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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1893)
3food Iiver Slacicr. 1 1 00 D U I V K It, Oil., MAH( !U, J sil.'l, Mil: Mtll.S. Tht mall irrlvn rr.ini Ml. Hood at II ,r. loud A. M. WccliifK.lnvx mill HhIui.Ihm,; ilc. purl ". mono iliiyit a iiiiuii, Knr Clinninvi'tli, liVftH A. M. iirrlvrn lit I', M HuliiriluvN. For Whllti Hiilniiiii l.'itvi-n rUlly at H A, H'llvm itl iiiik iiVliielt I', M. M. Knnii WIiIIk Mitl in , vra for nir. Trout lulu- iiuil (tb'itwimil Wriliimilii.t und h i Idiivn. nlilil, (ill AIiiihIii j k, It It 1 1: 1' LOCAL Mill CHS. Mm. A. Kctrlmm to wrloiiidy III. ( 'hurley Wiilmco In on llinalck IUt. i I, .. . ,. ,i ,4 . Cleveland Im-coiiicm ili hlilent lit liouti ( odny, Mih. I'rutt Iuin U'ii (jul to nick, buti recovering. Mr. Lyman Hniltli left for Attorln ThuiMilay. JihIko Virnor, wnxovrr from White Haliinin yeHterilay. .Jntiin '.i.nlllo puttliin ujxtiTh In front of hlr, building. Mr. nnd Mr. A. J. lUml wero at Tho Dullea WYdmnduy. Mlfi Allien f. Hniltli, tenrhor of Jilano, oi'kuii nnd voice. Mr, lliiynt'H iiihI Mnt. K. T. Jlowo went to Portland Monday. Mr. ninl Mr. ieoro MaUilan have gone to California to live. Men's nil wool iiiuler clothe at re duced pi-leeH at JI.iiiiiu'm. Cnrloiid tif Itoclio Hnrlior limn JumI j ricelved at H. I). Iturtm' Mr. mid Mr, .iculer mid daughter of Arlington ar viHiting frlenda liore. Wiilliirn ami Ilnrrlaon have for aalw Jipplcn, drittd fruit, hutter, eggM, buon, M. II. NI'k'Wi; liaa jinrchawd the MntlilnN rehldeiiee and moved into It Moiuliiv. Captain Kiel. U quite -Irk. but we liojaUo irrord hUdpeody mid complete recovery. I' you wnnt to do u cli buaioraa In buying or wiling produco, mo Wallace A 1 LirriHiin. I'red (ioodfellow, who I nt plfMont Jlvimrli. Montana niudo IhU place, u Hying v Hit hint wiok. Adjutant WIImoii of the Sona of Vet- 4raiiH wiih hero Nil unlay. I le In uti en-1 thunlaHtlc worker for the order. , ..... JuiiK-ii r.. l eak ban H(dd half an cr' of land to Aimer Cox. TliU U n hmihII LrgintihiK of thoHprlug movement In riul eHtalo, OlingerA It.ino Iihvo JiHt 'crclvod a stock of timotliy, hImo mixed and wild Jiiiv. III Hell by the carload ton, or bale on ruamiuabic li inm. Mr. Moore, who came hfrn recently from KencMMW, .'h., bait gone up to Spokane l''a I In to take a look at WumIi Ington'K immt energetic elty. Captain ltlowcrx wan over from Whit Snlnioii Monday. It In ijuiti' Iirobnblo he w ill bo h Hood lilver cil . 1 1 agniu In tho iieiir future. W. 1'. Wat aon wnn tken Hick lant veek and bin hv in p turns for a while were hliuinlng, tint ptouipt tieatluent oou placed him out of danger. Flour D'm'Im mt wick, $:l.7." per bar rel. ShortH JI.10 per hundred, JflM.OO per ton. ( hop barley $).' per liun lred, f'i.iKi per ton, tit lliuma'H. Mr. Skilton of The DiiIIch Htopped otr at Hood Uiver IiimI Wediiewlnv, uml took a look up tho valley. Ho Ih i1-h1-mum of locating in thiM happy medium lielween the too wet uml too dry. Lee, Hon of John A. Wilson, out. lown a amall tree Wednesday of last rek, ami In trimming the limtm from It bo fell, Htciking tho nxo Ui IiIh leg i utiovo t tie knee, unit cutting himself Imdly. While gardens nre being made and everything; Ih fpring-Iiko lioth in town uml for milcH tip the valley, yet all ucroHM rarkhiirnt on the hill U'twii'n, the riiow Mill lies from eight inche.1 to one foot lit depth. Lnwrenco HIowcib wiih over from White Salmon ThurHilay. Ho Iiiih pur chased his father's InteiCHt in the More at that point, which no doubt imcuiih that the captain bus concluded to again cunt his fate with Hood Klvcr. nUI'll Dllllllllllll II D H LU IK Wimil IM ' lay laHt week struck tho axe into his foot, making a giwli threo inches in j Scott ltonrmnn in Bplitting wood one length and running from tho toes to tho Instep. 1 Us a bad and painful wound that will lay him up for a long time. It is a thing never before known that tho price of a btmhel of potatoes (iulbn., ahould bo greater than n bushel of wheat (10 lbs. but such seemed to bo the fact according to the last report of the lcpurlment of agriculture at Washing ton. Wc have ordered six car-loads of fruit boxes of all kinds, and have arranged for keeping a good stock constantly. Wo also have tho agency for tho Web foot fertilizers, (-'nil and nee sample fruit boxes at our new rooms under K. of I. hall. Jlooi Kivkr FnriT Co. T. C. Dallas has purchased tho build ing recently occupied by Mrs. Ho wells, lias moved it to tho east side of his lot nnd will erect another building on tho west side of it. We understand his in tention is to carry a stock of stoves and hardware, and to run a tin shop in con nection therewith. A bounty of three cents apiece Is being ollercd for gophers caught in the orchards of flonie of our enterprising fruit growfia up tho valley considerable damage was done by them, and as one gopher is capable of destroying a dor.en trees in ono season and still livo to re peat the operation the fruit growers iui well all'ord to pay for getting rid of them. Tho Union Pacific have published n very neat pictorial world's fair folder, containing colored lithograph of tho va rious exposition buildings, bird's eye view of tho grounds, with a complete map of tho city, showing location of tho fair, hotels, railway depots, street car lines and city parks. .Copy of same may be hud by addressing W. J I. liurl liurt, Assistant (ieneiul Passenger Agent, Portland .Oregon. Tin' n'K'ilnr minimi meeting of the Nloi'lilmlilt'iH of Mm (Ink (hove (Vine Icry mmmiimIiiImih will be lu ld nt. K, ! I'. Iiuil, iii'Xl Saturday nfli'iiiiKiii ,Mn ivl i I llli III ii lYlM'l ). in. I'.y order Momd of director. Monday In wImmiI fleet Ion day, ninl In IliU district llio iiiri'llii m 1 1 1 1 1 1 lie attended by erory voiir. Tin- ilintrlrt In In ildit, itiiil mil inily hIi'iiiIiI tbln hi llllld, llllt UlCI Hrlllllll llllN (.'lllWII HO Hint. It Hfi'iim unotlii'i' roniii iiuimI ln lirovld cil. Ill (iiiu' iii-tic the lux Will li'ivu In In' In ii miiiii Hiilllcli'iil. to ini'i'l llii Mc iwcriil iIciiiiiiiiIh. Mtiniilo Ollii(,'cr In iiHeiiiiillni' to eliiuh on u freight ear Wi'dtii'mlny af ternoon hIIih'i, ami eitiiihl )i!h I'imiI llllilrr tli" ear w heel. I'm lunalelv the I ('not . whm lilll half May nil tin' rail ainl j till) IU'ehHiire eallM'il it, to Mill mil wiii'iIh, ho unit l no ori wr o on y mil v hiiik- hlniKelf Dial while the Iohk of a tor nail or two 1h painful, he htill Iiiim a whole loot. A (W (nil. Ed Miller, met with an m i lilcnt WedneHiliiy night that, eame near ler inliintlng fii'ully. lie wiih working in the planer, on the night hIhII, uml ftliout 10 o'clock I hero being a Icinjior- ury HtojiiiaKe, l''.d mt on Mm nvcreoat. ! When the machinery ntai'ted ii(.;ain, lie j went to work with IiIh overcoat, a Imi (fin vhm one, on. Tint tall of the coal caii.'ht on iihcl Hcrew on the shaft of the driving w heel, ami in ahoul three hccoimIm It gathered J)d in, tearing hi.i clotheM nil' and throwing him on the main belt which carried him u hhrn t diiiUnce toward the engine room, throwing him lieud foiomoHt to the "(""'' icelved an ugly ganh In the Hialii which hied freely. Hr. I'-roMim wuNcallud and iIiohciI he wound, and n few diiya w ill all damage rejiaircd, hut it Whm a cIohu call. She I'lncx for (ireeiiN. Ciiltuit Dave, the veueralilu Indian relic of W hite Salmon, lelU u that I Hcvcral of the iih iiiIhtm o hi family j "viudiH,ohc.l. Ono of bin niMci who ' lontill (Dave Miyn) young and good j j looking, being only two yearn oMi i j il'ian he, Untilleiiiig fiom imligi rttioii, j j having nothing to dlgcM, w hile the j ! tender partner of old liave'a Iio.miiii and 1 I wealth l Hick and tiled of Ktlnion. J ! she'ln Mirfcited, Hated and gorged with! i.. , ,, - .7 , . . It, until the Hiuell of a chinook wind .,.,, h,.r mU)I1M(., ,t.llK M.x?;e,tise j ', , ' , , , ,.! of tho hpriiig run of Ib.h. A the old ; ' ladv ban had a hteitdy diet of that kind ' , , , , . . , ' ; of n1 '""tln, her Mid-; den turning agaiiiht it causes out cul-j Mum fiieud toHUspcct that bee liver i I i deranged, and the coppcr-eobuvil angel j of Death U near at hand. Wc hope! however when the tender gi'm-, audi Riieculeiit tulo roots have padded out i her digestive mill, and stopped her! backbone from cutting a hole through j her Htemum, that her good health j w hich hat followed her sporadically i i for 1111 years, may again take n linn! j grip of her vitals, and remain with her! to the end. NOUN. Near (.'benowlth, Wash., February nd, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hill, a sou. Tho baby lived but u few hours. A Winter Visitor. Arthur Dishrow, while out hunting near Sandy Flat Inst week, followed a cougar's tracks In the snow until they led him to V. L. Morse's cabin. A broken window showed where the big cat had gone to, and a further exam ination locuted it on top of Mr. Morse's bed. A well directed shot settled the trespasser. Mr. Morse was not occu pying tho house at the time, In fact told us confidentially that had hu been at home when tho cougar cmiio he would have gone out tne way the cou gar came in, if tho door hud not been more convenient. The S;clliiiir Club. The Hpelling club failed to matcralize last Monday ovenlng, but tho commit, tees will combine tho two program mes and an entertaining and intoivs- , till I 1.. fcM, 1 ' tlmo wiU bu hml Monday eve. March 4th. The school will be called to order at 7:30, aharp. Dkm.a. Watson, Secretary. Whitic Salmon, Feb. '11, istw. KniToit (jii.Aciint: IiWyear at this time Uowers had been in bloom about two weeks. May Brooks found tho jirst bowers February 20, 1S!).'J. There has been quite a num ber of yellow llowers found, and one pink was found by Fddie. Morgan. In about a week tho hills will look beauti ful, covered with pink, yellow aud pur ple llowers. Tho grading on tho White Salmon road leading from Palmer's Ferry to tho church will be about completed February 24th. Thero has been from thirteen to sixteen men on tho road this week. It lookod natural to see the steamer go past yesterday. 0 h ack Palm Tho remarkable statement is made that there aro 10,000 suicides a year in tho Austrian army. Either tlio em peror's soldiers hold their lives very cheap or there aro two ciphers too many in these figures. Tho discovery of immense fields of coal in Washington has already caused an enormous inilux of capital into that stuto and tho output next year is ex pected to bo inoro than 2.000,000 tons. There is something pitiful about a woman fighting against tho ravages of time, tho combat is so unequal. Far and away bettor is it to accept tho inevitable. "WICLCut Zc; Zt ? at run ai:mory. May Biiiis ireli li .Mm I 1 A htmi H. I. G. K. i"vl:.,?'..:.?;--5A G. A. M. E. Hm F. Be ANCIENT ORDER OF H ERCULES. r "GAINES." win iiinid' Hut m iiKiin of hm nt r. ;;. iint. I'iu'h fiiini ul llnoil lilv'r, Oregon; llnilti'il to lllli i n iiiiii'i'i Im'kIiIi'i my own. Descrlpl Ion uml Pedigree, liiilni'" tiny, i lirlil 1 1 1 1 I foot whld, nri-i liy A llle On him. No. tfswi lu n of Ji-mIii inlitin 2: L'.t J. H. H. 'J:J0; Ini Uuliiei !i:l!i; l.nlliili KiH.kli '."Jii' ;: A Hit r.lllln ' ntin-H w.Alhn Ura- limn 'i-.'Sii i find liuiii;liiK Aliimiil lili'l I imii I (iIIh i H i ily mux ninl niin of (iolil JKIri Willi Inula IIiii M) a . Mih of lli I I ill'll I A llll'illl, III ui n full lilollli'l' In tin III 1 1 UK A llll'ihl, Mill' hill' of llinnllli mill lilolii! vvIih Imlil Hm wnilil li ioii ri'riirilr H: 12 uinl I inniiy ollief i.ii'i (ly iiiiik.) j limn, Kil W 'ln-liT, Hrlnl 'iW, l.y 'J'ti'iiiuia I'. i Wiilliirn (iii' or Die (In in ill I ,y I'limo It Hon j ol .lnhii I. III. I . i 1 1 1 1 It; -, IhIiii of MllllllM It, j piicliiK fi'CKi'J ol 'iM't, mid trulliiiK ri iiiinl of j (iiiin.-s Iiiih hlmwn lilliiMi lf to lie II Kiniii juinl f.t .-.1 v roll. Ai li i year olil liml year Willi ! lour wii lc. iiiiiiii;( In' Irutli il mi cIkIiIIi in I 1 M rnnilK, 11 , M ('111 mill llhjll "VI'll rllllt liioii until thrown nut of Iniit.lnu. dllllH H' KI I VII'I! Il l' Will llll tJJ.IO (till! Wlll'l. mint U known n, l,i' In foul, or w ill lir'i il ly f.liil-li' n-rv li e or Hi iiHoii, IT pnrtiim kIiiiiiIiI no ilii-lii-. (iiioil .ji..t 1 1 1 vill he fiirnislir'l to iiiiin of imtioin nl i'.!.oo m r mouth, line nnc will l- I :i lii-n to I'K'M'iit iiri'l'lt'litx nr I'.m'iqii'H, hut Will not hr I VKliiitllthll'I'llliIlM miy oeciir. I'nr fiiitln i liiloriimtliiii eull on or uiMreM I'. !t. III TTOS, Ilnoil l'.lver, Oregon. - i:A!.l".It IN - Stoves and tin ware, kitchen fur niture, pruning tools and plumb ers goods of all kinds. Ih'l'.iirliinf linwnri' a K't'liilty. W. H. WILSON. j ATTORSEY-AT-LA IF. ItOO.MS M, AND -"',, N I" VV VlMJT IIUCK, j Tin: ii uxr.s, orrwon. Iirri'ii 4 Me.tKrKK, Attorneys-at-Law, Chap;nan Eiock, ovor Postoffice Tilt: DAI.J.KS (Utr.iiON. JUST RECEIVED. A new Htoek of Ladies' and (junta WATCHES. l"ILLi:i) ANDSILVEK cam:s, cjiains, c1iakm.s, etc. SPECIAL attention jriven to clean ing and repairing wtitcbes. J. H. FERGUSON, Hood River, - - - - Oregon. $500, ooblnw r Iiu, riilulnuMii', iiieti'tr.!! iJHUiol F. Beutty, nlniiijloii, New Jiisey. i 'J'be uii(leiijriied U'iiifj located near j Hood River, wishes to inform parties i who may be desirous of having ur iveyinn lone, that he U a practical u'rvevor of many years experience, ' and tlut work entrusted to him will be i performed with dispatch and correct - 1 lies.-. He takes pleasure in referring to (Mr. A. IS. Klowcrs, (who for years was county commissioner in Minnesota,) I and for whom be did county work as county surveyor, as to his ability, il'aities writing me at Hood will re j ceivo jirompt attention. ! O. J. Hayes. ! Dated Hood River April 6th, 1891. j JOHN H. CRADLEBAUGH. I V.TTOHNKY AT LAW, i I'raotlws In all tho oourtu of Oregon und j VVinliiiiiitoii. SiK'riul nttoiition given to con I vcyiuiclmr. 1 (J LA ' 'IER OFFICE, j HOOD RIVER OREGON Land Locator. Everv body wants land in Hood i11j T fiitiim 'oii' ti- i sirable tracts of good land on my list lor Homestead!) ami umbered claims, with running water on them. I can locate several stockmen advantageously. Do not fail to see me at Hood River Falls or address me at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon. V. Ross Win a.ns, Locator. J. I. KBNHA. Painter and Paper Hanger, and all kinds of work neatly and Cheaply Done. noon nivtii, ......... oreoon. J. M. HCSTISUTON. C. II. StCKIXSTKY li-slUJll A XtJ-UillilUU J I srccKssoa tu i. m. iirMiscrox & co. ISO Second Street - The Dalles Or. Real Estate, Loan & Insurance AGENTS. Rents collected nnd taxes paid for non rosiilsnts. f,niut paix-rsof nit kinds prepared on short notice. Abstracts of Titles a Specialty. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS. 1 DESIGN PATENTS, I COPYRtCHTS. etcJ For Information and free Hrartbook write to MUNV ,i CO., 801 IlltOADWAY, Nkw Yoiur. Oldest liuvcau for seuurlng jiatonts In Anierlca. Kvery piiteut tnkon out by us is broiiRht boforo tue jiubUo by a uoiice givuu free of charge iu tlis I'tictttific nieyiatt 1tinrest rtrculM Ion of ny sclontiflo paper In tho world. pltMHtUDy illustrated. No Intelligent lu.m should be wltlmut It, Weekly, 83.0(1 a enrt !.'( ?lx months. Address MfJNN & CO i'l DLisntus, obi iii-oadwuy, Hew York. City. J Scientific American 1" . flJCAVE ATS , ( tr-v.ii V'ir DCALCn IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, STATIONERY, GLASSVvrARI!, LAMPS, BLANK-E00K3, SCHOOL SUPPLIU BOOKS, PERIODICALS, NOTIONS, CANDIES AND TOBACCO. The Prather, Bfjildlng,Sscond a Oak Sis. PEARHOUHT & HGOB Ofli'T for sali; .VJi),i)ii) htnii'lai'l t n cm iro-nt on hi!i li r land.- without Irriga tion or irinnure. HtirlMrn s aie iiieoir'parably superior to those ttrowri on Hwali-H or watered soil -"-irii;.';ili d trees win ti plauti 'd on hi-h Mid dry noils ar liable toftunt in t:ro-,, tli aiid if t!n-y Ihc, i ! lifilJe to b; 7dfS years liefor they bear Id amount to anvthiiit;. Our I i " an-l'rc'ttci;t ly i':i bearing tb "ini year from wttinj on!. ill .-(-iid -i-t-i : to fiih-taitti.-ite tb'n astrtlon. Ajtjifff. J'f'irx, I'i i''iry.t I'finii y, I'lu.iiK, ( V. 'v'--', ifiiln'-'H find Afirirot, Huiiill fruits in variety, ornamental treen and hhrui, and 1') varieties (out of JtJtl tttM) of row. Spi riiiliii ?, J'ri'ii'n. S;Veral varie! ie- of J'i i( J'caf.h'i and L'arf.i Tir.nn lUt-Uit rrUn. SH-eial i i h I u f r j i : 1 1 s to tho planting in lots of 100 to loot). Correspondence invited. Addn -s, I'I I.K'IN'OTOX h CO. No. 2 I)ekum Iiuilditifc', X. V. Cornei- t and Wa-bint't-:!; St.- Portland, Or. oi; V J'l I.KiMi TON, Hood Klvcr, Or. i THE DALLES MEEOAiraiLS CO. m:alki:s in Hay. Grain In carload lot1?, or retail at th very bwest market rates delivpr ed anywhere in the city or at the depot free of charge. Mailorders solicited and promptly filled. M). :Y.)1 UMl SKCOM) STREET. LT.8 IH DEALER IN GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Gonfecti ouGry and Cigars. (Joods gold at the lowest po.-sinle cash price. One prico to everybody. FIRST. AND OAK STKEKTS - - - - HOOD RIVER ORF.GON. II ; . ! mhk xkw town Iid ivn pintttvl on the I j JL old unp Krimmi, at tlio i-'m-ks am! ijiiis! of Iliioii rPvi-. with l:;i'L.'i' Hirlitl.v im-. broad stivcts and alleys, uood nil, j . ! s cold watiTiind shade in inin'. -:e.ii, e:'-; 1'i.K't ilrainime, licliu'iitUil iimuiiiitiM di-, mate, tin- ei-ntral a'traetiun as a in.Mintain summer resnrt aud for all ; lrenii. heiuu the lienrest t'lusi to;,d. It is also ur.iaraji.-!e.l as a niaintlai'turiiii.' e.-n!er. ht-iii'.' j the natural eenter l'..r l.V.l sq'.iiM'i' ' miles of the l.e.-t eedar atnl lir j PJlIMrtEK, l'lissessiii:; millions ol ln.vse vvx- Jt or In its dasliiair stream anil waier I ..! i ilislly Iiariiepsed. Where eheai jiower exists, there the niiAo-tisri. s ; will center, stirriiundfd hy soil and e:i-! mule that cannot he excelled anywhere for fruit and it-rienlmre. and with ti'misiuirlitt i.m si ! -:i . - assured Yon will mid tins tne place to jiert'ect home or i ay.n;;' laveol- i ment. TITLE PERFECT. See me c n the ground, or adress me at Hcod i RlVei, WaSCC CO., Ol W. E WINANS. A. S. BENNETT. a ttolxi:y-a t-la ir. OPFIf'K IN SII.VNNO S lU'll.lUN; COI'.NKH OKOOI"KTAN1 SiKCONl) STliKET, Tho Dalles, t nvsoii. iBeatty's Organs t'S I AV rite for catalogue. Addivs Daniel V. lie; Are the ST. atty Washington, New Jersey ON SALE TO XjXj PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, i NORTH and SOUTH EAST HOUND FROM HOOD KIVER No. 8, Express leares at No. a, Mail ll:Sl A. 10-.H i'. W EST BOUSD FKOM ItOOD BTVKlt. BXo. 7, Express leaves at 5M V. M. No. 1, Mail " -t:l A. M- TI1HOGII SLKEPE15S UECLIXIXG C'ilAIU OAHS AXD PINKUS. Steamers from Fortland to San Francisco, every 4 days. Finlrotrj tn nnrl Thmr m lUU 11UIU XJUio For rates nnd general information call on PKI'OT TICKET ACKNT. Y. H. trr UldUUiT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. 2.'d Washidntoii St., Portland Oregon. si M, J "7 T T " rr 0 i M h mi n n i.i m m m i li AIL 1 u ji-'iiuii a liiiniu i r l COW M ISSION K ERCH ANTS A fZ n tr. era! ii Gommlsslofl Business, ..... .. In a!' kinGSOi" frUit and prOdUC8, ' K00i) RIV23 CKEGOif. , . . , T. I BHBBSON. : j .till Around Painter. l i i-"t j !Vj t J! f iuir PAPER HANGING AUD DECORATING. I'rk'c.s rcasonalilo end iiatisfactinn guaraa teed. HOOD RIVER, - - - OREGON. I.STKAY. A 2-year-old red heifer. No brands or ear-mark. H. 1'iuuuii ESTilAY. Two red 2-year-old steers, branded TL., conneele'd, m the hip; very iarite for their ae. Any one finding them will be rewarded for feeding tin ni und notil'vin me. O. B. IIahtlky. TUCKER, rPuFlllKTOB OF 3031) HM HILLS. LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. MANUFACTURER OF FRUIT BOXES HOOD RIVER, OR. also in; A K 11 IX DRY GOODS, STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES; PERFUMERY ETC. Terms Strictly Cash, AND AT Prices never before beard of in Hood! River. V ' i