The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 25, 1893, Image 1

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    1 5? (u, u
iver Glacier.
VOL. 1.
NO. 39.
3food Iiver (Slacier.
Ttio Glacier Publishing Company.
Mt'lIM IIII'TION rillC'l
On. ywir
htt iii'iitili . ,
l 1 1 1 i ii ilia
Hnl. iuiy
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Barber Shop
urant Evans, Propr.
EWuml St., nmr Oak. Hood Hirer, Or
Kliavlng mi, I Hair fiiMlng ufntly dim.
Sutinfui'tion tillimitor.l,
A Tacoma Man Falls Heir to a
Fortune in Texas.
Analyses of the Body of a I.os Angeles
Married Woman Trove That
She Was Poisoned.
Idaho tins appropriated $3),000 for the
World's Fair.
Sou licrn California in nhipplntc but
few oranges. It )B waitinn for the Flor
idii crop to become cihamtted.
J. I). K.iiiKV, ex-Chief of the Fire De
partment of Tac mm, liui fallen heir to
a iortuiiu in Texas estimated at $11)0,000.
In K.mtern Oregon the Intense cold,
together with the heavy snowfalls, IB
canning great sulToring among the stock
on the ranges.
Five women were arrested and each
tin i'i ft ami cost at l'hianix, A. T.. for
riding astride on horseback, dressed In
Mother llubbards.
I dnri'3 Oi-lioa, a Mexican resident of
l'lnBiiix, A. T , ami one of the oldest
men in the country, is dead, having
reiit'ht'ti the age of 115 years.
Ti.e Stockton Association says there is
nothing in the story that Stauiboul's rec
ord o; - ;i)7lv was obtained by fraud. The
whole matter is to bo thoroughly inves
tigated. The large irrigation ditch to be con
structed in Owyhee county, Idaho, will
he 15;) milt's long, and will irrigate 3.KJ,
000 acres of desert lands. Water will
be taken from the Snake.
The analyses so far of the body of Mrs.
Nordholt lientley at l)B Angeles show
that Mio was poisoned. Pentloy, it is
believed, had accomplice"; and a sensa
tional trial is anticipated.
Tho court at 1'hojitix, A. T., has de
cided that a hall where drinks were sold
and music played by three women on a
stage, one of whom was dressed in male
attire, ia not a variety show.
Sacramento's Chinatown is in a fever
of excitement over the shooting by high
binders of a Chinaman while coming
out of the Mission School and the stub
bing of Ah VVintf on the streets.
The Oregon State Democratic Commit
tee regrets the attitude of Governor
Pennoyor toward Mr. Cleveland, and
considers his utterances against the
President-elect as unwarranted and sen
sational. The Southern Californian Smelting
and Ketining Company at Los Angeles
has begun the work of preparing ground
for a Bin'.'lter, and expects to have the
machinery in place and ready for opera
tion early in April.
The owners of sealers and masters at
Victoria, H. 0., have been notified that
they must have the nameg of vessels
painted on both sides of the bow and at
the stern. On the latter there must also
be the home jnrt ' t port of register.
The Nevada L .islature has before it
an irrigation pre osition, and an extra
ordinary efl'ort will be made to pass It,
for many lielieve the salvation of the
State depends upon colonization and the
bringing under cultivation of much of
the now barren land.
Klamath county is the latest seat of
gold excitement. A settler named Took,
on tho south fide of the Klamath river
about one and one-half miles from Keno,
was digging a well, and at a depth of
sixty feet he struck a formation from
which he panned out $1.50 in gold with
an ordinary skillet. The gold was prob
ably from the stratum of blue gravel,
which underlies a large portion of the
lake and Klamath river country, and it
may lead to the development of some
good drift mines there.
The Hradstreet Mercantile Agency re
ports fourteen failures in the Pacific
Coast States and Territories for the past
week, aa compared with fourteen for the
previous week and eleven for the corre
sponding week of 1802. There were sev
enty failures in the Pacific Coast States
and Territories for the month of Janu
ary, with assets of $209,540 and liabili
ties of $477,03 , as compared with eighty
two for the previons month, with assets
of $545,865 and liabilities of $881,353, and
eighty-six for the corresponding month
of 1S02, with assets of $220,45 6 and lia
bilities of $607,631.
Negotiations for the Settlement of th
Neva Case Progressing Very
Senator Dubois has Introduced a bill
making Honner'i Kerry a port of entry
The oill Is Indorsed by the Treasury De
partment, ami may pass tills session.
The negotiation for the settlement of
the Nevs case is proceeding so satis
Uctorlly that the war ship Atlanta has
been recalled from her special mission
to Port an Prince, where she was sent to
enlorce tlie demands of this government
Fithlan of the Committee on Census
has made a minority report to the I louse
piotcxtlng against the passage of the bill
providing lor a permanent on-os bu
renu. linker of Kniimis and Lawson of
Georgia signed the report with Fithlan
The lloifo Naval Committee decided
to make no provision in the naval an
propriallon bill this year for new cruls
ers or battleships. One new $100,000
gunboat is the only vesnel provided for.
Hie total appropriation Is z.OJO.OOO ess
man last year.
The best informed people believe there
will lm an extra session not later than
the middle of April. It is believed the
Democratic leaders think this, and for
that reason they are not attempting to
crowd some matters of legislation they
iei are necessary.
The C.vil Service Commission, it Is al
leged, summoned Collector of Customs
I. i. Phelps of San Francisco to Wash
ngton for the purpose of answering the
charges that lie removed certain customs
employes Ixiranse they had refused to
contribute to the Republican campaign
num. ll is also stated that the Sail
Francisco Kmmvur has Ixwin called on
to furnish testimony in the case, having
published serious charges of offensive
nartinanshlp against Phelps. No date
las liven set for hearing so laras known.
Oatos' reporton the Homestead trouble
s accompanied in its presentation to
the House by minority reports, expres
sing trie same general conclusions In a
different way. Hope Is expressed that
the thought of the age will devise some
means to secure an equitable division of
the profits between employes and em
plover. In conclusion the opinion is
expressed that the evils disclosed by the
investigation are entirely lieyond the
reach of Federal power, and the reme-
lies, if any can be devised, must origi
nate with the State governments.
Tho naval appropriation bill as agreed
upon by the Committee of Naval Atlairs
curries an aggregate amount in round
numbers of $10,007,000. The appropri
ation for the current fiscal year is $23,-
o-j.i.L'wi, and the estimates lor next year
J.WM. J here is no appropriation
in the bill for the proposed naval review
next May. The Senate, therefore, will
have to be looked to for the approprla
tion to carry out the promise implied in
our invitation to foreign nations. One
new gunloat is authorised, and lor the
payment of vessels heretofore author
red to be bmlt $0,150.( 00 is appropri
ated, including $250,000 under the
head of "equipment." Among the ap
propriations for new public works is
$L'o.',Ui'U lor the continuation of the Pu
got Sound dry-dock work.
Secretary Foster of the Treasury De
partment has been notitied that the
American tlig will be formally raised
niHin the Inman steamers City of New
York and City of Paris at New York on
Washington's birthday. The event will
be celebrated with great pomp. Many
distinguished people have been invited.
The President, who regards the act ol
the City of New York and the City of
Paris in taking American register and
sailing under the Stan and Stripes as the
crowning act of his administration, will
himself pull up the flags. He will be
accompanied to New York by all the
memlxt of his Cabinet, and on that oc
casion will also be present the members
of the Senate and House Naval Affairs
Committees, distinguished members of
Congress and the principal otlicersof the
Navy Department as thoir invited gueate.
When the Senate Committee on For
eign Relations reported the Knssian ex
t' edition treaty, it was with an amend
ment that attempts to murder the Czar
or any memler of the royal family shall
he considered non-political ofTenseB, re
gardless of what the motive of the crim
inal might be, and that being non-political
they should be extraditable. This
clause was productive of a great deal of
debate. Turpie was the champion for
the right of asylum, but the committee
was finally sustained. Turpie was not
satisfied with this action, and intro
duced a resolution recently intended as
an offset to the terms of the treaty. The
resolution declares it is the sense of the
Senate that jurisdiction in what is
known as political offenses ought not to
be extra territorial, and no treaty should
be approved which proposes to take from
the courts of the United States the right
to determine whether or not ail offense
is political under the law of nations.
Business men in public life fear that a
financial disturbance is near at hand. It
is said that Secretary Foster has pre
pared to avoid any difficulty in the Treas
ury by purchasing gold by issuing an
enormous amount of bonds. As high as
$200,000,000 rumor places the amount.
This statement is made flatly, and goes
so far as to say that the bonds have al
ready been placed and an agreement
reached for their immedia'e exchange
for gold, the arrangement being made in
anticipation of the result of the silver .
vote in the House, which it is feared will
precipitate a crisis. Whatever may be
clone by the present Secretary of the
Treasury, it is now conceded that Cleve
land will early call an extra session of
Congress to repeal the Sherman law and
by his own personal power and actual
patronage and persuasion force the bill
through, beginning by having the House
organized under common-sense rules,
which will bring the House to a vote.
Boomers Along the Cherokee Strip
Suffer From Cold.
An Immense Ledge of Lithographic Stone
Discovered Near St. Louis
Sword of Cortes.
Nebraska will send 300 cowboys to the
World's Fair.
In Baltimore the lowest fine for policy
gambling Is $200.
Boston wants authority to light the
city with its own plant.
The brass manufacturers of Canada
have formed a combine.
An antl-Pinkerton hill was introduced
In the Wisconsin legislature.
Ponton is taking subscriptions for
monument to Phillips Brooks.
Lieutenant Peary will set oat on his
Arctic expedition about July 1.
T-l . ttT . . ....
ine tyeHiern larmers are holding on
to 104,000,000 bushels of wheat.
Half a million a year Is to be spent to
protect xvw lora s water supply.
ine sworn oi uortes win be anions
.Tieiico s exniuii at me world's r air.
Carnegie has reduced wages at the Ed
gar lbomson Steel Works at Praddock.
The old New York Hotel In New York
city has been sold to a syndicate of cap
Canadian estimates for the ensuing
year contain appropriations of $4,63J,200
or canais.
Nebraska's Legislature will probe the
frauds back of Lincoln's Capital National
isank laiinre.
The United States foreign commerce
lor the last fiscal year amounted to over
Through the medium of a matrimonial
paper a Pittsburg man became engaged
to nisown daughter.
Oklahoma farmers are fnbllant over
toe late snows, whtca will prove very
ueneuciai to toe crop.
The railroads centering in Chicago will
expend at least $to,OJ0,0O0 in pre para
tion for the World's Fair.
The Harrison Telephone Company.
wim i.uvu.uto capital, has been mcor
porated under the laws of Illinois.
A ledge of lithographic stone sufficient
to supply the world for 600 years has
been discovered near m. Louis. Mo.
The boomers camped along the Chero
kee strip have suffered intensely Irons
the cold. Several have frozen to death.
Professor W. F. Whitlock has been se
lected Chairman of the Book Committee
of the Methodist Church of the United
Hanlan and Oaudaur have signed ar
tides to row for the championship of
America and ri.OOO a side in Toronto on
July Ti.
St. 1xuib feels good. Beer is selling at
$3 per barrel, 2 cents per schooner, and
her 4-ner-cent bonds are nabbed nn bv
capitalists at tot.
.. t . . r '
There will be in the neighborhood of
32a consular positions subject to appoint
ment by President Cleveland and his
Secretary of State.
For over $2,000,000 the Weyerhonser
syndicate lias bought 600,000,000 feet of
Minnesota pine lumber, planning to
control the market.
The Pullman Car Company will have
to pay taxes on property in Nebraska in
future. Judge Dundy of the Federal
Court has so decided.
According to the estimate of the Post
master-General, the receipts of his de
partment for the next fiscal year will
exceed the expenditures.
Three of the largest silk mills in the
United States have formed a syndicate
to control the production of fine-grade
(ilk goods in the country.
Government employes of the military
and civil services are complaining bit
terly of the losses they sustain through
the depreciation of silver.
Miss Anna . Dickinson has begun
suit at Scranton, Pa., against eight per
sons who were instrumental in having
her placed in an insane asylum.
Baggage and transfer companies along
the New York Central railroad have
combined as the Consolidated Transfer
Company, with $1,500,000 capital.
It is proposed to levy a poll tax of $100
per annum on all Chinese residents of
Canada. Enough to pay fare by under
ground railroad to all parts of the United
Montreal is now at tho beginning of
the winter carnival, which will last nntil
the close of Mardi-Gras. Tobogganing,
skating and snow-shoeing will be in
dulged in.
The Department of Public Works at
Ottawa will shortly call for designs for
the erection of a monument on Parlia
ment Hill to the memory of the late Sir
John Macdonald.
A movement is on foot to form a new
traction company, with a capital of 10.-
000,000, out of the street car lines not
now under the control of the Philadel
phia Traction Company.
The Senate has ratified the agreement
entered into between the Northern Pa
cific railroad and the Puyallup Indians
of Washington, whereby the railroad is
given a right-of-way sixty feet wide
across the reservation for a spur of its
road 1.378 feet long. The agreement
was amended in one particular bv pro
viding that the Indians shall receive not
lees than $1,500 an acre for their land.
Lieutenant Totten designs From
United States Army Cyrus W.
Field Place Sold.
The full name of the Populist Gov
ernor of Kansas is 1oraine Demosthenes
W. Clark Hussell, the novelist, whom
an nurope is raging over just now, was
born in the old Carleton Hotel on Broad'
way, New York, in 1814.
During the twelve years since General
Hayes retired from the White House
there is no record of his having submit
ted to a political interview.
Senator Colquitt, of whom it was said
a few weeks ago that he would never re
cover from his illness, expects to attend
trie inauguration of Mr. Cleveland.
Burne-Jones cays that the only one of
his paintings which wearied hira was his
most famous painting, "The Golden
Stairs." He declares that he got "so
tired of those girls.
Patti receives $2,000 a night for her
operatic performances at La Scala in
Milan. In Kngland the diva's rates are
higher, for she is paid $4.0 0 for every
concert in lindon and $2,000 for con
certs in the provinces.
The Cyrus W. Field place at Irvington
has become the residence of A. L. Bar
ber by purchase. The new owner has
been for many years the principal stock
holder in ami President of the largest
asphalt company in this country.
Lieutenant Totten. the New Haven
prophet, has resigned from the army, to
take efJect next August. He will then
probably devote his entire time to the
arrangement of the grand final cata
clysm which has so far failed to come up
to ins advertisements.
Jenny Lind made many contributions
to the bwedish fcpiscopal Church in Chi-
cago, St. Ansgarius, which was founded
in 1849. This is the oldest congregation
oi that nationality in this country, and
sne toot a great interest in it. ibe com'
mnnion set of this church, one of her
gifts, is very elaborate.
Prof. Crouch, the octogenarian musi
cian and father of Cora Pearl, was well
enough to go to miladelpbia the other
day from Baltimore for medical advice.
liis health is much improved, and
though now 85, he appears younger. He
passes his time in Baltimore, writing
lyrics ior toe press and stage. .
Ex ConBul Alexander It. Webb, who
is preparing to preach the true faith of
the Prophet Mahomet to this Occidental
nation, is personally a very genial and
companionable man. lie is polite, ana
ble, witty, and makeB friends as he
hopes to make proselytes wherever he
goes. Mr. Webb has progressed from
Presbyterianism through materialism
to Buddhism, and now to Islamism. He
is a ready speaker, an amateur actor and
a clever newspaper man.
Judge E. Rock wood Hoar while in
Washington one day last week sat in the
House ot Kepresentatives awhile telling
stories to ex-Speaker Kted apropos ol
that gentleman's famous ruling. He
said it made him think of an observa
tion oi rresiuent Lincoln on one occa
sion. A delegation of colored men had
waited upon Mr. Lincoln, and he. being
at a loss to know just what to say to
mem,-not Knowing their exact mission,
remarked : "Well, all who are here ap
pear to be present."
Jix-kecretary hudicott has inhented
from the late William Endicott of Salem
and London, the famous John Endicott
farm of Salem, which is a part of the
original grant to Governor John Endi
cott, and includes the old Endicott bury
ing place and the Endicott pear tree.
Judge Endicott, who now comes into
possession of the estate is a direct de
scendant of Governor Endicott. The
property has never yet been out of the
Endicott lamily since tho original grant.
about 1630.
Net Loss of Gold to This Country
for the Past Six Years New
Cotton Mills Started.
Our production of pig iron in 1892 was
9,1)7,000 tons a very large per cent
greater than that of England.
Bank clearances are heavier thus far
in 1893 than they were in 1892. and in
1892 they beat all previous records.
It is computed that all the locomotives
in the United States would, if coupled
together, make a train 300 miles long.
During 1892 twenty-one new silk mills
were started in the United States, giv
ing employment to about three thousand
The two Massachusetts cities ol Fall
River and New Bedford have added 439.-
000 new spindles to their machinery the
past year.
It is noted by an agricultural paper
that the number of sheep in this coun
try increased last year more than a mil
lion and a half.
Of the whole length of the Suez Canal
66 miles are cuttings, 14 were made by
dredging through the lakes and 8 miles
required no labor.
The silver product of the United States
for 1892, according to the Wells Fargo
report, was worth $50,607,501, against
00,614,004 in 1891.
The cars the Pennsylvania railroad is
building to transport the two big Krupp
guns to Chicago will be the biggest
freight cars in the world.
The Paris hot-water fountains, for the
nve of the poor, supply eight quarts of
heated water for 1 cent.
A cradle has been invented that gently
rocks itself, and at the same time fur
nishes music for the baby.
The amount of negotiable securities of
the United States held by foreigners is
probably over $900,000,000.
Commercially we are annexing Can
ads pretty fast. Our trade with her is
far greater than England's.
Several of the Most Conspicuous
Italian Statesmen
The Strike of the Journeymen Bakers In
Paris Ended Ylenna About to
Have a Scandal
The Khedive has been well received
at Assioot.
Among the British nobility 19 per
cent are childless.
More Americans than ever before at
this season are in Italy.
Germany proposes to build five battle
ships, each to cost $1,600,000.
Nearly 22,000 Hindus lost their lives
last year from being bitten by snakes.
Of the 130 members of the London
County Council not one is a saloonkeeper.
Emperor William toasts the Czar in
public, but in private they say he roasts
Stanley contradicts the report that h
intends to make another expedition into
keys and
1892 21,231 horses, 275 don
61 mules were eaten by the
A directory of resident Americans in
London, an edition de luxe, is to appear
i.. !
m tue epnng.
W itte. the new Minister of Finance
in Russia, has begun by imposing a new
tax on tne people.
London society papers are becomim
cuBgnaea at tne number Of Anglo-
American weoaings,
Two years ago there was only one co
operative dairy society in Ireland, while
now mere are tnirty,
There is much concern in court circles
as to the health of the Princess of Wales.
which uoes not improve.
It is expected that the betrothal of
1'nncess Louise of Denmark to the fiiar.
owitch will be announced soon.
An atmosphere of scandal hamrs over
tae court at Vienna, which does not long
nave immunity irom tms sort oi thing.
London is keeping nn with the times.
Ihe city now has 60.00 J telephones. This
has greatly reduced the number of car
rier boys,
Most of the Berlin newspapers Indnl
in lamentations because oi the approach
ing resignation of Mr. Phelps, the Amer
ican minister.
England received about 10.057.600 let
ters irom the United States last year,
Germany received from us 5,558,040 and
r ranee i.ea, chu. t
The high prices charged at the bettor
class of restaurants in London is a sub
ject of many letters of protest to the
Iimet of that city.
Canada is negotiating with France for
minimum tariff on certain Canadian
products in return for a reduction of the
duties on Drench wines.
It is proposed in France to impose
tax of 10 centimes per 1,000 francs npon
time bargains on the Bourse. This tax
is expected to yield 12,000,000 francs.
Wolves in Russia destroy annually no-
ward of 800,000 head of domestic ani
mals valued at 8.000.000 roubles. Their
number does not appreciably decrease,
The Guaura Indians in Venezuela
roasted alive three traders, who were
caught stealing young Indian girls far
tne purpose ot selling them into servi
tude. Michael Lazzaroni, a nephew of the
imprisoned caBhierof the Bank of Rome,
was arrested and charged with bribery
and forgery in his relations with the
ine inaian Meaical Keeord shows a
terrible record of deaths from cholera,
In fourteen years, from 1877 to 1890. it
declares that 1,000,826 persons have died
in Bengal from cholera alone.
At Avencbes in French-sneaking Switz
erland a Swiss society of arcbnology is
laying bare the site of a Roman theater
under the supervision of Th. van Mnv
den of Lausanne, an architect.
British soldiers will wear seamless
socks in future, because they insnre
greater marching efficiency. The old
style of seamed socks chafed the skin,
and made the soldiers footsore.
A London confectioner says that he is
sometimes called on to furnish wedding
cakes weighing 1,000 pounds each, and
pucicungs oi a sue sumcient lor DUO
hearty appetites.
The Sultan of Turkey has sent a con
gratulatory letter to the Pope of Rome.
This is about the nearest approach which
the cross and the crescent have ever
made toward a conjunction.
The heir to the Austrian throne, when
he becomes Emperor, will govern nine
countries, bear eighteen titles of duke,
one as archduke, two as grand duke and
also thirty-three other titles.
The annual visits for long periods of
the Duchess of Edinburgh to Russia are
explained by the knowledge that under
the Czar's administration she would lose
a large part of her dowry were she to
forego them.
It is reported in Rome that Signer
Tamlongo, the imprisoned Governor of
the Bank of Kome, has given evidence
to the examining magistrates against
several of the most conspicuous states
men in Italy.
Nearly 6,000 men were at work last
year on the ship canal which is to con
nect the Baltic and North Seas. The
expenditure so far has amounted to
about $20,000,000. It is expected to be
opened for traffic in 1895. 1
tli Tim Kitten, bat Vat Ready to
Abandon III V oration. '
Tho popular idoa w that a rattlo
naka in a curwo to mankind and of
absolutely no twe, except ios8ibljr to
give the male contingent in camping
and picnic parties an excuse for pro-
fridine; a well known serpent bite
antidote. Andrew Akers, a white
haired ex-miner, who occasionally
comes to town from his lonely home
way tip in the San Bernardino moun
tain, tells us that the rattlesnake is,
In its way, a blessing to mankind,
i "I reckon I ought to know some
Ihing about the serpents," said he th
other day, "for I have earned tbw
whole living of mysfc'f and wife for
Bereral years in catching rattlers and
getting the oil out of them. I know
Borne folks are mighty scary about
rattlesnakes, and for one who don't
know about the critters' ways it is
pretty risky business getting fanged
by a rattler. I occasionally get nerv
ous among the rattlers, but I have to
keep a steady nerve and quick eye in
my business. "
Tha nTil iwrnflomnn folia na fTiaf V &
had always heard how valuable pur
rattlesnake oil is, and that several
years ago he got the oil from a dozen
snakes that he came across in his
woodcutting operations in the moun
tains. When the summer was over
he had twenty ounces, and got two
dollars an ounce for all of it from a
Los Angeles druggist. He has 6inca
made a business of hunting rattle
snakes up and down the mountain
sides and through the canyons. He
catches from 150 to 200 snakes in a
summer, and generally gathers from
$300 to $400 worth of oil from them.
The market price for the product is
two doUars an ounce, and there ia
little fluctuation. Rattlesnake oil is
used in rheumatic cures and in oint
ments for some skin diseases. The
oil when sold has a pearly white
color and is free from any odor. It
tastes much like tallow. A good
sized rattlesnake will furnish from
one to two ounces of oiL
"How do I catch the snakest
WelL that is easy enough. I wear
boots up above my knees so as to
protect me from any rattler I may
tread upon, and I always go with a
strong forked stick or club in my
hand. I have to keep my wits about
me constantly, and to think quick
when I am in a snake locality and
hear a rattle. I always try to get
the rattlers by putting the fork of
my stick over their neck as quick as
a flash, and then I have the critter
just where I want him. I next
strangle the suake by pressing my
fingers down upon the neck. I get
the rattlers in this way so as to keep
them from biting themselves, and
thereby letting the poison into the
oil that I am after. In nine cases
out of ten rattlesnakes will bite
themselves if they have a chance,
and they are the smartest things
alive, except human beings. Once
in awhile 1 get the rattlers bv
Bmashing them in the head, but I
don't like that way, for it's more
dangerous and the oil is not so good.
'Have 1 ever been bitten? Yes,
five times, and I suffered so much
the last time that all the money on
earth would not induce me to be
poisoned so again. That was four
years ago, and I can feel pains from
it to this day. I don't believe any
one ever fully recovered from a does
of genuine rattlesnake poison. It is
the most awful stuff on earth. I
have seen great big cows die of a
drop of the poison in an hour's
time." Pomona (Cal.) Progress.
IOcomotlTe Fog: Signal.
An improved method of signaling:
to the drivers of locomotives in thick
weather has been brought forward
in England. On the locomotive it
self is fixed an electric bell, to which
is attached a contact device, which
operates by means of a movable bar
which is associated with each signal
box. When the engine passes such
a signal box contact is made and the
bell rings, and by the number of
.beats upon the gong the engins
oriver knows whether to proceed or
whether to stop. The apparatus
does not intef ere with any existing
signaling arrangements, and would
be quite automatio in action pro
jrided that the signal man attended
to his levers just as if the weather
Was clear. London Letter.
Aa Aneodot of Whittle-.
A friend in conversation with Mr.
jWhittier, the poet, remarked that he
was about to contract to furnish a
lot of oak timber for the govern
ment gunboats, and asked him if he
jthought it was in consistence with
the peace doctrines of the Quaker de
nomination. Without saying any
thing calculated to decide the ques
tion the two arrived at their parting
jplace, when Mr. Whittier, shaking
bis friends hand, said, "Moses, if
thee does furnish any of that oak
timber thee spoke of, be sure that it
all sound. " Pbilacwlpbja Inquirer.