-0 ood Eiver Glacier. VOL. I. HOOD RIVKU, OREGON, SATURDAY. MARCH 18, 1893. The II NO. 42. i " " . "f i I 1 "- . i aBamM FROM WAS Sfcod livcr Slacier. ftJ lll.lMll Kl IVtKT BATItlllUT MOnNINII ST The Glacier Publish! Company. MIL KIITION I'll It K. On yot , ,,,,, yj fti Inontlii. , , , , , I W Tlirpu tiMMitli. ,,,, , fto HiikI. rtijijf (. THE GLACIER Barber Shop brant tvans, Propr. Niicdinl St., nnir Ouk. INDUSTRIAL BREVITIES, Nashville fine of the (ircdest Cenlrrs In the United Statrs ali.ima Hliumliious Coal. MlllliiK Al- EiuUnd In worth $ I:i,ll00,00i),()00. Kansas beef la popuiHr with London' era. Tl io Pen i) y t va ii In rail road owm 90,000 in the pro- Hood Uivrr. ()i Sliavfnjf Aii.l lluir rutting m-nlly dimo. Slilinfurlillll (IIUIIilltl!ll. OCCIDENTAL UELANGE rears of a Druiirht in the Salt KivtT Valley, A. T. IMPRISONED IN A FOLDING BED Puyallup Indians Commence the Construc tion of the First Railroad Uullt by Indians In America. Two of Oregon's Cumiiiifnionera to the World's Fair are women. Tho Arizona House had piiHHi-il the woman-suH'rago bill by a vote of 17 to 7. Trouble ih reported at tho placers in the Hrnry Mountains, Utah, ni.d an or KnKil wariaro for the pusm-saion ol land linn b.-gun. Two schooners from Han Diego have len seized liy Mexican customs oIlirerN at Ssn Quint n and are lield there pend ing investigation. The Puyallup Indian havecommeneed the construction of the II rut railroud built by Indians in thiH country The road will run through thor reservation, and is believed to he part of tho Great Northern and Union Pacific systems. The Salt river in Arix na roue four feet in two hours rec- ntiy, showing that the snow in tho mountains in molting rapid ly. An vet no rain h is fallen in the val ley, though it in time for the rainy sea don toclowe, and old timers tear adrought. Apache Indian c mnterfeite re l ave 1m en discovered in the Mogoll in Mount ains A. T. The coin they made wan a counterfeit silver dollar. I whi com posed of lead washed with h lv.-r, but so imperii ct that it could eiiHily be do iec ed. I'K Angeles complains that th Sotith em World's Fa'r Lady Commissioner have laen snubbed tiy the Northern CommiHHionera. They iiave been told that they will have to pay iheir own way to Chicago, while tho Northern Cummin Bionern rt'cure paa-ago Irre. The United States revenue cutter Wellington wan so bady damag.il hv a collision with 1'ennHylvania annex terry boat No. 3 that s.ie Hank tu Government hay, north of the Barge Office. New lork llarlxir. Mrs. William Wilbur of Rowan, la haa been adjudged insane and Bent to an niHHiie aHvliuu. Ttie iinim-d ale cause of her mania was a graphic pulpit pict tire of hell drawn in a pennon bv her pastor, which preyed upon tier mind M b. II. Gr filth and her daughter Minnie at Portland, Or., were impris oned in a folding had, and were nearly ninoiiipieii i!ore ttiey were extricated. A projection crushed Mrs. Griffith's chest. The two worn in the trap an hour lielore assistance came. It is now definitely settled that the Mexican International railway is to be immediately extended from Durnngo, Mexico, to the Pacific Const, A survey has been made acronB thq.Hierra Madre Mountains, the moht picturesque and important railway route in the Republic. It is lielieved that a chair of con.ititu- tional law will lie endowed in connection with the Chicago University, the palarv to be $25,000 a year, and ex-President, Harrison will be invited to accept the position and lecture at least twice a week to students of the Chicago Educa tional Institute. A mining and development company has been incorporated with a capital etock of tl(),0 K),II0). The directors, and their subscriptions to the stock ate: John W. Mnekny, !f2,5l)u,X 0; James L. Flood, 2,4l)i,OllO ; James E. Walsh, $10, 000. The other directors are William Lyle and (Jeorae R. Weils. It is stated the purpose of the corporation iB to own, ccntrol and deiil in mines, lands and wat'T righ s, and it is generally under stood the company is 'ormed to further develop the Comslock mines. ' Edwards Lopez, one of the most noted desperadoes on the border, havingserved two terms in the penitentiary at Yuma and .1 similar time nt Hermoaillo, has for some time been confined in jail awaiting extradit'on papers to take him to Fron treras, Mexico, whre he wa? wanted for the murder of a prominent citizen. Re cently Bix officers arrived to take charge of the priBoner, and he was turned over to them. When a few hundred yards across the Mexican border the prisoner was tied to a post and riddled with bul lets. A brother of the dead desperado has gone to bring the body to Biabee, A. T., for burial. A hog trust ! being organized vv I Ml. Canada hits over 11.0 K) miles of rail roads. Alfalfa ceed is selling for $5.L'5a bushel in Kan mm. Milwaukee millers are not in the posed big trust. Our manufactures In lHi). were valued at 7,'Jl5,OcM),t (MJ. Aluminium in lHil!) c st IK a pound; now it costs 70 cfiilt a pound. English capital Is finding opportuni ties for Investment In Fiorid i. Chinese chean lalxir is sockinir a trmr- ket with some success in Africa. The shipninu interest is deirHMed at all tho principal European jiorls. The first cost o' the old Croton nun. duct of New York wax f I2,rt.'0,0l0. The woman horsn doctor is working up a practice in several l.aitern cities. Muttons made of potatoes sem to be heap and good enough for ordinary use. Silk was first manufactured in tin United States at Mansfield, Conn., in IHJ1. It is proposed to emulov ,100 eolleire students as guides during the World's Fair. 1'iie greatest Emrlisli landholder, the Duke oi r u.herun t. ow:'i 1 . .'' r 1 . icres. English investments in American ireweries Hgijregated December 1 !U.- .M2.K.'!0. False teeth are now made from nnncr. and are said to wear well and to lust a iletime. Aliiininium cooking utnsils are just coming on the market, and are likely to o popular. During iHtia there were imnor I int he United States lit.OS.VOOO bottles of French champngne. Works for the manufacture of alumin um cooking utensils are leing erected by iih lllino s company. Wal ace Porter of Ashland. Wis., lias sold 00,000,1 0 1 of pine stumpago to Chi- ago ami M. j)uib parties. Tobacco steins are sellirM for tl.25 ner 00 isninds in Kentucky. 1'iiev are used n smill'; also as fertilizers. Nine Now Ited'ord (Mass.) cotton mills ast year pa d f7lS,000 in dividends, av rag ng 7. Vt per cent on the capital. There were 4,3 O.OJi) tons of bitumi nous coal mined in Alabama in lHiil. In siU the production was 5.272 OiMJ tns. an increase of nearly 22 per cent. Nashville is one of the greater t milling centers in the United Slates. It now gr m Is more than 7,(si0 barrels of Hour per dav, and is constantly mcreasing its operations. The largest sheep ranch in the world is in the counties of Dimmit and Webb, Tex. It contains upward of 4Mi,i 0 aeies, and yearly pastures irom l,t,00,l;0t) to 1,(100,(10,1 sheep. Some of the cotton mills in South Car- ..1 ...I ... ilium earned as nign aa -ii per cent, on their investmente last year, and ail in all it was the moH prosperous year in ttie history of cotton manufacturing in i hat State. Em THE ROCKIES. Sal ina Offers a Ure Bonus for the Capitol of Kansas. TWO BORDER BANDITS CAPIURED. Hard Times for Working People In New Yoik Had Meet of a Graphic I'ulplt Picture of Hell. The mining town of Creede. Col., now has a population of G.OOJ. A suicide club of fifty members baa eon formed at Jsrideton, N. J It Is now denied that a sole leather trust lias Imen formed at L'oiton. The present severe winter has len bonanza for the F.onda hotclkeepers. ni i . . . . ine convict mining war troubles are threatening lo break out in Tennessee, Mistotiri Commissioners are ordered to raise the figures of railroad valuation Congress is to investigate the employ ment of subititutea by department cierKS. Ansonia, Conn., is to have a sidewalk made of imperfect pins and Din scraps . i . - ruHieo logeuier. n. m. lmis woman tias applied or a pa' ant to cover the processes of making - Bweei-poiaio Hour." i. i .1 . . i..iseu on me recent school census Connecticut's population ia now 3 1,00 J i irger man u was in itt'JU, Two more of the followers of Catarina Uarza have been captured by American troops on the lexas border. The Bethlehem Iron Works have been awarded a contract for over $2,000,000 worm oi heavy armorpiate. I here has been unusual mortality among me antmnia in the JNew York Central Purk "Zco" this winter Not one Chinaman in Boston has reg lBtered under the Uearv act. and oniv oho ui ine mine oi aiaseaciiusetts. Allen (. Ihurman has proposed the silver dollar for a national bank note ba sis as a solution of the currency question. lhe Chicago and Northwestern rail I1INGT0N CITY. rcretary Noble I'etiders an Important Decision in a Case Against the Northern Pacific Railroad. The Court of Claims has rendered a de cision in the of case D (i. Swaim, Judge Advocate General in the army, versus the United fctatos, for the recovery of half his pay for twelve years. The de cision la adverse to General Swaim. The case has been pending In the Court oi uiaims lor the luHt two or three years. The Secretary of the Treasury has awarded the contract for building a new wharf and repairing the bid one at Tongue Bend near Atoria "to Fonts bend & Sanderson of Astoria at $! 025. Ho has also awarded the contrsct for build ing a galvanized iron storehouse at the same pist e to Pan. net & Smith of Port land for $l,7!i. Po-tmaster General Wanamaker 1ms mailed to each pontmaster in the country a circular recognizing the imnortant service they have rendered as postmas ters under the administration of Presi dent il irrison and begging that in the utur3 they will continue their interest in the postal service and study to pro mote in every possible way its extension and improvement. Secretary l-oster has amended his re- cent circular issued regarding the killing oi lur-uearing animals in Alaska so as to permit vessels other than revenue cutters, aa heretofore, to transport na tives to localities where eea otter is found. It also permits veesels bavin? on uoaru sea-oner sxins to nle a mani fest of such skins at the first port of en try in the United States. FOREIGN CABLEGRAMS McDonnell, the Hank of England Forger, in Limbo Again. THE NEW PRIMATE OF AFRICA. A Movement In Prance looking to the Substitution of Aluminium for Copper In Small Coins. The " Brotherhood of Minor Poeta " is the name of a recently formed eociety in England. There ia an electric railroad twenty- uiiicd juug m me ivroiese Mount ains in Switzerland. A railroad ia to be built from Athens 10 widicia, inenea, Jsbadca, Chaeronea. Dadion and Larisaa. Why When Senator Call introduced i senate a junt resolution to suspend ap proval 01 me nsis 01 swamp and over- tlwea public lands in Florida until further action of Congress and asked for lta passage, Senator Mitchell of Oregon moved to insert the proviso that nothing in the resolution should be construed to extend to any grants of land in anv State or Territory except Florida. The amendment was agreed to, but the reeo- miion went over. Treasurer N'becker. snoafei drain of gold that has been going on for me past year or m re, said it was largely win worn 01 ppecu Hiors on ine ew Yr.rk Stock Exchange. The exnr.rt of w.J-t had the effect of bearing stocko. Hv selling me biockb and then exporting n"iu mo proni ma je on stoexs not on v compensated for the freight charges, insurance, etc.. on the pnlri Rhinner) hut road will elevate all its tracks in Chicago left a profit. Then, too fin fTranfA arA at the expense, bo it is printed, of $24,- Aus'ria are in the market after gold, t 00,0 k). , sp'cie found a ready sale nn t.h nthoi strung anil-race meet ngs are opino- siue, i.i .-.:?T-.ir'e7ln-0,pPoaiM.on ',??he . T'e Judiciary Committee of tbellouse hi,ra.rm.it, . . ".I'" 'cpui i oi uie eu'X U 11- mutee invest!gatin;r th ih k tnut A movement is on foot in Hoboken to The report recommends the duty on ira- put the Catholic parochial schools of ported liquors be reduced from 2 t i tliat city under the Fairbault Bystem of per gallon, and that the tariff on ail fircuoisnop ireianu. gooua be reduced whenever it is lound The Sayre election bill, which disfran- they re being influenced by trusts or cluses 40.U0J negroes in the State. ish pRSHtHi me Alabama t-enate and eeen signed by the Governor. I lie citizens of Salina, Kan., have pledged $(OO.O00 and twenty acres of land to the State for the removal of the State capital to that place. The people of Noriolk, Va., are ar ranging for great times during the ren .1 -1 . i ..." ... uesvoua oi me navies oi the world in Hampton Koads in April and May PURELY PERSONAL. Prof. K h. Barnard of tho Lick Ob- pervatory often devote- twenty hours out oi ine twenty-lour to work at the teie fcope and in the computing room during ciear weather. It is said that Robert Louts Stevenson li'is been paid more lor Ins Polynesian siory now appearing in England than was ever paid in that country lor the same rmountof "copv." The recent rn- mora ol Mr. Stevenson's ill health have lieen contradicted. The little Crown Prince of Germany promises to become as daring and expert a horseman as his lather is. He races on the Arabian pony the Sultan of Turkey sent him with the Adjutant who gives him riding lessons, and almost invaria bly win. Discreet Adjutant. G adstone haa again surprised his friends by a midnight speech in re ply to Randolph Churchill. The speech of the Premier wia a splendid example of the beet style of parliamentary debat ing power, full of fire, pugnacious, scorn ful, sarcastic", denunciatory, pasaioanate and masterful. According to foreign papers the Ameer of Bokhara, who has been on a visit to the Czar at St. Petersburg, ia seriously considering a proposition to surrender his dominions over which Russia now exercises a protectorate to that country for $2,500 000 in canh and an annual nen- sion of $50,000, to be paid during the lifetime of himself and hia son. 1 atti created a great sensation otiite nnpremeditatedly not long ago while isnging in Milan. "Traviata" was the opera, and just after rendering the pass age "Amami, Alfredo," she started to mane an exit. but. treading upon her gown, ehe fell heavily to the floor. The audience became wildly excited, for feara were entertained that thediva was badly hurt. She soon roee to her feet, how ever, and smiled in an unconcerned way amid rousing applause. General T. T. Eckert. who is to suc ceed the late Dr. Norviu Green aa Presi dent of the Western Union Telegraph Company, ia a native of St. Olainville, O., and 63 yeara of age. He began at the bottom of the telegraphic ladder in 1849, had charge of the military tele graph atVashington during the war, and upon the consolidation of the At lantic and Pacific Telecranh Com nan v with the Weatern Union in 1881 became General Manager of the new company. combinatons. It al-o recommended J that rectitying establishments be made ru meet tu g vernmen tal su pervision, and that all compound goods be ntmnwl in snow meir components. The Indian appropriation bill has hnpn reported to the Senate. It include s . 790,330 for the purchase of the Cherokee otuiet. making the grand tota of th bill $16,431,490. Among the items addad to tue Mb are $5ti,00J for the irrigation The topographical survey of Connecti- ol tlie Navajo reservation, $15,000 for cut just completed shows its area to be negotiations by the Cherokee Commia o.O'H tripure miles or 340 equare miles greater man g yen by some authoritiea. The recent town elections in the State of New York show that both parties re tain ptacucally their relative strength of last year in the Boards of Supervisors. The dam across the Colorado at Aus tin, Texas, will cost. $1,400,000. stand sixty feet, above low-water, and will sup ply i-i.ow-norBe power, besides the town b water, sion for the further purchases of Indian lands, $19it,(XK) for the payment of dm. Rges to settlers in the Crow Creek and Winnebago reservations, S uth Dakota, and $216,000 for Indian industrial schools. At the reauest of the Com mitten nt Ways and Means, the Clerk of tho Hnnn Committee on Appro riationa haa sub mitted a sta'ement of the deficiencies and appropriations during the past five years. It shows the doHm Telegrams have been sent to Speaker pnation bill, as it nassed t.h Hnnoo ot Crisp, asking that the government open this session, amounta to $21.2 9.638 of " v"cijic ouifjur appropriate money wuicu u iii.no more man ?U4,UUJ,l!UJ was to leed the people who are starving for pens ona. The deficiency lor 1894, while waiting. exclusive of pens ons. if it. The colored teachers at Atlanta have average deficiency of annronrintinna far passed resolutions declaring their grati- the past five sessions, will probably be heation becaut-e of the appointment of none Mintn as a member of Mr. C ere- land's Cabinet 'lhe Massachusetts Legislature has made a fresh appropriation of $165,000 to be added to the considerable sum already expended for the extermination of the gypsy moth. O .. 1 I 1 . . ruuuruaua nnu an argument tor an nexation to New York in the fact that some great money-lending corporations are forbidden to invest in real estate out side ot New York city. . 8tate Department officials at Washing ton disclaim any knowledge of the re ported defalcation in the office of Con- sul-General New at London. They place iiu lounuuo in me siory Although they will cost HI .000 liquor licenses have been applied for by 3,300 people in Philadelphia. It ia esti mated that considerably less than one- nau tnat number will be granted. Some of the unsalable World's Fair coins have been bought by a New York jeweler and made np into various arti cles. A few have been made to serve aa lids to little pntBea of ailver mesh. The Michigan Gas Company, engaged in piping natural gas to Detroit, and the Detroit and Mutual Gas-light Company were last week consolidated, the new company having a capital of $4,000,000. Last year generously disposed persona in the United States contributed in suma of $10,000 and upward no lesa than $29, 061,027 for purposes of education, char ity and popular entertainment in various forma. It is hard times for working people in New York when potatoea are Belling for $1.50 per bushel, while pork or other meats are one-quarter higher than last winter. Wages continue low, and work is very dull, j $9,0.)0,DOO. For the five sessions, includ ing ine present, me deficiency of appro priations have amounted to $47,220.96(5. or an average of $9,440,193, of which the largest was I3 299.541 in the firstspssinn of the Fi ty-first Congress. The pension deficiencies during the five sessions amounted to $S4,4SI,274, or an average ot ir,S!(b,54, the largest being $29 335 - koq ;n 1 . .... 1 uita in me ot-uunu session ot tne ritty first Congress. Tne appropriations, n elusive of miscellaneous matters, made by the House at thia Fe8ton aggregate oio,o.i, no. ana inis nas been increased to $519,273,447 by changes made by the oeiiitio. Secretary Noble has rendered an im portant decision in the case of A. H. Dalton of the Bizemnn (Mont.) land dis trict against tlie JNorthern Pacific Rail way Company, which overruled the col. ebrated Guilford Miller decision in one important parucuiar. ine Miller deci 8;on held that lands within the Y'akima inaian reservation were not excepted from the grant to the Northern Pacific, and that when the Indian title to the same lards became extinguished the right thereto would inure to the railwnv company under its grant. This decision, iiivoiviuK portion ot me urow reserva tion, holds in effect that the lnta in cluded within ttie technical reservation at the date on which the grant becomes effective are absolutely excepted from the grant, and in the event of extinction of Indian title thev revert to the nnhiin domain. The Commissioner' S decision holding Dalton's homestead entrv for cancellation for the reason that the lands covered by it passed to the Northern Pa cific road under its grant, is accordingly reversed. Thia decision directlv and in. directly affects large tracts of land in Montana, the Dakotaa, Idaho and Wash ington. , Chancellor Caprivi in answpr in m. mor that he ia about to marry Bays he iB uiu mi buuu a step. The Chinese government will send out an expedition shortly to exten 1 its tele graph eyBtern through to Kashgar. I1, j8. Proposed to hold a grand national exhibition in Geneva in 1896 on the model of the Zur.ch Exposition of 1883. It iaaaidthat negotiations are about to be resumed between Great Britain and Spain or a new commercial treaty. Not since 1849 haa such a prolonged period of frost or such intensity of cold been known in Hungary aa has prevailed this w inter. Coal of an excellent quality and in largo deposits has been discovered at Diebeli-Eboii-Fevaz in th fli-trirt m Zor in Asia Minor. mi . ine aeatn ia an normal fm r. Town of Kreli, ex-Chief of the Galekae in the Transkei. who was HAnAma h c - Bartle Frere in 1877. 3 A new treaty which bun hoon .j. between Venezuela and Colnmliio ; tv.. first step toward a triple alliance, which ia to include Ecuador. The Brazilian government Las ordered 0.00J small caliber rifles and 3-3.000,000 cartridges from the Lowe email-arm manufactory in Berlin. The Rome police eurprieed twenty-Bix anarchists working a bomb factory on the outskirts of the city. A large quan tity of explosives was seized. Mrs Lillie Langtry, recently arrived at Malta on her yacht from Marseilles was subject to ten days' quarantine on the ground that MaraeilleB ia an infects port. Several millowners in Ileywood, Eng land, have closed their factories bo as to assist in bringing about th H duction of wages. Thousands of looms are idle. Queen Victoria has i lars in ner various nalacen. Ha, port, eberry. East India Ud.m Cabinet Rhine are eaid to be the finest in England. Pere Charmatant. fnnndnr nf th of the White Fathers, who waa born in r rauce in ism, nas been appointed to succeed the late Cardinal Lavigerie as Primate of Africa. It has been decided to call nnt th . tire militia force of the ITnito i k'in,i uu me unannei Islands for training thia season. The number of man nnHa . jv uuuci arms is expected to reach 115,000. A movement haa been begun in France luuiuug to me suostitutionof aluminium or copper in maEim? sm ir Th -j : . , . j.ud auvaningea oi aluminium in point of iigumess ana cleanliness are unquestionable. Mr. Mundella. Presidnt nt tK t don Board of Trade, has decided to send uir ScbJ0Ba and Wi.liam Barnettto the United States to examin and nrt on the question of stopping the immigra- w.vu va nurci aliens. As soon as they heard tht win,-., Waldorf Astor had purchased the Lon don Pall Mall Gazelle and waa trying to make a Tory paper of it. all nt tho, m editors left. Thev have started a n, paper called the IFegfminsfer Gazette. Tha rmhcrleM a, the Widow. The car stopped with tho usual lurch, and tho conductor assisted to the plat form a tall lady, evidently young, but whose face was hidden by the heavy folds of a long crape veil. Her gown and gloves were of the same somber hue as the veil. Sho was followed by a little girl, also dressed in black. As the car started on ita way down town the lady and the little girl took seats in the cor ner. Neither spoke for Borne time, and then the little girl looked np, and in a roice that was heard above the rattle of the car exclaimed: "Mamma!" "Yes, my dear." "I want to see papa." "Ilnsh, dearest," and a black gloved hand reached over and took one of the tiny hands of the child. Then there was silence for a minute. Suddenly the child ish voice was heard again: "But 1 do want to see papa, won't you let me see him?" "Don't, darling; please don't," came the answer, as the bead of the little girl was tenderly drawn over until it rested against the folds of the crape veil. "But why won't you let me see papa?" persisted the child. There was no answer, but the shroud ed head of the black figure in the corner waa bent low and the black gloved hand was reaching for Bomething evidently bidden in the folds of the black gown. "Mamma!" "Yes, dear," answered a tremulona voice. "Can I see papa tonight?" Almost fiercely the little figure waa drawn to that of the larger one, and a whisper more a bod was heard to say: "Oh, Elsie, dear, hush. Don't you know that papa lies way off there on the Litchfield hills! You can't seem him tonight, darling, and may God help you and help me." And the car rattled on; but the big, portly man in the opposite corner turned about in his seat and looked steadily out of the window for several minutes. New York Recorder. Doing One'i Fart. A witty and miserly gentleman who accepted many invitations without re turning them, but who contributed greatly to the general entertainment by his bright conversation, once defended himself by saying: "My friends give the dinners, but I furnish the salt." II he was parsimonious in the matte? of dinners he was generous with his best thoughts, his most cheerful and enter taining stories, fulfilling one social duty although he neglected another. This social duty of giving in conver sation one's brightest and best, of mak ing an effort to be interesting, and being cheerful when it is not possible to bs brilliant, is often selfishly neglected. Life is an affair of mutual obliga tions. We have to thank most of our friends for kindness and patience and encouragement, and we owe it to them to remember that often, unknown to us, they are in ned of being made to forget some trouble or grief, or are in need of some fresh, cheering thought, and when we give them our conversational best we are doing what we can to supply that need. Many persons who would not think of going anywhere with a bandaged head or a disagreeable cold or a disturbing cough, carry a gloomy face, a fit of the blues or an ill tempered mood on a visit or to a party, without thinking that there ia no excuse at all for their being a skeleton at the feast. They disturb their hosts and hostesses by making it evident that they are not having a good time, and they have a depressing effect on every one else. Youth's Companion. A French vessel of war has takin pos session of Kerguelen, otherwise known as the Isle of Desolation, in the Indian Ocean, which was discovered by the French navigator, Kerguelen, in 1772 loimiu 10 oaiu io nave oeaa of coal. The London County Council will give its support to proposals made to open the South Kensington and Bethnal Green Museums on Sundays. It Will imnnca a condition that no official of the institu tions shall be required to work more tuau bix uays a weeK. The Manchester ship canal is expected to be completed and niwn tnr hoi. .. by the end of the present year. Another I iw.uuu.ihju is Deing raised to finish the Work, half of Which is beinw mhnm'h.J by Salford. three-eighths hv AT.nnh00t fiAncannnnina vrrt-i-isilt J and tha root h fAv ' -.vvi u BiuuiS irom The Porte has appointed Oamnn Pov, Turkish Commissioner in Egypt in place of Moukhtar Pasha, who has been re called. The change is a flnnrra nf ol,'af to the British officials in Egypt, Monk tar Pasha having been the center of Turkieh intrigues against England. The railroads of FrancA arA rar.M1i adopting electric train-lia-htim nn. atus, by means of the storage-battery syBtem, using eix, eight or ten-candle power, jiacn car carries sixteen eel nt Social Definitions. Nationalism is but another name for socialism, with but a slight modifica tion. What socialism desires to reach in a universal way for the whole world nationalism desires to obtain within the limits of the nation. Inasmuch as there is a tendency in the human race to crys tallize around national centers national ism thinks it best to respect these bound aries. Ultimately nationalism would have to reach out after the universal end. Let it be understood, furthermore, that neither nationalism nor socialism is iden tical with anarchism or communism that, quite to the contrary, they form the opposite pole to anarchism. While anarchism is a theory of government which will allow no power whatsoever to any governing body, socialism or na tionalism will endow the government with greater powers yet than its own. While the former believes that the indi vidual shall take upon himself all the compe tition, and that according to his oppor tunities a man shall either succumb in tne struggle for existence or survive as the fittest, the latter holds society or the nation responsible for the well be ing of every one of its members as long as the member fulfills his obligation to society. Rabbi Solomon Schindler. Calculation Extraordinary. ..,.S.!e.pe0ple who are not harassed by the daily brend" nmhl battery and each ia indenenrlnt nt tho In researches which h rest of the train in its lighting outfit. than t0 861416 a point which was never dis The Vienna Neue Freie Prem savs R11 Sir .Archibald Geikie, of the tnat the Metropolitan Michael haa Dro- ? association, after much careful nounced the divorce of and Natalie void. According t thto ciaion the first marriage is still valid and hence a second marriage, which was contemplated, will not be necessary. thought and patient investigation, together with a deal of figurine. hn conclusion that the world is between 78, 000,000 and 650,000.000 years old. Rather a wide margin, it would seem.