakirs, and the Salvation Army by a similar clause is forbidden to parade the streets. Gilliam county, Or., citizans have pe titioned the County Court to grant a bounty on dead sund rata. Tlie little verm n have had a good winter and will soon come out of their holes in the pit k ot cond tion to ravage the growing grain. The farmer say. unlesi something is done soon to cheek this pest, they will be run out. . . The United States Commissioners are in camp twenty-two miles north of Cou elo, Mendocino county, Cat., in what is known as Kit. Carson's cabin, which was built in 18(M by Frank Asbell, a iamous trapper ot those days. Tlie report is current that the CouimiPS oners wil place on the market half of the Round Valley Indian rebervalion, Ott.lOO acres, at from f 1.25 to $4 an acre. ar bcr Shoo i FHOWI WASHINGTON CITY. Snrrt.iiy Cirllslr Issilo New l'r.lll;itions 1'iX'irdini; I'lrunitluiis In Admit ting liiiiiiv;r.iiils. The President lias seeepted the renlg natioii of Uovernoi N. M Minim of l iwa, (.'oiminhhioni-r of the gi netal land ollire. A ttoriiey-lieiler.il ( lluey has iii;iiiinted I'riiiik Himugol ArkniifiiH (iriieial Ai'i-ni. nf (lie Dcpitltttieill of Jilhtn c, vice i') C. Kosler rrfigned. The KiipM-ine 1'nint Iihs ulllninil the judgment ol the I'oint of Claims, do ml' sing the elitiou of the State of lu ll una to recover from Hie United Mali's over V II (Mill us f pi r iviit ol the sales of public lauds In Iiidiiiiia. Authority has been given by Prenidi'iit Cleveland to Secretary iiehham to ex change a ith Minister Grip certificates of the, rittilicitlmn "f the extralition treaty between the Culled Htalcs and Sweden, recently ratilied by the Senate. The remiliH of the nil'!, carbine and revolver tiring of the iirny (or the target year of IMlU rece v d ly tlm Adjutant xhnws that Company G nf the Severn h Infantry, stationed it t Pilot I'.utte, Wyo., made the highcht general f)riireof merit. Active preparations are at'ont to be I bigiin by Secretary Smith for the open- i .lu ot tlie Clier.ikce Sirip mi !er the iro i ve ion of the Indian appropriations set ratifying the agreement with the Cheio j kees. The preliminaries, however, will ! coiisuiiiu considerable time. A hint nl Cleveland's policy ol build ing up a new party is given, l-ol'ou ini; the selection of Jildue Gresham for tlie (Cabinet, it is said, he is going to appeal to the sentimental lt"pull:canl by iieei ing Minister Lincoln at Iondnii and Minister Fred Grant at Vienna. Po'tumstcr Genera! I'.is ell stii'i-H that whenever there is a contest for st.y ost nllice the person who held the ollice un der President ( leveland's former a (min istration is nit to be considered, lie further Hates the full power of this rule will Im applied to fourth-cliiHs postollices, and that he, and not the President, is resKiiisihl for it. Secretary Carlis'e has issued new reg ulation) n-giirdiiig precautions to be ot, erved in admitting immigra .ts to the United States. 1 he regulations eonta'n seventeen ai tides. The tirsl ten are substantially the same as are now in force. Articles 11 to 15 inclusive are (radically new, ai d are made to con torm to the new laws ellVcting immiira tion paxned by tli laet Congrers and ap proved March X The Treasury Department contemn s to receive II "is of gold from the West in exi hange lor small notes, for which there is at l t-'ki nt an increasing (leiihind. -everal ell', ri had to bo lemio'unly de clined, as ii wai found tlie god was ot light weigh', and iintd those w ho i Ili-re I it niHile up the deliciel.cy in weight t!i Kovernmetit could ii"t accept it. in this connect on it is ii.teretinj to Hole that the government reipiiieB absolute ac curacy before it wilt teceipt lor light we glit Coin. Several people who have known how long Cleveland is oblig- d to u luid on his feet during the many tioiir e is re ceiving pe'ple, have wondered how it. was that he was ab'e to keep up. lie conies down into the ea"t room and shake hands with thousands of people, standing on his feet for an ' hour or half an hour, s the case may lie. In his private dllice he feels the nece.-sit' o' arising to his feet when he receives visit or a w ho nre distinguished enough to l e admitted to a private interview. It h found, however, that the President ban a great scheme. His desk is low enough lo admit h s s tt ng upon it in an ap parent, attitude of standing, and it is thcie he sits, with his b et on the floor and his weight res in g on the desk, and shakes hands and (dials with tlie visitors who are admitted It has been re marked hy several pers uis that he does not move around very much, hut nobody knows b tter than Mr. Cleveland him self why he does not move around. He is scheming all the w hi e to save himself, and this attitude he finds very comfort able. It is probable tlie cbrku and some other employes in the bureau of engrav ing and printing not directly employed in the production of greenbacks and other government obligations will have to take certificates of indebtedness In stead of cash for their salaries for the remainder of the fiscal year. Tin's is the result of an error in the enrollment of the delieieney bill, by which the word " thousand " was left off after the appro priation intended to be $37,000 for defi ciency in the pay of clerical and other help at the buieau of engraving and print i mm. It is presumed the employes will not be dropped from tlie rolls lor the rotimiiid r of this fiscal year, as they are necessary to the working of the buieau. It is likely Hub will he considered a case wherein the government ollieers are au thorized to create an indebtedness under tlie statute providing that "no govern ment ollicer shall incur indebtedness for the government except to save li'e and property." It may be held the employ ment of these clerks is necessary to save 'property." The clerks will then be given certificates stating they have ren dered i-ervice to the value named, and these they will probably be able to vet discounted for a consideration by local money lenders. Several other errors in enrollment have been discovered. In the pension appropiation bill an appro priation of $:V '5,000 was intended for fees of examining surgeons. In enrolling the word "five" was left out, so that the item reads "three hundred thousand dollars." A deficiency of $5,0)0 from tlie proper amount will not he serious in view of the smallnese of the amount and of the fact that it was made on estimates which in any event may be too large or too sma'l, and which can be remedied next session before the money actually appropriated is exhausted. Toese are but a few of the errors committed in the enrollment of appropriation bills, and others are expected to come to light every day. l'ittsbnrtf Oianizi'S a Municipal Owiieisliij) l'aue. THE WHITE CAPS OF KENTUCKY. A Solid Work of Gold, Weighing 1,500 lYunl to be Exhibited at the Chicago Exposition. A legislative investigation has dis closed shocking crudlies practiced on convicts in the Nebraska State pr.sjn. The Vassar girls have recently been engaged in drmmng dolls for children among the poorest e. annua in New 101k city. The Matemcnt of the Kealirg Coal and Iron Company shows the excess of current liabilities over mrde to he $2,- (.wii.nu;:. White Caps have notified the vendors of whisky at Providence, Webster coun ty, Ky., to quit the buniriess or tuke the cm s"'iicneeH, I The I! lack HilH of Rtnth Dakota will 1 send as a p ut of their mineral exhibit a ji-old block of gold, wtiigh ng 1,500 pounds an worth f.j)t),(H)U. M'. James Corbett has been sued for money duo for newspaper clippings which she had ordered llemy Komerke at New York to gather for her. It is said the shoo manufacturers of New Knglaud are proposing to conduct their own tanneries and to fight the pro Mised $10J,(HKI,Oi)0 leather trui-t. Lionel Sartoris, a coucin of the late husband of Nellie Grant, proposes to colonize with English farmers a tract of about M),( 00 itcree in Central Wyoming. (ieiier.il I'.uckner is s.iid to be asHidu otndv studying German in anticipation !of being sent to Austria to represent the I dignity of the United States at Vienna. ! The wli sky trut will pass its dividend. It has manufactured more whisky than ' the tra le demands, and it takes lots of , money to carry the excusa until it is i disposed of. I The Iexiiigtoii (Ky.) grand jury has indicted sixty saloonkeepers lor selling ' liquor unlaw fu ly, and has returned filty- three indictments for the sale of cigar j ette to boys. j C01 grens no t htiving appropriated the nuesrary expenses for tlieCivil Service Commission to hold the exiunina ion ti.cyhtid scheduled in a veral States, J the dates have been car.c-led. ! Ia the Minneo'a S.-nate a bill has I b"en introduced to prohimt the prefer enee nl one previous metal over another in the making of contracts, th" inten tion ie'iig t abolish gold mortgages. In anticipation of a heavy movement o S utthern cattle to M uitana a d Wy oming Governor Osborne of the latter State bus publicly announced the reu la tions under which the Shipments wid be admitted. Ti;e Postmaster-General has decided to lease 3i),75(l equare feet in the Indus trial building, adjoining the Forty-second street railroad station, in New York city, for use as the up-town branch 01 the New Y01 k city postolhVe. The Alabam National Bank at Mobile has closed its doors by direction of Bunk Examiner Campbell. The depositors will be pa d in full, but the capital stock of the hank is impaired to theamouut of (I2,0( 0, or about 42 per cent. Texas peop'e have finally undertaken to prevent lynching by the formation of anti-lym hing league at Rio Grande City.- It is expected that the movement will ppread throughout tlie State and eventually throughout the South. Frederick Dotiglasa is the President of a company jtiBt organized for the pur pose of establishing a large manufactur ing enterprise near Newport News, Va., tiuilding a town and giving employment to young colored men and women. The electric lighting question is again being agitated in Kans.is City, owing to the inollicient service and extortionate rates of the private company. Another company has offered to light the city hall lor about one-third of present prices. Baliington Booth proposes to try in this country the plan of farm colonies for the regeneration of social outcasts which his lather introduced successfully in "Darkest England;" and the first colony will probably settle in New Jer sey. The Russian Jews who formed the Chesterfield colony near New London are beginning to leave. It is said that the physical sufferings of the colonists during the past winter have been acute, and the outlook for the future has dis heartened htem. The gross earnings of all the railroad lines in the Pennsylvania system lor lSi)2 were if l3tf,!t74,520.(S5. The" expenses were $1)8,852,083 2D. The gross tonnage moved was 141,371,840 tons. The num ber of passengers carried was 89,690,341. These are bewildering aggregates. The disinterested in Milwaukee smile over a bill introduced at Madison to make the salary of the Sheriff of Mil waukee county $7,500 a year. The Gov ernor, 8ecretary of State and Treasurer get but $5,0 iO each. Judge Jenkins gets $r,000, but will get but $6,000 when he takes Judue Greaham's chair at Chicago. Pittsburg has organized a municipal ownership league. Its purpose is to have the municipality own and operate gas we k, water works, electric plant, street 'ailways, telephones and all wther pub lic utilities that are in their nature a monopoly. Many of the best citizens in the town are in the movement. INDUSTRIAL BRtVIITLS. Japan women loud the vessels. I). droit is huiid'hg electric Ijoats. There are 4,500 electro plants in Ger many. There are twenty-five national banks in Chicago. Twenty-eight thousand patents were ismi-d 11 18!)2. Steam power is successfully applied to the feliing of trees. Petroleum engiei-s made of aluminium are to drive balloons. The dynamite industries of this coun try are worth 0i,00,XX). A street ear can I e rented in the City of Mexico lot $3.5) a day. There are estimated to be 38,40) street cars in ue in this oiinlry. The men employed upon the railroade of the United States number 784,00). A patent has been granted for a device for tupering fing irs anil re lucing joints. In Wyoming county, N. Y., farmers are hiring hands at $25 a month with txinrd. The census of I8!tj (jives to the United States 32,1X37,880 men and 30,554,370 women. During tl e last ninety-six years 31-4,-1)15, 000 pounds of gold were coined in France. Tennessee is going into the canning business, and many canneries are being started. The President of the United States re ceives his salary in monthly installments of $4,:n;.b7. Government statistics place the aver age income of American farmers at 82 cents a day. Cincinnati has some eight harness factories, and their yearly output id atwut f3,00O.(i0O. The next b g fruit farm to l)e organized in Missouri will comprise 12.C0J acres near Bran Isville. A hog at Fayetteville, N.C., owned by John Garrii-on of that town, is said to weigh 8-jO pounds. Sugar beets, weighing on an average of sixteen pounds, have been grown iu Floyd county, (ia. A number of farmers in Western Kan sas sowed fall wheat in February, and expect to get big crops. According to the trea-ury computation the Presidential sa ary of 550,010 a year is at the rate of $138.88 a day. It is said that Ireland sends annually 40,000 tons of egiis some tM, 00,000 in round nuintert to Eng.aml alone. The Florida coast has a flo-iting hotel which moves irot.i place to place, wher ever the best fishing happens to be. Silkel eets ere now p educed "as a 'iixury " with the expec ation that there may urow up a large demand for them Tnere are at the Sau'.t hatcher.es in Michigan 35,000,000 whitetish eytis, 400, "0of Baunon trout and 2jO,OUO brook trout. The State of Ohio manufactured 2,500, 0 pounds of maple suar last year, rank ng secjnd in the amouttof pro duction. Of the 10,255,840 tors of pig iron pro duced last year th- South luruished 2,ll',9S'i tons, or more than in any pre v.ous yi ar. The lortv-one collieries in the Second An hi acite district of the State of Penn sylvania lait year produced 6,087,520 tons of coal. The annual exportation of India rub ber from Para is eaid to be upward o! 20,000,(k 0 pounds, worth from 6,000,000 to $9,C00,0v0. A new method of manufacturing glas vessels which will not break under sud den changes of temperature is announced trom Germany. More thau $33,000,000 worth of seal skins have been taken in Alaskan waters since the American ownership of the sealing grounds. Recently compiled statistics show that the locomotive-building in the United states in 1892 was about 13 per cent less ihan in the year 1891. A large party of Eastern manufactur ers recently started on a tour through Mexico for the purpose of introducing American goods into that country. The licorice plant, ia chiefly grown on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates, in localities where for three months dur ing the prevalence of hot winds the tem perature reaches 104 degrees and for three months often reaches 30 decrees below at night. The remaining six months are moderate and healthy. PURELY PERSONAL. Edison's children by his first wife are familiarly called "Dot" and "Dash" trom the characters in the Moree alpha bet. Four members of the new Cabinet are directors of either banks or railways, or noth, namely : Messrs. cisbcII, Oiney, Larxont and Smith. James Smith, New Jersey's new Dem ocratic Senator, is largelv interested in horse-racing. He is one of the big stock holders in the Monmouth racetrack. Lord Chief Justice Coleridge of Eng land will probably visit the Chicago Ex position. If so. Uncle Sam will have a chance to repay the courtesies extended by bis .Lordship to jiiftice ilarlan on his recent visit to London. Mrs. Everett, wi"e of a master dray man in New Orleans, has the reputation of being one of the best veterinary sur geons in that city, and she accepts no pay tor ner services, whicn are given simply out of love for animals. Mayor Noble of Anniston. Ala., car riea a cane with which he onc knocked down a man for slandering Jefferson Da vis. The possession 0 that weapon and the use to which he put it ar- not for gotten in his claim for re-election. Novel Measure of Protection Usel by tlie Hank of France. UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF VOLTAIRE Sarah Bernhardt Ceases to le a S ai Attraction at R"me and V.enna -The New York. German troopi in East Africa have won an important victory over hostile natives at Uniangrvira. A Geneva telegram states that an im portant discovery of 500 unpubl.shed letters of Voltaire has been made there. According to the latest arrangements Dr. Nansen will leave Christiania on his Arctic expedition at the beginning of June. Adelina Tatti gets $4,000 for every London concert, while she sing in the provinces for $2,500 and in Milan for $2, 000 a night. The Pope is ooon to issue a letter to the French Episcopacy urging the forma tion of a party ol Kp blican Catholics in the Chamber of Deputies. Toe steamer New York has been thrown open to the public at a shilling a head in tlie port of Southampton, the receipts going to local charities. I. Newton MofTin is urging in London the project of roofing over the principal streets ol that city with glae. The um brellamakers will cry all bail to the scheme. The swarms of field mice wh'ch catued such devastation last year in Ttiesaly are beginning to reappear in that prov ince and in the neighboring district of Phthiotis. The Turkish government ha proposed to the Sultan that he invite the Stateso the Ottoman Empire to "a commercial and industrial compeiition" in Con s antii.ople. Another exploring expedition into the interior of the Australian Continent is toon to be equipped by Sir Thomas El der and to start under tiie leadership of David Lindsay. An E'tglish shipbuilder savs that the cost n an ocean s'eamer in Great Bri tain is now much greater than it was ten vears nan. A hrat-clafs ship now costt about f ,00 ',000. Mrs. Bt-ant h s arrived ;n Lond n. where she is reporting that the restl.t of her tour in V h country convince her t at ttieosophy as a gnat future be- f re it in America." An eque-itrian statue of the late Em peror Frederick of Germany is to b erected on the hill at Worth, whence he directed the battle of Worth in th Franco German war. From a return which ha just been laid t efore the House of Commons it appears that out ol 39'O00 electors who voted in Irel nd at the geneial election b4,H9 were illiterates. rreece, tne ceieuratea tngiisn elec trician, believes the success of the Lon don and Paris telephone line foreshad' ows te ephonic communication between England and America. The King of Saxony will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of his entrance into the army next October. The people 01 Saxony are already making preparations to Honor the anniversary. There is on exhibition in Berlin an el ephant which is reputed to bethesmall es in the world. The animal, it is 'aid, is three years old, stands three feet in height and weigh- bit 156 pounds. The music hall seems to be about the best paying of public entertainment ventures in London, and the conveisiou of theaters into music balis and the opening of new balls goes on apace. Sarah Bernhardt, so London papers report, has ceased to be a star attraction at Rome and Vienna. According to t e reports she has been doing bad business in both capitals, and prices have had to be lowered. A Moslem mob has possession of C- sarea, Palestine. The rioters have robb d hundreds and killed many, sacked churches and buret into private houses and shops. All places 01 business are close 1 and trade is utterly stagnant. The largest turret ship in the world, the Hood of the English navy, success fully passed the official trial of her ma chinery a few days ago. She has a dis placement ot 14,150 tons. The total cost of the Hood when fully equipped will amount to $4,750,003. The authorities of the Great East rn railway in Engla d and the traffic man ner of the Holland railways have b en in con erencewitii the Prussian Minister of Public Woiks win the view of ar range g for a new and apid route be tween London and Berlin. The City Commissioners of Sewers are making application to the Thames Con servancy Board, in view of the possible outbreak of cholera, for permission to place a cholera hospital sh p on the Thames, within the city boundary, for the reception of cases occurring on land. Ex Queen Isabella of Spain has written ti the Tope, petitioning him to canonize Christopher Columbus as a saint of the holy Catholic Church, her reasons be ing that he was the first man to raise the cross of Christ in America. St. Co lumbus would indeed be a new role for the famous old navigator. Peary will have a rival in Arctic ex ploration this comin summer in Fred eric Jackson, who takes a British party up to FVanz Jos ph Land, and who thinks he will there have land up to the eighty-fourth parallel ot la itude, possi bly farther. Thence he prop ees to pro ce id in dog sledges. WALLS A CENTURY OLD. Mors Tlmn Handrail Vear Now Sine tlio Wliito Hoimn Wan Ilegitn. Tho corner stone of the Whita House was kid on Oct. 13, 1732, a lit tle loss than 300 years after the dis covery of America by Columbus. The commiHKionera had on the pre vious 14th of March advertiHed for plans for a president's house, and on the ICth of July they held a meeting In Georgetown and examined the plans that had been submitted. As is part of local history now, they accepted the plans of James Hoban, a Dublin architect, who had made designs for the president's house, f ramcd, it is said, in the model of the mansion of the Duke of Lein Bter at Dublin, the palace of royalty in Ireland. The stone was in part quarried at A quia creek and brought to a new wharf, built for the pur pose, near the foot of Seventeenth street, but obstinate David Burns, as Washington called him, refused to allow the wagons to pass over his ground in carrying the stone to the Bite of the White House. He abused Mr Hoban roundly, and if the city hall had been built, and present legal fashions then pre vailed, he would have gotten out an injunction, but it is doubtful if there was then a judge nearer than upper Marlboro or Annapolis; so, despite Burns' opposition, the stone was cart ed through his place, and the White House rose. No memorial of the ceremonial of laying the corner Etone has been discovered. It is cer tain that the Virginia Freemasons, who had in 1791 laid one corner stone of the District of Columbia, and who in 1793 assisted in laying the cornerstone of the Capitol, did not participate in laying the corner Etone of the White House. It was probably laid by Maryland Masons. The building bef .:i to rise, how ever, and in eight years was ready for occupancy. The donations of Maryland 172,000 and of Virginia 1120,000 assisted to pay for it, and in April, 1800 four months after Washington's death congress appro priated $15,000 to pay for its furni ture. Thenceforward it became the chief mansion in the nation. From tlie time when Mrs. John Adams hung the family wash in the East room to dry to the present it has been a home set upon a hill to be seen by all. It has had the fortune of the humblest homes in the land marriage, births and deaths. Its j oys and sorrows have a wide echo, and now sympathy flows toward it from every portion of the land. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Dreams an Index of Character. Nearly all dreamers can be brought into one theory namely, that since in dreams w e pass through a great variety of experiences, none of which is ever likely to befall us in real life, we are put to tests of character which we should never endure other wise, aud therefore that we ought to come to a better acquaintance with ourselves. Thus, if I have never been placed in a situation of extreme danger, as by attack of armed thieves or in a burning house (to gether with others more helpless perhaps), how am I to know what my feelings and conduct would really be under such circumstances? Think of himself what he may, no candid man can give a confident an swer to that question. It is a common experience to dis cover in one's self a surprising cool ness and resource, or a total un suspected and crushing cowardice, under a sudden severe test. To some such test, it has been surmised we are frequently exposed in dreams, passing through emotions strong enough- to effect our physical sensea no less than if the danger was real as broken knuckles and quaking limbs testify when we awake and therefore all the more to be trusted as like to those which we should ac tually experience if the dream wor reality. F. Greenwood in Contem porary Review. How London Grows. Some idea of the immense size of Lon don may be gathered from the fact that there were registered during one week 2,780 births and 2,212 deaths. The births were 123 below and the deaths 168 above the average for the last ten years. Here we have people enough born into the world in one week to constitute a "city" in the ambitious phraseology of western English, and enough deaths in a time of profound peace to render memor able a battlefield. But the most strik ing fact in this table is that not one of all the 2,212 died of smallpox. London Globe. Anchoring a Boat In China. Such a thing as an anchor is never seen on a Chinese river. Sometimes a pole is driven down through a hole in the bow, but usually a rope is tied round a boulder or stake on ehore. or, in default of these, round a heap 01 small stones gathered for the pur pose. Cor. Montreal Witness,