o Stood Iiver Glacier. Them will lie it liicnllii"' of Cuiiliy himI. No. JUO, ,, It , .SiUu'ilny il ,U Hi. ii will I mi hnpm l.inl ' I.ii-iih m( ' everv ineliilicr in re iiii hIciI In Lit i,., .-. IIOOI) lil Vlllf, on, MAItCJI Is, .',:i:i M i i m t i.t I o'cluoi. C I'liiitli'li of Nlui;iirn, tl. In (pile likely th.it tint lirwt l.'irffo Til M ST KI.S. T li IHH1 I 1 M l I l ..... '"" A, .-it. ,,!,,, ,,.. . I iii.il ... I ........ ... k.irl l'. . ., '... ,. , e r """ '" . I' II ' . HI , rm- I 'li-tii.-.v .-Hi, I'. M. fi lllll.l.is ' WIHI.' I. I -Ml,, H IV.'I Hi nil" .. . I .. I. ' M li'r.,i,i XVI , - ,, I,. !, I',,!,),, , I I ' 1 1 1 1 I ,. in., , I,.,.. i ' I'll. I , ,, 1 1 . l-il a I IHT.Hli III ' ' t t "t. urrUi u i.illV l H A, M, Wc.ln. i An i ,11 ''It !" v.,jl,r M;, ullful. i.l l.y "I'lir n;sn:r iMcu, .u Tn:iis. Vr1-i-il;iv wtw M, I'.hIiIv'm iiy, J'. ( '. Iiiill.it In iiinviii(,' lulu hi,. new tlniji. I ''I' ll left I hui.uL.y ,;., ', M'hi'nii Malm. Mi-t Miunl iil '"'. in I ' i ! !. 1 1 1 . 1 . Ml Anno (', Kinitli, ..ni.ii. pllllin, HlK 'H Uli'l Voice. Wil'l Iloui-IM lire i WihmIi mi. lull of tln ni. J. I!, II. Ulllll 111 Nilil tllll'l. in IdocU .! In J, l, U Vance, Nlioiil canine la cm In HiIn iIMi Ic! one wil l; f win Muiiiliiv. J'ltlluicl of I'e.elin Ihulior lime Just rcccui .I iii s, i;. i:.u iinoHi'. I'liie-.' viMcr" dun nuiil,liii(f f 1 1 1 1 1 1 mi, Olllicn Ji:iicc, i.l tint ill ii;; More, ('.unity ami Male tujtcn will lie ilciiu Ueit Aonl K. J Ion I I !;., , AViiil.tcn Kiel llanUoii liavo fur talr I'pii'M, ilnoil fruit, liiiller, cegu, Iwemi, j I'ncle Jack Il.iml ' pllll.e, ,Sllll;lV, Colll.'illlll!)', a twcnly ll'llllll' 'l.l p , 'I lie pill ,. Won h.'-l oil tin rnilrou'l trucl', l.ciiwen town iiiel the ilnncr. A Ida i.il i--.wi. v, lil lie i:ili o' I lie I i t II I ii of I lie in lie y, M r. iiihI M im. Irwin aiel Heir two pretty lillle il. ttii. litem wem I,. ;; j'.lealer unlioii o I ! ii 'In 1., eoio.ii;' on iiccnll II I of I he i.iel. la- ' i I M I . I Mi .1 M lut luT W, I'. al ..ill. I le y ail re liliilcil lionie yc.-lei 'lav, e .cepi noe of lie' little j - i 1 . r "GAINES." Will Hiiilie Hie wiiwia of l.,'i. at jr. JJ, JiMf mull-act Hi" company vvlijcli turnip. u" " ''"'a ' """'I lllver, On-ijuii; limited i i!y (I'.'.vi r fi-ni ;,'i,i;;aV.i Kalli will t.il.-it , llrl''"" "iocn UmI.Iim my own. lor Hat ildivi ry of p,,-,ver al a ilii.tanco rli(!(iii inn! VvtUmrw, lioin ila central ilatio'i v.ill Initnll-'lit ' lm.v. rli'til. Iila'l fnnl white, Mired y H. '' cily i, I :i ifi'.-. Iw. Tlii will i-i-qniro '',);') Inn- e ,v,( r. 'I'liit prc eiil value of a le.t- e j.ia.v a r ;-'ji'-' .: e- I'lom r.ieatu ill ' '''l; i" l . ) iniiitiin. 'I'lin ei.ni- I'" ') i i la. v.- .villiic; In conlrai t. In 1'nr ' i ' '-ii i'n I'Tniiiela a( Ni,t.,;ii' I, I'alh ''" '' !'""' i' I- r i":...i!ii of twenty four DCALEn IN musical imvmmmuii STATIONEST, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, BLANE-EOCKB, EOEGOL SUPPLIES i.l. Ila... rat. r. i ' j" r Imr: ( 'a.laln A. H lllowcr-; Ian inovcl l,i family ou r Irwin lilic ; ilne.ii aiel ,,, ' net -njiy ile; !l,e , . I ! I . I ic I , ill : , . a I. I , i . a la! i ' .icu.Mli' Ii ..loci, of ),,, ,i nil. I M ill I on II lip a dole en ly in , , ,1, I,,.;,,,. I', cat- 'I in tic .'.! iielii'l'oii laiiaiii.e, c,,i- , I in I o I ,ai. aiel i i.l i n hi I. i 1 1. i , liauer; Inf .; '). : ' " i.'i't. VII. a.el Hn on '' I" ;;(,(: le -, n,v,-cr, l'nr wlndi liicrn iM Im- i li.tr; ei l j,i r mr: a (mv.-er ier n : . ' 1 1 1 1 . II' t!a re I e no I a very ;-r at loan of r tin i ' ;n a 1 1 i. r Tin i. j'lall S', I i ' i 1 1 i ic In i aiel .'ll, I'i al' f, II w i n ll-lcl II I '. e I ,i i li 1 1 1 1 1 1 c . 1 o 1 1 1 aiel i i e 1 1 1 In la io,l.hiei anil lai i ii in t la ir new leniii . I I n 1 1 1 ,l ov e a I, i ie i i, I a,; . u a , , , , . ... , , (. . nil 'I ' il He y I i.vn!iii ,' ai 1 1 i n i in-re, la lice i! i . In I... Id. j a 'I lm o,n Vi .ii ill hnli I l.i in en a . , year . :i i., i. 'ei am In laiffa!.). it I hat I lie coianaliy will ' m imi'Ii rl i'lilni any ' i' i n a i He' innl no ' lite Ii 'Jil a a i lite I imh ) "I i ' -.a i !. ral.lv ,., t, than . '' lit ! ': le.eof wati i- (never f ..i; . iii I :i ;;'.! l . w iilim ayi-ar can he i n ilnnht. V.'lit-ii it A lllcleilar, Nn.i!,WMkln iirji.(,le(iiiliicKZ:l.' .1. lt.H.2:ai; tin (Jul him ifclit.'S; UiIIhIi It'Ktkli fJi',;; Alia 2. VI1,; lilllle iinlni.N A Ilia (Jru laiai W I met li,at;luK A lainnl l!.;'!! iwal miv iMiil ollitT ,i (! y iiiii'Huinl Hire of (inlil Mliii( Hitll t'.l'l III till! u KO,, f j MXT PEEIOBIOALS. NOTIONS. CADDIES r or a.ouii "'i n' v.oriit n iiai ri corarar 2.12 una : IllllliJ nl tier l-.t'i'lly line.,; j '""".'HI V, nee f-r, II I llll -i.ir,) ny i lI'lllKl J', W11I! Hi'" ' I I i'i' .'.f t lie iljiin of ( yelniif 'i.'Si) n Win iif.lolm (', I ;t u (, iilK-, iirn of .Minnlu 1 pui'iiiK iw.nl of 2-tt' :, Hli'l troll Iiik reeni'l of 'eiiiiiai lam i-limvn hlnixclf In he (;iih'iuii1 ' AHD TOBACCO. -The Prather, BuildlnSecond & Oak Ste. it In Vnrl: i-, aiinl All' ll Klei l. ,--.. ,, a il a ilas o n , -on j-.mte ill I'n In ( lie m , , i' i in . of I i .'inn;; ,n aa a : II ! cnel,. In n i.imI I i i ';i-,..-it I ;.'.'iii; Z ,.ui i.i I i- o i n 1 1, clilela I, -.; :j ,. 1 1 f iu ,y ; i , I illlh'il inii ., ; j,.iir' ai! a li l.e.il n I a i n i . la. I, a ;;i i tniij'U aiel M.loe o.liei , in, I ia. ejc.r. ' I'I, I !!..! eni. a i. I; n, ,.r ..." , n .:."iia - ' i 'i'l.u.: ' -j.ei limin,-. . , il.' aia-e' I in II I ' I a t,"'e. t I ',.,) tja re ari' not m o i,.,jir,a,aai!ily tm to "'i'. I' "' )o,,"r Ian al ' ' ) i 1 1 I i Ii ell icaily a aal I ha! , t' i i. v.ai Ii )'i a '. i!ar;i.-i'"', Weekly. tour vi e!.. l,iiie!lli,i; he Irotleil 101 eolith In j '. I leenmlH, u 2. M clip unit liiiirnvei riht i i.l .ez until thrown mil of trutrif .. I 'aiiia )' ferviei) tee will ht 120.W dai wlien j intturlH l! covin In he in foul, or will hreeil hy j itliiKtc wr or wtium, it furtlM dionlil tin, (liv,lrc. (...ml ,iihliiie will lie fiirnlKliCil to1 inure of j.iti criiiH ui ii!.t ju r inoiilh. Injeinire j will he luki'ii in iireveiit aeelilKiitii or ewiiiicti. hat ulll ei.l I ,,. r.-i. I.!., l,..,, I.l ,. I 1 nl " )"ur farther liilnrinullon call on or ii'Mriw' I". II. in jtom, I J!iji Klvcr, Orison. i 1 ... OfT.T for Hfil.t ;,(tii,iM!) rtt;t:..i;tr'l I r -a- u f-nvn on lil-n lir lan.N without Irrljtv ticill or tnanuie. .ueli liv.-' ;.- ii.em, j.aralily -njn nor to th.,e Brown oo wwaiew or waiereu yml --i , , i.aaii ! 1 liitMe tOKtunt in crowd- aiel if tin they hear tn ninoiint. to anMhii,; 1 1 ... i ... mi yearironi seiiner on a,',i' I'.'l l li'T" i a ; i ; !aa. J 1 a I al j,r. I ''ii' ! la i Who f ' I . iei in, ml i -.ii' ,"tMa in V.n ' at who niii:irej!y i'li- in lian ,;i i;; newlv 't v. lae.V l.ial.in ilaily Uilil limit mi ll.'e .V M Ila' i lie colli I I V I I', II' 1 ol i. hi. n Keliie, of .-j.ni.ai.c c;e a'.Valii. i 'in I ai l , an-1 I , a i ; in- i nri. a, tn .a J or the ( i.liiiiiliiit K.iilwuy ,V .Niivtfit I Ion. V. 1 1. I!nn innl wife of Ji!U. I t1"" 1 "ml'-n.V lor laiU iiijioiiuiry, isa.! horn inn htt..in at the J.uni'ilie ''"' '',,n !' ' 1 u i-t aieiai i-;:ij' ie- I.c-l hmi'in, cla-n hunt a J V i in I a I i , , i , t .1 ! in 1 1 ai- If,,.-. ., , ... ".''"i :"" "' I hnviii; nr eiii: (iioiliice, tn WuiatPn j. m,. ,, j. ii i la. i .".in. 'I he 1;. "iilalnr i i irtlt., c.iiiiiei Iin;; Uitll limit mi ll.e '" I JllH CI I IV, 1. I I ... i . i .. I ..... I.. :i , e ... i . ,' i, n ill..,. I i I'll 1 1 1 ' M C , , - , , for llie ntiiti i ' ',.. . 1 - 1 ' '-"''llnl ll. i UK I'litce till. U ci'K, A coinpal'.v laiN l ien fnriiteil ui',! Utincl u ta;,-,:i,,,i,. ,,,,. (mill j ha li..:., In Iiulur ami ntt I in;.. Ib'lal' Il i '111. hm ii uj :hi i ! i a hraai li of a tree, or III neenrihiiice with all Inlverl leineiit ' r iHi"l' It, i,i Ha- hif.vit.-i who han tliem- or the ( ohiinlilii K.iilwuy ,V Niivii-a-1 'Vert, in i-oiu'eiri'.-sjei. of th c.-t, coii-mi'i, .!, o tint nclentilic H'raiiii'ii encniir.i','.'ineiit atnlailvice. Tho It.hm-Ii ia (ait in mi infant' Immls, ami ' n lilt--I into t!i" air, when it i.i !' a-l lh at the in!. ml will ictain it lmM "' I 1 -in mi: . ii l.-l l y im I. an, la f,,r I'aiv I I,,' ' i!'-,. The nhii-t ,,f this i' i '"."a 'a'.' a t i : !:"',, ; hat. Ill ',!i ii lie- ; T. C. DALLAS. Jn-'.AI.Kit J.V Stoves and tin ware, kitchen fur niture, pruning tools and plumb ers goods of all kinds. l;e;inirljii;nf tin warn a (ijivelnlly. w iieii ,.',ih',c. on hi-h r.iel (li y Koiln ara iive.it ia lian e to lie V or 8 years hefort Oar ik-i-h al" t'ii-otieiitiv in hearing t.h i v I . , '-ii 1 I i aeea I m:i ,y a n I eife I h i nwu.rth.ii yyVe ,o-, -, (a.' ,,. ... J '! 1 ;,;;., (JV'TH Ulld AjHcot. , mall h-uitmn vain ly, orn:.ii;ei,!a! t!( cs aial sl.njl, anil 4!) Varieties (out of 100 tent) of rn,e-. .s),, ,-;,,!,. ; I ;,. h. M-vcr.il vj.i iet of w J'eachet uinl Mr l:s.n Itlwir,. rev ,, S.,er-i:i iiifluei mant.s to thn.w tilaiitilJff iu lot Cone-jnileielic.; j;,vi;ial. ."t !' i !''- ', !'l I.KIN'CTflN A CO. of 100 to )IHK). -No. 2 Dckimi Jhiihlin, X. V. f V.rrioi- h-t ami V.h ,..i iijti'oii .!. Portland, Or. '.! V I'JI.KIMTIOX, iinnl liiver, Or, ,C,', I III . There uill ! a hop at T. l '. hutch m; at ir .1 i y e wn in:; Mai. 1'A'eiy h i. I', cine. i mice in, i.i. ,n, li, in II, a! we a.., Il.t'!n,clil. M e ; i vi I I ill hi i ii a lal In.tn a. - .i'i- ha h ,! la:, a! 1.- infi-i r, , n Hat I . lai I, I a i lit'. I.e. s V, lilie ; e i.ia.w linilui!,' I' ll 1: I '.a-t.'l II ),!' cacii niaar in hrttla-li iic ain- ill t.iHtli tl." li.e, '.lillii. Mil fcriltill; --..ill ol' lie V. I'. W.i' -ti haM I i -en u , iy k,'U limn, tail, l- i'i -m i ci nii.: -la-.i ly m li Jilolinnnaa'l out o ila:.;;. r. Ileihiil , '.ckcImihi of Mmitana whk here last Week l. 'O'.ili,; aticr iln.tcmi llael-i In.- I he coiiiii,,., -ei(.iiii, Mr. .1. A. Soi t he hm iHiivIiasi'il a lot III ialno,ii'i In. in aim. ,, , ae t,,. hit ailjoliilli,-, hat oiinr i nju ; i, I hla e. Mr. alnl Mi a h-aae McCoy ami m,h, Wllu liiivr l.ini inline; i lal I i - I a i e, leliiriicl to Iveiiiiiicu, ' a'.i.l,i:;t':.l, W l it III nil. I V , Mr. Hunter aiel family of Lo-An-Jjeinn, Cahlnl'llla, have Incite. I licr .iloMier, in, ciia-iiii:; die I'nty pi.ice en iMiu-- l I CI it. ol 'ie cmi 1 1 a ny in 1 1 1 a -a in i!ii,i oi we i 1 j a 1 1 i i ; i I i ,aT ali na-Ii e, in I'alm i an urn h :u at,,. . li, Mi I Hay Jil.e, . , ,., !. ,! i ,,, a!i ; ,,. alnl I lie I III I' I l.a e 1 ' In ai f-1 1 i Iii ! n c. ,ie! I he i:-t (.'ace on, -j . I .aa! in i- M i r , 'I lieu 11.-. i-,.;j,'ia,, , i enl' mi ti,,. i!. , J.i r ca 1 In ti.ci,l.i.hii a , i,n i,as y 'i' i i.l ii.!- :, :,.l lii. ii .a:! ; ui Ha- (a,,, , tn j ay :, m (,, t. 1 ' I ci-i.t ii, :. ii -l .i:ly. I ( , a H-.f. ,i cvnieni .i.j.,....ii,ii tia. I it cuiiiiot n.ilie. ij.at... m'l i: iii of i !. I' r i ,'. :- tn ! V, e il . .' I'-a I ; i i .';a. I. i- nam, a'.-- -, .. '-1 f t I !. ; 1 1 la, 1, t ii in ;, la . ! u the i-ioi !;;.. It. is the r I'iaa ai I ha if an in ! ' ! Ii oi..;s hy ii , lanels a h of a ti-'-e it is heeail a it i ,: I'l.ala"- - I- !- that allileiii; i'ai.ai aace. t i.'.-,. I! - ry well; hut when (hi) ; practices cine tn (h a - her., ui' th" infants with .,.: i iiia-aia have heeu jiia'l' 1 ' that he will home what i 'il a ! ' t he il ".-.celit of ! a i .;.! ih view that man !;- ' I'i - m..i!i"r ssi le, "' ' hiii '-a'c'iiaiilii-aUal ' -i i U-an a ! ,a., i l :-. li.LTt !i. THE sai,::z3 mti co. G-eneral VV. H. WILSON. ATTORN HY-AT-LA W. I'.OltMS fi-'l, A N 1 1 .ia, SKT ViXiT IILOCK, TiiK 1MM.E-. ori;i;un. la t-i it A .Me.sKrRK, AUornevs-at-Law. ! Chap.nan Block, over Postoff ice I II !C li.VI.I.KS OtlKiJUN. Tn carload lots, orrc'.uil at the very lnwe- market rate deliver ed anywhere in the city or at the dep.vt free of charge. -Mailoi'.-li M s limited and promptly filled. ;)! to ::i4 sj;com) STREET. :l i:i-I:e;H fahnl.ee ' I- f ! a," i',, , s of the jiumI : c!ii !, .--".I ! i -i on a minaret ", wi.ii a li -t of New Vor); -t '. : i a eii pi', -all a1.! Itofnro :i iaiiiiil-D An. a.l i aa 1 i -." I Willi v n. our j. :-.,:.;,a;-;',y m i'a nil cloiii of f;,.l 1, ne -ihe Manlia t in ii.s i W iiil precious liH't.il.S .vhh ili.mma utul A new Mtock of I.adieu' and Gents' WATCHES. ril.I.Kl) AND SILVER CASKS, CHAINS, CHARMS. ETC. I SPECIAL attention jriven tojclean i-Iich. I inK fll"1 i"i'p:drin watches. J. H. FERGUSON, Hood River. - - - - Oregon $500,000 in H li A m ii H n h II - ' 'A , J u ' a t 4 t "i 'I i -f J'.iCATTV'H nrj;nn t J i-.ituu inf. For narti. 1 hint, ciiiiiloaae. a i-ircks lianiel F. Httv. Vi'ashiuidon, New .lerwy. I DEALER IN GROCERIES, FL0UE AND FEED, GSNIkT TURUISmm GO Or 3, FBUIT3 Aim VEGETABLES. H P n f n n t i n i n n tt rtn'l fl ? n i n I J; I tat ' i H 1 ' ' , f , it 'J I- !' UliluUiiuAbL j ildl Uldl !j, Goods sold at the lowest pustule FIRST AND OAK STREETS 1 he loth P. 'i'n NVi; l)i. lit .. in,; opens W illi every pii'iniaij The s(iel!in schnnU are ill) inure, They have ilnnc liiaali famtl, ami II n In he Iiiiii ,1 llu-y WhI he .ij.'.Uii mnll:;ht to the lim,t. Th, of (iri'-i-ciiiy. "J iiat tii ac will I '.' a line ci.'p ol s', i :, I el i ii s i,- ica-utialily cc; -t.nn, and if the -h;pii;ciii.-. are properly HiHMiij't il , hi., ci',1,1 i.l one hinail'l yield Hot leas than v',ir.M, and mili!, pcr- ,n Iiapn uill, renin i i,n,)i. The tu .ces Inal jcar Wile ;.,i(l ;;eiii-r;iliy, Imt ewiy hi'ily M'ciias! to thinh liihrna, Moiitai-ji, was tin-only place whi le ml ieiiR hked etiawl.t-rn, ami climi-ali The .Mcthodit-t services for Similar theliMll, Will lie Mimlay hchonl nl Ill ; ineelil,,.; of t nri.-i.i.nl l .mlci 0 tiiii'ieiy it' n.;; i i, i.i. Tin' foot hall came h,".. cmnliiencial iU;.iiu, titectii'ct i.ein;; i.a d as a l ull rnnii'i, ami in cni.-eijia iae lie: f,..nie is snine t Imt of u nuisance. Dr. lirosins han Mii-elia-ei the huild i I IX conn r of I'.a. :anl I li I i 'i, i eccli 1 1 , reeled hy Wonikii'il and Lnnaii, wan piiccs iluwn at I lut t nil eye In a tnliiie l,usini:i, Incalmn. Scilnnl li it't-1 1 i I iu this da.tlii't Moll- lay alteriiniiii at - o'cioclt, at I lie si Imal lioiisi". There iiciii;; iininr!aiil tuisi lies.s, every la.(iayer shoiiul he piociit. ( ! i'n in I ( 'hancellor Slntinn will visit Waueoiiia liinl;;e, . of I'., tins eveu JlifT. All inciiiiicis of lh,; onlei- al'O I'e- juested to he pliscnl. laiile luecls at V iiiO. Tiie undorsiejied U-ing located near Hood River, wishes to inform lmrties , there w ho may he desirous of havimr sur- f.mlt. to hnd with tho veyliij; 'done, ' that ho Is a practical i i; !' heyniid ii i aud.-iciiy. In a surveyor of many years exiorience, 'i "'.,ai tn.tii ih -irii !, h::t ;i slant timo "I'd that work cut' rilsU'd to him will Ijo a ... I an I : ..1 1 fir ,.'i,i;a:i ,.r fro'ita-e ItTfoniu'd with dispatch and correct 1 . ,i , the eaiire i.c 1 1 iv inn feet, hrhr'- Ho ,,i'kts lll,'sr rfcrrin; to m;:?:"iMiaa. Cp town. i:i a clmice neih- K J""'"?' ( for years was a ,. ,, ..,.,, .a. , c.-,,r,nn wu'rty commissioner in Minnesota, , '': time s,o,ihh niia f,,r whom iKMlid county work ai '' ; ' l -l' " I'.'iM I"'- 'I lrniitae of coiinlv Bnreevoi- tn ilia n,tl!f "iiC..,t I.t- m.i (',...( i,, .1 i, mi i i .... , ... ' . .. " ILiL h $ - 4 1 v ft i 5 '! n r n S i- ' t tl II '! A-l . . .1 H I Jirlcf. One price to everybody. - - HOOD RIVER OREGON. jMLLiGsTlAlISOi j COrtl.MISSiON MERCHANTS j l V M.,. t-.' , li!" tie' .- !" the iet ii ! iiii- ii"ii,ie ihana'.li needs of hmllha- I:.'.; r '": iiu :.. i.c!ic:;:ii t i" :.rw jiH- ii'i-s ri't ,-m:-,;'' !-ii;i'i si rata whose value : taled ;;n.'4 hai-maaa alia. .at too daziiliii'' i'.-ji -'s V.ivkly, were sent tlii'ie at one !;,ne (o ilmal the for lvliei'. uiai'ltcl and place I h-ieiia coirmi.-,ioii ' lllel eha II I n i :i a tin,ilio:i In '.. e,,,!- l,,. I'I Oil I'll lll'lUMM ,,-,( ,,,,,,-,,!,, ,- It ii repoi-le.l that thei.n-po.-.ed two of w lilireiia. . Tims havo parties writing me at Hood will ro f tra.fiic and ceivs nronmt attention. 'K' tiinu.-aiels fnr ! C. J. HAYKS. i"!ter transmuted ! Datod Hood River April Oth, 1891. a. JOHN H. CRADLEBAUGH. .riOKNEY AT LAW. Pnu'tlcrs ia all tho courts of Oregon and WHsliliicton. S-mecial allentton given to con-Vc.vaiiiilaw;. iiiIli:ill:GiiE!isii Bus! rspHE NEW TOWN lm le-oii I'liittt X. oil! camp irroiini!. i,i i he l-nVks i of lioial rb i'i-, u iih !; hr. on : I la,.;!-' I Uhliy I" III Ten Li,!. ,.v loVMis hy putting Ilonil itivcr i.'eiait.s I'l.ilu lh h tm lil couipelitioii w iili tnnse shipped diree;, from here. Willi a "nn-1 union, wiiicii M'i.nai lo have In en per fected, mid with a ;;,ia,l iciahln miil misMiin iiiiii here tn unmade ship nit'llh', this n!:iii i f allaii.s should not he allowed to nnse ne.aiu. 't he small f.ici li.i.ii:. it la termed made from com mon t!ax straw- as a snhstiluto for cot ti ii, is l-eccivin't S'-i-ioiis coiisid' ration, hy tiie proce.s; of proiiuctiun thu mate rial referred to is reduced to a short riaplc. very clmcly ia semhlin;; ctotton or wool, and, it is claimed, well adapted for HOOD RIVER OREGON male, ll.e e. an.il niuneiioa a- a inounliiin simmu-r i . .-ai-i am! i-.r ail Orcijim. heiia,' !ho laaa.i-.'a me, a In Mt. llooii. It is ai-.ii tiatie-.tl'.t !eil nianaraeiuria .' eraaa', iniaa. th uaturni i-ealer far .",u Miaam miles i if i tie ie,l e - !-.) -a.l fi- IMBER, Itossesslnir mltlien- el ia'!-: e a ' .,, - r in ito i!:is!iini;- t -1 i easily harness e.l. Wi iovr exists, tiiere na- aiaiailae will eena.'r, i-un-a'aai!--! I.v viii ia mate Hull ciinnn: !) e,-,-i!aa; any lor fruit amt a-rcaim:-,-. aa'i transport!!! ion alre.e'y i.-:-a;. ,l uaii In a!' kinds of fruit and procluct ECO") MVE3 1. li. imMuUil All Around Fainter. will Unit this the .it .,. ta laaie-a ' '? , 7 7'fJT'!Xfl Jipneet lionie of a pu.vlas iiivc.-l- a.-JUIV JI.-.XAJ Vi Xt TITLE PERFECT. j ?APBR HANGING See mo c n tho ground, I A2 D DECORATING, or adress mo at Flood ! t. ro:;so,m,,:o ttnJ salisract:oa e River, Wascc Co., Or. iiiooD .river, - . . oregon. Land Locator. Every hody wants land in Hood River Valley. I have Homo verv de ns Willi either in tho iminufnettiro of ' tWo tracts of good land on iny list r;onds hy the niachinery now in use, and for homesteads) and (owns al in;s tiie ( 'heyeiihe, siiouh r. p., clear hack t. 1 he worked for ti iiiai'- (ieo-"e Pratlmr, road H:iperviso-,j.;if wi notice lo ail v, iimn it may concern, I hal a.t ;,,( n,,, i,,,,-! trade a loin; the Norlh- tliny are forhiddt-n to remove sand p,,,.;it . i ,,,i( ,,, . .. i ., , .i-iit .a.. .. fin 1 aeilic built u p. i e venture the lroiii tho ro.al near llio Hood river ' ,rj((o ,., 1 nsscrl ion that mole berries can be sold ,. , i , i .... ,,, r' bet ivceii here and .Montana, at as "'ood One ot the innst. pit i'.si'ut teal tires of . ,,. the enlertainineui, Tuesday evening Pl'"', , H'iin can be said in I ieie!:!.i and was the song " I'llti Old Sexton, " ren- P.illle. A crate here, a half doen Wila ! there, supplying the local market-", ; i would wa ve to keen the .Molilalia nriccs Last week, in noting the fact, (hat a ! n ,ir,d (lut,!e our m aiket. I'.eaiiles' lered li v Mr. S. .1. I.al raiii Allss Ann Sniilh, at the organ. i-. . . i. i i ...... i ..a , i l j i lilt1 stranger nun memm uu an. unit i ,1,1 i.e. a, ,. ,.i..., ,,. ., r i a... i. ... , . , Jfdls. .1. V. Morton of Till.nuooU, tvin "'""""" " ",",u, ' l"'u " ., '"i"" uuewutiiawi , madoH Klight mistake, It, hems a girl ' mcrea.se as rapidly tin tho acre-; lr use on tho present cotton and wool i instead of a hoy that adopted llitin. ! age and yield here, and d- away with j machinery. Providence .Journal. j (Jurden Palmer has Hold live acres ,f t mc nion mat iina ii'i'luni is gonm; to his While Salmon ranch to CD. Moore , glut the nnirkets with sirawberriea. If, of Portland, nud leusetl the balance of: however, tho t.h'ipiiients are mana-ed ii i...... i . . it,,. o.,ii,,. I... i,t I, .iimn i',,i. : . . -' ll.e (..nee ,o ...... h. ... H UllH- WITO hist, Year. Hot ll i III? C.l il Lc predictud as to prices and the market will lm conilncd lo narrow boinid.-i iu slCiul of being' uiiliiniicil. tiniU'icd wlieuiai iised is s.ii,l to add materially them. I can hcate several ockmcn to heNalue.it iheproiluct. 1 advantageouslv. Do not fail to see itistae opinion oi experts who havo me at Hood RiYcr Falls or address me imo.stigatcd tho mailer that woolen , at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon, and cotton manufacturers- are among j W. K0SS WlNASS, Uft.se to be e. peci.iily advaniiiged by tho j Locator. article, r-t being adait;;d readily to their use. Tin' librous l. una fact uivrsuro con lined to two proee.sr.es, iliil'ering outirclv iii lhat one uses short shinies, or cotton i ui in J.i.JJil il iXt and wool, while the other utilizes long Painter and Paper Hanger, and staples, like Max. hemp, silk and jute ! inreha. m a word, is llax converted A. S. BENNETT. .1 TTOIi'XJJY-A T-J.A W. RffiI T.Ui end ProSt bj It Oiingcrnr.d Hone, proprietors oftha Rig Red Ram, in addition to their Hy t-ry and stssre business, are handling grain, chop-iced and hay. They are J, f, KBHHA. 3r and Paper Hang all kinds of work neatly and Cheaply Done hood kivkii, 1. M. I-U'NTIXC.TON. - OREQOM. C. B. MCKIMSTRY live yealH, He will fivtt possession Homo time in April. Air. Coolcdge, reprcHonting the world'n fair coininission, visited this Btcliou Tuesday uud iiiri:liaHt'd Home fruit for exhibition. Wallace & Harri Bon Bold him Heveral boxes of lino up- jilcs that will go to Chicago. Ml lllil k WAl Sl-CCESSOlt TO J. M. nurt'QTos A CO. has recently been anxious for tho safety Hercules I9one Tor. The entertainment given by tho "An . . . . ... 1 . a' la. . i . n..ii. tt . I havo purchased the harness stock ! cicnt Order of Hercules," Tuesday, was I ";' ' ' , 5 "t ;lr il:lslluh's. ami tools of Al. lh Wilson, and am pre- unite well attended. Owing to luck of i ,um iU,( l, wl 'v,,, "uvlc'c lrom m cx" i lmrcd lo furnish anvthinir in the bar- , . ... ;t , , penenced engineer he has liad a, resor- , . ' . . -' ' , ' fj t. . vy. 'in ...i.. oi.it . it,,, I,, t t'lii'i ness line tit I'oi'tianii prices, nepair- ritcs in r.nglisli Mansiens. The importance of providing !iiphances tor tiie extinction of mansions iu gradually becoming recog nised by country gentlemen, for ahiiongh tint 11,,-r.wi- t,l"l I'i'lV h,t n,ii-ii,v,-.t,l .atl. I v u tii.ir,itn ..t.i powerful engines, tho timo occupied in ISO Second Street - - - . The Dalles Or. Bending for these and in their returning ! is usually so considerable as to render i Real Estate, Loan & Insurance (heir aid ahnoat useless. Lord Brnssey AGENTS. llents eotltH;til nnrt taxwi paid for non residsnts. I.nml paporsof all kinds prepared on short notice. iiiannrmiaa .,.'! '.ne.. I?. ....... 1 1 B e. OPFiCEiN'snAXXtr.snrn.niM : omxru : , '.. .rx, V.'. n ""-w "" " ........ 11,11.1,1 . .11. .in tt a-iius, liacivs, utiff windmills and pumps, Oliver of coukta.n o sioro: Ttie Dalles, Ore s-miaLi', l ITS YVritofnr oataiosiie. AiliiKs Dank-l 1'. Ii, .Uly Washinjjton, New Jersey Chill, and f-'teel plows; garden cultiva : tors, plows ami harrows; and will sell n -y?.,,ha i their Alt. Hood coaches, hacks and busr- i . , , j I mm 103 I gies, now m use, m order to open iu ! the spring wilh an entire new outfit. ami price then goods. B. R. TUCKER, rPurUlKTCE- OF ing of all kinds douo !,u idio.'t notice, i l)Ul :ls il ''"'. ' over C).(K)0 gallons of water A t i- j. Ti.'li l i voir constructed under his lawn holding ' "s-rauisa oi i uies a specially, fShoi) back of ( (ruluim'H huleher shoi K. 1). l.'AI. KIN'S. wuenco a I got tm-oui'ii ii iiii it, creuiiaDiy. hame : powerful steam liro engine will draw of tiie acting was rare, belli;.; under-, water and throw it iu'enormons vol- We have ordered six carloads of fruit I done, and some went to the oilier cx- j nines over the mansion. A private firo boxes of all kinds, and havo arranged ' triune; but, taken as a whole, for a first i brigade is also iu course of formation, for keeping a good stock constant ly. 1 0f "in; item's il was u .:il ' oomposptl of the gardeners and other Tho most workmen on tho estate. London Tit- Pits. Wn iiLn lifive (he Mi'cnev for the Web W r..,.tilc,,.u IS, II ,r,l see lllolel'1""'- ' lit) lllOSt alllUSillg S0C11C Ol fruit, boxes at, our new rooms under K. j Ibe whole play was the last, where the of 1'. hall. Huoit RlVKK bTii'lTCo. I c.tndidatc, having performed til t lfh Tho Union Pacific have published a : labor of Hercules, brings in Cerberus. very neat pielorial world's lair (older, This herco animal was represented by a .v.i enovmous influx of capital into that containing colored lithograph ofthe va- j ry nUJll ,.r,j t,wi.H,,i from (K, . shite and the outmit nc::t Year is ex- iioi.H expostuoi. i iimi np, H . - i am .....,, hut had sl:c! si.hdmrans I POctod O ho mora Run! S.tO.tiOO tons. i i 1 " Tho discovery of immense fields of cord ia Washington has already caused view of the n loiiiiits willt ti comnleti nmp of the cily, showing location of -Ninell as to clearly convey the idea as tiie fair, hotels, railway depols, si reel ' j to h.s JIadeau origin. The young folks car lines and city parks. Copy of same j W(,,.0 luh) ,u opport unity to danco may be had h addressing v . H. Hurl- ,., ' , - ,,-,,, , .., i...,.t u,i.i, a, ,,.!, i i t,,, ,,.,! alter the cuici'tatnment, b..u, altera "ill 1 1 j TlO.Tlrll (IIIU vnvilt i t-i.-i'v n0 A;.cnt, Port land .Oregon. number or two, gave it- up. There is something pitiful alxmt a vmnan fighting against tht ravages of time, tho combat is so unequal. Far and away bctier is it to accept tho in-cntablo. A Scientific American Agency for ii i,Jar-fTrtYili -A,H,,aVf ILPU n ia i, i s; '..-1 Pcl.u VHVCH S., r-i TfJArsB uii:. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. etoJ or mformation nr.a tree Handbook write to MUN'N & CO., Wi! HllOAIlWAY, New Yobk. Oldest br.ri'iui for socurlnir patents in AiueiieA. Kvery patent taken out liy tis la lirou.vlit beforo the pubiiB by a notice given l'reo of cbargo lu tba I,nrsrost rtrenlntlon of any sclentlBo paper tn ttie world, tipleniliuly illustrated. No intelligent man snpn'al be without It. Weekly. $3.io a year! Sl.Wsix nu.Jtua. Aililresa MfJN.N & CO VuiiiAaUia, ool Uroadwuy, JSew York City. PRINCIPAL POINT, EAST, WES NORTH and SOUTH KAST BOUND FKO?.I II OOD RIVER No. 8, Exproas loaTCS at li:M A. M. No. 2, Mail " K;:.i8 P. ii. WEST BOUND Fl'.OSt HOOD R1VKK. ENo. 7, Express loaves t fl:S0 i. !. .No, 1, Mai) " 4:15 A. U TIIUOGII SI.EEPEKS RKCLIMXO CilAIK CARS AND DINKUS. Steamers fi-o.n PorUanit to B;in Francisco, every i days. Titt 19 and Fii En. For rates and general informatioa iall ou DEPOT TICKET AGENT. V. M. Hi:ra.ULTi;T, Asst. Gen. Pas. ARt. 2j1 Wuiihidijtoa St., Portland Oregon. L U M Sil MILLS. BER OF ALL KINDS. MANUFACTURER OF FRUIT BOXES HOOD RIVER, OR. ALSO DKAF.lt IN DRY GOODS," STAT FOXE11Y, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY ETC. Terms Strictly Cash, AM) AT Prices never Lefora liesird of hi Hodil River. i