The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 18, 1893, Image 4

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    per ct. difference.
Royal Baking Powder
Strongest, Purest, Most Economical.
As to whether any of the baking powders are equal to
the " Royal," the official tests clearly determine. When
samples of various baking powders were purchased from
the grocers, and analyzed by the United States Govern
ment Chemists and the Chemists of State and City Hoards
of Health, the reports revealed the fact that the " Royal"
contained from 28 per cent, to Co per cent, more leavening
strength than the others, and also that it was more per
fectly combined, absolutely pure, and altogether wholesome.
As most of these powders are sold to
consumers at the same price as the " Royal."
by the use of the Royal Baking Powder there
is an average saving of over one third, be
sides the advantage of assured purity and
wholesomcness of food, and of bread, bis
cuit and cake made perfectly light, sweet,
and palatable.
The official reports also reveal the pres
ence, in other pow'.crs, of alum, lime or
sulphuric acid, by which their use is made a matter of grave
danger to the consumer.
Whenever a baking fowder is sold at a lower price than
the "Royal" or with a gift, it is a certain indication that it is
made from alum, and is to be avoided under all circumstances.
Non-Coiu batanu.
Count Florento Aha-a-a! 1 have your
bl-Hood. You coma on my beat I
Fi'iuce Napoli I gotta here first, you er
penta! Joc tetto (tho monki Match yer fer pen
ties, friend, while th' row" goiu' on. Jujjre.
The Marked Success
of Scott's Emulsion in consump
tion, scrofula and other forms of
hereditary disease is due to its
powerful food properties.
Scott's Emulsion
rapidly creates healthy flesh
proper weignt. nereaitary
taints develop only when the
a 1
system Decomes weaKenea.
Prepared by Sentt t Bowne. N. Y. Alldroggiats.
Will cut Dry or Green
Bones, Meat, brittle and all
Green Cut BONES will
double the nnmber of eggf
will make them more fer
tile will carry the he ill
safely through the molting
period and put them in
condition to lay when eftrt
command the highest price
and will dovelope yotu
chicks faster than an
Other food.
Feed Green Bonei and
tine Creosozone to kill
the lire, and you will mak
fifty per eeni more profit.
Bend lor Catalogue and
TUB Best
In the
The HSU ItliAXI) SLICKER Is warranted water
proof, and will keip you dry in llio lyirdcst storm. The
new l'OMMEL ftl.I" KElt is a perfect riding coat, and
covers theentlre saddle. Bewareof Imitations. Don't
buy a coat If the " t un Brand" Is not on It. Illustra
ted Catalogue free. A. J. TOWtR, Boston, Mass,
these and every kindred disease arising
from Impure blood successfully treated by
that never-falling and best of all tonics and
SyiFj Specify SSS
Books on Blood and Skin
d and Bkin
Dials sent on "tV.
xess TS
cific Co., V V
Diseases free.
Printed testimonials
application. Address
Tb Swift Specific
Nothing in the world
of medicine has been
so successful in dis
eases that are most
menacing to life. Phy
sicians everywhere
prescribe it.
If. P. V. V. No. 479 S. T. N. U. No. 656. j
As Thoug from the Crave.
Thursday there was ivn affecting re
union of a mother and child after a lung
separation. Twenty years ao, in Buf
falo, resided Mr. and Mrs. White and
their 5-vear-old daughter. There wsis
trouble, and husband and wife separated.
White, retaining possession of the child
removed to Bedford, O. There the little
one was brought up ia the belief that her
mother was dead.
Years passed away, and both White
and his wife married again. V bite mar
lied a Bedford woman, and there was a
lunre family of children. Mrs. White
became the wife of a wealthy business
man. The years brought no little ones,
and the mother's heart yearned after her
daughter Lillie. She once heard that
White had moved to Bedford, and aftr
that there were only vague and indefi
nite rumors. After a while she beard
that her daughter was dead and she gave
.p 1 pe. Her husband started in busi
in Kansas City, Mo.
His prospects were flattering and the
pair moved there. A short time ago a
ladv artist engaged in Kansas Uty met
the former Mrs. White. Learning that
the artist had resided in Bedford, the
mother questioned her and found that
her former husband still lived there.
Much to b r joy she learned that her
daughter was not dead, but had grown
to be a handsome young woman, had
married and lived in Cleveland. Her
husband shortly afterward was called to
the east on business, and, before going,
promised to look up the daughter.
Arriving in this city he easily found
her, and telegraphed to the anxiously
waiting mother in KaDsas City, "Lilly
is here." That same afternoon the moth
er Btarted for Cleveland. She was driven
straight to the residence of Joseph Cow-
en, an employe of the Champion Spring
Bed company. He is the husband of
the long lost daughter, and they live in
Brooklyn village. A surprise here await
ed the visitor in the shape of a chubby
2-weeks-old baby boy, who was held up
to make the acquaintance of grandma.
Cleveland Leader.
Gallantry of the Sioux.
A correspondent who has just returned
from Pine Ridge agency tells a story of
the visiting Sioux Indians who are now
in Washington.
"Reading of the reception the Indians
received in church Sunday, and the fact
that they attended the theatre Monday
evening, recalls a funny incident that
happened when they were in Chicago en
route to Washington. The manager who
has charge of the visiting Indians
thought he would amuse them by taking
them to the theatre in the evening. He
never for a moment thought that tragedy
would rouse the warlike nature of
which the Sioux is so abundantly en
dowed. Well, he got them into several
boxes all right, and everything went
well until the third act.
"The play was a heavy tragedy, and
in this act the heroine was to be killed.
The minute the villain attempted to
strike the woman with a knife three of
the Sioux rose from their soats and act
ually prepared to leap over the boxes
onto the stage for the purpose of rescu
ing the heroine. The theatre was soon
in an uproar, and it was only by remov
ing the three refractory Indians from the
theatre that the actors could proceed.
That also explains why they were taken
to see a light opera in Washington."
Philadelphia Press.
Russia's Watchful Eye.
There was a meeting of representative
railroad men and steamship managers in
St Petersburg to discuss the feasibility
of introducing "round trip" tickets in
the interior of Russia. Such tickets
would be of great benefit to those who
have business in the Volga district, and
make short trips from one city to an
other by the steamers on that river, and
also to excursionists along the railroad
lines. But this measure is discounte
nanced bythe police authorities.
At present there is an officer stationed
by every ticket office who may examine
the passports of the travelers, without
whose permission no ticket can be sold.
But if round trip tickets should be is
sued, the holder of a return ticket to any
place may sell it to another person, and
the police would be unable to keep its
eye on the traveling public. Exchange.
The Korc. In th ttrltlah Capital lumc
thing to He Promt Of-Free from Po
litical "Pulls" l'romot Ion Deemleut
Wholly I'pon Merit.
During my visit to I.omlon I tqioiit con-
!ileratU time investigating the police
fore of that city.
The history of thn I,omloti police linn
yet to lie written, and it very curious record
Indeed would be that of tlio miivc-nsIvu
t'limiKO, alH in tlio direction of im
provement, wlitili have been union In ilia
constitution, the diciilim and the drv
of the inetnKiUt!!i and city police nine
Hie force, established by net 10 of tieow
IV, commenced duty on Sept. CI', IS'.".!.
Althouch the blundering ninl Inrlllt'ieiu
force of police constable had by this timn
disewrded their swallow tailed eonU and
their stovepipe huts, the cily authorities,
excepting for n very short period in IStS,
hesitated to providn the force with any
weapon whatsoever excepting a lantern
ml a rattle.
F.ven as late as IStVl (lie metropolitan
police force numiwtvu only n,-1' consta
bles, although the city hail over 3,000,000
Inhabitants, At present its total strength
is 14.0SI, maintained at a cost of a little
over A'l.OOO.OtiO (Jo.OOO.OOO). This civilian
army wns practically founded by the sec
ond Sir KtrtVrt Peel while home secretary,
ami was bitterly opposed In the outset by
a large section of the public press. The
liOtidon police force, once a national scan
dal, has now heroine, however, the par
donable pride of every inhabitant of the
At the head of this army of 1 1. 000 police
Is a ainle commissioner called the chief
commissioner of police, lie is appointed
by the queen and holds his ofllce for life.
A general in the army of twenty years'
standing is always selected for the place
some soldier who has distinguished him
self for his executive ability. The present
chief commissioner is Sir Kdward Itrad
ford, K. C. H.. K. C. S. T., who orgaiii.ed
the kins of Persia's cavalry some years
ago. His salary is l"..M0 or tU,M Thi
commissioner has the appointment of three
assistant commissioners at a salary of
l,.r00 (r.r00) ntid allowance!! of ammi
500 a year extra. These assistant are
chosen from the ranks of iNtrristcrs who
hHve distinguished themselves for upward
of twelve ears in the criminal courts.
Next in rank come four chief constables,
who likewise must be chosen from the list
of army officers in good standing.
There Is strictly no politics in any of
these r.ppointments, and they are all for
life or during good Is-havior. It would
seem fitting to put an exH-rienced army
officer at the lia-ml of siich a Ixxly of men
and especially fitting to join with him as
his assistants three experienced criminal
In addition to the 14.0(H) uniformed police
there are 000 detectives and 5K mounted
police. The department breed all their
own horses, and they hoard in barracks
all bachelors belonging to the force at
one shilling a week.
The pay of tin ordinary constable U from
thirty to thirty-six shillings (7.50 to f'J) a
week. The detectives or inspectors receive
illfw f.S) a year, and . advance, for
each year of service for ten years and then
'10 advance for the next fifteen years. Aft
er twenty-five years' service they are pen
sioned for life on two-thirds pay. The ser
geants of police receive forty-live shillings
(f 11.23) a week ami are only chosen ;'rom
the ranks of constables. Kvery one con
nected with the force, excepting the com
missioner and his assistants and the four
chief constables, must rise in the service
from the lowest ranks.
No ordinary policeman is allowed to
carry a revolver excepting in the suburbs,
where revolvers are handed to the men
when going out on duty and are inspected
each morning to see if any shot has been
fired. Kach oflicer must likewise report
each use of his stick or truncheon. There
is almost no drunkenness found among
the force. Most (;f the men are recruit
from the country and are farmers' sons.
Any policeman found intoxicated off serv
ice is put back from two to three years in
rank and pay, ami if found drunk while on
service is discharged at once.
Any one visiting London for the first
time is stunned on week days by the tour
billion of movement iu its streets and the
constant eddies at all the great crossings
in the whirlpool of its business life such as
no other city in the world can show. It is
estimated that over 20,000 vehicles pass the
Bank of England each day. Such a thing
as a block or stoppage iu the stream of ve
hicles for more than a moment is never al
lowed to occur, tliatiks to the skillful man
agement of the police under the present
perfect system. There is an officer at
nearly every street corner, and any driver
or cabman who advances a yard beyond
the upraised hand of theoflicer mayexpect
to have his number taken and is certain to
have a two pound fine to pay. If he drives
on his license is forfeited. This is not a
rule simply, for the law is invariably en
forced, ami the consequence Is absolute
order and freedom from blocks.
The police seldom use force. It is not
necessary in a city where the laws are en
forced with unfailing promptness and cer
tainty. In consequence perhaps the most
unruly class of men in the world the
London cabbies stand in absolute awe of
the police. This feeling is shared equally
by all tradespeople. I was assured on the
best authority that there was not a dis
orderly house or policy shop in the en
tire city of London with its 600 square
miles and its streets and roads measuring
6,600 miles in aggregate length and over
5,000,000 inhabitants. It is commonly said
of Ix)ndon that there are more Scotchmen
there than iu Edinburgh, more Irish than
In Dublin, more Jews than in Palestine
and more Roman Catholics than in Rome.
Nothing is allowed'to be sold in the way
of either food or drink after 12 o'clock, and
every public restaurant or bar must be
closed by 12:30. This rule is kept to the
very minute, or the license is forfeited.
Nobody once convicted of even a misde
meanor can obtain a license for a bar or
public house in London.
The fidelity and bravery of the London
police were well shown In 1884 when a
couple of officers on duty at the parlia
mentary building discovered a lighted
dynamite cartridge in the hallway directly
under the hall in which the house of com
mons was sitting at the time. The two
men seized the cartridge together and ran
with it burning iu their hands out into the
open courtyard, where it exploded. Both
men are crippes for life. Both are deaf and
blind, and one has lost his reason. They
were at once promoted to the rank of ser
geants and pensioned (or life. One was
summoned to Windsor castle, where tb
queen herself decorated him with the Al
bert medal. The officer who was conflped
to the hospital was then visited by the.
queen in person, who presented him with
th Albert medal. Francis L, -WeUmiui ia
New York Herald.
tncront Chmnpagw
Th well known epicurean taeto of
tho Fronch people seems to huvo drlwn
oiuo of thwtu to their wits end in order
to satisfy the nppctUo in on inexpensive
tuutmcr. In ISO'.' u I'lTuclunan iuvented
and obtained a patent on a process for
making spavklltitf wiuo or ihainpaiftm
at u price luinKing It within the reach
of all. His process is to take n bottle of
ordinary still winu and pour into it a
certain quantity of "Dutch bronze
powder." The waiter then is instructed
to shako tho bottlo violently before serv
ing it to tho customer. This, the in
ventor nays, "will disturb tho brilliant
particles of powder, causing them to cir
culate through the wine, giving it tho
appearance of a high grado sparkling
wine." Dutch bronze is chemically
known as bimuriato of staunan, and is
poisonous. It is that substance iu mauvo
ink which so quickly cats away a steel
pen. New York News.
rr Kooit In foliar.
The act of Congress authorlilng the
examination o( the baking powders has
resulted In a most unprecedented com
pliment to the Royal Haklng Powder.
The tests were made iu lite government
laboratory at aidiington, and the oil!
cial report shows that the Roval Is su
perlor to all others in leavening strength
being over 30 per cent, above the av
erage. The report also showi the purity
of the Roval Powder and the wliolesome-
tiesa of its Ingredients.
This is ltrohahlv the highest coin pi i
ment of an oltieial character ever paid to
a proprietary article, though no more
than the great army of baking powder
consumers would expect In behalf of
their ok friend and favorite.
The result of the oillclal examination,
as thus determined, will, of course, make
the " Royal" the standard for govern
ment purchases.
A llrttlthy Locution.
City Man ilookiug for a home iu the
suburbs) I like this place very much, but
I am told it isn't healthy.
Auenl -Ain't. Iualth D'ye see that
mule over in tlmlhYld' That mule hex
lived here all his life, an' it ain't a week
tin i-r ho kicked a loeuuioi ive off th' track
New York Weekly,
The acreage of the zoological gardens la
Europe ranges from about half a dozen to
half a hundred ,-irtvs, but hardly one of
them has room enough for its animals.
It is asserted that Mrs. Mals-1 (ientry,
echootteachcr of Neoaho county, Kaa.,
rides miles every week iu going to and
BOUlitlg from school
The uncqualed success of Ai.i.cock'h Po
tior I'lastfhk as an external remedy has
induced unscrupulous parties to oiler imi
tations, whit h they endeavor to sell on the
reputation of Ai.i.cock'h. It is an absurdity
to speak of them in the same category as
the genuine porous piaster, ineir preien
sions are unfounded, their vaunted merit
unsutitiorted bv facts, their alleged superl
oritv to or emialitv with'oi k'h a false
The ablest medical practitioners and
chemists and thousands of grateful patients
unite in declaring Ai.icock'h Pokocs Pi.ab-
teiis the best external remedy ever pro
duced. Heware of imitations, and do not be de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for All
cock's, and let no solicitation or explana
tion induce you to accept a substitute.
(ionslp will very oon die without proper Ten
Irritation of the throat and hoarsenes
immediatel v relieved bv "ifreicn'i Bronchial
A bird that can't alng and will alng iho dd he
mailt) Into a pot pie.
100 ItKWAItll )100.
The readers of thla natxir will be plraied to
learn that there la at leant 0110 dreaded dlawmo
that science has heeti able to cure In all Ita
BUpea, and that ia Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only pimlllve cure known to the uuslli al
iratertiiiy. t aiarrn, uciiik a eouainiiiiniiai
ease, rt-nulrea a constitutional treatment. 11 all 1
Catarrh Cure ia taken Internally, aetinj illrei-tly
iiimii the lilnoil anil inticoiia atirfaeea of the ava-
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
(lineage anu giving me pawem ainjiiai" "y uuou
Ing up the coimtltutloii and assisting luture In
doinir Its work. The nronrletors have ao much
faith In Ita curative powers that they offer One
iluudrcd Dollars for any cane that it falls to
Cure, buuu nir uai 01 teaumotiiaia. Aiiureaa
F. 3. CIIKNEV A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by drugglnts; 76 cents.
Now is tho time to treat catarrh of long
standing. Ely's Cream Jialm reaches old
and obstinate cases, where all other reme
dies fail. Do not neglect procuring a bot
tle, as in it lies the relief vou Beek.
Rev. II. II. Fairall, D. D., editor of the
Iowa, says editorially: " We have
tested the merits of Ely's Cream Balm, and
believe that by a thorough course of treat
ment it will cure almost every case of ca
tarrh. Ministers as a class are afflicted
with head and throat troubles, and catarrh
seems more prevalent than ever. We can
not recommend Ely's Cream Balm too
Apply Balm into each nostril. It Is
Jjuickly absorbed. Gives relief at once
'rioe, 50 cents at druggists' or by mail.
66 Warren Street, New York
Use Enamollne Stove Polish; no dust, no smell,
f VtUlfe What
uihicf truly curj
ft PIbo's Remedy for Catarrh Is the P"!
I 1 Best, Kaslest to Use, and Cheapest I 1
I 1 Bold fr drugglsu or sept by mall, I 1
LJ Ms. K.T. Baseltfam, Warren, Pa. U
.1. r... 1 1 r
oflW uroi$tc&5e5
of Pain
. tun n'li'n.nmiiiuiiii ! nr lum , i! w m'.
and people who adopt Knlimt the euuioMCbn ol
JWesM a ireuutne mvOtvlunl iKlfuunul, neeusb
Itetl by expcrleuoe and the unnotlon of iilivul
vtstia, altord a Uapur tlhuiriulim uf the wbilom
1' k,. ... , . . I - - .1... n ll.....t ... b,
ol uie syiiiK, iu tit iivaiin 11117 reMore aim
continue to enjoy, Anums Hie malndlva, nKl"t
me omn ia of wuien Homelier nuunaiui mi
tt eftorda elllclent protection. illeaea of the
kltlneya and bladder era (lantint tt llli III ill
moat peril and i 111 lilt ureal olialluaey lieu ni-
pnaeil liy onllnary nieaiia. I he Itinera can anil
will lulnlne tlitnu. Noteattmnny la at mutter than
tlila. l aed at 111) otllael ml peralati nlly, tliv
heal reaulta may lm iwctcil. llila meiilcliin
alao eradleatea liver complaint, conatlntluii,
l)'0'l, malaria, tluHiuiatltiu ami uerviuia-
In Clilpa(ii Ilia family,
A a a matter of imttrac,
Ilea a fane llila la no airy llliel -
limerveil tor divorce.
W ix will voir euro rupture, piles and all rec
tal dtsoaaca without patu or dcloulliui (mm tin si
Iteas. no cure, 110 pay. Also all tiikik ins
eases. Addniaa for pamphlet Drs. I'orlutflolil A
Loaey, SUM Market slrwit. Ban rranelsou.
A man la Ilk - a pin : there la no imah to him
nil leal he haa a good head.
For gentlemen's fine kanga
roo shoes Watson's Peerless
Polish has no equal. Will pre
serve and make them wear
longer. Ask your shoe dealer
for It.
Tit Oiihia for breakfast.
The Grip Twice
"I have had the ittlti the lait two wtaUra.
Ut winter It invalmtcd me so that I had as
stretiKth sud i-oiild tint
do my work. I ut
lows mill i-rled
Bisny'.lmes, I a ao til tin
and d!acournic-i. I had
(rest paiu In my Imi It
anil serosa my llilmys
and throiiKli my whole
body. I alao had a had
POllfh. IIinmI's Saranpa
rilla inat ahout suved
Bny life. It save me I'lrs. lark,
rtretifth so that I could do my work and mast
feel well. I hll always be a warn
parilla Cures
friend to limnl'a Ssrsai'srilla. 1 do not want
anything better for a family medicine." Ilia.
UIIISTLARI, WaahliiKton VlllsRe., R. I.
N. B. fte sure to Ret Hood's Hsraspsrltla.
HOOO'SJMUS sre purely metaliie, peifcotl
larmli-aa always rellalilr and In-tie (lei at.
rnrM I'nnatimntlon. t'ouchs, t'roiin.Hor
ThrohL Sl by sll I)rtiKiit on s (iimraiiles.
Knrs Urns Sids. lUtk or t'hm 8hlloh s Porous
Plaster will gi great ati(a tioa. s cents.
Mrs T. H. llBwklna,ChattniiiM.Ka.Tenn.,aayi
"Shtlnh'n VlUdUrr'SA VKH MY . f r'K. I
rotnrt.frr U fhs fxst rrmftfy fnra dW.UIMK.f aiWm
1 w lun-d." For PvsrN twIa. Uver or Kidney
troublo Iteicela. I'rliv iScta.
tinniiratiirrh? lYrthla Homedy. Itwlll
relievo and Cure yotu Price I) eta. 1 his lu
Wtor for ItssuccoKsful treatment Isfurnlslus.
freo. Shlloh's Hrmelloe are sold by us on a
s-uarantoo to give satlaf action.
" I am Post Master here and keep
a Store. I have kept August Flower
tor sale lor some time. I think it Is
a splendid medicine." E. A. Bond,
P. M., Pavilion Centre, N. Y.
The stomach is the reservoir
If it fails, everything fails. The
liver, the kidneys, tht lungs, the
heart, the head, the blood, the nerves
all go wrong. If you feel wrong,
look to the stomach first. Put that
right at once by using August
Flower. It assures a good appetite
and a good digestion.
?7S 7j?r0A of lstqiiality can ever
bap you know it. By freight, prepaid if
preferred, we ship safeiv 4, 6 or 0 it. trees
2-yr. Roses of rare excellence, everything
You actually pay less than for the puny
otiitr 1 (V n Nurourlua 9fl nni anraa
Orchards. Exact information about trees
and fruits. Btark Bros., Iouisiana, Mo.
We O Is the ark nnwlaitsw
leaning remedy lor all Ibi
unnaiurai aiaenar(a aai
private dlaaaaaa of msa. t
certain eure tor ine eaoiK
tatlnf weakness fsoail.
w wuiorn.
I presorlbettand fee sai
t;n in recommending a si
m all surrerers.
A. 1 8T0NER, M D.,OcoTva,lu
Hold by Drsia-a-tsiifl.
The Specific A No. I.
Hurts, without full, aH cases of Unnnrr
Iion und Jle, no matter ul how long
HtiuiillnK. Prevents strletnro, It helrm an In
ternul remedy. Cun-a whim everything else
haa fulled. Bolil fty all Druirirtsta.
Munufiuiturers; Thv A. beliomi hnl. Medicine
Prle. B3.00. Co., Ban Joae, OL
Ad 111 111 A llUnCU VVRE. SamylemaUe.lJr.
f Attires InXl
1to51A VH.
m f UiaraotM aot M fg
1 - a (mm Sulaiaf.
Pi WfdMlTkT
1 TheEvsmsChewirsi
V eiomsii,o.a9
it the name of Woman's Friend. It la a"f uniformly BucceBB
ful in relieving the backaches, headaches IH C J "X an J weakness
which burden and shorten a woman's life. Thousands
of women teatify for It. It will stive neaitn and strength
and make life a pleasure. FOJL SALE BY ALL
j inrih urisa,
U VOU eop at It, is "P ' "'" "I"'"
the liver. The thine to prevent
this are lr. PlercoV Pleasant PrUnta,
Take one r these nine n
corrective or B"ntle lmatlve-thrtsi
for a eallmrtle. They're thu sinnll
eat, easiwt to tako, plniiHiinloat and
moat natural In the way tlmy act.
Thoy do lirrmiiarMf ood. t'oimtl
lUon, Iudlgestloii, Dillons Attacks,
Hick or Bilious Headache, mid all
derangement of the liver, stomach,
ami bowel are prevented, ndlovrd,
and cured.
Thav're oiiciniMfrrd to c've satis-
faction In sry ease, or your money Is
Th warst casrt of Chronio Ca
tarrh in tho I lend, y ield to I V.
Catarrh Uemedr. So cer
tain it it that its makers offer $M)0
reward for an incurable case.
-Wll.l, KINK A Kt I.I. l.lMt Ol' -
Printing Material and Machinery
For sale at lewest prices suit moot advantmuoiis
U-rini al
Palmer & ReyType Foundry,
Cor. Front and Alder Streets,
Write tor 'rt s and terms More l-aylni; rlio
where. "tie mm m,
A monthly journal of
cial inttTrst to 1'rititi'is.
HenorterH, iLilitors and
If you don't reieiva it
and want it, write
Palmer & ReyType Foundry,
Hercules Gas Engine
Mad) for Power or Pumping Purposes.
Ttie CliaHiat lti-llnlle (las lLiiliit
011 the MukM.
Out CP Inuini am
For filmpllelty It Ronts tha World.
It oils llaelf from n Iteaorvolr,
No Cnrbu rotor to K''' out of order.
No ltnlterlex or lClm lrlo Simrlu
It runs with a C'lienper Ormle of (IuhuIIus tltun any
other J'jiKlne.
sknp ron c-ATAMxiric to
PALMER & REY, Manufacturers,
405 Sansomo Street, San Francisco, Cat.
Best in the World!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
The Sower g
Mfl tltllHH llld lllftlsl In tj
Utktti tliV Ktsit pri' tttitlou uf
CFerry's Seed
ciiiiinlMn all tin liih-ii itiul !'( K
g tnfurnttiilnii hUhii imnh rti uii'l v4
ff (liirtlffiinit. II t 1 n-i-futiiirrtl
ff fttilhfirlty. Kvt'ry iliinl4 r fttoiilii l
B Imvrlt, Snt Irrf en nniHiU V
H D. H. rEHlIV A O., Itrtrull. illth.
The very remarkable and certain
relief Riven woman by MOORE'S