The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 11, 1893, Image 1

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    lood River Glacier.
VOL. 1.
NO. 41.
SCcodliver Slacier.
The Glacier Publishing Company.
HI IIM Hir l'IO.N I'HIt K.
Onn vi'nr
Ni nmiilli I
Tliii'. itn'mllii i fce
Hi, M In f...y IC.nU
the glacier
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Pr opr.
Siii uinl St. , iii-uf Oak. lloml Hlvrr, Or
Shaving mid ll.iii cutting m-iilly tloim.
.Siilihfurliiiii Miaiuutued,
Massacre of Seventeen Indians
on Sorrow Iland.
Comlderatile Virtu Wind Throughout a
I.tigo Section of Southern Cal
ifornia Docs Good.
The liill for a soldiers' home has
passed Ixnti Houses of toe I.lalio Legis
In tire.
Henry lt.-itlty lift bean held for trial
at . w Angeles on the charge of poison
ing till va i ;t.
Every town in Eastern Oregon It an
earnest applicant for the location of the
branch Insane asylum.
I'lMi-ms, A. T., In much excited over
tlio sudden death of a woman. The in
dications are that she was poiBoned.
Tin In.lian agent at Alert Bay ha
Im.-n notified of a reported massacre of
seventeen I ml an on (Sorrow Inland by
the Kit Katla tribe.
The Bonanza mine at Harqtia Hala, A.
T., hiin for Pome time been systematic
ally robbed by Mexican, who curried
out nuggets and ore worth $0 a pound in
dinner pail.
Plowing by means of the huge traction
engine uwl last fall for this purpose is
to bo soon U'guri on the Umatilla reser
vation. Six live-furrow plows will be
operated at once by this means.
There is the prospect of a clash be
tween the Santa Fe and Southern Pa
cine, and as a result the 1'aeillc Coast
public will get cheaper fares. A general
demoralization of rates is predicted.
There has been coriHiilerab'e north
wind throughout a large section ol
Southern Call ornia during the past
week, which lias rapidly dried tin the
excess ol un s ure. No damage oi con
sequence lo the orange crop is reported.
There has been incorporated in the
sundry civil service bill a paragraph Us
ing the limit 01 cost for the San Fran
cisco public building at ff;J,(M 0,i 0 1. This
action ol Congress will render available
the $21,000 rema ning from the purchase
ol the imiiding site.
The Chinese cook of the Chinese crew
ol 1:10 men at the Palo A to stables was
bounded and gagged the other morning
by tw.i white men and a Ch niunan, and
the rooms in a Chinese boarding houe
were ransacked and between $l,lOJ and
$5,0(10 in c )in taken.
Sup rintendent Clark of the insane
asylum at Mock ton, Cal., has permitted
a newMpaper man to see arah Althea
Terry in the madhouse. lie found her
a raving maniac and subject, to the re
straint necessary in such a case, but
otherwise kindiy treated
The sealing schooner Pioneer has ar
rived at Victoria, B. 0., after a very
etormv v yage. She brought, inorma
tion o"i the location of the wreck ol the
sealing schooner Maggie Mac, the fate ol
which ntis l een a mystery for over a
year. Two storekeepers on Qiatsino
Sound report having found tragmetits of
the M ggie Mao in a email cove jtmt
south of Cape Scott.
Tne Manzona almond plantation in
a.,.,,1 u. Va:lu I. oh county.
continue to expand. Two years ago
there were perhaps unity ucreo net, iu
Mnn iham nm 11 1 ion t thirteen
hundred acres planted, and carload lots
of trees are arriving evuiy iom
;o,.o ir. iwnnmn. if it is not already.
Illulltiat," I -- - ,. , ,r
the larg'Bt almond plantation in the
world, me trees, ii pinmou m diuh'
row two feet apart, would reach nearly
from Los Angeles to San Francisco.
Two schooners from Ran Diego have
been seized by Mexican customs officers
at San tjnintin, and are held there pend
ing investigation. It is claimed the
boats were engaged in fishing and aba
lone catching in Mexican waters, in
which case they will undoubtedly be
confiscated. Two more schooners were
Buwpected and steps taken for their ap
prehension. Four schooners are known
to be in those waters. The Mexican of
ficials have reported to their home gov
ernment that a great amount of smug
gling is carried on by means of small
vessels Jrom San Diego, which are al
ways to he seen oil' their coast, osten
sibly on fishing trips. Application has
been made for a smaller Bteamer to pa
trol the coast.
President SniJs to the Senate Hie Report
of the l)eleg.iles to lnlrtii itiniial
Monetary Confeteinr.
Total receipts from the internal reve
nue for the llivt seven mont ).h nf the
iireHi'iit lineal year went Mll 1,780, lie
(ng 17,710,577 more than for the same
period lust year.
The President has issued a proclama
tion revoking the tolls levied on ('ami
diatl vessels and cat goes in the "Hihi"
canal in c'nH"iicnce ol the Ilomiiiion
government adnpt:ng an order in council
removing the il ierr liu 1 tirtl iniH against
American vesrela passing through the
Canadian canals.
The sundry civil Mil has leen so loaded
up by the Senate that there are grave
doubts about it passing the II hish at all.
The bill has lieen known to lail in con
lerenre. It would lie very serious for
many public works and government In
st tiitiniis if the bill should fu'l and lie
censitate an ex ra session before June,
Tbs Committee in Immigration bai
submitted to the Senate its report on
the bill rstahiirhing additional regula
tion concerning immigration to the
United States !y increasing by three the
number ol the excluded cas-es ol aliens,
tint first includes the illiterate over
VI jeurs of a, e. and spi aking of these,
the report says, In view of the ahum ng
changes taking place in the character of
immigrants swarming into the United
States, the measure is not a burh one.
Ag 'd persons, however, are permitted to
come and join their laniilies. Tne sec
ond class comprises persons partially or
wholly disabled from manual lalxjr.
They are to !m made the subject of aspe
c al iniuiry, and proof must lie procured
that they will not liecome public charges.
The third class is made up of persons
who belong to S'icieties who lavor or jus
tify the unlawlnl destruction of property
or life. Un ler the present law, savs the
reKirt, they can enter the United States,
but the measure proposed is to remedy
this condition of u d'airs.
Springer of Illinois has introduced in
the House resolutions for reference to
the Committee on Ways and Means, set
ting lorth that the treaty of annexation
with the Hawa urn Islam!, n dually
la'illed, will nijuire the government of
the United States to pav the nuhlicdcbt
of Hawaii and the amounts due the de-
sisiiors in the Hawaiian poatal savings
tanks, which aggregate 3,U-"0,00 , be
sides 1'0.(HH) per auutitii to the late
(jueen and a lump sum of $150,10.) to
the Princess Kaiaulant. It will also ob
ligate this government to pay the inhab
itants of sa'd islands a liounty upon
Hiuar produced on sa'd islands. The
President Is requested to lurniNli the
House with information showing the
amount of said postal deposits and the
debt of Hawaii, the rate of interest, etc. ;
also any information about the amount
of sugar annually produced in Hawaii
and the amount ol money required to
iniy the bounty in case ol annexation,
besides the probable amount of theotber
obligations this government will assume
as a necessary consequence of such an
The annual report of the lirector of
the Mint for 18112 shows the value of the
g ild product iu the United States to lie
:i.'i,(:U0,lOi), about the avenge of recent
vears. The product of silver was 68,-
t 00,001 ounces, of a eomm-rcial value of
') ,750,000, a falling oil ol X!0,0t!0 mince
from the prece ling year. The amount
ol silver purchased hy the government
during the year was 5l,l-.8-7 tint
ounces costing 17.:W4,'-'U1. an average of
87'v cents er fine ounce. From it
(i,H;i.VJ-i5 silver dollars were coined dur
ing the year. The imports of god ag
gregated $18,105,050 and the exports
7ti 845.5:12, a net loss of f7!),530
The a Iver imports were $31,45 I DOS and
the expirts $'57,541,301 The amount
of money in circulation (exclu-iveot the
amount in the treasury) was $1,011,321,
h73 January 1, an increase of $18,08,124
during the year There was an increase
of over $Ui 0 ',000 in thy gold product of
the world during the last calendar year
Of this $2.50 ,"0'i was fr m Australia
ami over $!,' 00.001 irom South A'rica.
The total silver product of the world in
creased about 7,050,000 ounces, occa
sioned chit Hv by an increase of 4,0;) V 00
ounces in the product ol ths Mex'cnn
mines, and 2,400,000 of the Australian
The President has sent to the Senate
the report of the Ameiican delegates to
the International Monetary Uonierence,
After referring to the programme of the
United States which was cmcussea in
all its phases, the delegates reier to the
report of the committee ot twelve, wmcn
reported alH matively upon one proposi
tion, that it was wise to withdraw irom
monetary circulation all gold coins and
all naner redeemable in go'd of less de-
nomitiaVoa than , 20 francs or 20
marks and auhstitute Bilver money tor
them. In the discussion of the various
propositions the attitude of nearly all
the governments disclo-ed the general
rec gnition in the conference that the
monetary evil reqnired a remedy. After
citing copiouly from the speeches ma le
the delegates sav the coherence is to re
convene May 30, 1N03. In the meantime
it is exnected that the propositions ana
plans already submitted to the President
ol the convention ana Dy mm transmu
ted to the several tovernments through
their delegates will be considered. It is
anticipated that the delegates upon the
reassembling of the conference will be
able to state definitely the views of their
resnective governments as to what plans practicable to secure a greater u e of
silver as a part of the metallic money of
the world. In concluding the report the
delegates say it is the earnest wish of the
conference that a plan for the enlarged
use of silver money, acceptable to the
nations and adequate to the monetary
i i J -1 : 1
situation, may reaun irom no ueuueru
tions. No recommendations or sugges
tions of any kind are made.
Considerable Incitement in Ohio
Over a New Big Gushtr.
Chicago to Have an Exhibition ol the
Tactics and Maneuvers of the
Ihlilsh Army.
Jelfrtraon Ilavls' body may be moved
from New Orleans to Richmond, Va.
The Milwaukee gas works has been
twilight by a Boston synd cate lor $2,-
no ',i o ).
The Supreme Court of Tennessee ha.
leclared in ell'ect that bucket shops are
gatnlil:ng bouses.
All arrangements are now believed to
bn compete for the enforcement of the
(ii ary exclniion act.
There are only about thirty members
left of the once mighty tribe of Choc
taws near New Orleans.
A movement is on foot In Hhode Isl
and for the erection of a monument to
the Indian Chiel Massasoit.
A swtoping reduction has been made
n Canadian canal tolls, greatly advan
tageous to the United States:
The Virginia State building at the
World's Fair will be a copy of Washing
ton's borne at Mount Vernon.
Tennessee will aliolish the convict
ease system, build a new prison and
work the men on S:ate account.
Brooklyn's allege 1 bo xllers are said
to have been reindicted to anticipate
dismissal of the first indictment.
It Is reported that there is danger of a
rabbit plague in Kansas, and the inhab
itants are rejoiced at the prospect.
The Missouri LcgUlature is consider
ing a bill to compel circuses to exhibit
w hat they represent on their posters.
Illinois farmers claim that the late
sleeting so injured wheat in Kastern Il
linois that there will be scarcely half a
St. Louis has more miles paved with
granite than with any material, and next
to the granite comes tne lellord pave
ment. The Ohio Slate Board of Health has
(darted a crusade against kissing, invok
ing women not to kiss each other or
their babies.
The Commercial Exchange at Leaven
worth, Kan., passed strong resolutions
in favor of opening of the Cherokee
Strip at once.
The Georgia Agricultural Society has
adopted a unanimous resolution urging
the reduction of cotton acreage and di
versified crops.
The Ohio legislature proposes to put
in an electrical voting apparatus, similar
to the device used in the French Cham
ber of Deputies.
New York's Chamber of Commerce
hat appointed a representative commit
tee to entertain prominent foreigners at
tending the World's Fair.
Where leases on Broadway, New York.
are expiring this year rents have been
markedly increased. This is especially
true of the retail district.
Tne Governors of S.mthem States are
to meet in Richmond two months hence
and plan to atiract homeseekers and
capital to tUeir respective States.
The Union Pacific has not only paid
i ff $O,0o0,0iHJ of its collateral trust
notes, but it has managed to go through
the year without borrowing a pennv.
Ti.e failure of gas regions is attributed
bv experts to overwork. In the new re
gions which are being developed omy
one well is pemitied to forty acres oi
At Warfield. Kv.. recently, a girl, aged
0, who became offended at something
a young colored man erup oyed ny ner
father had done, deliberately shot him
A bill has been introduced in the Min-
ne-ota Legislature providing a tine of
$5.t 00 and five years' imprisonment for
every m ruber of that body who accepts
a railroad pass.
The American League of Wheelmen
has passed a resolution providing that
those subordinate leagues wishing it may
allow negroes to become members of 1 he
league and those not desiring it can bar
them out.
The Arkansas Legislature is struggling
with the convict lease question. A bill
has been introduced providing for the
abolition of the whole lease system and
requiring the State to take entire charge
of its wards.
The Fall Kiver Cresent Mills are to be
sold. The stockholders had dh covered
that the Treasurer had written fictitious
assets in the books to overcome the
losses by manufacture.
Special Treasury agents are looking
into the large influx of Chinamen arriv
ing in the United States from Cuba and
other West India Islands. It iB believed
that large numbers of Celestials from
Cuba have been landed along the inlets
of the F lorida coast by Spanish smug
glers, as is done on the Pacific Coast of
the United States irom British Colum
bia. The investigation by order of the
Mexican government into the cause of
the recent uprising of the Yaqui Indians
is still in progress. It has already been
discovered, however, that the cause of
the Indian braves donning their war
paint wbb largely due to the action of
the government military officials, who
were permitted to run general supp'y
stores for the Indians, whom they
charged exorbitant prices.
Ruskin Still In Firm Possession of Some
of His faculties Gladstone the
Descendant of a King.
Archbishop Satolli will be the lecturer
in speculative theology in the Catholic
University of America at Washington.
The monument to Phillipi Brooks,
which his lovers propose to erect in Cop
ley Square, Boston, will cost not less
than $50,N) ', of which some $.'0,fi0J is al
ready raised.
Pundita ttamahid, the Hindoo woman
who is doing so much for the advance
ment of her sex, has recently started a
club of K rig's Daughters auniig her
pupils in India.
Kx Governor Foraker is obliged to de
dine his appointment hy Governor Mc
Kinley to fill the place on the State
University Board left vacant by the death
of ex-Presideni Hayes.
Mrs. Warden ot Hanover, N. II ,
whose daughter was murdered by Frank
A I my, has rn-ide a demand upon the
Mate for the $2,500 1 flared for the appre
hension of the murderer.
Mrs. Arthur Stannard of London has
formed a " no crinoline leagu." It al
ready numbers 5,25 women, who pledge
themselves not to wear hoopskirts, even
if these do return to fashion.
Loti, the brilliant French novelist, in
bia " le Manage de Loti " present- a
life-like picture of the Hawaiian Inlands
and their native women. Just now re
newed interest attaches to this book.
It is recalled now that Uirike von Le
vetzo, whom G ethe admired and wished
to marry when he was 70 and she 17,
reached her It lth birthday recently at
the castle of Trzieliir in Bohemia. She
is the subject of Goethe's "Triology of
Charles Henry Pearson, an Fnglieh
man, has written a book, in which he
claims to have proved that the great
races ot the world are losing, and that
the Chinese, the Hindoos and South
American half-breeds are the coming
leaders of civilization.
Mr. Gladstone claims direct descent
from Henry III, King of England, and
from Robert Bruce, King of Scotland.
It is thought that the reason why he has
invariably refused any titie or peerage is
because of his knowledge of his royal
descent from the Kings of both England
and Scotland.
Ruskin is still in firm possession of
s une of his faculties. He plays chess
with great interest and equal skill.
Moreover, it is Baid that he is in very
excellent hesith mentally and physic
ally. He waiks out twice aday.eataand
sleeps well, and takes an interest in
what is going on.
George Gould wants to buy all of the
existing maps of Delaware county, N.
Y., that were made by his father in 1S56.
Thus far he has succeeded in obtaining
one from Erastus Root of Gloversville,
and has heard of another owned by
William C. Hanna of New York.
Mr. Piant, a London chimney sweeper,
is said to be the last living representa
tive of the English branch of the Plan
tagenet line. Tne reason why he calls
himself Plant and not Plantagenet is be
cause he considers that the monosyl
labic name is more in accordance with
his present social position.
John Hav questions the statement
that "Mr. Blaine inherited his eloquent,
magnetic eves from his mother." Mr.
Hay thinks lie possessed the Biaine eye
and the Blaine nose of four generations
ago. These, Mr. Blaine's most striking
features, are said tp be wonderfully like
those of a brother of his pa'ernal grand
father, which have been pre erved in a
crayoa portrait copied and enlarged
from a miniature.
New Cotton-Picking Mach'ne Invented
Number of Amercan Strikes tor
the Past Seven Years.
Last year 1,250 ships were built.
A shingle trust is being periected.
There are 4,500 electric plants in Ger
many. A Pittsburg concern is insured for $2,
0 0,000.
There are 300 shoe factories in Haver
hid, Mass.
It cost9 about $100 to procure an Egyp
tian mummy.
Last ytar our railroads carried 600,
000,000 people.
Dove-tail paving bricks are being
made in England.
New Orleans outranks New York iu
banana imports m tact, receives about
40 per cent of ail the bananas imported
into the country.
One of the most extensive concerns in
Maine has been experimenting on an iu
genious process of burning lime with oil
instead of with wood.
A large party of Eastern manufactur
ers recently started on a tour through
Mexico for the purp 'se of introducing
American goods into that country.
The manufacture of Southern products
in the South ib on the increase. A sin
gle factory in North Carolina is now
turning out 4,000,000 cigarettes daily.
A new cotton-picking machine is an
nounced, which pic 8 (in the prospectus)
6,000 to 7,000 pounds ot cotton in a day
This is as much work as could be done
by forty expert negro cotton-pickers.
Chicago is looking for a golden harvest
from the exposition. Three million vis
itors at $3 per day for food and lodging
for six months, $126,000,000; street-car
fares. $5,000,000: entrance fees, 1S,000..
0J0 ; other expenditures will run the to
tal up to $200,000,000.
American ingenuity in holding the
ribbons is extending very rapidly to the
manufacture, of ribbons as well. The
product of American looms has increased
according to the figures just published
from $6,023,100 in 1880 to $17,081,447 in
Kmperor William and the Duchess
of Sparta Reconciled.
Wi min Dies From Blood-PoIsonlng Caused
by Rubbing a Sore on H-r Face
With Her K d Glove.
American hardware is driving th
English prrxiuct out of South Africa.
Cotton culture in South R issia is re
ported to b- giving promising results.
The city of Lubeck, G-rmany, is ore
paring to celebrate this year its 75) i
Brussels boasts of a clock which i
never wound up hy human hands. Wirn
puwer does it.
In Prussia the price of medicine it-
regulated by the State, and a new pric
list issued annually.
The German Emperor has had a piano
forte constructed for him made entireh
of bits of stags' horns.
An association for preventing the im-
m'gration of destitute aliens is vigorous
ly at work in England.
In thirteen years, ending with 1889,
3 ',0)0.000 rabbit skins were exported
irom v ictoria, Australia.
Mohammed Beniveda, Governor of the
city of Morocco, is persecuting the Jewt
of that place in a most barbarous man
The natives of Singapore have lately
been astonished by the advent of the
electric car, which they call a wind car
The movement inaugurated against
the privileges enjoyed by the bureauc
racy is stirring the middle classes of
An Egyptian scythe, dug up on the
banks ol the Nile in 1890 and said to bi
as old as Moses, is exhibited in a Lon
don museum.
The Clericals are doing their best to
split the Liberal party in Hungary on
the compulsory civil marriage policy of
the government.
Germany will not use any white horset
in the army in future. In a battle the
enemy can discern white horses at a con
siderable distance.
Twelve hundred beds at a penny a
night each are offered to London's home
less poor in a new Salvation Army shel
ter erected on the bank of the lhames
near Blackfriar bridge.
A bill has been introduced into the
New South Wales Legislature to restrict
the admission of Syrian peddlers, on the
ground that these destitute aliens are
becoming a public evil.
The Board of Guardians of Sheffield,
England, propose to classify its paupers
hereatter Dy making distinctions between
the worthy but uniortunate poor and the
professional loafer or vagabond.
Wallace Bruce, United States Consul
at Edinburg, has been elected to succeed
the late John Greenleaf W rattier as
Lite Corresponding Member of the Scot
tish Society of Literature and Art, Glas
The Italian papers are evidently try
ing to excite Swiss prejudice again-t
France in connection with the building
ot a railroad by the French government
from France to Chamonix, at the foot ol
Mont Bianc.
In breaking up the Volta, an old
wooden cruiser of the French navy, k
loaded shell was found in her timbers
It is bedeved the shell was fired into
her at the bombardment of i'oochow
nine years ago.
The Lord Mavor o' London has voiced
the big project of keeping tne rive'
lhamesata c muant high-water leve
throughout ail its reaches.
A lady at Ash'urd, Eig and, has ju
received a bequest o 150, 0 from au
old gentleman, an entire tranger, 'or a
small act of k indue-8 rendered to hiu
live years ago.
An Ausirian woman recently die
from blood-poisoning caused by ruhbinv
a mall sore on her face with her b ark
kid glove. Inrlainmati n set in, her hea
swelled enormously, and she died after
a very brief illness.
The Egyptian correspondents of the
London newspapers sem to be gener
ally agreed that the English troubles in
Egypt are not by any means over yet,
nor will be settled so long as Russian
diplomacy can keep them alive.
Tobacco and snuff has long been sup
plied to the paupers in the Lambeth
workhouse, and now the Board of Guar
dians hat passed a resolution " that the
old women in the workhouse who do not
take snuff be supplied with sweets."
According to the Berlin correspondent
of the London standard the problem ot
smokeless combustion of coal seems at
last to be solved by a newly patented
process which is exciting an immense
aoneation in uermany.
According to the report of the Ameri
can Colonization Society the colony of
fourteen families sent to Liberia is doing
very well. One of the colonists has his
own house completed, and has planted
over 5,000 conee scions.
The monbmaniac who in 1839 stopped
Queen Victoria while she was riding on
hnrsphaet in Hvda Park and nronosed
marriage to her has recently died in
Bedlam, the ceieDratea insane asylum
of London. He seemed to be penectly
animrt nn avArv nt.hpr RiiblAnt.. wan wall
art neat pi! and wrotn vnrv sensible mem
oirs relating to insane asylums and the
reforms which might De made in them
He was 84 years old.
A Vang ol lUmllcr Wiped Out to Avenga
Hungs l;ldi r' Murder.
E. F. Beck with, of Ula.Colo., lias sought
entertainment at the (ireat Northern. A
he stalked through the lobby to the desk
the attention of every man In the place
was centered upon him. There was that
rolling something about his gait that at
once proclaims the sailor or the man who
bos spent bin lift) In the saddle. Mr. lleck
with, who la a superbly proportioned man
of 6 feet 'i inches, wore a natty gray frock
Suit, dun colored sombrero and a pair of
patent leather shoes with high heels heels
such as cowboys wear. It might be inci
dentally stated that Ed Iieckwith, as lie
la known throughout the west, la a partner
In the firm of Iieckwith Bros., cattlemen,
and among the wealthiest in that line in
the world.
About three miles from Ula is his ranch
house, a bungalow painted white, with six
teen foot veranda on all sides. The bun
galow is fitted us no other Louse In exist
ence, the only thing American being a
range and a bathroom. For the last dec
ade Mr. Iieckwith has employed his win
ters traveling in fa roll lands and picking
op curios and articles of vertu. These
have been shipped home, and as a result
bis house looks more like a museum than
anything else. Although a bachelor, Mr.
Iieckwith isa sybarite, and the incongruity
of an Egyptian mummy leering under an
electric light rather amuses him. Be it
known that no woman save his sister-in-law
has ever set foot in the charming place
he calls the ranch."
Several years ago there was a gang of
rustlers known as the McCoy gang in cen
tral Colorado that robbed the cattlemen
riht and left. So bold did they become
that tenderloin steuks were sold in Coropai
for a cent a pound. It was through the ef
forts of Iieckwith that the gang was prac
tically annihilated, and that Dick McCoy,
one of the worst desperadoes ever unhung,
is now ''doing life" at Canyon City.
But for Beckwith s story. "It was in
October of 1888," began he, "that I found
Fred Arnold dead on Texas creek. Arnold
was one of our riders, you know. There
was a big hole in his breast, and his legs
were riddled with Winchester bullets.
Both of his guns were in his belt. I knew
that Arnold was a quick man with a gun
and that be must have been n- il.uahed. As
a matter of fact he rode j western range
because we knew him to be a fighter and
able to take care of himself in any trouble
he might have with the McCoy gang.
"A quick search showed tracks of a
couple of men and horses behind the wil
lows on the other side of the creek. The
trail of one of the men revealed that he
bad dragged his left leg a trifle. That
meant Dick McCoy sure. After following
the trail of the horses for five miles, and
seeing that it pointed to the McCoy ranch,
I turned back and picked poor Arnold up
and took him to the ranch. The verdict of
the coroner's jury was, 'Murdered by per
sons unknown.' It's the regulation form,
but it didn't suit us. So we called a meet
ing of the cattlemen and talked it over. It
didn't take long to come to the conclusion
that if we wanted to protect our interests
and save the lives of our riders and our
selves the McCoy gang hod to be wiped out.
"In the early morning two days later
sixteen men rode through the gulch that
ended at McCoy's place. There wasn't
any shelter, and we had to ride for it. In
the corral were seven men killing rustled .
cattle. On the fence were half a dozen
hides with the brands cut out. The sight
made us crazy, mid with a yell we dashed
forward. The rustlers 'cut loose' first and
two of our men dropped out of their sad
dies. One was killed, the other shot
through the .-boulder. We got six of the
seven. The seventh was old Dick McCoy,
whom I winged as he was trying to hide
behind a cow. The rustlers in the ranch
skipped out when they saw how it was go
ing. Peg Leg Smith and a couple of others
who got away are now doing time at Can
yon City for robbing a Denver and Rio
Grande express train.
"We didn't kill McCoy and put him out
of his misery, but thought he'd suffer mom
If he was patched up and sentenced for life
for half a dozen murders. He's enjoying
himself in a tennis suit in the 'pen' in Can
yon City now." Chicago Inter Ocean.
Fur Lean 'Women.
"The papers teem with advice to stout
women on how to rid themselves of super
fluous flesh," said a woman who is not
stout the other day, "but. I seldom find a
paragraph on the opposite side of the ques
tion. I should be very glad to take on a
few pounds of avoirdupois, and in a recent
visit to my physician I asked him how I
could accomplish it. 'To begin with,' he
said, 'don't worry; to end with, don't worry,
and between times don't worry. I never
saw a thin woman yet,' he went on, 'who
was not a nervous one, and worry isa large
part of nerves. Stout women are often
nervous as well, but thin women are sure to
be so.
" 'When you have become thoroughly
Imbued with t he desirability of calmness in
all emergencies some other aids to flesh
are plenty of sbep, eight hours out of every
twenty-four at least, and more if you can
get it; moderate, regular exercise and fat
tening foods, such as soups, butter, cream,
farinaceous foods; fat, juicy meats and
plenty of olive uil. Eat often rather than
much at a time, take warm baths at night
and don't worry.' Utica Herald.
Be Had Already Registered.
Mr. Smith, an English traveler, arrived
one evening at a hotel' in Austria, On the
way he had picked up a smart German and
hired him as his servant. In Austria every
one staying at a hotel is obliged to register
his name and occupation in a book which
Is kept for police examination, so Mr.
Smith told his servant Fritz to bring this
book for him to write his name.
"I have already registered, milor," said
Fritz, "as an English gentleman of inde
pendent means."
"But I've never told you my name, so
how do you know what it is?"
"I copied it from milor's portmanteau,"
answered Fritz.
"Why, it isn't on my portmanteau,"
cried Mr. Smith; "bring the book and let
me see what you have put down."
The book was brought, and Mr. Smith,
to his amusement, discovered that his
clever servant had described him as:
"Monsieur Warranted Solid Leather,"-