The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 04, 1893, Image 2

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    jyfood Jivcr Slccicr.
II0'i? ULVT'n' MA1Ulf' ' X'Xu
rrr r -. .: ": "" - -
FIXAXVH , .77;r.V.
, . . ,
1 U VIU I II 'I 'M't"1l . I'V it llli.lln .VI ,
or to understand the titles and current
that eaune the ebb and llow of gold.
A country newspaper limn can deal
with this Mthject on tin. 01 v !iK r.o, mul
theories "fl no fjuin, or vtuely woven,
are In general failure when put in
practice; and, from some plainly visi
Itle defect, afWr it has tieon brought to
I llftht by experience. 1 here isone prop
osition, however, that Mrikis us as
having considerable moat in it. ottotii;li
at loaat to make a jthhI financial sand
wieh. The ailver iiietion has reached
a point where its solution is neet ssary.
3t must tie settled one way or I he other.
JCow, the aiuour.t of money, pUl, sil
ver, and pajvr, in circulation in the
United Slates at this time i estimated
at about fl,t!0O,iHH,iXH). The amount of
money raised bv the poverrment, in
the ahape of duties, and internal rev-;
A ! . ..1.... ilul . uiil ......
e..u i.Ne.- ..,..,.uv , ,,,i.,,., ,e.,.,,.
....... ................... ....... .t.i
ouppostr Me.uuuiiv ,'.,.
to away with gold, silver and national ;
bank notes, and should issue groen-
tiacks, or its own pronti-e to pay,
making tin in legal tender for all debts
i .1.. . . e ... .I...!.. . . .
uue uto tan i miteiii nu etc.
Xow the government would take them ,
all up, In the eourse of its LusL
l.ess every three years. Would
. .u:.. r. l l ... i l .1. .
roi una met, niuot-, iiuui uic
greenback at par, not only in this conn- i
try hut all over the world? It is a "
atartling proposition, hut it is true just
the same, that the government, would j
take up every dollar of money in three
ears. At the same time it conveys an
idea of the fastness of the country that
can redeem Ju the shape of ta::es due it !
a million and a half dollars ir day. j
And yet, unless one goes to computing,
thenteaning of the term Sl.tkxi.iKXi is
not grasped. Let us see: If John the
Baptist had gone to work at the time i
lie commenced to preach in the wilder-j
ness. at two dollars per day, and had j
neunersirucK nor lo.r a iay. ana .tan j
been boarded for nothing, he would I
lave f( 0 vears to work vet before he
Mosfs, when taken frr-m the rushes of j ,urg(J UIllU,r of promintnt gentlemen
the Nile, had been bound out at nne,frolu The Halles. These gcutle.aen
dollar per day and board, he would setmoj to think tbut Uu, Ca scailecollI1.
BtiU have a few hundred years to labor.
It would take the common day laltorer
U500 years to earn this amount, and the
average country editor wlto pens
learned dissertations on financial ques
tions, to earn the same amount would
require a geological period.
A Bad Case.
Hood River has a case calling for!
condemnation and pitr. The former
for a weak man, the latter for an in
jured woman. The Rev. Dolus How
ells is the man, his wife the woman.
"We knew of the matter rive weeks ago,
but refrained from giving it publicity,
but since It has become common prop
erty we append a brief review of the
matter, to put it in its proper light.
The etory Mr. Howells tells is this: H
left a wife and family in Nebraska in j
J386 and went to California. " There he
beard that his w ife had secured a di
vorce from him. Believing this story,
he proposed marriage to the lady who
had passed for his wife here, and was
married to her at Cottonwood, Cal., in
1887. Last fall, while in Ferndale,
Washington, he met an old neighbor
from Nebraska, and througli hi3 fam
ily writing to Mr. Howells' folks in
Nebraska, he learned that his informa
tion concerning his wife having been
divorced from him was false, and that
in fact no divorce had been procured.
In January of this year he first stated
the subject to the woman be had so
deeply wronged. To her it was as if a
thunder-holt had fallen, but she brave
ly did what duty required of her, sep
arating from the man she had called
husband. As we have said this is his
Ftorj- and his alone, and whether true
or not, it is sadly so, in the one partic
ular that Mr. Howells had a wife Jiv
ing whose rights wre prior to those of
the brave little woman here who was
no honestly and earnestly assisting him
in building up a home. To her he had
always represented that his first wife
was dead, and the statement that she
was not only alive, but still the letral
wife of Mr. Howells, was the first indi
cation Mr. Howells had that the oft
repeated death-bed scene invented by
him was false. It is a blow to her
from which she will never recover, and
yet no shadow of blame can attach to
her in the matter. Mrs. Howells has
both the sympathy and respect of all
those who know her. Mr. Howells
will probably not be seen again here,
and his sphere of usefulness in the
pulpit, hi'.s become suddenly very much
circumscribed. Since the woman he
has so deeply wronged can find words
of palliation for his conduct, we refrain
from expressing an opinion, that would
certainly not be flattering to the sub
ject of tills article.
Attention, I) Company.
Members of I) company will asi?m
Me at the Armory Saturday, March
11th, promptly at 7 o'clock p.m., for
drill and other business, Each mem
ber is required to have any slate prop
erty In hi possession at the armory at
.that time. By order
A. Wixan.i,
, Captain commanding D Co.
.irt.r thp r.iitiio.
that the unoke of battle
j drifted away from the Held here Ctts-1
i e.i.te county Ml, it may U proper for i
;tli undersigned to otter nouio ilaln ,
. flUm relating to Ihe matter. )
! From tho thno inv nam was men-
tioued n.s a eaudidato for tho legisla
ture I have strietly and fearlessly main
tained that if the people of any pol l ion
of Wasco county tlisi.ed to bo set otl'a
a new couut.v, it is certainly no eriuie
for them to p tit ion the leg slature.
1 IVl'used to bo coiisideivd as a eaudi
dato runnii!;; fcr tho purpose of eutlirj;
oil' Cascade eountv. 1 accented the
noniiliation esneeti'iiL' if eloete.l. to do
my duty as n representative of Waseo
county. The eopl within tho limits
of tliu proposed t'asoadj county uer
exacted any pledges trout me. .Neither
did the i-coi.lo in iinv oilier notlio.i of!
WaiK'o county. 1 told all alike that if ;
t - a I ,
any portion of the county petitioned to
bo set oil", I would con-ider it tho duty
of a representative ,' to M.repivsoitt
those people, but to rtspi ct their "riht
1 uf In 1 ll Snii" iiii.t ei tllut thi'V li:ivi n
f . h . ,f , u ;
tt I
ull,, u is llori,lt . ..sition, :
1 ;
. . . . . . .
1 I
, .c ......... ...
After 1 hail taken in v seat in
; legislature 1 learned that a large part
ioftheiH'oplo within thepropodCas -
u'nilo e.itintv were netitioninir a secomi
.,.,.,, ..,,,,,..,,., ..iin. I
, iIln , ,. , ... , 1.,,1,irilil,ir,,. 1....,,,
t,uowl a ul, to creati. Cascade count v.
l m , ,,t , u 1 1 ,k, nu,
,!, tan ..i... , . -i I ,ti,i
trouuee this bill "by mpicst."
not w ish to be classed with those who
introduce bills "by reipiest'1 only to
kiil them by moving to "ludeliuitely
postpone," or, more cowardly still,
either get some one else to act as execu
tioner or else see to it that they are
"smothered" in the committee. This
is the fate of county bills introduced
"by request."
Three hundred and seventy-one
voters petitioned for the new county.
A very small portion of these were res-
illenu of lne town ,,f uood paver. It
W)IS tuerel-ore unforliiiuto for the in -
u,TeH,s of .w.titioners that the onlv
H:nona goillit lK.fore committec' on :
(Jt.jj;iif 0f the"new count v were residents
of the town of Hood Kiver. Uu the
part of t lie opposition there it oneareil a
t3' people didn't know what they want-
ed nearly so well as did the people of
The Dalles; that there was a nice
smooth road "over the mountains,"
and that it would be u "w hole lot"
better if Hood River would contiuuo to
help keep up The Dalles and its offices
rather than to secure similar advan -
tages for Hood River and Cascade
county. The committee was also hon
ored by the presence of a gentleman
from Dufur, who said that Tygh coun-
ty was the county of his choice. The . passable for a norselmcker.
bill to create Tygh county was Intro-: The Climax literary society met at
dueed "by request." The light of this '. the Odell school hoti.-o la.-t Tuesday
gentleman's testimo-iy shone out Hick-1 evening and discussed the credit sys
eringly, but despite the lliekering, cast : tern question; the negative side, uinlcr
this shadow before it: 'Whereas, the;
making of new counties out of Waseo
would be detrimental to the interests
of Wasco county ciliou seekers who pre
fer fat olllees to lean ones; therefore he i
it resolved by the Tygh county man, '
sundry politicians concurring, that as i
long as Cascade county wants to get;
off, just so long does Tygh county want j
to get off, and no lonrer. ,
After about two weeks the commit-
te concluded to make an adverse re-;
port. As a strong remonstrance was
said to be coming from the people on
the eastern side of the proposed new
county, a amendment was proposed
changing the line so as to not include
those on that side. This proposition
was examined by the committee; this
timo ail being present. Both repre
sentatives were also present and were
heard. The amendment was read and
the new line traced on the map in the
presence of both representatives. The
committee then reported favorably on
the bill with the amendment.
When the bill came up in the house
the opposing representative made a
bitter and unprovoked charge that de
ception and trickery had been cm
ployed, that he had not been permitted
to see the amendment, that he did not
know what it contained, etc., and posed
as a very large lump of injured inno
cence. He tried to have the bill re
ferred to the engrossing committee!
for what purpose he no doubt knew.
Another member succeeded in getting
it referred to the delegation from Wasco
and Sherman. I got the bill from the
chief clerk, took it to my desk, laid it
down and asked my colleague if we
could agree on any report. I told him
I would report it back myself and that
he could make a report or not, as he
pleased. For this report I was de
nounced severely, as he considered that
he was entitled to got possession of that
bill as chairman of the delegation!
Tho parliamentarians smiled at this
claim of chairmanship of the delega
tion, or his superior right to get hold of
that bill. It was reported back
promptly. Tho whole thing was de
clared to be simply a Hood River boom
and 1 was denounced as a trickster by
tho man who very much desired to get
hold of the bill. Notwithstanding my
denial of being a party interested in
booming the town of Hood River; not
withstanding my plea that the demand
for the county was widespread and well
nigh unanimous, the mud-slinging tac
tics prevailed and the bill was indefi
nitely postponed. T. R. Coo.N.
The tax roll if the eoiinty was hen'
in powi'.shiou of the sheiiiV two (lav
this week, bill loiijt enough for lina-l of
us to diseoxer that elir taxes Were w ,
up j oiuler. Mueh wild land here Is
taxed at double the rale Improved lai d
is assessed at in tho balance of t!n
county. Nunc of il is piitig nl j-'.M per
aeie. i t seems that I loo, I lliver land
are ot little value from a Pallia stand
point w hen eomily li i-;on s (ho sub
Joel di-eii-.-ed, but tor taxation purpos
es, they are laicd no! at what they tut'
Worth now, but the values lite future
may po them w hi n "clear, d and
fenced. '1 he tax on this little mule-
1 l'ovm" l'1''1"1 J:
w iili a couple of il
lume lots attached ainotitus to !i-.;i.lo,
u hich amount, i- larger than the 1 h-it,
ll. N. Chandler, was wilhii;: to adiuit
"" )':IM " uu xx""u ''"
"'O'- However that distinguished
law-and-laet maker i;ot awav w ith the
pudding and hence we lit! our editorial
cap to hint and expiens at the same
lime, our most ili.-tiu;:uislied consider
ation for his tact and talent.
'ittirii'iii Ki:itrc!i!'i'
The 1'. P., church at this place w ill
hold its It It and la-' confereiiee m'-vhii
for this vcar on Saltiidav, and Sundtiv.
I :.w i : i..i t'...,... .. an a, 1 1,, , ...
... . ...'iiu.ii.'.,-..- , it. 'i. ii i, ii.i.i . ,. -
nitiv' and tomorrow at II. a. in.
! Tho lus-lW!i Mioll wiU (. lu,M nf.
: . , . , Sl,,v-,,, (), loIli .i...
Mail'.ii II, ml lien-.
KlHTOK til.Al il l::
Items are scarce tts "lien's teeth"
allow Us to give what we have,
have had w inter w ith a venganoo
snow falling a depth of i,as near tts
can juilce1' live fevt.
Mr. Fre.l tJo'diellow made a living
trip from Montana w here he has i ectt
most of the time sineo leaving here lat
John 11. rrcilenhiii'jr, left for
A-toi ia
on the -L'lid, to prepare for thr tlshing
I Wo understand that Iced is gettimr
; scarce, and if ft inter euntinties, ilie-r
s,U)l t ,)f rt-'Cl1 vvilt l,,,ve 'i-t !
' on themselves to get their stoc!
! through. .Mote in the future.
lloii.; Kiwi Ilrin..
March Li, Is:.:.
Miss Liuora Hcnrichs ieturin.d home
last week.
Miss Ida Straight is expected home
Rev. J-;ii Nnreross is expected hack
among us in the course of a few week.1,.
j The "hugging bee" and "drunken
carousal" at Tucker's hall last week
j was a grand success,
; Mr. C. 10. Copple is expected home
the 4th, having llni.-hed the course in
' the Tortland lhi-imss College.
If the road supervisor of the west side
. will just let the water have full sway
oil the hills between Hibbard's and
Tucker's mill, ere lmig it will bo im-
tho gallant leadership of Mr. Wood?,
coming out ahead.
The Knst Hood River Society of
Christian Endeavor is .tow in a nour
ishing condition, most all of the young
people taking an uetive part.
Our school closes Monday, Miss Ilal-
stead having taught about six months,
Wo understand there will lo literary
exercises in the morning, and after din-
j tier tho young people will amuse them -
selves ia any wuy they see fit.
The Acme literary society met at the
j l'ine Grove .school house last Tuesday j
( evening and had tt very interesting j
meeting. One of the mcmbcis will be j
tried before a jury next evening fur;
breaking one of the rules of the society, i
R. A. Copple was chosen for the pros-j
ecuting attorney and Mr. Hawks for j J'.trcic Kvt:. I
Haniiii will sell you goods at former
1" "i i;" . ' I"'1 ei.-iii. tiiM-ount,,
but remember lie will not put it on the
slate, as the slate has beer, broken.
i, 1 . . . , ., ... , -
Having tried the credit system for
two years, and riot being able to adjust,
my prices ko as to give cash customers
, .. .. i .
the benelit of cash prices, I have con
cluded to sell tor cash only, with no 1
per cent, discount to all. " . i
Wo often hear our customers ask, j
"Why can't our merchants sell as cheap
as they do at The UallesV" I will tell
you why. When you go to The iJ.illes
you pay cash for your goods and get
the benefit of your cash. 1 will do the
amebyyou. J. V). Ha nx a.
. , ..
IrOIit ty It.
nrnnrinf.ira if ( l,a
f)lo)iii.ii-irt vl Ittu
Read This and
Olinger and Rone,
Big Red Rarn, in addition to their liv
ery and stage business, are handling
grain, chop-teed and liay. 1 hey are
also agents for the KnappjSum-lf & Co.
machineiy. Rain wagons, hacks, bug
gies, windmills and pumps, Oliver
Chill and 8teel plows; garden cultiva
tors, plows and harrows; and will sell
their Alt. Hood coaches, hacks and bug
gies, now in use, in order to oon in
the spring with an entire new outfit.
Call and price their goods.
Land Office at Vancouver wash, Feb. 20, ISM.
Notice Ik hereby given that Hie followlnc
nnmed settler has filed notice of his intention
to make, final iroofia support, of his claim,
and thai said proof will he made before W.
K. Jtuntiar, (joinmissioiier V. S. (Jirruit, Omi t
fur District of waslilngton ut (joidondale
Washington on April 10th nu:!, viz:
.lolin It. Hensel.
Ilonicstead ftpjjii.'jtt ion jVo. 7fiV for t!ie s -.;
of k w ii s w of s J;, and n e 14 of s w see
lu'J'p 4 11 r 12 east w in.
tic naiiip.i the foll'nvinu witnesses to prove,
his conlittuoiDt iiii;eiii:e upon and enltivR
tion ol, miid hurl viz: l.eroy Forsyth, Joseph
0. ISiiva, .liitncK Fitz. Jnlin A. ( iilliain, till of
1. j le I'. O. Washinnton.
fli2.'iinrii::l John il. (leoj;lii.'Sail, Hrj;iKtrr.
WIM lmilnMI'i" -pi Inn s'iihiii of lc"', i"t eon-
ihii'i'Ii! elm'.- I In .'Unbuilt tin' Milio ioi.I
W lilt.' 1 1 1 u i t W ii-dniii'lan. Tlini' mid plan'
mibuvt to fiiltnv npiialiilnii'iils.
ievcri;diaii ami I'ediieis
"Ml.lnlithl Isu I'uiil lilm'K PiohI'Ii lon'mn. ii :
v. i'i i olil, I-IuuimI; wrli'.hi I nil f itiuiiitn: iu l !
i M.:in s IliOiilili'lniilnit; ilion, n l u'irl'-J
I'.illiim 111 :l I '. 'NH.Ilili'ill" I l II vii.t 1 1 1 x M I I
HiMi.'.l In ii lupi'v ilrlvi i' mul until' ii Imt
lir . a 'it'i i' it' !.u 'i I
"Vi'iit'i-lif ' " i ,rc i.m will In' fl'l for iliiitK' I
. i v I.-.', i.M' ;it I urn- of M'rvl.v, or t.t f. r I lu'
hi. IV
Imi.'.IMi; l' lni;
lo iMlrh, i'. m !iv,
IIMoerll I : i rinnl
iO MM l n'i
.1 In- III..
nl, I in.ii Tallin
!;. ! I'V It:.- (,.
i n to el
'.ll.ll I i, I VI I,
f or iniiii nit,; liu
I'lllU'.lotl 1 i ' I t V to,
A. I . I'm i I-',
M;.nii '.i-r.
I i: im i I'liui niii.'i .
',', ,. .1;
Hill M'I'I'
in Hi
i: '.'i.'u!i ,ii al 'ii' -i iv
nun, o
Il e.i'l
I III' -l H Hi I' il v o! hoi i I' It IK' III
I'll .' o 10 lo ' lull, - all hoii", In
I'Hl In ii -t: 1 1. ,1 limit tli-i i , li
anil ol I St.. 1 ii Ii air mul. a' In i
I i l,niU lil' li. tei'- la tu- ml
il t.i.l ' i . ri . iiie i t a.i i ilnnt , mill il.
1 . mil
i hill
M' or
i not 1. 1 nu'
i i ii 1 1 n r I ,'c ii- mi i a 1 1 -1 f ' j 1 1 1 1 1 u' i. to", a
". r. ', I. at ,'. i a , ill a I' l.i t ho I ill. Nun
a ( -i ...: .i 1 .1.'
a i .-I . air la
ii I,. I lor Hie ilKi'.v.llloii
.-I, il llotllni; smUlous,
'I till-
r s.:!
n-,i 1,'i'ini Him.--. Tla -i' In t .
i .,.1o:mM Mitisluti, i', n.-i M-. lt ih
I oli'iT 'o 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 l . .;lll III I III' !
II' !i , 'a i tan... - tin- an. a all y Inr- I
Illll-I I o ,'.
II. o '.Mill. II.
I looe.v, 1".
,1-1 ma' I ,
i .,-;' t
a .'ii a ' a all I'f.i; mul ,
la '.',' ol tuoiliMlla Klfii ,
!oaah!i lo pul loin lo lli. j
IlOll I I f OU . I 111!
itia i I ', no! ia 'oo
I'.onf'.i i-ai '.-a'e, a- Im loo!, m
la ! . ,1 lo il, ami I his mi Kir: lh
tn; I ; la' M alll i l I '. Iiliu t"
: :,!c M il. It lit
Itiuaii I'atinol
1 1 I j r sti. ni;
nit, I I'oiii'rtul as la' l.loi.-i itloii'. A 1,-w i
lior.-i'-. I" Itiiiiils ti.ijli. If III lino slli', ioi.I of!
lit'.al-i,l n.-l'iill. iwiuhl I'lll.i.' a -. l ill ll'-.-llt-ri
I li-r; ill l.u'l, iil'or.t its tni'a lt luoii.'V im llirlr
i-.oi:,. i-in;l,l ii'.isonal ly nU for thrill.
Tl' -i. Is to lis!, in I in laiur: on ma Hi of n', Hit r
of I ho nl,i r c!a-. ; ai',1 Ir ; to rati Hi"
al im! ma of our hot v, in, mi ,ai : a-ti'. u ly to
t in-1 f ,io,! i a : Ion, no! i n I y for tlir t .i iO , !i it
fir a I." Sin lie I :i'ir.
. ,
w i; V
Ul' r
; l'. al',.' . W avian
ni: i rvs liAMiN u outas.
1 b it. IVaniel 1-'. I'malty, the gnvit I r
r:tti ;ilnl l'lali" mauilfael lli ef, H lillild
ing and sliippi'i;. iimre Organs mid
I'latio- t halt ever. In l-ToMr. lieally
telt Item,' a pi i'.niii ttinw nov, ami nv
. In-'iiii'ai'ie
W'.lV tip 'l V- to :
I of 'll. ;,tiy's -.
j IsTii. Sothi::':
I; 1 . li ; ii! i-! ai'ie-
i w nt;!il havt w I e
i I'ui'evt r, ho t urn-
W ill lie ha- w ol koil lu
ll -o far nearly lnimKH
i i - and Pianos mihv
-iilii.-i to d;-hearleli
i I in bis way, I hat
,e. any i it . I i n :n ni.,!i
to an ads vn i-einen t
ati'l en.'ne-i ut uf it lii iL'ltli r in ever,
i His in.-trur.ieiiis, ns is well kiiuwr, are
: erv iioi'illar and are to he found in all
: part of I he world. We arc ilifoniie
i that duriiisr the next tell Veal-" lie in
lends Ki -ell IKI.tK'il ilitife of hi Inak
!that means a liii-iin--.- of Tiii.tiiiu.niio, il
weaveraoe Ih. lil at --! caeii. It ii
already the lar:;e-t liti.-iiie-s uf the kind
i in exi-h iiee. Send to 1 lanicl 1''. I'.. al ty,
, Wa.-hiur;tou, Nt'iv Jei-ey, for eata-
. l.i.;tle.
! .wnci: roii rcui.icATioN.
! i TimliiT I. .'.11 I. . t .1 11 111' M, I -V-. j
1 t'llltr: Mil!.". 1. 1111,1 I !l !.',
; Tin' liiilirs I n.v.mi In -.'.', l-t-i!.
! Notlrr li 'ii-liy iiivin llial ill r.,in'lian
I 11 ll tlir In 0VIM1 ill- n: till- lo t nt I nil'.;!
.1 il no I.-,.-., i n; .1 a il "An a. i I' r Dm .-..ilrof;
llli-ioia' Ian. I ' III UK' SlaO ". ol' ( lOilol nia, I Ho-I
m. No-, a la mai a .liiii': Ion Ten i t"r ," l av
ian la rlu-., ol l1o.ul I. im a, I olllily nt Wa -i o ;
s ; i-1 ii I ii . v at, lia" t iii i ta.-. Iilni hi '. hi - o,:a .
1, ;- m ,i on i Ma ! on 1 1 ait, .So, lor I Im u roll a i of
t .io n -,i ' , n i.-1 ,, n'.; n w i mul s 1 , n i '4 -a r Si
I ovii-io t, o. Ja ml 1 1 1 I'a.i.,'- a o. a i .. w. .'I. m a I I
van nia r i .ronl lo -1 1 i -a in.n Im- laml wmuhl is
ii lore a.ii aiilr lor us I linlr or - ion,- t In. ci I- r- i
u .in nil ma I juui i i-i -. ami lo c-liMMi Im
riallil lo'l imi'l lil'iulr liir lii'l-l.-r mul l!o-rrivi-f
ol llils ollm.. lit The I'allrs (H'.oll,
on l- ridav liir Jl; a ilay of Muivli l-,a I.
I ' na air ; :H u ilnrssiM: I-'ranl; pav.
A lux. null'!- Kan!; in, John I 'iirtriiiiiii, t
iai i.'H
il'-ll, nil of IJooil Kier I'lv-on.
Any an. I nil prr-ons rlalinlin; m Ivr'-Nrlv the
llb'il'i! ilrsi-riln ii 11 ll.l s mr l'i i('ir-it", Im lit.
I hrir i-l a i .ns iii I ill - oiiirr on oi iirn.rr sai'l 'Jllti
day ol Miirrh, b:i.i. ini'liii John W. I.ew Ih, Ki'Kimr.
; Ili-I-etltm Sale at Mr:;. ('. J. Hun! Vi.
j S-reeping reduction of ladies' hats for
cash until March 1.1th.
i-lOU huts for fl.00
8.; , 1.50
I -iidies' wo solicit patronage.
a !ji:.mstkatoj:.s notih:.
Notice I.? lirrrhy tivrn that thn tiiidirsicni al
tim- liven (JUly :i).lllilll HlllllllllMl-lltor of
the enlnlein" K. I'", ( of, din i nt-' i!, hy Urn Hon.
County I'uiii t of thn Miitf-o: Or l-oh fur W'iih-
,.ii'"" .nu,, ,,,1,11,11,1 II..H, ii, in
, ; ei-Min-i h-tvltii? rlaiins leiiiliiht in Id i-Alati' urn
I Hi'Turon, iimchy iot iiie.i i,. pr-vi-nt itmir
' ';!"iiis duly v.-r,i!.,.i to tl,- umi.-irai,..,...! ul
' toioil lli-.i'i-, On -.'on, wiililn i-lx inoiiiaiH Irom
, t ,i,uo her. of, an.) any claim not inrsrntnl
-within that fin wiil he i-oMponni mull nil
: ';U'M t"""tet within that tun.- me fully
iiimil River, Oregon, Feb.,
lllli iwci.
II. f, ('nr..
AO m inlsi i nt nr.
Tinihrr I.unct, Art Juno ii, 1H7H.
IJiilteJ Htate-i I.nnd Ofllrn,
Vuneoiivor, Wash., Jan., HI, 18IKJ.
Notice Ih tierrhy (,'iven that in onmpllaneu
v.'iJhtJie jit'ovisiojiM of t he act, of ( Ninres.H of
Juiie.'t, IsTS, cut It Oat "All art, lor IlieHiUe nt
stone hinds in tin; Ktutes ol'l.'nliforniu, (Ire-
':,.i!VU'l.t, anil wasi'iiiiloii Tei-riloi'y,
I William lira no, of ( 'heuwil li, eonnl v of K lieit-
jinn, bIiiI-j of h-ukIi., has this ihiy llleil in
i tl) Ik oioe-j hit. svvoi ll Blatellllllit No I'm.';, lor tho
,.,lrf.ill.SHf,i.e ,,,H ;-... I I of Neelion no :;l in
township No .1 noi-lh.ranjje no. ll oust, w m mid
! will offer proof to nhowttnit the land wmuht ih
tnoio valnuhiu for lis Ktone than for
fifrirnltiinil tnirposes, anil lo eslnlilislt hin
claim to said hind hefore Ihe Itet-iKler and Ki
eelver of tliis ollire at Vaneouver, wash., on
Wednesday Ihe i;:li day of April IKWI.
He limne.s as vll,nes-.s: Amos I'nderwwd,
I'.ihvanl I'ln'erwood, of Hood Kher I iirniin,
Holiert Carr, of ( 'iiKeades wash., Cliurles
.Mycin, of (;iifniiwitli, wnsli.
Any and all perKons claimln-.' adversely the
nhovu tlcKcrihcd lunds are re(iiCNled to llle
i nrir claims in i inn oiiiee on or neiore Ham n
day of April,l-'!W.
jnn-Miild .loim I). (ii'.oi;iii:i;AN. KeKlater'
notici: von rurli cation.
Land oll'ieoat Vnncoiiver wash. Fell. IW.
Notice is hrrchy nivi-n that the followliif
nnnied seltlcr hah liled notice of liin intenlioii
to make Muni proof in support of hia claim,
and I lint said jiriiol' wilt be imide before Hip
I'.emst.-r and l!cecivri' t'. S. Land Olliee ut
Vancotivrr wasii., on April lis!l,t, viz:
( limn JI. I'!arson.
1). S. No. 2il 1 for Iiie e '. s e yt ami k y. n e )i
seel ion S '1 p li 11 r 11) e w in'.
tie nanie.i the following witnesses to prove
his cont iiuiotis residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said laml viz: IVter Slolier, Sr., Sam
uel stoller. ol'Vanronver wasli., l'elerS.-hiiiid,
Itaniel V. Kii.'ui, ol "I'roiil Lake wash,
nirhliipls Jons ii. (ii;o;n :.n.s, I'.clster.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
A l.trro wipply of,
w mmtm wtm wiu -4
Ci'lobrutrtl lit)tiitl
rt'eparcd to i' at on
but ', a line
I it'll t and
Corner of Sooond
Acorn and Charter Oak
Slovc.t and IJanjros.
(hut-, Aiiinninltimt ami Nirl!inr fi'iml-i,
Iron, Coal,
Jtlaeksrutlh !-;upplie,
Waf onmakvr's Mntmlnl,
Pswr 11p,
l'umpi and rp'iw,
1'himbliig Supplies.
fAn arw try
That tliirtv i
tys t :i- li'inr ie we
t our patroiii In
o ',,' f
"I 1
IC Mi.. W ...C4
yours foh mood nivcf,
and Boers, Mculdings,
Brackets nil wood Tonlm
Limo. Plater and Lath Ccil-
ing, Hiistic and Flooring.
OS MlultTKST NOTif 'l.-,.
fl. ti. H l'!l. N A II A ,
Cox & Bislioo-
Have on hand a full supply of I-'ruit, Shade and Ornamental tree; (rap
vines, small fruits, Roses and Shrubbery.
Re sure to get our prices, before purchasing elsewhere.
Remember our trees are grown strictly without irrigation.
W. A. Blinoehi.amd, Local Agent.
Choicest Meats, Ham,
lard, Game,
Poultry, Also Dealers in
Corner of Oal; and Fourth Streets, .... 1 1 1 River, Creon.
ami I'.ifltniri '' lo
' I
colors and tlntod loads.
o etii;ln.,,
alto u eln'iip HI'SiU
TINTARE, Etc, Flo.
ami Foiloral Glrools.
Hint I itrrlM
t'otnpnnj.! .'.(rrldiltnrsl IapUaia
isuil fiarldasry.
At il : NT M I t tit
HI, M k Ste
cmii tit-dli c"'"!''. and would respectfully
govern iltem-ii'lves accordingly.
uti hi -.-j la mm
- Aim! a Coniplolo Lhio of
Goods, Sash
nd Builders.
. - - - OREGON.
nisi f jp mm amm iup nj frntrn
biLi mmrnmkmaltmmi sCwia