The New Bread 1 OVAL unfonnentcd luv.ul, mmle without yeast, avoiding the decomposition prodtuvil in the Hour by yeast or other baking powth : : peptic, palatable ami most healthful ; may Iv eaten warm and fresh without discomfort, which is not true of bread made in any other way. Can be made only with Royal Hakimr Powder. Receipt for Making One Loaf. 0K quart H.v.-.r, i lc;i;ioo:::.-.l salt, half a tcasj-wnnu sr.y.r. a heaping UusiyinttiV.'.s R n a! n.i'.;in.; rowilcr, half nuvliiir.i-si.-.o 1 e.i! ! boiled potato, a:nl water. Sift t getlir tlioroug'iiy I'.ouv, s.ilt, v.:;a", and baking powi'.er ; r;:' ia tV potato; add suiVkicut water t :'.i smoothly and rapidly i .'.o a st-.T batter, abo.-.t as soft a- for p I cake; about a pint of water t a quart of flour wi'.l be roijuired - Bradatreet's Mercantile .Weuey reports twenty-one failures in the racio Coast States 1 and Territories for the m-a week, iw compared with twelve fort'; previous week and fourteen for the couesj.ondmg period of 1S;)2. SCIATICA, SFRAINS, BRUISES, INJURIES, CUTS, ALL ACHES, SVh imai 111 r. tS SORENESw, FROST-BITES. 0 THZ & LUMBAGO. Sold ly IrujgU:s a.t .u.'r.-j rimjuhm. tHE CHARLES A. VOCELES CO.. Baltimore. MA, E"- your garden "T" I ready and Jm The Timothy Hopkins Collection of 5veet Peas Containing twenty-one distinct varieties a large picket of each for Ji. S. or a packet of the same varieties, mixed, fur 10 cents. 12 Carnations (distinct Tirieties) . $1.00 12 Chrysanthemums $1.00 12 Pelargoniums distinct varieties) $1.00 12 ROSeS distinct varieties) . $I.OO Ailitnng, health), pot-groan plants, fret by mail. Flower SeedsSfne Vegetable Seeds ZrT"' With either of above collections our handsomely illustrated i co-page catalogue is sent free. This is admitted to be a work of art. and contains a reproduc tion, in natural colors of the twenty-one varieties now universally recoenUed as The Timothy Hopkins Collection of Sweet Peas. Sherwood Hall Nursery Co. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Boschee's German Syrup is more successful in the treatment of Con sumption than any other remedy prescribed. It has been tried under every variety of climate. In the bleak, bitter North, in damp New England, in the fickle Middle States, in the hot, moist South every where. It has been in demand by every nationality. It has been em ployed in every stage of Consump tion. In brief it has been used by millions and its the only true and reliable Consumption Remedy. Pimples -AND- Blotches jRB EVIDENCE That the blood is wrong, and that nature is endeav oring to throw off the impurities. Nothing is so beneficial in assisting nature as Swift's Specific (S. S. S) It is a simple vegetable compound. Is harmless to the most delicate child, yet it forces the poison to the surface and. eliminates it from the blood. TRADE I contracted a severe case of blood poison that unfitted me for business for four years. A few bottles of Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) cured me. J. C. Jones, City Marshal, 1 Fulton, Arkansas. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed bee. Swift Specific Co, Atlanta, Ga. Plso'a Remedy for Catarrh Is the Best, Easiest to TTse, and Cheapest, Bold by druggists or sent by m-tll, SfW K. T. HswWnfl. Warren. Pa 0) kmp, "German SvruD" CJ JL en N. P. N. U. Ko. 4S4-S, F. N. U. No. 661. ", -o or !es aeeorditv.;' to tin; branl a-d ;.;.il:ty of tlie lluir u-ed. lo f.ot ma'.e a st iiY dou',h, like yea-.( b'.eal. Tour t!:e latter into a y,:ea ed pan, .('.. inel'.es, and 4 riehe i'eep, ti'.line; a'oiit half ('::!'.. T'.'.o 1 af wi'd live ( t'.il the pan when hue 1. Fake in very hot oen 4 minutes, plaeinjj paper over ti:t tf i"'::i;;les bau. I pro ve:',! or.i.stiti.- t. . s.on on t"p. Hake at oneg. !'n t ; 1 with ;.' Iil(.'ltli;i'nrr Nut Wanted. Attorney What is your oivniuitionf Man summoned 11s jun r I am employed ia an intelligence olIUv. All the attorneys at omv Your lienor, we challenge this juror for cause. Chicago Trib une. '. Wry Vet dun t. j niram I thought that if I lay down In the grass you couldn't find nu City Cousin (who had boon hunting for . him) I did find it hard to tlistinxuish you. : The grass is so given. Drake's Magazine, New Jersey' Wnrlil'it K.llr Hutlillng. j The Now Jersey ht.ite buildinjj at the j World's fair will bo of interest to all visit ing patriots, as it is mocleliM to a great ex ! tent on the Washington headquarters t building at Morristown, X. .1. It is not in t tended for exhibition purposes, but rather for a clubhouse and general meeting place ! for Jersey men. There are therefore large and inviting piazzas in the front and rear, and the main entrance opens into a large general assembly hall two stories high, with a circular balcony looking down from the second story. cyjj.gSS&J' fe- TnE sew jEitsKV r-ranixo. This hall contains tiie postotliee, hat and cloitk counters, a very large open fireplace and the main staircase leading to the upper section? The design of Mr. Clifford, the architect, was to make the structure typ ical of the state, and such it is in its like ness to its old colonial mode!, as well as ia its materials and finish. It is centrally located, with Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island atid New York for it nearest neighbors. NATURE'S SriSKST ALLY. If nature did lot truri?!e Biffiiust divtae. even in weakly constitutions, swiit ni.leeil would be the course of a maiauy to its faUtl termina tion. Whbe nature tiitu lei us, 1 st woree bufall us, aid her efforts with jtidiciou medicinal nelp. Exuerience must be our guide in bait'es witn dlxeaite, and that "Hmp to our feel" indicates Hos etter's -totna "h Bitrtrs as a safe, tried and thorough ally of Hutiiru. li the bl od be imeciet with blie, if the bowels and stomach are inactive, if the kidneys fail to ex pel iicpurities of which they are the natural outlet, a course of the the surest reli auce of the sufferer, one, moreover, that is sanc tioned by profensloual indorsement and use for nearly hall a century. No Anienciu or foreign remedy has earned greater distinction as a rem edy for and preventive of chronic liver com plaint, malaria, constipation, kidney and rheu matic trouble and debility. ' I cannot sing the old tongs," Me said, as the chords viurated: And those who heard him wondered Why he discrimitiats-'d. KUPTUKE AND FILES CCCED. We positively cure rupture, piles and ail rec tal diseases without pain or detention from bust ness. No cure, no pay. Also all Private dis eases. Address for pamphlet Drs. Forterfleld i Losey, &tt Market street, Han Francisco. Mrs. Bleeker Bridget, have you turne the gas on in trie parlor, as I toid you? Ti e New domestic Jewel Yes, mum; can't yez smell it'.' Coughs, colds and sore throat quickly re lieved by "ilrown's Bronchial Troches.'' 2.3 cents a box. "Money talks," said Parvey New po 1 pously. "Very true,' was the reply, " but it doesj't . 1 ways think before it speaks," A WONDERFUL MACHINE. There is no doubt that man is a fine mechanism, but like every other machine he wears out by friction. It is said that he is born again every two or three years. His f body is virtually remade from food. To retard this making over is radically wrong, as a man loses so much vitality in the de layed process that it take a long time to recuperate. The process of making anew is so accele-ated by purging with Bbak ureth's that a new man, as it were, may be made in two or three months, and th'- change in the mechanism is such that the worn-out part is replaced by the new without the usual running down of the en tire machine. You don' have to stop tor repairs. Prge away witti Bra nihiist it's Pills the old, diseased and worn out body. They are purely vegetable, absolutely harm less and safe to take at any time. The only electric railroad in London !8 underground. The use of Ely's Cream Balm, a sure cure for catarrh and cold in head, is attended with no pain, inconvenience or dread, which can be t-aid of no other remedy. I feel it my dt-ty to say a few words in regard to Kly's Cream Balm, and I do so entirely without solicitation. I have used it half a year, and have found it to bemosi adm irable. I have suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since I was a littlf boy, and I never hoped forcure, but Cream Bairn seems to do even that. Many of my acquaintances have used it with excellent results. Oscar Ostrum, 45 Warren avenue. Chicago, HI. Apply Balm into each nostril. It is quickly absorbed. Gives relief at once. Price, 50 cents at druggists' or by mail. Ely Brothers, 50 Warren street, New York. THE K UN A WAY NKG KG H1WNQOUT ATTAINED WITH HIM TH RANK OF A PnOFCSSION. A Ftgur f th Old South Ho W Kuril Woodernllmiuii ml Citvn Dweller, ami lie t limbed the Trvi Moiihoy Fashion How He Munitti'tl to l.lto. Anioui: the many picturesque (Inure 'With which the old mmth teemed a most Mrikinn one was t he runaway nenro. Not the occasional "hitler out"-tht one who sought temporary refuse in the woods to senpe punishment for soniethini: done or left undone, or for fear of beiusohl tot lit speculators, nor even when the crop was Krasy and tin votk haul, but the one who clun to a w i 11 life as instinctively ns an Indian, and who mlht almost be termed the professional runaway. Your genuine runaway was a born woivlcral'tstnan. The habits of wild itni nialsnndwajs of taking them seemed to Ik his by intuition, lie bail no difficulty in varying his menu of pi;, lamb ami poul try with all the rabbits, squirrels opos sums and Hh that he wanted. Sometimes be carried his dot; Into t he woods w it It him, although of course it greatly iuerea-vd his danger of iH'itu; taken. Hut this wasmoro for companionship than anyt hini; else, for, single handed, w ilh his snares, traps and "cuius," lu was mote than a match for wilil name of all kinds. Discomforts which would have driven tin, ,1 mi .1 f ..11 r li'i.'L t,, t)i., sun,. ft i m ii.,.. corner (if the plantation quarters and a whipping had 110 terrors for him. Like the rest of his race, he cared not 11 tli; for wet, while cold, the Intro's dread, he knew well how to guard against. The ai t of prodiii itii; the maximum of fire with the tn 1 11 1 it 1 11 m of smoke was his to pern tion. He knew exactly w hat kind of wood and bark to select, and how to combiue thrill to this cud. No matter how hard the rain, how sodden the wood, all that lie asked was a "chunk," or, lacking that, 11 coal of lire, to be as happy as a king- the ideal, not the real king. I mean, l'rotn a coal which, in unskilled hands, would scarcely have sttllici d to light a pipe, he could, w ith even the wettest and most iut possible kind of fuel, soon call into being the rarest of roaring tires, while in the ion and transportation of fire ho could have given lessons to Prometheus himself. In the most essential feature of rave architecture secrecy he easily surpassed all imitators. Between two suns, and oftencrthan not with only the wornout stump of a hoc, the runaway would dig and conceal a cave which detied detection from the eyes of a lynx. At t he same time several cubic yards of upturned earth had to bo whisked away and hid under distant leaves, or, bet tor st ill, consigned to t he safe keeping of sunie running stream. For several nasutis the wornout "old fields' of the southern state wi re the fa vorite site of the aveiligger. Thest dreary wastes, given over to guiievs, tiroom seilge and scrub pirn s, being deserted by man hood in general, wore of course his safest retreat. The soil having been over ex hausted and "turned out," and the sappy, twisted pities being held worthless for either rails or fuel, there w as no danger of the woodman's hx coining that way ngaiii for many a long year. Nor did t he squirrel or fox hunter have often to seek or follow his quarry into this terra incognito where indeed the dense screen of the low, thick pines would have con lined their vision to a very limited space. Here this Kmiii of the south, whom in deed every man's hand was against, nntl whose hand was against every man, found an ideal dominion, every feature of the surroundings adding to his sustenance or safety. The wcirtlness and virtual barren ness drove oil ot her men. The deep, water worn gulleys, barriers to the ordinary traveler, whether mounted or on foot, of fered him a highway whose firm or grav elly bottom registered no passing foot prints to be read by curious or hostile eyes. Xowhere did he display more ingenuity than in conti iving means to approach and depart from burrow and leave no sign. As I have said, the cully was his favorite path, thougl occasionally he had recourse to the Indian's highw ay a st ream. Some times he would never at the ground a long, stout grapevine, the other end being se curely interlaced arming the tree limbs many feet above. By grasping this vine he was able tosw ing clearof thegrnund many feet., or even cross a considerable ravine and drop just at the mouth of his cave. Again, when the pines were thick, he might climb a tree, and passing from limb to limb, monkey fashion, slide down a tree trunk at the proper spot. Slill another, which could sometimes be practiced, was to mount a stray ox, and forcing him to the proper place spring off. One very orig inal old darky, iittledreaniing that history was repeating itself with a variation is said to have fashioned to his shoes an old pair of horseshoes, reversed, knowing that no runaway hunter would ever think to notice a horse track. Amid the swamps the malaria proof negro found little difficulty, if so minded, in passing a lifetime "hid out." But up among the hills of the central portion, where there were no retreats impenetrable to all but the initiated, where the farm houses were close together and compara tively little land uncleared, it took no lit tle skill and cunning to play the runaway successfully for any considerable period. Yet Johnson's surrender brought in more than one ragged, "vannintlike" creature, who had spent perhaps the better part of a long life in this manner. There were even women runaways, and sometimes very suc cessful ones. A few children were born in the woods. I knew of one instance in which the close of the war brought up a con siderable family of whose existence the le gal owner knew nothing. David Lodge in Kate Field's Washington. A Titleless Sea. For practical purposes the Mediterra nean may be accepted as being what it is popularly supposed to be, a tideless sea, but it is not so in reality. In many places there is a distinct rise and fall, though this is more frequently due to winds and currents than to lunar attraction. At Venice there is a rise of from one to two feet in spring tides, according to the prevalence of winds up or down the Adri utic. In many straits and narrow arms of the sea there is a periodical flux and re lux, but the only place where the tidal in luence, properly so called, is unmistakably observed is in the Gulf of Cubes, where the tide runs at the rate of two or three knots an hour, and the rise and fall varies from three to eight feet. Philadelphia Ledger. An Irreverent Yankee. A Yankee was being shown a lamp by an eastern priest, which the latter affirmed had not been extinguished for five cen turies. He just gave a vigorous puff and remarked, "Well, I guess it's out novr anyways. "London Tit-Bits. From "Nw OrUtoit, Our Nuutharu lMdtl." The UmidlnnA lottery Ixuna lKnitoil. tickets are openly displayed hi (he shop windows, nml are soul 011 the o tloWMlki by men, women nml chiUtien. One More lor Iho rale of these t ion et Iwai such a legend as this 011 Us Hin : This is lucky Number loven. Muiewlnnlnn tieketa Mold here than any where else tn town. There witu a draw ing while I wm in the e ty, and knowing that the luttety company was not to a k for a renew al of its privileges, I availed niysoil ol the op portunity to witness its: ohlcl public operat.oii anM the historic cliiuacteis who have been induced by Inrue salaries to figure for it. The draw ing took place 11 a theater called "the Academy of Miuiie," at eleven oVIo.'k U the morn ing. The yellow g;m-jets ba'tled feet ly Willi the 'du I glil 111 the lobby into ivluch the people were pcise n without let or qua ill utiou. The theater was two-thiids full at last, On the siauo, sot w it It a parlor tcene, was a knot of men between two wheel. The wheel on the right wa a hand of silver, with Hidea of glued and with it door in the metal rim. A bushel of little black gtitta-percha en velopfH the sit of dominoes had been poured int') this w heel, and a white boy, blindfolded with a handkerchief, stood at the handle I the crank by which the wheel was turned, lie had one at in in the door ol the w liee1, and w ith the hand of the other arm was oll'ennj: a tiny en velope to tion. Hoaurogard the lat B trviviiiK general who nerved oil either aide in our late war. A line, most gen- lleiinuilv-lookmn ,IW fe.1'. tiros" of a French courtier, with snowy hair, a v lute inuaiHclie, a little goatee, and the pinkest skin a baby ever knew, lie waa mil t essly dressed. Acroea the otiue, lieside a very much largur wheel, of parti oloicd tvarda, fat JuHal A. Ivuly a perfect tyneof the conventional I'uure of Fill her Time ; tall, portly, Btoop-ulioitldercd, partly bald ami with' a long, heavy, white beard, lie was dressnl all in the col. r of the uniform he distinguiHlied by his valor a soldier. By each general Htood a blindfolded lsy, taking numbers out of the wheels, ami handing them to the geneiab. Finn the leg wheel to Major-donera! Karlv came the ntiml etBof the ticketa; .rom the little wheel to tSeiieral Iteau regard came the niunlters of dollars thai foirutd the prizj each l.cket had won. By tacit general ctotd a crier. Karlv read out, " Tweuty-one thousand i tie hundred and fifty two;" and Henuregart , tiavinjj shelled the gil'ta pcrolu ease, t It a billot, read o it, "Two hundred dol lar." Then the criers took the bllein ami cried the nutnbe g. "Twenty-oto thousand one hundred and tl:ty-lw.i" from one ; "Two hundred dollars " irom the otlrer, who, by the way, failed o. t two hundred dollars at least two bin. tired times. But all the pri.fa were liui of that amount. I chained to hear tin capital prize read out. " Twenty-eig'it thousand four hundred 'ind thiny-nine," said Krly. " l'lirei hun red tin usaud dolmrs," said Bean regard. Hie elleet was t-ttirtling ; indeed U t -tutled oonso-i roiusod to gras; tb meaning cf the words. The criers re peated the tuuree. Tne people in tie theater craned forward, a hundred pet. cih shot over tid or tills of paper li men's ami w mien's laps. T ieu a mur mur of voii es seunded all over the hottre ibe routine on tin etage was ha ted, f, :ie criers took the two biia of pape ' pome clerks who sat at tables n 1 1 . arther part o: the eti'ge, to illuw them t i verify th- important t'gurs, ihni be rout tie begun niw.-lly JiiIimi Kalph in Harper's Magazine Feb uary. First Clt'ea- How Is it Unit so nitit.y Ivi I sli ineii tiirjit sliy of home rule' w eoii.l nilm-u I nine because U hlus wl.h the letter ' li.'' Our readers will servo themselves by noticing the remarkable offerings advertised in another column by the Sherwood Hall Nursery Co. of Menlo 1'nrk and San Fran :isco, who are leaders on the coast in fur nishing everything for the farm mid garden. Trsmp- Pl"i.s , mum. I mn I u sop mil vow twenty yesis n('o t nit I'd nevi ribiiiiiotherstruke f work till women whs nbt th' situic whkc as men. si.iTK of Ohio, City of Toi.kijo, ) I. i t s cm nty, i ' Frank J. Chunky makes oath thst he Is the cMnr partner of the Una of F. J C'iiksky A Co., iloitiK lii.-iiieH In Uu) city of !' do In, enmity nixl Stale I'fore-iiiil, miuI tlmt sulil firm will piiv .lie sum nf OXK li (MillKli Dol.f.AKS fur i-Mcii slid every chsi; of entiirili tlmtcHinint t; ciireil by the use of IIams vtaukh (l nr.. FIIANK J. CHKNI-.V. Hwf rn to before mc iiml snljsi rihi d In my presence this litti day of Di-eemls-r, A. H lssii sua I.. A. VV. (il.KASON, Stttunj I'litilic Hull's Catarrh Cure Is tnkeii liiteinally, nd nets directly on the blood mid mucous surface ol th sjstein. Kend for f'stlinonials, free. r . J . c 1 1 r. .N K V .V t:o. , Toledo, O. ttSF Hold by driiftKlsts; 7.ri cents. Cue EtmmeUue 4tova Polish: no dnst, no mell, Tby G ibm k for breakfast. HOW DO YOU DO when you buy shoes or cloth in; ? Don't you po to the place ( if you can find it) where they tell you that you may wear the articles out, and then, if you're not Fafisfled, they'll refund the money? Why not do the samo when you buy medicine? Or. ricrce s (JoJden ileuical Oiscovery Is sold on that plan. It's the only blood purifier so certain and effective that it can be guaranteed to benefit or cure, In every case, or you have your money back. It's not like the ordinary sprinjr medi cines or sareaparillas. All the year round, it cleanses, builus up, and invigorates the system. If you're bilious, run-down, or dyspeptic, or have any blood-taint, noth ing can equal it as a remedy. From 10 to 40 Agents wanted In all grades manufactured in America. New and second-hand machines ments, write tor catalogues and terms. FRED T. MERRILI Pioneer Free 'Cycling Academy in west Hood's Cures : iu j s. I'"' ( p i j : s, - . To Mr. '. II. Vard liaklaiiil, Cal. Mado Over Anew Chronlo Hcarlncho Cured -Woah Lungs Mad Strong nnd Well. F,r year I had sick headache every dy, and I i'.Imi li id rry ttritli lunn. Since I ru l-fcii I'l.inn I tood'sj s it .apailll.i, 1 liavo Peril rn'hrly i niril nf In'ad.'iclie, AiiJ my hin;; lite sltoiuj nml well. ITleieli oftclisay How Well You'r1 Looking. I (I'll tlll'lll It I thl hi Hnnd'S ,S -eip.U IIU. I mn Miuill la suture iicw-r wolitheJ over too pound brfntr. l.iMag llnod'i Mnrs.ip i- i ilia, nnd at tint tint I Pcgim t.i.lng It I h.ul inn down to 85 pound, Put now I weigh 1 1 1 j. My f i lends thniiiiht I would he denit long n go, hut 1 lilil peifectly writ. I mn tinnlilo to express, my thanks for the good Hood's Sarsaparilla h i done nitv" Mas. ('. II. t'Aitn, 1310 Adellnn Sliett, Oakland, 4 ullfornlu. Hood's Plll cum all Uvrr III, lllllouv nn", .luiiiidi -e. linll'.:Mti,ii. SI Ili'inUi lw. fkt.i., and f l mMK'r liotllo; Uuc cent a iIoho. Tins (1ukT CorriH i i i.b luoinptiy cm. wliem nil olliert tail, Cotiih, Croup. 3or lhrout, lloariirnrai, V houpuif Coii,h nnd Aithma. I'nr Comumption It Turn no rival; him cured thound, mid will ( t tut you If takrnlu tliuo. M"ld oy liruKl-lo on n guiir. nnteo. I'nr a I.nmn Hack r ('hl, iiki BHH.011'8 DSI.I.AUONNA I'LAS I b.K ".V. CHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY, Have nml nun Hi r 1 liU reined v iHiriinniiu tecil to curj jou. l'rice,6dctu. Injector five. Two Stepping Stones to rnnsumption ;tre .lilttieiiis vc often deem trivial a cold and .icoti'di. Consumption thus ac quired is rightly termed "Con sumption from neglect." colt's Emulsion not only stops a cold lut it is re markably successful when; the cough has become deep seated. Soil's Jviutlsi:ii. is the riclicft of fj-oois yd (he easiest fal-food to iilr. It arrests waste it; liuil.Is n healthy llowne, N. V. All rlrnrwt' s-THE COST IS .ic;iuia-fl-r lirtittilt THE HARTMAN STEEL PICKET Pf-NHF ('OHtH no tiinn. thiol tin ni-illnnrv eliuiiHy wnnil picket nltuir tliiit nlmtruclN the view nml will rot or full H,iii-tlii iil.i,rt llm... '1 He 'liiirimun " - nrlMIe In HenlKii, prntcclH the Kriimln wlllimil e. !yA nv,Til 1 ''' M'''ltA l Kl) i'A l A UK.CK Wi l li I'KiV'kh AND IKSI I.MONIAI.M MAM.KIi M'.hK. A Iwnyn iiientinii thin UH-r III wrllliiK.I HAR I MAN MFC. CO. BEAVER FALL? pa David M. Clarkson, Jr., Portland; or. lls, pa. Holly, Mason, Marks A Co., Spokano Falls, Wash. DON'T BORROW Jffir.. M MITMKW. vdw mm h SAPOLO RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF Pfloore's Revealed Remedy. K . i ,.A ',lhM "'"'"'y yoniiKeHtliovciiredetillrolyiif INKI.AM.M ATOHV Klll' tl. MAllhM whon the bout iliicturl could (rctdltl hlm no Kond V un f , K iiiiu ,'i,, MllH. N. V. 81 KM.. ' SOM IJY YOUR l)KIi(lIST. Simonds Crescent Ground Cross Cuts. And All Kinds of MILL SAWS, linn Hn Dnn.i.i... v tiMrwn? saw CO.. -m PER CENT DISCOUNT TO AGENTS. in every town in Oregon and Washington to pell the leading BICYCLES Dealer of the Pacific Coast, 320 Washington Street, Portland Or. wing of Exposition building. ' If You Think hmmLIikI nl il W III I'll. Hi DIM MIWMM "'' " - - (III. Itl'Nt I 'Hill II M klioilltl I'lllMt I ... I . I n III I, lit ll FERRY'S SEEDS. Alw) lli lic'i liny io ns'iwnlM'il nni lii siiOMiimi - io lien'. f,MH' Hoeil lllllllll Is I lie lllimt iiiiiiiii lion imiik i i in" "" r1"'- lishcii. II is no iiiiiiimii oi iii" liiiilcr. w i' si nil li Iree. I). M.rCKMY&CO. PkTROlT, IMIcll T? makk IIY NttT diniNtt TMt HIUNT bicycle: Si no run gin fiioou - Irmt vow u wwvr fi()RT)iiA(;iFH',i;y(:i.i'.r,. wcrcLts or e.vtnv ut!i-Mi i ion. , Makovkm ItuiiDma -PonTtANtv Ofr oon Will cut I'ry oV (tri'i'il ilitli.'K, M. mI.I.iMI.-O'11' I I (HI ll.i.M ii'. itoiilile lln iiiiiiilK r of i w i ' I tmike Ilium moo' f".' llln w ill em ry (lei lit" A milcly tlirmuOi llio uieltl -ig perliul nml put ilmui !- eoiiilllliin tn l.iv when cm in in n ii I the lik:lu't in- nnd id dnttlniln your cliicli '',icr tlimi e olln r IihmI. I . .' I Cirf,n lliincn in n" reoofltie o k' l lint ill il. mm I lll w tit I11HK Ul'y p' r i'i ut liioiv V'oiit Hi'inl for 'ntnloitil mt pine. ii wri mum, oi n:nm imnm FISHING TACKLE muni i Knit Rods, Roola. Lines, Hookn, Lendora Etc., of tho f Inost Qunllty. THE H. T. HUDSON ARMS CO., 03 First St., Portlnnd, Or. IW S'lld for e t .lieu U'. FRAZEIi Best in the World! Get the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! K11.ll To MoltlaiW Vim fdi"ild wili I., KK l l l: Ml K I M K I!, AH TO Mnllll )W I'nrtuiiid, Om'.-,,i,, tlm . . I i it'U it Jen ler nf the AH Ml To MoltKOW Pieiilc S ., h,h cl , tnr pile nn mip ilnr r-1 1 - ver nml PU te Tadleunre, fin Mill mo ynii inniiey. It c h t nolliliiK ton k for Ilia prim, YOUNG MEN! Tho Spoclflo A No. I. ffirei. nlttmut full, kit riuti-ii nf ii..M.r. tifeit n'ltl lr4t, nn lluulr i-f li..w Inni "t.iC'lli.rf. I'li'Vi'litn nlrlctnri', It h, Im; nn In. tt nml ri iiiclv. I'urcfi wiii'ii cvrrytJileii iiImp tint r.ot-'.l. H..IU liv nil lirinKliii .MitilllfuclliriTK Till- ,.h. -inK-nhi'l. MnllHliA rrin. :i.e. " " J"', "i. INVALID GOODS. t llolllim """"'Ho,. llnek He.1. ruililliottra Hi'tx! fnf Cittiilomii. w.i.scBaniciiiitipnjSi.u THE SAME, si TROUBLE." BUY .-tfiW&i. 11 Ad iff 0 ! j v. i) H II AXLE GREASE r"ggi'fii a VI mm 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. rm trot onrti.n4 A. from $20 up, Cash or on install