The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 11, 1893, Image 1

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    ood River Glacier.
VOI,. i.
NO. 37.
3food Iivcr Stacicr.
The Glacier hWMni Coapanj.
t uaciiiriiuN rnici,
On. ri d M
ii ttinnth. I
Hum montln , , M
ojyr ICea
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr.
Htcond Ht., uitAt 0k, IIod UWer, Or.
Sliavhig mil lluir inttlin aratly don.
Mti'ui:tiiii (lll.l.llU.ll.
1 Ik Washington Senate last's the
AntH'iiiki-iton Hill.
Ri'lcrnal I'.r.k In NVv M v' m In a State
ol Vi ili:it Mi upllun I'roulile
Over an 1 Um J.ill.
Cohn I'.nwi. at Suit !.ak have failed,
Willi Ilil'.llHH'H ol $ lU.lHHJ.
Tli" Iimi (' itiui il has voted $tr,iKH)
bonus li i .1 1 iiu1 tr and ic'liictiwii work.
Tin' oiil itt h1iUm)k1 house of Parker fc
Huikou of Astoria, Or., has lieen cloned
liy Sm Francisco end ton.
Th Hiiiiiiinr S.m l'e Iro in to Ixt lifted
from Hut in Iront ol Victoria, It.
C, by means ol colter dams.
i ivernnr Murphy of Arizona has gone
to Wmllillgtdl to !! 1 1 1 h eH'orts to so
euro Slittcliooil lor the Territory.
" H.uij eye.l Kid" ling U)in arrested
ut Sacramento tunl charged with obtain
ing in ney nn lor false pretenses.
Andrew lVterman, who Ima a ranch
along the Klamath r.ver, ha net out 300
cranberry pUnt-i at an experiment.
The Cuduhy Packing Company's
buildings ut Lis Angeles, when com
pleted, will cover nn acre of ground,
A hill has heen i n tro lueed in the No
vada L'K'i" aiure providing lor a conven
tion to revise the constitution of the
There Ih trouble in Shoshone county,
Idaho, hh l ) w bo ownt) the jail at Bui ke.
Thu defeated ulliciald ut lliuke claim it
for debt.
Kan I lego has begun the preparation
and shipment of lobsters, lUh, etc., to
KaHtern m.ukets in carload lots. A can
nery Ih to be established at ban Diego.
The British Columbia government of
fers $.'0.) lor information lending to the
conviction of t lie parties who kidnaped
the sailors oil' the ship liowiimore a
A Victoria, B. C, dispatch says it liaB
lioen determined by the Giant 1'owder
Company's branch of the Berkeley works
California top. rfeet new and improved
works at Cadboro Bay.
The Washington Senate has passed
over the (iovernor'H veto the famous
anti-l'inkertoii bill oi last session to pre
vent any person or corporation from em
ploying, organizing or keeping up armed
bodies of men.
Denver capitalists have purchased the
great San Fernando copper mine in
Lower California for $2oO,000. The mine
is situated about one hundred miles
Booth of San Quintin and seventeen
miles from the ocean.
The Bradstreet Mercantile Ageny re
ports thirteen failures in the pacific
Coast States and Territories for the paBt
week, as compared with fifteen for the
previous week and twelve for the cor
responding period ol 181)2.
Pa lemal Teak, situated in the wilds
of Kio Arriba county, N. M., is now in a
state of violent eruption, and is belching
forth sulphurous lames aud lava at in
tervals of about three hours, each period
of erup'.ion lasting about thirty minutes.
Seven months ago the South Ogden
Mercantile Company incorporated at
Ogden, Utah, with a capital ol 1,600,000.
To-day it is on the verge of ruin as the
result of dissension among the stock
holders, who are all capitalists of high
Eli Walker, who gained Borne notori
ety two years ai?o bocanso of smuggling
Chinamen from Lower California into
this country, has been arrested below
the line lor smuggling boots, shoes,
clothing, etc., concealed under boxes of
butter and ggs purchased at San Diego
forsnle at F.nseuada.
Judge Djugherty at Santa Rosa, Cal.,
on a writ ol habeas corpus rules that
magistrates may receive complaints, is
sue warrants, conduct preliminary ex
aminations and admit persons to bail,
but cannot hold trials and pronounce
judgments on legal holidays.
The Tucson Star says : A miner in
this city from the llarqua llala mines
says that two men stopped at the mine
last week answering the description of
Sontag and Evans, the Visalia traiu-iob-bers.
They were on horseback, and
were heavily armed. They appeared
very nervoue, and did not stop to talk
very long to any one.
Mount T.tcoma and Several I hoiis.uij
Acrct of Land In Its Vicinity to
be Reserved for a far k.
The l'resldent and all the members of
the Cabinet bad group photograph
taken the other day, preparatory to their
omctai separation.
Senator Squire has Introduced a bill
appropriating $10O,(H)() for one ten-Inch
and one twelve-Inch rille high-power
steel tialilng gun lor coast defense.
The legislative, executive and judicial
appropriation bill for the fiscal year
I MM reported to the House make an ag
gregate appropriations of $21l677,li'.l5,
or $222,134 less than that of the current
fiscal year.
The House Committee on I'oittoluVe
has completed the p ntollh-n appropria
tion bill for the year ending June 30,
I MM. As agreed upon It carries an ap
propriation of fH:t,Hl'.,:ti7, an Increase
of f:i,r:;r,()Kl over the appropriation for
the current year.
lloiikins of Pennsylvania hag intro
duced in the House a resolution direct
ing tlm Attorney-General to inform that
body why the persons originating and
controlling the American Sugar Untitling
Company, or the sugar trust, had not
bceH proceeded against as other persons
charged witli a similar crime.
The Secretary of the Interior in re
sponse to the rei)uest of Senator Mitch
ell has transmitted to the Senate all the
iniers relating to the claim of Oregon
Indians for money in payment of ceded
lands in ISM. The papers go to the In
dian Committee of the Senate, who wi.l
try anil tlml out whether there is any
thing in the claim made by the Indians.
Mount Tacoma and several thousand
acres of land in its vicinity are to be
withdrawn from settlement and made a
limber reservation, with the ultimate
hope that it will be created as a national
talk. Senator Suuire has !cen working
on this for some time, and Representa
tive Wilson saw Secretary oble about
it recently. An agreement was reached
to have the withdrawal made.
The War Department has received a
dispatch from (ieneral Wheaton, com
manding the Department of Texas, stat
ing that the Mexican government has
instituted proceedings for the extradi
tion of the three bandit leaders arrested
by United States troops on the charge of
violating the neutrality laws. The die
patch was cent to the Secretary of State,
who will co-operate wit li ttie Mexican
government in securing speedy action in
tbe cases.
The fees paid the messengers who
bring the electoral votes to the national
capital amount to a considerable sum in
the aggregate. Already there Is some
talk of repealing in one of Mr. dolman's
appropriation bills the provisions for
paying these messengers ana providing
that the electoral returns shall be sent
n by mail or by express. The follow-
are the fees paid the messengers from
the I'acillc Northwest: Oregon. $707;
Washington, $820; Idaho, $600.
Secretary Noble has addressed a com
munication to tho Commissioner of In
dian A (furs, setting forth his conclusions
of the strained relations between J. Ie-
roy Brown, acting United States Indian
a went at Tine Rii'.ge and Dr. Charles A.
Kastman of the Sioux Indian agency.
The Secretary's conclusion is that good
service requires that Dr. Eastman shall
be suspended Irom acting as physician
at 1'ine Ridge agency, and unless Dr.
hiiBtman can tie assigned or appointed
to another place- he is willing to accept
within the next fifteen days he must re
sign, or he will be removed. The Secre
tary finds there is no reasonable ground
to find fault with the conduct of acting
Agent Brown in this connection.
Commander Henry L. Johnson has
laien dismissed from the navy. He was
tried before a general court-martial at
Mare Island navy yard in December hut
on three charges, the principal one of
which is in omcisil language through
negligence, suffering a vessel of the navy
to be run upon a rock and hazarded."
The vessel was the Mohican, w hich John
son commanded, and the grounding took
place oil the Alaska coast. Such is the
vessel to which he was assigned after a
suspension for several years for the same
oflenfio for which he was dismissed. The
court found him guilty of the three
charges preferred, and sentenced him to
dismissal. Secretary Tracy has approved
the findings, and this action has been
confirmed by President Harrison.
Secretary Noble has transmitted in re
sponse to a resolution ot the House his
report concerning the executive order ol
November 11), by which that part ot
Utah lying west of the 110th meridian
was restored to the public domain, with
all the correspondence on the subject.
The documents show this land was
thrown open to settlement for tbe pur
pose of allowing the people of the United
States an opportunity of exploring the
placer Holds in search ot gold and other
valuable minerals. All the facts con
nected with the restoration were pub
lished genorally throughout the West at
the time the President's message was is
sued. A telegram has been received
from Colonel Hunt of the army, report
ing that no prospectors had nor were in
truding on the Navajo reservation.
The Appropriation Committee has
agreed on a pension appropriation bill.
It carries an appropriation of $166,400,
000, an increase of $20,662,650 over the
appropriation for the current year. The
recommendation of the subcommittee
that no pension shall be paid any per
sons under the dependent pension law
unless they can show that they are
wholly disabled for manual labor and
have an income less than $60J a year was
stricken out, as was the recommendation
that no widow pensioner should receive
a pension utile -s she was married to a
soldier previous to 1870. The proposi
tion to authorize the Commissioner of
PdnsionB to detail medical examiners
from the pension office to act as exam
ining surgeons and abolish the Board of
Examining Burgeons was also rejected.
Huston riiotoraphers Will' Have
to Kcsihi'ct the Sabbath.
Two New iJramls of Cholera Ilatllll Dis
coveredAn Autograph Letter
of Columbus.
The wheat crop of Texas ia expected
to be a large one.
There is not a Populist In the Mis
souri legislature.
The ice on the Mississippi river at St.
Louis is a foot thick.
Ice In the Chesapeake has stopped the
Baltimore Bay line steamers.
Diphtheria has begun to diminish
again by a trille in Philadelphia.
Wolves are reported to lie destroying
lambs and pigs in some parts of Louis.-
Eighty-six persons were killed on rail
roads in Kansas last year, and 61.r per
sons were injured.
Doctors have discovered two new
brands of cholera bacilli to spring on the
puuiic next summer.
Secretary Elkins has approved nlans
for two bridges across the East river,
from New York to Brooklyn.
David Dudley Field thinks Brooklyn
should lie annexed to New York and the
consolidated city called Manhattan.
The Ellison Electric Company has been
ordered by the court to sell its lumps to
me riunneam incandescent Uonipauy.
An old gold miner living at Atlanta.
(a., says that the best gold fields in
America to-lay are in North Carolina.
Published figures show that the nnm-
ler of persons killed at grade crossings
in the city of Chicago last year was 326.
A bill !efore the Illinois Legislature
provides that in Chicairo" all vehicles
used to transport prisoners shall be cov
New York and Boston capitalists have
arranged to start a big spirits distillery
at I)uisville, Ky., in opposition to the
A total of nearly $!),000.000 has been
appropriated by the nations of the world
and the various States for tho Word's
Fair exhibits.
There are about forty petitions before
the Connecticut Legislature to build
electric street railways and electric in-
terurban lines.
The Mexican government has abolished
the payment of subsides to the pres",
and three of the principal daily news
papers of Mexico are about to suspend.
Baroness Blanc, who has created a
sensation in New York by her matrl
inonial escapades and stage ambitions.
has pleaded bankruptcy to her creditors.
A Minnesota legislator proposes to
raise a fund for the State University and
general school fund by an annual tax ol
tax ot 1.2 uuils on all property in the
Mr. Parker of Boston, Chairman of the
Judiciary Committee, will introduce
bill into the Massachusetts Legislature
prohibiting the issuing of free passes by
Satolli is u-raclnal!v hrintrinir within
the folds of the Catholic Church those
who have heretofore taken an independ
ent stand and defied the local church
Boston photographers are forbidden
to work on Sunday any more. The city
has so ordered, and the Chief of Police
has notified the photographers that he
will enforce the order.
John Hutchinson, Collector of Inter
nal Revenue, has just issued the first cen
tificate in the Hartford (Conn.) district
to a Chinaman under the Chinese exclu
sion act of May 5, 1892.
The Duke of Alba of Spain has notified
the Secretary of State that he will send
to the World's Fair an autograph letter
of Christopher Columbus, aa well as
other valuable documents.
The sundry civil bill as recently
agreed upon by the House Appropria
tions Committee carries $250,000 for the
new Philadelphia mint and $500,000 tor
the improvement of Philadelphia harbor.
The House Committee on Foreign Af
fairs has reported adversely the bill to
give Rear Admiral Brown permission to
receive medals and other tokens from
the Hawaiian government.
The natural gas supply of the great
gas belt around Findlay, Ohio, Is no
longer equal to the demand. The pres
sure is so low that it is useless for heat
ing purposes, in homes even.
Of those who formed the original band
of 306 Grant supporters in the nominat
ing convention of 1880 some 250 are still
living. They are to organize an associa
tion to be called "The Old Guard."
Lieutenant Totten, United States
army, has forwarded his resignation to
the War Department. He was until re
cently Professor of Military Science in
Yale. He will devote his time to liter
ary pursuits.
The Upper House of the Alabama As
sembly, by a vote of seventeen to fifteen,
refused to paBS the bill granting a pen
sion of $50J per year to the widow of Jef
ferson Davis. An attempt to reconsider
is to be made.
A movement is on foot in Bridgeport,
Conn., to move the birthplace of the
world-famous midget, Carles S. Stratton,
"General Tom Thumb," from its present
site to Seaside Park and convert it into
a public museum.
Mrs. Stanford's Pjssion for Shoes Mme.
Modjeska's Recipe for I'e'ainlng
a Youthful Appearance.
The silver wedding of the King and
Queen of Italy will be celebrated April
More people recognize Colonel Robert
O. Ingersoll at sight than any other citi
zen who walks or rides abjut Nsw York
Lord Wolseley, who is now Commander-in-chief
in Ireland, would not be
averse to taking the Governor General
ship of Canada.
Mrs, L'dand Stanford has a passion
for shoes, and she probably has more
pairs at a time than Queen Elizabeth
ever dreamed of possessing.
Mrs. Whitelaw lieid will soon be the
possessor of one of the largest diamonds
in the world. It is now being cut for
her by a famous Dutch lapidary.
Mine. Modjeska's recipe for retaining
a youthful appearance: Take a warm
hath every night before going to bed, get
plenty of sleep and don't eat too much.
The Khan of Khiva, now visiting some
of his fellow rulers in Europe, travels
with his mollak (or priest) and his own
cook. He fels tolerably safe, not mat
ter what turns up.
Mrs. Proctor, widow of tbe late Rich
ard A. Proctor, the farnotn astronomer.
and his principal assistant in his profes
sional work, has been appointed curator
of the Proctor Observatory at San Diego,
J. Montgomery Sears, the richest man
in Boston, reputed to be worth about
$40,(K)i),OiX), has been doing service in
the Superior Civil Court jury of Suffolk
county, and will receive $81.90 mileage
for Ins twenty-seven dayB' work.
Will Carleton surprised the people of
Kansas City by going about the streets
during a recent cold snap there without
an overcoat and asserting that he felt
comfortable. The venerable Richard
Vaux astonished his Philadelphia friends
the other day by performing a similar
Miss Florence Bascom of Williams
town, who will take the titleof "Ph. D."
next June from Johns Hopkins Univer
sity, will be the first woman to receive
such an honor from that institution.
She has been studying in the geological
department in Baltimore for two years,
and has been similarly engaged for three
more in the University of V isconsin.
The Mexican Consulate at St. Louis,
which John F. Cahill has occupied for
several years without salary and with
very small fees, is about to be closed.
Mr. Cahill, however, refused to send the
ari.bivss of the office to the Consul-Gen
eral in New York, as requested, unless
the Mexican government honors his
claims for services rendered heretofore.
One of the many achievements of the
late Prof. Hereford of Harvard was the
invention of an army ration, which
should be light but nutritious, to dimin
ish the burden of transportation when
troops were on the march, and General
Grant had 6iX),0iX) prepared for use.
Prof. Horsford took out no fewer than
thirty patents, mostly for chemical prep
arations, during h'u life.
An Estimate of the Gold and Silver Yield
in Montana During Last Year
Horses Cheap In Idaho.
The Suez canal cost $100,000,000.
American ice cream is now sent to
America mines 20,000,000 barrels of
salt a year.
Aluminium horseshoes are now made
for record-breakers.
France only uses 4,558,000 bottles of
champagne per annum.
Kansas hasrogressed up to the point
of producing reeled silk.
About 750,000 persona are employed
by the American railroads.
Fine solder is an alloy of two parts
block tin and one part lead.
Alexandria, Ind., is to have a glass
works that will employ 1,000.
The estimated fire losses of the coun
try during 1892 are $133,154,164.
Over 12.00 ),000,000 postage stamps
were used in this country last year.
The latest whaleback steamer Pills
bury is lighted throughout by electricity.
Over 51,000 yards of carpet were woven
in 1892 by Berks county (Pa.) jail birds.
Many coffee planters in Mexico make
a profit of 250 per cent, on money in
vested. . ,
There are 89,000 policemen in Grent
Britain about the number of the Amer
ican army.
The West Side Street-Bar Company of
Chicago shows net earnings for the past
year of $1,932,914.
The largest cannon manufactured by
the great German gunmaker, Krupp,
weighs 270,000 pounds.
The mineral production of Idaho for
1892 was $13,075,000, a falling off of near
ly 50 per cent, from 1891.
Cotton receipts for 1892 in Arkansas
and Indian Territory show 60 per cent,
decrease from 1891'a figures..
The production of the iron mines of
the Lake Superior district for the year
1892 ia placed at 9,025,000 tons.
The people of many of the South Sea
Islands manufacture their entire suits
from the products of the palm trees.
Horses are a drug on the Idaho mar
ket. The other day 7,500 good young
animals were Bold in a bunch for $24 a
Railroads in Europe are fenced in,
with gates and tenders at all the cross
ings of country roads, as well as at Btreet
crossings in cities.
Large Sum of Counterfeit Silver in
European Countries.
Foundations of Rormn Villas Unearthed
Near Cambridge, England
M. Develle.
M. Develle is Minister of Foreign Af
fairs in the new French Cabinet.
The Marquis of Queensberry has made
his appearance on the lecture platform
in England.
New Zealand has set apart two islands
for the preservation of wild birds and
other animals.
China is declared by the Xorlh China
Mail to be on the brink of revolution
through all its eouthern provinces.
The North German Lloyd will pay $60,
000 salvage to the steamer Lake Huron,
which rescued the disabled Spree at sea.
Coal dust mixed with air Is to furnish
smokeless fuel to the North German
Lloyd and Hamburg-American steamers.
London has a "United Cjmmittee for
the Prevention of the Demoralization of
the Native Races by the Liquor Traffic."
The quarantine authorities of Victoria.
Australia, recently cremated the body of
a Chinese leper as a measure of safety.
The London I laily Chronicle announces
that the Cabinet has decided to create a
Department of Labor in connection with
the Board of Trade.
The rupture of commercial relations
between France and Switzerland has led
to a considerable increase of the cus
toms force at Geneva.
By the condition of the France-Russian
convention, each country is to hold itself
in readiness to place 1,200,000 soldiers
in the field in case of war.
E.ffel seems to have got more than his
share of the Panama boodle. He owns
up to having received $6,500,000. It
was charged up to "machinery."
A large proportion of the French
statesmen who extorted money from the
Panama Company spent their ill-gotten
gains in the purchase of decorations of
The Sultan has ordered a competitive
trial of Krupp and Cail connon. . The
latter are ased by the French army, and
the Ottoman army has been using the
Several German papers demand that
the government at once prepare an emi
gration bill to meet the emergency cre
ated by the United States quarantine
The Canadian government has been
notified that Germany and 8weden have
prohibited Canadian Emigration Com
missioners from carrying cn active work
in those countries.
Captain John Vine Hall, who com
manded the Great Eastern steamship on
her first voyage to New York, died
Christmas day at Hampstead, England,
in his eightieth year.
The French Royalists at Madrid are
intriguinz. but their efforts seem to be
without v gor or directness. Their party
has no head, no strong figure for the
Bourb .u adherents to rally around.
Russia will send three war ships to
New York to take part in the naval dem
onstration in connection with the Colum
bus fetes. These vessels will be under
the command of Admiral Kaznakoif.
Leopold de Rothschild has remitted
to his Buckinghamshire tenants 20 per
cent, off the rent due at Michaelmas last,
in addition to a reduction of 30 per cent,
made every half year since March, 1886.
About 11 per cent of the pauperism in
Scotland is attributable to the charge
ability of natives of England and Ire
land, the total of that class in the past
year being 9,711, of whom 8,532 were
A new luminous fungus has been for
warded from Tahiti to Europe. It is
said to emit at night a light resembling
that of the glow-worm, which it retains
for a period of twenty-four houra after
having been gathered.
A ship has just left Melbourne with a
cargo of 13,000 cases of butter, valued at
33,OC0, and on every pound sold the
Victorian government grants a bonus of
3 pence or so, more or,less, according to
the price the butter fetches.
A forecast of the Indian budget has
been published by a Calcutta journal.
In place of the estimated surplus of four
teen lacs of rupees it is stated that there
will be a deficit of 160 lacs, brought
about entirely by the fall in exchange.
The Queen's cousin, the Prince of
Leiningen, who holds the rank, of Ad
miral in the British navy, is about to
Bucceed the Duke of Edinburgh as naval
commV.nder at Plymouth, which is one
of the fattest billets in the British naval
An interesting piece of information
brought out through the Brussels Con
ference is the fact that there are at
present no less than $100,000,1 0) of
counterfeit silver money in circulation
in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy,
Spain and Portugal.
Mrs. Edward Lloyd, who died in Lon
don the other day at the age of ninety,
when a girl helped to entertain Blucher
on his arrival in England after Waterloo,
and was present in Westminister Abbey
at the coronations of George IV, William
IV and Qaeen Victoria.
It is thought the British government
will withdraw funds enough from the
Land Purchase Commission to compul
sorily purchase portions of estates from
obstinate landlords, with enoueh to
mke loans to evicted tenants to enable
them to Btart farms anew. I
Wbj Voting Man Sympathize with
the llaker'i Wife.
"How much do you bhIc for beanaf
inquired a wm all boy of the baker's
"Twenty cents a pan; give you
back five cents when you return the
pan," answered the woman without
looking up from tho squashy matter
that she was stuffing into cream cake
tihcllH. It took her about half a seo
imd to make her answer.
The boy had hardly gone before
young woman in a blazer suit came
"WiU you please tell me," said
thia woman, "the price of jour
"Twenty cents a pan; give you
back five centa when you return tho
pan." answered the baker'a wife 3
the scooped a heaping spoonful of
slufih aud drove it spitefully into one
of the shells.
"What's them beans worth T de
manded a hungry looking man, whose
appearance indicated that he was in
th furniture van business.
"Twenty cents a pan; give you
back five cents when you return the
pan," answered the baker's wife.
"Good morning, madam," said an
old chap with a white choker; "beau
tiful day, madam."
"Yes," said the baker's wife, "nice
air today."
"Kind of air to give a man an
appetite," suggested the parson.
"Yes, I should think so," assented
the baker's wife.
The old man looked about the store
a minute, and then going up in front
of the baker's wife he asked, "Mad
am, will yoa kindly tell me the
price of those appetizing beans in the
A 6hade of sadness passed over the
fair face of the baker's wife, but she
answered as before, and without a
sedbnd's loss of time, "Twenty cents
a pan ; give you back five cents when
you return the pan."
"I should think you'd go crazy over
those blamed beans," said a young
man who was having coffee and cakes
at a little table in the rear of the shop.
"What's that?" demanded the bak
er's wife sharply.
"I said that I should go crazy if I
had to fool with those old beans as
you dQ," said the young man,
"So would I if it kept uplike
this aU the time," the baker's wife
said. "But it don't. Beans go in
Btreaks just as everything else does.
I may not have another inquiry for
beans this whole forenoon."
She had though. Before the young
man had finished paying for the coffee
and cakes a tall, lank creature, in a
faded calico wrapper, had been there
asking, "How much's your beans?"
and the baker's wife had told her:
"Twenty cents a pan; give you
back five cents when you return the
pan." New York Times.
The Sallora Memory.
A grizzled old seadog Bat on the
Btringpiece of a Delaware avenue
wharf one evening recently and dis
coursed wisely upon maritime top
ics. "Pilots have kind o' one sided
kind o' memories," he said. "You
know they get paid so much per foot
draft, and so when they pick up a
nice big deep water vessel with a
full cargo why she pays 'em hand
some. And yet they hardly ever re
member the names of the vessels
they take up and down the river and
bay, and you'll hear 'em yamin to
gether and talkin about 'that 11-foot
brig or that 15-foot 6-inch ship
or that four masted schooner the
the the, oh, hang it, the one that
drew about twenty-one foot and
steered so all fired hard.
"Why, I know one old pilot wholl
spin good yarns all day long and all
Dight right on top of that, and tell of
what happened to him on fifty ves
sels, from sloop yachts to whalin big
clipper ships, and he'll never men
tion 'em by any mark except what
water they drew when he had 'em in
charge. Pilots is mighty important
men, but their memories is awful
warped for names." Philadelphia
Trout as Mice Eaten.
Trout have been caught in the tip
per Annandale streams which have
been feeding on the mice, or field
voles, with which our pastures are
plagued. A Moffat lady who had
got a present of trout from a friend
living near Evan water was the other
day surprised to hear her domestic
scream, and on inquiring the cause
found it was due to the presence of a
vole in the stomach of a half pound
trout. A gentleman angling in Mof
fat water caught a pound trout nea
Bodesback, and on cutting up the
fish found a whole vole in its stom
ach. The voles run to the streams
in dry weather, and many of them
are drowned. It will be strange if
the trout has to be classed with the
hawk, the owl and the weasel as a
'natural enemy." Dumfries Courier