The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 25, 1893, Image 1

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    River Glacier.
VOL. 1.
NO. 43.
3food Iiver Glacier.
The Glacier MUsliIng Company.
NfllNt HII'TION l'lll :
On yr. .. i nr
TIiiio in. nil tin. tii
Niulc wip i (,.ril
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr.
Refund Si., mill . . HimmI Itivrr, Or.
HIjih i 1 1( ji ml Hair cutting nriitly done
S.I t IX f lit 1 1 Ml t i Mm, I liter, I,
Warm Contest in Arizona's I ah is
laturt' Over Iirinaii'ui.
SM'iu'iits of Winter VrtaMfS Yvm
Siituh' in Ctllfonila to the
in Ci Lots.
Tim Southern Pa'-ille is to Inive ft now
dip it ut ( i ant's Or.
PIhcihx, A. T., report that ruin in
fading, the lira in nearly one year.
Fresno v t'''l against the is-ne of $75
(MO InukIh lo c mp ete it-t eewerag sys
tt tit .
British Columbia lias imposed n
count of 29 per cent on Anunc:ui silver
Portland's tine paseng'r station will
tin c minified liy Augum, 1 u. It is to
cost $ 10 1,000.
Tim Binker II II ami Sullivui mines,
tl 14 largest hivt producers in the Oeiir
d'A.eine, haveshiu down.
A traveling insurance unr him d me
nil the inriii' r of It nh,im county,
Idaho, by issuing spurious policies.
Tim majority nt the- Indians on the
Nee. Perees re-erv ttioii nave s gtnd i.n
nun-emem lor tin) opening of the ih t
Sonirt of the pe iplo of Bona City,
Idiho, are npp el to the railroad enter
INK tli At town on account ol the smoke
killing the tree-i.
In Lower California enough rain has
failii to instne good crops, thoiii:h the,
d. ought was liegiiin ng to ho beverely
fell ail over the peninsula.
In the United States Iltri t Court Ht
Portland Peter Grant, a sai.ors' Ismrd-ing-house
runner, waH convicted of har
boring deserting seamen, and was lined
There is a warm content in the Arizona
Legislature over the passage of an irri
gation bill, whose leaturea are somewhat
similar to the California lawa on the
same subject.
It 1h thought that the bed f the Eraser
river in British Columbia ia rich with
deposits ol gold, and an attempt will be
made during the coming Bummer to se
cure a portion of thin wealth.
Governor MiConnell of Idaho openly
Blaled in a letter to the District Attorney
that members of the Legislature of thai
Htate were bribed, and that information
will bo furnished to secure convictions.
Utah's total gold output for 1891 wan
$31,014; for ISO.', $31,020; showing an
increase ol $282. Tlie silver output for
1891 wan 8,7"0,3r ounces; lor 192 it
was 7,762,259 ; showing an decrease of
088.095 ounces.
The Nevada Legislature has adjourned,
and a bill reducing the saliiries of State
officers is found to le missing. The
Htate Controller says the j mmals show
it parsed and he thinks it. will hold (rood.
It will he entered in the statute book,
with certification that the original was
A C. Cleveland of Nevada, one of the
original promoters of the Han Francisco
and Great, Salt l.akeroud, has irreat faith
in the enterprise, and secured live years'
extension of the riirht of way across Ne
vada and Utah to S ilt Lake and Ogden,
and also thesame extension on the bonua
offered ly the Slate o( Nevada of $3,k0
for everv mile of road completed, lie is
now in Utah.
The ra lroa l freight agents in session
at Santa liar bat a, Cal., have ngreed to
form an a ociation, to lw called the
Transcontinental Freight Hate Commit
tee, in wh'ch ail transcontinental lines
except the Great Northern, the Norih
ern Pacific and Canadian Pacific will be
parties. A resolution to that effect was
parsed, hut no written agreement has
yet been drawn.
The Grand Orange Lodge of British
Columbia hadopte strung resolutions
indorsing Dalton McCarthy, Q. 0 , VI. P..
and condemning Sir Jolin Tlminpt-on and
h's fpvernment for lining public funds to
as-Mi-t the Premier's co re igionists to
fight the people of Manitoba in t ieir ef
forts to throw off the separHte chool
sy-tem, and urging upon the British Co
lumbia member ot Pari anient at Ot
tawa to support Mr. MeCarihv'srepoli
tion to abolish French as an official lan
guage and do away with separate Bchoo.B
The VV.ijj' S P.ilJ to Oiiii'se Lalmrcri In
Chln.i-MiiKKy Willi I'leMiin itK
I lied Hky.le Wheels.
The four gnat ocean rou'es employ
l.KHI Ht'lllllNbipll.
All Ilia street cais of Toledo are pro
pulled l y eleetrieity.
l.i Hh tlmii 1 tent is the value of tlm
raw material in a vlo'ln.
Moie I linn L'i 0,(11(0 men nre eiiiployed
in American journalism.
A New York (.Mitral locomotive Is to
P i-ihly-lwo mill h an In ur.
There were (iiMl,ii(t(),MKl pii' fengers on
Ann r run riiilroiuls lat y ur.
Almut 4 (KM) inileN of iailroad track
were la d dining the last year,
A Maryland canning factory put up
4l0ilo,()t 0 cans of corn lasi K'humi.
ChieiigoiuiH eipirt a fUl.t OO.IHHI
Worl.i's Fair levenue from cash adinia
sinus. The rout rni-t for tlm construction of
Dm Smith (iila canal in Ari.ona has just
men let. 1 im work wl.en completed
will ct -',C0 l.OCO.
An Miiglisli cojiipany hus been Incor
pdr.iteil with fifi.iHh) capital to in.inii-
lacture electric bicycle. The sturago
hat lei y is to he used.
An Kng'iNliiiian has invented ncunU
nation folding lied billiard tahle, nettie,
table and bureau all taking up i.o more
room than an upright piano.
Notwithstanding the fact that the
Western Union Telegraph Company bus
over 7:!lHKH) ur'es of wire and noarlv
1,010 nllices, it oieus ail average of (i 0
new Ulircn annually.
The twin screw and triple-screw steam
shipi witn improved engineH develop
more power wnb le s coal tlift'i the sin-gle-scre
ennines. The Ktniria Imrris
ab-mt :UH) tons a day.
Kngineers me discii"sing a w.ter--t')"-ngi
pri'jrtct for a 'letter supply if wa'er
to the F.r e canal, involving a dam l.'M
eet in height scro-a the Genesee river
at a coht ol 2 7 ',IH 0.
It is stated that in Knland thoe parig
of loi-oumtives which are liable to runt
are Hindi) of g.ilvaiiied imn, and thai
this niclii'lex the iiiNide of tender tanks
and aluo the coal spaces.
Nine ceo's a mile isthecost the Ninth
iiveiiiie (New York) stnet cur line re
cently ran a st.nrage-1 attery experiment
ctr lor. The car Wnig ed six and nmi
ha'f tons, and i arned l i t storsg cell.
Acleik in a birvcle slor" in Kaiisa
Citv li:is designed und is building a i ew
nugiry wit'i pneuoiaMc tired bicvele
wlnels niiil anuiiibrif imtirivemeniH
cnlciiited 1 1 a id streng'h, I gtitness and
(pei'd to the vehicle.
Ci.rroll 1) Wright ch ef of the United
Stte bureau of statist cs, reports that
wg's in MaxHachuset's Hvernge l.7o to
evry dol ar paid in England, w lme the
cohi ot the same moile of liv n.'is II 17
here to f 1 in Kiulriii'l.
An alkaloid r pared from atropine
(an active principle of liellailoniia
wtii. ii s used tiv optliahuic surventiH to
t xpitnd the Hip;l of the eye, ix said to
He 1 for $ !,!00 a pniiiiil. The ci st is ol
itfeli eiio igh to make one open his eyes.
Young Men Mating ng Poli'ics In South
Carolina President Harrios lias
an American Wife.
John L. Stevens, the United States
Minis er to Hawaii, used to edit the
Kennebec Journal with James G. Hlaine.
Congressman New-lands of Nevada will
be the only member of the next House
who was elected on the straight-out
silver question.
Mrs. Langtry and the Duchess of Mon
trose have joined John Strange Winter's
no-crinoline league. The league now
numbers over 11,(,00 members.
George Wheatland, who died at Salem,
Mass., the other day at the age of SO,
was a contemporary at the bar of We li
ster, Ciioate, Curtis and Jeremiah Ma
son. President Barrios of Guatemala hnB
nn American wile. It is said ttiat siie
piactica ly rules the Kepuhlic. She is
the leader of all woman movements in
that country.
Death has no terrors for Mrs. Annie
Beeant. What the majority of mankind
regard as a theory to he dreaded she de
fines as "a choice relief from the burden
of the flesh."
Bishop E It. Ilendrix, one of the most
el quent liishops of the Methodist
Church (South), will preach the com
mencement sermon at the Yanderbilt
University in June.
Madame O'Rorke, Mother Superior of
the Convent oi the Sacred Heart, Provi
dence. 11. 1., who died a few days ago,
was the widow of Colonel O'Rorke, one
of the niodt gallant heroes of Gettys
burg. Dr. McCosh has sent $1,25!) to the con
gregation of the Eiiht Free Church at
Brechin, N. J., of which he was at one
time minister, to he p anv deserving
young man connected theiewith in his
studies fur the ministry of the F"ree
Tiie waires paid ! Chinese laborers in
Cnina are ahout 6 p nee per diem, with
rations. The wooers are easily con
tented, deni nd n only the plainest of
lood, while lor bousing they are sat slied
in winter to creep altogether under a
long, low in nt shed with a solid back to
the north wind.
Within a six-mile ladius or Charing
Cross, London, theie are 270 miles of
lailwav and 255 tta'iono, and within a
twe ve-mde radius "ver 4 miles of line
and 301 staMons. The average number
ot passengers carried on a week day by
the public conveyances of London, in
cluding omnibuses, is V.&HOO . The
total for last year was 777,OoO,OUO.
Tennessee Murderer Drops Dead
on the Witness Stand.
vv,. i v.kii.11 3 iai'iii'.i iuup isuii ui j.awjii-i3
With One lixcrjitlun Wuman
Suffrage In Wyoming.
'Dm Kansas City car famine hat about
leaven worth, Kan., is to have an elec
tric railro id.
The Nebraska Isgislature is consider
ing an uuli-l'inkerton bill.
A woiiniri-iiullrage amendment will be
subiiii' ted to Kaunas voters.
A big migration of farmers from Illi
nois to the Northwest is in progress.
Ten carloads of beer were shipped to
Wiiniiirgtoii for use during the inaugura
tion. The West End electric sireet railroad
of l o-ton talks of tunneling the dm
iiton. A strike cf oil near Parkersburg, W,
Ya , is creating a great deal of excite
ment there.
On the Hawaiian annexation question
C.evelund's views, if he has any, are
n i.k now n.
E focretary Foster estimates that
there will he f 1 7, IK 0,1,00 free gold in the
treasury on July 1 next.
L'tuisville street railway capitalists are
preparing to gohtui- up the street railway
system of SpringtlvJid, 111,
Troops have gone to the Cherokea
Strip, and will keep it clear unul the
opmiing of the Inn 1 to settlement.
The Cherokee newspapers are kicking
V gorously at the prospect of being
iiirown in with Oklahoma as a State.
The New York Senate has passed the
bih appropriating $3tNi,tHKt additional for
the Mate exhibit at the World's Fair.
The Brooklyn police authorities have
decided that no more proiessional boxing
matches will lie permitted in thntci'y.
The prospects of a strike of switchmen
on the Miciiigan Central are favoraoie
A demand fur an increase of wages has
b' en made.
General Beauregird's e-tato in L- uisi
ami is eaid to b w ortn nearly $J.O0it,0O.'.
I'll is is exclusive of hm realty interet-ts
in St. Loins.
Dolly Johnson, Mr Harrison's colored
cook, lemains in the White House un ier
Mr. Cleveland. There is going to be au
other era of civil service.
There is a prospect of a compromise
in the A' kanas L- g Nlutnre. by which
an appropi intion of $20,0 4) will lie made
or an exhibit at the World's Fair.
The forty-sixth annual report of the
Pennsylvania R.ii, road Company shows
grosH esmings, nuin line and branches,
in $-l;.V,)154.', and a net income of $10,
701 2W.
The House of the Indiana Legislature
has passed a bill prohibiting the working
oi the train hands of any railroad in the
State for more than twenty-four consec
utive hours at a time. ,
1 1 is reported from Chattanooga, Tenn.,
that the negroes of the southeast are
preparing lor a general exodus to the
West and Northwest, where they expect
to sei ure small farms.
The enormous rates demanded by the
insurance companies for insuring hotels
erected for World's F'air purposes have
driven proprietors to form a mutual tire
insurance company of their own.
Somebody has called Mr. Cleve
land's Cabinet a bar association, because
every man in it except Dan Lamont is a
lawyer. No other Cabinet in recent
times has contained so many lawyers.
It is reported irom Chicago thata syn
dicate has been formed, having a capital
of $4,500,0i)0, to purchase twenty eight
Detroit breweries. The combine will be
able, it ia said, to produce 825,000 bar
rels of beer annually.
The Senate of the Minnesota Legisla
ture has passed a bill to amend the con
stitution by providing for a tax of not
more than 5 per cent on all inheritances
above such sum as the Legis ature in its
discretion may exempt.
The New York case of Mrs. Violet
Ward Vanderbilt against her father-in-law,
Captain Jacob Vanderbilt, for
alienation of her husband's affections to
the extent of $100,001) has been settled
out of court and finally dismissed.
The Wyoming State Legislature has
parsed a concurrent resolution of confi
dence in woman suffrage and directed
the Governor ot the State to send copies
of the resolution t) every State and
every legislative body in the world.
The Supreme Court has refused the
application of the Illinois Central Rail
way Ceinpany lor a reopening oi the
Chicago Luke-front case; also the case
of the Southern Pac' tic, involving title
to land grants m Southern California,
which was recently decided.
Under the new diplomatic and con
sular bill jmt passed the President will
have ihe power to designate as Ambas
sadors all Envoys Extraordinary and
Ministers Plenipotentiary to loreign
courts, the new title being regarded as
moie high sounding than the old.
The cyclone in Georgia, Alabama, Mis
sissippi and Louisiana did great damage,
and more than 100 people were killed.
It followed the track of what is known
as the Huns countv track, which s nee
lfc'04 has been visited periodically by de
structive cyclones, aul thev have always
left a trail of death behind.
President ClevHanJ Srndi a Mssa?,e
to the S hate WiiliJr.iwinjj the
Hawaiian Treaty.
The first postmaster given office under
the new udmlrin-tration is Newton A.
Hamilton, who was appointed pout mas
ter a. Flora, Tenn.
Si eretarv Morton has anno' nteil Don,
hid Muf'ciiitiir t.t 'ilirubliu fitv uti
cidef clerk of the Agricultural Depart-
merit, vice jjenry Laiam resigned.
AU the pr ifuinentofficialaof theTreas
ury Department, including the Asdstant
Secretary, CommiBiouern of Internal
Revenue, Comptrollers and all the Aud
itors, except Patterson and FiB'ier, have
verbally tendered Secretary Carlisle their
Secretary CartHe has accepted the
propo-it'on of ttie Denver clearinghouse
to ,et the government have $1,1X 0,0 X) in
gold or a like amount of treasury notes
He has taken no steps toward issu ng
Ixjnds, and baa not indicated what pol
icy he will purine.
Secretary Carlisle has rece'ved offers
from Chicago bankers to exchange $V
00 1,000 of gold for a like amount of small
treasury notes, with intimation that
probably $10,000,01X1 will be wanted on
the aame terms. Carlisle will forward
the small note nt once. Several other
olf, rs of gold in exchange for small
treasury notes have been made. Bank
ers of Cincinnati offered $1,000,COJ, of
which $i0,),i 00 was accepted. Ottier of
fers of suiiiil quantities camo from bank
ers in Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri.
Treasurer Nehecker is much pleased with
the turn stf.iirs have taken, and has de
clared sufficient oilers of gold have been
received to absorb all the small notes on
President Cleveland the other morn
ing sent to the Sena'e a message with
drawin.'the Hswai an treaty pendingin
the Senate. The mes age was short,
simply leqnesting the Senate to trans
mit to the Executive the propostd treaty
with Hawaii. . he mc ssavte wai rtceived
without comment, on the lloor ot the
S'th.te. The Repub.ican Senators re
gard this act nn as in line wiih the course
I ursued by Cleveland in withdrawing
the Nicaraguan treaty, sent to the Senate
hy President Arthur in the cloning dive
of his administration. The Democratic
Senators look njion the act fr in a two
fold po-nt of view, some tak ng the
ground that it shows C eveland is against
annexation or AiiiiTu an domination of
any sort in the Hawaiian Inlands, while
others ho'd he will send in another
ireaty more to his liking.
In the case of Cantain Pharos B. Bru
taker of North Dakota, imprisoned in
Spanish Honduras, the President ha"
transmits d to the Senate in compliance
with its resolution of the 3d instant a
report from Secretary Gretdiam giving
all the information in the department
relative to the case. The papers show
that Secretary Foster September 30 teie-g-aphed
Minister Pacheo to look into
the matter. October 16 Pacheco for
warded a telegram from Secretary of War
Alvarado of Honduras, saying Brubaker
was one of those who took up arms
airainst the government and captured
iruxilio June lio. When the uprising
win diU down, Brubaker was captured
and tried under the Honduras law s and
sentenced to seven years' imprisonment,
wtnen lie is now undergoing at Ouroa.
Holraan, Chairman of t he House Com
mittee, in the remarks which he is pre
psrirg for publication in the Conqres-
niuual Record concerning the appropria
tions ot the p iity-second (Jongrpss shows
the appropriations of the session just
closed amount to $519,221,861. From
this point of view the appropriations of
the Fifty-nrst Congress aggregated $1,
035,686,021, and thofeof tne Fifty-second
Congress amount to $1,025,822,020, or
$S,802,870 less than those of the Fifty
nrst Congress, llolman will present
statements of the appropriations made
by the Filty-second Congress as charged
asiainst it under permanent appropria
tions in accordance with the require
ments of laws enacted by the Fifty-firBt
Congress. These include sums aggre
gate in all $154,172,040. Judge Hoi
man states, if these appropriat'ons had
not been made as required, the total ap
propriation of the Fiity-s-jcond Congress
would show a reduction of more than
$103,0ii0,C00 than the appropriations of
tho Fifty-first Congress.
To guard against a deficit Henderson
warns this administration to give closer
attention to "moonshiners" and the
"whisky ring" in the collecting of in
ternal revenue than it did from 1885 to
1889, when it collected $51,01)0,628 less
than President Arthur and $115,358,542
less than President Harrison. He eavs
the retiring administration paid $296,
310,!3t on the public debt, saving in in
terett $55,352,403 annually. He ouched
on pensions, showing that the pens on
bureau rolls will reach their lushest
point December 31, 1S94, with 1,161,918
names on the rolls, including invalids,
widows, orphans and dependent parents,
the annual value ot the rods at that date
being $155,865,094; that in lk9" there
will be diopped from the rolls 44,9;i2
pensioners, with an increasing ratio
thereafter. Referring to the complaint
ngtinst widows' r"nsions, he shews, if
a 1 the willows' claims yet undispo e I of
were allowed, there would be 7t 9,834
dead soldiers unrepresented on the toils
by widows, orphans or dependent par
ents. He a so points cut the danger to
the treasury from war claims, and pays
Congress now has the data to t-how that
wbout $6 0,0'HXOiK) may yet be drawn
from it to satisfy their demands. Hen
derson Tefers to the defeat of the bank
rupt bill in the House, the turial of the
pure-food bill, the slaughter of the anti
option bill, Congress' inability to trap
pi" with the money question, its silent
adm ration of the McKinley bill, and
predicts that the Fifty-second Congress
will go down to history as the know
nothing " and " do-nothing " CongreeB.
The Pojie Hopes to See England a
Catholic Country Soon.
Habitual Drunkenness on the Increase In
Irtland Tippo Tib's Son Dc
feated in Africa.
Thousands of cotton spinners In Eng
land are suffering for food and clothing.
Cairo in the land of the Pharaohs is
soon to be illuminated by the electric
Lrd Salisbury will soon ttrjmp Eng
land in opposition to Gladstone's home
rule bill.
The Spanish government ha i?saed
orders lor the strictest sanitary precau
tions at once.
It is claimed that Ferdinand de Les
seps still has a handsome income from
his Suez canal stock.
The French government has approved
a proposition to lava cable het u-ppn aiv
Cuiedonia aud Australia.
Turkey ia levvinir a EtiUlonliot Jniinn
all electric apparatus and machinery im-
ji icu juiu titui uuuuiry.
In many of the Flnglish country bouses
there are now rooms set aside especially
lor the ladies to Brnoke in.
French newspapers will herf a'ter be
nciu repuonsiuie ior nnanciai advertise
ments published by them.
There has been serious rint.imr in tViP
town of Syobosylo, Hungary, over the
imposition oi new market tolls.
Madame Christina Ninon hi nlv'nn
5,i). 0 toward founding a hospital in
rrame ior me cure oi tnroat diseases.
In bidding the KngHeh pilgrims fare
well Pore Leo Said be hrned tn in-in
England once more a Catholic country.
li e French Chamber has imposed a
tax on 'eveies. It in eitimntpd fhot tht
tax wili bring in l.lO t.OOj franca a year.
An international fire brigade congress
and exhibition is to he held in London
Irom the 7th to the 12th ot next August.
At V enna 15,t00 men, young and
midd e-aced. have formpd a har.ha
club, and have vowed never to wet mar.
The historic chateau at Cirey, France,
has been sold to a r ch niannlactnrr in
$5 O.Ooo. It was once the home of Vol
The second electric cable made in
Franca ia nnxtr hoinrr iaiA V,,. ... , . un.
w - -v i, mi', uchyccii .ii n I
seines and Tunis, a distance of about 7l0
r.ritain is among the lowest of civil
ized contries in regard to tha tendop or..
at which it allows child labor in fac
During the year 1892 the number o
foreigners naturalized in Fno-iunH ifql
42. including 14 Germnna 1" Unaslnne
and 2 Americans.
The London police now use electric
bull's-ey9 lamps. These lamps weigh
uve pouuuH, anu win give a continuous
: . v i i ,
lgiit ior Beven nours.
D Snatches from Hnnin Vraa Statu re
ceived at Brussels state that Tippo Tib's
ruu was ueieaiea oy me an ti-slavery
force and 500 captives liberated.
ine rsrazinan government nas ordered
70.000 small caliber rifles and as iH'ft i nno
cartridges from the Lowe Small-arms
t A t an..
aianuiaciuring company ot Berlin.
If enough Viva plentinna (nr Parliament
O i-.-v.. w ,t(..l. I
take place, Gladptone will eoon have
mfiinrir.v in tha ITnnaa r( PrtmmAr.. i
J - - '"J A.vuw V VLUUlUllO 111"
stead of between forty and fifty, as now.
inirty miles ol underground electric
railway, eimilar to the City and South
London line, has been proposed for Ber
lin at an estimated expense of 10 f!on .
000. . '
Several mill owners in Heywood, Eng
land, have closed their fantnrioo an aa tit
, - - . . - .hw.v.-VMBVCD fcVJ
assist in bringing about the desired re-
uucuon oi wages, xnousands of looms
are idle.
Consul Mason at Frankfort has made
a report to the State Department show
ing that the United States is the chief
source of snnnlv from uhinti I3ormor,-
draws her grain.
Count Leo TolBtoi, who spent his time
and fortune a year ago in alleviating the
sufferings of the starving RuBsians, now
aseerts that drunkenness was one of the
great causes of the famine.
The Bank of Rnfflnnd nnthnrittoo ara
it is said, about to take proceedings
against certain persons who for trading
purposes have been issuing announc -ments
on strips of paper resembling
uniin iioiea.
It ia stat.pd that Mr niaitatnna ;n.
timated definitely his intentions to ap
point a poet laureate in succession to
Lra lennvson. rue attnculty in mak
ing the selection has, however, not yet
neen overcome.
Pesth reioices in the honor of nnKliaVi.
mg the first telephonic newspaper.
fin henri hara reuit7a tha napa it lkn
in the form of a verbal summary by tele
phone sent daily between 8 in the morn
ing and 9 in the evening.
Jeanne Blancard is the nam nt a nan?
eight- ear-old prodigy that has arisen in
r ranee, wnere sne is amazing tne people
hv the wav in which oho nlo f
memory the most difficult works of the
masters and improvise in any sc'iool
especially if the teacher isn't present.
Land in Great RritaJn snM ot nnnaM.
erably higher prices last year than dtir-
inir the twn vfo.ra nrovii na TV,a Attl
. k . . . . i-. n
tics of sales show that in England 63,254
acres were sold dnring 1892, realizing an
avefaite price o- , per acre, an increase
of 5 over 1891, which was in turn an
increase of 3 over 1890.
Ha I Not Alw-ay an Hail Man an II
In Often I-lctiircil to lie.
Hy the ordinary citizen of the educated
class the practical politician Is thought to
be n man who, though sometime perhaps
having good Intentions, i nevertheless led
hy clllu motives, In the main, to do sel
fluh, corrupt and disJionest deeds. In his
own eyes the practical politician of the
higher grade is a patriotic citizen working
for the good of a purty upon the succesa of
which depends the welfare of the country.
He feels hi many canes that he is driven t
acts which to him are unpleasant; which
are perhaps on the whole unfortunate for
the country, but which, under the circum
stances, are still a stern necessity. To ba
aure, among the "worker" will be found
many who care neither for country nor
party, nor even for leader, though that Is
rare; hut in the higher ranks the propor
tion of the consciously dishonest, although
possibly larger than that of the same class
among merchants or lawyers, la still small.
Most of our officeholders in the higher
legislative and executive positions are at
bottom as honest, hardworking and self
aacri (Icing as men of other classes. Tha
"submerged tenth" have dragged the repu
tations of their fellow politicians lower
than truth would permit us to declare their
characters to be. These differences of
opinion with reference to the character of
the practical politician come largely from
lack of knowledge on the part of the public
as to the circumstances in which the poli
tician is placed and as to the pressure thai
is brought to bear upon him as well aa
from ignorance of the amount of excellent
self sacrificing work that he really does.
When the people really see things aa
they are, know what ought to be done, and
demand that action be taken, the politician
will be ready and prompt to act. The
politician cannot act until he feels that
public opinion is with him; his business
in fact, and in justice, too, in the main, is
not to guide public opinion, hut to follow
it. He may help to create and guide pub
lic opinion, but that duty is equally in-
cumbeut upon lawyers, preachers, teacher
and all good and intelligent citizens. We
need to distinguish in this regard the re
former, and even the statesman, from tha
politician. It is the business of the poli
tician, and the business is a worthy one, to
care for the interests of his party, and
thereby, as it appears t, for the in
terests of the state, and his party interests
cannot be cared for unless he follows pub
lic opinion. To the politician also "the
public" means not merely the educated or
the good citizens, but all citizens who have
votes. If then we expect the politician to
change his methods of action, we must in
some way bring it about that by thechange
more votes will be gained to the party in
power than will be lost.
A politician knows very well that he does
many things that are condemned by the
most enlightened consciences; he does
many things that are to himself disagreea
ble and that trouble even his well trained
conscience; but, as has been said, to him
these acts are necessary, and he does them
as other good people do necessary but un
pleasant tasks. When he can be made to
see that it will be better, not for himself
personally, but for the success of the party
which, let me repeat, to him means the
good of the country to change the meth
ods of conducting elections, nobody will be
more ready to change than he. Indeed, as
Tote buying is in reality a very unpleasant
business for many of our most influential
politicians so much so that many of them,
while directing it, will never themselves
take any part in it no one will work more
actively to make this practice unnecessary
than they will, if it can be clearly shown
that a change to a better system of carry
lag elections is practicable. Professor J.
W. Jenks in Century.
Rural Courting.
On the shores of the Moray firth th
spot need not be more specifically local
izedthere is a flourishing little village of
some 1,400 inhabitants, consisting chiefly
of fisher folk. The young man and maiden
do not court in the orthodox fashion.
Their method is much more prosaic, and
what is characteristic of one case may gen
erally be accepted as characteristic of them
all. There is of course an occasional in
stance of genuine old fashioned courtship,
but that is rather a rare exception.
"Mother," said one young man on his
return from a successful herring fishing,
"I'm goan to get merrid." " Weel. Jeems.
a' think ye sh'd just gang an ask yer
cousin Marack." And as he had no partic
ular preference, he went straight away to
ask her.
"Wull ye tak me, Marack?" was the
brusque and businesslike query which he
put to the young woman in the presence
of her sister Bella.
But Mary had promised her hand to an
other that same evening. "I canna tak
ye, Jeems," was her reply, and then, turn
ing to her sister, "Tak ye 'im, Bellak."
And the sister took him. Chambers' Jour
nal. A Sporting Man with a Record.
Mr. W. H. Grenfell. who coached thn
Oxford eight iu their boat race, is a fine
all round sportsman of varied experience.
He was in the Harrow eleven, bowling
with remarkable success, has rowed in the
"eiirht" for Oxford, has swum the Xiatrara
rapids, explored the Rocky mountains,
been a war correspondent in the Soudan,
and stroked an eight across the Channel.
He lives at Tanlow Court, and is master of
an excellent pack of harriers, Mr. Gren
fell holds the amateur punting champion
ship. London Tit-Bits.
The Text Was Familiar.
Three-vpar-nld A ttpB wpnt. with hr mm
ents to church one Sunday, and alter the
manner ot little children was restless, and
found it hard to understand that she must
not talk aloud. When the minister an
nounced his text her attention was caught
for the moment, and she astonished her
mnt.hpr hv liilvinir T4nmnh I t.hnt 'a nntliini.
new. I've heard that before!" New York
In Iowa there are thirty-nine counties.
each one of which has exactly 570 square
miles. Such divisions were possible in tha
newer west, where minor political divisions
were made in advance of settlement In
the older parts of the country the territorial
arrangements were largely accidental. I