The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 04, 1893, Image 1

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    4, ; H'?'-
Biver Glacier
noon rivku, orkuon, Saturday, march i, m.
NO. 40.
3food Iivcr S lacier.
rrin.itiiKii kvkiiy satiuuut MmiNitu ht
mi iis Kirno.N iMtii Ki
Our imr ...ffl w
H i lili.Mllll I IX
1 Int.' .. , K
hiiulii I C.tnt'
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr,
Sni'iiml St., iiiiii (t.ili. . . HmoiI Kivrr, Or
Sim ing mill II, iii cutting niiitly ilium.
Siilinfiictiuli I imiuiituiil,
The Mining Fever Nivalis Out at
MaHnrd, Orison.
Mine Owners f Northern Main Threaten
to Close Down on Account of
il'sh Freight Rates.
A burglar in one fiitit at Plumlx, A.
T., entered four ollices. a bank Hinl a
st ib'e, iiml was raptured tho folbw
ing morning.
Petitions are now being circulated in
all the liil)or centers in Montana for the
enactment ol a bill, an important section
of w.iich in as follows : " 1'hnt it will be
uuluwlul for any officer ol the State of
Montana or uriy ollicer of any town or
citv thereof to issue a license to engage,
in any kiml of Iiiihiiiwkh within thin Slate
to any person or persons not citizens or
not havn.g declared their intentions to
liecome. citizens of tho Unileil States."
Thisis a sweeping blow at the Chinese
an I will, if it becomes a law, shut np
every store, restanrant ami laundry run
hy Chinese, in the State.
I ho mining fever has broktMi out in
Medford, Or., ami professional, business
an I labiring men are looking toward the
lulls ami anxiouHly awaiting a settle
mo:it ( f the weather w ith a view of ink
inn a prospecting tour. New impetus in
given to the excitement each day hy the
return "f prospectors with specimens n(
rich gl i-bcaring quart and flowing ac
counts of the p .Btittilitics of the mineral
belt of Southern Oi eg n. lint all pre
vious returns weto totally eehpi d wlien
D. II. Morn eama to town with a pock
etml of uiiartz. Many of the specimens
contained almost an equal amount of
gold ami quartz, sme of the particles of
gold being as large as a pea. five
pounds of this rock, when pounded out
liy a hand mortar, produced over $10",
which would run the percentage up to
the modest sum of $10,i 00 to the ton.
It Is reported from Central Point, a
station on the Southern lVeilic four
miles went of Medlord, Or., that the
railroad company has entered into an
agieumont with F. T. Fradenbnrgh to
carry passengers between that paint and
Crater Lake in the Cascade Mounta'ns.
The di-dance from i'ue railroad to the
lake is eighty miles, and a stage line is
to b established between the two points.
Mr. Fradenbnrgh pays the railroad has
guaranteed him l.OOl) passengers at $S
each. Ho has already purchased sutli
cient stage coaches to aceommo lata this
number of tourists, and it is his purpose
to erect a summer hotel at the lake. In
gwd weather the rond to tho lake is all
right for driving, and the round trip cm
lie made in flvo days without a change
of hori-es. It is thought that Crater
Lake will bo a popular report lor tourists
and pi ensure seekcra this summer. The
possibility of the reservation of this land
by the government for a national park
probably accounts for the action takon
by tho railroad.
John Hayes Hammond, General Man
ager of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan sil
ver mine at Wardner, Idaho, has re
ceived word from Northern railroad"
which has about convinced him that he
will close down the mine. Nearly all of
the other groat mines will also close
down. For some months paBt Mr.
Hammond and others of the Mine Own
ers' Association have been endeavoring
to get a reduction of freights from the
Northern Pacific and Union Pacific, rail
roads, which carry their ore s and con
cent ra'es to Ta oina, Denver and Omaha
Bmelters. Mine ow ners have gone eo far
as to ofl'rtraslidingscaleof compensation
for carrying, so that when silver and
iead coma up again the railroads will re
ceive more than they did before. To
these overtures, however, the railroads
havobxen deaf, and hb (so Mr. Ham
mond tells) it is costing them nearly
double to work their mines than it does
Mr. Ilaglin and other mine owners at
Iiutte and Anaconda, near at hand, they
cannot continue and must close down
about March 1. Mr. Hammond Bald:
"I don't see any other way to do. We
have either got to cut on the expenees
of mining or in freights. We cannot,
however, cut enough to enable us to
work. Any cut then would not make
enough difference if we got no reduction
on freight. The outlook is not encour
aging for silver mine owners and it seems
to me the only th'ng for mining in gen
Ural is to repeal the Sherman act."
Tiio Glacier Publishing Company.
I he O.ily Hntlsh Survivor of the Battle
ol N.ivailno- I.I Hum; (liang,
Vlcioy of (Jilna.
Mrs. Emmons H iiiiii' 1 in g vi'ii to the
city of Augusta, Me., $ 0,0 0 to found a
liUntry in hoiior ol lo r l.iiiibiind's m m
my. Kiilbeiliie K. Conway, recently ap
pointed one o( the Police Commissioners
ol Mass ichiimtt", in iiiiii ol the edi'on
ol the Hot-ton I'llal.
Frail It. I'. Suixon, the llrit Kiissimi
woman to lake, the deyn-u of doctor ol
medicine, recently celebrated the twenty-
II Hi anniversary ol Hint event.
The next Fourth of July w ill be a big
occasion in New bury pot t , the ('oliipsal
luotir.e ttahfof iV ill nun Lloyd i rt r r i f on
having to b" unveiled at that time.
I ii nil Isadora ('oii' ine of South A mer
ici, win) is claimed to be ti e richest
rtl.lnw in the world, has an income ol
jNU.ooO per month from her coal mines
Ileiiry IS. Fuller is writing a novel on
('iiiriU'o society 1 1 f 4. II he kn iwH much
a' ont it ami tells what he know. hi
book will have a great run outside ol
A gypsy seeress predicted that the
Archdiiehehs IsaMdle of Austria would
have twelve daughters before a son and
heir varied tho monotony. Shu hits got
us far as No. 7.
Chiirlc de Lisiept, in the Masss
prifoii nt I'aris, is nijuired to mnke his
own bi d, cicau up his cell and wash his
own dishes d Fsgreeablo duties for "a
limn of the world."
Little King Alphoni) of Spain has
pulled through his attack of scarlatina,
mi. I would be ipiite content to see doc
tors, who ilosid him with nasty physic,
led imiiy to be executed.
Ltuia Jennings, formerly of the New
Yoi k Tim ft, who has sat as a Con'yrva
tive for many years in the House of
Commons, announces that lie will soon
retire (nun Parliament life.
Kiuilrt Z tin's, aspirations to a spat
among the immortals of the Academio
Frimciiise are not hampered by a lack ol
ready money. Ho is very rich, ami is
said to have made over $400,01)0 from the
suit) ol his novels alone.
LI Hung Chang, Viceroy of China, is
one of the most important people in the
world, although his name is so little
known over here. He is llrst and last a
patriot, and his watchword IsCliina and
tier treasures and commerce for tho
Chinese. He has never sought popular
ity, neither is he afraid of opposition.
So far as Is l.nown, Admiral Sir Krats
mus Oinniaimey is now the only Hrl'.lali
survivor of the hattleof Navarino. IJorn
in 1H4, he wan then a middy of IS. Sir
KraHiiius is be-t remembered in connec
tion with the Arctic cearch expedition of
isfiO, w hen he was second in command,
and dit-covered tho tlrst traces ol Frank
lin. For bis services on that occasion
he received knighthood.
A friend of the late Bishop Brooks au
thorizes the statement that the current
reporta as to his wealth are wholly with
out foundation. The only use which Ir.
Brooks eared to make ol money w as to
distribute it among those who needed it
ami his daily life was marked hy open
handed and tender charity. So far was
he from using his talents as a means of
Hi-cumulating property that at the time
of his death he had not KUtllcient income
beyond his salary to support his simple
and unassuming manner of life.
The output of American manufactories
for tho past year was $7,215,000,OJO in
There are estimated to be over six
hundred deposits of iron ore in the State
of Missouri.
Southwestern Missouri furnishes 80
per cent of the tine oro mined in the
United States.
It coBts tho United States government
$1,000 a day for tlrhijj morning and
evening salutes.
The Pennsylvania system of railway
haB now a length of main track aggrega
ting 7,!i7'J miles.
There wore 180,000 persons without
occupations of any kind among the im
migrants of 1802.
A single row of pearls as largo as peas,
ami periectly round, were sold recently
in Paris, for $120,U0J.
Hard coal loses 8 per cent in bulk per
annum when exposed to the weather.
Soft coal loses 12 percent.
Ohio brickmakera are using a clay
digging machine that does the work of
from so von teen to twenty men.
More than one million two hundred
and twentv-flve thousand persons live in
tenement, honses in New York.
In the southern provinces of Russia a
drink resembling brandy is obtained bjy
dibtilling the juice of watermelons.
The value of Pennsylvania's silk pro
duct last year was nearly $20,000,000, or
six times what it was ten years ago.
The largest needle manufactory in the
world is in Kedditch, Worcester, Eng
land. Over 70,000,000 are made weekly.
The Languedoc Ship Canal In France,
by a short passage of 148 miles, saves a
sea voyage of 2.0J0 miles by the Straits
of Gibraltar.
In spite of the McKinley bill the an
nuai report of the Welsh tinplate-makers
shows that 20,000 tons more tin were
shipped to America last year than the
year before.
The largest telegraph oflice in the
world is at the General PoBtoflice, Lon
don. In it thore are over 3,000 operators
constantly employed, about one-third of
whom are women.
On the farm of J. W. Fitzgerald, near
St. Mary, Kan., there are three artesian
wells that vary in depth from 600 to
1,200 feet, and about 2,400 gallons of
brine per hour flow from them.
Governors of the Southern States
to Meet at Richmond.
Ci arette-ManufacturlnR Knocked Out In
Pennsylvania Negroes Ojiiiobeil
to Lynch Law.
A H-wliig-innchino trust Is being
formed in tin) Lift.
Ha.f a million a year is to be spent to
protect New York's water supply.
The amount of tobacco chewed In the
United HUtes last year was eighty-live
Crimdcs have been started in Georgia
and Massachusetts lor the extermination
of dogs.
The Yanderbilts are said to be after
control of all the railroad trallic in New
Kiignnd. 1
The city of Philadelphia is likely to be
mnl by immigrants lor goods ruined in
To a t-hortage of natural gas is attri
I uted a great many pneumonia deaths
in Pittsburg.
A big St. Ittiis traderis makingheavy
Itets that this year's crop ol wheat will
be larger than last year's.
A bill is pending in the Missouri Leg
islature fixing a maximum price of $10
a year lor telephone charges.
The Virginia State building at the
World's Fair will lie a opy of Washing
ton's home at Mount Vernon.
The street railway system of St. Joseph,
Mo., will i sold under foreoloBure'ol
mortgages the first week in May.
lioports show that the prices of farm
ing land in nearly all sectionsof Western
Now York are steadily decreasing.
Governors ( f Southern States ar asked
to meet at Richmond, Va, April 2, to
consider plans to develop the South,
Testimony ha Uen introduced before
the ppecial grand jury at Newport, Ky.,
to show that eight Councilmen divided
$8,(KW among themselves for the granting
of an 6lectr:c-light contract.
The colore 1 citizens of New York city
have started a movement in opposition
to lynch law, and they intend to form
branches in all la ge c:ties for the pur
poee of arousing puhliu Bentiment.
A bill has been introduced in the Mis
souri Legislature dividing penitentiary
convicts into tnree classes and allowing
them a certain pay per day, to be saved
for them tid the end of thoir terms.
Senator Berry of Arkansas is influ
enced by ex Representative Berry of
California in his action on the debris
bill, and declines to make a change in
the penal clause that has boon suggested
by Caminetti.
A company U being formed for the
purchase of the New York Timtt. The
present company is capitalized at $100,
O 'O, but the new company will have $1,
(M 0,0.(0 capital, of which, it is said, $000,
000 w ill lie paid for the Timet.
A Minneapolis legislator has taken
the buii by the horns. He oflera a bill
making it'an otlense punishable by aline
of from $5 to $25 to manufacture or ofler
for sale "hoopskirls or anythinur like
thereunto, within the State of Minne
sota. "
The rnolders at Whitely's reaper and
mower works at Muncie, Ind., demand
an increase of wages, and say that if the
company does not accede to their de
mands the whole factory will be tied up
and l,0l;0 hands idle.
Tammany's banners, so ingloriously
lorne in Chicago when Cleveland was
nominated, will appear in the van of the
inaugurating parade. It is estimated
that Tammany's expenees for Cleve
land's giorification will aggregate $105,
0(0, refreshments not included.
The Railway General Managers' As
sociation has given official notice in ad
vance of any demands from the employes
that they will not be disposed to con
sider any demands for an increase of
wages. The association represents
twenty-one railroads entering Chicago.
The estate left by Dr. Norvin Green,
Piesident of the Western Union Tele
graph Company, is estimated at $750,0 )0,
mostly in stocks and bonds. He owned
four tine places of real estate in L tiis
ville, two farms in Carroll countv, Ky.,
another four miles from Louisville and
one near Madison, Ind.
Mr. Cleveland has received a letter
from President Harrison, couched in the
most friendly terms and proffering the
hospitalities of the White House bofoie
the inauguration. Mr. Harrison also of
fered to assist Mr. Cleveland in every
way in his power in regard to public
badness and matters of state.
The publication of a dispatch announc
ing a Triple Alliance between the United
States, Russia and Fiance has caused
considerable talk, but there is nothing
more in the fact than that treaties have
been entered into, but they do not ma
terially differ from those entered into
with Great Britain, Germany and other
The new West-bound tariff, which
after a month's session the Transconti
nental Railroad Conference formulated,
has been given out. There is an average
reduction of 20 per cent on all freight
rates from St. Paul to Spokane, a reduc
tion of from 12 to 16 per cent on Coast
rates, and from 2 to 7 on rates to Mon
tana, while the only East-bound reduc
tion is to be on lumber, from 55 to 50,
and the East-bound lumber rate to Chi
cago and St. Louis remains at 60 and
77) resp3ctivly.
I lie Prospects for Annexation of Hawaii
Not So Bright ;is Wh'-n the Vv
ol ut i o(i I'irsl Oi.currrJ.
Tho sundry civil bill an reported to the
Senate carries the to' a 1 appropriation up
to $40,:i50,l(i, an ini-rea-it ol $!)2l,lril
over tho bill vh pna(:d by th Hou o.
The corrcHpondiiig hi I liv t yar app-o-priated
The President has opproved the tpuir
antine bill, oflieially known as tho "act
granting additional (juarantirie powers
and imposing itdditioiial dutien upon the
marine hospital service," lie alo ap
proved the act providing for lighthotihes
and other aids to navigation, known as
the "onicihus lighthouse bill."
If Urn G.-ary exclusion aet, providing
that ell Chinamen ho have not regis
tered May 5 next fdnill be shipp-d to
China, is carried into effect, it Ixiks us
if veiy lew Chinamen will I left in
New York city. So far only two ( 'hina
n.en have been registered in that cdy
since tba Geary act went into effect.
Cullom introduced a j .int resolution
transferring It) the State of Illinois after
the World's Fair the naval exhibit lor
the uuo of the Krmorv f.r the naval mi
litia of the State. Cockrell of Missouri
objected, saying this was simply an en
tering wedge of Chicatro to get every
thing that would be pent there for exhi
bition. The resolution wa3 referred.
Senator S'quiro has la-en FUccessful in
gettiiig amendments incorpora'ed in the
sundry civil bill and having them agreed
to by the Senate. Among those which
he has eecured ae the following: Ma
rine hospital at Port Towneend. $30,0(0;
amendment to Wilson's Gray's i-I rbor
lighthouse, a provision that it shall be
contracted for; establishing a fcg bell at
Marrowstone Point, Pugr-t Souni j $3,5' JO
increases for repairing lighthouses, and
increases for lighting Puget Snund; aNo
an increase for surveys for public lands.
Bids wore op' ne 1 in the oftico of the
Secretary of the Navy the other day for
0,700 tons of nickel-steel and Harveyized
steel armor piate for the vessels being
constructed for the navy in conformity
with the act of Congress appropriating
$4,000,000 for the purchase. Contrary
to expectation, ihere were two bidders
only, the Carnegie Steel Company and
the Bethlehem Iron Works. On account
of the complicated nature of the bids
submitted it is impossible at this time
to give a comparative statement of them.
Tne price aeked for nickel steel ranged
from $525 to $25 per ton, according to
the shape of the plate, and for Harvey
ized steel from $575 to $075 per ton.
The prosp?ctsfor Hawaiian annexation
are not to bright as when the news first
cached this country of the revolution
on the islands. Senator Sherman is
quoted as tot being srtre of voting for
annexation, while there are enough
Democrats opposed to it to make it
doubtful if a vote be readied this
seasdi. Of course if it could he imme
diately taken up next session the treaty
might be accepted. The rptionents say
that in times of peace this country can
ma n'.ain a coal'ng etation on the is'and,
while in case of war Eng'and could tpke
the island away from ns. '1 ho oppo
nents of annexation are a'po insisting
that the seal of secrecy shall be taken off
the treaty and everything connected with
it and public opinion heard through
the newspapers Leforo s Senate acts.
Representative Cox, member of tho
Banking and Curiency Committee and
an advocate of tree ( oinago, has prepared
a hill to repal the Sherman silver law.
The bill repeals the Sherman law, and
re-enacts the Bland law of 1S7S. with
the proviso that the leal-tender charac
ter of the notes issued under the Sher
man law shall riot b impaired. The
Secretary of the Treasury is diietted to
have coined the bullion purchased un
der the Sherman law into standard sil
ver dollars and to cover them into the
revenues of the Treasury, but the silver
doi'ars provided for under the Bland act,
which is re-enpeted, are to have priority
in coinage so far as practicable. Treas
ury notes issued in payment for the bull
ion are to continue redeemable ns now,
as provided by law, and whea redeemed
are to be destroyed. The tax of 10 per
cent on xhe circulation of State banks is
It was impossible for the Senate Com
mittee on Appropriations to hold its own
gainst the river and harbor combina
tion, and in every cut made in the
amounts appropriated, over which there
was any dispntc, the committee was
beaten. It was so with the appropria
tion for the cascades of the Columbia,
where Senators Mitchell and Dolph made
their fght. In thU instance Senator
Squire took a stand which showed that
he was also alive to the interests of his
constituents in the appropriations for
impioveraentof the Columbia. In ad
dition to what was said l y the ten Pa
cific Senators, they all made speeches in
favor of the larger appropriation. In
the House bill the appropriation was $1.
419,250, more than $20,C00 above the
amount for which the contract was act
uary let. This gave the committee a
chance t" make the cut, which was fixed
at 8ti9.0CK) in the Senate. Senator
Mitchell theu offered nn amendment
fixing the amount at $1,239,653, and on
this proposition the fight was made and
won on an aye and no vote of twent-fonr
to twenty. Attention was called by the
opponents of the appropriation to the
fact that Senator Mitchell's amend
ment called for $50,000 more than the
contract, and the Oregonian explained
that something had to be allowed for
the supervision of government engineers.
After it was over there was no further
doubt that the power of the Oregon Sena
tors was as great as ever.
8teps have been taken in the New Jer
sey Senate to regulate the telephone
Proposition to Connect Ireland and
Great Britain by a Tunnel.
The Medical Hktory of the Ih-ilcra In
Russia Last Summer of a Highly
Encouraging Naiure.
Over 118,00) people emigrated from
Germany during the year 1W.
The floods at Brisbane and other parts
of Queensland causei a loss of $! ',0j0,
000. The sentiment in favor of protection
is said to be making rapid progress in
A Russian officer, Captain Smoiioff,
has succeeded in training falcons to
carry dispatches.
Boulangist groups are to be- excluded
from participation in the Labor-day cel
ebration in Paris.
The prediction that cholera will be
epidemic all over Europe this spricg is
obtaining strength.
Italy proposes to increase her revenue
by controlling a monopoly in petroleam
and alcoholic liquors.
The Bank of Spain will consolidate
the Cuban debt, and will issue a large
loan to Cuba and Port Rico.
Earthquakes at Zante have caused in
creased panics. Tne people are fearfm
that the island will collapse.
It is reported that there was a falling
off in the value of both the imports and
exports of France during 180.'.
Oaly forty-one pleuro-pneumonia eases
have been discovered in six months in
American cattle imported into Eng'and.
New South Wales will impose a 5 per
cent tax on the income derived from
property in the colony by absentee own
ers. In Moscow the temperature averaged
13 deg. below zero for over thirty days
during the end of December and the first
weeks of January.
An English court is trying to settle
who owns the $125,000 left undistributed
when the law recently checked the
"missing word contest."
"Mile. Nevada" has an engagement
to sing in the French Italian Opera
Company. Her voice has gained in
Btrength since her marriage.
The crinoline question is settled once
for all, as the Princess of Wales has
taken a decided stand against the re-establishment
of hoops in any form.
The New South Wales Legislative As
eembly, like the Victorian Legislature,
has adopted a resolution in favor of the
taxing of absentee owners of property.
The cold has been excessive in St.
Petersburg and for weeks wood tires have
been burned in the squares and streets
of the city in an effort to make necessary
outdoor business endurable. The streets
have, how ever, been practically deserted.
It is said that mail mat er dropped in
the posteffice at Paris is delivered in
Berlin in an hour and a half, and seme
times ih thirty-five minutes. Tho dis
tance between the cities is 750 miles and
the mail is sent by means of pneuisatic
The medical history of cholera in Rus
sia last summer is of a highly encourag
ing nature. It Bhows that by proper
sanitary measures cholera can be kept
out or stamped out to a greater degree
even in districts most favorable to its
The lorg distance marching competi
tions by volunteer soldiers in England
are discountenanced by the Commander-in-chief
in a recent order. He thinks
they result in no practical good, and may
cause individual harm through undue
stress of effort.
"The sentence on De Lesseps is a eeu
tence on France," says the London
Timet, "and the ignominy poured down
on that feeble old man is a degradation
for the people who flattered and caressed
and glorified him as long aa the capital
was left to spend."
French War Office experts are divided
in opinion concerning the valu9 or dan
ger of Eiffel's tower in case of a eeige of
Paris. German staffofficers have written
quite freoly about the matter, principally
holding the view that the tower would
afford a fine target.
A proposition is made to connect Great
Britain and Ireland by a tunnel driven
uuder the North Channel of the Irish
Sea at its narrowest part, between Coun
ty Antrim in Ireland and Wigtown in
Scotland. The length of the tunnel
would be some twenty-seven miles.
Cesare Orsini, whose appointment as
Italian Envoy to Mexico is announced,
is a brother to the leader in the at
temi 'ed assassination of Napoleon III,
whit the latter was driving to the opera
F ce Orsini, whose name was given
to th kind of bomb used on that occa
sion; All Europe, from the Arctic to the
Mediterranean, is experiencing a winter
severity this reason such as it has not
known "for many years. It is necessary
to go back forty or fifty years in most
regions, even in tbe far north, to find a
precedent, while in some parts the
weather is unprecedented.
Vienna is sending invitations to all
European nations to attend an Interna
tional Health Congress to formulate
some plan of fighting the common foe,
and in England Southampton is beg
ging Parliament to vote money to keep
up a rigid quarantine. The signs of a
coming plague are seen at St. Peters
burg, Hamburg and Marseilles.
ki.kcthical rriRAKB.
By tlili tTm wo do not mean the expert
who frstilli 'l recently that they could receive
a Kicick of 'iyono voltu awl f-el sort of braced'
up on It. We iwiko tli explanation In order
to prevent miy mi-icoiiccptlori of the tenor of
thin article ny the inh-lhent reader, liy
"electrical fri-aku" we rlo not mean people
who play fantastic tricks with their imagina
tion when they talk on thiti subject, but
rather the pranks which the forked lightning
playn when it ktrikett a ben house and light
Op the emotional funcy of the reporter who
b working on space.
A fow yearn ago a young man named Can
par VVeiilpant.H, rt-siiling in Anbury park, wo
ttirig at the window of his boarding house,
counting hU wek'n salary and wondering
whether he should divide it equally among
hiniw;! or give notne of it to bis tailor and a,
little to his landlady or take it all and hire a
horse and a narrow buy and lake a proud
but wealthy heirewi out to drive. At that
Initarit a of lightning struck the corner
of a large houio in lmg Branch, not more
than seven or eight miles away, and tba
young man never thought of his tailor or his
landlady aain. They often thought of him,
but nobody ever found out where he went.
In the summer of IS7y John J, Fowler wm
a practical pnjier hanger In Albany. During
the first week of June he was hanging paper
in the residence of Mr. Clarence I ilont-gonii-ry
when a heavy black cloud came
ilowly over the city from the west, and a
tingle flash of lightning fell from the cloud,
entered the room where Fowler was at wort,
ran up the trimming machine like a buzz
law for a few minuiea, stirred up tbe paste,
hung all the paper in the room and trimmed
ixteeti yards of araliesque border. Some of
the family went in the room about 7 o'clock
that evening and found Fowler lying on the
table, still keeping from the effects of tbe
shock. The htroke hail also afTected his
mind and seriously biased his moral faculties,
for he afterward brought in a bill for the
work, and had to sue for It dr. Montgom
ery being a very rich man), and he testified
that he had done all this work before going
to sleep. But that was impossible, and the
court so decided, as It was established by the
evidcuce of more than twenty householders
that no paper hanger ever did that much
work in a day.
People now living In Sk::ateles who re
sided there in the spring of 1 -r .'l remem
ber the excitement over t . , v.uurkable case
of the Rev. Lars Christophersson, rector of
the Aboriginal American church. lie was
sitting in his study one Sabbath morning, in
a morbid and gloomy state of mind, having
just learned that his son, who had gone off
on a little scalping party down the lake the
nighr'before, had taken the only razor In the
manse. While the elder sat gloomily rub
bing bis chin and wondering if he couldnt
sandpaper it before class meeting, a storm
that bad been gathering for some time sud
denly broke above the town with terrific vio
lence. A long zigzag &treak of ball lightning
entered the window of the minister's study,
shaved bira once over without raising a
pimple, trimmed his hair straight across the
back of the neck, giving him that peculiarly
meek look of meekly meekness which is the
artistic triumph of that style of cut, banged
it in front to make him look childlike and
simple, gave his shoes a patent leather shine,
brushed his coat and was out of the window
again with a crashing noise like a 4-year-old
boy falling off a pew during the long prayer.
The strangest thing abodrt the occurrence was
not discovered until that evening, when the
preacher discovered that the lightning, on
departing, .had burned a hols in his vest
pocket and fused a silver quarter into a
round sphere, which had dropped out on his
way to the meeting house.
Last July, Mrs. Weatuerby Showers, wife
of the well known financier of that name,
was putting her three children to bed one
very warm, sultry evening when a flash of
sheet lightning HeyJ Sirl I "want to re
member that this is a Sunday paper?" Ha;
I'd like to see me get a chance to forget it.
Well, that's so; guess I'll leave that Showers
story out. It is pretty tough, a little. But
the others may stand; if they are not as true
as some lightning stories I've heard told by
some awfully truthful people, I don't want a
cent that I can't get.
President of Electric Light Company to
Secretary Look here, we've got to cut down
these gas bills some way or other. You must
do more of your work by daylight or else
you'll have to burn kerosene in the office.
Why not get a couple of student lamps, if
you must work after night f"
"The aim and end of manual training in the
schools," says a .teacher, "is ethical." And
yet there are some people who denounce a
four years' college course of football and
Ha; come to think of it, they are correct;
football isn't manual training. Burdette ia
Brooklyn Eagle.
The Blue Danube.
Among the most important rivers In
Europe is the Danube; in fact, it is the sec
ond river. It has a length of 1,700 miles;
it and its tributaries drain a valley having
an area of over 300,000 square miles. Many
nations live along its banks and those of
the rivers which flow into it, and nearly
thirty dialects are spoken from its source
to its mouth. It rises in the Black forest
to the north of Switzerland, and almost In
sight of the French frontier. Through
Bavaria and Austria is its course, through
Hungary, past Servia and Bulgaria, Rou
mania and Roumelia, while tributaries
flow in from Bosnia and Macedonia on the
south and Poland on the north, so that
practically tbe valley of the Danube com
prises the most important portion of east
ern Europe.
It runs through the battle ground ot
civilization aud savagery. Here the Ro
mans contended with the Scythians and
the Huns; here the Greek empire strove to
maintain its supremacy over the hordes of
savage tribes which came down from the
steppes of Russia; here, after the empire ol
the east faded away, Charlemagne contend
ed with savage tribes of semi-Asiatics; here
all Europe fought the Turks for generation
after generation, until by a great battle
fought under the walls of Vienna the flood
of the Mohammedan invasion was rolled
back toward Asia, New York Ledger.
Knows Bis Business.
Consumptive I'd like to see the proprietor
of tbe sanitarium.
Clerk He's gone awmy, sir, for bis health.
Haxpr's Bazar.
; --'